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compiled by Wolfgang Büschel, Germany

BC-DX 1598                                                   20 Nov 2024

AUSTRALIA   15615 kHz  {15615.400 kHz S=6 at 17.20UT, wb.} VMW, on Nov 11,
2245z. Scrolling through the 19m band I noticed the tones indicating a fax
broadcast I can't recall hearing before. EiBi database lists VMW meteoro-
logical broadcast from Wiluna, Western Australia. The Wiluna air traffic
control center is about 500 miles NE of Perth. LSS 2330z.
(Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

AUSTRALIA   "VL8K domestic Shortwave Australia". 2310 kHz // 4835 kHz and
9670 kHz harmonic (it is still being heard, thanks to Zach for first re-
porting this!), "VL8K, domestic Shortwave Australia," 1304+ UT, Nov 18;
Dave Stuart's SW station heard via Hunter Valley NSW, Australia remote
SDR; DJ playing nice selection of English/Irish ballads; once in a while
with ID and contact info <vl8k -at- outlook.com>

Station info at  <https://shortwave.crossbandradio.com/>

My remote audio  <https://app.box.com/s/5c3e0yysns9zmfgnnz9gj7hoe5pzug2f>
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 18)

AUSTRIA   "Sender Alpen" Dobl Geschichte - history.


Musik von Zarah Leander, Louis Armstrong und Nirvana, Reden des Nazi-Poli-
tikers Josef Goebbels, des einstigen britischen Premiers Winston Churchill
und ehemaligen oesterreichischen Kanzlers Bruno Kreisky - das alles ging
ueber den Sender Dobl in der Naehe von Graz, der den fruehen Rundfunk nach
1945 praegte.

Heute ein Museum, frueher ein deutscher Grosssender im Zweiten Weltkrieg,
ein BBC-Sender im Kalten Krieg, dann ein ORF-Sender und schliesslich Heimat
des ersten Privatradios Oesterreichs.

1995 begann in der historischen Sendeanlage in Dobl ein neues Kapitel
oesterreichischer Radiogeschichte. Der erste oesterreichische Privatsender
Antenne Steiermark ging on air,mit dem Song 'Born to Be Alive' von Patrick
Hernandez. 20 Jahre lang betrieb Antenne Steiermark Studios in Dobl.

Heute befindet sich dort ein Rundfunkmuseum.Der Sendemast wird weiter fuer
den Mobil- und Amateurfunk genutzt. Fuer Technikhistoriker bleibt die An-
lage interessant: Der Mittelwellensender Dobl ist die einzige erhaltene
Grosssendeanlage aus der NS-Zeit. Und der Antennenmast ist mit seinen
156 Metern nach wie vor das hoechste denkmalgeschuetzte Gebaeude in der
Steiermark. Noch hoeher ist mit 175Metern nur der Kamin des Fernheizkraft-
werks Mellach.

ORF/Martin GerhartlNotstromanlage in einem hellen Raum.
Die Notstromanlage in der Sendestation Dobl.
ORFWandbehang im Sendesaal.
Details aus dem Sendesaal. Heute ist der Sender als technisches Denkmal
ORF Ein Haus mit beigefarbener Fassade.
Das Sendegebaeude von aussen. Bei Kriegsende sollte der Sender gesprengt
werden, das wurde aber von den damaligen Angestellten verhindert.
ORF/Martin Gerhartl Sendeanlage in Dobl.
Bei Dobl handelt es sich um die letzte in Europa erhaltene Anlage der
Umbausender aus der Zeit um 1940, informierte das Technische Museum.

RAVAG-Antenne fuer Nazi-Sender.
Begonnen hatte die Geschichte des Senders in der Ersten Republik: In den
1930er Jahren baute die Rundfunkgesellschaft RAVAG ihr Sendernetz aus.
1937 wurde dazu der Sender in Graz - St. Peter mit einem 156 Meter hohen
Antennenmast ausgestattet. Dieser Sendemast uebersiedelte wenige Jahre
spaeter nach Dobl, einer kleinen Gemeinde suedwestlich von Graz.

Nach dem Einmarsch der Wehrmacht in Oesterreich 1938 wurde die oesterrei-
chische RAVAG vom deutschen Reichsrundfunk uebernommen. Zugleich begannen
die Nationalsozialisten, die deutschen Rundfunksender fuer den lange
vorbereiteten Weltkrieg aufzuruesten.

Zeitreise durch die Sendestation Dobl.

Besondere geografische Lage.
Ganz Europa sollte mit NS-Propaganda beschallt werden.
Dazu wurden 56 Grosssender mit modernster Technik errichtet, etwa in
Breslau (heute: Wroclaw), Hamburg, Muenchen, Bruenn und in Dobl bei Graz.
Dieser Ort war aufgrund seiner geografischen Lage bestens fuer die Aus-
strahlung von Radiosendungen nach Ost- und Suedosteuropa geeignet, Haupt-
zielgebiet der deutschen Kriegsplaene.

1939 wurde unter strengster Geheimhaltung mit dem Bau des Sendergebaeudes
begonnen, getarnt als riesiger Gutshof. Im Febr 1941 ging der Sender mit
dem in Tarnfarbe gestrichenen Mast aus St. Peter in Betrieb.

Der Sendebetrieb Dobls wurde 1984 eingestellt, die Anlage wurde vom
ORF 1988 an die Gemeinde Dobl verkauft.

"Sender Alpen" Dobl - Rechtzeitig fuer die Kriegsplaene der Wehrmacht.
Denn wenige Wochen spaeter,im April 1941 fiel die Wehrmacht in Jugoslawien
ein. Und im Juni 1941 begann der Angriff auf die Sowjetunion. Damit trat
die Propagandaschlacht im Radio in eine neue Phase, der Sender wurde als
"Sender Alpen" bezeichnet.

Die Reichweite des Grosssenders Dobl erstreckte sich vom Nordkap in
Skandinavien bis nach Nordafrika. Das Programm wurde in Wien von Speziali-
sten fuer die Balkan-Laender zusammengestellt. Gesendet wurde in den
Sprachen der Region wie Kroatisch. Vom September 1943 ist ueberliefert:
Nachrichten und Musik fuer Kroaten, die kroatische Stunde, politisches
Kabarett, Stimme des Reiches etc.

Fuer Unterhaltungsmusik wurde ein eigenes Tanzorchester gegruendet, dem
auch Musiker aus besetzten oder mit dem Deutschen Reich verbuendeten
Staaten angehoerten. In einem Grazer Studio wurde ein franzoesisch-
sprachiges Programm fuer franzoesische Arbeiter im Deutschen Reich pro-
duziert. Rund 40 Prozent des Programms der "Deutschen Europa-Sender"
machten propagandistische Wortsendungen in den verschiedenen Sprachen

Beige Hausfassade und gruene Wiese.

Ein O-Ton vom "Sender Alpen" (1940) aus dem Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv

BBC London sendet von Dobl in den Ostblock.

Bei Kriegsende 1945 hatten die abziehenden deutschen Truppen den Befehl,
den Sender Dobl zu sprengen. Die Zerstoerung wurde von Reichsrundfunk-Mit-
arbeitern verhindert. Sie hielten den Sender bis zum Eintreffen der Roten
Armee besetzt. Einige Wochen spaeter wurde der Sender an die britischen
Besatzungstruppen und die von ihnen eingerichtete und kontrollierte
"Sendergruppe Alpenland" {Klagenfurt ? ed.} uebergeben.

Andere Anlagen wie der Sender {Wien} Bisamberg wurden bei Kriegsende zer-
stoert. Daher war Dobl der weitaus leistungsstaerkste Sender im Nach-
kriegsoesterreich und spielte eine wichtige Rolle fuer den fruehen Rund-
funk nach 1945. Von Dobl aus wurden untertags die regionalen Programme der
"Sendergruppe Alpenland" ausgestrahlt.

In den Abend-und Nachtstunden uebernahm das BBC Overseas Service, der Vor-
laeufer des BBC World Service. Der Kalte Krieg begann und damit ein neuer
Radio-Propaganda-Krieg, ueber den Eisernen Vorhang hinweg. Ab August 1948
sendete die BBC mehrere Stunden taeglich nach Ost-und Suedosteuropa in den
Sprachen Tschechisch, Ungarisch, Serbokroatisch, Slowenisch, Rumaenisch
und Italienisch.

OENB-Anno.  Foto: Ein Programm der Zeitung "Radio Wien".

Das Programm der Rundfunkzeitschrift "Radio Wien" zum Programm der
"Sendergruppe Alpenland".

"Wie Schiffchen versenken" im Kalten Krieg.

Die Sowjets errichteten in Ungarn nahe der oesterreichischen Grenze einen
Stoersender, der das britische Programm aus Dobl uebersprechen sollte. Die
beteiligten Techniker auf beiden Seiten des Eisernen Vorhangs nahmen
diesen "Frequenzenkrieg" auch sportlich.

Der fruehere Technische Leiter des Landesstudios Steiermark, Gerhard
Kasper,schilderte in einem ORF-Interview aus dem Jahr 1989 das Hin und Her
zwischen dem Sender Dobl und dem Ostblock-Stoersender. Kaum hatte der
Stoersender die Frequenz der BBC gefunden,wichen die steirischen Techniker
auf eine andere Frequenz aus. Es war wie Schiffchen versenken, erzaehlte

Der fruehere Technische Leiter des ORF Landesstudios Steiermark,
Gerhard Kasper, im ORF-Interview 1989.

1954 uebergaben die Briten den Mittelwellensender Dobl an den neu gegruen-
deten ORF, der von Dobl aus OE1 und das Regionalprogramm OE2 ausstrahlte.
Erst mit der Umstellung auf UKW-Sender verlor MW Dobl seine Funktion. Der
ORF stellte den Sendebetrieb im Jahr 1984 ein. 1988 wurde die Sendeanlage
unter Denkmalschutz gestellt, als letzter erhaltener Grosssender aus der
Zeit um 1940.

Michael Froeschl (Text, Gestaltung), Martin Gerhartl (Kamera),
Patrick Melcher (Ton), Willy Leitgeb, Nathalie Stockert (Schnitt),
alle fuer ORF Topos.

Link Sender Dobl  <http://www.sender-dobl.at/>  Nov 17, 2024.
wurde am Sonntag im RRI-Funkbriefkasten ausgiebig behandelt.

AUSTRIA   Farewell to ORS Moosbrunn relay site.

English version of an original article for Radio-Kurier December 2024.

