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BC-DX 1603                                                    8 Jan 2025

ALGERIA   13855* kHz Ifrikya FM, Berkaoui Ouargla, 2315 UT, Dec 27. French
news type monologue by male announcer in French language. // 13640 kHz
Bechar site, both transmitters with the same moderate signal level.
{ * 13790 kHz scheduled, ed.}
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

ALGERIA   Wie bereits gemeldet, sendet Chaine 3 ausser zu Zeiten des
Ramadans, fuer rund vier Stunden jeweils Donnerstagsabend zu Freitag-
frueh und Freitagsabend zu Samstagfrueh neue und aeltere Disco / Dance-
musik bzw. DJ-Mixe.

Dabei ist der Empfang auf der Langwelle Tipaza 252 kHz nicht selten in
Ortssenderqualitaet. Allerdings gibt es bei und nur bei diesen Sendungen
schon seit Jahren einen Schoenheitsfehler: Bei genauem Hinhoeren ist zu
vernehmen, dass es in jeder Minute mindestens einen Modulationsausfall
fuer den Bruchteil einer Sekunde gibt. Chaine 3 ist ebenfalls ueber
herkoemmliche Internetradios zu empfangen.
(Steffen Mehnert via
Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8)

ASCENSION ISL   I am unusually bandscanning between 05 & 06 UT Dec 27, so
some 'new' frequencies catch my attn on 49mb, in unknown language: 6170kHz
at 0525 UT and 6135 kHz at 0538 UT. HFCC.org shows both are in Hausa, half
an hour each, VOA first and BBC second. Convenient pair, could be same
transmitter ?  Both are on a 547 antenna, but VOA is 250 kW at 27 degrees,
and BBC is 125 kW at 65 degrees - quite a disparity. 65 aims at the SoEast
corner of Nigeria, but 27 aims at Ivory Coast considerably to the west of
any Nigeria. HFCC antenna reference shows 547 is "EHR(S)2/2/0.8" whatever
that mean.

Hausa is a language for which I have no "feel" at all - there must be some
keywords to recognize it, like however they say "this is" as in an ID. Did
Dr Richard E Wood's language recognition series ever cover Hausa ?
Don't call me Hausar.

Google translates "This is the Voice of America" as "Wannan ita ce Muryar
Amurka" but I don't know if they axually say that. It's mainly spoken in
northern Nigeria but also: "Hausa is one of Africa's most commonly spoken
languages after Arabic, French, English, Portuguese, and Swahili. It is a
lingua franca and a language of trade in West Africa. It is spoken in
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo,
Eritrea, Germany, Ghana, Niger, Sudan, and Togo"
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx Dec 27)

ASCENSION ISL  12050 kHz  Jan 5 at 0724 UT, African music S6/S9, the SSOB,
R. Ndarason International, targeting CHAD, in the Kanuri language, not
Kannada as many guess, which is spoken in India. Would be the OSOB, except
weakies on 12095 kHz = also ASC with BBC French; and 11510 kHz = probably
Turkish jammer and/or Dengę Gel, nothing else on 25mb.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 5)

12050even kHz R Ndarason Internat in Kanuri lang noted S=9+10dB signal at
19.32 UT on Jan 5.  wb df5sx

AUSTRALIA   11945, 11875, 15320 kHz
Reach Beyond Australia, HCJB (AUS), E-mail: 
<radio [at] reachbeyond.org.au>
Date December 22, 2024, 11.30, 12.00, 12.15, hcjb.html.
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29)

AUSTRALIA   9860 kHz  Reach Beyond Australia, from Kununurra heard at
0935 UT on Dec 9 with a man speaking alone and slowly in Korean. Poor-
fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15)

11875v kHz  Reach Beyond Australia via Kununurra, signal only fair and
somewhat disappointing with Hindi service at 1248 UT on Dec 10. I don't
know why, but so far this winter, this frequency for 1200-1400 UT sub-
continental languages has not been as good as in the past. One can usu-
ally count on RBA to pin the meter.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15)

11874.947 kHz measured Dec 31. wb.

11875v  Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra heard at 1211 UT on Dec 25; a
woman's monologue in listed Dzongkha. Poor-fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 25)

AUSTRIA  [and non]  Media Broadcast B24 schedule: NDR Hamburg
'Gruss an Bord' at 1800-2100 UT on Dec 24:

Nothing really listenable direct, possible only on 11, 13 and 15.
WRMI 15770 kHz as usual too weak here off the side. At 1844+ UT I check
UTwente. All of them are in music, except 9635.000 kHz - German talk !

Later they are all talking but 9635 kHz does not match. Must be way out
of synch at ORS Moosbrunn Austria, why?

13829.999+ kHz  MBR Nauen.
11649.999+ kHz  TDF Issoudun.
 6079.962  kHz  CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent relay VG S=9+20/30dB signal.
 6030.047  kHz  TDF Issoudun ISS VG S=9+20/25dB
                {faulty fqy variable ISS mouving around tx, like 9490}.

By 2057 UT check, 9635 kHz is off already; 6079.962 kHz with lots of
applause, no ID, and 2100 UT into Korean: nothing so scheduled in Aoki &
EiBi, but China already in Chinese at 2025-0100 UT on 6080 kHz. Aha, in
EiBi by time, Korean starts at 2100 UT via Uzbekistan on 7540 kHz,
Clandestine target radio 'Voice of Martyrs'. RFA & CRI also Korean but
not via Tashkent.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 24)

AUSTRIA   {single day operation }   6070 kHz  SM Radio Dessau, 100 kW
via ORS Moosbrunn-AUT. e-QSL: 13.00-14.00 UT, Dec. 31, 2024. Blog:

E-mail: <maxberger [at] smradio-dessau.de>

(Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, via RUSdx #1323 via
wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

AUSTRIA   9635 kHz  'Gruss an Bord' NDR Hamburg via ORS Moosbrunn, 2025-
2057 UT off abruptly. Male and female hosts to this program in German, fe-
male vocalist with piano accompaniment; applause at times. They appeared
to cut off during the last song. The webfeed had the end of the song and
sustained applause. 2100 UT bells ringing, into midnight church service.
Fair level. There have been better years for this from here. Nice to get a
log on ORS Moosbrunn at its sad end, though. 24 Dec.
(David Potter, Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Dec 27)

AUSTRIA   ORS Moosbrunn - ein letzter Besuch in OE1 - ORF radio.

Folgenden Programmhinheis auf ORF-Radio OE1 heute Abend Jan 1st 
um 2205 CET/MEZ:

AUSTRIA   ORS Moosbrunn - a last visit to OE1 - ORF radio.

The following program information on ORF radio OE1 tonight Jan 1st 
at 2205 CET/MEZ:


Die Jet Lag All Stars auf Kurzwellen-Exkursion. Ein letzter Besuch beim
Kurzwellensender ORS Moosbrunn, mit Peter Knorr, Ing. Ernst Spitzbart,
Roman Messmer, Rainer Elstner, Sarah Schulmeister, Elke Tschaikner und
Christian Scheib.

ORS Moosbrunn - a last visit to OE1 - ORF radio.
The following program information on ORF radio OE1 tonight Jan 1st
at 2105 UTC / GMT:

Die Jet Lag All Stars auf Kurzwellen-Exkursion - Wed - 01 01 2025
CET 22:05 - <oe1.ORF.at>



The Jet Lag All Stars on a shortwave excursion.
A last visit to the ORS Moosbrunn shortwave transmitter, with Peter Knorr,
Ing. Ernst Spitzbart, Roman Messmer, Rainer Elstner, Sarah Schulmeister,
Elke Tschaikner, and Christian Scheib.
(lg Harald Suess-AUT, <h.suess -at- aon.at> via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 1>

Sie ist moeglicherweise die letzte ihrer Art und die groesste noch dazu:

Die Sendeanlage fuer Kurzwelle suedlich von Wien im kleinen Ort Moosbrunn.
Aber mit dem Donauwalzer zu Silvester 24/25 stellt die imposante Sende-
anlage ihren Betrieb ein.Kurzwelle hat ein Jahrhundert lang seine Relevanz
daraus bezogen, dass man mit verhaeltnismaessig wenig Energieaufwand welt-
weit Programme ausstrahlen kann. Egal ob nach Chile, Neuseeland, Kanada
oder wie zuletzt noch einmal als tagesaktueller Informationskatastrophen-
dienst in die Ukraine. Aber kurz gesagt:

internet killed the radio star.  [...]

Die Kurzwelle aber sicherte mit dieser ihrer speziellen Ping-Pong-Eigen-
schaft jahrzehntelang weltweite Sendekommunikation noch sehr lange, bevor
andere Technologien das leisten konnten. Und warum baute man diesen be-
eindruckend riesigen, tonnenschweren Kurzwellensender in den 50er respek-
tive 60er Jahren ausgerechnet mitten in ein Sumpfgebiet? 

Auch das hat Gruende, die mit Reflexion zusammenhaengen: Ein hoher Grund-
wasserstand in einer feuchten Region erleichtert den Kurzwellen den Weg
Richtung Ionosphaere. Unsere ORF- beziehungsweise ORS-Kollegen Diplom-
ingenieur Peter Knorr und Ingenieur Ernst Spitzbart uebernehmen in diesen
zwei Stunden der OE1 Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show die technisch-kulturelle
Reiseleitung und selbstverstaendlich werden dabei noch dutzende weitere,
faszinierende Details enthuellt. Sogar an einer "Ringelspiel"-Rundfahrt
auf einer Rundantenne mit circa 80 Metern Durchmesser nehmen wir dann teil

AUSTRIA   Die Jet Lag All Stars auf Kurzwellen-Exkursion.

Thanks to a heads-up from Wolfie DF5SX, I listened to a great program from
Austrian Radio's OE1 channel last night:

"Die Jet Lag All Stars auf Kurzwellen-Exkursion" about a visit to the ORS
Moosbrunn transmitting complex bjust before its closure. Although almost
all in German except for the program title announcement("Jet Lag All Stars
Radio Show" - go figure) and some amateur radio contacts, it was still
quite enjoyable and it was easy to get the gist of the conversations with
the help of Google Translate.

There were also some nice radio-related songs including the one used by
CKUT's "International Radio Report" (can you guess which one?). I will
append below the translation of the promo for the program. It is still
available on the ORF player website:


Austrians listening in learned a lot about shortwave radio: its origins
and uses, how it works, and so on. This is another great example of how
public radio can instruct and inform. Congratulations to Austrian Radio
for airing this program.
(Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Jan 2)

The Jet Lag All Stars on a shortwave excursion.

Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show - Playlist:
You Turn Me On, I'm A Radio.
JET 250101 Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show / Sender Moosbrunn / Tschaikner
Radio-Activity, Antenna. - News. - Transistor.
Petit pays.
I'm sitting on top of the world.
Las Vegas / Sinatra Tribute Band; On the radio.

Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show

One last visit to the shortwave transmitter in Moosbrunn.

With Peter Knorr, Ing. Ernst Spitzbart, Roman Messmer, Rainer Elstner,
Sarah Schulmeister, Elke Tschaikner and Christian Scheib.

It is possibly the last of its kind and the largest at that: the shortwave
transmitter south of Vienna in the small town of Moosbrunn. But with the
Blue Danube Waltz on New Year's Eve 24/25, the impressive transmitter will
cease operation. For a century, shortwave has derived its relevance from
the fact that programs can be broadcast worldwide with relatively little
energy consumption. Whether to Chile, New Zealand, Canada or, as recently,
to the Ukraine as a daily information disaster service. But in short: the
internet killed the radio star. But let's treat ourselves to a few high-
lights in Moosbrunn and in the ORF center on Kueniglberg on the highs and
lows of this radio technology that is probably dying out.

In the 1940s, books with titles such as "The Shortwave Amateur - Textbook
and Guide for Transmitting and Reception" appeared, sold extremely well
and were printed in several editions. In the post-war reconstruction
climate, there was obviously a lively interest in self-determined, world-
wide information exchange, in the most direct case with Austrians who had
emigrated, and later more and more with holidaymakers. 

Telephone calls were hardly affordable, e-mail did not exist. But what was
or is this shortwave transmission technology actually? The manuals for
shortwave users mentioned above sound to our ears like hardly comprehen-
sible, technical specialist literature, and yet the readers consisted of
radio listeners and not necessarily university graduates. So what is it
all about? Let's start with two very basic questions: Why does shortwave
work worldwide, but VHF, i.e. ultra-shortwave or longwave, does not ?
And why, which brings us to the heart of nerd knowledge, why did they
build one of the world's largest shortwave transmitters near Vienna de-
cades ago and deliberately in the middle of a marshy meadow area?

The answer to question 1 is as surprising as it is simple, as long as the
layperson wants nothing more than to be given a reason instead of trying
to understand the physical background. So: For very specific reasons that
have to do with the "length" of the transmitted waves, the "short waves"
are neither absorbed nor let through by the ionosphere surrounding the
earth, but are reflected. They are therefore sent back to earth, but from
there back towards the ionosphere. And this atmospheric ping-pong game
ensures that short waves can be sent all around the globe. Up and down un-
til someone receives them.

Ultra-short waves, i.e. VHF, and even higher frequency waves penetrate the
ionosphere and fly on towards satellites.And of course there has been more
than enough demand for this in recent decades. But with this special ping-
pong property, short waves ensured worldwide broadcast communication for
decades, long before other technologies could do the same.

