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BC-DX 1591 15 Sept 2024
ALASKA 9795 kHz KNLS - Anchor Point outlet heard at 1250 UT on Aug 19.
The song "I Am The Way," and followed at 1252 UT by "Creation Moment."
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
ALGERIA 13790 kHz Radio Ifrikya FM, {acc database via Ourgla
bcast center site, wb.} at 0132 UT, Aug 24. ME music then talk by a man
in Arabic. Poor with considerable noise.
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
SAO TOME relay site) VOA at 1730 UT, interview, apparent news magazine
program, listed as Shona (Zimbabwe). Fair Aug 20, Barton-AZ-USA
Site location assumed. Since VOA has closed down Sao Tome, transmissions
from there are being replaced by Vatican State, Germany, Ascension, and
Thailand sites. Thanks to SWL Old Timers for reminders that these new
changes are now in effect.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 24-27)
2024-09-09 15:33:02 capture: AM 15460 (UDO) VOA HAUS
2024-09-09 16:03:02 capture: AM 15460 (DHA) VOA KNKR
2024-09-09 16:34:08 capture: AM 15460 (UDO) VOA SWAH
but no entry of 17.30 UT found on RMS log file yet. wb.
{Simbabwe target radio of USAGM organization wb.} VoA Studio 7 in
Englisch <>
Ndebele <>
Shona <>
hat den Kahlschlag bei den USAGM-Programmen ueberlebt.
Zum 27. Juli 2024 (* laut Eike Bierwirth-D) wurden noch aus Pinheira,
Sao Tome ausgestrahlte Frequenzen an andere Standorte verlegt.
Die alte Frequenz 15460 kHz bewaehrte sich aus Ascension und Thailand
(Udon Thani, Ban Dung) nicht. Der brasilianische DXer Jose Ronaldo Xavier
entdeckte Anfang September den Ersatz 11735 kHz aus Madagaskar.
1700-1800 Uhr: 4930 6045 kHz (BOT 100 kW, 20/10 degr)
15460 kHz (ASC 250 kW, 115 degr)
(*) > 4930 6045 11735-MDG kHz
1800-1900 Uhr: 6045 15460 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 280 degr) Mo-Fr
(*) > 6045 11735-MDG kHz
Eingesetzt werden jetzt Sender in Botswana (Moepeng Hill) und
Madagaskar (Talata Volonondry site).
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
AUSTRALIA 12010 kHz RBA Kununnurra, very nice signal at 1218 UT, Sept 4.
Dzongkha lang service. Would be interesting to determine if this is con-
tent is originating from a remote studio inside the target mkt itself,
Bhutan / Nepal / Tibet. Will try to find out.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
11900 kHz Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra heard at 1240 UT on Aug 19.
A man speaking briefly in listed Rohingya and then going into something
which resembled singing/chanting. Mostly fair.
12010 kHz Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra heard at 1208 UT on Aug 19.
A man singing which was followed at 1209 UT by a woman speaking in listed
Dzongkha. Mostly fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
15460 kHz Reach Beyond Australia - Kununurra (pres), at 1346 UT on Aug 8.
In English. Health program on risks to children of lead poisoning. Good,
almost armchair signal.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
AUSTRIA Wien 100 Jahre Radio.
Samstag 5. Oct. 2024, 1800-2359 Uhr ORF-Lange Nacht der Museen 2024.
Wien Technisches Museum
18:30 / 19:30 / 20:30 / 21:30 / 22:30 und 23:30 Uhr CEST
Ca. 15 Minuten - Ebene 3, Eingang Radioausstellung.
Die diesjaehrige ORF-Lange Nacht der Museen im Technischen Museum Wien
steht ganz im Zeichen des Radios, das seit nunmehr einem Jahrhundert ein
fester Bestandteil des oesterreichischen Alltags ist. Die Highlight-
Fuehrungen durch die Jubilaeumsausstellung
'100 Jahre Radio. Als Oesterreich auf Sendung ging',
die in dieser Museumsnacht erstmals zu sehen ist, geben einen faszinie-
renden Einblick in die wechselvolle Geschichte dieses Mediums.
19:00 / 20:00 / 21:00 und 22:00 Uhr CEST
Ca. 15 Minuten - Ebene 3, Buehne in der Radioausstellung.
Die ORF-Fachleute Haimo Godler (Redakteur und Chefsprecher des ORF) und
Martin Leitner (Tonmeister ORF/OE1) geben Einblicke in ihre Berufe und
erzaehlen spannende Anekdoten aus dem Radioalltag.
Im soundLAB, dem Tonstudio im Technischen Museum Wien, werden aus Audio-
amples und selbst aufgenommenen Stimmen eigene Audioclips erstellt. Zwei
Tontechniker stehen zur Verfuegung, um die Audiospuren zu bearbeiten und
zu mischen. So koennen individuelle Werbespots oder Radio-Jingles produ-
ziert und die Audioproduktion hautnah erlebt werden.
Das Buch "100 Jahre Radio - Vom Detektorempfang zum Streamingprogramm" zur
Ausstellung wird an dem Abend zu einem verguenstigten Preis erhaeltlich
Im Vorverkauf wird das Ticket ab September unter und bei
allen teilnehmenden Museen vor Ort erhaeltlich.
EUR 17 / EUR 14 (mit Ermaessigung). Kinder bis 12 Jahre kostenlos.
Ab sofort sind die Tickets bei allen teilnehmenden Museen vor Ort oder on-
line unter <> erhaeltlich. Das Ticket gilt am 5. September
2024 von 18:00 bis 24:00 Uhr CEST als Eintrittskarte fuer alle beteiligten
Museen bzw. Galerien und als Fahrschein fuer Wien.
Sa 05. Oct. 18:00-23:59 CEST
Ab 6. Oktober 2024
Flaechendeckender Empfang? Einfache Bedienbarkeit? Alles keine Selbst-
verstaendlichkeit: Zu Beginn verlangte das Radio seinen Hoerer_innen nicht
nur technisches Geschick beim Bau der Empfaenger ab, sondern auch gewissen
Wagemut, da die Nutzung mit dem Risiko eines Stromschlags einherging.
Welche technischen Gegebenheiten und verschiedene Interessen den Hoerfunk
in Oesterreich gepraegt haben, zeigt die Sonderausstellung
100 Jahre Radio.
Als Oesterreich auf Sendung ging. Sie vermittelt die Entwicklung eines
faszinierenden Mediums von seinen fruehen Anfaengen, seiner Schattenseite
als Propagandainstrument ueber das "Ausbrechen" des Radios aus den eigenen
vier Waenden und den Weg hin zum populaeren Alltags-und Freizeitbegleiter.
Dabei machen historische Objekte von der Detektornadel bis zum Kronstorf
Sender die technischen Herausforderungen begreifbar und erzaehlen dabei
auch von der gesellschaftspolitischen Ebene, die das Medium von Beginn an
gepraegt hat. Mehr als hundert Hoerbeispiele von Sportuebertragungen ueber
Chronikmeldungen bis hin zu wissenschaftlichen Vortraegen verschaffen den
Besucher_innen einen lebendigen Eindruck der Programmgestaltung von der
Fruehzeit des Radios bis in die Gegenwart.
Die Sonderausstellung 100 Jahre Radio. Als Oesterreich auf Sendung ging
ist eine Zeitreise durch die Geschichte jenes Massenmediums, das sich im
Wandel der Zeit stets neu erfunden hat und bis heute eine wichtige Rolle
in unserem Leben spielt.
(ORF 100 Jahre Radio, 12. September 2024)
AUSTRIA 15265 kHz ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO - via ORS Moosbrunn-AUT relay
site, 1459-1505 UT on 19 Aug. Turkish. ID in English by woman: "This is
Adventist World Radio. The voice of" (instinct). She also gave out contact
info and announced: The following programme is in Turkish. Talk continued
with ID and info from man.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
AUSTRIA 9510 kHz AWR Urdu via ORS Moosbrunn site, Sept 3; superb signal
of Urdu pgming presumed originated from AWR Karachi studio. Not many slots
for Urdu from them, only this one here at 0200-0230 UT and on 15265 kHz
1600-1630UT, also via ORS Moosbrunn. 0227 UT OM closing anmts for Urdu pgm
and YL reading Whatsapp phone number and asking for SINPO repots. Then AWR
theme on vibes and orch. Dead air until 0230UT when YL ancr then opens pgm
in Punjabi.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
BOLIVIA 6145.5 kHz Radio Juan 23rd (tentative), Aug 16. Radio Juan 23rd
has apparently returned. Start time listed at 1100 UT. Carrier already on
at 1057z UT. Music either faded in or (more likely) potted up at 1059 UT.
I heard no spoken word audio, just music until fade out by about 1115 UT.
Today's sunrise at San Ignacio de Velasco was at 1020 UT although this lo-
cation at San Ignacio de Velasco is not yet certain.
(Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1167 Sept 1)
BOTSWANA 17629.989 kHz Sept 6 at 1628UT, I'm standing by via UTwente for
new weekly VOA Fulani semihour. This Friday, cuts on *1629 UT audiblizing
tail end of 'Africa News Tonight' in English! 1630 UT switch to Fulani,
S=9+15/20dB. Recheck at 1656 UT in some music. 1659 UT FuFu announcement
mentioning Washington, cut to dead air at 1700 UT, and off at 1700.3* UT
without any closing in English, let alone YDD.
Reportedly via site BOTSWANA.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
BRAZIL 9819v kHz 'Radio 9 De Juhlo', 0230 UTC, Sept 8. Good signal but
modulation that's worse than Iran or Cuba ... and we know how bad they are
... however this isn't a new problem for R. 9! I can hear whispers of
audio but even if I was fluent in Portuguese there's not enough modulation
to understand what's being said.
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
BRAZIL 11750 kHz 'R.Voz Missionaria' Camboriu, on Sept 4; only a poor
signal on 25 mb at 0240 UT with pops but // 9665 kHz which was brilliant
level at this time.
{5939.945 kHz BRA Voz Missionaria, fair S=7 into Edmonton-Alberta-CAN,
at 04.01 UT on Sept 11, exact 9665even kHz on Sept 12 at 16.22 UT, wb.}
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
BRAZIL during KIWI set units check in Sao Paulo and Pardinho in Brazil
remotedly, noted UNID music program on approx.
6038.25 to 6038.79 kHz shortwave signal range around 04.50 UT Sept 11.
(wide signal range 6035.19 kHz to 6044.06 kHz.)
S=9+30 or -44dBm in Pardinho-BRA, S=7 or -81dBm in Sao Paulo-BRA.
Same music signal heard also via KIWI sets at Montevideo-URG Kiwi,
at LU1HCW Kiwi Argentina too,
but n o t heard far north at TWR Bonaire, Antilles Kiwi set.
Nor heard at Edmonto-AB-CAN excellent Perseus SDR installation.
See e-mail of Rudolf Grimm-Sao Paulo and Zacharias Liangas-GRC
mentioned below, wb.
4985.012 BRA R Brasil Central, poor S=5-6 signal at 03.55 UT.
5939.945 BRA Voz Missionaria, fair S=7 in Alberta-CAN, 04.01 UT Sept 11
6009.962 kHz BRA R Inconfidencia mx program noted at 04.18 UT and
confirmed at Sao Paulo Kiwi set S=9 or -78dBm signal -
6149.959 kHz BRA tentat. R Saturn, poor S=6 under threshold at 04.10UT
in Canada remotedly. But checked program content and confirmed
// on Kiwi-set browser signal at Sao Paulo and Pardinho Brazil
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 11)
BRAZIL on 1306 UT Sept 11:
5842,31 kHz < 5940 kHz Radio Voz Missionaria, Curitiba PR
> 6037,69 kHz, The same signal, Radio Voz Missionaria. Spurious SW signal.
No MW intermodulation signal. You can check it now on my Kiwi unit.
(PY2-81502 SWL, Rudolf Grimm Sao Bernardo-SP-BRA / Ibiuna SP,
via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 11)
see also Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 08:10:14 PM UTC
5940 kHz V Missionaria with spurs,
5940 kHz V Missionaria -80dbm has a spur on 5843.1 kHz at -95dbm.
Also on 6037.05 kHz with lower signal.
The picture shows the signals starting form 6037 kHz, strong 5940 kHz
then 5843.15 kHz.
(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor & hcdx March 5, 2024)
CUBA NOTE: We reported weeks back the return of the Cuban numbers sta-
tions, which then promptly disappeared. If any Utility DXers have heard
anything, we'd love to hear from them. I was still trying to sort out the
new schedules when they went back off. My last recorded log was on Aug. 3.
And it was even before that that they dropped the morning numbers broad-
casts from 1600-1857 UTC.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 27-Sept 10)
CUBA 11950 kHz Radio Havana Cuba in Sp to central NoAM, Aug 21, at
2317-2323 UT. SIO 333. Noisy signal. OM with Spanish monologue. QRN
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
CUBA [and non CHN ]. 15230 kHz on Aug 27 at 2206 UT, RHC Portuguese not
off the air, S=9/+10dB but somewhat sup/torted; not noted on any other
frequency now. Something's always wrong at RHC. There is a sig on 11760
kHz at 2217 UT, S=9+10dB with flutter, sounds like Chinese music.
O, per EiBi list database it's CRI "Portuguese" via site x Xi'an? at
22-23 UT which of course is nothing but fill music for years; like via
Cuba on 13650 kHz at 23-24 UT, not checked lately. Commies vs Commies!
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 26)
5025 kHz Aug 27 at 0634 UT, S=9+25/30dB of dead air in Spanish from
R. Rebelde, as more often than not at late-night. Is no one paying at-
tention at station? Something's always wrong at RadioCuba. Earlier at
0530 UT same date, Wolfgang Bueschel reported "wonderful audio quality"
on 5024.994 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 26)
9790 kHz Aug 26 at 0406 UT, CRI relay S9 but only a trace of modulation.
Cantonese scheduled, supposedly an "endangered" language per Dore Stein on
'Tangents', KALW San Francisco, where it's more Chinese than "Mandarin".