Dear editors,
as news editor and major author in the team of Radio-Kurier /
'weltweit hoeren', I regularly see issues of your magazines. So, as a
direct return from the last remaining big magazine on international radio
in German speaking Europe, please find attached an article about the dif-
ferent farewell broadcasts that have been organized in connection with the
closure of ORS Moosbrunn. I sincerely hope that it reaches your editorial
deadlines in time.

Thank you for the ongoing cooperation between our magazines,
with kind regards,
Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D

Survey of programmes announced as a Farewell to Moosbrunn.

Long-time shortwave fans will remember the Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz
interval signal and the station IDs in four languages. Just as 'Sweden
Calling DXers' / MediaScan on Tuesdays and the 'DX Juke Box' / 'Radio
Netherlands Media Network' on Thursdays for the English-speaking DX-com-
munity, the media programs with Wolf Harranth were an incentive for
German-speaking shortwave fans to tune in to the Austrian foreign service.

On December 31, 2024, the historic pause signal will sound once again and
for the last time. People at Moosbrunn knew of expected cuts at AWR and
had negotiated less airtime. The obviously very short-term end of the ren-
tal of 11 hours daily by Adventist World Radio came as a surprise and hit
the ORS Moosbrunn shortwave station hard. Without this major customer, the
station (2 x 100-kW-transmitters) can no longer be operated economically.
The complete shutdown of AWR shortwave except KSDA Guam must have come as
a surprise even to the different AWR studios.

Radio DARC Germany
Sun, December 29, 2024, 10:00-12:00 hrs UT: 6070 kHz.

The ORF, which had been using the transmitter site since 1960, left with-
out fanfare. Despite registering for the winter broadcast schedule and
later advising the end of October, the last edition of the 'OE1 Morning
Journal' was broadcast on 6155 kHz on October 19, 2024. Another domino
effect was indicated a day later on October 20, 2024. The end of the ORS
Moosbrunn shortwave station could also mean the end of Radio DARC of the
German Amateur Radio Club


At least that is how various letters interpreted an editorial by editor-
in-chief Rainer Englert:
Although Radio DARC is broadcast on the {low power} shortwave transmitter
'Channel 292' and many local radio stations in German-speaking Europe, a
powerful shortwave transmission has always been of crucial importance to
its mission. ORS Moosbrunn had offered 'Radio DARC' this power since it
began broadcasting in March 2015. Radio DARC has announced its farewell
broadcast from ORS Moosbrunn with a two-hour broadcast.

The producers have asked for listeners' contributions, and this could be
an opportunity for representatives of the international DX community to
place some foreign language statements on a farewell programme.

Radio Joystick
Sun, December 15th, 2024, 11:00-12:00 hrs UT: 7330 kHz.

DJ Charlie Prince has already found a new station for his Radio Joystick
From 2025, his one-hour Music and Malta-program will be broadcast from ENC
Woofferton, England. He is also saying goodbye to ORS Moosbrunn with a
special broadcast. "For a decade, the ORS Moosbrunn transmitter near
Vienna helped listeners to Funky Sounds 4 Central Europe! Topics of the
Charlie Prince Show on shortwave: Malta, media, music - and more! At the
end of 2024, the operator ORS announced the end of the modern broadcasting
station! JOY is thus losing its long-time traditional frequency 7330 kHz
and is complaining about this with a special broadcast on December 15th at
12 noon Central European Time on 7330 kHz!"

SM Radio Dessau
Thur, December 26, 2024, 09:00-15:00 hrs UT:
6070 kHz 100-kW-Marathon: Radio DARC, 10:00 SM Radio Dessau, 11:00 Radio
Klein Paris, 11:30 FM Kompakt, 12:00 Jake FM, 13:00 Decade AM and
14:00 Radio Power Rumpel.

Tue, December 31, 2024, 12:00-14:00 h UT: 6070 kHz Farewell program
SM Radio Dessau (https://www.smradio-dessau.de) has announced two special
broadcasts for the end of December 2024, one traditional and one occasion-
related: Since 2018, SM Radio Dessau has organized a 100-kW marathon
broadcast for the second day of Christmas with programs that otherwise
broadcast on Channel 292. According to the advertising card the broadcast
on December 26th will be "probably the last marathon".

This time, Michael Fischer of Jake FM, P.O.Box 500138, 47870 Willich, GER
<100kwqsl -at- jake-fm.de>  will manage the QSLs.

In June 2018, SM Radio Dessau had its first 100 kW broadcast over ORS
Moosbrunn. The special relationship was first documented in a farewell
broadcast in 2022. SM Radio Dessau in the announcement of the current
farewell broadcast for the ORS Moosbrunn transmitter: "After we retired
the 300-kW-transmitter in 2022, we are now unfortunately retiring the en-
tire Moosbrunn station." Reports are welcome under this address:

Max Berger, Saalestrasse 44, 06846 Dessau, Germany
<maxberger -at- smradio-dessau.de>

Moosbrunn staff
Tue, December 31, 2024, 09:00-12:00: 6055 kHz.

The Moosbrunn shortwave station will also be bid farewell in style by its
operators. They would have love to use the iconic 6155 kHz frequency
but decided that would ruin any reception of the low power frequency
neighbours on 6150 and 6160 kHz.

The three hour program block features a recently rediscovered program
of Herbert Richard Leutgeb and Charlotte Trnka [sic] about 50 years of
broadcasting in Austria, the anniversary program with Wolf Harranth
about 100 years of regular broadcasting in Austria, which had already
attracted 300 reception reports on October 6, 2024, and four episodes of
the recent OE1 series "Hello World, this is Radio Austria International".

I had asked for foreign language announcement/features but the three/
two-and-a-half staff at ORS Moosbrunn are not programme producers. Please
be reminded, that ORS only a technical provider and not the ORF. So, it
is still a success that they were able to secure three hours broadcasting
time from their superiors.

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, English version of an original article for
Radio-Kurier printed magazine December 2024; via WWDXC Michael Bethge)

AZORES   828 kHz Antena 1 Acores, Monte das Cruzes, Flores Island.
The last observation I could find in my logs was back in February, 2024,
so I estimated the silence would be translated in another suppression of a
[MF] site. The information I got yesterday contradicted my fears.

The monopole needed repair, and that job was done ... but after tests the
tx developed a problem, meaning another team will have to fly with all the
equipment needed to put the unit into shape, which is expected to happen
sometime this month of November. This outlet covers not just the island of
Flores but also the neighbouring island of Corvo, and is said its signal
reaches most of the archipelago. As to the other Antena 1 Acores MF out-
lets, the technician I spoke to confirmed there are no plans to use MF
again, and ditto regarding Antena 1 Madeira.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, DXplorer Nov 9)

Seit dem Fruehjahr beobachten DXer auf der Iberischen Halbinsel
die Abwesenheit der Mittelwelle Monte das Cruzes 828 kHz von Antena 1
Acores auf Flores Island.

Am 9. November 2024 erhielt Carlos Goncalves eine erklaerende Nachricht:
Die Sendeantenne musste repariert wird. Als das erledigt war, hatte der
Sender bei den Tests einen Defekt. Nach Auskunft der Mail sollte das bis
Ende November repariert werden. Die Mittelwelle 828 kHz deckt Flores und
den groessten Teil des Archipels ab,ist allerdings auch die letzte Mittel-
welle der oeffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkgesellschaft Radio e Televisao
de Portugal.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wor via
Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Kurier Weltschau Nov 10)

BELIZE    A bit of Belize radio history.


There was no television in Belize then [1960's], but we were able to
listen to American radio stations in the night, because the AM broadcast
technology of that time had radio waves travelling all the way to Belize
from huge American cities like St. Louis, Houston, and Little Rock
(Arkansas). If you had a shortwave radio, you could listen to the U.S.
Armed Forces radio station both night and day.
(Andrew Ross, BrDXC-UK iogr news & wor Nov 18)

BELIZE   Radio Belize QSL letter, MW 834 kHz 20 kW, and 3300 kHz 5 kW
received during touristic trip to MEX - GTM - BLZ on Dec 3rd, 1974 at
0500 hrs, confirmed by Chief Broadcast Officer. Used bulky Barlow Wadley
Made in R.S.A. - QSL see on cloud:


(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 19)

BULGARIA   Joe H. wrote Nov. 18, on 16mb check I found Brother Scare/
Overcomer Ministry canned gospel speeches on unlisted 17900 kHz at 1600 UT

17900 kHz was introduced in June, as mentioned on SpaceLine's F_book page
"Two new daily spots for The Overcomer Ministry
17900 kHz  15.00-17.00 UTC
11600 kHz  16.00-17.00 UTC.  Covering Europe, India and Middle East"


It'a also listed in TOM's own schedule 

(Alexander Miatlikov, Dnipro-UKR, wor Nov 19)

CHINA   Some shortwave DRM tests in China mainland ....
According to "Xiaolin Radio Stn." site  <https://kbysradio.wordpress.com/>

some Chinese DXers reported the following DRM activities in China:

On the afternoon of October 29, 2024, an emergency broadcast test signal
appeared on 17700 kHz in DRM digital mode, broadcasting weather conditions
in Sichuan Province. 17700 kHz is officially listed in Dongfang island
Hainan province. Probably this transmission is to confirm whether the DRM
signal from Dongfang can cover as far as Sichuan Province.

In addition,another DRM test signal was confirmed on 6185, 7500, 9500 kHz,
and 11500 kHz, displaying the name "CUC-ECDAV", with popular songs. This
signal seemed to be from"Research Center for Radio-Television Digitization
Engineering of the University of Communications of China". CUC is the ab-
breviation of the University of Communications of China, located in

On Nov 2, 2024  "DRM broadcast from Fuzhou" was displayed. It seems the
signal is from #552 transmitting station in Fuzhou. The origial article is

(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 14)

B24 schedule of shortwave DRM test transmission of CNR "Voice of China":

The official B24 schedule of shortwave DRM test transmission of CNR
"Voice of China", announced on Nov 8, 2024 is as follows;

Beijing  0100-0900 13825 kHz           30 kW 175deg
Dongfang 0100-0900 17770 kHz           30 kW 16deg  ID:27FA
Kunming  0100-0400 0800-1100 15180 kHz 30 kW 32deg  ID:3EB
         0400-0800 17800 kHz           30 kW 32deg  ID:3EB
Urumuqi  2200-0100 0800-1200  9655 kHz 30 kW 98deg  ID:3FC
         0100-0800 17830 kHz           30 kW 98deg  ID:3FC

Frequencies registered in HFCC.org B24 season database, but not offi-
cially announced and not used in practice are as follows:

6030 kHz Beijing, 11695 kHz Dongfang, 11990/13710/13850 kHz Qiqihar.