And why was this impressively huge, heavy shortwave transmitter built in
the 1950s and 1960s in the middle of a swamp? This too has reasons related
to reflection: a high groundwater level in a humid region makes it easier
for shortwaves to travel towards the ionosphere. Our ORF and ORS collea-
gues, graduate engineer Peter Knorr and engineer Ernst Spitzbart, will be
the technical and cultural tour guides for these two hours of the OE1 
'Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show', and of course dozens of other fascinating
details will be revealed. We even take part in a "carousel" ride on a cir-
cular antenna with a diameter of around 80 meters.
(lg Harald Suess-AUT, <h.suess -at- aon.at> via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 1)

BOLIVIA   4809.99 kHz  Radio Logos, Chazuta, 0905 UT, Dec 27. Monologue by
male in presumed Quechua, flute interlude, time check and string of an-
nouncements in Spanish then back to back rustic vocals. Canned ID at 0923
UT followed by vocals by Banda Apocalpsis and another canned Radio Logos
ID at 0930 UT. Excellent modulation and nice signal despite thunderstorm
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

BRAZIL   Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, appears to be out of the air on
both frequencies, 4985* and 11815 kHz.

6010 kHz  Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0540-0633 UT, 29 Dec, Bra-
zilian songs, comments, program "Memoria Nacional". 15422.

6150 kHz Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0543-0614 UT, 29 Dec, Brazilian
songs, comments, ID. "Radio Saturno". 15422.

6180 kHz  Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2054-2113 UT, 28 Dec, Bra-
zilian songs, comments, ID. "Radio Nacional". // 11780 kHz. 25422.
Also heard *0800-0822 UT, 29 Dec Brazilian songs, ID. "Radio Nacional da
Amazonia, comments. 35433.

9818.6 kHz  Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0634-0655 UT, 29 Dec, religious
songs and comments, ID. "Radio 9 de Julho". 25422.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

* 4985.007 UNID but program content confirmed at Kiwi_set at Sao Paulo-BRA
           remotedly, S=7 -88dBm strength music progr 'Radio Brasil Central'
           Goiania, but suffered by RTTY like UTE on 4986.57 and 4987.43 kHz
           pair twin signals. Likely US NSS US Navy, Andrews AF 4985 kHz
           channel data entry. Jan 4.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4)

BRAZIL   5939.666 kHz Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu-SC, 0200 UT, Dec 28.
Music in progress into news type program starting at 0202 UT. Good signal,
fair modulation and interesting offset:) // 9665.022 kHz good // 11749.84v
fair in LSB to avoid co-level CNR.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

6149.968 kHz Radio Saturo, Sao Paulo, 0230 UT, Dec 28. Possible 'Radio
Saturo' ID caught right at tune-in followed by Dancing in the Moonlight
by Orleans the a Julio Iglesias song. Poor to fair.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

BULGARIA   Sofia Kostinbrod SPC-NURTS Bulgaria relay site.
QSL via Spaceline Ltd., Sofia Bulgaria.

Soviet shortwave transmitter "Sneg" - 50 kW, delivered of the 70ties /
80ties in communist USSR ? Leningrad factory ?  Photo:



(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

CHINA   {TIBET - Xizang province}   4905 kHz  "Xizang Radio and Television
Station," 2259 UT, Jan 3, via Kiwi SDR remote at New Delhi, India; Chinese
(PRC) choral National Anthem ('Pinyin Yiyongjun jinxingqu' - March of the
Volunteers); relay started of CNR11 (Tibetan Service). Also // 4920,
6025, 6110, 6130, 6200, 7385 kHz and also // CNR11 program on 6010 and
7360kHz; also at other times when India and Laos are silent, heard on 567
kHz. My remote audio -
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor and direct Jan 3)

4905 kHz (TIBET) Xizang Radio & TV Station at 1604 UT, Dec 28, in English
with "Hello Xizang", man and woman with news about China to 1620 UT when
woman gave welcome to "Hello Xizang", into music. Good, best frequency,
// 4920 kHz fair, 6200 kHz poor, 7255 kHz very poor with QRM.
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, direct & ODXA Dec 28)

CHINA   Xiamen (Amoy) Travel Radio will stop transmission on December 30.

Xiamen (Amoy) Radio and Television Group (XRTG), Fujian province, China an-
nounced on December 23 as follows:

1. By the order of National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA),
Xiamen Travel Radio (94.0 MHz / 1008 kHz 10 kW) will stop transmission at
1600 UT on December 30, 2024.

2. From January 1, 2025, Xiamen Economic and Traffic Radio (107.0 MHz /
1278 kHz) will be renamed to"Xiamen Traffic and Travel Radio", taking over
some programs of Xiamen Travel Radio.

After January 1, 2025, XRTG will operate the following 4 sets of radio

Xiamen General Radio             FM 99.6MHz AM 1107 kHz 10kW
Xiamen Traffic and Tourism Radio FM107.0MHz AM 1278 kHz 10kW
Xiamen Music Radio               FM 90.9MHz
Xiamen Minnan Voice Radio        FM101.2MHz AM  801 kHz 10kW

Xiamen Travel Radio started trial broadcasting in August 2008 only on me-
dium wave. FM frequency was later added. The formal opening of the radio
station was January 1, 2011.

Original article is at
(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, wor Dec 28)

CHINA   5050 kHz  Beibu Bay Radio, 1513-1516 UT, Jan 3, heard via remote
Kiwi SDR at Dimapur, India; the daily English segment; "Let's start it,
English Showtime," "One Word, One World" segment about China's indepen-
dently built multifunctional research vessel Tan Suo San Hao (Explorer 3)
was launched in Dec.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor and direct Jan 3)

CHINA   6180 kHz  CNR 1 jammer in Mandarin Chinese to FE. Dec 13, 2024, at
1538-1550UT. SIO 433. YL in Mandarin with a long monologue. This is likely
jamming Radio Taiwan International on the same frequency. OM joins at 1540
UT. Mixed OM / YL in debate or argument. Multiple speakers and noise
effects. Effective jamming. Background MX.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15)

6200 kHz 'Voice of Jinling' Nanjing site, brilliant signal at 1250 UT
on Dec 15 with usual moody recorded mx segment. Zorba tune on mandolin at
1258UT, then Tanya Chua at 1259 UT with usual theme song ending this half-
hour slot. Fanfare at 1300 UT and OM giving ID in Chinese.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15)

CHINA   {target radio towards TAIWAN island }

1422 kHz  "Voice of Pujiang" terminated its broadcast.

"Voice of Pujiang" on 1422 kHz (25kW), a radio service for Taiwan operated
by Shanghai Radio & Television Station (SMG: Shanghai Media Group), termi-
nated its broadcast on January 1, 2025 without previous notice.

The station began its transmission in January 1988, in 2000's was using
shortwave (3280, 4950, 9705 kHz etc.) along with MW 1422 kHz, received by
the listeners around the world.

The shortwave transmission ended in May 2013. By the way "Pujiang" is the
abbreviation of "Hungpu River" in Shanghai.

On the same day SMG also terminated Story Radio (102.7 MHz), 5 Star Sports
Radio (94.0 MHz), Lovejoy Fashion Radio (98.1 MHz) and 3 TV channels with-
out notice.  Original information is from

(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, wor Jan 6)

Hi Takahito, I thought 1422 kHz (and 603 kHz) has been used lately by
Shanghai Dongfang GD di yi Caijing Guangbo. Is that incorrect ?
{later}  Thank you, Takahito. So apparently 603 kHz continues.
73, Thanks, Mauno Ritola-FIN.

Re: "Voice of Pujiang" terminated its broadcast.
"Shanghai Donfang GD di yi Caijing Guanbo"  means "Shanghai Eastern
Broadcasting Station, No.1 Economy Radio".

This was the formal name of the station from July 2002 year, when the
station merged to "Shanghai Donfang GD" and controlled by No.1 Economy
Media Group (YICAI), until 2010 year, when the name "Shanghai Donfang GD"
was no more used and "Voice of Pujiang" was again separated.

Afterwards major media groups in Shanghai were unified to "Shanghai Media
So "Voice of Pujiiang" was the independent station name under SMG.
(Takaito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JP, Jan 7)
Re:  "Voice of Pujiang" terminated its broadcast.

I will always be grateful for Timm Breyel's (Malaysia) help contacting the
VOP station back in 2013 year.

Sent off a report of my reception and told Victor at the station how I
missed visiting the old Xiangyang Market (which was across the street from
Xiangyang Park which I often visited, which was not far from an apartment
I once owned in Shanghai), where they use to sell fake designer goods
(closed in 2006 year). Received this reply:

"Thank you for your reception report! I have listened to the record.
I confirm you were listening to Voice of Pujiang, please find the
QSL-letter in the attachment.

When I was a high school student, many of my classmates went to the
Xiangyang Market to get some cheap stuff. :) If you have another chance
to visit Shanghai, you are most welcome to come to our station, the
address is shown on the QSL letter, or we can have a coffee together,
I am also a DXer. Have a nice weekend!"
[I often visited Shanghai, but never had an opportunity to visit th
station - Ron]

My Voice of Pujiang QSL SW 5075 kHz, for April 4, 2013 reception, shortly
before they ended their SW operation


- - - Email from 2013:

"Dear Friends of Voice of Pujiang,

As many monitors noted, 'Voice of Pujiang' has already closed all its
shortwave service since 2 May, 2013. That means, 1 May was the last day
of 'Voice of Pujiang' on the shortwave bands.

In recent years, Voice of Pujiang has already transformed into a local
station rather only focuses on Taiwanese audience. We still broadcast 
8 hours daily on AM 1422 kHz. So, Medium wave DXers are still welcomed
to submit their reception reports. Best wishes!
Victor Qian. China Business News Radio / Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai,
 China"  [...]

Still, I am very much pleased to verify reception reports before the clo-
sure of shortwave service,issuing QSL letters both regular and electronic.

The schedule is: 11.30-16.00 UT on 3280 kHz, 4950 kHz and 5075 kHz.
Some monitors say the 5075 kHz will change to 9705 kHz in early May.
Again, I don't even know because we have no contact with the transmitting
site. It is totally their decision to change or not. For regular reception
reports, an IRC is needed to cover the international postage and the
address is as follow:

Mr. Qian Xiaoyan
Voice of Pujiang
Floor 11, Radio Building
No.1376 Hongqiao Road
Changning District

At last, many thanks for your yearly support. For most BCLers and Dxers,
I have to say goodbye to you, because I think you will be less likely to
listen to our programs on smartphones.
Best wishes!  Victor Qian"
(via Ron Howard-CA-USA, Jan 6)

CUBA   13650 kHz  C-R-I via RadioCuba Quiviacan San Felipe TITAN relay
site, at 2316 UT, first time heard here in weeks. Probably came on at 2300
UT, but we only heard a carrier until music at a quarter past. Recheck
after 2330 UT had signal fully lighting the green tuning light (SW-2000629
and long wire). Usual programming of Chinese restaurant music with no Por-
tuguese voice on what is listed as "Portuguese" service (to Brazil). Fair
to Good. Dec 28.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Jan 28)

CUBA   6180 kHz  CGTN via Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center.
0145 UT English current events program, 0200 UT into presumed CRI Man-
darin. Good carrier with hum; very low modulation - a smidgen better in
that you can actually make out whole sentences most of the time. Distort-
ed near TOH. They must have been on an interlude but are back, but for
how long?  23 Dec.
(David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Dec 23)

9570 kHz  CRI via Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center. 1215 UT t/in to
presumed CRI Cantonese. Big signal with much-improved audio over last
night on 6180 kHz, though modulation still somewhat low and a bit distort-
ed.  Otherwise fully audible; including "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" of
all things. To 1230+ UT; 1250 UT recheck with OC., 1254 UT off  23 Dec.
(David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Dec 23)

CUBA   9570  CRI via Quivican. 1240 UT check with strong carrier and spo-
radic, indecipherable modulation. Presumed to be CRI Cantonese. 1250 UT
off. 30 Dec 2024

CRI via Quivican. 1215UT Strong carrier, decent level audio which is badly
distorted. 31 Dec 2024
(David Potter-Orlando-FL state, wor Jan 1)

6180 kHz  CGTN via Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW bcast center of Radio-
Cuba. 0057 UT strong carrier on, English 0100-0120+ UT with extremely low
modulation. 29 December 2024  CRI via Quivican. 0230-0259 UT Mandarin.
Strong carrier with a bit of hum. Modulation is low, but this time, it's
usable even though it's substandard. Into CGTN English at 0300 with ID and
into news, 0301 UT off. 30 Dec 2024 CRI via Quivican. 0205 UT carrier pops
on, then CRI Mandarin shortly follows. Initially it was low but audible.
After 10 minutes or so, it goes downhill rapidly to the point where it
wasn't usable. Abruptly off at 0248* UT. 31 Dec 2024  CGTN via Quivican.
0105-0115 UT okay carrier with barely detectable, but presumed CGTN audio.
G. 1 Jan 2025
(David Potter-Orlando-FL state, wor Jan 1)

CYPRUS/U.K.  {SYRIA and neighbours target} 

The BBC starts a new Arabic broadcast to Syria 0600-0730 UT and 1300-1930z
on Limassol MW 639 kHz beamed to Egypt and Palestine, and Limassol too
MW 720 kHz beamed to Syria and Iraq.
(Ashraf Chaabane to DXing.info FB group via Ydun's MW-Info / ARC 13 Dec)

Regarding "BBC starts a new Arabic broadcast"


Most of it is English. Arabic has today (the first day of these extended
MW transmissions?) been noted only between 1500 and 1530 UT, so still
appears to be on the schedule introduced in November 2023 on Limassol-CYP
639 kHz, 0500-0530 and 1500-1530 UT.