Something's always wrong at RadioCuba.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 26)
CUBA 6000 kHz Sept 6 at 0305 UT, S=9+30/40dB of dead air from RHC; and
15230 kHz, at 0306 UT, S=9/+10dB not quite DA but JBM suptorted music, and
NOT // 6000 kHz which has begun barely modulating in English with hum.
I guess 15230 kHz on Spanish program feed. Still no 9700 kHz or any other
frequency found.
5025 kHz Sept 5 at 0626 UT, S=9+35dB of dead air in Spanish from Radio
5025 kHz Sept 6 at 0629 UT, Radio Rebelde is totally off, rather than
dead air usually by this hour.
4765 kHz R. Progreso {in Spanish domestic program too, wb.} remains to-
tally unheard even before its nominal 0400* UT.
15230, Sept 6 at 1445, S4/S6 of dead air no doubt from RHC,
no other signals anywhere from 9 to 17 MHz bands, not even 11760 or
Something's always wrong at RHC. - for all entries above ...
{Since the death of Professor Arnaldo Coro Antich CO2KK, GH has no longer
a contact person in RadioCuba - La Habana. The demise of an international
radio station after the economic embargoes of the Guantanamo tenants wb.}
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Sept 5 - 6)
DENMARK 15700 kHz World Music Radio, Denmark, 1752 UTC, Sept 7. Some
Afro / Caribbean type music with station imaging in between songs "WMR...
World Music Radio". SINPO 35343. What makes this interesting is ... the
station is kinda sorta slightly a regular here, despite its 500 watt sig-
nal into a 3 element beam antenna shooting due south/180 degr azimuth from
its transmitter site in Denmark. (tech details were confirmed with the
station operator months ago when I heard them the first time).
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
5929.98 kHz World Music Radio, Bramming, Aug 15. 0244-0304UT. (5929.983kHz
per UTwente, strangely almost fair/from 0259 UT overwhelmed by VOA qrm
splash) ongoing lively Latin Am songs and one pop rock song, man brief un-
clear talk at 0248 UT, brief jingle at 0256 UT, from 0259UT qrm splats VOA
in English on 5925 kHz via Botswana; heard better in usb/lsb sync, some-
times in am too, rapid no deep qsb, strong qrn, almost fair/fair/briefly
poor at 0259 UT almost fair/poor; in // <>
(Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1167 Sept 1)
DENMARK World Music Radio Update. 927 kHz has been off the air for some
time. A lot of problems with the experimental coil aerial, mainly due to
strong winds and heavy rain. After the aerial was fixed, the otherwise
very good Hercules transmitter broke down. A 300 Watt replacement trans-
mitter was put in place instead, and the Hercules transmitter sent for
repair (on 13 July).
A few weeks later the replacement transmitter also broke down. There is no
news as to when the Hercules can be put back into action.
(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, 24 Aug;
"Communication" monthly magazine September 2024, p#27, BrDXC.UK iogroups
Sept 10)
World Music Radio transmitter update:
25800 kHz has had some modulation issues lately, eventually leading to an
open carrier only. This was fixed on 12 August and everything is now work-
ing fine. Power 150 W (AM carrier) 24/7 hrs/d.
15700 kHz is also running fairly well. However at times connection to the
studio is lost, so occasionally (not too often) a blank carrier only here.
Power is 300 Watts (AM carrier) beamed south 24/7 hrs/d.
5930 kHz was struck by lightning late on 13 August, but the transmitter
survived - thanks to a GDT lightning protection unit. This was replaced,
and so WMR was back on 5930 kHz on the morning of 14 August. Power on
5930 kHz remains around 150 Watts (AM carrier) 24/7 hrs/d.
Kindly note that P.O.Box 112 has been closed. All PO Boxes in Denmark are
being closed in 2024 by PostNord. Welcome to the laughable and absurd
postal situation in Denmark in 2024.
(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, 24 August; "Communication" monthly magazine
September 2024, p#30, BrDXC.UK iogroups Sept 10)
ECUADOR 6049.995 kHz EQA HCJB Quito Voice of Andes via Pico Pichincha
at 04.07 UT on Sept 11 wonderful Latin AM culture singer group performed,
very nice Ecuadorian culture progr, S=9+15dB strength in Alberta-CAN.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 11)
6050 kHz HCJB Quito, 0220 UT, Aug 31. Nice flute music followed by a
children's choir singing with flute background. Fair with noise.
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1167 Sept 1)
6050 kHz HCJB Quito, Pico Picincha heard at 1054 UT on Sept 2. a woman
speaking softly and calmly in listed Quechua. Mostly poor.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
6050 kHz Sept 4 at 0307 UT, instrumental music S=9+10dB, presumably HCJB
indeed staying on later than 0235*v UT weekdays, until at least 0500 UT ?
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
E'SWATINI 7410 kHz Tue, Sept 3, on 1944-2001 UT, Trans World Radio,
Manzini-SWZ, in Portuguese. Man brazilian announcer, Pastor Luis, makes a
sermon; He says about the wisdom of King David and his descendants; 1957
UT Woman says phone number and thanks; Music; 2001 UT TWR IS and the end.
Today, exceptionaly good reception for the first time: 45544.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 3)
E'SWATINI 7409.975 kHz TWR Africa Manzini-SWZ, in Umbundu 18.50-19.05
UT, S=9+10dB strength noted in remote SDR at Doha Qatar, Sept 13.
100 kW 312 degr azimuth.
9939.986 kHz TWR Africa Manzini-SWZ, in Lingala/French 19.05-20.05 UT
[-19.50 UT on Sat/Sun], S=9+10dB strength noted in remote SDR at Doha
Qatar, Sept 13. 100 kW 344 degr azimuth.
13799.985 kHz TWR Africa Manzini-SWZ, in Arabic scheduled 18.02-19.02 UT,
S=9+35dB strength noted in remote SDR at Doha Qatar, Sep 13. 100kW 013degr
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 13)
13800 (former old 13810) kHz. Tue, Sept 3 at 1857-1902 UT, Trans World
Radio, Manzini-SWZ, in Arabic. An Arabic song; 1859 UT Woman talking;
1902 UT TWR IS, ending program. Poor reception: 25422.
Now, 13810 kHz is a strong CRI Kashi-Kashgar outlet, in German, 1800-2000
UT, with chinese music, only!
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 3)
9940 kHz Tue, Sept 10, at 1957-2005 UT, Trans World Radio, Manzini-SWZ,
in Lingala language. Woman/man announcers talking; 2003 UT Music; 2005 UT
Man says ID; TWR IS. Poor reception: 35322.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 10)
15105 kHz on Sun Aug 25 at 1439UT open carrier S5/S8, 1440 UT music box IS
and "This is TWR, broadcasting from E'Swatini". Afar language starting,
sked 1440-1457 UT Thu-Sun only.
Where do you find this in WRTH 2024 ?
Under SOUTH AFRICA, where else ? Fortunately almost same page with no
SWAZILAND entry even for cross-reference, but of course under E, as this
country has distanced itself from RSA.
{lowerside 15104.965 kHz, wb.}
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
E'SWATINI Trans World Radio Swaziland begann im Oktober 1974 mit Test-
sendungen von der Mpangela Ranch bei Manzini. Anfangs sendete man mit aus
den Vierzigerjahren stammenden 25-30 kW-Sendern ausschliesslich fuer das
Suedliche Afrika.
1979 wurde der erste 100-kW-Kurzwellensender in Betrieb genommen, welcher
dann auch weiter entferntere Zielgebiete ermoeglichte. Die 100-kW-Sender
wurden auch wichtig,als 1990 im liberianischen Buergerkrieg der fuer West-
afrika sendende Missionssender Radio ELWA Monrovia zerstoert wurde und
schnell flaechendeckender Ersatz gefragt war. Tatsaechlich war sogar Asien
das Zielgebiet von TWR Swaziland: Bis 2018 gab es Kurzwellensendungen in
Urdu Language fuer Pakistan.
Die Station hat laut einer Zusammenstellung vom BrDXC-UK vom August 2024
folgenden Sendeplan:
1420-1450 Uhr: 9585 kHz (100 kW, 5 degr) Maximalzeit fuer Mosambik
-1420-1450 Uhr: So Makhuwa
-1420-1435 Uhr: Sa Lomwe
-1428-1443 Uhr: Mo-Mi Lomwe, Do Fr Portugiesisch
1440-1457 Uhr: 15105 kHz (100 kW, 13 degr) Do-So Afar
1453-1525 Uhr: 9585 kHz (100 kW, 64 degr) Madegassisch, SaSo Franzoesisch
1500-1530 Uhr: 11880 kHz (100 kW, 30 degr) Somali, Sa So bis 1545 Uhr
1530-1545 Uhr: 13580 kHz (100 kW, 5 degr) Mo-Fr Juba-Arabisch
1532-1621 Uhr: 15105 kHz (100 kW, 13 degr)
Maximalzeit fuer das Horn von Afrika
-1532-1621 Uhr: Mo-Fr Tigre
-1547-1621 Uhr: Sa So Tigrigna/Kunama
1557-1657 Uhr: 13580 kHz (100 kW, 5 degr) So Kirundi
1630-1645 Uhr: 4760 kHz (50 kW, 3 degr) Di Shangaan,
Sa Portugiesisch fuer Mosambik.
1630-1800 Uhr: 11660 kHz (100 kW, 13 degr)
Maximalzeit fuer das Horn von Afrika
-1630-1645 Uhr: Amharisch, Sa So Kambaata
-1645-1700 Uhr: Amharisch. Sa So Hadiyya
-1700-1715 Uhr: Amharisch, Sa So Oromo
-1715-1730 Uhr: Mo-Fr Oromo
-1730-1745 Uhr: Mo-Fr Oromo, So Sidama
-1745-1800 Uhr: Mo-Fr Oromo, Sa Turkana
1700-1730 Uhr: 6100 kHz (100 kW, 5 degr) Yao
1802-1902 Uhr: 13800 kHz (100 kW, 13 degr) Mo-Fr Juba-Arabisch
1802-1902 Uhr: 9500 kHz (100 kW, 13 degr) So Englisch
1820-2005 Uhr: 7410 kHz (100 kW, 312 degr) Maximalzeit fuer Angola
-1820-1850 Uhr: Mo-Fr Umbundu
-1850-1905 Uhr: Umbundu/Chokwe
-1905-1920 Uhr: Di So Portugiesisch, Mi Do Luchazi/Luvale,
Fr/Sa Fiote/Umbundu.
-1920-1935 Uhr: Portugiesisch, So Kuanyama
-1935-1950 Uhr: Portugiesisch
-1950-2005 Uhr: Mo-Fr Kimbundu, So Portugiesisch
1905-2005 Uhr: 9940 kHz (100 kW, 343degr) Maximalzeit fuer den Kongo-Raum
-1905-1935 Uhr: Lingala
-1935-1950 Uhr: Lingala, Sa So Franzoesisch
-1950-2005 Uhr: Mo-Fr Lingala
Fuer den Nahbereich gibt es die Mittelwelle 1170 kHz und UKW.
(BrDXC-UK iogr news, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
ESTONIA EDXC Conference in Tartu, Estonia, NoEaEurope. Tartu is one of
the 2024 cultural capitals of Europe. Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September.
On Friday 20, a coach from Tallinn (leaving at 1300 LT latest) is planned.
This will visit the Estonian Broadcasting Museum in Turi (centralEstonia).
Other bus connections are available e.g. from Tallinn or Riga.
Flights to Tartu currently only from Helsinki.
Conference presentations will take place on Friday evening, Saturday and
Sunday morning. On Sunday afternoon a bus trip to Valga is planned.
Further info conference organiser Risto Vaehaekainu
<rv -at-> and at <>
and <>
FRANCE 5980-5985-5990 kHz, Sept 9 at 0218 UT, DRM noise peaking S=9+10.
HFCC lists shows irregular TDF tests in French with four different antenna
types and four different azimuths, to four different target areas, not in-
cluding CIRAF 7 here; all available daily for entire A24 season !:
5985 0200 0300 17,18N,18SE ISS 100 356 0 216 1234567 310324 251024 N
5985 0200 0300 27W ISS 100 280 0 146 1234567 310324 251024 N
5985 0200 0300 17,18SW,27N ISS 100 341 0 206 1234567 310324 251024 N
5985 0200 0300 36,37W,46W ISS 100 232 0 211 1234567 310324 251024 N
N stands for numerique digital.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Sept 10)
9705-9710-9715 kHz DRMode, Sept 9 at 0550 UT, DRM noise not on skeds, but
into an HFU SDR in Maryland displays text ID including
"AAC(1000)TDF..." but silent, no sound until cutoff at 0556* UT.
The 'TDF' in program info text confirms it's ISSoudun as suspected.
SNR was 8.8, BW 10 kHz.
Checking out following this inquiry Sunday Sept 8:
"Hello Glenn, I was having a listen this evening at 0545 UTC when I heard
a DRM station on 9710 kHz. It was in French and they were talking about
environmental matters. There was no ID and it suddenly disappeared at 0557
UT. Nothing is listed on EiBi, AOKI or HFCC databases for this frequency
that would fit.
I also had a look at Global DRM Transmission Schedule, but there was noth-
ing doing there either. Do you have any idea what it might be? I suspect
it is RFI, but I can find nothing on their web page. Interestingly I have
two EWE antennae - one pointing east and one pointing north. It was best
on the north EWE.
Best wishes, Stu Stu Forsyth, Life Member, Chief Editor NZ DX Times and
National Treasurer, NZ Radio DX League, 79 Genesis Drive, RD5,
Christchurch 7675, NEW ZEALAND" Sept 8.
I replied that it was probably France which carries out unscheduled
DRM tests, and Chris Mackerell, NZ, agreed:
"This will almost certainly be another random test from TDF in Issoudun
France. They have a whole raft of frequencies registered in HFCC for
"irregular DRM", but manage to ignore them and pop up randomly on other
frequencies. I have pretty much given up trying to track these for the
DRM schedules at since they appear to change from day-to-day.
