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BC-DX 1606                                                   3 Febr 2025

ALASKA    HAARP LAST night Febr 1 / 2 of transmission.
Back to 2800 kHz at 06:40 UT ... Walt.

Perhaps 8100 kHz is HAARP too. Right now at 06:34 UT, it's an OC but I
am hearing the occasional faint howl.

More HAARP fqys observed:
3250, 3200, 5850 at 05.24, 2800 at 0600, and 8100 kHz at 06.34 UT.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Febr 2)


re via Yerevan Gavar; or Bishkek-Kyrgyz Rep to RUS/EaEUR/NE/ME/CeAS

Some answers to the inserted questions:

"Payed from the USA {by TWR organization ? }" - I do not remember a men-
tion of details, but it is presumably the kind of arrangement they struck
already decades ago with Radio Monte Carlo.

And now there is this:


To the right used transmitter blocks from Germany*), on their side a con-
trol cabinet for the antenna. A set-up similar to the one on Bonaire, ex-
cept that it are new Nautel transmitter blocks there.

Apparently the broadcasts to Central Asia moved from 864 kHz to 1377 kHz
with the commission of the TRAM transmitter. Either the 67 degr beam could
not be switched before (with the old transmitter only 127 degr and 247degr
were in recent use), or it has rather a commercial than a technical back-

It has been noted that TWR had until not too long ago also Russian broad-
casts on 864 kHz. There were hopes to sell this airtime again, thanks to
TWR having lost access to the Grigoriopol Maiac Moldova Pridnestrovye obl
transmitters. But no such additional bookings have been placed, the former
621 kHz broadcasts are just gone like the 1548 kHz ones.

*) Someone could ask from where exactly: 1467 kHz in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan is
rather likely either ex-1323 kHz from Wachenbrunn former R Moscow via GDR,
or ex-1575 kHz unit from Burg via ex-GDR. Now the later closed ex-756 kHz
Deutschlandfunk from Schandelah near Koenigslutter Brunswick would be
another possibility. Or the blocks have been assembled from more than one
location (all the others TRAM MW installations in Germany had less than
500 kW if not something slips my mind).

And if now a question arises what TRAM actually means: I was told, tran-
sistorisierter AM-Sender. (What "transistorisieren" is? Replacing tubes.
A "volltransistorisierter" TV had none besides the CRT, still distinguish-
ing it in the seventies.)

Concerning the mentioned tensions:Besides the attempts to prevent any men-
tion of Yerevan Gavar Armenia as transmitter location they in particular
complained about a report of them stopping the use of the Shijak (Albania)
shortwave facilities. A complaint worded in a way as if a report is in-
correct, while it contains no errors at all, just facts someone does not
like to be published (in this case with the reasons not even being ob-
vious), is really not a way to make friends.

Re. "{? source, credit??}" - text I had written at some point. A current
version is here, auf Deutsch but with machine translation the links should
be navigable and the video descriptions comprehensible.


(Kai Ludwig-D, wor Jan 26)

ASCENSION ISL   12050 kHz {target radio}  'Radio Ndarason International'
via Ascension Islands at 0740 UT. In progress at tune-in with interesting
ethnic vocal music. A lot of pounding drums, wind instruments, and chant-
ing; woman presenter in (listed) Kanuri lang. Really strong, heard with
indoor wire fed to SW-2000629. Broadcast directed to African Lake Chad
region. Very Good on Jan 16.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

12050 kHz  {target radio}  Radio Ndarason International via BBC site and
ENC operated Ascencion relay (or ENC-Woofferton-UK, also listed?*), 1950UT
on Jan 24; good signal with OM talks in Kannuri and thank goodness, heard
in absence of EWTN Vandiver. Both stns usually there at this time and on a
direct zero beat, so one can pleasantly listen to Ndarason but must apply
what ECS used to call "the cerebral filter". This should continue improve
all the way to listed -2100* UT.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

* both ENC sited involved, split 18-19 resp. 19-20 UT as follows:

12050 1800-1900 UT  46SE   WOF  250 152  12 618 Kau  G ENC ENC  2280
12050 1900-2100 UT  46SE   ASC  250  65   0 547 Kau  G ENC ENC  2279

AUSTRALIA   17650 kHz  2259- UT  Reach Beyond Australia Jan 22. Listed in
Japanese, but with an English language program. Signed off with time and
frequency information, and confirming time in Japan, all in English.
Transmitter cut a few seconds after 23:00 UT.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

AUSTRALIA   Reach Beyond Australia, transmitting from Kununurra, Western
Australia, was logged on 20 January 2025. A Burmese language broadcast,
entitled "Women of Hope", was monitored from 15.00 till 15.30 UT.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

AUSTRIA   ORS-KW-Sendeanlage ORS Moosbrunn ist Geschichte

Am 28.Januar, und drei Tage frueher als angekuendigt, setzte eine gezielte
Sprengung der maechtigen Drehstandantenne der ORS-KW-Sendeanlage in Moos-
brunn bei Wien ein Ende. Damit hat die ORS die finalen Rueckbauarbeiten am
Kurzwellen-Sendestandort Moosbrunn abgeschlossen. Das Gelaende wird nun
wieder an den ORF uebergeben.

Die Sendestation, die ab den 1950er[sic] Jahren errichtet wurde, spielte
besonders waehrend des Kalten Krieges eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbrei-
tung von Radio Oesterreich International (ROI) bis nach Australien,
Neuseeland, Russland, China und Nahost.

Mit dem Aufkommen anderer Techniken zur Verbreitung von Hoerfunkprogrammen
wie Satellitenrundfunk sowie Internet-basierten Uebertragungen verlor der
Kurzwellenrundfunk an Bedeutung.

Bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 diente die Kurzwellensendeanlage noch fuer
einige internationale Radiokunden per Einmietung.

Auch sendete Radio DARC fast zehn Jahre lang sonntags auf 6070 kHz aus
Moosbrunn sein Technikmagazin mit aktuellen Meldungen aus dem Amateurfunk-
und Kurzwellenbereich - fuer Funkamateure, Kurzwellenhoerer und Radio-
interessierte. Inzwischen hat Radio DARC eine Sendeanlage bei Woofferton
in England fuer die Verbreitung angemietet.Die Aussendung erfolgt sonntags
11 Uhr Ortszeit auf 9670 kHz.
Darueber berichtet der HF-Referent Tom Kamp, DF5JL.

Kurz vor der Sprengung strengte Bernhard Boneberg auf der Internet-Platt-
form change.org noch eine Petition zum Erhalt der Anlage an. Zum Redak-
tionsschluss des Rundspruches zeichneten etwa 2600 Personen die Petition
mit. Erfolglos - auch wenn der Petent den Sender als bedeutendes tech-
nisches Bauwerk herausstellte und mit dem Verlust fuer das kulturelle und
technische Erbe Oesterreichs argumentierte [1].

[1] <https://t1p.de/lyuq2>
(DARC Deutschland-Rundspruch 4/2025, 5. KW, via wb  df5sx Jan 30)

Re: Change.org petition to save ORS Moosbrunn bcast center.

Archive image: In ORS Moosbrunn, ORS broadcast shortwave radio worldwide
for decades.Now all antennas have been dismantled and the dismantling work
completed. Photo: ORS Moosbrunn (OTS) - ORS has today completed the final
dismantling work at the Moosbrunn shortwave transmitter site.

The transmitter station, which was built in the 1950s{sic}, played an im-
portant role in the broadcast of Radio Austria International (ROI) as far
as Australia, New Zealand, Russia, China and the Middle East, especially
during the Cold War. With the advent of other technologies for the distri-
bution of radio programs such as satellite broadcasting and Internet-based
transmissions, shortwave broadcasting lost importance.

The shortwave transmitter system was still used by some international
radio customers until December 31, 2024. After two antennas were dismantl-
ed in autumn 2024,the remaining transmitter antennas, including the rotat-
ing antenna, were also successfully dismantled.

The rotating antenna was dismantled by means of a precise explosion in
consultation with the authorities. "Thanks to the careful planning and the
professional implementation and cooperation of the teams, the disruption
to residents, such as the temporary closure of the municipal road,was kept
to a minimum. We would like to thank you for your understanding during the
entire construction phase," explains ORS spokesman Michael Weber. The site
will now be handed back to the ORF. The ORF is examining the possible fu-
ture uses.

About the ORS Group ORS guarantees content providers the transmission of
audio and audiovisual offerings via terrestrial, satellite and cable as
well as IP services and streaming solutions. Under the brand "simpliTV",
ORS comm operates its own TV platform that is available to TV consumers
via antenna, satellite and streaming.

For further information:
<www.ors.at>  Inquiries & contact ORS Group  Mag. Michael Weber,
Telephone: +43 664 627 89 06, E-mail: <michael.weber -at- ors.at>
Website:   <https://www.ors.at>

(ORS via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 29)

re ORS Moosbrunn SW center:


Re:  ORS Moosbrunn, only rotating antenna gone.

Just makes me SO sad to watch the demolition and the aftermath. What a
crime. So short-sighted. The rotatable antenna was so ingenious.A sad day!
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Febr 2)


(via AER; via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 30)

re: ORS Moosbrunn, only rotating antenna gone:
Austria: In contrast to the press release, the dismantling of the short
wave station is not complete yet. Only the rotating antenna of ORS Moos-
brunn center is gone. This according to an email today (29 January) from
Ernst Vranka  OE3EVA  who was one of the 2,5 employees at the site: "Un-
richtig ist, dass der Rueckbau abgeschlossen ist. Gestern wurde nur die
Drehstand gesprengt, LP, Quadrant und Reuse stehen noch."

{see various detailed data map material of ORS Moosbrunn bcast center site
in previous bc-dx topnews #1605, wb}
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 30)

AUSTRIA   Useless: "The dismantling of the { ORS Moosbrunn ingenious
AEG Telefunken Berlin Made in Germany technical product of the 80ties,wb.}

rotating antenna was carried out by means of a precisely set demolition
with the approval of the authorities." (from today). Source:


(Thomas Kamp-D  DF5JL,  <df5jl -at- web.de>  wor Jan 28)

Re: Change.org petition to save ORS Moosbrunn, Jan 29.

Low-hanging fruit to mollify the FPOe I'm afraid. This makes me almost as
sad as the detonation of Sackville {RCI Canada, ed.}. Go back a few de-
cades, and Austria was regular listening on SW for me.
(Bill Tilford-IN-USA, wor Jan 29)

Altho the website is framed and named in English, I see no internal way to
get this in English, so external google translation:

The Issue:

Dear Sir or Madam, We, the signatories of this petition, oppose the plann-
ed demolition of the Moosbrunn shortwave transmitter. This transmitter is
not only an important technical building, but also a symbol of innovation
and progress that occupies a unique and irreplaceable place in Austrian
and international technical history. The Moosbrunn transmitter was built
more than 100 years ago and served as one of the most modern and powerful
shortwave transmitters in the world.