Limassol different site 720 kHz was not in use since January 2023, so it's
no surprise that it was not properly set up today. What would also need
clarification is what became of the other transmissions on 639 kHz:

Al Arabiya, which from July 2023 had booked the airtime between 1900 and
2100UT, and FMM's Monte Carlo Doualiya which from December 2023 used 1600-
1700 UT. I have not seen any further reports about or mentions of either
broadcast. Will try to check it out if no one else does ... Concerning the
difference between 639 and 720 kHz:

(Kai Ludwig-D via Ydun's MW-Info 13 Dec 2024)

Following the rapid developments in Syria,the BBC World Service will offer
enhanced services to audiences across the country. Broadcast on medium
wave and FM, an enhanced audio service will provide the people of Syria
and surrounding countries with a trusted source of independent news when
audiences need it the most, particularly as local media and digital ser-
vices are disrupted.

Broadcasting news and information in Arabic, the service will air BBC News
Arabic bulletins throughout the day including the BBC News Arabic's World
at One and BBC News Arabic's Newsnight. It will also feature packages from
the Gaza Lifeline service and contributions from correspondents such as
Feras Kilani as well as the BBC's wealth of reporters based across the
region. There will also be an English offer on the network, curated from
World Service English, for those Syrians who speak the language.

Jonathan Munro, Global Director, BBC News, says: "As we have all been
watching, listening to and reading about the dramatic changes that have
swept through Syria, the Syrian population have been left without essen-
tial access to reliable and independent news about the events taking
place. The BBC World Service's enhanced services will bring them the la-
test breaking news and analysis from Syria, the Middle East and the rest
of the world."

The Syrian radio network will go out on medium wave, 720 kHz and 639 kHz,
and on 93.0 FM. The BBC World Service has a history of responding to
emergency situations globally. Most recently, in Nov 2024, we launched an
emergency radio service for Gaza - which remains on air - and in May 2023
during the conflict in Sudan, BBC News Arabic began an emergency radio
service. In February 2022, the BBC News Ukraine service extended TV bul-
letins following the invasion of the country.

BBC News has responded to the events in Syria with special programming
across the week. World Service English amended their schedules on Satur-
day 7 and Sunday 8 December in response to the fast-developing story,
there have been additional episodes of the BBC Global News podcast and
correspondents including Barbara Plett-Usher, Lyse Doucet and BBC News
Arabic's Feras Kilani, have brought audiences breaking news across BBC

(Ydun's MW-Info 19 Dec 2024)

CZECH REPUBLIC  'Radio Bila Hora' Czech radio PIRATE program in 2024/25 ?

Y.T. heard on 3381.255 to 3381.260 kHz on Dec 31, 2017 year.

CZECH REP   3381.260 kHz measured exact at 1720 UT tonight Dec 31, 2017y;
Radio Bila Hora noted on both Perseus_net units on neighbourhood nations
in Stein-am-anger in Western Hungary close to Styria Austria border on re-
mote SDR unit of HA1VHF S=9 signal, and also on Bavarian / Czech border
at DARClub OV Amberg Oberpfalz Bavaria unit rather S=9+10dB little stron-
ger, depends of selected antenna. Program is pre-recorded of formerly po-
pular Czech singer of the 50ties and 60ties.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, to DXplorer yg, via BC-DX 1 Jan via dxld Jan 2, 2018)

Re: Radio Bila Hora, Czech Republic, on 3381.260 kHz  I also heard Radio
Bila Hora on 3381.26 kHz on Dec 31 - 2017, at 1510-1525 UT, when checking
the 90 mb in Skovlunde, Denmark. Wellknown pop songs, but the signal was
weak at that time: SINPO 23222 with QRM from a strong whistling tone
[heterodyne] in USB. Now I tried it again at 2115-2125 UT, when they were
heard stronger with Czeck entertainment with an audience. SINPO 33433 with
same whistling tone.
(Anker Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Dec 31 via BC-DX 1 Jan via dxld Jan 2, 2018)

Hi dear Anker, - heard only now and then few minutes -, radio program is
typical for Czech - Slovak national feeling. It's not easy to understand
background memories for foreigners.

Rather stable fqy, at 2130 UT noted on 3381.255 kHz five Hertz downwards.
Still S=9+10dB signal strength here in eastern Bavaria on Czech Republic
border area.
(wb  df5sx, to DXplorer yg, via BC-DX 1 Jan via dxld Jan 2, 2018)

At 2300 UT Midnight in Prague, they played two anthems, presumably includ-
ing the Czech National Anthem and after a short pause resumed their prior
programming with men and women talking and various music selections as
heard prior to 2300 UT. At 2315.5-2318 UT a speech or reading by a man was
played and then back to usual program. In this time period music was defi-
nitely not pop music but local songs.
(Bruce Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Jan 1 via BC-DX 1 Jan 2018 via dxld)

DENMARK   15699.99*kHz 'World Music Radio' from Randers, in Danish Dec 29,
at 1406-1428 UT (15699.994 - .995 - .994 kHz per UTwente remotedly, poor /
very poor at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter), playing reggae songs, w/
woman brief announcement at about 1410 UT, man announcement and ID at
about 1421 UT, then a lively afropop song and Lat Am lively song; better
in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid and deep qsb, strong qrn, fair/almost good
w/ loud audio; in // 25800.02 kHz, Marslet, Aarhus site, poor/almost fair/
fair at times.
(Gianni Serra, Roma-ITA, dxld Dec 29)
* 15700.006 kHz measured on Tue Jan 7, at 15.30 UT. ed.

Danish low powered SW station, 'World Music Radio' is coming in quite well
at fair/good level into Masset at 17:03 UT. I suspect that they should be
pretty widely heard in North America. "This is WMR, World Music Radio" ID
at 17:05 UT. In Masset, 25800 kHz is blocked by a spurious signal from my
Bodnar mini-GPS. 5930 kHz is visible only as a weak carrier.
(Walter Salmaniw-BC-CAN wor Dec 29)

Re:  15700 kHz 'World Music Radio'. Only hearing 25800 kHz here. Signal is
fair but noise level is brutal. Nothing but noise on 15700 kHz.
(Stephen C Wood - KC1QEM, Cape Cod-MA-USA, wor Dec 29)

DENMARK   25800.04 kHz  World Music Radio, Arthus-Marslet, 1650 UT on Dec
27. Weak but readable signal, playing Yellowman's We Wish You a Reggae
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

ECUADOR   6050 kHz, HCJB, Pichincha mountain, 0416-0422 UT, 29 Dec reli-
gious songs, Spanish. 25422.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

6049.989 kHz  HCJB, Quito Pinchacha, 0227 UT, Dec 28. Spanish talk, con-
temporary Spanish religious vocal. Good signal.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

EGYPT   9439.853+ kHz on Dec 20 at 2131 UT, R. Cairo not off the air,
S=9+30dB into UTwente, YL talk but of course extremely distorted, seems
like English intonation as scheduled. Something's always awful at Abis.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 25)

9439.860+ kHz on Dec 25 at *2116 UT, S=9+35dB silent carrier cuts on into
UTwente, after nothing at 2115 UT. Soon talk, extremely suptorted, 2218 UT
"Radio Cairo presents Turkey(?)" sounded like. Something's always awful at
Abis and/or crappy at Cairo.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 25)

Noted likely antenna ajustment TEST at Abis broadcast center on
9889.953 kHz S=6 -92dBm signal into Doha Qatar SDR unit at 20.00 UT, wb.

E'SWATINI   11660 kHz  Trans World Radio Africa, Manzini former
SWZ site. e-QSL: 11660 kHz, 17.15-18.00 UT, Dec. 23, 2024.


(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05) 

see also Eibi Perseus.list of Jan 1, 2025.

 7245   0330-0345 Su-Mo SWZ Trans World Radio  AH  ETH  /UAE
 7245   0330-0345 Tu    SWZ Trans World Radio  OO  ETH  /UAE
 7245   0330-0345 Th    SWZ Trans World Radio  SID ETH  /UAE
 9655   0330-0345 Su-Mo SWZ Trans World Radio  AH  ETH  /UAE
 9655   0330-0345 Th    SWZ Trans World Radio  SID ETH  /UAE
 9655   0330-0345 Tu    SWZ Trans World Radio  OO  ETH  /UAE

17680.1 1300-1315 Th-Su SWZ Trans World Radio  AFA EAf  /UAE

 9585   1400-1443 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  LO  MOZ
 6175   1420-1435 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  SGA MOZ
 9585   1420-1435 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  LO  MOZ
 9585   1420-1450 Sa    SWZ Trans World Radio  MKU MOZ
15105   1440-1457 Th-Su SWZ Trans World Radio  AFA EAf
 9585   1455-1525 SaSu  SWZ Trans World Radio  F   MDG
 9585   1455-1525 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  MSY MDG
11880   1500-1530       SWZ Trans World Radio  SO  EAf
11880   1530-1545 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  SO  EAf
11879.968 kHz Somali sce S=9+30dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR on Jan 5th.
13580   1530-1545 Mo,Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  JU  EAf
15105   1532-1621 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  TIG EAf
15105   1547-1621 SaSu  SWZ Trans World Radio  KUN EAf
15104.961 kHz Kunama Tigre sce S=9+35dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR
13580   1557-1657 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  KiR EAf
13579.950 kHz Kirundi sce S=9+35dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR

11660   1630-1645 Fr,Sa SWZ Trans World Radio  KAM ETH
11660   1630-1645 Mo    SWZ Trans World Radio  AH  ETH
11660   1630-1645 Tu,Su SWZ Trans World Radio  OO  ETH
11659.986 kHz Oromo sce S=9+40dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR
11660   1630-1700 We-Th SWZ Trans World Radio  OO  ETH
11660   1645-1700 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  OO  ETH
11660   1645-1700 Fr,Sa SWZ Trans World Radio  HAD ETH
11660   1645-1700 Mo-Tu SWZ Trans World Radio  BNA ETH
 6100   1700-1730       SWZ Trans World Radio  YAO MOZ
 6099.976 kHz Yao sce S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR
11660   1700-1730       SWZ Trans World Radio  AH  ETH
11660   1730-1745 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  SID ETH
11660   1730-1800 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  OO  ETH
 9380   1745-1800 Sa    SWZ Trans World Radio  TUR EAf
 9500   1802-1902 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  E   EAf
 9499.990 kHz English sce S=9+35dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR
13800   1802-1902 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  A   EAf
 7410   1820-1850 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  UM  AGL
 7409.976 kHz Umbundu sce S=9+35dB in Doha Qatar ME SDR

 7410   1850-1905 Su-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  UM  AGL
 7410   1850-1905 Sa    SWZ Trans World Radio  CKW AGL
 7410   1905-1920 Sa    SWZ Trans World Radio  UM  AGL
 7410   1905-1920 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  P   AGL
15105   1905-1935       SWZ Trans World Radio  LIN COD
15104.980 kHz lingala sce S=9 in Doha Qatar ME SDR.

 7410   1905-2001 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  P   AGL
 7410   1920-1935 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  KWA AGL
 7410   1920-2005 Sa    SWZ Trans World Radio  P   AGL
15105   1935-1950 SaSu  SWZ Trans World Radio  F   COD
 7410   1935-2005 Su    SWZ Trans World Radio  P   AGL
15105   1935-2005 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio  LIN COD

15105 kHz  Trans World Radio Manzini-SWZ at 1550 UT, Dec 28, in Kunama
language, woman preaching, some Christian music, 1552 UT into song. Fair.
At 1618 UT good signal.
1619 UT "This is T-W-R, broadcasting from e'Swatini.", IS and off.
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, direct & ODXA Dec 28)

ETHIOPIA   Re: Gedja Ethiopia - Radio Oromiya (6030 kHz).
Acc. to WRTH schedule Marti 6030 kHz operates between 0100-1300 UT.
73, Mauno

Thanks for the posting, Ron.  I've received Radio Oromiya at excellent
levels this past year right at sign on, but it must have been when Radio
Marti is not on the air. When I checked now, I only hear them, although
Adis Ababa is in sunlight now, so a bit too late. I wonder whether 'Radio
Marti' ever has any off times during our local evenings?
(Walt Salmaniw-Haida Gwaii-BC-CAN, wor Dec 29)

Enjoying the 'World of Radio' from my remote QTH on Haida Gwaii off the
NW coast of BC, Canada.

6030 kHz  Radio Oromiya from Gedja site in ETH, *0259 UT, Dec 29, Kiwi SDR
remote at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; suddenly on with Horn of Africa music /
singing; announcers in vernacular and HOA music; 0316-0322 UT, drama with
a noisy rooster in the background; 0401 UT, sounded like news. My remote
audio -


I wish the "Africalist" produced by Thorsten Hallmann (Germany) was still
active. It was an excellent Africa database. He and his info are certainly
(Ron Howard-CA-USA wor & direct Dec 29)

FRANCE   UNID: 15710 kHz at 1345 UT tune-in (Saturday only).

UNID station heard Saturday 4 Jan on 15710 kHz until 1400 UT when TX off.
Language sounded African, and music to Top of Hour sounded Horn of Africa.