China/"Ampegon Test" is another doing seemingly random DRM "tests", though
they are on some rather odd frequencies and I suspect they are "testing"
DRM as jamming. Cheers, Chris Chris Mackerell,
Sandy Bay-Marahau Road, Marahau, RD2, Motueka 7197, New Zealand,
<chris -at->".
(via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Sept 10)
FRANCE [non] 7340 kHz Sept 9 at 1545 UT, checking for more NoAtlantic
weather info like heard briefly in July in case there be another boat
race, 15-16 UT on 7340 & 13745 kHz - 7340 kHz best into UTwente, 13745 kHz
further SDRs like EasternNorth America or Canarias - but none yet, rather
only listee at this hour PBS Xinjiang, Kazakh service at 08-18 UT via
Urumqi, EAST TURKISTAN {Xinjiang CHN province, wb.}, land of imperialist
ChiCom genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems. Rather nice music mixed
with talk, 5-pip timesignals at hourtops 1600 & 1700 UT, steady S7/S8.
Nothing on 13745 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Sept 10)
FRANCE Voice of Fano, which broadcasts in Amharic to Ethiopia on 15215
kHz at 1700-1815 UTC on Wednesdays and Saturdays, now appears as a HFCC
registration (not sure I noticed it before). It confirms that the broad-
cast is brokered by Radio Miami International (RMI) and is coming from
TDF Issoudun in France with 500 kW.
However, the latest registration states that the start date for this entry
is "220924" (24 September 2024), although it has seemingly been on air
since 1 May 2024. The registration also indicates that the days of the
broadcasts will be Mondays and Thursdays, rather than the current Wednes-
days and Saturdays. There is no entry showing for this in the RMI schedule
for A24. One to keep an eye on from 24 September 2024.
"Communication" monthly magazine September 2024, p#30, BrDXC.UK iogroups
Sept 10)
VoA Radio Ashna in A-24 season.
<> and <>
hat bei der Kuerzungsrunde im Juli 2024 erhebliche Einschnitte bei der
Morgensendung gehabt. Statt zwei Stunden gibt es nur noch eine halbe
Stunde in Paschtu. Das Programm hat damit folgenden Ende Juli und am
Uebergang August/September 2024 hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan fuer
0030-0100 Uhr: 7495 kHz (LAM 100 kW, 80 degr)
9480 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr) Paschtu
1430-1730 Uhr: Paschtu. 1500 Uhr Dari. 1530 Uhr P/D.
1630 Uhr P. 1700 Uhr D.
1430-1730 Uhr: 7495 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr)
1430-1730 Uhr: 11575 kHz (KWT 250 kW, 70 degr)
1430-1730 Uhr: 12070 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 304 degr)
Eingesetzt werden USAGM Sender in Deutschland (Lampertheim),
Kuwait (Umm Ar-Rimam) und Thailand (Udon Thani Ban Dung).
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
<> Portal fuer Englisch, Dari und Paschtu)
hat folgende Anfang September 2024 bestaetigte Kurzwellen:
0230-1330 Uhr: Paschtu. 0300 Dari. 0330 Uhr P. 0430 Uhr D. 0530 Uhr P.
0630 Uhr D. 0730 Uhr P. 0830 Uhr D. 0930 Uhr P. 1030 Uhr D.
1130 Uhr P. 1230 Uhr D.
0230-0430 Uhr: 9480 kHz (BIB 100 kW, 88 degr)
0230-0330 Uhr: 15090 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr)
0330-1330 Uhr: 17880 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr)
0430-1330 Uhr: 15090 kHz (KWT 250 kW, 70 degr)
Eingesetzt werden USAGM Sender in Deutschland (Biblis),
Kuwait (Umm Ar-Rimam) und Thailand (Udon Thani Ban Dung).
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
GERMANY Re: Live from MBR Nauen site.
Details on this live broadcast from MBR Nauen on 6045 kHz, translated by
Short Wave fan (Atsuhiko Takezawa) on F_Book:
"Open Monument Day 2024 at the Nauen radio station of Media Broadcast GmbH
Cologne, Germany.
On Sunday, September 8th, 2024, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:
In the year of the 100th anniversary of broadcasting in Germany, we are
offering a two-hour live radio event directly on site for shortwave radio
fans on site and at receivers across Europe to watch, listen to and parti-
cipate in.
The program will be produced live from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. CEST (11:00-13:00
UT) in the control room of the Nauen bcast relay station and broadcast on
6045 kHz. This unique special broadcast to mark the 100th anniversary of
broadcasting in Germany is presented by Media Broadcast GmbH and carried
out by 'Radio60' !."
Fair reception here at 1230 UT of 'Radio 60' in Caversham-UK, slight het
so best on LSB. SIO 443 (not heard any English so far?).
73 Alan, Caversham-UK
Sunday: 1100 UTC 6045 kHz. Special broadcast coming from MBR Nauen in E/G
Paul Gager-AUT via
(via Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Sept 8)
GUAM 15530 kHz Tue, Sept 3, at 1909-1919 UT, Adventist World Radio -
KSDA Agat-GUM, in Korean. Music; 1910 UT Woman talking, preaching; 1918 UT
Brief music and man talking. Good reception: 45544.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 3)
GUAM 9910 kHz KTWR Merizo-GUM, at 1145 UT. Very good reception with
indoor wire and SW-2000629. Interesting music after talk by W in Korean,
tuning signal, then reopen in (listed) Yunnan-CHN. Some talk, then soprano
vocalist. Suddenly cut off at 1215 UT. Good Sept 4.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 27-Sept 10)
GUAM KTWR - New Frequency for Japanese DRM: While KTWR's TX6 has been
transmitting the Japanese / English DRM programs on 9320 kHz with SNRs
typically reaching ~39dB, reception has been disappointing. There has been
too much interference on the 31-meter band frequencies that have been
KTWR are going to try the 25-meter band next. Effective 17 August 2024,
KTWR will use 11590 kHz instead of 9320 kHz for the 1130-1230 UTC broad-
There may some skip zone issues with this frequency. Reception reports
would be very much appreciated.
Love Asia by Radio - <>
(via Tony Rogers-UK; DX News SW by Dave Kenny-UK; "Communication" monthly
magazine September 2024, p#30, BrDXC.UK iogroups Sept 10)
INDIA/BHARAT 11865 kHz AIR Delhi (Kingsway shortwave bcast center) with
Tibetan service, 1205UT on Sept 4; exotic Tibetan chant by monk, heavy het
QRM, sked to 1215* UT on this fqy but running past, mixing with VOK.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
11865 kHz Akashvani at 1045-1215 UT Tibetan, Delhi Kingsway India,
to ITU zones 42,43. 100 kW at 102 degrees azimuth, site.
INDIA/BHARAT also to be renamed the INDIA nation name soon ...
to Hindi call 'Bharat' - wb.
Port Blair renamed !
Hello friends,
The Government of India has renamed Port Blair, the capital of Andaman &
Nicobar Islands to Sri Vijaya Puram today !
The Akashvani station there now operates on MW 684 kHz & FM 100.9 MHz.
Till a few years back they used to operate on SW with a 10 kW transmitter
which was widely heard by keen Dxers all over the world.
Just now also they are noted identifying as Akashvani Port Blair.
Hope they will change their id announcement shortly.
Please see news items:
Centre renames Port Blair as Sri Vijaya Puram, announces Amit Shah.
Union home minister Amit Shah on Friday announced that Andaman and Nicobar
Island's capital Port Blair has been ...
Yours sincerely,
Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Box 1515, Somajiguda
South Asia
(via DX_India iogr, Sept 13)
'Puram' means a town or village. There are several Indian cities/towns
with suffix 'Puram' in their name viz. Kanchipuram, Ramanathapuram,
Viluppuram ... With best regards, Alokesh Gupta-IND, DX_India Sept 14.
INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia requests video recordings of 3325 kHz re-
ception. From WRTH F_B group:
The Voice of Indonesia's admin need our help.
Please send a video recording of your reception to WhatsApp number in
+62 821-2381-2130 by listing the name and country of origin of the
listener, radio brand, antenna type, and the time the broadcast was re-
The requirements for sending a video report on receiving VOI broadcasts
are a frequency of 3325 kHz (90 meter band) with a duration of between
30-60 seconds.
(Mauno Ritola-FIN, DXindia iogr Aug 26)
INDONESIA [non] 7289.93 kHz RRI Nabire Pro 1 [non-log]. Quick check at
0818 UT on Sept 3 and found no signal.
[non] 7780, Voice of Indonesia (Channel Two) via WRMI Okeechobee-FL-USA,
Sept 3 (Tuesday); audio feed from VOI TV, in English.
0801-0804 UT News (update about the Indonesia-Africa Forum in Bali;
due to outbreak of monkeypox [Mpox], international travellers arriving at
airport now required to fill out medical form, etc.).
0804-0806 UT Played the up-beat, patriotic RRI song "Mars Angkasawan RRI."
0806 UT Program "Indonesia Today"; item about Pope Francis's arrival in
Indonesia today (News story -
0820 UT Item about the CapeTown, South Africa Kramat Islamic festival, for
the Muslim community of Indonesian descent
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 3)
JAPAN "HAM FAIR 2024" special programs by JSWC.
"HAM FAIR 2024" was held on August 24 and 25 at "Ariake GYM-EX",
Odaiba Island, Tokyo, Japan.
There were 45,000 participants (33,000 on August 24, 12,000 on 25).
At the fair, AOR Japan demonstrated PERSEUS22 probably for the first time
in Japan.
Japan Shortwave Club (JSWC) exhibited in the fair as usual to promote
shortwave listening in Japan. To celebrate the fair JSWC produced the
special programs with the interviews to the JSWCers who participated, by
the president Toshimichi Ohtake.
The special 'HAM FAIR 2024' programs will be on air in "HCJB Japanese" by
Reach Beyond Australia (Kununurra-AUS 100 kW 5 deg azimuth) as follows:
September 6 2230-2300 UT 17650 kHz
September 7 1100-1130 UT 15460 kHz (repeat)
2230-2300 UT 17650 kHz
September 8 1100-1130 UT 15460 kHz (repeat)
HCJB Japan will send the special "HAM FAIR" eQSL showing the photographs
of the fair for the reception reports. Send reception reports to
<hcjbjapan.office2 -at->
Also JSWC will send their own e-QSL. Send reception reports to
<jswcqsl -at->
(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JPN, wor Sept 5)
JAPAN 11815 kHz NHK World Radio Japan via NHK Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan
site at 1400 UT, opening with English px, newscast by Yoshi Ogasawara,
leading with Chinese spy plane incursion into Japanese airspace. Heard
well on 4 band "World Traveler" portable with telescoping whip, Very Good
Aug 26.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 24-27)
JAPAN 6115 kHz Radio Nikkei 2 - Chiba / Nagara (pres), 0925 UT, on
Aug 23 in Japanese. Program of J-pop music segued. Poor.
{lower txion power at Nagara ended, full strong sihnal appeared now again}
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1167 Sept 1)
JAPAN Radio NIKKEI Program 2 has been returned to the normal TX power.
Radio NIKKEI announced on September 5 in "X", that their Program #2 re-
turned to the normal power 50 kW. Due to the transmitter trouble the
Program #2 had been transmitted with the reduced power (probably 10 kW)
since August 16, 2024.
(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JPN, wor Sept 10)
JAPAN Karl Zuk found a fascinating Japanese resource, the 'Totsuka DXers
Circle'. He notes: "I discovered this Japanese listeners' group while
looking for new topics to write about! They produce quite an impressive
monthly journal called Propagation. The issue I scanned is mostly in
Japanese, with some English content. It mentions that translation is
available. It is over 260 pages long!
If nothing else, it is very interesting to see the pictures of the group
and their unusual equipment and QSL collection. Take a look."
The 12th edition came out in August 2024, and each front cover is a stunn-
ing work of art in itself, for instance, the 2019 edition, pictured here.
<> and <>
(Chrissy Brand-UK, "Communication" monthly magazine September 2024,
p#19 Webwatch, BrDXC.UK iogroups Sept 10)
JAPAN 5920 kHz OPPOSITION/RESISTANCE-Target Radio to NoKorea D.P.R.,
'Shiokaze - Sea Breeze' at 1300 UT, opening w/ familiar piano music,
W in Korea, going to 1330 UT, resetting. Fair to Good. Aug 27.
{via JSR, Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, 300 kW, 290 degr azi. wb.}
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 27-Sept 10)
JAPAN/CUBA 13650 kHz mixture.
13650 kHz NHK World Radio Japan at 2310 UT, in progress with woman in
(listed) Thai service. Some vocal music and off at 2320 UT, revealing that
the Cuban relay of CRI at RadioCuba Quivican San Felipe TITAN, we thought
was off the air today was there all along. Japan returns at 2325 UT with
familiar tuning signal to reopen in Vietnamese at 2330 UT, and, by now,
mixing heavily with the canned music of CRI via Quivican-CUB.
Fair on Sept 7.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 27-Sept 10)
KOREA DEM REP OF {North - Communist } KCBS Pyongyang DRMode on 6140 kHz.
Has anyone else noted that the DRM transmission from Pyongyang on 6140
kHz seems to be just digital nothing / silence. While the signal is fairly
strong here at my QTH and should at least be showing KCBS Pyongyang as the
service in DReaM, it shows 'Unknown Service'.
I checked some regional SDRs and also get silence. ... Any ideas ...
(Tony Pavick, Pop Shop Radio, Hope-BC-CAN, BrDXC-UK iogr Sept 11)
I used to be able to decode North Korea, but for at least the last year,
no luck despite a very strong signal into Masset-BC (using my KiwiSDRs)
...Walt Sept 11.
{ I can report the same from Germany - wb df5sx wwdxc}
Yes Tony, you are right, on some Japanese Kiwis remotedly to report the
19.50-18.00 UT DRMode service, shows only
A00001 CEP Data - level -11dB - SWR 5.5 dB or similar;
S=9+30dB strong signal into Japan target. No picturs, nothing, in AM mode
only digital scratch noise sound heard.