There is no transmission from Qiqihar. The transmitters in Qiqihar
appear to have been converted to jamming use. Also 21530 kHz 30 kW
341 deg azi Dongfang island, which was registered as an irregular fre-
quency in A24, is reported to have been still used in B24.

The original information is at  <https://cahcn.github.io/drm/>
(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 14)

Re:  Some shortwave DRM tests in China mainland:

Thanks, Takahito-san for this information. Just tonight, I observed the
"CUC" DRM broadcast on 11500 kHz, but it was too weak to hear the music.
I wondered where they were coming from, and now I know! 73, Walt.
(Enjoying the 'world of radio' from my remote QTH on Haida Gwaii off the
NW coast of BC, Canada, - Walter Salmaniw-BC-CAN, wor Nov 14)

CHINA   6200 kHz Voice of Jinling, Nanjing; 1228 UT with its famous
"double" sign-on with male and female announcers in Mandarin alternating
until the carrier dropped about 30 seconds later. It popped back on a bit
after 1229 UT with more of the same until 1230 UT, when the typical pro-
gram of light Chinese pop music started.

Surprisingly good level at first but began to fade pretty fast. Not a hint
of co-channel PBS Xizang / CNR-11 in Lhasa, Tibet, but it is always extre-
mely weak here on 12 Nov.
(Andy Robins, Kalamazoo-MI-USA, Michigan ARE Tipsheet Nov 12 via wor)

CHINA   9480 kHz  CNR 11, Nov 15, 2315z, listed in Tibetan from Baoji TX
site. 100 kW at 255degr azi. Conveniently, Lhasa lies at an azimuth of
255degr azi from Baoji and about 1000 miles away. LSS 2329z.
(Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

CUBA   6000 kHz  RHC  Quivican, Mayabique 1420 UT on Nov 12 - First RHC
I've noticed post Hurricane Rafael, but just a giant open carrier. Pro-
gramming earlier and they just forgot to shut down? Well, until 1425 UT
when it went off. Then back up at 1432 UT with 1000 Hz continuous tone,
then off 1437 UT. They must be trying to get things up and running again
at Quiv. No other channels found. So, they're not quite gone for good ...
(Terry L Krueger-FL via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 12)

CUBA   9565 kHz  Nov 15 at 0733 UT, weak pulse jamming. Despite all the
problems, such as hardly any RHC or Rebelde, the 'DentroCuban Jamming
Command' manages to get back on air to jam against nothing, a Radio Marti
frequency never overnight, currently scheduled 2100-0100 only per EiBi
database list. The other side:

"China shows that, in Cuba, the 'blockade' is internal While Chinese trade
with Latin America has been constantly on the rise, with the island it has
been a resounding failure.
Rafaela Cruz La Habana 04 Nov 2024 - 17:12 CET.

In September, the Cuban Government closed the "Chinese Costco" in Havana,
an establishment like the thousands that can be found in any country and
that had managed, to its customers' surprise and joy, to open its doors in
Cuba to sell everything that the Chinese sell wherever they go, from
hardware to miscellaneous goods, textiles, shoes and food.

The closure of China Import — its real name — was ordered because inspec-
tors "discovered" that dollars were traded there, taxes were evaded, and
undocumented workers were hired; that is, the same things being done in
private businesses all across the country, as it is the only way for them
to survive the legal and fiscal morass to which Castroism subjects them."

(via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 15)

DENMARK   'Radio 208' ist jetzt im Zentrum von Kopenhagen, wo der Empfang
auf 1440 kHz nicht so gut ist, auch auf 1422 kHz zu hoeren. Die Anlage ist
in Norrebro installiert. Die Leistung wurde von 1 Watt auf 20Watt erhoeht,
aber die kurze Spulenantenne auf einem Hausdach duerfte nur etwa 5-10 Watt
abgeben. Darueber hinaus sendet 'Radio 208' weiterhin auf 1440 kHz aus
Ishoj-DEN (650 Watt) und 5970 kHz aus Hvidovre-DEN (100 Watt).
(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN DX-Fokus; via
Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Kurier Weltschau Nov 10)

DENMARK   25800 kHz  World Music Radio, Aarhus-Marslet; 1509 UT relative-
ly good level for their 200 watts with the usual tropical world tunes.
Some deep fades but poor-fair overall on 11 Nov.
(Andy Robins, Kalamazoo-MI-USA, Michigan ARE Tipsheet Nov 11 via wor)

25800 kHz World Mx Radio at Aarhus Marslet, signal def improving now and
can hear reggae influenced mellow pops being played. YL ancr " ... radio"
at 14.34 UT. And just now able to // with livestream at


for 100% ID. Deep fade and almost totally gone by 14.38 UT but bouncing
off bottom and seeming to start coming back up 14.39 UT ....
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

FRANCE  {target radio towards Cuba island}  9490 kHz  'R. Republica' via
TDF Issoudun France {- discount rental 150 kW half power ed.}, 0215 UT on
Nov 14. Even if this was a day they were supposed to be on, this would be
15-20 minutes past sign off (01-02 Fri-Sun). Heard with station promo-
tional announcements. SINPO 55454.
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

FRANCE   17810 kHz   'VORW  Radio International', e-QSL: 17810 kHz, 15.30-
16.30 UT, Nov 11, 2024.  <https://myqsl.github.io/2024/11/12/vorwnov.html>

Since Monday, November 11, VORW Radio Int. broadcasts weekly on 17810 kHz
from 15.30 to 16.30 UTC in the direction of Ce&So_Asia from France.

{Monday only bcast:
17810 kHz TDF Issoudun  1530-1630UT English .m..... to ITU zones 41,42S,49
vorw  250kW  80degr azi HFCC.org } 

The previous broadcast was on April 29, 2024, and in it John Jurasek said
goodbye to listeners from Africa, in this direction the broadcast was on
Mondays on 11925 kHz.
(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1316 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17)

FRANCE   New 250 kW Weekly Broadcast of VORW Radio International to Asia!


Hallo Shortwave Hoerer!  Ich habe einige aufregende Neuigkeiten ueber eine
bevorstehende woechentliche Sendung fuer Hoerer in Asien und darueber

Ab Montag, dem 11.November 2024 und jeden Montag - mein Radioprogramm wird
nun auf dem gesamten asiatischen Kontinent und darueber hinaus dank 250 kW
Leistung von der Sendeanlage in TDF Issoudun, Frankreich, zu hoeren sein.

Mit ihrer ALLISS Antenne wird diese Sendung aus Frankreich nach Osten ge-
strahlt und Osteuropa, den Nahen Osten, Zentralasien, Suedasien, Suedost-
asien und Australien bedeckt!

Die Sendung ist 1 Stunde lang und das Ziel dieser Radiosendung ist es, den
Hoerern weltweit gute Musik- und Nachrichtenkommentare zu liefern. Oft
werden Hoerermusikwuensche entgegengenommen und abgespielt - und alle sind
zur Teilnahme eingeladen.

Hier ist der Sendeplan fuer diese neue Ausstrahlung:
Montags 1530 UT, 17810 kHz TDF Issoudun 250 kW; Osteuropa, Naher Osten,
Asien, Australien.

Empfangsberichte (die mit einem E-QSL verifiziert werden) und zusaetz-
liches Feedback sind unter
<vorwinfo -at- gmail.com>  herzlich willkommen.

Ich wollte auch einen zusaetzlichen Zeitplan fuer meine regulaeren Sen-
dungen zur Verfuegung stellen:

Montags     0100 UT , 5950 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, Nordamerika
Montags     0500 UT,  4840 kHz, WWCR 100 kW, Nordamerika
Dienstags   2000 UT, 15770 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, Ost-Nordamerika/Westeuropa
Mittwochs   2300 UT,  7570 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, Ost-Nordamerika
Donnerstags 0300 UT,  9395 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, Nordamerika/Westeuropa
Thursdays   1600 UT, 15770 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, Eastern North America
Thursdays   2300 UT,  9955 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, South America
Saturdays   0700 UT,  4840 kHz, WWCR 100 kW, North America
Saturdays   0800 UT,  1300 kHz, WNQM   5 kW, Nashville, Tennessee
Saturdays   2300 UT,  6115 kHz, WWCR 100 kW, Eastern North America
Sundays     0000 UT,  5950 kHz, WRMI 100 kW, Eastern North America
Sundays     0200 UT,  1490 kHz, WITA   1 kW, Knoxville, Tennessee

That's all for today, I just wanted to let you all know that there's a new
airing out there if you'd like something to listen to!  73's John

Spread the radio love. This entry was posted in International Broadcasting
Schedules and Frequencies, Shortwave Radio, What's On Shortwave and tagged
#Issoudun, #New Broacast, shortwave, VORW, VORW Radio International on
November 9, 2024


by TheReportOfTheWeek. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how
your comment data is processed.
(The SWLing Post, Nov 11)

GUAM   KTWR Sunday only NOT on air on 15390 kHz DRM via Merizo GUM 
- on Sunday Nov 3rd. GUAM traced BrDXC-UK DX px file and Glenn's DX px
list database items in B-24 season, but couln't find any TWR DRM trans-
mission Suns 16 UT on 15390 kHz towards SoAS/INDIA/BHARAT target audience.
But traced only short '1 second duration digital bursts', well equal to
strange nearby
15388 kHz string signal, latter most likely from Taiwan: Star-Star-BC
Station co-channel transmission.

{later}  Dave Kenny-UK of BritischDXC-UK checked KTWR DRMode transmission
towards SoAsia on Sunday Nov 10th at 16 UT and confirmed that KTWR special
service ON AIR.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, hcdx & wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 3 - 10)

GUAM   15295 kHz KSDA AWR - Facpi Point, *1000-1200* UT, Mandarin to EaAS.
NF (ex17710 kHz at 1000 UT, and ex11855 kHz at 1100 UT), excellent signal,
Nov 15.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

INDIA/BHARAT   9860 kHz  Fri, Nov 15, 2024. 0100-0112 UT, Akashvani - 
All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, Sindhi Service. ID; Woman announcer pre-
sents news; 0111 UT A song. Fair reception: 35533.

15260 kHz  Fri, Nov 15, 2024. 0133-0144 UT, Akashvani - All India Radio,
via Bengaluru-IND, Indonesian Sce. Man announcer talking news, presumed;
0139-0143 UT Open carrier, dead air; Returns at 0144 UT with Man announcer
talking, and next, a song. Fair reception till 0139 UT: 35533.