The system is still technically intact and does not pose any safety risk.
Its planned demolition would be an irreparable loss for the cultural and
technical heritage of Austria - indeed of all of Europe. We demand: Imme-
diate halt to the preparatory measures to destroy the transmitter and pre-
vention of the demolition: Investigation of the monument protection:

It must be examined whether the facility should be protected as a national
or even international technical monument. Preservation and use: The faci-
lity could be used as a museum, educational facility or event location to
honor the importance of shortwave technology and to introduce future ge-
nerations to the history of radio technology.

Why preservation is important: The transmitter is a unique cultural monu-
ment in the truest sense of the word. The Moosbrunn transmitter is an ex-
tremely rare example of technical architecture and radio technology from
the early 20th century. Education and tourism: A technical museum or memo-
rial at the site could serve as an educational facility for schools and
universities and attract tourists from all over the world. No safety risk:
As the facility is technically intact and does not pose a threat, there is
no objective need for destruction.

Appeal to politicians and the Federal Monuments Office: The ORS Moosbrunn
transmitter is an important part of our history and deserves to be pre-
served as a technical monument. We ask you to work for its preservation,
to prevent demolition and to examine alternative usage concepts. It is
your responsibility to preserve this unique cultural heritage for future
generations. Please help us save the Moosbrunn transmitter!
(Thomas Kamp-D  DF5JL, <df5jl -at- web.de>  wor Jan 28)

BRAZIL   Reply to my recent obs: "Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu.

Hi Glenn, Radio Voz Missionaria announced last week that its trans-
mitters and antennas at 9665 kHz and 5940 kHz would undergo technical
maintenance, which is why these frequencies would be off the air for the
time being. I hope that, especially, the frequency of 5940 kHz will be
'purified' of its spurious signals above and below its usual frequency,
which greatly interfered with reception on some other frequencies.
73, Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo SP, BRAZIL, wor Jan 31"
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 31)

BULGARIA   The Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) offers two series of QSL
cards for 2025. Celebrating the beauty of Bulgaria. The first set features
6 postcards highlighting famous landmarks, while the second set showcases
12 lesser-known, picturesque locations across the country.

These cards are available to listeners who submit reception reports, with
each card reflecting a different part of Bulgaria's rich heritage.

For more details, visit the full article:

Photo: Desislava Semkovska
(Yimber Gaviria-CLM, via RUSdx #1326 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26)

re: QSL cards "Radio Bulgaria". More details:
<https://bnr .bg/ru/post/102104408/novie-qsl-kartochki-bnr-

Article: <https://bnr.bg/ru/post/101932397/>
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1326 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26)

CHINA   Shanghai Coastal Radio Station XSG will QSO with radio amateurs.

For the celebration of their 120th anniversary (since 1905), Shanghai
Coastal Radio Station will communicate with radio amateurs on February 12
and 13, 2025. Cross-frequency QSO in CW mode.

XSG's transmitting frequencies;? 4105, 6780, 8502, 12871.5, 17103.2 kHz
(Do not reply on these frequencies).

Requested transmitting frequencies for radio amateurs where XSG will watch
 3521.3 -  3526.3 kHz
 7021.3 -  7026.3 kHz
10121.3 - 10126.3 kHz
14021.3 - 14026.3 kHz
21021.3 - 21026.3 kHz

QSL request should be sent to:
Shanghai Coastal Radio XSG
East China Sea Navigation Security Centre
No.1 Radio Station Road
Zhangjiang Town
Pudong New District
Shanghai, China, 201210.

Original article is at "Xiaolin Broadcasting Station" site

(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, wor Febr 3)

CHINA   Re:  The return of the "Firedragon" music jamming.
I noticed that it seemed to have been replaced by CNR-1 for the longest
time. It will be interesting track where it shows up again.
(Tony Pavick Hope-BC-CAN, wor Febr 1)

We just heard the first Firedrake / Firedragon jamming music station in
many many months on 11590 kHz, just in its last two minutes. There were
CNR type pips at 1600 UT and off. Huge China powerhouse signal. This fqy
is listed used by Radio Free Asia, so that is likely the reason for the
jamming. Those interested may want to check this channel tomorrow.
(Rick in Arizona-USA, wor Febr 1)

CHINA   {TIBET / Xizang province}  6200 kHz  1658- UT, Hello Xizang Jan 22
What was formerly Holy Tibet was coming in very well this hour,and improv-
ing throughout. Strongest of many frequencies available. An interesting
song at the end, with a bit of rap included! No ID via Shazam. Into time
pips at 17:00 UT and presumed ID. Not 100% sure that it's Tibetan, though,
and not Mandarin.

Other channels heard: 4905 kHz (good), 4920 kHz (good, apart from occasio-
nal digital hash between 4922 and 4924, 6025 (fair), 6130 kHz ... not sure
whether it's them due to huge adjacent 6125kHz splatter, 6110 (poor/fair),
7255 kHz (would be good, except for cochannel CRI English!), 7385 kHz
(listed, but another program heard here).Excellent reception this morning,
January 25th on the 60 meter channels.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

4905 kHz  1600-UT, Hello Xizang Jan 24 Very strong reception this morning.
Time pips, 6 seconds late, then into IDs, but not a word about Tibet. News
in English. Mostly economic propaganda. We had a very windy night. This
morning all my antennas are quite noisy with frequent static crashes. Once
it's light, I'll have to check my antenna farm, although I suspect some
branches on power lines somewhere. However,there is a lot of lightning ac-
tivity especially north of Hawaii, Eastern Australia, and just to the east
of Japan (via lightningmaps.org).

This channel is strongest of the various other frequencies on 4, 6, and 7
MHz. 4920 kHz also about as strong. Excellent modulation. News continued
(yawn) until 16:19 UT. They then gave email and website addresses, then
into Tibetan music. Very distinctive. Noticed at the same time some digi-
tal hash between 4901 and 4903 kHz, so had to switch to SAU to avoid that.

I then switched over to 6200kHz which was much quieter and just as strong.
Temperature in Lhasa was minus18 deg. Tourism section of Hello Xizang fol-
lows at 16:25 UT, but with the same heavily accented female we usually
hear. She mentions the only Catholic church located in Xizang, Our Lady of
the Sacred Heart Church in Yerkalo. Then salt production from brine.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

CHINA   6165 kHz  CNR6  Voice of Shenzhou (Divine Land per Wikipedia) via
Beijing Chaoyang. 1135 UT t/in with ballads, soft-spoken but occasionally
long-winded M+W; weak as fading in; F at 1215 UT recheck. // 11775 kHz via
Nanning, with better signal, G but flutter. Reportedly the second service
to Taiwan, along with CNR5 Cross-Strait Radio. 31 Jan.
(David Potter Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Febr 2)

CHINA   7335 kHz  CNR2 via Baoji Sifangshan, Shaanxi per EiBi database.
2345-2400* UT  Distinct Chinese M and W at times. Fairly weak signal here,
// 6000 UT Xian, Shaanxi, equally weak. 5+1 pips at TOH, then presumed off
as listed, or lost in the mud. So, that's a fifth frequency heard here
from CNR2 in the 2300 UT block, including 6000, 6065, 7370 and 9820 kHz.
30 Jan.
(David Potter Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Febr 2)

CONGO DEM REP   thanks to a tipp from DXer Juergen Waga-Berlin-Germany,
I found my eQSL for 6210 kHz Radio Kahuzi at
QSLs for some well known DXers are also available there.
I never received this QSL directly, so this was a very nice suprise.
(Harald Kuhl DL1AX exDL1ABJ, DXplorer Jan 31)


The Democratic Republic of Congo is in the headlines across world media
after a recent escalation of fighting in the eastern of the country, which
has seen new areas taken over by M23 rebels, encircling and taking control
of parts of Goma, the capital of the North Kivu province. Adjacent to this
area is located the city of Bukavu which is home for Radio Kahuzi, a U.S.-
funded religious station that some years ago was also active on short
waves (In the recent past there were rumours of a possible re-introduction
of a short wave transmitter). Our reader Eckard Roscher heard the station
and sent a reception report in January 2020 and never received a reply.

Recently, he has finally realized that he was wrong. Here is the short

"Two friends of mine, Bernhard Hein and Simon-Peter Liehr, went to North
Denmark for DX nearly every year.We visited Wilhelm Herbst in Fjerritslev.
He is the author of DX-books like "99 days medium wave". And he installed
Beverage antennas in all directions of the world in his area. It is a very
nice place for DX. In January 2020 we stayed in Fjerritslev. We also
listened to Radio Kahuzi and different other radio stations. I sent my
reception report to the snail mail address of Kahuzi in Florida with re-
turn postage (some Dollars). But I didn't get any reply. I sent different
reminders, the last one in December 2020 with a little donation. I didn't
get any reply from Kahuzi.

At the end of last year I got an information about a special DX-program
from the ADXB Austria. Harald Suess was one of the creators of this spe-
cial program for their 10th Anniversary, that means 10 years DX-program
from ADXB on HCJB. And there was a special information about Radio
Kahuzi, that Kahuzi noted the DX-ers who wrote reception reports till the
end of 2020. Of course I wanted see if I was noted on their homepage.
So I found my e-QSL after 1832 days after my written reception report. I
attach a postcard of the DX-house in Fjerritslev. Wilhem welcomes DX-er.
And it is really a good place for DX !!!"

Well, it's really incredible! We hope that fighting in Congo cease im-
mediately and that Radio Kahuzi will return soon back to S.W.
(Eckard Roscher in DX Fanzine Febr, Febr 2)

EGYPT   9890v kHz  1923- UT, Radio Cairo Jan 22. Strong S=9+10dB signal
into Masset and actually perhaps 33% modulation. Somewhat distorted with
a mid-ranged rumble, but one can make out the Russian language content.
Music at 19:26 UT, but still with the rumble, but clear enough for Shazam
to ID the music: Kol El Omor by Saber Rebai.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

FINLAND   963 kHz Alfa Media Group broadcasts from Pori-Preiviki to Russia
are delayed more. Traficom licence was granted 8. Nov. 2024. However, the
600 kW AM-station in Pori has been unused 12 years since 2013. The trans-
mitter was found to be in poor condition. Repair and maintenance will take
more time and money.
(Jorma Mantyla-FIN, ARC mv-eko Jan 20 via wor Jan 20)

(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1326 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26)

FRANCE   9690-9695-9700 kHz DRM digital audio block, Feb 1 at 0739 UT, DRM
noise. EiBi database lists shows another irregular TDF Issoudun DRM test
at 0700-0800 UT.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 1)

FRANCE   15275 kHz at 1600 UT on Jan 30, TDF Issoudon, Deutsche Welle
Amharic language: Pop music to ToH. ID and station over African instrumen-
tation (flute and xylophone). Good.