(73 wolfie df5sx - wwdxc germany - wor Sept 11)
re Pyongyang KCBS DRM on 6140 kHz.
Also note: "KiwiSDR — Pyongyang KCBS DRM cannot be decoded
(3205 & 6140 kHz)" Mar 30, 2024:
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, Sept 12)
Re: KCBS Pyongyang DRMode on 6140 kHz to Far East target.
I suspect just incompetence. The engineers have probably been told
"Transmit in DRM!" - and don't really care if it can be decoded or not
as long as there is some signal going out so they can say they've follow-
ed orders. Could be just a botched setting in the server generating the
DRM stream.
Another possibility is that it is data-only, using encryption. The German
navy tested DRM like that a few years ago, but from memory, at least an id
was decodable. Perhaps a special mode that can only be decoded on
'The Great Leader's radio' ???
I did decode them via Japan a couple of years ago:
Back then it was // 3205 kHz with standard DPRK light entertainment ??
These days all I see in NZ is the DRM waveform - must admit I haven't
bothered looking much further recently.
I still suspect incompetance or human error. Cheers, Chris
(Chris Mackerell, Sandy Bay-Marahau Road, Marahau, RD2
Motueka 7197, New Zealand, wor Sept 12)
A few months back I did decode the station ident but no audio. One has to
wonder what the whole purpose of them doing DRM is
That would make a little bit of sense if they were producing DRM ready
receivers for domestic use only that even with mods would be incapable of
decoding DRM from China.
But one has to wonder how much of the population could actually afford a
DRM radio at all. As I say, I fail to see the whole purpose of NoKRE using
DRM unless it was to say 'Nyah! Nyah! see how advanced we are ! '
After all, their regular AM SW transmissions (as in French on 11710kHz and
KCBS Pyongyang-KRE on 11680 kHz) sound lie rubbish at times.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, wor Sept 12 - 13)
KOREA REP OF {South} 7719.997 kHz EoH Seoul, S=8 signal sidelobe into
southern Germany at 19.05 UT on Sun Sept 8.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, & hcdx Sept 8)
KOREA REP OF {South} Info from Hiroshi in Japan on Sept 2.
"Underground broadcasts aimed at NorthKorea, 'People's Voice Broadcasting'
and 'Echo of Hope Broadcasting' [VOH], change their schedule in principle
on the first Monday of every month. Every month, they switch the frequen-
cies starting at 0700 and 1100 UT. There is no change in frequency. Both
frequencies are difficult to hear due to jamming. The carrier on 6600 kHz
continues to be transmitted in an unusual way,with audio alternating 1 kHz
above and below. For this reason, if you cut out the jamming on 600 kHz,
you will be able to hear the audio clearly.
Broadcast times from September 2nd.
People's Voice Broadcasting [Voice of the People]
0700-0300 UT 4450, 6520, 6600 [6599 & 6601] kHz.
1100-0700 UT 3480 3910 3930 4560 kHz
Kodama Broadcasting of Hope [Echo of Hope - VOH]
0700-0300 UT 4885 6250 7720 kHz
1100-0300 UT 3985 5995 6350 kHz
As of September 2nd, 'Voice of Freedom' is broadcasting on 6045 kHz.
This station also changes to 5920 kHz at the beginning of each month.
They alternate between the two."
[Sept 3, VOF still on 6045 kHz, along with NorthKorea super jamming - Ron]
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 3)
KOREA REP OF {South} 5995 kHz OPPOSITION - target radio. Echo of Hope,
Hwaseong, Sept 4, nice strong, unjammed signal here around 1140 UT onward,
best of their channels. YL in Korean tlks between mx selections, military
chorus. EOH // fqys noted as follows: 7720kHz clear and weaker but crisper
audio; 6350 kHz good; 6250 kHz nothing hrd, signal if there buried under
jamming cacaphony; 4885 kHz absent; 3985 kHz channel swamped by AROs but
nothing heard during their silent periods.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
SouthEast AFG, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwain PAK. }
Voice of America Deewa [Radio] (ID) hat in der Kuerzungsrunde Mitte Juli
die Morgensendung auf Kurzwelle verloren. Das Programm hat folgenden Ende
Juli 2024 und Anfang September mit bis zu mittlerer Qualitaet hoerbestae-
tigten Sendeplan fuer die Paschtunengebiete an der afghanisch-pakistani-
schen Grenze:
1300-1900 Uhr: 9310 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr)
1300-1900 Uhr: 12035 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr,
1700-1900 LAM 100 kW, 92 degr)
1300-1700 Uhr: 13820 kHz (KWT 250 kW, 78 degr)
15640 kHz (LAM 100 kW, 92 degr)
1700-1900 Uhr: 5890 7540 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300/311 degr)
Eingesetzt werden USAGM Sender in Deutschland (Lampertheim),
Kuwait (Umm Ar-Rimam) und Thailand (Udon Thani, Ban Dung).
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
SouthEast AFG, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwain PAK in A-24 season. }
Der Kurzwellenplan von RFE/RL Mashaal Radio hat offenbar die USAGM-Kuer-
zungen ueberlebt. Jedenfalls konnte Ende Juli 2024 und danach folgender
Sendeplan fuer die Paschtunengebiete an der afghanisch-pakistanischen
Grenze hoerbestaetigt werden:
0400-1300 Uhr: 12130 kHz (KWT 250 kW, 78 degr)
0400-1300 Uhr: 15365 kHz (DHA 250 kW, 45 degr,
0700 Uhr KWT 250 kW, 78 degr,
1000 Uhr UDO 250 kW, 300 degr)
0400-1300 Uhr: 15750 kHz (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr,
0700-1100 KWT 250 kW, 78 degr)
Eingesetzt werden Sender in Kuwait (Umm Ar-Rimam), Thailand (Udon Thani,
Ban Dung site) und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (al-Dhabbayya-UAE),
deren Uebergaben eine ganztaegige Versorgung auf derselben Frequenz ge-
waehrleisten sollen.
Bei 15750 kHz war eine Anomalie zu beobachten. Laut Sendeplan gibt es seit
dem 12. August eine Uebergabe um 1100 Uhr von KWT nach UDO.
Wolfgang Bueschel beobachtete jedoch am 14. August eine Mixture Stoerung
auf der Frequenz ab 1147 UT. Waehrend des laufenden Programms, also dann
offensichtlich aus Kuwait, habe sich Thailand mit einem 1 kHz-Ton Testton
für die Feeder- und Antennenabstimmung auf den Sendestart vorbereitet.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
KUWAIT {Iran target radio} Der US-amerikanische Iran-Dienst von USAGM
Radio Farda wird seit der Juli-Kuerzungsrunde nur noch aus Kuwait (Umm
Ar-Rimam) ausgestrahlt. Daraus ergibt sich Anfang September 2024 weiter
der schon berichtete Sendeplan in Farsi-Persian:
0000-2400 Uhr: 5860 kHz (250 kW, 50 degr)
0300-1230 Uhr: 9370 kHz (250 kW, 58 degr)
1100-1400 Uhr: 7435 kHz (250 kW, 30 degr)
1630-2000 Uhr: 9370 kHz (250 kW, 58 degr)
In Mitteleuropa hoerbar ist im Wesentlichen nachts die Frequenz 5860 kHz.
An der Tagesperipherie funktionierte auch 9370 kHz.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
MADAGASCAR 11880 kHz Sat, Aug 31, at 1931-1940 UT, Adventist World
Radio, Talata Volonondry-MDG, in Arabic. Man talking, preaching. Poor re-
ception: 35422. Parallel log on 11800 kHz, MBR Nauen-D site, 45554.
13630 kHz Sat, Aug 31, at 1822-1829 UT, BBC, Talata Volonondry-MDG, in
French. Man announcer narrating a sport match; Other man makes a comment;
1827 UT An African song; ID. Good reception: 45544.
13670 kHz Sat, Aug 31, at 1834-1840 UT, MWV African Pathways Radio,
Mahajanga-MDG, in English. Music; 1836 UT Man says ID and website;
A preaching. Good reception: 45544.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 31)
Madagascar relay facility, at 1500 to 1510 UT on 19 Aug. Lushai language.
ID followed by music by male vocalist until 1507 UT. Man then began talk.
Fair to poor.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
MADAGASCAR 17725 kHz Adventist World Radio - via Talata Volonondry
(pres), 1356UT on Aug 24 in Indonesian language. Woman speaking until 1358
UT with second woman giving a postal address, short prayer ending "Amen",
off 1359 UT. Fair to good.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
MADAGASCAR 13630 kHz Tue, Sept 3, at 1802-1813 UT, BBC London, Talata
Volonondry-MDG relay site, French Sce. Man / woman present news; 1810 UT
BBC Afrique and more news, now, a conversation with a woman Congolese
journalist participation. Good reception: 45554.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 3)
MADAGASCAR 9765.42 MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar; World
Voice at 2120 UT on Aug 30. Tentatively the one, listed as Portuguese
though too weak to confirm the lingo, with male speaker. They only have
two transmitters, so if them and the 11610.01 kHz log was on the air at
the same time, none left to use. {mostly 9765.004 kHz, wb.}
11610.01 kHz 'The Light Of Life' program, via MWV New Life Station,
Mahajanga-MDG; at 2112 UT on Aug 30. Chinese man and woman in presumed
Christian radio serial. Presumed, local level. {mostly 11609.957 kHz}
(Terry L Krueger, Boggy-FL-USA, wor Sept 6)
MADAGASCAR 11965 kHz Tue, Sept 10, at 2035-2045 UT, MWV - African Path-
ways Radio, via MWV New Life Station Mahajanga-MDG site, in English. Man/
woman say about The Bible program and the website; 2037 UT A song; Man
says about this christian station and makes a message. Good reception:
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 10)
MALAYSIA 11665 kHz RTM Kajang with Wai FM, on Sept 6; excellent level
today at 1135 UT YL reading Malay news with dramatic breaker mx. Then 1141
UT into mx pgm of Malay pops. Ad string at 1147 UT and then YL quickly
"Ini adalah Wai FM" at 1149 UT f/by OM with promo for Wai FM Iban pgming.
Not heard with so good a signal for years, they have obviously tuned
things up!
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
MALI 5995 kHz Radio Mali, 2341 UT on Aug 22. Nice program of regional
music with vocals and stringed and percussion instruments. Comments in
French by the host in between songs. At 2359UT, brief comment in French by
a woman which may have been an ID then a vocal and abrupt end of trans-
mission at 0000 UT. Fair to good with deep fades.
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1167 Sept 1)
MYANMAR 7345 kHz Thazin Radio, Phin Oo Lwin, Sept 7; fair signal with mx
pgm 1215 UT underneath the stronger China (CNR7 - Voice of the Greater
Bay). But making it easy to separate the two is that CNR7 pgming solely
with announcers chatting in Cantonese, while Thazin had extended music pgm
of moody romantic ballads. By 1223 UT the two signals are now co-equal,
with Thazin's moody romantic ballad mx easily covering Cantonese speakers
of CNR7 at times.
Thazin with YL deejay talks in Burmese at 1230 UT and orchl theme, then
more sleepy romantic mx. Nice to see this situation from past seasons
is holding for 2024 DX season! My best way to hear Thazin. The pattern
usually experienced here in Chicagoland is for CNR7 to gradually fade down
(and sometimes totally out), while Thazin gradually peaks.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
MYANMAR 7345 kHz Thazin Radio, from Phin Oo Lwin site in northern Burma,
on Sept 12 at 12.40UT in Burmese. S=9+25dB or -44dBm powerful signal remo-
tedly, via Kiwi set at LA6LU in Cha Am location, close to Hua Hin sea re-
5915v kHz via new capital Nay Pyi Daw site - not on air - at 12.50 UT
and 15.20 UT.
5985 kHz S=9+20dB at -54dBm via Yengu-Yangoon old British empire TX site.
Also at 15.38 UT S=9+5dB noted in Doha Qatar-ME Perseus unit.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews & hcdx Sept 12)
NEW ZEALAND 13690 kHz Sept 8 at 0635 UT, ex-9700 kHz, RNZPac S=9+20dB,
the SSOB by far, hardly anything else on band except 13635 kHz JBA Turkey.
Tnx Ricky Leong tip from online UT sked change: from 1859 UT 11725 kHz,
1959 UT 15720 kHz, 2259 UT 17675 kHz, 0459 UT 13690 kHz, 0859 UT 9700 kHz,
1259 UT 7440 kHz, 1651 UT 9700 kHz. Those are all AM.
And in DRMode: Sun-Fri not Sat: 1651 UT 7425 kHz, 1759 UT 9655 kHz,
1859-2058 UT 13840 kHz. You better have this page bookmarked:
because via homepage, there is still NO LINK TO THIS SW SCHEDULE:
If you enter this: <> it ends up here:
I sent that already to Adrian, and he already replies: "We regret that due
to a recent upgrade to the web site the "how to listen" option was remov-
ed. We are working on getting it restored. Meanwhile you can access the
frequency schedule at this address: Frequency Information:
Best regards. Adrian Sainsbury - Frequency Manager, RNZ Pacific, RNZ
Level 2, 155 The Terrace - P.O.Box 123 - Wellington - New Zealand"
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Sept 8)
Re: RNZ still on 13690 kHz past 1100z.
They recently changed their schedule and as of Sept. 8 should be on
13690 kHz from 0459-0858 UTC.
(Ricky Leong, wor Sept 13)
NEW ZEALAND RNZ Rangitaiki still on 13690 kHz past 1100z.
Nice strong signal here in central NC at S=9+30dB or so at 1147 UT. I was
wondering what was happening because I checked 9700 kHz multiple times
earlier, but I didn't think about checking 13690 kHz.
-later- Still strong on 13690 kHz at 1208 UT, Sept 11.
(Doug White KA5ETS, Carrboro Orange County-NC-USA, wor Sept 11)
I also note, at least at my QTH and on my RSP1a, adjacent channel R France
International of TDF Issoudun on 13695 kHz causing RNZ a bit of grief.
This may not be giving them problems in the target area.
