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B24 period (27.10.2024-29.03.2025)
October 27th, 2024
Times are in UTC.
11830 1600-1700 48 144 216 1234567 271024-290325 NAU 250 DWL Amh
15275 1600-1700 48 130 217 1234567 271024-290325 ISS 250 DWL Amh
15390 1215-1300 47E,48W 133 206 4 271024-290325 ISS 250 DWL Ara
17570 1215-1300 47E,48W 133 207 4 271024-290325 ISS 250 DWL Ara
15275 1830-1915 47E,48W 150 218 4 271024-290325 NAU 250 DWL Ara
11830 1830-1915 47E,48W 150 216 4 271024-290325 NAU 250 DWL Ara
6165 0430-0450 27,28 85 146 1234567 271024-290325 NAU 125 NHK Rus
9440 0600-0615 46N,47NW,38W,37S 180 146 1234567 271024-290325 NAU 125 BVB Mul
5935 1915-1930 39,40 130 216 1 271024-290325 NAU 250 BVB Mul
9450 0500-0515 39,40 120 216 6 271024-290325 NAU 250 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 1 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1630 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 2 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1630 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 3 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1700-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 3 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1630-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 7 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1700-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 4 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1700-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 5 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1630 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 56 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15285 1200-1230 43S,44S 90 911 7 271024-290325 TAC 100 BVB Mul
15210 1230-1245 54 121 418 1 271024-290325 TAC 100 BVB Mul
7295 1800-1830 39,40 105 216 56 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
7295 1800-1830 39,40 105 216 123 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
17650 1400-1430 41 102 218 7 271024-290325 NAU 250 BVB Mul 1st Sa p.M.
17650 1430-1500 41 102 218 17 271024-290325 NAU 250 BVB Mul
17550 1430-1500 47,48 153 218 1234567 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
6150 1830-1900 37N 230 216 1 271024-290325 NAU 125 BVB Mul
9490 1710-1730 38E,39,40W 141 616 24 271024-290325 SOF 100 BVB Mul
9715 1830-1930 39 126 216 1 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1830-1930 39 126 216 7 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1800-1815 39 126 216 6 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1800-1830 39 126 216 7 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1930-2015 39 126 216 1 271024-290325 NAU 100 BVB Mul
6055 1130-1200 27,28 222 146 17 271024-290325 NAU 125 EMG Mul
9500 1530-1630 29S 100 146 7 271024-290325 NAU 125 HCJ Mul
13650 1300-1400 43E,44,45SW,50N 62 218 35 271024-290325 NAU 100* M4J Mul
13730 1800-1900 48N,48SW 158 218 35 271024-290325 NAU 100* M4J Mul
7225 1830-1930 29S,30NW,30S,39N,
39SE,40,41NW 101 216 35 271024-290325 NAU 100* M4J Mul
9810 2000-2100 37S,38SW,46,47W 213 146 35 271024-290325 NAU 100* M4J Mul
6095 0900-1100 27E,28 233 156 4 251224-251224 NAU 100 ST2 Deu
6095 1200-1400 27E,28 233 156 1 241124-241124 NAU 100 SMD Deu
6095 1100-1200 27E,28 233 156 1 151224-151224 NAU 100 SMD Deu
6095 1200-1300 27E,28 233 156 1 120125-120125 NAU 100 SMD Deu
6095 1200-1300 27E,28 233 156 1 090225-090225 NAU 100 SMD Deu
6095 1200-1300 27E,28 233 156 1 090325-090325 NAU 100 SMD Deu
6095 0900-1000 27E,28NW 233 156 1 271024-290325 NAU 100 SKW Mul 1st Su p.M.
15770 1800-2100 27,80,36,81,11 44 156 3 241224-241224 RMI 100 NDR Mul
6030 1800-2100 27,80,36,81,11 251 156 3 241224-241224 ISS 250 NDR Mul
13830 1800-2100 13,46,15,66,52,57 205 218 3 241224-241224 NAU 250 NDR Mul
11650 1800-2100 57,53,48,79 148 216 3 241224-241224 ISS 250 NDR Mul
9635 1800-2100 48,53,41,79 130 211 3 241224-241224 MOS 100 NDR Mul
6080 1800-2100 27,28,29 301 418 3 241224-241224 TAC 100 NDR Mul
* = DRM ... Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday
List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST (MBR) broadcasting facilities:
BVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
DWL Deutsche Welle
EMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
HCJ Reach Beyond (former HCJ)
M4J Music 4 Joy
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
SKW Förderverein "Sender Königs Wusterhausen" e.V.
SMD SM Radio Dessau
NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk
Michael Puetz
Order Management & Backoffice
Erna-Scheffler-Strasse 1
D-51103 Cologne, Germany
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