BC-DX 1607 13 Febr 2025 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ARMENIA Einer der beiden 350-kW-TRAM-Sender, die bis 2019 auf 183 kHz aus Saarlouis das Programm Europe 1 ausstrahlten, ist in Noratus am Sevan- See {or better known as Yerevan Gavar MW center site of former R Moscow USSR radio, ed.} wieder in Betrieb. Der Sender ersetzt jetzt auf 1377 kHz einen sowjetischen Borey-Sender. Er ist an ein Richtantennensystem (-67, 127, 247 Grad) von Kintronic Labs {aus dem Jahr 2006, ed.} angeschlossen und strahlt derzeit religioese Sendungen von Trans World Radio in die Ukraine, nach Zentralasien und in den Iran aus. Zuvor wurde der Sender vom Broadcasting Center Europe fuer die Mittelwelle umgebaut. (Radio Magazine F_B via mediumwave.info; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) ARMENIA 11535 kHz QSL card Nostalgic shortwave broadcasts. Author and host of the program Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia. Febr 11, 2024; 16:22-17:22 UT; 11535 kHz; Yerevan Noratus Gavar site; 300 kW. See: Address for reports: Pennant "95 years of Russian foreign broadcasting". See: (Shukhrat Rakhmatullaev, Tashkent-UZB; Radio reception - Telegram via RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) AUSTRALIA 11905 kHz eQSL Reach Beyond Australia. HCJB (Reach Beyond) Japan Office. E-mail: 1 Febr 2025; 11.00-11.30 UT; 11905 kHz; Program in Japanese. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) BRAZIL 11750 kHz Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC, Jan 31 at 2150 UT. Christian songs, ID. 'A Voz do Brasil' on 2200 UT. 45554. *Target: Brazil. According to information from Radio Voz Missionaria, the transmitters and respective antennas that operate at frequencies of 5940 and 9665 kHz are undergoing maintenance services, with no set return date. (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo Ibiuna SP Brazil, hcdx Febr 5) BRAZIL Reply to my recent obs: "Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu. Hi Glenn, Radio Voz Missionaria announced last week that its transmitters and antennas at 9665 kHz and 5940 kHz would undergo technical maintenance, which is why these frequencies would be off the air for the time being. I hope that, especially, the frequency of 5940 kHz will be 'purified' of its spurious signals above and below its usual frequency, which greatly interfered with reception on some other frequencies. 73, Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo SP, BRAZIL". (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 7) BRAZIL 15189.804 kHz Febr 3 at 2315UT, R. Inconfidencia, fair direct in Portuguese, measured vs WWV 15000.0000 kHz calibration. Used to be on plus side of 15190 kHz. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 4; and Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) re Brazil R. Inconfidencia; also via Kiwi Net link remotedly in Sao Paulo Brasil - thanks Rudolf at link noted on 15189.790 .. x.791 kHz, lower fqy side flank at 17.00 UT Febr 4. ... and on Febr 13 at 17.14 UT on 15189.793 kHz S=8 or -81 dBm signal strength noted on Kiwi-net at Sao Paulo-Brazil remotedly too, wb. access and check also via [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 5 - 13) BRAZIL I heard a Brazilian last night on 4805kHz. Man an woman with lots of id by man as Radio difusora do amazonas at 0310 UT on the 8th lots fad- ing lost them at 0315 UT hrd on the pl880. Also on 810 kHz the Bahamas canned ID as the national network into talk show fair at 0530 UT. 09.30-01.00 UT, (Ron Trotto-WDX4KWI, wor Febr 8) Re: 4805 kHz Logging's. Wow, that 4805 kHz station in Manaus, ZYF273 with 10/5 kW had been gone for a long time. Checking some handy WRTHs, was listed in 2016, but not 2021. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 8) BRAZIL 75 Years Radio Brasil Central. Radio Brasil Central wurde am 3. Maerz 1950 von Jeronymo Coimbra Bueno (1909-1996) begruendet. (Mehr im Radio-Kurier Maerz 2020). Coimbra Bueno war von Haus aus Ingenieur und unter anderem 1934 fuer den Aufbau von Goiania als Hauptstadt von Goias verantwortlich; als Politiker war er unter anderem 1947 bis 1950 Gouverneur dieses innerbrasilianischen Bundesstaates. Coimbra Bueno gehoerte zu den Aktivisten, die den Umzug der brasilianischen Hauptstadt von der Kueste ins zentrale Hochplateau betrie- ben. Mit der Errichtung Brasilias war ein erster Zweck von Radio Brasil Central erfuellt. 