Perhaps WRMI {Jeff White himself} brokered station on new schedule (or in
error) via TDF Issoudun, i.e. either "Moresh Voice of Amhara International
Radio" scheduled in Amharic Saturday at 1600 UT on 15710 kHz or
"Fano Deims" scheduled in Amharic language Sats at 1700 UT on 15215kHz ?
(Alan Roe, Teddington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 4)

GERMANY   9715 kHz Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen 100 kW 126degr
azi to ME at 1800 UT, Dec 28, on the air with Jewish-style music, English,
man introducing "Seed of Abraham" program. Poor.
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, direct & ODXA Dec 28)

GERMANY   13589.989  USAGM VOA English S=9+15dB signal from Lampertheim
Germany relay site, 19-20 UT En towards CeAF, SoEaAF, MDG, MOZ azi etc.
Noted in Doha Qatar ME Perseus SDR remotedly.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4-5)

GUATEMALA   Now Dr. Madrid is backtracking about the new SW transmitter
for R. Verdad. He had been saying it was in Mexico being held up for
customs duty? Now he says it's still in Europe, as received Dec 30 by
Gabriel Gomez, Uruguay:
" 'Radio Verdad Internacional'
Todavia estamos en vueltas de traer el transmisor desde Europa. Gracias
por su interes. Cuando salgamos al aire por onda corta lo informare en
Facebook. Edgar Madrid, 'Radio Verdad Internacional' Rte CX7BI- CX0001
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 31)

GUATEMALA   4052.5 or 4055 kHz, part of nightly bandscans in case TGAV
should reappear, nothing yet. And maybe never: received this Dec 28 from
Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain, my translation:

"Hello Glenn, several months ago, the alleged reactivation of RadioVerdad,
Chiquimula, Guatemala, on their frequency of 4055 kHz was discussed. As
you well know, el Sr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, after the short wave trans-
mitter stopped working years ago, was allegedly deceived by someone who
sold him a fictitious short wave system via satellite and with a multitude
of minitransmitters distributed throughout the world, so that the station
could be heard on 4055 kHz at any hour of the day or of the night and in
any place of the world, the system that after months and months of decep-
tion, and asking for money, evidently never worked.

Upon giving up on what I understand was a fraudulent and fictitious pro-
ject, it seems that he decided to resume SW with a new transmitter. In the
month of September I got in contact with him to find out how the project
was going, and he replied:

"I am awaiting a new very modern transmitter, very soon. It's 1,200 watts,
computerized, made in Frankfurt, Germany. We already have the antenna on
hand, also modern, and some accessories are also arriving. I don't know
exactly when the transmitter will arrive in Guatemala, but it will be
later.We have already paid for everything, and we are seeing problems with
customs charges.

When we get the transmitter,we will see first of all the installations and
then we plan to inaugurate it in Chiquimula. We have been assisted by en-
gineer Ernesto Santizo, in the United States.

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of opposition to this project.We don't
want to announce anything yet. Once it's installed, I'll inform DXers in
order to get their reports.

Thank you for your interest in Radio Verdad."

Yesterday, the 27th December, I sent him a new email to see if the reac-
tivation of Radio Verdad would be imminent, and his response was this:

"It seems that the transmitter is arriving already in Mexico. Right now
they are demanding money I don't have in order to send it and I don't know
how I am going to do that. Thank you for your interest. May God bless and
protect you."

The truth is that everything seems to indicate, I hope it's not like this
and I'm mistaken, that the same or other people who scammed the system via
satellite, are doing it again with this new short wave transmitter. I have
searched on Google and not found any manufacturer of short wave trans-
mitters in Frankfurt, Germany, although there could be one, and the manner
of asking him for money, now telling him that the transmitter is in Mexico
and that he needs to pay more, while before he said that he had everything
paid, reminds me very much of what happened before.

Cordial greetings, and a very happy 2025, Manuel Mendez"

It seems "Ernesto Santizo" is too common a name,search ranging from a pro-
fessor of medicine in Guatemala to an inmate in North Carolina. The word
santizo literally means "I sanctify" earnestly.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 28)

INDIA/BHARAT   567 kHz  Akashvani Dibrugarh, suddenly on with strong test
tone at 2346UT, Dec 26, via the Kiwi SDR remote at Dimapur, India; 2358 UT
distinctive AIR IS, followed by patriotic song "Vande Mataram"; Lao Natio-
nal Radio heard underneath. see also under LAOS, - Lao National Radio and
Akashvani Dibrugarh both on 567 kHz.

639 kHz  Akashvani Kohima, 1232+ UT, Jan 3, via Kiwi SDR
remote at Dimapur, India; program in English with listener's new year's
resolutions. My remote audio -

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor and direct Dec 26 / Jan 3)

INDIA/BHARAT   AIR / Akashvani 9620 kH wrong feed noted just now. 1700 UT
relay of Kolkata Home Service, 1730 UT Delhi Home Service, instead of Ex-
ternal service in Farsi and Arabic. Audio sounding better than External
Service !
(Jose Jacob, Hyderabad-IND, DXindia via Jayanta Chakraborty Dec 26)

IRAN   9650 kHz Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting at 1536
UT, Dec 24, English, man reporting on Israeli assault on hospital in Gaza,
followed by other reports and commentary on Gaza war conflict. Confirmed
by listening via Qatar SDR. Poor.
{IRIB Sirjan site scheduled 15.20 - 18.20 UT on various directions in
En, Bangla and Turkish, ed.}
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, direct & ODXA Dec 24)

IRAN   I came timely a little late to switch-off Sirjan IRN at 15.18:40 UT
its a Sirjan sce of VoIRIB in Pashto, Kurdish Sorani, Bangla.

11710 1220 1320 30S,31S,40E SIR 500  40  0 211 Pus IRN IRB 6207 PUSHTOO
11710 1320 1420 39          SIR 500 298-15 218 Kur IRN IRB 6208 KURD-SH
11710 1420 1520 41NE        SIR 500  90  0 145 Ben IRN IRB 6209 BENGALI
though 14.20-15.20 UT in Bangla language.
11709.972 kHz measured at 13.08 UT on Tue Jan 7th, wb.

15359.956 kHz measured at 18.35 UT on Sun Jan 5th, of IRN  VoIRIB from
Sirjan site, in Hausa towards West AF, 18.20-19.20 UT, S=8 sidelobe into
western Europe.

15134.955 kHz fqy varying of Sirjan site, IRIB's Arabic sce scheduled at
11.30-17.30 UT and noted at S=9+15dB signal level at short distance in
Doha Qatar_ME  Perseus SDR remotedly; at 15.40 UT on Jan 5.

11880.007 kHz  IRIB's English sce towards SoAF, RSA, ITU zones 52, 53,
and 57. Much low modulated on Jan 5th. 19.20-20.20 UT scheduled.
S=9+15dB at 1951 UT Jan 5 in Doha Qatar ME Perseus unit.
S=9+30dB -46dBm carrier signal strength noted at 19.37 UT Jan 5, in
         kiwiKenya SDR remotedly.
S=9+10dB -71dBM in Johannesbourg, RSA_kiwi SDR.
S=9+10dB -68dBm in East London southern coast_kiwi SDR.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4 - 5)

JAPAN   re Radio Japan, Bengali Service, via KDDI national telecommuni-
cation provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site.

Radio Japan missing in Bengali at 1500 UT on 11610 kHz today 30 Dec 2024 !
Other services to SouthAsia were heard as usual today as follows:
Hindi 1530 UTC  11610
Urdu  1600 UTC   9440
Wonder what happened to Radio Japan Bengali Service, Frequency change or
(Jose Jacob, Hyderabad-IND  vu2jos, wor Dec 30)

Re 11610 kHz: finally checked that channel/hour today Saturday Jan 4th:

11610even kHz CRI Bangla service from Kashi-Kashgar Xinjiang province big
bcast relay center scheduled 14-15 UT. But heard Chinese language sce in-
stead today til 14.59 UT.
11610 kHz powerhouse S=9+35dB -43dBm noted in Doha Qatar ME SDR remotedly
at 15.00 UT, when NHK R Japan from Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan bcast center
site started in - likely - Bangla spoken.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4-5)

JAPAN   11610 kHz  NHK World Radio Japan via KDDI national telecommunica-
tion provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site. 1525UT NHK to South Asia.
Musical box tuning signal to BoH, opening Hindi service (we missed pre-
vious bcast in Bengali) with man in Japanese, pres.news headlines, sounded
like Japanese / Hindi language lesson after that, then off at 1551 UT.
Fair on Dec 26.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Dec 26)

13705 kHz  NHK World Radio Japan at 2300 UT. M and W in (listed) Thai
language, piano music and female jazz singer. Heard with RS DX-402, window
frame antenna for perspective). This fqy allows them to dodge the Cuban / 
Chinese music station this hour on 13650 kHz. Short repetition of NHK tun-
ing signal at 2320 UT, then off. Transmitter reopen at 2325 UT, repeating
until 2330 UT and switch to Vietnamese. Fair Dec 15.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Dec 16)

JAPAN   9440 kHz  NHK World Radio Japan, transmitting from KDDI national
telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, was logged
on 7 October 2024. An Urdu language broadcast was monitored from 16.00
till 16.20 UT. Station ID and contact details were announced, followed by
news which began with "assalamu alaikum", then reports on Israel-Gaza-
Lebanon war, Ukraine-Russia war, Taiwan and Cambodia items.

A Japanese language program with dialogue in Urdu and Japanese rounded out
this broadcast to close at 16.20 UTC. Reception on 9440 kHz rated a SINPO
of 55444 - good signal strength and clear content.


NHK world Radio Japan, transmitting from Yamata site, was logged on
9 December 2024.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

JAPAN   11630 kHz NHK Radio Japan in Japanese to SoEaAS via KDDI national
telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, 2153 UT on
Dec 11. Lots of talk in Japanese by a man and woman. Talk continues with
background music. Talk and possible ID at 2200 UT. Poor with choppy fad-
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15)

JAPAN   New schedule for Shiokaze effective 6 January 2025.
For anyone who follows the broadcasts from Shiokaze, Hiroshi's blog at
mentions a new schedule effective 6 January 2025:

1300-1400 on 5935 and 6085 kHz
1405-1435 on 7260 and 7325 kHz
1600-1700 on 6165 and 6180 kHz
1705-1805 on 7225 and 7320 kHz

Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) broadcasts to North Korea and is operated by the in-
dependent investigating organisation "Investigation Commission on Missing
Japanese Probably Related to North Korea", regarding persons believed to
have been abducted by North Korea prior to 1983. All broadcasts are from
Yamata in Japan (300 kW).

They usually have an English programme at 1300-1400 UT and 1600-1700 UT on
Wednesdays (otherwise they are in Korean and Japanese)
(Tony Rogers-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 7)

KOREA  D.P.R. of  {North}  DRM test from NoKorea on MW can be observed via
Japanese SDR's remotedly on the following frequencies:
657, 702, 765, 801, 819, 927, 882 and 999 kHz. The ID is "A00001". My
theory: the North Korean government bought new transmitters from China
with DRM capability, and the manufacturer added the station name.

And the transmitters are in DRM mode initially, but North Korean engi-
neers cannot switch them to AM mode. Now they broadcasting useless DRM
content across the country, because "MSC" is missing.
(Laszlo Tringer via DXing.info via wor iog;
NZLDXT Jan 2025, page 12, Dec 26)

KYRGYZ REP/CHINA   Did someone note? Turkic QRMing Lhasa Xizang 4820 kHz.
Most probably Kyrgyz Radyosu { 2nd program wb.} reactivated.
Thanks, Mauno Ritola-FIN, Dec 29.

Found a station on 4820 kHz QRMing Lhasa Xizang with program in a Turkic
lang. Via Novosibirsk kiwi_SDR_net remotedly.

This station has a signal level of -75 and seems s/off 1230z, leav-
ing Xizang in the clear with signal at 80 dbm. Reception on Dec 21.
Just listen and think!

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Dec 26)

re 4820 kHz Lhasa / Bishkek co-channel ?  Checked on Jan 6th at 12.00-
12.30 UT in Perseus unit in Tokyo Japan and kiwi-sdr at Novosibirsk-RUS.
Two signals co-channel noted today in // on Lhasa 4820even and on upper
fqy flank 4820.007 kHz.

Strength similar like 1st program channel 4010 kHz Kyrgyztelekom Krasnaya
Rechka Bishkek usual old USSR 15 kW level steep angle signals.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 6)

LIBERIA   6049.998 kHz  ELWA Monrovia, chorus sun Christma's Carols at
07.03UT on Dec 26 much strong S=9 or -71dBm signal on Furteventura Island,
my tip to the crowd: listen our UT mornings around 07 UT via this remote

06.36 UT English heard via Fuerteventura isl of Kiwi-worldwide Kiwi_net
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 26)

LIBERIA   6050 kHz  ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0555-0613 UT, 29 Dec interval
signal, at 0557 UT, English, ID., religious comments and songs, program
"Back to the Bible". 25422.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

MADAGASCAR   13670even exact fqy, Radio Feda in Arabic, S=8-9 at 19.20 UT
on Sun Jan 5th, via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga-MDG,
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 5)

MADAGASCAR   v9755 kHz  La Voz Alegre in Spanish via MWV New Life
Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar.

9755 kHz is La Voz Alegre,name of the Spanish service from MWV Madagascar.
I'm hearing it presumed now at 0342UT. 9755 kHz is recently ex-6180 kHz as
reported here. Georgia SDR has it only slightly below 9755 = 9754.97 kHz.

{...} La Voz Alegre was also one of the programmmes deleted with WWCR-1 as
Alan Roe-UK reported. I was not aware it was on WWCR too, or whether it's
really the same.

The sign-off of 9755 kHz just now mentioned World Christian Broadcasting,
altho I heard no mention of Madagascar. Sked is 02-04 UT.

FYI,WEWN has been totally off SW for months. Supposedly waiting for repair
/ parts. No Spanish, and long before that, no English.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx Jan 4)

UNID religious Spanish language program heard 02.00-02.35 UT at present on
9754.945 kHz S=9+25dB proper signal in Edmonton AB, later though
S=9+20 dB signal in Edmonton-AB-CAN, now on
9754.953 kHz measured at 02.50 UT Jan 04 (73 de wolfie df5sx)

... as far as I know WEWN Vandiver-AL is off the air due to a transmitter
failure last summer and has not returned. The have not published a B24
schedule at their website. A comparison to the live audio of their 'Radio
Catolica Mundial' does seem to match what I'm hearing. check  <ewtn.com>
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, wor Jan 4)

Plus, WEWN Vandiver-AL was very much a Catholic SW station. 9755 kHz This
is not Catholic programming. Direction finding using Kiwi didn't point to
that part of the US, but I know the TDoA function is notoriously suspect.