15410 kHz  Fri, Nov 15, 2024. 0145-0158 UT, Akashvani - All India Radio,
Bengaluru-IND, NepaliSce. Woman announcer makes a brief talking, and next,
indian songs; 0155 UT Woman says ID; Man talking news, of course. Fair
reception: 35533.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Nov 15)

INDIA/BHARAT   9859.81 kHz odd fqy Akashvani - Delhi-Kingsway site, at
*1045-1215* UT, Tibetan to EaCeAS. NF ex9735 kHz. Poor signal and creat-
ing a het with the CNR jammer on exactly 9860 kHz. Nov 15.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

INDIA/BHARAT   11864.77 much odd fqy  {rather Delhi Kingsway outlet,
not Bangalore site, see hfcc.org request, ed.}

11865kHz 0900-1030UT 42S  DEL  100kW  102degr azi 106  Nep IND AIR

Akashvani - Bengaluru, 0930 UT Nepali to Nepal; talks and occasional
music interludes. Poor signal for this NF (ex11865 kHz).

I also checked the Kathmandu Kiwi SDR and found the signal barely audible
in the target zone. However, the // 15410 kHz was at excellent strength in
Nepal. Nov 12.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

11864.768 kHz measured on Tuesday Nov 19, Tibetan scheduled at 10.45-12.15
UT, noted at 11.00 UT at S=9+10dB level in Doha Qatar ME SDR unit. Undoub-
tedly rather via the older Delhi Kingsway site 100 kW unit instead.
// 15410.008 kHz outlet from Bangalore on reduced 250 kW TX power now.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 19)

INDONESIA   4755 kHz Voice of Indonesia (Channel One), 1000+ UT on Nov 13,
via Jakarta remote SDR; English segment; intro/news (Indonesia calls for
Israel to be expelled from the UN, etc. [News story -


"Today's Commentary"; patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri"
[For You, Our Country];

1015: "Today in History" (Nov 13)
1985 - Volcano erupted in Colombia, burying more than 23,000.
1998 - Indonesian students protested.
2015 - terrorist attack in Paris and a nearby suburb.

1023: "My Indonesia," about Indonesia encourages US business leaders to
keep investing in Indonesia.

Checking via Townsville, Queensland, Australia, heard no VOINS on 3325kHz,
on Nov 13.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 14)

INDONESIA   On Nov 18, at 1300 & 1323 UT, no signals were heard via 
Jakarta Cimanggis site and other remote SDRs on both 3325 & 4755 kHz, but
checking at 1450 UT, found 4755 kHz back on the air with good reception of
VOI in Bahasa Indonesia, via Jakarta remote SDR and still no 3325 kHz
signal. That frequency has been silent for a while now!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 18)

IRAN   As is known, the "Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran" - VOIRI
stopped broadcasting TV Pars Today in Russian on Febr 20, 2024 (it was
since January 21, 2020), then after 78 years of broadcasting, stopped
broadcasting on March 31.

However, after a pause, broadcasting resumed in a different format and
under a different name. A new structure was created - the media company
"Iran Radio", affiliated with the State Television and Radio Broadcasting
Company of Iran. A separate web channel is allocated for each broadcast
language on a separate page of the media company's website.

You can automatically get to the Russian page of the new site

from the previous site <https://parstoday.ir/ru>  by selecting the "Radio"

option there. The 24-hour Russian-language web channel announces itself as
"Radio Iran" or "Iranian Radio", it can be listened to on the built-in
player of the specified site and on external players. Stream 


On the external player, the channel name is written in Arabic script in
Farsi ... (Russian Radio of Iran). The player also writes the names of the
broadcast thematic programs in Farsi in Latin letters and the archive num-
bers assigned to each program. These programs are defined by the player as
podcasts. For news releases,the date / number of the current day according
to the Persian calendar and the serial number of the release (No. 1, 2 or
3) are written.

The new channel has been broadcasting since June without any time limita-
tion of content, i.e. in a sliding schedule mode. The channel content con-
sists of one block, repeated many times during the day. The block can have
a daily different duration within 1.5-2 hours, contains 8 or 9 thematic
programs and three 5-6-minute news releases of the current day, aired bet-
ween the thematic programs in each repeated block. News releases actually
contain not only news, but also short comments on them.

The start of the daily broadcast cycle on the web channel (content update)
varies daily mainly between 12.30 and 14.30 Moscow local time and is pre-
ceded by a looped announcement in English about the software used for
broadcasting with a link to the Azura Cast.com website. Then, several pro-
grams (usually five) from the updated block are aired in random order,
after which all the programs of this block are aired in a certain sequence,
which is repeated in this form during the day. Sometimes the channel con-
tent is not updated and one block is broadcast for two days. On some days,
revered according to the Islamic calendar, the blocks consist only of
Islamic-themed programs and news, while the sound design and the daily
broadcast cycle scheme are changed.

The channel broadcasts VOIRI archive programs: Iran - a magical country;
Rare species of animals in Iran; Rare plants of Iran; History of clothing
in Iran; Modern Iranian cinema; Poetry of the revolution; Ethno_cultural
picture of Iran; Medicine and health care in Iran; What Persian fairy
tales talk about; Heavenly Suras; Farsi lessons for you, etc. The new site
posts new audio podcasts distributed by topic, some of them are included
in the broadcast grid of the web channel, documentaries and various video
stories are also posted there.
(Vladimir, Rybinsk, Yaroslavlskaya oblast-RUS; via
RUSdx #1316 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17)

KOREA  D.P.R.  Nordkorea hat Ende Oktober 2024 eine Interkontinentalrakete
getestet. In einer Sendung am 2. November 2024 kommentierte das deutsch-
sprachige Programm der Stimme Koreas zehn Minuten lang das epochale Er-
eignis, ohne Einzelheiten zu nennen. Der Tenor sei im Folgenden zusam-
mengefasst: Nordkorea sehe sich einem atomaren Buendnis der USA und seiner
"Marionetten" in Suedkorea gegenueber und muesse zeigen, dass "Provoka-
tionen auf den Vergeltungswillen unseres Volkes stossen werden".

"Der Kriegswillen der USA und der ihnen willfaehrigen Kraefte treten immer
mehr hervor, weshalb sich die atomaren Kraefte der Demokratischen Volks-
republik rapide entwickeln muessen." Am 31. Oktober 2024 wurde ein wich-
tiger Test einer ballistischen Rakete durchgefuehrt und damit ein
"neuester Rekord der strategischen Angriffskraefte" erreicht. Die
"staerkste absolute Waffe, die die Welt noch nicht erlebte","staerkste An-
griffswaffe", "weltstaerkste Rakete der Welt" zeige die "ueberlegene
Stellung Nordkoreas bei der Herstellung von atomaren Traegermitteln" und
die "volle Bereitschaft zum atomaren Gegenschlag" bei der Landesvertei-

Das deutschsprachige Programm der Stimme Koreas, das auch an anderen Tagen
Anfang November den militaerischen Erfolg feierte,hat folgenden Sendeplan:
1600-1700 Uhr: 6170 9425
1800-2000 Uhr: 6170 9425
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Kurier Weltschau / Bieners DX Digest Nov 10)

KOREA REP OF  {South}   KBSWR  K Pop Umfrage 2024.

Wir hoffen auf eine rege Teilnahme an der Umfrage anlaesslich dieses Jubi-
laeums!  Unter den Umfrage-Teilnehmern werden kleine Geschenke verlost.
Die Umfrageergebnisse werden in der Musiksendung von KBS WORLD Radio
"Unterwegs mit Musik" vorgestellt.

Zeitraum: 11. November (Mon), 10:00 - 24. November (Sun), 10:00 (KST)
Alle Favoriten wurden anhand der Top Ten der "K-Charts" aus der Sendung
"Music Bank" von KBS (Januar 2024 - 1. Novemberwoche 2024) ausgewaehlt.

- Vor Januar 2023 veroeffentlichte Lieder wurden fuer die Kategorie
"K-Pop-Lied des Jahres" nicht beruecksichtigt.

- Beruecksichtigt wurden Saenger und Songs, die es 2024 in die US-Single-
charts Billboard Hot 100 geschafft haben, in Anbetracht der globalen Auf-
merksamkeit. Bitte waehlen Sie den K-Pop-Song des Jahres aus!

(Bis zu zwei Stimmen koennen abgegeben werden / Bei 'Sonstiges' sollte das
Lied auf Englisch genannt werden)

1-5.  //  6. Umfrage anlaesslich 10 Jahre mobile App
6-1. Welche Inhalte gefallen Ihnen bei KBS WORLD Radio auf der App beson-
ders oder wovon wuenschen Sie sich mehr? Neues ueber K-Pop und aus der
Unterhaltungsbranche. Aktuelle Nachrichten. Kunst und Kultur. Sonstiges.

6-2. Welche Verbesserungen sind Ihrer Meinung nach erforderlich?
- Mehr Funktionen
- Leistungssteigerung
- Besseres Design
- Sonstiges
- Personenbezogene Angaben eingeben. Sind Sie ueber 13 Jahre alt? Ja

(KBS Nov 16)

LITHUANIA   666 / 1557 kHz In the WRTH directory there is information that
you can get eQSL for receiving known stations on 666 and 1557 kHz from the
Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre.  <Info [at] telecentras.lt>
Reports are probably in English ...
(Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via
RUSdx #1316 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17)

MALI   11975 kHz  CRI Africa relay via Bamako center-II, *2130-2230* UT,
French to all-Af. Good signal, and // 13630 kHz beamed to EaAF, also heard
at a similar strength. Nov 15.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

15125 kHz  Nov 13 at 1625UT, S5/S8 of ME music, listed as CRI Arabic relay
{on EXACT FQY via CRI Africa relay via Bamako center-II, wb.}
One of few signals on band and by far the best beyond USA.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

MARIANA ISLANDS {Pacific}   The Guardian: Tinian-us-military-upgrade-plan.

I had the opportunity to visit Tinian island as well as some of the short-
wave sites on Guam and Saipan. Lots of WWII history !

The Tinian airfield ("Runway Able") was essentially abandoned (in 2004
year) and got to see the atomic bomb pits which were used to load the
atomic bombs onto the B29s in 1945.