(Tony Pavick, Hope-BC-CAN, wor Sept 11)
re RNZ still on 13690 kHz past 1100z.
Woke up this morning (1055z) and found that RNZ had missed their switch to
9700 kHz earlier and was still on 13690kHz with a good signal. Usually, on
9700 kHz, just before 1100z they go off for a few minutes to switch anten-
na beams and sign on again. This didn't occur this morning. I'm guessing
their automation is on the fritz and no one is awake to notice as it is
midnight there.
13690 kHz 1058 UT 11 Sept 2024 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) SINPO 55434.
English, (unscheduled on this frequency) 1059z pips and then 1100z Pacific
and World News read by Lydia Lewis. 1109z "Pacific Waves" anchored by fe-
male announcer. Backyard fence antenna w / MFJ-1020C active antenna (used
as a preamplifier / preselector), JRC NRD-535D.
100 kW, beamAz 35 degr(?), bearing 240 degr. Received at United States,
12912 kms from transmitter at Rangitaiki-NZL. Local MN time: 0558.
(Rodney Johnson-Plymouth-MN-USA, wor Sept 11)
OMAN BBC DRM: There is a current registration with the
for a DRM broadcast from the BBC effective from 1 September 2024.
It is listed for 0559-0700 UTC in English on 17815 kHz (100 kW) from
A'Seela, Oman, to CIRAF zones 48SW,53NW and includes a note stating
"DRM_KEN" {Kenya, Seychelles target, wb.}.
17815.0 kHz n_DRM mode BBC London 0559-0700 UT English Al Seela Oman
daily requested towards ITU zones 48SW,53NW "DRM_KEN" 100kW 225degr azi
Not observed when checked on 1 September. (ed)
(Tony Rogers-UK; DX News SW by Dave Kenny-UK; "Communication" monthly
magazine September 2024, p#32, BrDXC.UK iogroups Sept 10)
OMAN/UAE/VATICAN STATE BBC Radio (ID) hat folgenden Anfang September
2024 hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan aus dem Oman (A'Seela site), von vatika-
nischem Gelaende (SMG Santa Maria di Galeria-VAT) und aus den Vereinig-
ten Arabischen Emiraten (al-Dhabayya-UAE):
0030-0200 Uhr: 6195 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35 degr) Dari.
0100 Uhr Paschtu. 0130 Uhr Dari
0030-0100 Uhr: 7295 kHz (SMG 250 kW, 84 degr) Dari
0100-0200 Uhr: 7445 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35 degr) Paschtu. 0130 Uhr Dari
0200-0330 Uhr: 12095 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35 degr) Paschtu.
0230 Uhr Dari. 0300 Uhr Paschtu.
0200-0300 Uhr: 9410 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35 degr) Paschtu. 0230 Uhr Dari
0300-0330 Uhr: 13850 kHz (DHA 250 kW, 45 degr) Paschtu
0430-0530 Uhr: 15310 17750 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35/30 degr) Dari.
0500 Uhr Paschtu
0830-1130 Uhr: 17810 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35 degr) Dari.
0900 Paschtu. 0930 Uhr D. 1000 Uhr P. 1030 Uhr D.
1100 Uhr P. So seit 16. August 2024.
0830-1130 Uhr: 21470 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 63 degr) wie 17810
1400-1700 Uhr: 5970 11995 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 35 degr) Dari.
1500 Uhr Paschtu. 1600 Uhr D. 1630 Uhr P. Sa So D.
In Europa wird 5970 kHz 24hrs/7d von Radio 208 belegt.
1700-1900 Uhr: 6150 9550 kHz (OMA 250 kW, 63/35 degr) Dari.
1800 Uhr Paschtu.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
OMAN/UZBEKISTAN Re: BBC WS 13855 kHz - where from?
The new BBCWS frequency, presumably for South Asia, would go along with
the additional morning frequency that was recently added. There had been
some apparent jamming on one of the frequencies used in the evening, but
not heard during recent checks via the New Delhi Kiwi SDR. Perhaps using
three frequencies for South Asia helps get around that when present.
Unfortunately neither the BBC frequencies webpage or the HFCC registra-
tions accurately reflect what is going on.
I still suspect the political situation in Bangladesh may have prompted
the additional frequency coverage, Sept 8.
Checking the New Delhi Kiwi SDR remotedly between 12 and 14 UT on Sept 9:
From 12-13 UT BBCWS frequencies in use are 13855-TAC, 15295-OMA and
From 13-14 UT I hear 11870-OMA, 13855-TAC and 15295-OMA. The 22 meter fre-
quency is apparently Tashkent (audio processing is different) while the
others are Oman. Nothing heard on other frequencies listed on the BBCWS
frequencies webpage and HFCC registrations.
(Stephen Luce, Houston-TX-USA, wor Sept 8 - 9)
For a week already, several sources have reported BBC WS in English on
13855 kHz at 12-13 UTC and probably beyond. Where does this transmission
originate from? HFCC, EiBi, Aoki, BBC schedules show nothing for that
matter. Reception in Eastern Europe is very good.
(Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Sept 8)
TAC in WRTH update news web. Sorry, you are right, not updated yet.
ex9515 kHz 1200-1400 UT.
(Mauno Ritola-FIN, wor Sept 8)
2024-09-13 15:31:31 capture: AM 1413 kHz (SLA) BBC WSE
- also ENC/BBC Al Seela-Oman relay on mediumwave to ME/SoAsia target
at 13 - 16 UT too on MW, wb. Sept 13.
PHILIPPINES Die USAGM-Station in Tinang kann aus politischen Gruenden
nicht fuer Radio Free Asia eingesetzt werden.
Die Voice of America hat folgenden Anfang September 2024 durchgehoerten,
aber nur in Teilen hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan
(Datumsangaben nach Eike Bierwirth-D):
0100-0130 Uhr: 15225 kHz (250 kW, 283 degr) Mo-Fr Mandarin-Chinesisch
1100-1200 Uhr: 11825 kHz (250 kW, 332 degr) Mandarin
1130-1200 Uhr: 11700 kHz (250 kW, 283 degr) Sa So Englisch
1200-1500 Uhr: 12080 kHz (250 kW, 21 degr) Koreanisch
1200-1400 Uhr: 9350 kHz (250 kW, 21 degr) Koreanisch
1200-1300 Uhr: 11785 kHz (250 kW, 349 degr) Mandarin
1200-1300 Uhr: 15250 kHz (250 kW, 315 degr) Mandarin
1330-1400 Uhr: 9615 11695 kHz (250 kW, 332/270 degr) Khmer,
so seit 3. Juni 2024.
1400-1500 Uhr: 9405 kHz (250 kW, 21 degr) Koreanisch,
ab 12. August 2024 exSaipan Agingan Point-MRA Pacific.
1430-1630 Uhr: 9370 kHz (250 kW, 270 degr) Burmesisch
1430-1630 Uhr: 9380 kHz (250 kW, 270 degr,
1530 Uhr merklicher Beamwechsel zu 283 degr) Burmesisch.
1600-1700 Uhr: 7465 kHz (250 kW, 332 degr) Tibetisch,
tageweise mit VoA-ID zu hoeren (vgl. auch 9950 kHz).
1600-1700 Uhr: 11890 kHz (250 kW, 315 degr) Di Do Sa So Tibetisch
1600-1630 Uhr: 5885 kHz (250 kW, 275 degr) Burmesisch
1900-2100 Uhr: 7465 kHz (250 kW, 21 degr) Koreanisch
2200-2230 Uhr: 5965 7375 9320 kHz (250 kW, 270 degr) Khmer.
Bei Chinesisch und Tibetisch wird man davon ausgehen, dass mit gutem
Empfang Gehoertes eher ein Stoerprogramm aus China ist als der US-Aus-
landsdienst. Im Hoerprojekt konnte man das auf 15250 kHz stoerende Pro-
gramm zeitgleich ueber andere USAGM-Sprachen gelegt hoeren, so dass hier
die bewusste Interferenz auch on air nachgewiesen werden konnte.
Es gab aber mit 7465 kHz auch ein Beispiel, wo weit im Programm eine
klare Stationsansage Voice of America zu vernehmen war.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
Rohingya settlement area. }
Im Juli 2019 hatte die Voice of America mit Sonderprogrammen fuer die in
Myanmar verfolgten Rohingya
{wiki: muslims from Chittagong-BGD origin previously, wb.} begonnen.
Die Kurzwellensendungen wurden im Sommer gestrichen,man findet aber Anfang
September immer noch werktaegliche Podcasts bei
Obwohl der Sendeplatz einsam ist und 'Learning English am Wochenende' mit
Blick auf die Fluechtlinge aus Myanmar Sinn hatte, wird der Sendeplatz am
Wochenende immer noch mit 'Learning Englisch' belegt. Die Sendungen kommen
im Sommer 2024 auf folgenden Kurzwellen:
1130-1200 Uhr: 9345 (UDO 250 kW, 297 degr)
11700 (PHL 250 kW, 283 degr)
12030 (UDO 250 kW, 300 degr) Sa So 'Learning Englisch'
Eingesetzt werden USAGM Sender in Thailand (Udon Thani, Ban Dung) und auf
den Philippinen (Tinang site). Die Englisch Lernsendungen sind die einzige
Chance, die Senderstandorte noch mit VoA-Programmen in Englisch zu hoeren.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
ROMANIA 15300 kHz RRI Bucharest via Galbeni Bacau site, R Romania Intl.
at 2310 UT, talk by M, some trad. music, monologue with woman, all Spanish
& off near the hour, after a short run of the RRI tuning signal. Fair,
Fluttery Aug 25.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 24-27)
SAO TOME Re: Sao Tome and Principe
The immediate newswire from May 6
was again immediately picked up by various news organizations. At least
this piece also points out the existance of the VOA transmitters, of
course without mentioning that Deutsche Welle itself just abandoned them:
No American source so far indicated a decision to leave Sao Tome to
Russia, and I would not jump to such a conclusion from the word of fired
transmitter engineers. It is unsurprising that USAGM decided, after the
unexpected budget cuts hit them, to get rid of a facility that must be
rather expensive to run, although this means doing without mediumwave co-
verage of West Africa now.
Perhaps some of this speculation is related to the circumstance that a
crashed mast of the 1530 kHz antenna has been rebuilt as recently as two
years ago. But they also rebuilt a number of the Marianas antennas, de-
stroyed by a typhoon in 2018, which at this point was already a surprising
move and now turns out to be indeed a mere waste of the American taxpayers
(Kai Ludwig-D, wor Aug 29)
Re: Sao Tome and Principe.
The agreement was signed on April 24, 2024 in St. Petersburg Russia, but
it has only become known now.
The official bulletin of the Russian government published it on May 6,
2024, before Sao Tome reported it.
The rest of the information was communicated confidentially to Radio Maga-
zine by a person working in Sao Tome. This source cannot be communicated.
Many of Radio Magazine's informants, among the 14,000 followers, work in
broadcasting organizations or contractors. They are not authorized to
communicate. We cross-check the information, but for security reasons we
have a principle of not indicating our sources, unless requested by the
(Michel Fremy-BEL, wor Aug 29)
TAIWAN Hi Bob, Taiwan Internat in Korean from Paochung site to avoid
NZL Pacific usage of 9700 kHz channel.
TAIWAN and USA mentioned very often during bcast:
TAIWAN 9714.994 kHz in 10.30-11.00 UT in Eastern Asian language, likely
Korean from Paochung ex9700 kHz in B-23 winter season, moved 15 kHz up-
wards, in order to avoid R NZ Pac 9700 kHz on co-channel .
S=9+35dB in Edmonton-AB-CAN, at 10.40 UT on Aug 29
S=9+25dB in Perseus in Masset-BC-CAN, 10.43 UT.
S=9+50dB tremendous strong in Hiroshima Akitakata Japan Perseus SDR unit
noted remotedly at 10.47 UT.
TX Paochung switch_off at exact 10.58:05 UTC.
ex9700 kHz 1030-1058 UT TWN R.TAIWAN INT. Korean Paochung daily
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 29)
9714.994 kHz R Taiwan International in Korean ex9700 kHz.
{9715 UNKNOWN.} Unidentified station heard at 1054 UT on Aug 23; a woman
speaking in an unknown Asian language and accompanied by some strange,
half-spoken/half-sung melody. The transmission ended abruptly at 1058 UT.
There is nothing listed on this frequency at any time on either Eibi list
databse or Mostly fair-to-poor.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
TAIWAN 9670 kHz OPPOSITION - target radio stn. 'Radio Dap Loi Song Nui'
(minus diacritics) - via Paochung-TAIWAN (pres), 1245 UT on Sept 4; in
Vietnamese. Man speaking at some length. Siren jammer audible under. Fair.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
9685 kHz "Furusato no Kaze" in Japanese to North Korea (tentative), Sep-
tember 2, at 1430-1438 UT. Clandestine. SIO 333. YL announcer with a plea.
Background MX, long monologue, moderate QRN / QSB. Listenable. Broadcast
is likely from Paochung-TWN site. OM joins at 1436 UT.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
11940 kHz Radio NUG (target radio via Paochung-TWN bcast center), 1400 UT
on 6 Sept. Burmese language sce. Woman doing ID in English "This is Radio
N U G, the voice of the national unity government of Burma" followed by
regular programming. Good.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
9705 kHz 'Furusato no Kaze' (Paochung-TWN site), 1330 to 1340 UT, 21 Aug.
Japanese. Big, beautiful signal for 'Furusato no Kaze' with sign on by wo-
man. Almost Perfect.
9705 kHz 'Furusato no Kaze' (Paochung-TWN site), 1430-1440 UT on 21 Aug.
Japanese. Another great signal for 'Furusato no Kaze' with sign on by wo-
man. Different programme than at 1330 Almost Perfect.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1167 Sept 1)
9740 kHz R Taiwan International, 1130z, Aug 22 in Japanese. 100 kW at
45 degr azi. Beautiful signal, like a local, my first thought was a new
frequency for Greenville. Off at 1158. Paochung TX site to central Texas
is about 7900 miles at 35 degr azi.
(Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
12065 kHz Radio Taiwan International, Paochung bcast center site, heard at
1051 UT on Aug 20. A monologue by a man in listed Hakka language. Mostly
poor. {also on even 12065 kHz 10.30-11.00 UT on Sept 13, wb.}
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
TAIWAN 9685 kHz OPPOSITION-Target Radio to DPRK 'Nippon no kaze' /Wind
from Japan via Paochung-TWN relay site at 1500 UT, opening music, program
in Korean VG at open, but getting fadey by 1530 UT w/ onset of Arizona
morning. Very Good on Aug 29.
9685 kHz OPPOSITION/RESISTANCE-Target Radio (to and anti-DPRK Gov't)
'Furusato no kaze' /Wind from Hometown at 1430 UT, woman in Japanese,
outro mx off 1458 UT. Very - Good Aug 29.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 27-Sept 10)
TAIWAN RTI President highlights the importance of shortwave radio.
Rti President Chang Jui-Chang highlighted the importance of shortwave
radio, saying that shortwave has gained renewed attention due to the
Russia-Ukraine war. He stressed that in the event of a crisis, shortwave
radio will be crucial for Taiwan to stay connected internationally.
Chang's response was made during a meeting organized by Rti's Osaka
Listener Club, Gyokusann Kai.
Full article at the URL, below.
(Rti via Andrew Ross-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Sept 10)
TAIWAN/JAPAN Der Generalmanager von Radio Taiwan International, Chang
Jui-chang, hat bei seinem Besuch in Osaka die Bedeutung des Kurzwellen-
rundfunks betont. Er sagte am Samstag beim Hoerertreffen des RTI-Hoerer-
klubs Osaka auf Fragen von Teilnehmern, die Bedeutung des Kurzwellenrund-
funks habe durch den Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine wieder an
Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Im Falle eines Konflikts in der Taiwanstrasse
waere die Kurzwelle entscheidend, um Taiwans Stimme in der Welt hoerbar
zu machen und die internationalen Verbindungen aufrechtzuerhalten.
RTI-Generalmanager Chang Jui-chang, RTI-Vorstandsmitglied Liu Hsia-ju,
der Manager der Fremdsprachenabteilung, Carlson Huang, und drei Mitar-
beiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der japanischsprachigen Redaktion von RTI
befinden sich gerade zu einem Besuch in Japan. Sie hatten vorher Tokio
besucht und dort unter anderem am Treffen des RTI-Hoererklubs Tokio teil-
Die RTI-Delegation traf am 5. September in Oska ein und wurde dort vom
Generaldirektor des Taipei Wirtschafts- und Kulturbueros in Osaka, Hung
Ying-Chieh, herzlich empfangen. Hong zufolge seien die Beziehungen
zwischen Taiwan und Japan in den vergangenen Jahren immer besser geworden.
Auch die Medienberichterstattung sei gegenueber Taiwan immer freundlicher
Die RTI-Delegation besuchte auch ABC Asahi Broadcasting Corporation, und
besichtigte dort die Rundfunk- und Fernsehabteilungen. Beim Austausch mit
Asahi Broadcasting Corporation schlug RTI-Geheralmanager verstaerkten
Austausch zwischen RTI und ABC in den Bereichen Nachrichten, Programme,
neue Einwanderer und Arbeitsmigration vor.
Dem Programmmanager der Fremdsprachenabteilung von RTI, Carlson Huang, zu-
folge koennten RTI und ABC zum Beispiel auf ihren Webseiten gegenseitig
die wichtigsten Nachrichten der Woche vorstellen. ABC regte die Organi-
sation von gegenseitigen Reisen fuer Hoerer und Hoererinnen an, um den
Austausch weiter zu foerdern.
Beim Hoerertreffen des RTI-Hoererklubs Osaka dankte RTI-Generalamanger
Chang Jui-chang dem Hoererklub in Osaka fuer die langjaehrige Unter-
stuetzung. Sie haetten mit ihrer langjaehrigen Unterstuetzung von den An-
faengen als "Voice of Free China" bis zur demokratischen"Voice of Taiwan",
Radio Taiwan International, dem Sender Mut und Kraft und den Moderatoren
und Moderatorinnen Motivation und Durchhaltevermoegen verliehen. Die
Freundschaft zwischen RTI und dem Hoererklub Osaka "Gyokusann Kai" sei
das beste Beispiel fuer die tiefe Verbundenheit zwischen Taiwan und Japan.
(RTI Taipei - 9. Sept. 2024)
TAIWAN V13 New Star Broadcasting Station Taiwan.
Fairly clear voice in a logging of this station today. Not sure what the
UNID voice traffic adjacent channel was. I could not clarify the language
in my IQ recording evena fter the V13 carrier dropped.
Logged on 11430 khz USB at 1440 UT 20240906
TAIWAN V13 New Star Broadcasting Station (aka Star-Star)
MANDARIN: Spy numbers/ Message by female voice. Transmission ended at
1443 UT but carrier stayed up until 1456 UT. Fair.
NOTE: UNID voice traffic on 11431.4 (USB) until 1500 UT
(Tony Pavick, Hope-BC-CAN, wor Sept 6)
TAIWAN Re: Fu-hsin[g], Taiwan, SW event with prizes. see BCDX #1590.
Fu-hsing Broadcasting Station is a radio station in Wenquan Village,
Checheng Township, Taiwan Province. Fu-hsing Broadcasting Station is
situated nearby to the towns Checheng and Mudan.
Location: Wenquan Village, Checheng Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Province, Southern Taiwan, Taiwan, East Asia, Asia.
22.09389 or 22 05 38 N 120.74694 or 120 44 49 E
Greetings, Zach, from California!
Found online (two distinctly different SW stations):
"Fu-hsing Broadcasting Station (FHBS; Chinese: pinyin: Fuxing Guangbo
Diantai) is a state-run radio station sponsored by Republic of China Armed
Forces, located on the campus of Ming Chuan University in Taipei, Taiwan
and is operated by the Ministry of National Defense."
"Sound of Hope (SOH) is an international Chinese-language radio network.
Along with New Tang Dynasty Television and The Epoch Times, it is part of
a network of media organizations established by practitioners of the Falun
Gong new religious movement. SOH serves the Chinese diaspora in US,
Europe,Australia, Japan and South Korea via AM/FM radio and Chinese people
in China via shortwave radio."
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Sept 4)
Re: Fu-hsin[g], Taiwan, SW event with prizes. see BCDX #1590.
Here is the full email I received from the station for me report on SoH on
the above freq: (report sent on 29 Aug via Irkutsk Kiwi_SDR for SOH on
11409.98 kHz at 0714+ UT on 17 Aug)
(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Sept 5)
Good day! We have received your listening reports. It's glad to hear from
you (Irkutsk Russia). Your report is hereby as fully correct. And very de-
tailed. (note I sent a SDR screen material with waterfall, fading etc.,
screenshots and Audio_file)
Thank you for joining us.As a broadcaster, I was very moved after watching
it, and we are committed to producing programs that people will enjoy.
Although in the past, our program Listeners was only for Chinese people,
but we tried to change and hope that our program could be internationaliz-
ed and heard by listeners all over the world.
I love our radio(Fu-Hsin) as Iike my job. I hope that overseas listeners
will hear us.
Most important one thing!
You will not only receive one 2024 QSL card and your name will be on that
one but also got one Lucky draw chance of this event.
Please provide your shipping address that we can send you the physical QSL
All goods will be sent after the event. Wish you will be the big prize
winner ! For more event information please visit our Official website
Thank you for listening and responding again.
(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Sept 5)
Re: Fu Hsin[g], Taiwan, SW event with prizes.
I today have received a reply from this station for a report sent on
29 Aug via Irkutsk for SOH on 11409.98 kHz on 0714+ UT 17 Aug with many
thanks this can mean they are the same station!
The reply was in full text ! (no eQSL)
2024 Fu-Hsin Broadcasting Station. International Shortwave Event
Here comes good news. Fu-Hsin Broadcasting Station is holding the
"2024 International Shortwave Event" again!
From 1 August to 15 October, we welcome friends and around the world to
Just write down what program type you want to hear, or even suggestion on
the shortwave report form (attached below).
You will receive a special delicate QSL card, and what's more, great
chances to win fantastic prizes that we prepare for you.
Follow the instructions and fill in the form, you could be the lucky one.
Activity time? 1 August to 15 October 2024
E-mail <FHBSTP -at->
Address No.5, Ln 280, Sec 5, Zhongshan N Rd.
Shilin Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zhu Ming Xin Drawing 21 October 2024
Date of announcement 23 October 2024
Please visit our official website: <>
Prize delivery 28-31 October 2024
Download Shortwave Report Form
QSL card (sample)
2024 International Shortwave Event Prize list {SANGEAN Radios, et al.}
Sked per EiBi list database:
04-07 Mon-Fri, 07-12 UT daily on 9410, 9774, 15375 kHz.
Per Aoki Nagoya list database:
07-09 & 10-13 UT daily on 9410, 15375, NO 9774 kHz, but CNR2 might be on
9775 kHz.
(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Sept 3)
TAJIKISTAN Die USAGM hat im Juli und August 2024 in Duschanbe zu-
saetzliche Sendezeit fuer Radio Free Asia gebucht.
(Datumsangaben nach Eike Bierwirth-D):
0100-0200 Uhr: 9350 9800 kHz (200 kW, 60 degr) Uighurisch
1200-1400 Uhr: 15490 kHz (200 kW, 110 degr) Tibetisch
1200-1300 Uhr: 13580 kHz (200 kW, 125 degr) Tibetisch,
CRI Kitaya in Russian auf 13575 kHz zu stark.
1200-1300 Uhr: 17690 kHz (250 kW, 110 degr) Tibetisch
1230-1330 Uhr: 9330 kHz (250 kW, 87 degr) Khmer,
Sendeende auf Tinian-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli,
ab 22. Juli 2024 wieder aus Duschanbe-TJK.
1230-1330 Uhr: 9370 kHz (250 kW, 87 degr) Burmesisch,
Sendeende auf Tinian-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli,
ab 22. Juli 2024 wieder aus Duschanbe-TJK.
1230-1330 Uhr: 9990 kHz (200 kW, 125 degr) Burmesisch,
Sendeende auf Tinian-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli.
1300-1400 Uhr: 13720 kHz (200 kW, 125 degr) Tibetisch
1300-1400 Uhr: 15275 kHz (250 kW, 110 degr) Tibetisch
1500-1700 Uhr: 9910 kHz (500 kW, 60 degr) Koreanisch,
Sendeende auf Saipan Agingan Point-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli,
ab 22. Juli 2024 wieder aus Duschanbe-TJK.
1500-1700 Uhr: 9990 kHz (250 kW, 95 degr) Koreanisch,
ab 12. August 2024 exSaipan Agingan Point-MRA Pacific,
unhoerbar, auch wenn 9910 kHz hoerbar ist ...
1500-1700 Uhr: 11985 kHz (200 kW, 60 degr) Koreanisch,
ab 12. August 2024 exSaipan Agingan Point-MRA Pacific,
ab 1600 Uhr Stoerung durch RRI DRMode.
1500-1600 Uhr: 9355 kHz (200 kW, 125 degr) Tibetisch
1500-1600 Uhr: 13810 kHz (250 kW, 95 degr) Mandarin.
1600-1700 Uhr: 9355 kHz (200 kW, 60 degr) Uighurisch
1600-1700 Uhr: 11675 kHz (200 kW, 60 degr) Uighurisch,
Sendeende auf Tinian-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli,
ab 22. Juli 2024 wieder aus Duschanbe-TJK.
2100-2200 Uhr: 9540 kHz (500 kW, 60 degr) Koreanisch,
Sendeende auf Tinian-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli,
ab 22. Juli 2024 wieder aus Duschanbe-TJK.
2100-2200 Uhr: 11945 kHz (200 kW, 60 degr) Koreanisch,
ab 12. August 2024 exSaipanAginganP-MRA Pac, stark gejammt.
2230-2330 Uhr: 12140 kHz (250 kW, 110 degr) Khmer,
Sendeende auf Tinian-MRA Pacific am 9. Juli,
ab 22. Juli 2024 wieder aus Duschanbe-TJK.
2300-2400 Uhr: 9545 kHz (200 kW, 110 degr) Tibetisch.
Bei einem Hoerprojekt war so gut wie keine der genannten Sendungen direkt
zu hoeren, teils wegen Jamming oder anderen Programmen (CNR1) auf den
Frequenzen, teils wegen der Senderichtungen und Ausbreitungsbedingungen.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
TAJIKISTAN 15440 kHz Adventist World Radio - Dushanbe {Orzu pres},
1341 UT, Aug 24 in Thai language. Man speaking into a hymn by a congre-
gational group or choir. Poor.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
TAJIKISTAN 9540 kHz Sun, Sep 1 at 2142-2200 UT, USAGM Radio Free Asia,
Dushanbe-Orzu?-TJK, Korean Sce. Woman/man in conversation with other man;
2148 UT Man speechs, with assistance, into conversation; 2152 UT Woman
talking; 2157 UT Music; 2200 UT RFA ID jingle. Fair reception: 35433.
Parallel log on 11945 kHz Orzu?-TJK 2 x 100 kW combined power outlet,
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 1)
TAJIKISTAN 15515 kHz Sept 4 at 0258 UT, unknown language bit, AWR theme,
IDs in English, French, German, Italian. Then English announcement to
stay tuned for chopped to dead air and then off. Something's dubious at
Dushanbe-TJK, S=8/9+10dB with flutter, peaks stronger than 15230 kHz
DA CUBA, so SSOB. EiBi database lists shows 0230-0300 UT English for BGD
Bangladesh specifically? And nothing to follow on 15515 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Sept 4)
THAILAND 7475even exact fqy of Radio Thailand En sce via USAGM relay
site at Udorn Thani Ban Dung in northeastern Thailand. S=9+25dB strong
signal on Sun Sept 8 at 19.03 UT, 250 kW at 313degr azimuth, scheduled
18.00-19.30 UT. 'Corruption' criminal activity theme discussed so far ...