1962 uebernahm die Regierung von Goias die Station, die noch heute dem Bundesstaat gehoert. Die Website wird seit 2020 nicht mehr gepflegt. Eine Programmuebersicht und einen funktionierenden AM-Stream findet man bei Genannt wird nur die Mittelwelle 1270 kHz, doch kommen die Kurzwellen im Mottolied der Station noch vor. Die Frequenzen 4985 und 11815 kHz wurden 2024 praktisch woechentlich auch auf der iberischen Halbinsel von Manuel Mendez und Carlos Goncalves gemeldet, jedoch zum Jahresuebergang nicht. Gluecklicherweise war diese offenbare Absenz nicht von Dauer. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten u. Berichte March 2025 Feb 1) BULGARIA Der nationale Rundfunk Bulgariens hat auch 2025 zwei QSL-Serien zur Schoenheit des Landes. Eine Serie aus sechs Karten kommt fuer Emp- fangsberichte an den Auslandsdienst: Vorgestellt werden (1) Das antike Theater in Plowdiw, (2) Die Bruecke bei Bjala, (3) Die Felsen von Belogradschik, (4) Die Dewetaschka-Hoehle im Balkangebirge, (5) Das Rila-Kloster und (6) Das Dorf Schiroka Laka. Die Karten werden im Lauf des Jahres fuer je zweimal drei Empfangsberichte fuer Januar/Februar, Maerz/April usw. verschickt. Nachhoeren von Sendungen ist ausdruecklich moeglich.Fuer die Serie von 12 Karten reicht jeweils ein Empfangsbericht fuer die terrestrischen Sendungen jeglicher BNR-Programme. Die letzte aktive AM-Frequenz ist Vidin auf 576 kHz (200 kW). Empfangsberichte mit ausreichendenAngaben zu den Programminhalten gehen an oder an BNR Bulgarien National Radio Dessislawa Semkowska Boulevard Dragan Zankow 4 Sofia Bulgaria, Europe (via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) CHINA 6035 kHz PBS Yunnan via Kunming, Feb 2, 2025; quite a nice signal this morning at 1308 UT check with syrupy Chinese traditional music with stringed inst and orch with YL singer. 1310 UT OM annmt in Chinese, alter- nating with YL. Seems the key determinant for good reception of PBS Yunnan on any given morning is how badly slop is spilling over from 6030 kHz. Sometimes it is minimal but other mornings everything is blanked out +/- 5 kHz off 6030 kHz. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) CHINA 9410 kHz CNR-5 Cross Strait Radio via Beijing site, at 1229 UT on Febr 3, 2025; good signal and nice romantic modern Chinese mx with YL and organ, 1232UT PSA annmt by OM and YL. Noted // 7385 kHz (also via Beijing) but not as good signal. Was hoping for a trace of Fu Hsing on 9410 ... (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) CHINA 9890 kHz CNR13 Uighur Radio via #725 site at Lingshi, Shaanxii bcast center. Likely the one heard 2305-2315+ UT, naturally in listed Uighur. W-F. Weaker at 2330 UT check. Spoken word program on 6 Febr 2025. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 7) CHINA 6060 kHz // 7225 kHz, Sichuan Ethnic Radio (Sichuan PBS-2 domestic national radio), 1500 UT, Feb 7; still with multi-language IDs ("Sichuan minzu guangbo, Sichuan Ethnic Radio"); mostly playing indigenous music / singing; CODAR QRM. One of the disadvantages to DXing at the beach by the Monterey Ba-CA-USAy, is the abundance of CODAR ( 6125 kHz CNR1, 1305+ UT, Feb 7; live coverage of the opening ceremony of the Asian Winter Games; mostly in Chinese, but with some English; announ- cement for the ending of coverage of the opening ceremony at 1345 UT. News story - and YouTube coverage in English (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor Febr 8) CHINA Shanghai Coastal Radio XSG changed the contents of the 120th anniversary event - NO QSO with amateurs. Shaghai Coastal RadioXSG was once planning to have QSO with radio amateurs for their 120th anniversary (since 1905 year). Now they changed the plan and collaborate with "World Radio Day". They will transmit commemorative messages on CW for shortwave listeners. NO QSO with amateurs. Time : 0000UT on Feb 12 - 0000 UT on Febr 14. Frequencies: 4105, 6780, 8502, 12871.5 kHz. Mode: CW. Reception reports should