(Tony Pavick Hope-BC-CAN, wor Febr 1)

FRANCE   6060 kHz  TDF DRM digital transmission.
A French DRM broadcast has been received since 1635 on 6060kHz. It's using
the x-AAC codec rather than the newer xHE-AAC codec used by Romania on
most of its broadcasts. S/N occasionally over about 13dB when some Mono
voice is decoded. TDF's DRM broadcasts tend to be irregular nowadays. Re-
ceived using YouLoop in roofspace and RSPdx SDR.

TDF DRM was noted again on 7220 kHz at 1815 UT.
(Ian Brooks-Bournemouth-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Febr 1)

GERMANY   Like every first Sunday of the month, it is the return of 'Radio
Andorra' on the airwaves. This Sunday, February 2nd, there will be the re-
broadcast of a show from August 1976. It will be the "DiscoShow" presented
by Lionel Cassan. So at 1700 UT on 6005 kHz and 2000 UT on 3985 kHz via
'Shortwave Service' from Kall, Germany EU.
(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-France; BrDXC-UK iogroups news Jan 31)

GERMANY   9525 kHz at 1929-UT, Adventist World Radio on Jan 22. Carrier on
at 19:29:00 UT. At 19:30 UT, 'You're listening to Adventist World Radio',
then IS, then multilingual IDs. Then in English with web address. The
following program is in Igbo. Very good reception. Very nice for 250 kW
with a 186degree beam. Perhaps off the back, or long path propagation. Not
on the air when checked on January 24th.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

GERMANY   15310 kHz at 1600 UT on Jan 30, via MBR Nauen site, 'Bible Voice
Broadcasting' En and Tigrinya language: Although listed as Tigrinya, pro-
gramming seemed to consist of a mix of English and Tigrinya. ID was
"Welcome to today's programming on Bible Voice East Africa. You're listen-
ing to Bible Voice Broadcasting. Please stay tuned for contact information
at the end of our broadcast." Good.

(Tony Pavick Hope-BC-CAN, wor Febr 1)

GUAM/GERMANY/MADAGASCAR   B24 AWR Short Wave Broadcast Schedule
2024-10-27 to 2025-03-29 - (first and last day of transmission)

Site StartStop  Language   Area                         kHz     kW   Days
        UTC     Service
SDA  1900 2000  Arabic     Egypt, Iraq, Arab Peninsula  11985   100  daily
SDA  0000 0030  Burmese    Myanmar, Thailand, China     17650   100  daily
MDC  0300 0400  Malagasy   Madagascar                    6065   100  daily
SDA  1000 1100  Mandarin   Ce/No-China                  15430   100  daily
SDA  1000 1100  Mandarin   So-China                     15295   100  daily
SDA  1100 1200  Mandarin   Ce/No-China                  15430   100  daily
SDA  1100 1130  Indonesian We-Indonesia                 15500   100  daily
SDA  1100 1200  Mandarin   So-China                     15295   100  daily
SDA  1130 1200  Sundanese  Indonesia, Malaysia          15500   100  1357
SDA  1130 1200  Javanese   Indonesia, Malaysia          15500   100  246
SDA  1130 1200  Shan       Myanmar                      15530   100  daily
SDA  1200 1230  MinNan Chi Ce/No-China                   9610   100  12345
SDA  1200 1230  Mandarin   Ce/No-China                   9610   100  67
SDA  1200 1230  Mandarin   So-China                     15550   100  67
SDA  1200 1230  MinNan Chi So-China                     15550   100  12345
SDA  1200 1230  Mon        Myanmar                      15430   100  daily
SDA  1230 1300  Cantonese  Ce/No-China                   9610   100  123457
SDA  1230 1300  Mandarin   So-China                     15550   100  6
SDA  1230 1300  Cantonese  So-China                     15550   100  123457
SDA  1230 1300  Mandarin   Ce/No-China                   9610   100  6
SDA  1300 1330  Dayak      We-Indonesia                 15680   100  daily
SDA  1300 1330  Kachin     Myanmar                      15530   100  daily
SDA  1300 1330  Mandarin   We-China                     15600   100  23456
SDA  1300 1330  Uighur     We-China                     15600   100  17
SDA  1300 1330  Bangla     Bangladesh                   15255   100  daily
SDA  1330 1400  Assamese   NE-India                     17735   100  14
SDA  1330 1400  Lisu       Myanmar                      17755   100  daily
SDA  1330 1400  Kokborok   Bangladesh                   15255   100  daily
SDA  1400 1430  Karen      Myanmar, Thailand, China     15400   100  daily
SDA  1400 1430  Mandarin   We-China                      9720   100  daily
SDA  1400 1500  Mandarin   We-China                     15710   100  daily
SDA  1400 1430  Asho Chin  Myanmar                      15505   100  daily
MDC  1400 1500  Malagasy   Madagascar                    6065   100  daily
SDA  1430 1500  Burmese    Myanmar                      15530   100  daily
SDA  1430 1500  Karen      Myanmar, Thailand, China     15400   100  daily
SDA  1500 1530  Kannada    So-India                     15215   100  daily
SDA  1500 1530  Tamil      So-India                     15530   100  daily
SDA  1530 1600  Hindi      No-India                     15215   100  daily
SDA  1530 1600  Kannada    So-India                     15680   100  daily
SDA  1600 1630  Telugu     So-India                     15665   100  daily
SDA  1630 1700  Pushto     No-India                     15360   100  246
SDA  1630 1730  Korean     Korea                         9870   100  daily
SDA  1630 1700  Sindhi     Pakistan                     15360   100  1357
SDA  1730 1830  Korean     Korea                         6180   100  daily
NAU  1730 1800  Oromo      So-Ethiopia                  15460   250  daily
NAU  1800 1830  Tigrinya   Eritrea                      15460   250  daily
SDA  1800 1900  Korean     Korea                         9760   100  daily
NAU  1830 1900  Amharic    Ethiopia                     15460   250  daily
SDA  1830 1930  Korean     Korea                         6180   100  daily
SDA  1900 2000  Arabic     Egypt, Iraq, Arab Peninsula  11985   100  daily
NAU  1900 1930  Hausa      Nigeria                      11700   250  daily
NAU  1930 2000  Ibo        E-Nigeria                    11700   250  daily
SDA  2000 2100  Korean     Korea                         9885   100  daily
NAU  2000 2030  Yoruba     Nigeria                      11700   250  daily
NAU  2030 2100  Pidgin     Nigeria                      11700   250  daily
SDA  2100 2200  Mandarin   Ce/No-China                  15625   100  daily
SDA  2200 2300  Mandarin   NE-China                     15625   100  daily
SDA  2300 2400  Mandarin   Ce/No-China                  17530   100  daily
SDA  2300 2400  Mandarin   NE-China                     17620   100  daily

AWR Frequency Management Office
Sandwiesenstr. 35
64665 Alsbach
Germany, EU

Phone: +49 6257 9440969
Email: <qsl -at- awr.org>

AWR B24 Update.
Dear Monitor, dear Listener
Please see attached the updated b24 Schedule
Wishing a blessed listening.

AWR via Siegbert Gerhard-D wwdxc; of Giuseppe Cirillo, Jan 24

Adventist World Radio,
Frequency Engineer & Monitoring Department
Sandwiesenstr. 35
64665 Alsbach
Germany, EU

Tel  +49 6257 9440984
Cell +49 160  9484 4349
(Public Version #18 of 2025-01-24)

INDIA/BHARAT/USA  Over the Horizon Radio via WRMI 15770 eQSL. Broadcasts
to Europe Sundays at 12.00 UT on 15770 kHz.

Akashvani, Bengaluru bcast center in central India 
9620 kHz nice QSL-card depicting Shey Palace in Ladakh.
(Christer Brunstroem via Swedich SWB #2073 Febr 2)

INDIA   15280 kHz  Jan 26 at 0430-0630 UT, Republic Day parade in Delhi,
supposed to be on SW, but I don't even try as this is a visual spectacle,
easily seen on DD KISAN stream LIVE via


At first there were countless military units, unless a band playing,every-
one goosestepping and matching each step by hoisting left arm with a white
glove. Huge variety of very decorative uniforms.Also missile launchers and
other hardware. Eventually moved on to numerous non-military floats, putt-
ing the Rose Parade to shame; and finally flyovers. Occasional English
commentary mixed with Hindi.

Interspersed with shots of stoic leaders observing, PM Narendra Modi,
President Smt. Droupadi Murmu; also a guy under a big black fez, Indone-
sian Pres. Prabowo Subianto visiting. See them both here:


Huge crowds lining the route. Wide shots could not hide the smog in the
distance. Certainly worth viewing. Ron Howard provides the ondemand link
totaling 5:17:45:


Here's a half-sesquihour version emphasizing the military, starting with

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 26)

ITU A25 schedules.

Although HFCC A25 season conference hasn't taken place yet, ITU A25 pre-
liminary schedules have been published already ...


"The A25 Global Coordination Conference will be held from 10 - 14 February
2025 in United Arab Emirates."


P.S. That's the first time when ITU had published SW schedules before HFCC
took place.
(Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Febr 1)

INDONESIA   3325 kHz Jan 30, 2100 UT. Voice of Indonesia, via Palangkaraya
site and 4755 kHz, via Cimanggis / Jakarta; 2100+ UT, via Kiwi SDR remote
at Bandung, Indonesia; out of sync, with 3325 kHz being about two and a
half minutes delayed behind 4755 kHz; English segment; news (4th Interna-
tional Musabaqah Tilawa-til Qur'an reciting and memorization competition
in Indonesia [news story -


45 trucks with Indonesian aid delivered to Gaza [news story -


etc.); "Today's Commentary," about Chinese New Year's in Indonesia; pa-
triotic song "Bagimu Negeri"; "Today in History" Jan 30:

1945 year - The German military transport ship Wilhelm Gustloff was tor-
pedoed and sunk by the Soviet submarine S-13 in the Baltic Sea. The ship
was carrying German refugees, military personnel, and civilians fleeing
the Red Army. More than 9,000 people died in the disaster.

1948 year - Indian political and spiritual leader Mohandas Gandhi, was
shot and killed in New Delhi. My 4755 kHz remote audio -


with 3325 kHz having poor reception. Mauno Ritola-FIN reported to me to-
day about 3325 kHz: "They are at 20 kW now, they hope to raise to full
40 kW soon." (Thanks very much to Mauno for this up-dated info!).
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct, wor, SWB #2073 Febr 2)

Re:  Voice of Indonesia returns to 3325 kHz. via Palangkaraya site.