Tinian was the busiest airport in the world in 1944 with missions being
flown every 10 min.
(Edward NI6S; wor Nov 20)

No mention here of VOA withdrawal from the Marianas but an interesting
piece on the U.S. buildup


(via Dan Robinson-USA, wor Nov 20)

MEXICO   6185 kHz  XEPPM / R Educacion México D.F. at 0630 UT. Be Bop A
Lula (but not the original cut by Gene Vincent & The Blue Caps), followed
by another cluster of rockabilly songs. (It always amuses me that nearly
every song of this genre always has "well" as the first word in the song
(i.e., well, be bop a lula, well, my baby and me went out late Saturday
night, welllllll my sweet baby wears fishnet stockings, etc). At 0700 UT
went to 60s pop with Gary Puckett & Union Gap. Good Nov 7.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via odxa/wor Nov 11)

MEXICO   6185 kHz  A Taste of Radio Educacion's Programs. A Taste of Radio
Educacion's Programs, Pt 1 Thanks perhaps in part to the solar cycle,
Mexico's shortwave station Radio Educacion XEPPM on 6185 kHz has often
been quite listenable after dark of late, especially in the southern and
midwestern US (I can usually get it on my radios here in Indiana after

The shortwave frequency is branded as a cultural channel, and whenever
a specific program is not scheduled, there is music by Mexican performers
of various styles, usually but not always in blocks where a group of songs
is mentioned prior to be played. What you will hear may depend upon who is
on shift - much of it is a mix of the numerous styles of folkloric music
of Mexico, but there are surprises now and then - one evening I heard what
I think is a studio orchestra led by a marimba doing very virtuosic in-
terpretations of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor and Monti's Czardas
among other things. This was no mere novelty act - the performances were

Monday nights you are as likely as not to hear jazz from artists in Mexico
during the musical interludes, and some nights after midnight you might
hear Mexican rock, pop or fusion. Programs are of course in Spanish, but
you might hear incidental bits of English from time to time for a few mi-
nutes if a North American guest is involved. Cuban music has been popular
in Mexico forever, and there are bands in Mexico that play the older dance
music (and some jazz) credibly. Because so much of the broadcast time is
musical, the station does not chop or fade songs when it's time for a
scheduled program, so start times can be called approximate.

Likewise, on occasion, you may encounter something other than what the
website shows in a given week (Radio Educacion is far from unique for that
in the shortwave world.) Some programs are worth a special mention here:

1. Concierto OSN is often on Sunday nights at what was 0115 UTC and will
PROBABLY be still be that from November. The most recent performance
I caught was from the Palacio de Bellas Artes* and included some commen-
tary before and in between selections of Bach and Telemann, with some
Mahler promised for a future concert.
{ * explored there a great folklore show and local Latin AM music per-
formance during Dec 1974 tour to MEX and GTM, ed. }

2. A very well-done radio horror drama series, El terror sea con vosotros,
has been airing at 0430 UTC Tuesdays. If you understand Spanish and were a
fan of old radio horror shows like Arch Obeler's Lights Out, this show can
be a lot of fun.

3. I'm not 100% sure whether it will continue into November, but the sta-
tion has been running an archival Spanish-language radio version of
Dickens' Grandes esperanzas (Great Expectations) from 0440 UTC Wednesdays
(remember that in real life, these times can be approximate.)

4. Para un diccionario de la imaginacion (0040 UTC Wednesdays) deals with
word origins and variations on standard usage by context. The most recent
version I heard did a treatment of the word precoz. If you understand
Spanish, Radio Educacion is something of an undersung gem.
More about this in November {sic}.
(Bill Tilford, Shortwave Program Spotlight, NASWA Journal, Nov 2;
via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 2)

MOLDOVA   {separate Transnistria}  MW 621 kHz via Radioteletsentr (PRTC)
transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac site, 150 kW  {see WRTH_2024 p. #297}  

'Radio 1 plus' e-QSL: 621 kHz, 13.53-14.23 UT, Nov. 12, 2024.

Radio 1 plus is on air on medium wave 483 meters on weekdays from 13.00 to
16.18 UT. On air news in Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian languages, dis-
cussions on current issues in the studio, Soviet and Russian pop music.
(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1316 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17)

MONGOLIA   12015 kHz Voice of Mongolia, Ulabataar, Khonkhor, (JP Sce)
QSL: 12015 kHz, 13.00-13.30 UT, Sept. 21, 2024.

<https://myqsl.github.io/2024/11/12/vom.html>   I sent a letter by regular
mail. In response, I received a postcard - a QSL card. The Japanese edi-
torial staff prepared it literally on the same day when they received my
letter. (offtopic I thought that the letter route would be Moscow-Irkutsk-
Ulaanbaatar, but it turned out to be Moscow - Istanbul - Ulaanbaatar).
(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1316 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17)

12014.512 kHz much oddity of R Mongolia Ulan Bataar-Khonkhor JP-service,
S=8 signal ID annmt at 13.00 UT on Monday Nov 18.

12084.501 kHz much oddity of R Mongolia Ulan Bataar-Khonkhor JP-service,
S=8 signal at 10.33 UT on Tuesday Nov 19.  wb df5sx.

NEW ZEALAND    RNZ Pacific DRMode.
A heads up, particularly for people on the west coast of Canada & the USA,
who want to log RNZ Pacific DRM. It has been coming in quite nicely start-
ing at roughly 1651 UT daily (ex Saturday UT) on 11690 kHz. That first
nine minutes seems to be the same filler music every day until news at
ToH. The signal has been staying S9 to S=9+10dB for at least 25 minutes
for me. - One thing I will say is that when DRM works, it is incredible!
(Tony Pavick, Hope BC-CAN, wor cidx Nov 19)

PERU   4820 kHz Radio Senda Cristiana (The Christian Way Radio), 0150+ UT,
Nov 14; frequent IDs and time checks; also distinctive OA music/singing;
fair even with considerable QRN, at Lima, Peru remote SDR. Am I correct
that the frequency there is not correct, I read it as 4820.11 kHz. ?
I'm still learning to correctly use remote SDRs!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 14)

PHILIPPINES   13870 kHz  FEBCambodia, "The Voice of Love" via Bocaue-PHL,
Nov 2; fading in now with fair-good signal already at 1210 UT, playing
exotic-sounding Khmer folk mx on local horn with OM tlkg over.

13870 kHz  FEBCambodia, The Voice of Love, Phnom Penh studio via Bocaue
site, Nov 3; noted good signal 1235 UT with OM preaching in Khmer, then
local version of hymn by choir 1240 UT. Dominating QRM jamming of fqy from
CNR-1 pgming aimed at SOH on same channel but of course not audible in
central USA.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1176 Nov 3)

ROMANIA   11620 kHz  RRI Bucharest via Tiganesti tx site at 0700 UT. Long
talk by woman in German language, typical RoRI musical bridges between
segments, some Romanian pop mx, man with closing annmt at 0726 UT and RRI
tuning signal to 0728 UT tx close. Fair to Good Nov 9.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via odxa/wor Nov 11)

ROMANIA   "Personality of the Year 2024 on RRI Bucharest.

Dear friends,
Radio Romania International is again conducting its annual survey among
listeners and users of Internet and social media, presenting you with
a new challenge in 2024, a complicated and difficult year for all of us.

It was a difficult year due to the continuation of the war launched by
Russia against Ukraine, the conflicts in the Middle East, but also due to
global warming, which made 2024 the hottest year in history.

It is against this backdrop that we're asking you who has had the most po-
sitive impact on the world this year? Based on your options, we will be
designating the

"Personality of the Year 2024 on Radio Romania International". We kindly
ask you to make your nomination, accompanied by a short justification.

Please send your contributions as soon as possible by e-mail to

<engl -at- rri.ro>

leave a comment on our Facebook or Instagram profiles or write to us on
WhatsApp, at 0040.744.312.650 (text or audio).

We will announce the "Personality of the Year 2024 on Radio Romania
International" on-air as well as online, on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

We look forward to hearing from you! (via BRDXC-UK iogr Nov 17)


SLOVAK REPUBLIC   RSI Listener Survey.

Dear listeners, please help us improve the quality of our programmes.
We would like to know our listeners better so we can tailor our programm-
ing more for the taste and needs of you, our listeners. This survey will
provide us with valuable feedback from you. It is anonymous and we will
only use the data for improving our services. It takes only minutes to
fill the survey out, but will help us a lot!

Thanks for you time. Radio Slovakia International Team

Click here to take part in the online survey (opens in new tab).


Have you any questions or problems?

Contact us at:  <radioslovakiainternational -at- gmail.com>
(RSI Bratislava-SVK, Nov 14)

SLOVAK REPUBLIC   RSI-Hoererumfrage.

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer, bitte helfen Sie uns, die Qualitaet des Pro-
gramms und die technischen Moeglichkeiten von Radio Slowakei International
zu verbessern.Wir haben eine Online-Umfrage vorbereitet, die uns wertvolle
Informationen darueber liefern kann, wie Sie unser Programmangebot wahr-
nehmen. Zugleich werden wir aber auch mehr ueber Sie, unsere Hoererschaft,

Ihre Antworten sind anonym und werden ausschliesslich zum Zweck der Ver-
besserung unserer Dienstleistungen verarbeitet. Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Zeit
und Ihre Bereitschaft, uns Ihre Meinung mitzuteilen !

Wenn Sie teilnehmen moechten, klicken Sie bitte auf diesen Link
(oeffnet sich in einem neuen Browserfenster) :


Bei Fragen oder Problemen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail an:

<radioslovakiainternational -at- gmail.com>

(RSI Bratislava-SVK, Nov 14)

SPAIN   17755 kHz  Nov 12 at 1925 UT into UTwente, African frequency of
REE is still absent, audible on 17715 kHz for South America. If it's Tues-
day there must not be English, but at 2258 UT check, North American fre-
quency 9690 kHz is gone again !  Something's notright at Noblejas. Also no
17755 kHz, but still on and audible are 12030 and 17715 kHz not // 
(Terry L Krueger-FL via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 12)

SPAIN   9690 kHz  R Exterior de Espana English service via Noblejas site
with Marilyn Quintana and Amy Egan both today starting out with news.
Today's lead item was about 10 days since the storm and flooding in
Valencia that has so far caused the death of over 200 people. The delay
in rescue and restoration issues and de- mands for resignations and finger
pointing and the 'blame game' as to why it's been such a mess.

Other items were about the Spanish Supreme Court ruling on Jose Luis
Abalos' corruption charges allowing the case to go forward with an in-
vestigation continuing, the appointment of a chief of staff by President
Elect Trump in the US and Harris's concession speech and attacks on
Israeli citizens in the Netherlands after a futbol game that are being
de-scribed as 'anti-Semitic'.