What I do know is the east coast of Brazil always is very well heard in
Masset-BC-CAN, and another reason why I wondered about that part of the
world. 73, Walt

Very strong into Masset-BC-CAN on 9755 kHz at 02:49UT tune-in. In Spanish,
with lots of mentions of "biblia". On measured 9754.954 kHz. Mentioned New
York Times at 02:51 UT. Should nail an ID fairly easily shortly ...

La Voz Alegre ID at 02:54 UT ... this does not sound like VR, but doesn't
TWR have such a program ? Sounds more evangelical ... Walt

La Voz de Alegre, then starts again at 03.00 UT.
9754.958 kHz now exact at 03.05 UT.

Interesting. Program ended at 02:59 UT with transmitter cutting* at about
02.59:30 UT, but returned after about 15 seconds and back into 'La Voz
Alegre' program with multiple mentions of La Voz Alegre. -  Walt

* seems azimuth change from Central AM degrs azi to more southern America
ARG / CHL target azimuth ? ed.

Madagascar origin makes sense, as it's near my antipode, and always strong
I checked a number of locations and found the following:

Bonaire SDR:   VERY strong
Peru:          Strong
Iceland:       fair
New Zealand:   fair
South Africa:  Strong.

So it gets out far and wide ! I give up DFing, as another time, it showed
location as mid-Caribbean, and another time further north and east.
Not once anywhere close to Africa ! 73, Walt

Re:  9755 kHz unid.
A quick DF-direction finding procedure,- on my KiwiSDR using SDRs in South
America, Europe, Iceland and my own SDR points to Brazil on the Atlantic
coast. Might be wildly off-base, but with the off-channel, this is pretty
characteristic of Brazilian SW stations, no? But, in Spanish, rather than
Portuguese, however. Sure like to know where it's originating from.

Enjoying the world of radio from my remote QTH on Haida Gwaii off the NW
coast of BC, Canada. vy73 de Walt

MADAGASCAR   9754.97v kHz odd fqy, Jan 4 at 0342 UT, Spanish, which was
mystifying some reporters, who overlooked that 'La Voz Alegre', as that
service is named by Madagascar World Voice, had recently moved off 6180
kHz to avoid Cuba and Brazil {co-channel ed.}, a good idea, for the
bihour in Spanish at 0200-0400 UT.

'La Voz Alegre' was also one of the programmmes deleted with WWCR-#1 as
Alan Roe-UK reported. I was not aware it was on WWCR too, or whether it's
really the same.

The sign-off of 9755 kHz at 0358 UT mentioned 'World Christian Broadcast-
ing', and various contact info, altho I heard no mention of Madagascar.
Such offfrequenciness has become typical of MWV.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 4)

Yes Glenn and Walt,
100%   MDG is origin of the program - like their KNLS evangile kind
outlets, Spanish language sounds like Mexican or Cuban ...

but Y.T. had scratch my head of 26 Hertz frequency varying moving upwards
around in two hours time !?

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4)

MADAGASCAR   11735 kHz Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 1847-1900UT, Voice of America-
VOA Studio 7, Talata Volonondry-MDG, Shona/Ndebele/English. Program "L ive
Talk": Man announcer in conversation w/ a Zimbabwean man: They say about
Zimbabwean Christmas Celebration; 1849 UT now, he talking with a woman
(Zimbabwean woman) w/ the same theme; 1852 UT New conversations, in Shona,
Ndebele and English, all about Christmas Celebration; ID. Good reception:
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Dec 26)

MADAGASCAR   re 5010 kHz formerly {probably} via MDG.

Very probably Radio Madagasikara in malagasy language on 5010 kHz AM, this
morning 21st december (western Europa time) 0555-0610 UT. Very weak.
(Nicolas Philby-F (near Paris, France) wor Dec 21)

Yes, Madagasikara tx unit 5010 kHz has been down now many years.
2 x 50 kW originate twin unit built up in Siemens Vienna - Austria factory
(help of RIZ Zagreb, Croatia ? ) and erected probably in the mid 80ties at
SFBerlin/R Bremen 6190 kHz outlet (target towards GDR then), and moved
around 1996 year out of Bremen and erected then at SWF Rohrdorf - southern

I'm visited in 1999 year during a sightseeing tour of our local amateur
radio club P06 Ludwigsburg. In 1996year at Rohrdorf tx bcast center, power
level decreased from original 50/30 kW water-cooled to 10 kW air cooled
construction type.

Unit sponsored as aid by the German develop departements; the Siemens
transmitter was finally donated to Madagascar by SWR Rohrdorf / Germany
and was also built-up there by German technicians, and was in operation
there on 7 and 5 MHz more as a decade from 2004 year or so.
(vy73 de wolfie, wor Dec 21)

MALI   Radio (Nationale du) Mali or occasionally ORTM/Office de Radiodif-
fusion-Television du Mali is one of the stations that you can still use to
bring you into the new year on shortwave. In fact, in the past, the re-
porter has mostly noted the station at the end of its broadcast at mid-
night. At the beginning of this year, reception was so good at other times
that he could enjoy the African music. Apparently the old broadcast
schedule is correct.The two frequency changes were confirmed with one fre-
quency going off and the other signing on. On some days there there were
announcements. On other days the frequency simply signed off in mid-music.

0600-0800: 5995 kHz (morning program 'Au Chant du Coq')
0800-1800: 9635 kHz
1800-2400: 5995 kHz

When listening more frequently in early January 2025, the reporter could
hear almost no French (actually only station announcements). The Spanish
shortwave expert Manuel Mendez, who looks for the station, reports that
there is an English Magazine on Saturdays at around 18.50 h.
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 5)

MALI   5955 {sic, rather 5995 kHz ? ed.}  Radio Mali, Bamako tx center I,
0549 UT, Jan 5. Back to back rock songs: Bryan Adams, Steelheart and Guns
n Roses. 0600 UT ID by female in French mentioning Bamako and Radio Natio-
nale du Mali. Rooster crows, greetings in French and Arabic, afro-pop tune
by Guinean band Bembaya Jazz National, more rooster crowing followed by
Malian singer Ami Koita. Good signal slowly fading.

+0637UT on Jan 7. Excellent signal, awesome local music that Shazam cannot
ID. Besides XEPPM Radio Educacion, this is becoming my second favorite
station for music.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Jan 7)

9635 kHz  Radio Mali, Bamako tx center I, 1749-1959* {empty channel at
18.44 UT Dec 29; rather 15.49-17.59 UT}, 28 Dec Vernacular, comments,
African songs, French, ID. interval signal and close on this frequency.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

5995 kHz  Radio Mali, Bamako tx center I, 1841-1911 UT, 28 Dec, Vernacular
comments, African songs, at 1850 UT, "English Magazine", news and comments
about Mali in English, African songs, French, comments. 25433.

{yes confirm on 5995 kHz WeAF typical female singer at 18.40 UT on Dec 29,
S=9+20dB proper signal here in WeEUR. Korean tiny stn co-channel under-
neath on 5995.032 kHz. wb.}
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

MALI   13630 kHz CGTN Radio (CRI), Bamako II tx center, 2002 UT on Dec 27.
English news bulletin in The Bridge with host Jason Smith interviewing Dr.
Jeffery Sachs. Excellent signal // 11640 kHz via Bamako fair, 9600 kHz via
Kashi poor-fair, 9440 kHz via Kunming jba.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

MOLDOVA   {Pridnestrovie - Transnistria, separate}  Retransmission

Radio Rossii. Vesti FM + Local broadcasting. Received a letter from the
Transnistrian Radio Center with a frequency schedule for retransmissions.

13.00-16.18 UT, Mon-Fri /  621 kHz / Radio PMR.
15.00-01.00 UT, daily   /  999 kHz / Radio Rossii.
17.00-07.00 UT, daily   / 1413 kHz / Vesti FM.
(Viktor Tsekhanovich, Kerch-RUS, in Russian language see website
via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic PMR, breakaway territory also known
as Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac item formerly:

v/s Sergey Omelchenko
Technical Director of Pridnestrovskiy Radioteletsentr,
Grigoriopol, Pridnestrovie - PMR Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
See different address on page #297 and #555_international, in WRTH 2024.

MONGOLIA   12085 kHz  Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Khonkhor, *1000-1012
UT, 29 Dec interval signal, English, female, "Welcome to the Voice of Mon-
golia in English", news, comments, Mongolian songs. 25422.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

NETHERLANDS   5955 kHz  Radio Vernonica, Westdorpe, 0556-0737UT on Dec 15,
pop songs in English, oldies, Dutch, comments, ID. "Radio Veronica". 35433

6020 kHz  Radio Casanova, 0716-0739 UT on Dec 15, pop songs, ID. "Radio
Casanova, promoting love and peace all over Europe", "Radio Casanova",
Dutch, comments. 35433.

6130 kHz  Radio Europe, Alphen, 1943-2003 UT Dec 14, techno-pop songs in
English, ID. "From the hard of Holland, this is Radio Europe, 6130 kHz,
shortwave". 45444.

6140 kHz  Radio Onda, Borculo, 0618-0805 UT on Dec 15, songs in French,
ID. in French, "Ici Radio Onda", classical music. 25422.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx BrDXC.UK iogr Dec 15)

NETHERLANDS   5944.989 kHz  Radio Veronica, Westdorpe/Overslag, 0544 UT,
Dec 27. Generally moderate signal with fair peaks. Eclectic mix of pop and
rock music, from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Miami Sound Machine. Occasional chatter
by man and woman although a bit muffled compared to the music.
Reported 1 kW.

6129.99 kHz  Radio Europe, Alphen a/d Rijn, 0452 UT, Dec 27. Good signal
with an eclectic mix of pop songs. Frequent "From the heart of Holland on
Shortwave, this is Radio Europe" ID's. Very nice signal for reported 1 kW!
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

NETHERLANDS   6140 kHz  Radio Onda, Borculo, 0638-0825 UT on 29 Dec, Bra-
zilian songs, ID. in Portuguese, "Radio Onda, nossa radio", songs in
French, classical music, ID. "Radio Onda". 35433.

6170 kHz  Radio Delta International, Elburg, 1852-1907UT, 28 Dec, English,
comments, ID. "Radio Delta, five decades of music", pop songs, oldies.
34433. Also 0750-0833 UT, 29 Dec, English, comments, ID., songs. 35433.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

PALAU   9930 kHz  Hope Radio T8WH Palau.

Tuned into the test broadcast from T8WH at 1110 UT on 9930 kHz using KFS
SW kiwiSDR with a gospel message by man in progress. Pgm annmt at 1113 UT
followed by station ID at 1114 UT and into another message on the 23rd
Psalm. Program "God is in the Music" at 1129 UT. At 1140 UT the signal
suddenly deteriorated with what sounded like interference or possibly
jamming, but by 1146 UT the audio was gone.

Checking the NZRDXL kiwiSDR at 1200 UT confirmed the issue is jamming as
I could hear T8WH audio underneath but heavy noise jamming is present. At
1205 UT the jammer increased in strength and no audio was heard.
(Bruce Churchill-CA-USA, wor Jan 3)

re: Hope Radio Test schedule.  Hope Radio, T8WH Angel 3, Palau testing on
9930 kHz at 1055-1200 UT Mon-Fri. Reports may be submitted in


I got e-QSL within a few hours! (attached)
(Jose Jacob  VU2JOS, Hyderabad-IND Bharat, wor Jan 3)

9930 kHz  Hope Radio Palau - I had a very weak signal here at 1133 UT with
choir singing followed by om, English with apparent preaching. Heard men-
tions of "God" and "Heaven". Could only pick out a word or two here and
there. Pretty much just threshold audio.
(Stephen C Wood - KC1QEM, wor Jan 3)

PERU   4775 Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0110-0125 UT on 29 Dec, Spanish, comments,
Peruvian songs. 15421.
(Manuel Mendez-Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK groups.io>; Dec 29)

PERU   4775.012 kHz  Radio Tarma, Tarma, 1004 UT, Dec 27. Andean vocal, ID
and announcement over flute music then to song Tu Abandono by Cazador
Huanca. Fair with thunderstorm crashes.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

PHILIPPINES   12120 kHz  Radio Pilipinas {via USAGM Tinang bcast relay 
center units} at 1730 UT, Dec 28, signing on with National Anthem, 1731 UT
in Filipino, some English phrases such as "The Voice of the Philippines",
frequencies given. Fair, // 9925 kHz poor with het, 15190 kHz barely
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, direct & ODXA Dec 28)

PHILIPPINES   11645 kHz  Dec 13 at 2300 UT, BBCWS London via USAGM Tinang
bcast center site, fairly good directly off the back of Indonesian beam,
but at 2306 UT I want best reception possible, via remote Kiwi SDR in
Jakarta-INS, somewhat better than Bandung-INS sdr, for much-publicized
documentary, 'Morse Code: Ready to Transmit', recorded at an international
competition in Tunisia. Nice publicity for ham radio too. I'm the only
User of this remote.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15)

ROMANIA   RRI Bucharest temp English sked.
Dear friends, Romanian Radiocom has reported a major malfunction at one of
the shortwave transmitters in Tiganesti, near Bucharest. The RRI programs
have been temporarily moved to a second transmitter, to other frequencies
and, partially, to other target areas. You can temporarily receive our
programs as follows:

RRI on shortwaves  <https://www.rri.ro/en/frequencies>

7310 kHz is the remaining Tiganesti 300 kW Made in USA unit, and
7375 kHz comes from different site Bacau Galbeni in eastern Romania,
also Continental 300 kW, replaced from June 2006 to autumn 2007 erected /
refurbished old Made in USSR units of 1967 year {wb.}.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 25)

ROMANIA   Antenna malfunction failure repair action ended at Tiganesti
broadcast site.