3325 kHz  Voice of Indonesia (Channel One), via Palangkaraya, 1145+ UT,
Jan 30, via Kiwi SDR remote at Morley, WeAustralia; had been silent since
about late Oct or early Nov 2024; clearly // 4755 kHz, via Cimanggis /
Jakarta; 1200 UT, into Japanese; 4755 kHz much stronger than poor on 3325
kHz. Wonderful to have this frequency active again!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor Jan 31)

VOI English transmission on 4755 kHz at 1300 UT to SoEaAsia was well au-
dible also in Europe. Nice music! Thanks for the hint !
(Kari in Finland, wor Jan 30)

IRAN   9650 kHz  at 1530- UT, Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Jan 24
Big empty carrier noted, without a hint of modulation. Supposed to be in
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

11880 kHz  at 1927-UT, Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Jan 22. Still
zero modulation on their scheduled English broadcast at this time.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

JAPAN   6055 kHz  Radio Nikkei 1 via Chiba. 1230-1250+ UT spirited man and
woman in Japanese. Slick production - fill mx, sound effects at times.
Fair signal on a subpar Asian morning. This one hangs in there, slowly
fading. 29 Jan.
(David Potter Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Febr 2)

LAOS   567 kHz  Lao National Radio, 2355-0020 UT, Jan 29-30, 2025, via
Kiwi SDR remote net unit at Cha-Am, Thailand; a much better site for LNR
reception than Dimapur, India, due to strong QRM from Akashvani Dibrugarh
at that site; heard nice Lao music / singing; today was early with their
local 7AM bell / gong, which was rung seven times at 2358 UT; then choral
National Anthem ("Hymn of the Lao People" - Pheng Xat Lao); 0000+ UT, news
in assume Laotian. My remote audio -


with bell / gong on audio clip at 03:32 UT; some QRN and light India QRM
at 0000 UT (patriotic song "Vande Mataram" heard faintly underneath LNR).
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor Jan 30)

and see some data material, some Vientiane Laos files
and Vientiane km54  MW 567 kHz  site map, free download via


(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 31)

MADAGASCAR   9884 kHz  MWV New Life Station via Mahajanga-MDG, 1800 UT, 21
Jan. Russian: Off nominal 9885 kHz. IS to ToH. I struggled to maintain
audio as ID was choppy. Into music that may have been filler. Fair.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

MADAGASCAR   11965 kHz  via MWV New Life Station via Mahajanga-MDG
'African Pathways Radio' at 2020 UT, man with religious lecture (all Eng-
lish) to program on country music after the half hour. Very Good on Jan13.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

MADAGASCAR   15550 kHz  Radio Tamazuj via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Mada-
gascar relay facility heard at 1504 UT on Jan 21 with a two-man discussion
in Arabic. Poor-fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

MALI   China Radio International, transmitting from Bamako relay site II,
Mali, was logged on 19 January 2025. An English language broadcast about
an American healthcare entrepreneur in China was monitored from 15.00 till
15.40 UT.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

MYANMAR   7345 kHz  Thazin Radio via Pyin Oo Lwin bcast center site, on
Jan 21, good signal today at 1250UT mixing with CNR-7. Burma stn was play-
ing a lot of schmalty vocal mx selections w/orchl backing, interspersing
with anmts by breathy YL in sing-song Burmese. At this time, China pgming
mainly OM tlks in Mandarin, so easy to mentally keep them separate.

As always, the CNR-7 // on 13770 kHz acts as the North Star for DX liste-
ners, with nice, clear audio of CNR-7 being a very helpful aid in keeping
the two signals on 7345 kHz straight. China with time pips at 1300 UT
while Thazin lady just talks through UTC TOH. By 1310 UT Thazin's saccha-
rine mx selections overriding CNR-7! Based on recent observations, Thazin
seems to leave this fqy at unsked -1330a* UT.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

9730 kHz  Myanmar Radio, 0208 UT on Jan 31 Friday, via Kiwi SDR remote at
Cha-Am, Thailand; brief spot in English, "Something to shout about"; then
in Burmese and indigenous music/singing. This English spot after 0200UT is
NOT on every day, but needs more monitoring to determine what is happening
daily between 0200-0230 UT. My brief remote audio attached.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor Jan 31)

MYANMAR   Re:  Myanmar Radio 9730 kHz, with brief spot in English
("Something to shout about")
Ron, I can see the 9730 kHz signal easily in Masset-BC-CAN, but likely a
bit too weak for any audio tonight. Instead, I'm busy listening to low
powered 'Channel 292' Waal Rohrbach Ingolstadt Bavaria Germany EU, 
9670  kHz coming in very well now at 03:17 UT with Dutch pirate relay of
'Radio Nova Shortwave'
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Febr 2)

Feb 1 (Saturday) - no English 0200-0230 UT, on 9730 kHz Myanmar Radio.

Feb 2 (Sunday)   - 0202-0214 UT, Myanmar Radio on 9730 kHz, via Cha-Am,
Thailand Kiwi SDR remote; action movie sound track from the "Karate Kid,"
remade in 2010, taking place in Beijing; along with commentary in Bur-
mese; segment ending with the playing of the movie's pop song by Justin
Bieber - "Never Say Never." My remote audio -

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Febr 2)

MYANMAR   5915 kHz on Jan 26 at 2330 UT Myanmar Radio via Naypyidaw. Ten-
tative, though likely them. Initially heard here two weeks ago. This was
identified as the same station being heard on the LA6LU, Cha-Am, Thailand
KiwiSDR. The monitored format has the carrier coming on at varying times,
any-where from before 2315 to 2327 UT, sign-on is 2330 UT with an instru-
mental music IS, s/on anmt, music segment, and news?) in presumed Burmese.

The signal is audible here from before 2315 to at least 2345 UT, and often
later, at a weak to very weak level here in Florida via gray-line recep-
tion. The most recent log on January 29 also had the sign-on at 2330 UT
with ID and s/on annmt, it was very weak here, very good on the Cha-Am
SDR. Myanmar is the logical choice. However, I can't pull an ID and am un-
able to prove that the IS I heard was Myan-mar. Also, the 2025 WRTH lists
a 2315 UT s/on for this frequency - with nothing to the con-trary in the
DX press.
(David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor and SWB #2073 Feb 2)

NEW ZEALAND    e-QSL from Radio New Zealand Pacific B24 period.

Hello radio Friends, from Radio New Zealand Pacific I received e-QSL card
for the following broadcast: 10 January 2025, 13755 kHz, 12.08-12.15 UT
in English, SINPO 35533 - in 20 days via e mail for a web form report at


The e-QSL can be viewed at the following URL: 
<https://acquamarina.blogspot.com>  Enjoy whatever you are listening!

Station Address: 
Radio New Zealand International
P.O.Box 123
Wellington, New Zealand, Pacific.
(Tanino Marabello, Treviso-Veneto-ITA, wor Jan 30)

PALAU   QSL  Hope Radio Angel3 Test Transmission. e-QSL:
9930 kHz, 11.00-12.05 UT, Jan. 06, 2025


(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1326 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26)

PHILIPPINES   Re: SOH Sound of Hope - Falun Gong sect radio Taiwan B-24
season Shortwave Frequency list of Jan 29 - 31

9919.978 PHL  FEBC Radio Teos, Bocaue, Ukr Mon/Tue/Wed 15.00-15.45 UT,
         Rus Thur-Sun 15.30-16.00 UT, S=9+10dB                   15.24 UT
The correct schedule is
1500-1530 daily Russian
1530-1545 Mo-Sa Russian
1530-1545 Su    Ukrainian
1545-1600 Thur-Sun  Russian - as shown in EiBi, WRTH, dxguide lists ...
(Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 31)

ROMANIA   7235 kHz DRM digital decoded at 1918- UT, Radio Romania Interna-
tional Jan 24 Not showing up on the DRM schedule on the KiwiSDR, but show-
ing as German at Short-wave.info webpage. Too weak for audio, but text is
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 26)

SAUDI ARABIA  {YEMEN target}   11934.894 kHz  1938- UT, Republic of Yemen
Radio Jan 22. Very good reception over the Pole with quite a smeared car-
rier. Clean audio in Arabic. No sign of scheduled Vatican Radio in Latin
at 19:40 UT.
(Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, hcdx Dec 25)

TAIWAN   9670 kHz OPPOSITION. R DLSN / 'Dap Loi Song Nui_, via Paochung-
TWN, Jan 22; noted with poor signal only, signing on *1230- with orchestra
theme and YL announcements in Vietnamese, no siren jammer from Hanoi yet,
early in transmission.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

9670.003 kHz via Paochung-TWN tx. Still on air early at 12.25 UT, Jan 28,
S=9+25dB into Hiroshima Akitakata SDR unit remotedly, 12.30-13.00 UT, wb.

TAIWAN  {target radio towards Koreas}   6115 kHz  'National Unity Radio'
via Taipei Tamshui-TWN, at 0156 UT on Jan 21 in Korean. an and woman an-
nouncers in lively conversation into the man speaking alone, 1200 UT brief
theme like music, YL announcement (ID?) into same man and woman as earlier
then man solo. Weak, although clear enough signal.
(Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

7290 kHz (tentative) Clandestine in Korean to North Korea. Jan 25, 2025,
1550-1555 UT. SIO 333. "Nippon no Kaze." OM with slow, ragged, speech
likely broadcast from Taipei Tanshui-TWN. Moderate QRN / QSB.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

7295 kHz {target radio to NoKorea}  'Furusato no kaze' /Wind from hometown
at 1345 UT from Taipei Tanshui-TWN // 7205 kHz. Excellent on Jan 10.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

TAJIKISTAN   9990 kHz  Radio Free Asia, at 2144 UT on Jan 21 in Korean.
YL perhaps reading a story. // 11510 kHz at 2153 UT - 44334. OM w/ expla-
natory talk. Fair.
(Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, viaNASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

This is an interesting situation with both locations showing Korean lan-
guage transmission at this hour in Dan Ferguson's combined schedules list-
(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA)

THAILAND   Radio Thailand sends out a nice 2025 calendar for reception re-
ports. The evening program from this friendly country is always good to
listen to.

eQSL Radio Thailand World Service. E-mail: <rthworldservice [at] gmail.com>
2 January 2025, 18.25-19.30 UT, 7475 kHz. Picture:


7475 kHz  QSL Radio Thailand World Service (English).
e-QSL 18.00-19.30 UT, Jan. 19, 2025.