be sent to Shanghai Coastal Radio XSG No. 1 Zhangjiangdian Road Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201210, FE Asia or E-mail Original information is from "Xiaolin Broadcasting Station" site (Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JP, wor Febr 9) CONGO DEM REP 6210 kHz A LONG WAITED QSL ISSUED 5 YEARS AGO. The Democratic Republic of Congo is in the headlines across world media after a recent escalation of fighting in the eastern of the country, which has seen new areas taken over by M23 rebels, encircling and taking control of parts of Goma, the capital of the North Kivu province. Adjacent to this area is located the city of Bukavu which is home for Radio Kahuzi, a U.S.-funded religious station that some years ago was also active on short waves. (In the recent past there were rumours of a possible re-introduction of a short wave transmitter). Our reader Eckard Roescher heard the station and sent a reception report in January 2020 and never received a reply. Recently, he has finally rea- lized that he was wrong. Here is the short story: "Two friends of mine, Bernhard Hein and Simon-Peter Liehr, went to North Denmark for DX nearly every year. We visited Wilhelm Herbst in Fjerritslev. He is the author of DX-books like "99 days medium wave". And he installed Beverage antennas in all directions of the world in his area. It is a very nice place for DX. In January 2020 we stayed in Fjerritslev-DEN. We also listened to Radio Kahuzi and different other radio stations. I sent my reception report to the snail mail address of Kahuzi in Florida with return postage (some Dollars). But I didn't get any reply. I sent different reminders, the last one in December 2020 with a little donation. I didn't get any reply from Kahuzi. At the end of last year I got an information about a special DX-program from the ADXB Austria. Harald Suess-AUT was one of the creators of this special program for their 10th Anniversary, that means 10 years DX-program from ADXB on HCJB. And there was a special information about Radio Kahuzi, that Kahuzi noted the DX-ers who wrote reception reports till the end of 2020. Of course I wanted see if I was noted on their homepage. So I found my e-QSL after 1832 days after my written reception report. I attach a post- card of the DX-house in Fjerritslev. Wilhem welcomes DX-er. And it is really a good place for DX!!!". Well, it's really incredible! We hope that fighting in Congo cease immediately and that Radio Kahuzi will re- turn soon back to S.W. 6210 kHz, QSL of 8 January 2020, verified via Richard and Kathy McDonald 068 Ave Tanganyika / Nguba Bukavu. South Kivu Democratic Republic Congo (Eckard Roescher, 06842 Dessau Rosslau-Germany; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) CUBA 5990 kHz CGTN via Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center. 2315 UT in English current events. Strong signal, modulation low, but generally usable audio. // 11790 kHz etc. Reactivated program slot. 5 February 2025. 6000 kHz RHC via Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center. At 0250 UT, I found RHC in English of all things; strong signal,fairly low modulation, bad hum, but enough to recognize the announcers. 0300-0315+ UT w/English news. 0330 UT still going at recheck. Note: at 0250UT, 6180 kHz was carry- ing CRI relay, so that's two frequencies from Quivican at the same time. It's been a while. 5 Febr 2025. Also: 1215 UT RHC Spanish coming in with a strong signal with sub-par au- dio, deteriorating at times. Clear IS, theme mx and ID at 1230 UT. This happens while 9570 kHz is carrying the CRI Cantonese language relay, so again they have two frequencies operating at the same time. Spanish still going at 1400 UT recheck. 5 Febr 2025. And: Back on at 0100 UT with RHC English, great signal, low modulation. 6 Febr 2025. (David Potter, Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Febr 6) CUBA 5990 kHz CRI / CGTN via Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW SW center, 2315 UT, English. current events. Strong signal, modulation low, but gene- rally usable audio. // 11790 kHz etc. Reactivated program slot. 5 Febr 25. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 6000 kHz R Habana Cuba (Quivican Titan site), 0559 UT on Febr 5. English. Woman delivering news items. No ToH ID. Audio too messy to fully compre- hend. Seemed like audio kept dropping although carrier stayed up. Fair. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 6000 kHz RHC via Quivican Titan site at 0250 UT. RHC in English found re- activated; strong signal, fairly low modulation, bad hum, but enough to recognize the announcers. 0300-0315+UT w/English news. 0330 UT still going at recheck. Note: at 0250 UT, 6180 kHz was carrying CRI relay, so that's two frequencies from Quivican at the same time. It's been a while. 5 Febr 2025. Also: 1215 UT RHC Spanish coming in with a strong signal with sub-par audio, deteriorating at times. Clear IS, theme mx and ID at 1230 UT. This happens while 9570 kHz is carrying the CRI Cantonese relay, so again they have two frequencies operating at the same time. Spanish still going at 1400 UT recheck. 5 Febr 2025. And: Back on at 0100 UT with RHC English, great signal, low modulation. 6 Febr 2005. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) CZECH REPUBLIC Radio Prag International verschickt auch im Jahr 2025 QSL-Karten fuer Empfangsberichte. Chefredakteurin Klara Stejskalova: "Jedes Jahr versuchen wir, ein Thema auszuwaehlen, das mit bedeutenden Er- eignissen der tschechischen Geschichte zusammenhaengt.So war es auch 2024, als das Jahr der tschechischen Musik gefeiert wurde. Manchmal stellen wir auch interessante Orte, Denkmaeler oder Persoenlichkeiten vor. In diesem Jahr werden wir uns in einer Sommerserie den groessten Tierparks in Tschechien widmen, sowie deren besonderen Schutzprogrammen. Und darum wur- den als Motiv dieses Mal Tiere ausgewaehlt." Die kuenstlerische Umsetzung uebernahm erneut die Graphikerin Kristyna Markova: "Dieses Jahr habe ich mich entschieden, mit den QSL-Karten wie mit einem Puzzle zu arbeiten. Beim Zusammentragen aller vier Tierillustra- tionen [Gorilla, Flamingo, Nashorn, Tiger] verbindet sich das Bild zu einem grossen Ganzen. Es veranschaulicht die Artenvielfalt der Zoologi- schen Gaerten." Fuer Empfangsberichte gibt es ein eigenes Webformular (via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) DENMARK 15700 kHz World Music Radio, Randers, in Danish language, on Jan 31 at 0907-0924 UT. (15700.005 kHz per UTwente, poor/ almost fair at times w/3.82kHz audio filter in AM sync). music program, w/ various genres of songs (reggae, pop, Lat Am lively ballad, etc.), w/ ID and brief an- nouncement by woman after a track; several almost rapid no deep qsb per minute, w/ moderate rustle qrn, good w/ loud audio/ almost good when fad- ing : in // 25800 kHz of Marslet Aarhus site, fair/almost good (25800.051 kHz per UTwente, barely audible at times w/3.82 kHz audio filter in AMsync). (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) EGYPT 9440 Jan 17 at 2116UT, R. Cairo English sesquihour still missing, not even a totally distorted signal into University Kiwi-net Enschede- Twente. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 6) I'm still in contact with Radio Cairo from time to time. A response to my reception report dated February 4th states: "We are sorry that the Transmitter with European programs has a problem as it's valve is defected and we can't find a spare valve instead, but we are doing our best to fix the problem". {i.e. TX Valve performance failure since a decade ago or even more time span to state, ed. df5sx} Thanks to the efforts of Ludo Maes in Belgium with his "broadcast.be" Web site, I have forwarded this information to the Egyptians. The site "tube.be" includes details of a range of tube manufacturers, mostly in the U.S. Let's hope that ERU make some enquiries and finally manage to sort out the bad modulation. As reported elsewhere, 9890 kHz is on almost daily (never on Mondays for some reason) from 1900-2000 UT in Russian. Also 9900 kHz from 1700-1900 UT in Turkish language, both beamed North at 5 degrees. Still a strong signal here in the U.K. and modulation a bit muddy, but listenable. (Alan Holder, G4ZBH; Isle of Wight, U.K., wor Febr 6) ESWATINI 15105 kHz Trans World Radio via Manzini-SWZ site, heard at 1952 UT on Jan 30. A group discussion in listed Lingala language. Mostly poor. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) ESWATINI 15105v {mostly odd fqy on lower side flank, i.e. 15104.963 kHz at 15.50 UT Febr 13, S=9+25dB powerful signal noted in Doha Qatar ME, ed.} at 013degrees azi in Lingala language on weekdays and French on weekends. Off at 2005 UT. Manzini bcast center. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) ESWATINI 11660 kHz QSL Trans World Radio, Manzini-SWZ Eswatini, F/D e-QSL in 1 month. E-mail: V/S: Lorraine Stavropoulos. (Michele Gasparri, Civitanova Marche-ITA, via F_B Group "QSL"; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) EUROPEAN UNION Petition to EU: Preserve SWBC Infrastructure. Petition to European Union: Preserve Shortwave Broadcasting Infrastructure Shortwave - not only for the time of laughter and good cheer. Date: February 5, 2025. Author: kurzwellenradio - Comments A petition to the EU has been started from Spain, urging the EU to "to take immediate action to preserve and maintain the remaining shortwave broadcasting stations in Europe". Shortwave may not be chic, but it is resilient - and this continent has moved closer to war, and sees growing numbers of disasters caused or exacerbated by climate change. Bypassing censorship, too, is becoming an increasingly relevant task. In November last year, "Shortwave Bulletin" no #2068 published a list by Alex Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR / World of Radio, listing the - major, that is - shortwave broadcasting sites that will remain in Europe once ENC Moosbrunn has become history altogether: 1. SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod relay site, Spaceline Ltd Bulgaria. 2. TDF Issoudun France 3. USAGM-related Biblis, Germany 4. USAGM-related Lampertheim, Germany 5. MBR Nauen Germany 6. VR Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican State 7. RRO Galbeni Romania 8. RRO Saftica Romania 9. RRO Tiganesti Romania 10. REE Noblejas Spain 11. ENC Woofferton UKm In contrast, 45 stations are now either closed or inactive, according to Miatlikov's statistic. One can always argue about the need for shortwave, and for how much of it, but neither medium wave nor shortwave should be done away without public debate. The haste by which Austrian stakeholders proceeded suggests that a transparent public assessment is called for. Maybe the EU is the right address for a petiton. Please think about it, and if you agree, please sign! (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 5) EUROPEAN UNION Petition to save SW stations. We've already publicized this, but just found mail from its initiator: Dear Glenn, Thank you so much. I usually hear your programme through WRMI, it's really great ! I have initiated a petition to the European Union to save what is left of our SW stations. I share it with you: Kind regards and good DX! - Justo Novo-ESP, EA1ETN. Febr 6, 2025. ( AER foroDX; via Glenn Hauser Log Roundup Jan 30) FINLAND Im September 2024 beschloss das Parlament die groessten Kuer- zungen in der Geschichte von Yle. Eine erste Runde von Aenderungsverhand- lungen betraf 1.798 Mitarbeitende mit einem unbefristeten Arbeitsverhaelt- nis. 156 Personen nahmen die Angebote an und verlassen den Sender. Die im Januar 2025 abgeschlossenen Verhandlungen werden etwa 27 Millionen EUR einsparen. Die Kuerzungen des Parlaments erzwingen jedoch Einsparungen von rund 66 Millionen EUR bis 2027. Weitere Gespraeche und Kuerzungsrunden werden also folgen. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) FRANCE/MADAGASCAR/VATICAN STATE 17555 kHz JRC R. Dabanga (Dutch NGO sponsored since Nov 2011 via TDF Issoudun-F site, 250 kW 138degr) at 1610 UT. // 11640 kHz w/ very emotional sounding man, practically shouting (but below Mark Levin level), in long talk in (listed) Dari-not (Afghanistan.not) {sic, is Dafur Sudanese Arabic civil war radio broad- cast of the western world, ed.}, followed by talk by woman. There is the 11640 kHz // (via SMG Vatican site {- sic ed.}) that is "Poor", but steady and audible). Closed at 1657 UT. Very Good on Jan 30. 