Das Betreiberunternehmen Radiocom hat den Defekt an seinen Sende-
anlagen behoben und der deutsche Dienst von RRI ist nun wieder auf den
urspruenglichen Frequenzen zu empfangen.

Am 27. Oktober 2024 hat Rumaenien auf Winterzeit umgestellt und auch die
Frequenzen der Auslandsprogramme seines Oeffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunk-
senders gewechselt.

In der Zeit vom 27. Okt. 2024 bis einschliesslich dem 29. March 2025
koennen Sie die deutschsprachigen Programme von RRI auf folgenden Wellen-
laengen ueber analoge Kurzwelle und via DRM digital empfangen:

Uhrzeit (UTC) Frequenz (kHz)  Meterband  Zielgebiet
07.00-07.30   11620           25         Mittel- und Westeuropa
15.00-16.00   15250           19         Mittel- und Westeuropa
19.00-20.00    7235 DRMdigi   41         Mittel- und Westeuropa

Wir sind auch wieder per Satellit empfangbar, und zwar auf Eutelsat 16A,
16 degr Ost, vertikale Polarisierung, Frequenz 11512 MHz, Symbolrate:
29,950 MSym/s im DVB-S2-Standard, Modulation 8PSK, Audio PID510.

Betreff: aktuelle RRI QRGs

RRI, Alex Groeblacher, 05.01.2025, 20:11
Radio Rumaenien International
Deutscher Dienst
P.O.B. 111
Str. General Berthelot 60-64
RO-010171, Bukarest, Rumaenien, Europa

re Reparatur Sendeanlage Tiganesti. Wenn es denn mit einem verbliebenen
TX einen Meter-Bandwechsel notwendigerweise gab ... ist der Sender soweit
in Ordnung, - aber an den Dipolen, d.h. Teilen der Antennenstockung bei
der Vorhangantenne in einem bestimmten Meterband musste eine Reparatur
stattfinden - oder an der feederline between TX house and curtain array.

re repair of the Tiganesti transmitter / dipols / feederlines.

If a meter band change was necessary with a remaining TX there was a
necessary meter band change ... the transmitter is so far okay --
but the dipoles, i.e. parts of the antenna support of the curtain antenna
in a certain meter band had to be repaired -- or at the feeder line bet-
ween TX house and curtain array meterband dipols. In addition, the remain-
ing 2 TXs in Tiganesti have to lead to the dipole antennas with the given
feeder line. ed.

RUSSIA   765 kHz  Radio Vostok Rossii, 0208+ UT, Dec 23, via Kiwi SDR unit
remote at Khabarovsk, in southeastern Far Asia Russia; pop songs
("Feel My Heartbeat," etc.); frequent IDs. Website with audio streaming
<https://radiovostok.org/>  My remote audio
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)

RUSSIA/EU/BALTIC SEA   Russian shadow fleet - radio related item.
Sabotage action by President Putin's secret services against the 
European Union.

Saw this on another iogroup (yes, radio related iogroup). The article
sounds like it's referring to SDR wide band receivers. Interesting read.

(Walter Salmaniw-BC-CAN, wor Dec 28)

SPAIN   New stamp from correos.es. New stamp to celebrate the 100th anni-
versary of broadcasting in Spain:


Spanien 5. November 2024. Briefmarken-Sonderausgabe
"Hundertjaehriges Jubilaeum der Zulassung des Rundfunks in Spanien"
ein Wert 2.10 EURo.
Ein altes Radiogeraet und Mikrofon, sind auf der SBM zu sehen.


Correos hat eine Sonderbriefmarke herausgegeben, um an das hundertjaehrige
Jubilaeum der offiziellen Zulassung des Radios in Spanien zu erinnern.
Im Mai 1924 begann Radio Iberica in einem kleinen Studio am Paseo del Rey
in Madrid mit den ersten Sendetests, die den Weg fuer die Gruendung der
ersten offiziell lizenzierten Sender ebneten. Im November desselben Jahres
nahmen Radio Espana und Radio Barcelona(aus dem spaeter Cadena SER hervor-
ging) ihre regulaeren Sendungen auf. [...]

Hinter diesem bahnbrechenden Abenteuer standen Antonio Castilla und die
Brueder Carlos und Adolfo de la Riva, Ingenieure und Gruender von Radio
Iberica. Sie warben nicht nur fuer den ersten Radiosender des Landes,
sondern entwickelten auch Empfaenger, die es vielen Madrilenen ermoeg-
lichten, zum ersten Mal Konzerte oder Veranstaltungen wie die Ziehung der
Weihnachtslotterie zu hoeren.
(Paul Gager-AUT, BrDXC-UK iogr news Dec 29)

17715 kHz  R Exterior de Espana via Noblejas site, En service with Marilyn
Quintana & Amy Egan today starting out with news. Today's lead item was
about a businessman Victor deAldama has given testimony linking PM Sanchez
to the Koldo scandal case over PPE contracts during the Pandemic. Other
items were about the ministry of consumer affairs has fined 5 airlines
€179 million for overcharging people & for other violations of consumer
rights & in Brussels the EU parliament approved naming a Spanish minister
Teresa Ribera approved as EU third VP despite protests because of her role
in the Valencia flooding response.

In int'l news the indictment of Netanyahu for war crimes by the ICC and
Israel's reaction to it & Russia's escalation of the war in Ukraine were
mentioned. At :06 ID into a feature about "Spanish A living Language", a
2024 report written by David Fernandez Vitores about Spanish in the world
today & in the future. There are over 600 million Spanish speakers (500
million native speakers) in the world, second only to Mandarin Chinese.
2200-2230 UT on 22 Nov.
(Ken Zichi, Williamston MI-USA, Michigan ARE Tipsheet, wor Nov 29)

SPAIN   9690 kHz  R Exterior de Espana w/En service, today, with Marilyn
Quintana alone today, and starting out with News, the lead item today was
about The People's Party year end review of Spanish politics criticizing
everything the ruling party has done and lamenting the likely events of

Other items were about 25 migrants dead in the Atlantic while trying to
cross from Africa to Spain. Only 11 were rescued from the Mali ship trying
to reach the Canary Islands including many minors and 20 years since the
approval of a gender violence law in Spain and how it has impacted Spanish
society. Also singer Raphael's manager says the 81 year old artist suffers
from a cerebral lymphoma.

At:06 a feature about the 25th anniversary of Cirque du Soleil's "Alegria"
presented by Amy Egan. Amy spoke with trapeze artists/actors in 'Alegria'
who discussed their role in the current show and their history in the cir-
cus (one since age 6!) who actually attended a 'circus school' in Brussels
and she also spoke with the artistic director of the show, Rachel
Lancaster, and what she does to manage the long-running 'show'.

THAILAND   7475 kHz  Radio Thailand World Service, via USAGM Udorn Thani
Ban Dung relay site. e-QSL: at 18.00-19.00 UT,Dec. 23, 2024.


The letter contained a link to a calendar for 2025, which you can print
out yourself and admire.
(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

TURKEY   TRT Deutsch, Briefkasten Wiederholung sonntags anstatt samstags.

Leider hatten wir keine Zeit die neuen Programme und deren Sendetag mit
unserer Hoererfamilie zu teilen. Aber natuerlich wollen wir diese Infor-
mationen mit Euch allen teilen. Denn was waeren wir ohne unsere Hoerer-

Die deutsche Redaktion von TRT freut sich Dir unseren neuen Sendeablauf
vorzustellen. Wir hoffen unsere neue Auswahl gefaellt Dir und wuenschen im
Voraus viel Spass mit unseren Sendungen.
Herzliche Gruesse - Alev

Montag     Erstes Quartal nach Jahrtausendwende. Wissen macht neugierig.
Dienstag   Aus der Sicht einer Reisenden (Wiederholung)
           Meine Traumziele (Wiederholung). Zufaellige Entdeckung.
Mittwoch   Sport Panorama. Thema des Tages 1.
Donnerstag Am Puls der tuerkischen Aussenpolitik. Unser Briefkasten.
Freitag    Dossier Analyse. Thema des Tages 2.
Samstag    Thema des Tages 1 (Wiederholung). Meine Traumziele.
           Aus der Sicht einer Reisenden.
Sonntag    Unser Briefkasten (Wiederholung). Dossier Analyse(Wiederholung)
(TRT, Jan 3)

TURKEY   9660 kHz TRT Voice of Turkiye Emirler, QSL card. 02. Nov. 2024,
17.30-18.23 UT, 9660 kHz in  English. Picture:

(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

9660* kHz  Voice of Turkiye, transmitting from Emirler bcast center size,
was logged on 9 November 2024. An English language broadcast of news,
featured programs and Turkish music with frequent station IDs was noted
from 17.30 UT. Reception on 9.660 kHz rated a SINPO of 55454.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

* 9660.016 kHz measured at 17.30 UT Sun Jan 5, wb.

TURKEY   Re:  Turkey English letterbox finish, and replaced by English TV
program relay via shortwave at Emirler site schedule ?

Just a quick info  /  question:
I was just listening to the 'Voice of Tuerkiye 'English on 6050 kHz with
their TRT letterbox program and unless I completely misunderstood (or did
not get the joke) they said that this was the last letterbox program ever,
i.e. they will not continue in 2025 year.

Does anybody know anything about it ?  I think the speaker said something
about structural changes happening at TRT Ankara right now.
(Sebastian Schlueter, wor Dec 29)

Well, it was definitely mentioned on Letterbox on TRT that this could well
be the last Letterbox broadcast unless decisions are changed by year end.
The problem was, the producer did not pot down the music during the first
part of the announcement making it impossible to understand if this was
just letterbox going off the air or VoT altogether. Listening during the
2300 UT broadcast December 29, 2024.
(Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park-AB-CAN wor Dec 30)

Isn't VoTUR TRT Ankara supposed to be on at 21:30 UT on 9610 kHz in
English? Nothing heard here in NewBrunswick-CAN today (31 December).
(Richard Langley-NB-CAN, hcdx Dec 31)

Faded down a lot after 2207 UT. At 2218 UT there was announcement I could
not copy, maybe farewell ? ?  Otherwise nothing heard about this being
their final broadcast. It should come up again at 2348 UT on 5960 kHz, if
on the air in 2025, or even 0448 UT on 6125, 7285 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 31)

Re: TRT Turkey +
5960.003 kHz  TRT English program noted in Perseus_net unit in southern
Germany Bavaria, English powerhouse S=9+30dB signal and deep underneath
another too, at 23.14 UT UT_2024 vy73 de wolfie df5sx.

9610 kHz VoTurkey English is on air, zones towards  SoAS and Pacific at
105 degrees ITU zones 41, 49, 54, heard here in Germany, and
at Perseus SDR unit in Doha Qatar ME remotedly, S=9+5dB, mixed-up with
co-ch CNR8 China mainland domestic progr in Mongolian language. ed. hcdx.

Re:  News from TRT Ankara on Suspected Closure English Letterbox ?

Not looking good for the English broadcasts, I'll quote what they send
my way.

"We are currently undergoing a reorganization process, and we were told
that TRT's all foreign broadcasts (VOT radio, multiple-language websites,
and podcasts) will be consolidated under one roof, called TRT Global,
which will be launched soon.

In this new structure, VOT English shortwave broadcasts will be handled by
the TRT World channel in Istanbul. We, as the Voice of Tuerkiye English
Desk,will not be going on the air. We will be in charge of translating and
presenting several podcast series, which will be available through our
newly planned online platforms.

About the VOT English shortwave transmissions, we really have no idea what
type of programming will be carried by TRT World, or whether there will be
music. TRT VOT Arabic will face the same fate.

But, all other languages remain on the shortwave bands, and there might be
new ones in the new term. I am personally sad about all this, but I still
hope that it will be turned around at some point. You never know."
We'll see what happens going forward.
(TRT via Alan Roe, Teddington-UK, wor Dec 30)

Re: Voice of Tuerkiye English apparently stops letterbox program.

Reception rather poor into UTwente for the 2130 UT broadcast on 9610 kHz.
About what time during the hour did you hear that ? Must try to catch
it on the 2300 UT repeat on 5960 kHz, and maybe the 0400 UT on 6125,
7285 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Dec 30)

UAE   11785 kHz  eQSL. Radio Slovakia International, transmitting from
Abu Dhabi Media ENC operated Al-Dhabbaya, UAE site, was logged on 24 Dec
2024. A Russian language bradcast with a Christmas theme was monitored
from 16.30 till 17.00 UT. Reception on 11785 kHz rated a SINPO of 35343
audible and clear content despite atmospheric noise.

{ 11784.986 kHz measured on Jan 05, wb.}

(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

Radio Slovakia International.
e-QSL: 11785 kHz, 16.30-17.00 UT, Nov. 13, 2024


e-QSL: 11785 kHz, 16.30-17.00 UT, Dec. 26, 2024


(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

UAE   NASWA Flashsheet items Jan 5: 11785 kHz Russian. Abu Dhabi Media
owned anoperated by ENC.  And this in WRTH 2025 

Tony Pavick via groups.io Jan 6: As per a search at shortwave (dot) live,
I see this on 11785 kHz (Russian all al-Dhabbaya)

Radio Prague            15:00 to 15:30
Radio Exterior Espana   15:00 to 15:30
BBC                     15:00 to 15:30
WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset 15:30 to 16:00
United Nations Radio    15:30 to 16:00
NHK Radio Japan         16:00 to 16:20
WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset 16:20 to 16:30
Radio Slovakia Int.     16:30 to 17:00
BBC                     17:00 to 18:00
This, however does not show days.
(WRTH via Mauno Ritola-FIN, Jan 6)

Over on short-wave (dot) info you have

Radio Prage (sic)        15:00 to 15:30 Days: 1234567
WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset  15:30 to 16:00 Days: 1234567
WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset  16:30 to 16:30 Days: 1234567
WRN R.Slovakia Internati 16:30 to 17:00 Days: 1234567
WRN BBC                  17:00 to 18:00 Days: ......7

Here's my audio/video  clip:


An abridged translation is:
The BBC Russian service was on the air of the world radio network.
...  from Saturday to Sunday at 02:00 Moscow time and on Sunday at 11:00.