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews & hcdx Sept 8)
THAILAND Die USAGM-Station in Udornthani Ban Dung kann aus politischen
Gruenden nicht fuer Radio Free Asia eingesetzt werden. Wie die Sendeplan-
analyse zeigt, traegt sie eine Hauptlast fuer die Afghanistan- und Paki-
stan-Dienste der US-Auslandssender.
Dazu kommen weitere Programme, u. a. nach dem Sendeende von Pinheira
(Sao Tome island in WeAF) seit dem 27. Juli 2024 (* laut Eike Bierwirth-D)
weitere Afrika-Dienste der Stimme Amerikas:
1400-1600 Uhr: 15255 kHz (250 kW, 308 degr) RFE/RL Turkmenisch
Voice of America
0100-0130 Uhr: 9745 9885 kHz (250 kW, 300 degr) Mo-Fr Mandarin
0330-0430 Uhr: 6155 kHz (250 kW, 280 degr) Kinyarwanda (*)
0330-0400 Uhr: 15730 kHz (250 kW, 276 degr) Somali
1100-1300 Uhr: 7470 kHz (250 kW, 30 degr) Mandarin
1130-1200 Uhr: 9345 12030 kHz (250kW, 297/300deg) Sa So Learning Englisch
1200-1300 Uhr: 11825 kHz (250 kW, 6 degr) Mandarin
1200-1300 Uhr: 9490 kHz (250 kW, 38 degr) Koreanisch,
so seit 12. Aug. 2024, von R. Rumaenien International blockiert.
1300-1500 Uhr: 12045 kHz (250 kW, 38 degr) Koreanisch
1430-1600 Uhr: 5885 kHz (250 kW, 280 degr) Burmesisch
1530-1600 Uhr: 15460 kHz (250 kW, 276 degr) Mo-Fr Haussa
1600-1800 Uhr: 12055 kHz (250 kW, 276 degr) Somali
1600-1700 Uhr: 9950 kHz (250 kW, 304 degr) Tibetisch,
tageweise ( // 7465 kHz USAGM Tinang-PHL) hoerbar
1600-1630 Uhr: 13670 kHz (250 kW, 280 degr) Kinyarwanda
1630-1700 Uhr: 15460 kHz (250 kW, 280 degr) Kiswahili
1700-1800 Uhr: 9820 kHz (250 kW, 304 degr) Kurdisch
1730-1800 Uhr: 12070 kHz (250 kW, 280 degr) Mo-Fr Oromo
1800-1900 Uhr: 6045 {ex15460* also} kHz (250 kW, 280 degr)
Mo-Fr Studio 7 fuer Zimbabwe.
*Anfang September 6045 kHz (UDO) und neu 11735 kHz (MDC)
1900-2100 Uhr: 5875 7365 kHz (250 kW, 38 degr) VoA Koreanisch
1930-2000 Uhr: 9470 kHz (250 kW, 280 degr) Mo-Fr Kinyarwanda **
(** // 6045-SMG and 11825-BOT)
Bei einem Hoerprojekt Anfang September 2024 waren manche Frequenzen nicht
hoerbar, wenn aber, dann Thailand-typisch mit sehr ueberzeugendem Signal.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
TURKEY Im Internetstrom bei
gibt es drei deutschsprachige Sendeplaetze der Stimme Tuerkiyes:
1130-1225, 1730-1825 und 2300-2355 Uhr UT. Im Programm angesagt werden nur
die beiden erstgenannten Sendungen, die auch auf Kurzwelle via Emirler
site ausgestrahlt werden. Die fruehere online-Begleitung der deutsch-
sprachigen Sendung besteht schon lange nicht mehr. Der WWDXC bietet aber
bei <>
ein Programmarchiv fuer rund 30 Tage.
<> hat nichts mit der deutschsprachigen Radio-
redaktion zu tun.
(via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
UAE 11705 kHz Radio Free Asia, at 0043 UT on Sept 5; Woman speaking in
listed Burmese with sound bites of a man speaking in Burmese. Woman seemed
to be commenting on the man's statements. Long talk by a woman at 0048 UT
after a short musical bridge. Poor with noise.
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
UAE Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Die USAGM hat zum 27. Juli (*) und
12. August 2024 (**) in al-Dhabayya-UAE zusaetzliche Sendezeit fuer ihre
Auslandsdienste gebucht (Datumsangaben nach Eike Bierwirth-D):
0030-0130 Uhr: 9580 11705 kHz (500kW, 90/85 degr) neu RFA Burmesisch (**)
0400-0700 Uhr: 15365 kHz (250 kW, 45 degr) RFE/RL Mashaal Radio Paschtu
1300-1400 Uhr: 17860 kHz (500 kW, 60 degr) RFA Tibetisch(**) exSaipan-MRA
1500-1600 Uhr: 11975 kHz (250 kW, 75 degr) RFA Tibetisch?
1500-1600 Uhr: 13720 bzw. Mo Mi Fr 13790 kHz (500 kW, 60 degr)
RFA Tibetisch (**) exTinian-MRA
1530-1600 Uhr: 17530 kHz (250 kW, 260 degr) VoA Englisch (*)
1600-1630 Uhr: 15460 kHz (250 kW, 230 degr) VoA Kinyarwanda (*)
1630-1700 Uhr: 13590 kHz (250 kW, 255 degr)
Mo-Fr VoA Englisch: South Sudan in Focus.
1830-1900 Uhr: 11825 kHz (250 kW, 225 degr) Mo-Fr VoA Kinyarwanda
2300-2400 Uhr: 11700 kHz (500 kW, 60 degr) RFA Tibetisch (**) exTinian-MRA
Bei einem Empfangsprojekt Anfang September 2024 war der Empfang der
Sendungen von Radio Free Asia nicht moeglich. Bei den tibetischen Sendungen kann man davon ausgehen, dass man nicht ein US-Auslandsprogramm
hoert. Nur auf 11700 kHz konnte das Programm ( // 9545 kHz) als Radio Free Asia identifiziert werden.
{latter 23-24 UT 5950 kHz KWT, 9545 kHz TJK, 11700 kHz UAE; wb. Sept 14}
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
U.K./KOREA REP 15265 kHz Tue, Sept 3 at 1846-1855 UT, KBS World Radio,
ENC Woofferton-UK in Russian. Man announcer talking, alternating with
briefs pieces of piano. Poor reception: 25522.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 3)
U.K. Die Reorganisationen nach dem endgueltigen Wegfall der USAGM VoA
Relaisstation auf Sao Tome haben kaum noch Auswirkungen auf den Sendeplan
aus ENC Woofferton gehabt. Anfang Sept. 2024 hatte die Voice of America
folgende in der Regel sehr gut zu hoerende Belegungen:
0400-0500 Uhr: 7375 kHz (250 kW, 160 degr) Englisch
1530-1600 Uhr: 17700 kHz (250 kW, 165 degr) Mo-Fr Haussa
1630-1700 Uhr: 17530 kHz (250 kW, 135 degr) Kiswahili
(laut Eike Bierwirth seit 27. Juli 2024).
1700-1800 Uhr: 15140 kHz (250 kW, 170 degr) Englisch
1700-1730 Uhr: 11610 kHz (250 kW, 126 degr) Mo-Fr Amharisch
1730-1800 Uhr: 11610 kHz (250 kW, 126 degr) Mo-Fr Oromo
1800-1900 Uhr: 11610 15660 kHz (250 kW, 126/122 degr) Amharisch
1800-1900 Uhr: 15660 kHz (250 kW, 122 degr) Amharisch
1900-1930 Uhr: 11610 kHz (250 kW, 126 degr) Tigringna
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
U.K. 12050 kHz R. Ndarason Intl. via ENC Woofferton England, 1910 UT,
Sept 5. Excellent signal with Mali lakes region Afro pop mx. This is al-
ways an excellent station to just put on in the background in the office,
as long as EWTN isn't a problem. Often excellent mx. The Christian broad-
caster EWTN is never bad QRM, not even noticed today but usually at worst
is a direct zero-beat signal underneath Ndarason and very easy to ignore.
1914 UT into OM tlks in pres listed Kannada. {or Kanuri 19-21 UT, wb.}
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
12050 kHz Radio Ndarason International, at 2027 UT on Aug 24. Children
chanting then talk by a woman in the Kannada or Kanuri language. Long talk
by a man being interviewed by the woman. Reception initially poor then im-
proved to fair at 2035 UT. At 2044 UT reception greatly improved to good
with the man continuing to talk.
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
15505 kHz R Ndarason Intl 0700UT, just barely audible from ENC Woofferton,
before the hour,but fair after switch to Ascension site. M and W in (list-
ed) Kannada / Canarese language (SoWeIndia), in what sounded like an in-
terview. Some interesting ethnic music at 0722 UT.
+ NOTE: On Sept 9, interesting ethnic music, drums, mixed vocal, but sud-
denly cutting off at 0727 UT when it was supposed to go to 0800 UT.
Very Good. Sept 10.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Aug 27-Sept 10)
U.K. Pop Shop Radio 250 kilowatt 4th Birthday Blast.
Just a quick reminder that Pop Shop Radio will be celebrating 4 years on
the air next week with a special best of programme transmitted from ENC
Woofferton in the UK.
We will be on 11990 kHz at 0300 UT on 10 Sept which is of course 11 PM
ET 9 PM on 9 September. The beam is to North America as follows:
WOF 11990 kHz 03.00-04.00 UT ERH(S) 4/4/1 A909 306 degr 250 kW
However our other 250 kw transmissions have been heard just about every-
where. The original first transmission was on 9 September 2020 on
3955 kHz and 6070 kHz via Rohrbach Waal Ingolstadt Bavaria Germany at
1600 UT!
(Tony Pavick, Pop Shop Radio, Hope-BC-CAN, BrDXC-UK iogr Sept 4)
U.K. re: 11990 kHz Pop Shop Radio 250 kilowatt, 306degr azi.
A big thank you! Thank you to everyone who tuned in to our 250 kilowatt
blast from ENC Woofferton-UK site.
The transmission was heard locally (not remote SDR) in Canada, the USA,
Germany, Russia, Italy, India, China, and New Zealand.
I logged it in Japan, Australia, China and Thailand.
Locally it started out fair and was very good by the end of the show.
Here's how the half-show station ID sounded at 0330 UT for me
I hope that the Channel 292 repeat on UT Thursday at 0300 UT on 9670 kHz
to NoAmerica does as well for what it is capable of.
(Tony Pavick, Pop Shop Radio, Hope-BC-CAN, BrDXC-UK iogr Sept 10)
U.K. Droitwich LongWave 198 kHz. On 20th August, Mark Hattam in Cornwall
reported "198 kHz seems weaker than usual".
A check on BBC Reception web site advised that Droitwich 198 and 693 kHz
would be off the air from 1900-0100 LT on 20 and 21 August for engineer-
ing work.
TalkSport 1053 kHz was also off. But on 22 August Mark in Cornwall noted
198 kHz "is now 10dB stronger than TDF on 162 kHz ... before it was about
Andrew Ross and Tony Boreham also reported a stronger signal in Devon,
while Andrew Tett in Shoreham on the Sussex coast noted that the signal
was about 12dB down.
A possible explanation for these signal variations came from David Porter
who writes (on 23 August): "In the trade we have heard it was a rabbit
problem so it's cables chewed or dead, fried bodies in an Antenna Tuning
House (ATH) etc.
Radio 5 on 693 kHz was off as well. This service is off the south mast
that supports the LF Tee. To work in either the 198 ATH or the 693 ATH
the other south side service must be off because of the antenna pick-up.
Hope that helps. 73 Dave Porter G4OYX"
(Dave Kenny-UK, "Communication" monthly magazine September 2024,
p#25 LongWave, BrDXC.UK iogroups Sept 10)
U.K. 70 years of BFBS - podcast.
Patrick Eade tells the story of the radio station for the British armed
forces which began in wartime Algiers in 1943 year. Hear the stories of
the radio presenters who provided a much-needed boost to moral by playing
the hits in troubled times and dangerous places.
The : 30:45 mins/sec. Listen here :
(via Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Sept 13)
USA From the Isle of Music and Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, September 2024.
(via The SWLing Post, Sept 3)
USA 9930 kHz {rather 9929.981 kHz measured at 16.01 UT Sept 12, wb.}
on Sept 3 at 1535 UT TOMBS at S=9+15/35dB, 6 seconds behind // 9980 kHz
{not on air Sept 12 at 16.05 UT, wb.} WWCR at S=9/+15dB. So TOMBS hours
on WTWW 9930 kHz have expanded earlier, A24 HFCC registered as available
14-24 UT at 180 degrees. The Overkiller!
It's a safe bet that if you can pick up one Tennessee station, also the
other. But if TOM wants to pay for it, take the money and run it.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
USA WTWW: heat exchanger connections "Picture # 1 was the breaker that
fed 240 volts to the heat exchanger directly. The heat exchanger fans
would come on anytime the outdoor temperature got hot even when the
# 2 transmitter was not on. This breaker was put in by previous persons.
# 2 picture is the new fan connections to the transmitter through conduit.
# 3 picture is the main blower relay that turns on the blower and addi-
tional wires added to power the heat exchanger fans also, so the fans come
on only when the transmitter is turned on.
(George McClintock Sept 4)"
If anyone want to see the pictures, 3 MB each, I can forward them
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Sept 5 - 6)
USA RDMW-24 IS LIVE! - order your copy now.
"Radio Data Medium Wave" by William Scott WE7W is the definitive and most
up to date tool for visualising the broadcasting coverage of radio
stations in North America.
The 2024 Edition is now available with the following features:
The latest callsign and technical data for all US and Canadian MW stations
Late summer database cutoff date of August 7, 2024.
Seasonal ionospheric variations included in calculations.
Smoothed sunspot predictions included, targeting October 20, 2024.
Current Mexico and selected Bahamas, Bermuda and Caribbean map pins.
Coverage of 490 kHz & 518 kHz Navtex stations.