(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1326 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26)

THAILAND   15210 kHz  Radio Free Asia, transmitting presumably from Asia
{from USAGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay site, ed.}, was logged on 3 October
2024. A Burmese language broadcast of current events about the region was
monitored from 00.00 till 00.30 UT.

Reception on 15210 kHz rated a SINPO of 45344; transmission was initially
audible with clear content despite atmospheric interference. Later in the
transmission, the noise level increased substantially making audio content
less listenable. Reception report was submitted on the same day. QSL card
arrived in the mail on January 13, 2015.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

TURKEY   Voice of Turkiye, transmitting from Emirler bcast center site,
was logged on 9 December 2024. Reception report was submitted on the
following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on January 13, 2015.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

UAE   11785 kHz  NHK World Radio Japan via Abu Dhabi Media served by ENC
Al-Dhabbiya relay site in UAE, at 1600 UT. Familiar NHK opening theme
music, going into broadcast in (listed) Russian lang. Bf the hour, we had
heard this same site with WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset also in Russian. Fair on
Jan 14.
(Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

11785 kHz Broadcast from ENC Al-Dhabbaya-UAE in Russian to eastern Europe.
January 26, 2025, 1555-1606 UT. SIO 333. OM with long monologue. United
Nations Radio. Time pips at TOH then a program change with a YL announcer
in Russian. Broadcast is listed as NHK Radio Japan. It was unclear which
program was being identified, so list this as "tentative."
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

UAE   11785 kHz  eQSL Radio Slovakia International. via Abu Dhabi Media Sw
relay site operated by ORS Al Dhabbaya. E-mail: <rsi_russian [at] rtvs.sk>
Jan 09, 2025; 16.30-16.59 UT, 11785 kHz. Picture:


(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

UAE   15215 kHz Gaweylon Tibetan Radio (FEBA), transmitting from Dhabbaya,
UAE, was logged on 20 January 2025. Tibetan language program was monitored
from 12.20 till 12.30 UT. Reception on 15.215.1 kHz rated a SINPO of 23332
weak signal but audible with possibly some light jamming which disappeared
around 12.25 UT. Reception report was submitted on the same day. An eQSL
was received on January 30, 2025.


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

U.K.   Radio Northern Europe International & Friends Yule Marathon 2024,
transmitting from via ENC Woofferton, UK site, was logged on 25 December
2024. A variety of music was heard from radio partners Moma, Stephen,
PopShopRadio, Radio Carpathia for this special Yule broadcast which was
monitored from 14.00 to 15.35 UT. Around 15.25 UT an MFSK64 signal was


(T.L.Breyel, Malaysia <https://shortwavedxer.blogspot.com/>
via RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)

U.K.   BBC World Service London to cut 130 jobs in savings plan.


The BBC World Service has announced it will cut 130 jobs as part of a plan
to save around £6m in the next financial year.

Planned cost-saving measures include closing posts in the UK and inter-
nationally as well as roles in BBC Monitoring, a division which reports
and analyses news from media around the world.

The World Service was given a funding boost by the government as part of
the autumn Budget,but financial pressures and the previous two-year freeze
in the licence fee means the corporation's projected total deficit will
increase to GBP_492 million for the 2024/25 financial year.

Despite the cuts, it said it will continue to provide journalistic cove-
rage across its 42 language services.

Jonathan Munro, global director and deputy chief executive of BBC News,
said: "While the result of the latest grant-in-aid funding settlement
means we are able to maintain all of our existing language services, we
were clear it would not stave off difficult decisions in order to remain
globally competitive and meet our savings requirements.

"These changes will ensure we operate effectively with the resource we
have, creating the most impact for audiences internationally."

The BBC added that the service is "operating in a highly competitive glo-
bal media environment" which has "international news providers investing
billions in state-backed media that sees increased competition for staff,
platforms and frequencies, and audiences".

The broadcaster said it will "continue to counter disinformation, provide
emergency services in times of crisis and report from all corners of the

As part of the Budget in October, Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced that
the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) settlement for the
next financial year "provides an increase in funding to the BBC World Ser-
vice, protecting existing foreign language service provision and its mis-
sion to deliver globally trusted media, in support of the UK's global pre-
sence and soft power".

The BBC World Service is predominantly funded by the UK licence fee and
has received a grant of GBP_104.4 million from the FCDO in previous years.

In October, ahead of the Budget, the BBC revealed a raft of cost-saving
plans, including the axing of in-depth interview show HARDtalk and reduc-
ing more than 100 news roles at the broadcaster.

HARDtalk, which is broadcast from Monday to Thursday, is set to shut in
March 2025 after nearly three decades on air.
(Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Jan 31)

U.K.   9740 kHz  QSL card 16 Gwendoline Street. Via ENC Woofferton-UK
25. Dec. 2024, 14.30-15.00 UT, 9740 kHz. Picture:


(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1326 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26)

USA   15150 kHz  WMLK  Bethel-PA state, in En to Europe. Jan 21, 2025, at
1522-1529 UT. SIO 333. Religious broadcast to Europe identified as "The
Assemblies of Yahweh." From Bethel, PA. Moderate QRN / QSB. OM preacher
with sermon and Bible interpretations.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

USA   15150 kHz at 1600 UT on Jan 30, WMLK  Bethel PA state in English:
Somewhat firey sermon from Elder Jacob O Meyer with very quick station ID
at ToH
(Tony Pavick Hope-BC-CAN, wor Febr 1)

USA   9275 kHz  Jan 27 at 0345 UT, WMLK  Bethel PA state, S=9+30/40dB of
"bilge" as Ralph Perry rates their output; accompanied by squealy spurs
+/- only 5 kHz, so better than some brethren.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 27)

USA   9264.987 kHz  WINB PA Red Lion SW Radiogram #386 with text stories
in MFSK 32 and 64 about NZ mayor objects to Trump 'split the atom' claim
(Sir Ernest Rutherford was a Kiwi) and NASA develops a 3D-printed anten-

The photos today in MFSK64 were in but still a bit 'scratchy' and distort-

Non-Bored OM ID leading up to the ToH and into 'Viewpoint' with attorney
and author Chuck Christmeyer talking about Trump / Putin etc. But wasn't
he supposed to end that war on day one ? Chuck is a T fan-boy, and I'm not
surprised about that !

353+43 a titch noisy during fades but the digital decoded just fine.
0030-0105 UT on 24 Jan.
(Ken Zichi-MI-USA, wor Jan 31)

USA  {and non}   VOA "Music Time in Africa". I hadn't heard "Music Time in
Africa" for quite a while. I tried to find it on the schedule of programs
on VOA's website but it is useless and mostly only lists when VOA1 pro-
gramming is broadcast. But there is an entry for the program itself, which
states that it is aired:

Friday 09:05 - 10:00 UT

Saturday / Sunday
09:05 - 10:00 UT
15:05 - 16:00 UT
20:05 - 21:00 UT
22:05 - 23:00 UT

As far as I can tell, there is no time that a USAGM VOA SW transmitter is
currently on the air with English programming in these time slots.
I checked the VOA Global English webstream service at 15:05 but it was
VOA1. However, at 20:05 UT, "Music Time in Africa" with Heather Maxwell
was aired ! At the end of the program, she said it was broadcast live (?)
on shortwave and select local FM stations. About SW, I think she is
mistaken. I also checked the webstream at 22:05 UT and, again, something
else: VOA1. Haven't checked at 09:05 yet.
(Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Febr 2)

USA   15770, 9955, 9455, 9395, 7780, 7730, 7570, 5950, 5850, 5800, 5050,
5010 kHz, Jan 25 at 0606 UT.

ALL WRMI transmitters are OFF.
Checking now following this report via Alan Pennington-UK: "0320 UT Jan
25 - Due to extremely cold temperatures in the Okeechobee FL state area,
a main power line has gone down, so all of our frequencies are off the
air (except our Internet stream on 9955 kHz). 

Florida Power&Light has dispatched a crew to find and repair the problem,
but it could take up to several hours.WRMI will go back on the air as soon
as electrical power is back on here. Thanks for your understanding. (WRMI
Facebook 25 Jan) At 5:30 am Eastern Time (1030 UTC) January 25 power re-
turned and WRMI is back on the air! (WRMI F_B 25 Jan)".
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 25)

USA   12160 kHz  WWCR #2 religious broadcast in En via Nashville-TN state.
Jan 26, 2025, at 1614-1619 UT. SIO 333. OM preacher with sermon and Bible
interpretations. Story of Cain and Abel. Talk of how long the Bible Old
Testament elders lived. Tale of Noah and the Ark.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

USA   {ARGENTINA non - theme}  9455 kHz  Tue Jan 28 at 2301 UT, quite by
chance into BST1 caradio, 'Atividade DX' pgm in Brasuguese from RAE relay
on WRMI; lots of DX news compiled by Arnaldo Slaen including credited to
me the Spain B24 schedule. Later a report that R. Omdurman, Sudan is
well-heard in southern SouthAmerica from 0400 UT on 7200 kHz.

?? Well, it used to be on 7205 kHz but AFAIK has been inactive for some
years. Later on home rx, RAE PP still going at 2347 UT with multi-lingual
ID; and SoTexas SDR also gets it on listed // 7780 kHz WRMI Okeechobee-FL.
Trouble is, neither frequency aims at Brasil, which might be helpful:
9455 kHz to NW and 7780 kHz to SW.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 28)

UZBEKISTAN   6035 kHz BBC London via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
Shortwave Transmitting bcast center at 0035UT Jan 25. An interview in pro-
gress between two women in English. Poor with only an occasional word
(Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

UZBEKISTAN   11530.04 kHz  'Radyoya Denge Gel' via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tash-
kent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, on Jan 21; fair-good
signal with Kurdish vocals with band at 1351 kHz, not as strong as Erdogan
potential jammer up on 11545.05 kHz at this time. Maybe the Turks staying
clear and playing nice today?
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

? UZB  relay. Rather moved service now to Yerevan Gavar site in Armenia ?

11520.001 kHz ARM  'Radyoya Denge Gel' in Kurdish Sorani language national
mx radio at 12.30 UT on Jan 28, S=9+25dB strength equal level mixture on
11520.013 kHz TUR  via Emirler site of Erdogan jamming of Osmanc culture
music too, at 12.45 UT on Jan 28. wb df5sx.