These times don't seem to line up and indicate a Saturday transmission,
although that may be streaming on-line only
(Tony Pavick, Hope-BC-CAN, Jan 6)

U.A.E.   15215 kHz  FEBC Radio, Gaweylon Tibetan Radio via Abu Dhabi Media
operated by ENC Al'Dhabbaya-UAE, Dec 31. Fluttery poor signal at 1220 UT
check but will be better in a month or two with earlier local sunrise in
Wheaton. Playing local Tibetan-flavored chant mx. Hrd on a Tue, this xmsn
only bcsts on Sun/Mon/Tue at 1200-1230 UT with pgm content from production
studio at Gaweylon Center in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, INDIA.


(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1185 Jan 5)

U.K. {SEYCHELLES-ex} FEBA (Far East Broadcasting Association) Radio Sama
via ENC Woofferton-UK site. Good signal in Arabic till S/off at 1859 UT on
15510 kHz; on 03 Dec. FEBA originally broadcast from Mahe in the Seychel-
les. Inspired by FEBC's use of radio to broadcast Christ to the world, in
1959 UT this group of British supporters took up the task of establishing
a station in the Seychelles - a British Protectorate at the time.

Initially broadcasting into India, they became the Far East Broadcasting
Association. A interesting fact was the antenna system that was built out
over a lagoon 1 km offshore.

Regular broadasting began in 1970 and closed in 2003 year due to reclama-
tion of land nearby that would bring development and was incompatible with
the continuing operation of the station.
(via John Durham, Tauranga-NZL; NZLDXT Jan 2025, page #19, Dec 26)

U.K.   re BBC Somali Service. Interesting article in the Guardian


(Simon Hicks-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Dec 24)

U.K.   15595 kHz  VOA via ENC Woofferton-UK heard at 1406 UT on Nov 28;
both a woman and man speaking / conversing in listed Kurdish language.
Mostly poor.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1180 Dec 1)

U.K.   15260 kHz  Radio Sama, IBRA Media via ENC Woofferton-UK, Dec 30.
Huge signal at 1705 UT with moody Arabian ballad by OM and YL and melan-
choly stringed instrument backing.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1185 Jan 5)

U.K.  9740 kHz  eQSL Pop Shop Radio. E-mail: <popshopperadio[at]gmail.com>
25 December 2024, 15.00 UT, 9740 kHz via Encompass Media in Woofferton-UK.
Picture: <https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/12/pop-shop-radio_26.html>
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29)

U.K.  7445 kHz  Sat, Dec 28, 2024. 0051-0059 UT, BBC, ENC Woofferton-GB,
in Dari. Man/woman announcers in conversation with a couple of Afghan,
presumed; 0057UT Woman talking news; Music; Woman in conversation w/ other
woman, nice with laughs; 0059 UT Man says ID. Good reception: 45544.

7445 kHz  Sat, Dec 28, 2024. 0100-0110 UT, BBC, ENC Woofferton-G, in
Pashto. Woman talking and a conversation w/ a nice man, laughs, he answers
with laughs! 0108 UT Now, man announcer talking and a conversation with a
man. Good reception: 45544.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Dec 28)

U.K.   6070 kHz  e-QSL W.I.L. 'Station What I Like', via Woofferton 250 kW
Encompass (UK). E-mail:  <differentradio [at] yahoo.co.uk>
December 24, 2022, 19.00-20.00 UT, 6070 kHz


(Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx,
via RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29)

U.K.   6070 kHz  W.I.L., e-QSL: 19.00-20.00 UT, single day transmission
on Dec. 24, 2024 via ENC Woofferton-UK bcast center site.


(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

U.K.   6060 kHz Pop Shop Radio via ENC Woofferton 250 kW; 1/1 special New
Year's broadcast of Tony Pavick's show from Hope, British Columbia; car-
rier on 02.59:45 UT with the show starting about 30 seconds later; host ID
as, "This is the Pop Shop Radio New Year's Disco Party..." 0302 UT into
"Boogie Fever" by The Silvers;other 1970's disco tunes included "Shame" by
Evelyn Champagne King and Donna Summer's version of "MacArthur Park." The
host sprinkled in short comments in Spanish, French, German, and Ukrainian
during the time I was listening.

He promoted a digital transmission at the end of the show, which I didn't
stick around for, not having the decoding software. Extremely strong
signal with very little fading, Jan 3
(Andy Robins, Kalamazoo-MI-USA, Michigan ARE Tipsheet via wor Jan 3)

U.K.   C20 calls for listing of historic Droitwich LW masts.

As the switch-off of long-wave radio looms, C20 Society* has called for
the listing of two historic radio masts at the Droitwich Transmitting
Station in Wychbold, Worcestershire, in response to a Historic England
consultation on the site.

Full news item:


(*Twentieth Century Society (C20) is a national charity that campaigns
to protect Britain's modern architectural and design heritage.)

(Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news / Longwaveradiolistening Jan 7)

U.K.   DRM digital BBC to zone #41 in South Asia.   Since whem?
17575.00 kHz  BBC 1505 UT in DRM with news, 1506 UT ID Awful telephonic
audio -70dBm signal via o the Edesa kiwiSDR in NorthernGreece.

Reception parameters:
IF lvel -8.8db SNR20 B mode 10kHz SDC 4 MSC 16 in DRM 10.72 kbps eibi
shows: 17575 kHz 1458-1600 UT  G  BBC DIGITAL English SoAS
(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Jan 7)

17575 kHz 1458-1600 UT to ITU zone 41  WOF  100kW  82degr  slew+12 
ITU antenna type #618  131124-300325 N=drm  Eng  GB  BBC  ENC 6518 DRM_ASI

USA   USAGM 'Radio Free Asia' (RFA) Celebrates the 'Year of the Snake'
with a Special QSL Card!

The RFA has unveiled its 87th QSL card, commemorating the 'Year of the
Snake' (2025) in the Chinese zodiac. This vibrant card is part of their
ongoing effort to verify listener reports worldwide. The card design high-
lights the snake's cultural significance and includes RFA's unique brand-

Details to remember:
- Valid for reception reports received from January 1 to April 30, 2025.

- Send your reports via email or post to RFA's official addresses.
Learn more: [Radio Free Asia QSL Information]  <http://www.rfa.org>

Source: Blog post from MT Shortwave Blog: <mt-shortwave.blogspot.com>
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, RUSdx #1323 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 05)

USA   15825 kHz  WWCR Nashville_TN at 1820 UT. Good with RS SW-2000629 and
22' wire. Religious lecture by man, but the recording was at the wrong
speed making the whole thing sound like HAL-9000's final moments in 2001.
(I had already thought of "HAL" when he began singing at 1840 UT, but it
was "Let it Shine" and not "Daisy"). The program changed at 1900 UT and
everything went back to normal at that time. (Heard on the road with RS
DX-402 and New-Tronics IC-100S antenna). Good Dec 16.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Dec 13 - 16)

USA   15555 kHz  USB mode outlet, WJHR, Milton-FL, 1735 UT, Dec 27. US
preacher talking about his experiences in previous communist Romania. Fair
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

USA   12160 kHz  WWCR 2 religious program in En to NoAM, Jan 5, 2025, at
1636-1640 UT. SIO 232. OM preacher with fire and brimstone sermon, (we're
all going to Hell) from Nashville,TN state. Poor noisy signal, but listen-
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1185 Jan 5)

USA   5085 kHz  WTWW situation, not heard for a few days? "Glenn, The
driver solid state amplifier went out, I replaced the final IC and it ran
for only one hour and died. The back up amplifier lasted for only
5 minutes. I am waiting on parts from China. I expect we will be down at
least for a week. George McClintock Jan 1, 2025".
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 5)

USA   15825 kHz  Jan 1 at 1555 UT, NO signal from WWCR-1, while at 1559 UT
the others are: 13845 kHz JBA, 12160 kHz signing on loud, 9980 kHz loud.
John Jurasek reported on Dec 31 that WWCR had taken #1 off the air comple-
tely, no longer 15825, 6115, or 3215 kHz ! And the updated transmitter and
program skeds now show that:



This has led to lots of programming changes, some of the #1 ones moved to
the others. Alan Roe observes that many of the music shows have been cut.

I see that 'The Talking [sic] Machine Show' is still on there, Sats 1800-
1830 UT on 12160 kHz. At 2316 UT Jan 1, no signal on 6115 kHz direct.

Why take this drastic step? #1 transmitter seemed to have been OK, in fact
cleaner than the others. I hear that WWCR profits have been plummeting, so
taking one transmitter completely down should help the bottom line.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1185 Jan 5)

USA   9265 kHz  Jan 4 at 0743 UT, WINB is on!, S6/S8 in English; sounds
the same as 5850 kHz WRMI Okeechobee-FL which is TOM but not BS preaching,
maybe Pastor Rice? Not checked on second receiver to make sure // but
would never be synchronized. WINB program sked dated Dec 22 shows it clos-
ing every night at 0500 UT ! Not back on until 1904 UT weekdays, 1104 UT
Sundays, 1304 UT Saturdays, always starting with Overcomer. Of course,
still not accounted for at


from last April, and in EDT/UT, altho some changes must have been made
since then such as deleting 6160 kHz WBCQ channel. This expansion may have
been inspired by TOMBS' removal overnight from 6160- kHz WBCQ; will it be
every night?
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 4)

USA   "WBCQ Area 51: frequency and schedule changes - Sat, Jan 4 at 9:53
PM.  Hello all, With the new year we are making some changes to our
Area 51 service. Effective 4 January 2024 we are moving all of our pro-
gramming from 6160 kHz to 5130 kHz. In addition to the
frequency change, we are reducing our broadcast schedule by two hours.
Our new schedule is Saturday and Sunday 7-11 PM US eastern time
(Sunday and Monday 0000-0400 UTC). - Thanks, Lw" (Larry Will)


Su 0000 0100 UT Sa 07:00 08:00PM EST Radio Timtron Worldwide
Su 0100 0200 UT Sa 08:00 09:00PM EST Grits Radio
Su 0200 0300 UT Sa 09:00 10:00PM EST The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show
Su 0300 0400 UT Sa 10:00 11:00PM EST The Lost Discs Radio Show

Mo 0000 0100 UT Su 07:00 08:00PM EST Radio Timtron Worldwide
Mo 0100 0400 UT Su 08:00 11:00PM EST Radio New York International
Mo 0100 0300 UT Su 08:00 10:00PM EST American Debauchery, Duane Bruce
Mo 0300 0400 UT Su 10:00 11:00PM EST The Eric Dolphy Mystery Hour
(via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 4)

USA   9455 kHz  Jan 7 at 0000 UT, first checking for WTWW to resume 9475
kHz, I notice a VG signal on 9455 kHz, so WRMI is back after losing this
one a couple months ago, and had been down longer than any other trans-
mitter. Sounds like an Overcomer service, much like but not synchroniz-
ed with 9930 kHz WTWW.

I do find it matching 7570 kHz WRMI, so that's the source. Any resemblance
to what's on air and what's on sked may be coincidental as at 0000 UT,
9455 kHz  WRMI-5 is / was supposedly on System K with RAE-ARG in Japanese,
285 degrees to western NorthAmerica at 00-01 UT Tue-Sat. More than anyth-
ing else for 24h: System E, TOMBS.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 6)

WTWW: George McClintock notified me about 2345 UT Jan 6 that #2 trans-
mitter was ready to resume, first on 9475 kHz and change to 5085 kHz at
0100 UT. I then tuned in 9475 kHz but nothing heard; however at 0000 UT
Jan 7 I noticed 9455 kHz was on, see WRMI log.

Finally at *0042 UT, 9475 kHz cuts on SFAWPPPP with usual huge signal,
some audio cutouts, off again at 0046* UT. Then I await 5085 kHz which
cuts on without ID at *0100 UT with SFAWPPPP, break at 0102 UT, right back
on until off at 0115* UT. *0120.7 UT back on, and so it goes, still hav-
ing problems.