17555 kHz R. Dabanga, (TDF Issoudun-F), 1600 UT. Male annmt in (listed) Dari-sic (Afghanistan-sic), and went off on-the-hour Good Jan 24. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) Schedule, Dafur Sudanese Arabic civil war radio broadcast of the western world since November 2011: R. Dabanga - Dutch NGO sponsored; via TDF Issoudun-F site, Santa Maria di Galeria-VAT, and via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility too: 03.30-04.00 UT 7315 MDG 11650 MDG Tamazuj - Juba partly 04.00-04.30 UT 11650 MDG 04.30-05.00 UT 7315 ISS 11650 MDG 15.00-17.00 UT 15550 SMG 17555 ISS Darfuri / Juba partly 17.00-18.00 UT 11640 MDG 15550 ISS Others in East Africa: 03.00-04.00 UT 6065 MDG Madag 04.00-04.30 UT 15420 MDG Somali 04.30-06.00 UT 15215 MDG Swahili 06.00-07.00 UT 15490 MDG English {via USAGM RMS log information} Re: from Gianni Serra, Roma, Italy RE: 15550 kHz VATICAN STATE Radio Dabanga, 1600 , 30 Jan. DARI. (...) (Pavick - BC - USA) (via Flashsheet #1189 / # 1190) Radio Dabanga is aimed to Sudan and broadcasts in Sudanese Arabic Along with Pashto, Dari is one of the two official languages of Afghani- stan. The Vatican Radio site of Santa Maria di Galeria is not Vatican City or Vatican State, but is an Extraterritorial Area of the Holy See (sometimes referred commonly to as the "Vatican"). The Holy See, based in the Vatican City State, is the entity endowed with juridical personality under international law, in charge of governing the Catholic Church. From the point of view of international law, the Holy See is a distinct entity from the Vatican City State, over which the Holy See exercises sovereignty. My article about SMG site etc., was published in abridged edition due to space requirements in the Naswa Journal - May 2022. - I can email the full article upon request - my email: (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) Is the Vatican City State a country? Since then,the Vatican City State has also been considered a sovereign and independent state recognized under international law. Despite the collo- quial equation, the Holy See and the Vatican City State are two different subjects of international law, each headed by the Pope. wiki FRANCE 1467 kHz TWR Europe, Roumoules, FRANCE, listening here in Sao Bernardo SP BRAZIL on 2240 UT. Christian broadcast in Arabic, song, TWR Europe' interval signal on 2300 UT. SINPO 24432. Target: North Africa / Sahel. (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo Ibiuna SP Brazil, hcdx Febr 5) FRANCE "2025 feiert Radio France ein halbes Jahrhundert seines Bestehens mit grossen Erfolgen in all seinen Missionen und Aktivitaeten: Rekord- einschaltquoten fuer seine Radiosender, eine erfolgreiche digitale Trans- formation, ein kulturelles Angebot auf hohem Niveau, insbesondere dank seiner international renommierten Klangkoerper,ein serioeses und effizien- tes Management, das kuerzlich vom Rechnungshof gelobt wurde. Radio France trotzt pessimistischen Prognosen und widerlegt alle ueblichen Klischees ueber oeffentliche Institutionen und beweist jeden Tag seine Agilitaet und Modernitaet, die es ihm ermoeglichen, 50 Jahre nach seiner Gruendung der Massstab fuer Audio zu sein." (via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) FRANCE 2025 feiert Radio France Internationale 50 Jahre auf Sendung. Diesem Jubilaeum ist die eigenstaendige Website gewidmet. "RFI entstand in den Ruinen von ORTF in Form eines kleinen Teams von Journalisten, Technikern und Administratoren, das in einer Ecke des Maison de la Radio untergebracht war, und wuchs zum Weltradiosender heran. Im Lauf dieses halben Jahrhunderts hat RFE seinen Weg in einer sich ver- aendernden Welt gefunden, die es stets zu verstehen und zu erklaeren ver- sucht hat. Tausende Menschen haben in diesen Sender ihr ganzes Herzblut investiert wie in keinen anderen.Afrika war seine Wiege und oft auch seine Hauptdaseinsberechtigung, aber RFI wollte sehr schnell alle Nationen an- sprechen und begann rasch, viele andere Sprachen als Franzoesisch zu spre- chen. Es hat grosse Freuden und grosse Enttaeuschungen erlebt,Momente der Trauer und unergruendlicher Traurigkeit, aber immer gewusst, wie man wieder auf die Beine kommt und sich neu erfindet. Diese