11545.05 kHz TURKEY.  Radio Recep Erdogan via TRT Emirler, Jan 21; excel-
lent at 1350 UT with usual thumping drums, horns and male military chorus.
Ignoring their usual jamming target Denge Gel, lower on band right now.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

VANUATU   [and non]  9960 kHz  Jan 26 at 0754 UT, JBA talk, as RV is still
on past previous 0658* UT as also reported last night by several. Now
9955 kHz WRMI is equally JBA, unlike much stronger 9395 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 26)

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 21)

VATICAN STATE   17555 kHz {rather NGO sponsored opposition target radio}
January 26, at 1622-1630 UT. SIO 444. Radio Dabanga in Darfuri Arabic to
Sudan. OM with long monologue. Program origin is the Netherlands. Via
Santa Maria di Galeria relay broadcast center.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1188 Jan 26)

15565 kHz  Radio Vaticana, 1600 UT on Jan 30. Swahili IS followed by sign-
on ID. No 'Laudeteur Jesus Cristus' but mention of 'AfricanService'. Re-
port on statement by Pope Francis with playback of his voice. Very Good.

(Tony Pavick Hope-BC-CAN, wor Febr 1)

Vatican Radio, again on shortwaves via Santa Maria di Galeri bcast center,
this Saturday February 1st. From 1555-1715 UT, as usual in French on 17525
kHz, English on 13830 kHz, Portuguese on 15565 kHz.
All beamed to Africa target. It's for the 'Celebration of First Vespers'
for Consecrated persons presided over by Pope Francis, Live from
St. Peter's Basilica.
(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-France; BrDXC-UK iogroups news Jan 31)

VATICAN STATE   9885 kHz  Jan 27 at 0349 UT, S=9+20/30dB in excited
African language with gunfire, screams, drama? Per EiBi database list,
0330-0430 UT is VOA KNK via SMG Santa Maria di Galeria site to East
Africa, i.e. in Kirundi/Kinyarwanda language. That explains the bigsig,
more of it over here than there, I suspect. Violating Separation Of
Church And State.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 27)

WRTH Publication Limited. May 2005. International and foreign Service
Broadcasts - A05 season.


(Alex, Radiopriem / Telegram; via
RUSdx #1327 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 2)


SOH Taiwan B-24 season Shortwave Frequency list of Jan 29 - 31, onwards in
2025, monitored by wb. Also on log noted some other China CNR1 jamming

CNR1 Beijing program compared during monitoring against web player


Some logs of January 29 - 31, taken at Doha Qatar ME and Hiroshima
Akitakata JP  Perseus SDRs remotedly:.

 6214.956 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8         16.30 UT
 6214.998 CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal underneath    Jan 31  16.45 UT
 6229.973vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Cantonese S=7        15.52 UT
 6230.160 AUS  VMW Wiluna WA, English signal underneath   Jan 31  15.54 UT
 6249.994 KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean, clandestine sce, S=9+10dB,   15.50 UT
          10.4 kHz wideband audio signal.
          Jammed by some audio varying jamming stns from KRE - D.P.R.Korea
 6340.165 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8         15.49 UT
 6350.033 KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean, clandestine sce, S=7         15.48 UT
          8.8 kHz wideband audio signal.
 6369.958 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin  S=6-7      15.47 UT
          varying 2 ... 4 Hertz up and down.
 6520.013 KOR  Vothe People, Korean, 07-03 UT, S=9+25dB           15.46 UT
          Jammed by some scratching jamming stns from KRE - D.P.R. Korea
 6600even KOR  Vothe People, Korean, 07-03 UT, S=9+25dB           15.44 UT
          Jammed by some scratching jamming stns from KRE - D.P.R. Korea
 6850.036 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=6-7   16.58 & 11.27
 6865.123vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=8          15.43 UT
 6900.009 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=5-6        11.30 UT
 6970.097vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=5-6        15.32 UT
 7209.912 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=6-7   16.59 & 15.11
 7289.990 TWN  'Nippon no Kaze' Korean via Tamshui,S=9+15dB in JP 15.28 UT
 7310even CHN  PBS Xinjiang via Urumqi site, Mandarin     Jan 31  15.25 UT
 7310.027vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=7          15.23 UT
 7409.973 SWZ  TWR Manzini Swaziland in Umbundu lang, S=5 Jan 29  18.25 UT
 7460.038?TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=7          19.20 UT
 7470even UZB  IBRA radio in Bengali via Tashkent site, S=8       15.19 UT
 7570.009 KRE  Voice of Korea, Kujang, KCBS Korean endless talk / annmt
          17.00-17.50 UT; En at 15.14 UT;                 Jan 31  18.30 UT
 7580even KRE  VoKorea Kujang, Japanese, S=8-9 fluttery           11.49 UT
 7600.000?TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=7          19.21 UT
 7625even UZB  TVOM 'Voice of Martyrs' Mandarin via Tashkent relay15.12 UT
 7644.994 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin S=8-9        15.10 UT
 7719.997 KOR  Echo of Hope Korean, S=5 in Tokyo JP       Jan 31  15.08 UT
 7729.879vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mand.S=7 disturbed   15.07 UT
 7730even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal. S=8. 11 kHz wideband 17.15 UT
 7750.165 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Cantonese (!) S=5    15.05 UT
 7795.400 JP   0000-2400 JMH carrier F3C 2x100Hz   Kagoshima      18.36 UT
 7810.035 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 tent.   18.37 UT

 8117 USB TWN SSB meteorogical broadc.Cantonese TainanTaipei      07.52 UT
              BMB Central Weather Bureau.

 9119.833vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5-6 signal level            15.04 UT
 9155.069 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5-6 signal level            13.05 UT
 9179.956 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7-8 signal level            15.03 UT
 9215.188 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6-7 signal level new        12.07 UT
 9229.969vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6-7 signal level            15.01 UT
 9255even 15.32 UT and 12.08 UT  CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal. S=8.
 9255.178 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5-6 signal level            13.12 UT
 9275even PHL  FEBC Manila via Boceau center, Liangyou Chinese    14.48 UT
          10.4 kHz wideband audio excellent signal quality. Nearby also
 9280.116 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level              13.15 UT
 9299.952vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level              14.55 UT
 9329.942 UZB  'Voice of Wilderness' Korean via Tashkent, S=9     14.53 UT
 9339.947 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level              13.17 UT
 9344.973 PHL  FEBC Liangyou Mandarin Iba site, S=9+30dB strong   13.50 UT
 9399.973 PHL  FEBC Liangyou Mandarin Iba site, S=9+30dB strong   12.30 UT
 9409.995 TWN  Fu Hsing BS, Kuanyin, 07.00-12.00 UT  Chinese      08.13 UT
 but nothing on air on // 9774 nor 15375 kHz on Jan 29.
 9410even CHN  CNR5 Cross Straight Radio Beijing, S=9+20dB        12.32 UT
          11 kHz wideband audio signal; and
 9410.017 TUR  TRT Emirler in Russian, at                         14.47 UT
 9420even CHN  CNR13 Uighur sce from Lingshi, 11-14 UT, S=9+5dB   12.33 UT
 9424.998 KRE  Voice of Korea, Kujang, Russian via Kujang         14.44 UT
 9435even KRE  Voice of Korea, Kujang, KCBS Korean female opera singer
          audio quality feed S=8 signal in Hiroshima and Tokyo remotedly.
 9435.004 Kujang in French at                                     14.41 UT
 9480even CHN  CNR 11  Baoji-Sifang, Tibetan 2155-1605            12.38 UT
 9505.004 TUR  TRT Emirler in Kazakh at 14.30-15.00 UT            14.41 UT
 9540.005 UZB  FEBC Manila in Hindi to SoAS via Tashkent S=9+20dB 14.37 UT
 9554.983 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin  S=7        12.40 UT
 9555even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal. S=8.                 12.45 UT
 9559.979 TWN  'Furusato no Kaze' Japanese via Paochung site      14.31 UT
 9629.997 KOR  KBS Seoul in En via Kimjae site, underneath at     14.24 UT
 9630even CHN  CNR 17 Lingshi RTC site #725 1157-1805 UT Chi/Kaz  14.25 UT
 9660even TWN  R. Taiwan Int. Kouhu, Chinese 1100-1600 UT         12.44 UT
 9660even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal. S=8.                 12.47 UT
 9670.002 TWN  12.30-13.00:03 off  TWN 'Radio Dap Loi Song Nui'  target
          radio to VTN, Vietnamese, via Paochung-TWN site         12.55 UT
          No VTN origin jamming observed today Dec 4th.
 9760.025 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat site, Korean sce to EaAS S=9+40dB    18.45 UT
 9409.995 TWN  Fu Hsing BS, Kuanyin, 07.00-12.00 UT  Chinese      08.13 UT
 but nothing on air on // 9774 nor 15375 kHz on Jan 29.
 9839.953vVTN  VoVietnam, Hanoi Son Tay site, 15.00-15.30 En
          S=9+20dB in Akitakata and Tokyo SDR remotedly           14.15 UT
 9850even CHN  PBS Quinghai Tibetan language, S=9 signal; and co-ch
 9849.957vKRE  KCBS Pyongyang Kujang, Korean              Jan 31  14.12 UT
 9859.807 IND  AIR/Akashvani via Delhi Kingsway in Dari   Jan 31  14.08 UT
 9870even GUM  KTWR Guam Merizo, Korean 14.00 til 15.15 UT off
          S=9+25dB and co-channel heavy KRE D.P.R. BUBBLE jamm    14.06 UT
 9890even CHN  CNR13 Lingshi RTC site #725, 12-18.05 UT Chi/Uyg   14.03 UT
 9900even GUM  KTWR Merizo Guam, 'Living Water Ministry' Korean sce
          S=9+10dB                                                15.22 UT
 9919.921 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese, S=8 signal level and co-ch     14.03 UT

 9919.978 PHL  FEBC Radio Teos, Bocaue, Ukr Mon/Tue/Wed 15.00-15.45 UT,
          Rus Thur-Sun 15.30-16.00 UT, S=9+10dB                   15.24 UT
Correction: The correct schedule is
1500-1530 daily     Russian
1530-1545 Mon-Sat   Russian
1530-1545 Sun       Ukrainian
1545-1600 Thur-Sun  Russian - as shown in EiBi, WRTH, dxguide lists ...
(Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 31)

 9939.978 THA  one of the USAGM txs at Udorn Thani is always lower side
          odd fqy aligned. R Thailand in Malay, S=9+20dB  Jan 31  13.16 UT
 9969.976vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese, S=9+5dB signal level           13.13 UT
 9975even GUM  KTWR Guam Merizo, Mandarin 13.00 til 13.35 UT off
          S=9+25dB powerful signal in JP                  Jan 31  13.14 UT