Updated skywave formulas producing more accurate nighttime maps.
Real-time night/day terminator (greyline).
"Click+Save" setting of your receiver location.
Easy tuning control on control bar.
Easy daypart selector on control bar.
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Have you ever wondered what the fuss is regarding directional broad-
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If you want to get the latest version of this fantastic tool and dataset
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Please follow the payment / download instructions.
Can you believe that it costs just GBP_3
(or equivalent in 3.937 $ / 3.554 Euro, on Sept 14 wb.). ENJOY !
(Steve Whitt, MWC-mwcircle; via wor Sept 8)
UZBEKISTAN 11729.958 kHz AWR Asia in Mandarin, via Tashkent relay site
S=9+25dB signal strength at 00.12 UT on Sept 8.
11640even AWR Asia in Vietnamese, via Tashkent relay site, S=9+15dB at
00.14 UT, scheduled 00.00-00.30 UT - some 30 mins slot.
11590even IBRA Radio SouthAsia in ?Bengali? / Bangla, via Tashkent site,
S=9+25dB at 00.16 UT.
9385even kHz, but main audio block on lower sideband flank spectrum seen
on screen, BBC London in En, 00-02 UT, S=7-8 only at 00.20 UT on Sept 8.
Also via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast
9509.916 kHz much oddity outlet: BBC London in En, 00-02UT scheduled too,
S=9+15dB at 00.24 UT on Sept 8.
15515even kHz AWR Asia in Chinese/Amoy ect. via RRTM Telecom Tashkent
Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, scheduled 00-02 UT, at
00.30 UT on Sept 8th,
but later also on 15515 kHz at 02-03 UT time slot in English via Dushanbe
Orzu? site of Tadjik Radio relay instead.
11600even irregular service?, scheduled 00.30-01.30 UT via Tashkent relay
site, but channel only covered by powerhouse TX likely of CNR1 jamming
service in Mandarin from China mainland instead.
9719.948 kHz target radio of JCI 'Nippon no Kaze' in Korean at 17.30 UT,
and 'Furusato no Kaze' in Japanese language at 18.00 UT, via RRTM Telecom
Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, scheduled at
17.30-18.30 UT Korean at 17.40 UT S=9+25dB signal into Hiroshima Akitakata
remotedly on Sunday Sept 8.
7540 kHz at 18.10 UT bad MIXTURE on private organization request
procedure of two strong signals of western propaganda on same frequency
on same time:
7540 kHz even USAGM 'Radio Deewa' from Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay center
in Thailand, scheduled 17-19 UT, 250 kW 311 degr azimuth,
and c o - c h a n n e l
7539.929 kHz BVBN in Russian via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Short-
wave Transmitting bcast center, 100 kW 301 degr azimuth.
S=9+15dB signal into western Germany remotedly SDR unit, 18.10 UT.
7490 kHz NON, not on air Sunday Sept 8 at 19.00 UT: 'VoMartyrs' in Korean,
VoMK targetradio via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitt-
ing bcast center, scheduled irreg.? 19.00-19.30 UT 100 kW 76degr azimuth.
Previous 7490 kHz channel usage today: USAGM Radio Deewa in Pashto via
Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay site, close-down TX switch off at 18.59:32 UT
7610even kHz exact 'Radio Ranginkaman - Rainbow radio' at 1630-1700 UT
noted at 16.44 UT in Farsi-Persian via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, a24_season 100kW 236degr azimuth.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews & hcdx Sept 8 - 12)
UZBEKISTAN 12045 kHz OPPOSITION - target radio. 'Nippon no Kaze' - via
RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center
Tashkent (pres). At 1308 UT on Aug 24 in Korean. Program of slow, mournful
music with a woman announcer. Fair with flutter.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
UZBEKISTAN/GUAM 15255 kHz Adventist World Radio, via RRTM Telecom
Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center (pres), at 1321 UT
Aug 24 in Nepalese. YL, Western style hymn, OM group chant with musica
interludes, 1328 UT off. Poor - fair.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
15255 kHz GUAM. KSDA AWR Agat-GUM, 1329 UT on Aug 24 in Kok Borok language
Opened ~ 1 minute after AWR via Tashkent-UZB bcast sce went off. AWR Theme
(x1), person with opening section, opening music, Woman with a few words
into a hymn. Poor.
(Mark Taylor, CamRock County Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
15255 UZBEKISTAN. R.Liberty via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave
Transmitting bcast center, 1459-1510 UT on 19 Aug. Turkmen language. News
sounder type ID into ToH ID by man. News followed with lead story being
about Ukraine.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1166 Aug 25)
VATICAN STATE 15565 kHz Tue, Sept 3, at 1814-1825 UT, Radio Vaticana,
SM di Galeria-CVA, Portuguese Service. Man announcer interviews an Angolan
Cardinal; ID; 1815 Program "Africa Global": dedicated to catholic church
news and a next Pope's apostolic journey; 1821UT Music and more news. Good
reception: 45554.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Sept 3)
VATICAN STATE Die Voice of America hat beim gestuften Sendeende von
Pinheira Sao Tome einige Sendungen nach Santa Maria di Galeria-CVA ver-
legt (* laut Eike Bierwirth seit 9. Juli 2024) und damit folgenden Anfang
September 2024 hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan:
0330-0430 Uhr: 7225 kHz (250 kW, 165 degr) Kinyarwanda (*)
0330-0400 Uhr: 7260 kHz (250 kW, 134 degr) Somali
0500-0530 Uhr: 9725 kHz (250 kW, 184 degr) Haussa
1400-1500 Uhr: 15610 kHz (250 kW , 98 degr) Kurdisch
1700-1800 Uhr: 17655 kHz (250 kW, 170 degr) Portugiesisch
1830-1900 Uhr: 6180 kHz (250 kW, 165 degr) Franzoesisch (*)
1930-2000 Uhr: 6045 kHz (250 kW, 165 degr) Mo-Fr Kinyarwanda (*)
2030-2100 Uhr: 9470 kHz (250 kW, 165 degr) Haussa (*)
2130-2200 Uhr: 11900 kHz (250 kW, 184 degr) Mo-Fr Bambara
Ausser bei 17655 kHz war der Empfang sehr gut.
<> via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D,
Bieners DX Digest column Sept 12)
VIETNAM Re Radio the Voice of Vietnam.
I have been told by a reliable source that the transmitters from Dong Hoi
were relocated to the new replacement transmitter site. They are Harris /
GatesAir DX-200s. One was installed at the time of the original Dong Hoi
diplexing, and one later. That later one replaced the original single fre-
quency Dong Hoi transmitter, which was Chinese made, and we were told had
been itself relocated from some underground site after the war.
It was very similar to Russian transmitters of that era, using high level
plate modulation and output tubes (valves) which were vapor phase cooled.
The VoV had replaced the original Russian or Chinese output and modulator
tubes with American made Eimac ones, purchasing them in Europe when the
US government prohibited supply to Vietnam.
That transmitter had originally been used (evidently somewhere in China)
with a classic 4 element box side-fire parallelogram array with 2 driven
towers and 2 parasitics as could be seen from some of the control system
Ben Dawson
Benj. F. Dawson III, P.E.
Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers, LLC
9500 Greenwood Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103
(direct via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 8)
VIETNAM Radio The Voice of Vietnam site change, antenna design.
According to Medium Wave News 70/04 p.#59, the Dong Hoi site has been re-
placed with new facilities on the same frequencies (630 and 729 kHz).
The Dong Hoi installation was the highest power diplexed directional
antenna anywhere, that I am aware of (although the Flevoland one in
Holland was higher, but had been abandoned earlier).
The feed system was unusual in that unlike most diplexed medium wave
antennas, the feed was common, with compromise tuning and all the
filtering directly at the transmitter output.
It was designed and commissioned for Harris Corporation by the late
Ron Rackley and me.
(Benjamin F. Dawson III {at}; wor Sept 3)
VIETNAM New Voice of Vietnam domestic transmitter site at Luong Ninh.
According to "Ydun's Medium Wave Info" August 26
the new domestic transmitter site of Voice of Vietnam (VOV) started ope-
ration on August 18. The new site is located at Luong Ninh village, Huyen
Quang prefecture, Quan Binh district
location 17 25 35.5 N 106 37 37.2 E
in central Vietnam. The test transmission began in July. VOV investigated
168 billion VND (about 6080 thousand Euros) to this transmitting site,
former 9.6ha rice field, replacing the old transmission site, built in
1992, in Don Hoi city.
From the new site, VOV1 630 kHz, and VOV2 729 kHz are transmitted not only
to Northern / Western Vietnam, and Tonkin Bay but also it covers Mekong
Delta in the Southern Vietnam.
Also according to VOV5 news
on July 9, VOV have strengthened the domestic service VOV1 on 630 kHz and
VOV2 on 729 kHz since July 1, both scheduled at 2145-1700 UT.
Formerly 630kHz and 729kHz were transmitted from Don Hoi transmitter site
with 200 kW. Probably new transmitters and aerials were installed at the
new site.
(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JAP, wor Aug 30)
Two mast site of 1992 seen much properly on G.E. image of 7 Sept 2009year.
17 27 58.41 N 106 36 41.03 E
17 27 54.56 N 106 36 36.48 E
distance 4670 meters between, - southwards apart.
(wb df5sx, topnews Aug 30)
VIETNAM 12020 kHz Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sontay bcast center site, good
signal today [Sept 6] at 1153UT check with insipid, moody romantic ballad.
// 9840 kHz poor signal. OM muffled English annmt 1156 UT, "Good-bye!"
Open carrier 1157+ UT.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1168 Sept 8)
VIETNAM Sept 7 / 8: Typhoon “Yagi” has reached Vietnam with wind
speeds of around 150 kilometers per hour.
Typhoon “Yagi” has reached the Vietnamese mainland. The cyclone hit the
coastal provinces of Quang Ninh and Haiphong in the north of the country
with wind speeds of up to 149 kilometers per hour, state media reported.
The Vietnamese weather service described “Yagi” as one of the strongest
typhoons in the region in the past ten years. Power was cut in large parts
of the provinces of Quang Ninh and Thai Binh. Seemingly also Son Tay main
shortwave bcast center also has breaks in service due to power supply
On Tuesday 10 Sept at 13.30 UT noted services into Kiwi units in Thailand,
Vietnam and Perseus unit at Hiroshima Akitakata-JPN:
1242.02v kHz Thoi Hung Can Tho
7210 kHz from Buon Me Thuy (probably ! ? )
7220 kHz non, nothing on air.
7285 kHz some buzz distorted audio tone, but likely electricity feed break
9635even VoVTN SonTay domestic sce program at 13.33 UT.
9839.948 kHz VoVTN foreign sce from Son Tay at 13.35 UT.
11719.950 VoVTN domestic sce program at 13.37 UT.
12020even VoVTN foreign sce from Son Tay at 13.39 UT.
and log at 16.45 UT on Sept 10:
7220.026 kHz VoVTN French 16.50 UT, S=9+10dB, 15-17 UT.
9550even kHz VoVTN French 16.53 UT, 15-17 UT.
9729.945 kHz only stromg empty! carrier, seemingly Son Tay 16.00-21.57 UT
11719.950 kHz til 17.00 UT hour, Vietnamese.
11885even kHz VoVTN external sce, 16.00-21.57 UT foreign langs on air,
but heard Son Tay underneath of much stronger CHN mainland
covered by PBS Xinjiang Uyghur sce via Urumqi site til 18 UT.
S=9+30dB much strong Urumqi signal at 17.05 UT on Tue Sept 10.
(wb df5sx Sept 10)
URL website Voice of Vietnam <>
Many points at risk of landslides on national highways in Son La Many
areas in Son La still have moderate to heavy rain, making the work of
overcoming landslides on traffic routes difficult. Some points at risk
of further landslides are continuously warned by the authorities.
and much more pictures of the desaster.
(VoVTN, Sept 9)
and via some more URLs
(via Uwe Volk-THA / D, Sept 8)
Some othe Sept 11 morning logs:
4765 kHz CUB Cuban Progreso not on air at 03.45 UT.
3215even USA WWCR En progr S=9+45dB powerful in Edmonton-AB-CAN
at 46degr azimuth to ITU zones 4,9,27,37.
4939.983 CLM-tentat. R San Antonio, Spanish, S=7 -80dBm at 03.53 UT.
4985.012 BRA R Brasil Central, poor S=5-6 signal at 03.55 UT.
5024.994 CUB R Rebelde Spanish program, Cuban National Anthem Hymn
played at 03.58 to 03.59 UT time range. S=9+25dB powerful nice
audio signal today to state. NO DISTORTION.
5889.995 USA TOM Brother Stair En sermon prayer S=9+48dB strong and
audio accompanied by three audio tone strings at 120, 240, and
360 Hertz apart distance of the carrier. WWCR Nashville TN
at 090 degrees eastwards to ITU zones 9,11,47,52.
5939.945 BRA Voz Missionaria, fair S=7 in Alberta-CAN, 04.01 UT Sept 11
6000even CUB RHC Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW USSR-made beasts,
S=9+30dB much audio faulty signal feed. 04.05 UT. Much distorted
audio scratch signal. English px not understandable.
6049.995 EQA HCJB Quito Voice of Andes via Pico Pichincha at 04.07 UT
wonderful Latin AM culture singer group performed, very nice
Ecuadorian culture progr, S=9+15dB strength in Alberta-CAN.
6069.987 kHz CAN CFRX Toronto in English // ? CFRB 1010 kHz MW ?
S=9+15dB in Alberta-CAN at 04.09 UT on Sept 11.
6149.959 kHz BRA tentat. R Saturn, poor S=6 under threshold at 04.10UT
in Canada remotedly. But checked program content and confirmed
// on Kiwi-set browser signal at Sao Paulo and Pardinho Brazil
6009.962 kHz BRA R Inconfidencia mx program noted at 04.18 UT and con-
firmed at Sao Paulo Kiwi set S=9 or -78dBm signal - remotedly.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 11)
de Wolfgang, DF5SX -
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