At :06 a feature about "Acting Impact" an organization that has for over
20 years helped people improve English language skills through theatre.
They talked with Harriet Thompson and Schuyler Hedstrom the co-directors
about how the 'company' works, working on the old adage of 'confidence
builds skill' ... Into French at BoH. 4+54+4+4+  2200-2230 UT on 8 Nov.
(Ken Zichi-Williamston-MI-USA, Michigan ARE Tipsheet Nov 8 - 11 via wor)

9690 kHz  R Exterior de Espana En service with Marilyn Quintana and Amy
Egan both today starting out with news.Today's lead item was about 2 weeks
after Valencia storm, another 'red warning' is issued for a new storm in
Spain. Also covering the protests and political debate around the response
or lack thereof. Other items were about Donald Trump's administration ap-
pointments ahead of his swearing in.

Also the award of the 2024 Cervantes award given to 85 year old writer
Alvaro Pombo.At :07 into a feature about the rain and flooding in Valencia
and the Mediterranean areas of Spain, and how climate change is feeding
this sort of event, and is not 'fake news'. They spoke with Ernesto
Rodriguez who's the President of the Spanish Meteorological Agency, who
opined that climate catastrophes will be more severe and more frequent be-
cause of climate change.

At :19 contact info, and then into a bit of history complete with audio
clips from the first legal Spanish broadcasting station, from Barcelona
EAJ1, which began on November 14, 1924. There were earlier pirate and
'ham' stations, but this was the first 'officially licensed' station in
Spain. Amy then talked about the influence of radio in the Spanish Civil
War, and the Franco regime's control of 'news' etc. Also mentioned the
1942 creation of REE.

The broadcast wrapped up with a bit of "Chica De Ayer" (Nacha Pop) at :27.
Into French at BoH. 4+54+4+4+ THIS close to all 5s. 2200-2230 UT on Nov 13.
(Ken Zichi-Williamston-MI-USA, Michigan ARE Tipsheet Nov 13 via wor)

SPAIN   9690 kHz  Mon Nov 11 at 2300 UT, token English from SNR at
S=9+20/30 direct and sufficient. Previews topic to be analysis of US pre-
sidential elexion, and right into that by 2302 UT, skipping any news !

Not a serious international broadcaster with news so disposable. Guest is
some prof from DePaul?/DePauw? University, the now usual take that Harris
and Democrats did not appeal enough to the masses. Also // 12030 kHz at
S=9/+10 and detectable on 17715 kHz but not 17755 kHz, off ?
At 2356 UT checked Canary SDR while in French, three audible there, not
17755 kHz for Africa.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 11)

SPAIN   17755 kHz  Nov 15 at 1916 UT, no signal into UTwente from REE
161-degree azi frequency for Africa, while the other three are well au-
dible: 17715, 12030, 9690 kHz. HFCC.org shows one alternative registra-
tion to 17755 kHz: 21620 UT but at 20-24 UT Mon-Fri, 16-20 UT Sat/Sun:
but nothing there at 2111 UT check Fri Nov 16.

Does not fail to air token English Fri Nov 15 at 2300 UT, same three fre-
quencies as above; 9690kHz is VG S=9+20/30dB direct. ToH music keeps runn-
ing thru the timesignal but soon s/on English. Preview feature to be about
the volcanic eruption 3+ years ago in La Palma, Canary islands, a documen-
tary film has been made about it. 2302 UT news starting with aftermath of
the Valencia floods. 2309 UT ending commentary about *rump and ME policy,
apparently by the Lebanon correspondentess. 2310 UT the volcano story.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 15)

SPAIN   17715 17755, Nov 15 at 1916, no signal into UTwente from REE
161-degree frequency for Africa, while the other three are well audible:
17715, 12030, 9690 kHz. HFCC.org shows one alternative registration to
17755: 21620 kHz but at 20-24 UT Mon-Fri, 16-20 Sat/Sun: but nothing there
at 2111 UT check Fri Nov 16.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

Nothing heard on 17755 kHz at 19.10 UT on Tue Nov 19, nice strong signals
noted in Edmonton-AB-province on 9690, 12030, and most strong on 17715 kHz
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 19)

SWITZERLAND   Der 31. Dezember 2024 ist ein Markstein in der Schweizer
Radiogeschichte: Die oeffentlich-rechtliche SRG beendet die Verbreitung
via UKW zugunsten von digitalem Antennenradio DAB+ - bzw. Internet.
Nur noch zehn Prozent des Publikums empfangen Radio ausschliesslich ueber
UKW, sodass Unterhalt oder Erneuerung der UKW-Sendeanlagen angesichts der
digitalen Alternativen finanziell nicht mehr gerechtfertigt erscheinen.

Eine Pressemeldung des Digitalradio Buero Deutschland behauptet: "Aehnlich
argumentieren die Schweizer Privatradios, die sich [bis 2026] schritt-
weise von der analogen Technologie trennen. In der Schweiz hatte sich die
Radiobranche im breiten Konsens auf den Umstieg verstaendigt."Tatsaechlich
war das ein Kraftakt bzw. wird dieser Konsens unter anderem aus der
franzoesischen Schweiz immer wieder in Zweifel gezogen.

Lautstaerkster deutschsprachiger Kritiker ist der Schweizer Privatradio-
pionier Roger Schawinski. In einem NZZ-Gastbeitrag (17. Okt. 2024) malte
er das Schreckenszenario einer Notsituation:

"Dafuer wurde vor Jahrzehnten eine ausgekluegelte UKW-Infrastruktur ge-
baut. Als 'Stimme, die durch Beton geht', wurde diese Technologie fuer
Krisen-und Katastrophensituationen gewaehlt.Dafuer baute man viele starke
Notsender an Hoehenstandorten und 38 in den Boden eingelassene Sende-
masten, die im Ernstfall ausgefahren werden koennen. Eine vergleichbare
Infrastruktur auf der Basis der viel weniger geeigneten DAB+-Technologie
gibt es noch nicht."
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Kurier Weltschau / Bieners DX Digest Nov 10)

TAIWAN    RTI - Audio Calendar 2025.

Rti has carefully selected the sounds from everyday life in Taiwan, in-
cluding folk festivals, travel, and the island's rich cultural and natural
heritage over the years. To celebrate Rti's 97th anniversary, we proudly
present our first-ever audio calendar. Let the warmth of Taiwan's people
and the unique local sounds accompany you as you explore the freedom and
beauty of this land, welcoming each wonderful day of 2025 together.

<https://2025calendar.rti.org.tw/>  (RTI via BrDXC-UK iogr news Nov 19)

TAIWAN   15245 kHz  Tue, Nov 12, 2024. 0058-0110 UT, Radio Free Asia, Pao-
chung-TWN site, in Burmese. Man/woman announcers talking; A beautiful RFA
identification jingle, two times (ID with music); Woman announcer presents
news, presumably; 0106 UT Man participating too. Good reception: 45544.

15245 kHz  Tue, Nov 12, 2024. 0209-0220 UT, Radio Free Asia, Paochung-TWN,
Burmese Sce. Nothing heard. Total silence. Off-air? Aoki B24 schedule dat-
bases says:
15245  0030-0130  TWN  R.FREE ASIA  Burmese  Paochung 1-7
15245  0200-0300  TWN  R.FREE ASIA  Burmese  Paochung 1-7
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Nov 12)

TAIWAN   7200 kHz  'Revival Broadcasting System' Koreas target radio via
Danshui/Tanshui/Tamsui site location in Taipei province. 1400 UT on 15 Nov
Korean. Sign-on with woman speaking over piano music. Definite mention of
RBS. Fair (New frequency: was 7215 -then 7200, now 6115 kHz instead).
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

TAIWAN  {KOREA REP OF  South non target radio}  6115 kHz, National Unity
Radio (National Unification Broadcasting  Unification Media Group), broad-
casting from via Danshui/Tanshui/Tamsui site location in Taipei province,
Taiwan; fair reception with moderate NorthKorean jamming, via the remote
SDR at Oita, Japan; 1230-1258:02* UT, Nov 18.

1230 UT: Michael Jackson - "Black or White."
1233+ UT: Program "Arim Sam's Singing Class"; played a pop Korean song and
announcers talked about the song and sang portions without music.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 18)

TAIWAN   {target radio service}  9670 kHz  Opposition 'Radio Dap Loi Song
Nui' in Vietnamese via Paochung-TWN site heard at 1235 UT on Nov 13, 2024;
fair-good power co-equal signal to irritating Hanoi siren jammer today,
YL in Vietnamese talks the interviews OM.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 13)

9705 kHz {target radio in Korean/Japanese}  'Furusato No Kaze' via Pao
Chung site heard at 1349 UT on Nov 11; a woman speaking in Japanese to
music beginning at 1350 UT. Poor-fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

9705 kHz {target radio}  'Furusato no kaze' via {sic} Tamsui District /
Taipei {rather Pao Chung ed.} TX site, at 1350UT on Nov 11; good signal //
poorer 12045 kHz with orchl mx.

9705 kHz  'Furusato no kaze' via Pao Chung-TWN, 1345 UT on Nov 14; very
nice signal with melodramatic Jp vocals with orch, OM & YL in sentimental
songs introduced by YL ancr. // 7295 kHz (Tamsui-Taipei-TWN site) not as
good and 12045 kHz (RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitt-
ing bcast center) very poor here.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

TAJIKISTAN   9990 kHz  Radio Free Asia, listed via Dushanbe Orzu-TJK (do
they still refuse to admit that xmtr QTH when QSLing?) at 2205 UT, Nov 11;
nice signal for Korean service, OM and YL alternating news and commentary
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

TURKEY   13725 kHz  Voice of Turkiye, Emirler. QSL 16.30-17.25 UT, on
Aug. 23, 2024.


The envelope contained a QSLcard and a booklet with the broadcast schedule
for the A24 summerseason, all with the same typos as in the three previous
copies of this booklet.
(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1316 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 17)

TURKEY  11530 kHz Radio Denge Gel via Tashkent-UZB and Radio Recep Erdogan
via TRT Emirler-TUR at 1325 UT on Nov 11. Both on this fqy today at
1325UT check.   {see also RDG sce under Tashkent-Uzbekistan, ed.}

One dominates and then the other.Turkey playing the usual spirited martial
mx with chorus and band. DG alternating between OM tlks in Kurdish and lo-
cal popular mx. Precisely at -1330* UT the Turkish jammer left the fqy,
with DG then all alone.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

11525 kHz  Radio Recep Erdogan via TRT Emirler-TUR, 1405UT on Nov
12; here this morning with pleasant Turkish mx. 1409UT angry yelling crowd
SFX and then more mx. No sign of Kurdish 'Denge Gel' progr this morning in
this neck of the 11500s band.