 9984.975 TJK  VoA Korean via Dushanbe YangiYul relay, S=9+20dB   15.36 UT

10819.869vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=7-8  13.06 UT
10869.970vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8 signal level              13.05 UT
10939.882 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 13.04 UT
10959.732vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 13.03 UT
11069.943 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8-9 fqy varying up and down 12.55 UT
11070even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=6 signal jamming            Jan 31  12.56 UT
11100.010 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 12.53 UT
11120.099vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7-8 signal level            12.50 UT
11149.900 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 12.52 UT
11170.083 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 12.50 UT
11289.94  KOR/KRE LSB-mode maritime talk radio stn traffic        12.38 UT
11409.981 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level  new         10.23 UT
11460even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=7 signal jamming            Jan 31  12.46 UT
11460.036vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=6     12.45 UT

11500.004vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong, Chi      Jan 31  12.44 UT
11520.019 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Jan 31  12.43 UT
11525.006 TUR  TRT Erdogan security forces anti-Kurdish national radio
          jamming of Osmanic flute music program from Emirler at  12.36 UT
          Jan 29.
11535.011 TUR  TRT Erdogan security forces anti-Kurdish national radio
          jamming of Osmanic flute music program from Emirler at  14.38 UT
          Jan 21; against 'Radio Denge Gel' Kurdish national radio px from
11539.997 ARM  Radyo Denge Gel, S=9+25dB via Yerevan Gavar at     14.29 UT
11539.998 ARM  via Yerevan Gavar site center, S=6 signal in Hiroshima
          Akitakata JP at                                         14.39 UT
11545.008 TUR  TRT Erdogan security forces anti-Kurdish national radio
          jamming of Osmanic flute music program from Emirler at  12.41 UT
          Jan 31; against 'Radio Denge Gel' Kurdish national radio px from
11544.995 ARM  Radyo Denge Gel, S=9+25dB via Yerevan Gavar at     12.40 UT
11550.039 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=7    12.33 UT
11569.975 UDO hfcc.org scheduled,but seeminly UZB via Tashkent oddity fqy?
          USAGM VoA Korean sce to Koreas, 14-15 UT, S=9 signal    14.41 UT
11570even PHL  USAGM  VOA Korean via Tinang relay site, 12-13 UT  12.32 UT
          S=9+30dB powerhouse in JP, Broadband audio of 24 kHz (!)
11580.146 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=6    12.30 UT
11590even GUM  KTWR in Uyghur language at 14.43 UT, Kazakh from   14.45 UT
          S=9+20dB strength noted in JP remotedly.
11590.003vGUM  KTWR in English language at 12.28 UT, S=6  Jan 31  12.29 UT
11599.867 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 poor signal level         12.26 UT
11600.134 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 signal level              10.38 UT
          and 11600even  CNR1 jamming later the day S=9        at 13.43 UT
          though CNR2 China Business Radio Xianyang #594.   00.00-11.00 UT
11620even CHN  CNR5 China Radio Beijing #491  and           00.00-11.00 UT
11620even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9 from 11.00 UT against
11620even PHL  USAGM  VOA Mandarin 11.00 UT Tinang-PHL, 12-13 UT UDO-THA
11629.992 UAE  IBRA Radio in Tigre to Horn of AF / ETH, S=9+30dB  14.14 UT
11630.003 UZB  BBC London En via Tashkent relay site, 12-13 UT    12.24 UT
11630even CHN  CNR17 Lingshi RTC #725 23.55-12.00 UT in Kazakh    11.00 UT
11640even THA  USAGM  RFA Laotian 11.00-12.00 UT Udorn Thani      11.02 UT
11665even MLA  RTM Wai Limbang FM, Iban via Kajang 21.45-14.05    11.04 UT
11680.0v  KRE  KCBS from Kanggye-DPR in Korean, 19.50-18.00 UT    12.20 UT
11709.965 KRE  Voice of Korea in French lang, percussion instrument mx
          S=9+30dB strength. Doha QAT ME Perseus SDR installation 14.12 UT
11710.007 IRN  Vo IRIB in Pashto via Sirjan site, empty carrier or 
          low modulation, scheduled 12.20-13.20 UT,       Jan 31  12.25 UT
11715even CHN  co-channel CNR1 China mainland music jamming underneath.
11715.011 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8 signal level      Jan 31  11.20 UT
11720even VTN  VTN #4 domestic sce from Son Tay, Vietnamese,
          scheduled 10.30-13.30 UT, S=7 in Tokyo-JP, Jan 29       12.16 UT
11750.002 PHL  R FEBC Manila via Bocaue site, Lak language,
          S=9+20dB signal strength at                             14.10 UT
11774.735vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=6    11.21 UT
11775even CHN  CNR6 Nanning RTC #954 site, Hakka/Mand 10.00-16.05 UT at
                                                                  11.16 UT
11779.965 IRN  Empty carrier of VoIRIB Sirjan still on air, S=8   12.16 UT
11794.996 KOR  KBS Seoul in Spanish via Kimjae site, 11-12 UT     11.18 UT
11810.003 IND  AIR/Akashvani Bharat via Bangalore         Jan 31  13.38 UT
11815.006 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish 14-17 UT requested, S=9+5dB 14.08 UT
11824.964 AUS  Radio Reach Beyond Australia, from Kununurra site in Nepali
          S=9+30dB strength observed on Doha QAT NE remotedly,    14.06 UT
11830.003 UZB  Mizzima Radio in Burmese via Tashkent scheduled, but heard
          BBCM / Babcock / ENC endless pause signal from U.K. control 
          room. Jan 29                                            12.12 UT
11865even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+25dB from 10.45-12.15 UT against
          IND/Bharat Akashvani Man-Chi which is totally covered   12.08 UT
11874.951vAUS  Radio Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Dzonga    12.07 UT
11884.992vTWN  R Taiwan International, Chinese 10-12 UT   Jan 31  11.31 UT
          and totally covered by 500 kW jamming
11885even CHN  CNR1  Fujiang jamming S=9+20dB in Tokyo JP SDR     11.30 UT
11934.894 ARS  Republic Yemen excile radio program in Arabic via Riyadh,
          powerful S=9+25dB clean audio signal on much oddity fqy outlet,
          no Iran'ian jamming underneath observed, at             14.04 UT
11935even KWT  USAGM  RFA Tibetan via KWT relay, 12-13 UT and     12.03 UT
11935even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal. 20 kHz wideband      12.04 UT
11940.003 TWN  Target radio NUG in Burmese, scheduled via Paochung bcast
          relay site, S=9+15dB in Akitakata JP,                   14.01 UT
11944.989 AUS  Radio Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Rohinja   12.05 UT
          S=9+20dB, nice Christmas songs program. Dec 6
11974.987 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mand.S=9 disturbed   11.34 UT
11975even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming signal. 11 kHz wideband      11.37 UT
11989.963 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong, Cantonese(!) S=6 12.01 UT
11990.006 CHN  odd CRI Xianyang RTC #594 site in Vietnamese,
               Chinese-Vietnamese lesson at                       11.46 UT

12014.501 MNG  VoMongolia UlanBataar Khonkhor, S=6 signal sidelobe
          in English, at                                          12.01 UT
12020even VTN  Three of four Son Tay transmitter are correct aligned to
          even fqy recently, Voice of Vietnam Indonesian SoEaAsia sce
          S=6 backlobe into Hiroshima Akitakata JP, at            12.00 UT
12044.979 UZB  'Furusato no kaze' in Japanese sce, endless pause carrier
          melody theme signal played, noted at 13.57 then old BBC/Babcock/
          ENC - Encompass Digital Media Services satellite pause signal,
          via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting
          bcast center, to North Korea target, S=9+25dB powerhouse.
12079.981 PHL  USAGM  VOA Mandarin 11.00 UT Tinang-PHL            11.52 UT
12080even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+10dB signal from 11.00 UT against VOA.
12095.002 PHL  FEBC Bocaue site, Khmer sce   S=9+10dB strength    13.54 UT
          and Lao language sce too at 11.53 UT, Hmo lang at       11.25 UT
12105even CHN  CNR1 domestic music jamming against
12105even THA  USAGM Udorn Thani bcast relay site, in Tibetan at  14.58 UT
12119.973 PHL  FEBC Bocaue site, Burmese sce S=9+10dB strength    13.52 UT
12134.950 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi, Miaoli 11.51 UT
12146.5   UNID  UTE military digital STANAG block          S=6    11.50 UT
12160even GUM  KTWR Agana Merizo, Hakka sermon 11.45-12.00 UT
          S=9+25dB signal strength, Mandarin from 12.00 UT.Jan 31 11.22 UT

12189.924vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=4-5Jan 31 11.20 UT
12209.970 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level              11.19 UT
12229.986vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 11.17 UT
12345.220 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=3 poor signal       Jan 31  11.14 UT
12364.5   AUS  UTE  VMC Charleville QL-Australia, En, USB mode    11.42 UT
12364.908vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 signal level      Jan 31  11.12 UT
12475 broadband OTHR S=8 powerhouse from China mainland ?         15.03 UT
12499.960 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal 12 kHz wide        11.36 UT
12549.518vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Cantonese(!)11.11 UT
12795.005vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=8    11.10 UT
12819.944vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level              11.08 UT
12834.966 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level      Jan 31  11.07 UT
12865.005 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=9+5dB 11.06 UT
          powerful 20 kHz wideband signal, likely RFA original rent ?
12879.751vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level      Jan 31  11.04 UT

13019.896vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8 11 kHz wideband           11.25 UT
13020even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+10dB signal jamming, also start at 0802 UT
varying to 13019.997 kHz though. Re:
Also 14.00 - 15.30 UT jamming from China mainland.
(Tony Pavick-Hope-BC-CAN, direct Jan 31)

13040 kHz broadband scratch jamming harmonic signal of fundamental
 6520 kHz KRE  Korea D.P.R. jamming scratch signal at             08.04 UT

13070.148vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level fluttery     11.01 UT
13159.831vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level fluttery     11.00 UT

13178 to 13478 kHz fqy range heavy CODAR signal at 12.42 UT.