Before the breakdowns, 9475 kHz was starting about 2100 UT, I think. As
in EiBi database list, 5085 kHz sked is 0100-0400 UT, except UT Sat to
0430 UT for WOR. What's in current HFCC.org for WTWW ?
Availabilities will far exceed axual usage:

 5085 not listed!
 5840 00-14,  50 degrees
 5920 not listed!
 9475 14-02,  50 degrees
 9930 14-24, 180 degrees
 9950 00-24,  40 degrees
12105 not listed
15810 00-24, 40 degrees.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 6)

UZBEKISTAN  BBC WS on new 11630 kHz via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbeki-
stan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. BBC at 1200-1400 UT in English
Monday to Friday on 11630 kHz, 100 kW via Tashkent, hfcc.org
{11630.006 kHz measured Tue Jan 7th at 13.15 UT, wb.}
(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wor Dec 25)

VATICAN STATE  Vatican Radio will be again on the shortwave, next week. On
Monday January 6th, the 'Holy Mass for the Epiphany' will be on the air as
usual from 0855-1020 UT, on 17540 (English), 17525 (French) and 15565 kHz
(VR via Chhristian Ghibaudo-Nice-F, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 3)

VATICAN STATE    Vatican Radio via Santa Maria di Galeria bcast center 
on 17540 kHz now. Came across Vatican Radio on SW signing on in English at
0855 UT on 17540 kHz with one of its occasional extra broadcasts. Very
strong signal here. (SIO 454)

The events page on Vatican Radio's web site give the following details:
08:55 - 10:20 UT? From St. Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass presided over by
Pope Francis, on the occasion of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and
World Day for Peace Chronicle in English Africa: kHz 17540 OC
(Dave Kenny-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 1)

VENEZUELA   4939.983 kHz  'Estacion 4940', 1019 UT, Dec 28. Various Latin
songs, from religious to Cuban oldies. Male with "Nacion Tropicale Cuatro
Mil Novecientos Cuarenta de Onda Corta" ID. Not sure if that is just a
slogan or official station name "Tropical Nation 4940 Shortwave".
Excellent signal ! The null on this one leads me to lean toward a Venezue-
lan QTH rather than Colombian.
(Brandon Jordan, K2SWL Fayette C.-TN-CAN, direct and wor Dec 28)

WRTH 2025 Delivery.      European Union logistics and customs. Discussion.

Now Web App is offered for 10 EURos for owners of printed book of ANY

"Special Upgrade Price: Already own a WRTH book (any year)? Get the Web
App for just 10 EURos instead of the original price of 24.90 EURos.

To redeem the web app at this upgrade price, please follow these steps:

Please visit this link:  <https://app.radiodatacenter.net/>


Click on the WRTH Web App 2025 Menu Card.

Log in if you have an existing account or create a new account if you are
a new user.

Click on the year edition of the book you own to answer the question from
that year's edition. Once the correct answer is provided the upgrade price
is unlocked.

Complete the checkout process and start enjoying the Web App."
(Mauno Ritola-FIN, Jan 3)

also FaceBook entry:

The way at least the German-speaking countries distribution in decades was
on the first week in December via the distributor in Duisburg via the
WWDXC Bad Homburg I got my copy in the first week of December of the year,
to start the book content discussion with good old friends like OlleAlm in
Sweden, Noel Green in Blackpool, or 4S7VK Victor in Sri Lanka.
Where have the days gone?  -  wb. ed.

ZAMBIA   Re: Voice of Hope - Africa - OFF THE AIR.

Hi, Glenn.  I can hear 4965 kHz back on the air this evening via a remote
SDR in Jo'burg, so power must have been restored to our transmitter site
outside Lusaka today. I'm awaiting final confirmation from our chief
engineer on site, but it seems pretty obvious.
(Ray Robinson-USA, Strategic Communications Group, Voice of Hope World
Radio Network.  <www.voiceofhope.com>  wor Dec 31)

see bcdx topnews #1601:
ZAMBIA   Die Strategic Communications Group hat am 1. Dez. 2024 mit


folgenden Sende-u.Programmplan fuer das Suedliche Afrika veroeffentlicht.

0400-0800 Uhr 9680 kHz (LUV 100 kW, nd) Englisch
1400-1600 Uhr 9680 kHz (LUV 100 kW, nd) Englisch
1600-2000 Uhr 4965 kHz (LUV 100 kW, nd) Englisch (via Dr. HJBiener-D)

re:  Voice of Hope - Africa - OFF THE AIR ...

Hi, Glenn. October to March each year is the 'rainy season' in Zambia, but
so far this year it looks like another year of drought. However, on the
afternoon of Saturday 28th December, a significant storm swept through the
valley where our transmitter site is located (outside of Lusaka), and tore
down several power poles. This knocked out the power supply to our trans-
mitters and several other utility customers in the area.

So unfortunately, Voice of Hope - Africa will be off the air until the
electricity utility (ZESCO) can repair the poles and distribution lines.

Hopefully this won't take too long because one of the other customers im-
pacted is a nearby copper mine whose output is important for Zambian ex-
ports, but this is Africa, and there are no guarantees! I'll let you know
when power and transmissions are restored.

Ray Robinson
Strategic Communications Group
Voice of Hope World Radio Network
<www.voiceofhope.com>  via gh wor Dec 29)


Log Jan 3rd at 09.30-10.32 UT via Kiwi SDR #2 and #4 at Kuwait amateur
radio society remotedly, and via Perseus_net SDR unit at Doha Qatar
Middle East installation:

Checked also in 2025 year the only remaining shortwave outlet of R Kuwait

<http://kw9k2ra-4.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073> best Kuwait_Kiwi signal world.w.

 7249.857 kHz measured R Kuwait from Kabd location, Persian language sce
          scheduled 08-10 UT daily. 09.34 UT Jan 3rd.
          S=9+30dB or -47dBm on Kiwi#4, and
          S=9+15dB or -58dBm on Kiwi#2 unit.
          S=9+10dB or -62dBm in Doha Qatar ME Perseus unit remotedly.
11515.013 TUR  TRT Erdogan security forces anti-Kurdish national radio
          jamming of Osmanic trumpet/flute music program from Emirler
          at 10.08 UT Jan 3rd; trumpet/flute Osmanic theme and inter-
          spersed by heavy 'machine gun' sound audio ...
          against 'Radio Denge Gel' from likely
11535even ARM  'R Denge Gel' via Yerevan Gavar site, S=9+72dBm signal in
          Qatar at 10.05 UT. Endless talk program.
 9794.810 IND/Bharat - usual odd fqy aligned - Akashvani Delhi Kingsway
          Nepali language sce at 10.08 UT, S=5-6 or -88dBm poor into ME.
11780.009 IRN  VoIRIB Dari sce towards AFG/PAK target audience, from 
          Sirjan site, 09.20-10.50 UT scheduled, S=9+30dB backlobe SW
          signal as carrier though strong, but LOW AUDIO MODULATION, at
          10.12 UT on Jan 3rd.
11795.008 TUR  Voice of Turkey, in Persian language, S=9+15dB at 10.14 UT.
11864.766 IND/Bharat - usual odd fqy aligned - Akashvani Delhi Kingsway
          Nepali language sce at 10.18 UT, S=9 or -74dBm sidelobe into ME.
11955.019 TUR  Voice of Turkey in Arabic language at 10-11 UT, S=9+15dB 
          or -62dBm signal in Doha Qatar ME, Arabic discussion / talk /
          comment. 10.24 UT on Jan 3rd.
12084.502 MNG  Voice of Mongolia, Ulan Bataar Khonkhor site, Japanese
          language sce at 10.30 UT, only sidelobe S=6-7 signal strength
          into Middle East azimuth target.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 3)

Some other logs tonight Jan 4th:

UNID  Voz Alegre Spanish religious 9754.945 kHz variable fqy moved 
upwards to 9754.971 kHz at 03.40 UT. {see under MDG above, ed.}

5129.975 USA  WBCQ  Monticello Maine state {? likely} poor S=4 signal
         at 01.11 UT.
5800even USA  WRMI Radio Taiwan Internat. in Spanish S=9+10dB at 01.13 UT.
4985.007 UNID, but program content confirmed at Kiwi_set at Sao Paulo-BRA
         remotedly, S=7 -88dBm strength music progr, Radio Brasil Central,
         Goiania, but suffered by RTTY like UTE on 4986.57 and 4787.43 kHz
         pair twin signals. Likely US NSS US Navy, Andrews AF 4985 kHz
         channel data entry.
5919.986 USA  WTWW Lebanon TN state, BS TOM sermon, S=9+5dB at 01.28 UT.
5939.676 BRA  R Voz Missionaria, Camborui SC province, JBA poor S=5,
         at 01.31 UT and // 9665.009 kHz too, S=9+15dB much proper signal,
         compared than 50 meterband !
6009.963 BRA  R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, signal under threshold !
         at 01.33 UT.
6150.019 BRA  {tentativelly} Rádio Boa Ventade, from Porto Alegre, poor
         signal in Alberta CAN, but confirmed much stronger at Kiwi_set
         at Sao Paulo Brazil, S=7-8 or -86dBm strength at 01.37 UT.
         Nice easy listening music program in BrasPortuguese.
6159.934 USA  WBCQ  Monticello Maine state poor and tiny at 01.40 UT.
6179.933 odd fqy on lower fqy flank of  BRA  Rádio Nacional da Brasilia,
         S=8-9 fluttery signal (Aurora cond?) at 01.41 UT on Jan 4th.
6184.967 MEX  R Educacion D.F. in Spanish poor S=6-7 tonight at 01.42 UT

7325even ROU  RRI Bucharest from Galbeni site scheduled, in English
         at S=9+20dB strength in Alberta-CAN remotedly heard at 01.44 UT.
but much stronger signals on 41 mb at 7365 and 7435 kHz channels of
USAGM R Marti Greenville on S=9+40dB powerhouse level.

7489.924 USA  WBCQ  Monticello Maine state, talk S=8 signal at 01.50 UT.

7505 nothing, nil of WRNO at this hour; - but later thanks Walt's tip:
7505 is booming in now at 03:53 UT check, Wolfy.   73,  Walt BC-CAN.
7505.001 kHz USA  WRNO, New Orleans, measured acc CHU standard fqy at
         04.08 UT Jan 4th. S=9+35dB powerhouse signal on Perseus SDR
         unit in Edmonton-AB-CAN, nearly overmodulated though,
         up to 20 kHz wideband signal seen on Perseus screen.
         Lady presenter has spoken strong South Asian Bharat like accent,
         not so easy to understand for Germans like Oxford or Cambridge-UK
         let's say in comparison of, ha, ha.

7519.994 USA  WWCR transmitter channel #4 English sermon, S=9+35dB power-
         ful outlet noted in Edmonton AB-CAN on excellent Perseus SDR set.
7580even TJK  USAGM RFA Uighur language sce via Orzu relay center, outlet
         of S=7-8 fluttery signal at 01.53 UT.

9264.986 USA  WINB Red Lion PA state on east coast US, S=9+30dB signal in
         AB-CAN remotedly. Sermon: 'Victory of Lord'  etc. etc.
9330even USA  WBCQ Monticello Maine state in US, S=9 signal, removable
         Ampegon antenna set seemingly to different azimuth at this hour ?
         only S=9+5dB, 'victory last chance' ?. Portuguese language in
         progress around 01.59 UT.
9490 even exact frequency (! not varying anymore) via TDF Issoudun-F
         Jeff White's FMO entry of Cuban opposition radio from Miami-FL.
         At 02.05UT on S=9+10dB signal level from Europe. TDF select often
         different tx units at their big hardware disposal.
9690even ESP  REE Noblejas, Spanish NoAM azi service, powerhouse S=9+35dB
         in SDR at Edmonton-AB-CAN remotedly, 02.08 UT on Jan 4th.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4)

Logs now of Doha Qatar ME Perseus SDR unit on Jan 5th at 19.40-20.40 UT

11640even MLI  CRI Beijing in Portuguese via African relay site Bamako 
          tx center II site, S=9+10dB at 19.40 UT.
11755even CVA  Vatican Radio 'Rosario' program via Santa Maria di Galeria
          site, S=9+10dB at 19.49 UT Jan 5. // same
11870even but only S=7 signal strength.
11934.894 ARS  Sanaa Yemen Excile Radio in Yemenity Arabic via Riyadh
          site. Music px on Sun at 19.53 UT. S=9+15dB strength in Doha-QAT
11985.028 GUM  AWR KSDA Agat in Arabic lang 19-20 UT scheduled, S=8 in QAT
12030even ESP  REE Noblejas in Sp, S=9+15dB in Qatar ME, 19.56 UT Jan 5.

 9889.953 EGY [probably] R Cairo via Abis bcast site, likely on antenna
          matching test at 20.00 UT, S=6 -92dBm signal into Qatar SDR unit
 9885.025 GUM  AWR KSDA Agat in Korean language 20-21 UT scheduled,
          S=8-9 at 20.03 UT in Doha Qatar ME.
 9874.967 KRE  KCBS via Kujang scheduled 18.00-23.55 UT in var languages,
          S=6 poor nearly under threshold level, at 20.06 UT.
 9690even ESP  REE Noblejas 15.00-23.00 UT Suns, but very bad co-channel
          Spanish / English audio mixture channel...of  PAB to AUS/NZL/INS
          Pan American Broadcasting via TDF Issoudun France, see hfcc.org
 9690 2000-2015 55,58NE,58S,59   ISS  500 75  0 216 Sat/Sun  271024 290325
 Eng        F   TDF  PAB
 9690 2030-2100 55,58NE,58S,59   ISS  500 75  0 216 Sun      271024 290325
 Eng        F   TDF  PAB

 7315even UK  'Follow The Bible Ministry' religious Arabic program towards
          all-Africa azi target, 20.00-20.30 UT via ENC Woofferton bcast
          center, S=9+15dB in QAT ME SDR. - and // too on
 7380 kHz ID 20.27:15 UT followed by violine string mx theme, S=9+20dB
          20.27:45 program end, followed still strong WOF empty carrier
          signal. 20.29:30 UT TX switch-off.
 5960even ROU  RRI on horizontal log-periodic antenna via Radiocom Saftica
          site, in Serbian language at 20.30-21.00 UT, 100 kW unit. S=8
 5980.002 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish language, scheduled 17.00-21.57 UT
          S=8 in Doha Qatar Perseus SDR remotedly, 20.38 UT Jan 5.
 6120.018 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish language, scheduled 19.30-21.57 UT
          S=6 JBA signal in Doha Qatar Perseus SDR remotedly,20.40UT Jan 5
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 5)

vy73 de Wolfgang, DF5SX -

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