Checked the 'Denge Gel' livestream just now and they are in Kurdish nx.
No-wadays, you never know which fqys these two will show up on. ... Coming
in fair signal at 1417 UT here in Midwest. Drumming and chanting soldiers
and into orch mx ... and then angry, exhorting political speaker. Quite
deteriorated, almost gone, at 1440 UT recheck.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

TURKEY / UZBEKISTAN {tent.}  11550 kHz equal fqy target radio 'Radyo Denge
Gel' Kurdish via Tashkent listed {RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Short-
wave Transmitting bcast center} at 10.37 UT on Nov 19; S=9+10dB noted in
Doha Qatar Perseus SDR remote unit; stronger signal in ME than co-channel

11550.014 kHz  co-channel Radio Recep Erdogan via TRT Emirler-TUR site,
10.38 UT on Nov 19, S=7-8. 
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 19)

U.K. / INTERNATIONAL WATERS    Radio Caroline North.
The next Radio Caroline North (MW 648 kHz) broadcast from Ross Revenge
will be over the weekend of 14th - 15th December, 2024.

(Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Nov 19)

U.K.   Pop Shop Radio New Years Programming.
Get ready for the Pop Shop Radio 250 kilowatt New Year's disco party !
Bring in the new year 2025 with the world's biggest party on shortwave, so
dust off your dancing shoes and make a note to tune to 6060 kHz at 0300 UT
on 1 January 2025.

It will be beamed from ENC Woofferton in the UK to North America.
(Tony Pavick-Hope BC-CAN, BrDXC-UK iogr Nov 13)

U.K.   Longwave 198 kHz. The electricity industry has agreed to fast-track
installation of up to 800,000 smart meters to replace radio-tele switches
(RTS) which rely on the longwave signal to switch between peak and off-
peak rates. Many of the radio tele switches are in Scotland and BBC Radio
Scotland carried reports about this on 3rd October making clear that there
is a June 2025 deadline for replacing all of the old RTS devices. So the
June 2025 could be when the BBC plans to close its three longwave trans-
mitters, although this has yet to be confirmed by the BBC.
(BrDXC-UK iogr 'Communication' magazine Nov 2024, also via wor Nov 5)

U.K.   12050 kHz  'R Ndarason Intl.' via ENC Woofferton with Kannada
lang service, 2055UT on Nov 11; terrific signal with wild energetic drumm-
ing, horns blaring, people chanting and cheering. No trouble at all from
EWTN today. 2059UT OM in vernacular anmt, a little bit AA-sounding. Jingle
for Ndarason by women and then plug pulled -2059.30* UT.

12050 kHz R Ndarason Intl. via ENC Woofferton, 2015 UT on Nov 12; doing
really well with OM Kannada anmts and into nice WestAfrican mx with YL
singer and twangy stringed instrument.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

U.K.  15260 kHz  IBRA Radio Sama (ENC Woofferton), 1700 UT on 13 Nov.
Arabic. Short music piece into woman speaking. Middle eastern music fol-
lowed with man speaking. Fair to poor.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

U.K.   25700 kHz  BBC Woofferton with excellent signal at 14.20 UT with
Hausa pgm. This band is open and getting some traces of World Mx Radio on
25800 kHz, perhaps will fade-in to the much better level that has been
heard in the past. And gone at 14.30 UT recheck, consistent with sked
-1430* UT.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

U.K.   SW and MW guides on the bdxc club website:

A reminder that there is a wealth of up-to-date information on the club's


including all these Shortwave and Mediumwave guides edited and compiled by
Tony Rogers-UK, which have been updated for the 2024/25 B24 frequencies.
Links from the Articles page, direct links below:

Shortwave Guides:
Africa on Shortwave  <http://bdxc.org.uk/africa.pdf>

Asia on Shortwave    <http://bdxc.org.uk/asia.pdf>

Europe on Shortwave  <http://bdxc.org.uk/europe.pdf>

North America on Shortwave           <http://bdxc.org.uk/americaN.pdf>

Latin America and the Caribbean on Shortwave

Middle East & Caucasus on Shortwave  <http://bdxc.org.uk/mideast.pdf>

Pacific on Shortwave                 <http://bdxc.org.uk/pacific.pdf>

Mediumwave Guides:
External Services and other cross-border broadcasts on Mediumwave

Africa on Mediumwave                 <http://bdxc.org.uk/africaMW.pdf>

Europe on Mediumwave                 <http://bdxc.org.uk/europeMW.pdf>

Middle East & Caucasus on Mediumwave <http://bdxc.org.uk/mideastMW.pdf>

X-band in the Americas on Mediumwave <http://bdxc.org.uk/Xband.pdf>
(Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Nov 14)

USA   9275 kHz AMode, Nov 12 at 2304 UT, WMLK with hymn in AM, S=9+20/30dB
direct, no DRM but which has been reported before during this hour.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 12)

WMLK DRM encoding short txion start procedure check ?
As of late they seem to be only doing a DRM 'hit' at roughly 2258 to 2300
UT on 9275 kHz. I haven't been able to coax any audio out of it, but have
been able to get a positive visual ID. My email to them two weeks ago has
gone unanswered. Apparently answering secular questions is not high on
their priority list.

Not sure what the purpose of the DRM test they are doing might be.
(Tony Pavick-Hope BC-CAN, wor Nov 13)

This DRM test is - supposedly - included in their Ampegon handling OPENING
procedure on their txion handling a personal computer procedure; similar
as like an opening start password necessity for. ed. df5sx

[password necessity procedure failed 4years too - on RTA Ampegon shortwave
TX installations at Bechar and Ourgla after 2018 year ... wb. ]

17525 kHz  WMLK from Bethel PA state. 22.15 UT, English to NoAM. American
preaching "Sacred Name Broadcast". 22.27 UT ID and schedule details, say-
ing they sign off at 2200 UT. Whoops! Finally off at 2230 UT. Huge signal,
on Nov 12.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

17525 kHz  on Nov 14 at 17.33 UT, no signal from WMLK into UTwente;
scheduled 17.30-22.30 UT and had been reliable. At 0725 UT Nov 14,
Zacharias Liangas said, "Yesterday 17525 kHz was vacant in the 18z time.
They seem they stopped this transmission? I will try again the next days".
But by 18.01 UT recheck it's on ? 17524.987+ kHz, S=9+10/20dB into UTwente
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

?  17525.000  e v e n  kHz measured in Perseus SDR unit at Edmonton-AB-CAN
remotedly at 19.06 UT on Tue Nov 19. S=9+25dB powerhouse signal.
(wb  df5sx Nov 19)

USA   11880 kHz  Tue, Nov 12, 2024. 0130-0143 UT, KBS World Radio, via
USAGM Greenville-NC relay site, Spanish Sce. ID; Woman announcer present a
program "Corea a Diario": Cultute; A song by woman singer; Man says ID and
website; Woman/man announcers present a korean lesson into "Coreano en
Dramas". Good reception: 45554.

15770 kHz  Tue, Nov 12, 2024. 0045-0055 UT, WRMI-Radio Slovakia Inter-
national, Okeechobee-FL relay site, in English. Woman talking; A song;
Retuns woman communication; 0055 UT Music; ID. Poor to JBA reception:
25422 to 25411.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Nov 12)

USA/CANADA    Waehrend des Kalten Kriegs war ab Dezember 1954 der Aufbau
einer 'Distant Early Warning Line'  im Norden Nordamerikas eine nationale
Prioritaet der beteiligten Laender. Die 63 Radarstationen reichten von den
Aleuten-Inseln vor Alaska ueber die Nordkueste Kanadas bis hin zu den
Faeroeern, Groenland und Island.

Sie sollten nahende sowjetische Bomber erkennen und fruehzeitig vor einer
Invasion von See und Land warnen. Die Vorbereitung der Standorte begann im
Dezember 1954. Der Bau wurde in einer massiven logistischen Operation
durchgefuehrt, die groesstenteils waehrend der Sommermonate stattfand,wenn
die Standorte mit Schiffen erreichbar waren. Die DEW erreichte 1957 den
Betriebsstatus. 1985 einigten sich die USA und Kanada auf ein neues 'North
Warning System'.

Ab 1988 wurden die meisten DEW-Stationen deaktiviert. Eine kleine Anzahl
wurde mit voellig neuer Ausruestung aufgeruestet. Die offizielle Uebergabe
von DEW an NWS fand am 15. Juli 1993 statt. Mehr ueber die 'Distant Early
Warning Line' findet sich im Stil der Zeit in einem alten Film (Periscope
Films) bei


(Englisch, 27 Minuten) und in einem deutsch untertitelten Video

<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu3UHeT_DTw>   (English, 42 Minuten)
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Kurier Weltschau / Bieners DX Digest Nov 10)

USA    WRMI Okeechobee (Florida state) bietet bei


mehr oder weniger aktuelle Sende- und Programmplaene. Wegen der viel-
stuendigen Hoerbarkeit von 15770 kHz in Europa sei hier exemplarisch der
"ab dem 3. November gueltige" Programmplan dokumentiert:

0000-0100 Uhr: Radio Slovakia International: Slowakisch. 0030 Uhr Englisch
0100-0400 Uhr: Supreme Master TV
0400-0500 Uhr: Radio Liberty in Russisch, So Voice of Russia/Wavescan
0500-0600 Uhr: Supreme Master TV
0600-0630 Uhr: Mo Di Radio Prag International, Mi Radio for Peace Inter-
national/Power to the Word, Do Jack Van Impe, Fr Radio for Peace Inter-
national Ukraine, Sa NBCWO, So The Word of Truth.
0630-0700 Uhr: Radio Slovakia International: Spanisch
0700-1100 Uhr: Overcomer Ministry
1100-1200 Uhr:
- Mo Mi World Radio Network. 1145 Uhr Radio For Peace International.
- Di Alameda Bible Fellowship in Spanisch. 1130 Uhr Viva Miami.
  1145 Uhr Radio For Peace International.
- Do Apostolic Assembly
- Fr The Mighty KBC
- Sa Alameda Bible Fellowship in Spanisch. 1130 Uhr Viva Miami.
  1145 Uhr Radio For Peace International (Afghanistan).
- So Christian Crusaders. 1130 Uhr Kaleidoscope
1200-1300 Uhr:
- Mo-Fr RAE Argentina in Italienisch. 1230 Uhr Mo-Fr School of the Spirit
- Sa OTH Radio
- So The Mighty KBC
1300-1400 Uhr:
- Mo Ledbetter's Bible Assembly. 1315 Uhr Harvest Time Bell.
  1330 Uhr Alameda Bible Fellowship
- Di Encore
- Mi Wavescan. 1330 Uhr SW Radiogram
- Do Radio Northern Europe International
- Fr World of Radio. 1330 Alameda Bible Fellowship
- Sa Rural Routes through the Holy. 1330 Uhr Radio for Peace International
  1345 Uhr Mike's Vintage Gospel
- So Radio for Peace International
1400-1500 Uhr: Supreme Master TV
1500-1600 Uhr:
- Mo-Do Truth to Ponder
- Fr Wavescan. 1530 Uhr Let the Bible Speak
- Sa Apostolic Assembly
- So Yeshua Messiah Ministry
1600-1700 Uhr:
- Mo RAE Argentina Italiano
- Di God is a Prayer Away. 1630 Uhr Alameda Bible Fellowship
- Mi On the Media
- Do VORW International
- Fr Pursuing God Radio
- Sa New Beginning. 1630 Uhr Alameda Bible Fellowship
- So The Word of Truth. 1630 Uhr Harvest Time Bell. 1645 Uhr On the Path.
1700-1900 Uhr: Supreme Master TV
1900-2000 Uhr: VOA Flashpoint Ukraine
2000-2100 Uhr:
- Mo On the Media
- Di VORW Radio International
- Mi Lighthouse Radio Bible. 2030 Uhr Wavescan
- Do Yankee Baseball. 2015 Uhr CQ Calling. 2030 Uhr I Love Italy.
  2045 Uhr Voice of Truth-Murdock
- Fr Encore
- Sa Yeshua Prayer and Praise. 2030 Uhr New Beginning.
  2045 Uhr I Love Italy
- So Your Weekend Show. 2030 Uhr Wavescan
2100-2200 Uhr:
- Mo Martin Luther's Evening Prayer.
  2130 Uhr Alameda Bible Fellowship in Spanisch
- Di Todays Word Is. 2115 Uhr -. 2130 Uhr God is a Prayer Away
- Mi Christian Missionary Radio Evangelism. 2130 Uhr God is a Prayer Away
- Do On the Media
- Fr CMRE-2. 2115 Uhr CQ Calling. 2130 Uhr Alameda Bible in Spanisch
- Sa I Love Italy. 2115 Uhr Viva Miami. 2130 Voice of Russia
- So Underground Sounds Worldwide
2200-2230 Uhr: Radio Taiwan Internacional
2230-2300 Uhr: Soteriah International, Fr Yeshua Prayer&Praise,
  So Wavescan
2300-2400 Uhr: Overcomer Ministry.
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Kurier Weltschau / Bieners DX Digest Nov 10)

USA   Re:  WRMI 7730 kHz Schedule. It looks as if 7730 kHz channel is car-
rying programming which would have been on 9455 kHz, which has been off
the air since hurricane Milton. 

Presumably when 9455 kHz is repaired, 7730 kHz should revert to the
schedule shown for it on the WRMI frequency charts.
(Dave Kenny-UK  <news -at- bdxc.org.uk> / wor Nov 15)
Yes. 9455 kHz WoR at 09.30UT missed since the storm disaster recently. wb.

USA   17525 kHz WMLK from Bethel PA state. WMLK at 1830 UT. This frequency
is B-24, but apparently the preacher didn't get the memo. He gave a legal
ID but said station is "on the 31 meter band". Surely he was thinking of
the old daytime 9275 kHz. Good on Nov 10.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via odxa/wor Nov 11)

USA    WTWW news about the 5085/9475 kHz transmitter; with seven photos,
gh - will forward directly if anyone is interested:

"WTWW  transmitter #2  CAPACITOR REPLACEMENT - Tue, Nov 12.

WTWW had to replace a bad shorting capacitor in transmitter #2. This re-
quired removal of the bad capacitor and removal of all supporting copper
brackets and replacement of the same. This was accomplished by my son,
John McClintock who did a good job as usual.

WTWW  plunger travel burned up on #2 transmitter Tue, Nov 12

The WTWW track that the plunger (shorts turns of the big coil to change
frequencies) travels on, burned up. WTWW had to take parts from previous
damage and repair the track so the plunger could continue to travel on.
Also, the shorting rings had to be replaced and melted metal was drilled
out. Then the shorting rings were put back into the coil.
George McClintock 11-11-2024".
(via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 12; or 
Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

15150 kHz  WMLK, Bethel PA 1650 UT on Nov 10. Excellent level but bad 60
cycle hum, with the long dead Elder Jacob O. Meyer Yahwe-ing away, station

15555USB mode  WJHR  Milton 1935 UT on Nov 10. Very weak (mostly skipping
over at this proximity) with the usual preaching. Slightly better 2047 UT
(Terry L Krueger-FL via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Nov 12)

USA   5920 kHz  Nov 16 at 0728 UT, huge S=9+45/50dB direct with soft in-
strumental hymns; and still at next awaken 0933 UT. Obviously WTWW-1 has
been prolonged way late, but not with TOMBS, which is all it usually car-
ries earlier in evening, and daytimes on 9930 kHz. A test? I've asked
George what's going on with this.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

9930 kHz / 5920 kHz, Nov 17 at 0603 UT, WTWW-1 is off, probably much ear-
lier, unlike last night when was still on at 0933 UT. Day frequency 9930 
kHz not on by 1715 UT, but is by next check 1800 UT.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

UZBEKISTAN  {tent.}  11520 kHz target radio 'Radyo Denge Gel' Kurdish via
Tashkent listed {RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting
bcast center} at 1334 UT on Nov 14; poor-fair at tune in, playing exotic
Kurdish vocal mx with slinky stringed instrument accompaniment. ID by
// ing with lagged RDG livestream. 
<https://denge-gel.org/>  Turkish security org jammer from Emirler site
found nowhere around in the 11500-11550 kHz  range area.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

11830 kHz  'Mizzima Radio' via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave
Transmitting bcast center}, at *1200-1300* UT, Burmese to SoEaAS,
NF (ex 13825 kHz), excellent signal on Nov 16.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

VATICAN STATE   This Sunday November 17th Vatican Radio will be again on
SW, for Holy Mass World Day of the Poor presided over by Pope Francis.
From 0855-1020 UT on 17555 (French), 17540 (English), 21675 (Port.), and
17705 kHz (Arabic)      {all via Santa Maria di Galeria bcast site, ed.}.
(Christian Ghibaudo-Nice-F, BrDXC-UK iogr news Nov 17)

Vatican Radio on SW. All four frequencies clearly heard, with the
three 17 MHz channels at 555, and the 21675 kHz at 454.
Thanks for the tip!
(David J Morris-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Nov 17)

15565 kHz  Radio Vaticana in Amharic to East Africa. November 12, 2024, at
15.53-15.58 UT. SIO 444. Via Santa Maria di Galeria relay center. OM with
long monologue, minor QRN / QSB. Ethnic MX follows.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)

15565 kHz  Vatican Radio, 1700UT on 13 Nov. French, IS into sign-on, Radio
Vatican dans l'Afrique, over traditional African instrument. Woman speak-
ing about the church in Niger. Good.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1178 Nov 17)


SWL Contest 2025

Hello, I'm Frank SWL F14368 organizer of the SWL Contest 2025.

This is the rules

All members of your club are welcome to participate in the SWL contest.
Some gifts from our sponsor RETEVIS for any participation.
Best 73 de Frank SWL F14368

SWL of International AM radios on shortwave, medium wave and long wave
listen via WEB SDR in the Netherlands by French SWL F14368 Frank.

I also write few articles about Shortwave listening. This is not my prin-
cipal blog, i have also 2 other blogs about MW an SW listening. Don't
forget SWL Contest 2025 on SW and MW start 01 January 2025. Thank you.

SWL contest 2025 rules.
The contest will start the 01 January 2025 and finish the 28 February 2025

They are 3 categories
1) Only listen the medium wave 522-1710 kHz for Europe and 520-1710 kHz
outside Europe.

2) Only listen the shortwave 2300 kHz to 26100 kHz.

3) listen MW and SW. Reglement en Francais.


No pirate radios or clandestine radio stations please. Only AM radios,
no DRM, SSB, etc.

In 2025 only E-Awards, our friends at RETEVIS will give few caps, T-shirts
for listeners in the USA and Europe (you need to give your phone number)

RETEVIS is the sister brand of famous RETEKESS radio receivers.


Each station in the log is one point.

Awards will be BRONZE one to forty-nine radios stations (1 to 49),
SILVER fifty to ninety-nine radios stations (50 to 99),
GOLD one hundred to two hundred radios stations (100 to 200)
and PLATINIUM more of two hundred radios station (200 and more)
DIAMOND for more or 250 radio stations

This SWL contest is open to beginners, just respect the rules please
It will be possible to listen with a real radio or with a WEB or KIWI
SDR. If you listen with a Web or Kiwi SDR you can use only the same SDR
during all the contest.


For the MW the place of the transmitter is not important


In fact I received a message because the rules were not clear for the
medium wave.

"What I was wondering was, I hear tons of Medium Wave stations from Spain
here in the evenings. Do I count every station that I am able to hear from
there even though for example I can hear Radio Nacional on numerous dif-
ferent frequencies throughout the dial, just that they are broadcast from
different transmitters. I guess what I mean to ask is do I count every
station of Radio Nacional on each different frequency by different trans-
mitters or do I only count say Radio Nacional or Onda Cero Radio from
Spain one time or for that matter Spain itself only once. Thanks for any
clarification regarding this."

My answer:
So you can listen tons of MW radios stations.

You can listen and log Radio Nacional on numerous different frequencies.
YES you can count every station of Radio Nacional on each different fre-
quency by different transmitters. On Shortwave the rules are not the same.
Thank you.

For the shortwave SW the transmitter place is very important
It is not necessary to be registered to enter this contest 2025.

The goal on SW it to listen maximum of SW transmitters in the world.
SW transmitter are sometimes used by different radios stations.
To identified the radio and SW transmitter you can use this free website


You must be sure to identified the radio station for exemple with these
books or CD

WRTH  <https://wrth.info/>

Klingenfuss <https://www.klingenfuss.org/homepage.htm>

2024 Super Frequency List on CD
FREE LIST of radio stations on MW and SW
(SWL Contest 2025;  Nov 13)

vy73 de Wolfgang, DF5SX  -  

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Permission is granted to reproduce items of BC-DX / Top News by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. BC-DX / Top News may not be reposted in its entirety without permission.

Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange.

Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: http://www.worldofradio.com/Hauserlogs.html

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"A-DX" - For information on the German language A-DX Mailing List go to: http://www.ratzer.at/a-dx

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Last modified on Friday, 29.11.2024, at 21:13 hours CET