13200 kHz broadband scratch jamming harmonic signal of fundamental
 6600 kHz KRE  Korea D.P.R. jamming scratch signal at             08.07 UT

13470.058 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=4 signal level fluttery     10.58 UT
13529.995 CHN  CNR1 jamming S=8-9 signal jamming 11.6 kHz wide, resp.
13530.004 CHN  CNR1 jamming S=7 poor signal jamming from 13.04UT start
13530even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=6 signal jamming            Jan 31  10.53 UT
13530.088 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=6    11.15 UT
13550.004 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 signal level fluttery     11.14 UT
13590.120 UAE  Abu Dhabi media / ENC operated much fqy odd unit   13.18 UT
          USAGM VOA 'Deewa Radio' in Pashto 13-14 UT, S=6 in JP remote.
13609.999vCHN  CNR1 both Nanning or Xianyang site? S=9+20dB       10.55 UT
          and co-channel bad audio mixture with
13630.004 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 or is Nanning nat radio?  11.10 UT
13639.923 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=4 very poor         Jan 31  10.43 UT
13640even UAE  Abu Dhabi media / ENC operated unit at     08.16 & 13.20 UT
          USAGM RFA in Cambodian lang 13-13.30 UT S=9+10dB in JP remote.
13640even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+10dB signal jamming               08 26 UT
13650DRM  digital mode 'Music Joy 4' stn via MBR Nauen-D, S=5-6 in JP
          remotedly. Frqy selection request too much near-close to UAE
          Dhabbaya site outlet of 13640 kHz.
          13595 to 13630kHz totally free fqy range at this hour. ed.
13659.965 TJK  likely(?) USAGM RFA Tibetan via Dushanbe Orzu site
          S=6 signal level fluttery; and co-channel jamming on    13.35 UT
13660even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=6 signal jamming co-channel.
13669.995 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6                   Jan 31  10.40 UT
13670even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=6 signal jamming                    11.07 UT
13670.056 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8 much stronger though      11.08 UT
13700even CHN  CNR13 Uighur sce from Lingshi, 02-11 UT, S=9       08.30 UT
13730 DRM digital mode, CNR1 domestic sce from Kunming Anning     08.32 UT
13755even NZL  RN Pacific, new Ampegon TX unit Rangitaiki,S=9+25dB10.38 UT
13770even CHN  CNR7 'the Greater Bay Area' radio, Kunming S=9+10dB10.37 UT
13775.002 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 poor signal               10.36 UT
13789.994vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level mixture      10.35 UT
13805even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=7 signal jamming, start at 11.02 UT 11.03 UT
13805.027vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 poor signal               10.33 UT
13825 DRM digital mode, CNR1 domestic sce from Beijing tx         08.45 UT
13840.002 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 poor signal       Jan 31  10.29 UT
13870.004 PHL  FEBC Manila via Bocaue, Liu Burmese lang sce       10.27 UT
13920even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9 signal jamming, 11 kHz wide       10.26 UT
13920.008vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   signal fluttery       Jan 31  10.25 UT
13920.450 UTE  QRM on upper flank, like Fax meteo ?               10.55 UT
13959.981vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=3   poor signal     Jan 31  10.25 UT
13960even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=5 signal jamming, poor signal       10.46 UT
13979.771vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=3-4 poor signal     Jan 31  10.24 UT

14370.007 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=4-5 poor signal level       08.57 UT
14429.883vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5-6 poor signal     Jan 31  10.22 UT
14579.965 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=3-4 poor signal level       10.19 UT
14634.925vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7                   Jan 31  10.18 UT
14690even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=8 signal jamming                    09.04 UT
14690.030vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 14.00 UT
14850.297 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 signal level poor Jan 31  10.09 UT
14870.117 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8 signal level      Jan 31  10.07 UT
14900.052 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level      Jan 31  10.16 UT
14920even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=7 signal jamming            Jan 31  10.05 UT
14920.024vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=7 signal level      Jan 31  10.06 UT
14939.968vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level      Jan 31  10.04 UT
14979.981vTWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level      Jan 31  10.01 UT
14980even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9 signal jamming, start 10.03 UT    10.04 UT

15159.996 KOR  KBS Seoul, Korean 09-10 UT, 9.6 kHz wide, interval signal
          via 250 kW Kimjae unit, S=9+10dB in Tokyo JP            09.58 UT
15180DRM  CHN  CNR1 digital Kunming tx#2 S=8 signal, 08-11 UT     09.59 UT
15214.996 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat site, Kannada sce to SoAS,    S=8    15.13 UT
15279.999 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level      Jan 31  09.54 UT
15310even OMA  BBC London in Pashto, via ENC A'Seela, S=5         09.24 UT
15340even CHN  CRI Xianyang site, Chi, at S=9+5dB level.          10.12 UT
          16 kHz wideband broad audio block. Mixture with underneath
15340even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=8 signal jamming, 11 kHz broadband  09.50 UT
15340.177 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=6 signal level              09.52 UT
15359.957 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=8 signal level      Jan 31  09.49 UT
15360even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9 signal jamming, 11 kHz broadband  09.48 UT
 9409.995 TWN  Fu Hsing BS, Kuanyin, 07.00-12.00 UT  Chinese      08.13 UT
 but nothing on air on // 9774 nor 15375 kHz on Jan 29.
15388even TWN 'Star Star Bc'stn, S=6 carrier only or very low modulation ?
          'XingXing guangbo diantai'Chi requested from Kuanyin at 15.16 UT
15410even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9 signal jamming against            09.46 UT
15410.009 IND  Bharat AIR/Akashvani Nepali progr via Bangalore TX
          scheduled 09.00-10.30 UT                                09.45 UT
15419.965vPHL  FEBC Manila via Bocaue, Min Burmese lang sce       09.39 UT
15430.008 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat site, Mand. sce               S=8    10.05 UT
15449.955 PHL  FEBC Manila via Iba site, Mongol.sce, 10 kHz wide  09.42 UT
15530.014 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat site, Tamil sce to SoAS       S=8    15.18 UT
15550even MDG  Juba Arabic progr, Dutch sponsored NGO organized program
          R Tamazui via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility
          S=7 sidelobe signal noted into Hiroshima Akitakata JP   15.19 UT
15550even CHN  CNR7 'the Greater Bay Area' radio, Huhot RTC #694 site
          S=9 signal in Tokyo JP remotedly                Jan 31  09.38 UT
15580.004vPHL  FEBC Manila via Bocaue, Bug lang sce, 10 kHz wide  09.36 UT
15759.975 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=5 Jan 31  09.34 UT
15760 DRM digital mode, CNR1 dom sce from Qiqihar tx off at       09.59 UT
15760.004 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7         10.00 UT
15775.004 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 Jan 31  09.32 UT
15799.968vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=7        Jan 31  08.29 UT
15800even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming noted til TX off at 10.00:00 UT
          At S=9+15dB signal level. 17.4 kHz wide audio block.
          Another strong jamming TX opened started at 10.02:54 UT 07.54 UT
15839.863 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=5-6              07.55 UT
15890.012 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=5-6      Jan 31  09.27 UT
15969.751 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  S=6-7  08.20 UT
15970even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming noted                        08.19 UT
          S=9+10dB level. 20 kHz wide audio block.        Jan 31

16099.997vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=6 undern. Feb 02  08.50 UT
16100even CHN  CNR1 mainland jamming started carrier check at     09.23 UT
          Jan 31 S=9+15dB level. 20 kHz wide audio block.
          Auto tuning check at 10.15 to 10.17 UT.
16100.022 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=6 underneath     09.22 UT
16160even CHN  CNR1 Jammer. 2300-1400 Mandarin, S=9+10dB          09.21 UT
          10.4 kHz wideband block.
16160.107vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.    Feb 02  08.47 UT
16299.618 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8 Feb 02  08.46 UT
          up to 18 kHz wideband signal.
16400.118vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi poor=S3 08.45 UT
16460 heavy OTHR powerhouse signal scratching over and over       10.29 UT
16600.118vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi  Miaoli 08.43 UT
16789.857vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 Feb 02 08.42 UT
16800.117vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=3poor 08.40 UT

17070.335vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=3poor 08.40 UT
17149.964vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 Feb 02 08.36 UT
17149.984 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 Jan 31 09.01 UT
          9 kHz wideband Taiwanese tx.
17400.236 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 Jan 31 09.00 UT
17440.062 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, S=7 Jan 29/31     08.39 UT
          11 kHz wide SOH audio block. RFA tx for SOH.
17490even CHN  CRI English sce via Kashi-Kashgar site S=7 and underneath
17490even CHN  CNR1 domestic sce jamming sce S=9+5dB sig   Jan 31 08.56 UT
17490.084 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 Jan 31 08.40 UT
17770 DRM digital CNR1 Dong Fang island Hainan province,   Jan 29 08.53 UT
17780even CHN  CNR1 domestic sce jamming sce S=9+5dB sig   Jan 31 08.51 UT
17780.238vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, S=8        Feb 02 08.26 UT

18179.760vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli,Feb 02 S=8         08.25 UT
18199.944 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli,Jan 31 S=9+5dB     08.43 UT
18199.985vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli,Feb 02 S=9+5dB     08.14 UT
18200even CHN  CNR1 domestic sce jamming sce S=9+10dB sig  Jan 31 08.42 UT
18900even CHN  CNR1 domestic sce jamming sce S=8-9, underneath    09.32 UT
18900.210 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 Jan 31 08.37 UT
18900.246vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 Feb 02 08.11 UT
18969.926 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, Jan 31 S=8        08.35 UT
18969.934vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, Feb 02 S=8        08.09 UT
18970even CHN  CNR1 domestic sce jamming sce S=9+10dB signal      09.35 UT

20025even TWN  'XingXing guangbo diantai' Chinese,
          scheduled 11.00-12.00 UT from Kuanyin S=5               11.20 UT
20095even TWN  'XingXing guangbo diantai' Chinese,
          scheduled 11.00-12.00 UT from Kuanyin S=5               11.22 UT

21490even CHN  CNR1 jamming audio of S=9+15dB              Jan 31 08.20 UT
21490.173vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, S=8 fqy var.  Feb 02 07.53 UT
21490.188vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mand. S=8 fqy varying09.46 UT
21494.990 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 Jan 29 07.39 UT
21495even CHN  CNR1 jamming audio of S=9+15dB              Jan 31 08.19 UT

21530.0v  CHN  heavy broadband jamming digital scratching block   07.33 UT
21530.163vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 Jan 29 07.34 UT
21530.169vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 Jan 31 08.18 UT
21530.181vTWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 Feb 02 07.54 UT
21580even F__  RFI Paris via TDF Issoudun, S=6 signal in Akitakata07.31 UT
21690even F__  RFI Paris via TDF Issoudun, S=6 signal in Akitakata08.17 UT

Final SOH TWN frequency channel of B-24 season traced now:
21799.773v kHz TWN  highest SOH Mandarin Falun Gong px, Jan 29    07.30 UT
21799.801v kHz TWN  highest SOH Mandarin Falun Gong px, Jan 31    08.15 UT
21799.863 CHN  CNR1 jammer - 22 kHz kHz wideband audio -
          against highest SOH TWN outlet in frequency,  Feb 02    08.03 UT
21799.870v kHz TWN  highest SOH Mandarin Falun Gong px, Feb 02    08.00 UT
21800even CHN  CNR1 jammer - 22 kHz kHz wideband audio -
          against highest SOH TWN outlet in frequency,  Jan 29    07.25 UT

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 31 - Feb 02)

vy73 de Wolfgang, DF5SX -

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