Website wurde unabhaengig vom RFI-Management erstellt, um diese schoene und lange Geschichte zu erzaeh- len. Sie gehoert denen, die dieses Radio gemacht haben und machen. Manche werden dort Erinnerungen wiederfinden, manchmal auch ganz alte. Andere, viel juengere, werden eine Geschichte entdecken, die lange vor ihrer Geburt begann und deren Fortsetzung sie schreiben muessen." (via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) GERMANY 15310 kHz 'Bible Voice Broadcasting' via MBR Nauen site, heard at 1621 UT on Jan 27. A man speaking alone and at a rapid pace in listed Oromo language. Poor-fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 15310 kHz 'Bible Voice Broadcasting' via MBR Nauen, at 1600 UT on Jan 30. English and Tigrinya. Although listed as Tigrinya, programming seemed to consist of a mix of English and Tigrinya. ID was "Welcome to today's pro- gramming on Bible Voice East Africa. You're listening to Bible Voice Broadcasting. Please stay tuned for contact information at the end of our broadcast." Good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) GERMANY Adventist World Radio, das seit dem 8. Dezember 2024 auch wieder aus MBR Nauen sendet, hat den Sendeplan weiter ausgebaut. Nach AWR-Angaben vom 24. Januar 2025 hat AWR jetzt folgenden Sendeplan fuer das Horn von Afrika bzw. Nigeria: 1730-1900 Uhr 15460 kHz (250 kW, 142 degr) Afaan Oromoo. 1800 Uhr Tigrigna. 1830 Uhr Amharisch 1900-2100 Uhr 11700 (ex 9525 kHz) kHz (250 kW, 182 degr) Haussa. 1930 Uhr Igbo. 2000 Uhr Yoruba. 2030 Uhr Nigeria-Pidgin. Laut neu seit 22. Januar 2025. (Siegbert Gerhard-D, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) GERMANY Die Regierungen der Bundeslaender wollen eine Reform von ARD, ZDF und Deutschlandradio. Doch der Streit um den Rundfunkbeitrag ist unge- klaert, und auch beim Einsparpotenzial und dem Plan fuers Digitale gibt es offene Fragen. Ein Ueberblick findet sich bei (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) GERMANY Fritz Egner, der nach 45 Jahren vom BR1 {Behoerdenfunk Muenchen} eher unehrenhaft verabschiedet wurde, sendet wieder: Am 5. Maerz 2025 um 14.30 Uhr MEZ Ortszeit heisst es zum ersten Mal auf 'Schwarzwaldradio Fritzwoch'. Diese Sendung laeuft zweimal im Monat, ein- mal live, einmal voraufgezeichnet. Wieder stehen Interviews mit Stars und ihre Musik im Vordergrund. Schwarzwaldradio sendet aus Offenburg in Baden- Wuerttemberg {eher Europa-Park finanziert, ed.} und ist deutschlandweit ueber DAB+ (5C) zu empfangen. (Hendrik Leuker-D, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier MW-News March 2025; Febr 1) GERMANY Meilenstein zur Wiedereroeffnung des Hamburger Telemichels. Mit seiner markanten Silhouette ist der Heinrich-Hertz-Turm ein bekanntes Wahrzeichen Hamburgs. Der Anfang der 1960er Jahre errichtete Telemichel ist immer noch ein wichtiger Standort fuer die Funkversorgung der Hanse- stadt. Analoges und digitales Radio, Fernsehen, Mobilfunk und 5G-Dienste fuer das Internet der Dinge werden von hier ausgestrahlt. Seit 2001 ist der Telemichel fuer Besucher geschlossen. Zum Jahreswechsel hat die Deutsche Funkturm GmbH den Zuwendungsantrag fuer die letzte Foerderstufe eingereicht und die Planungsphase fuer eine Wiedereroeffnung abgeschlossen. Der Antrag enthaelt in ueber 600 Dateien die konkreten Pla- nungen und Kalkulationen fuer alle notwendigen Arbeiten im und am Telemichel, inklusive des neuen Eingangsgebaeudes. Die Erstellung der Ent- wurfsplanung war eine Herausforderung. Es gibt in Deutschland kein Vorbild fuer die Einrichtung einer Versamm- lungsstaette fuer ueber 400 Besucher in 130 Metern Hoehe in einem ueber 60 Jahre alten, denkmalgeschuetzten Sonderbauwerk. In diesem engen Rahmen mussten die Sanierungsmassnahmen so geplant werden, dass ein sicherer Aufenthalt im Turm gewaehrleistet und aktuelle Baurechtsbestimmungen ein- gehalten werden. Gemaess einer Vereinbarung mit der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg war eine umfassende Entwurfsplanung die Voraussetzung fuer den letzten Zuwendungs- antrag. Der erfolgreiche Abschluss der Planungsphase ist die Voraussetzung fuer die beiden naechsten Schritte:den Abruf der fuer die Wiedereroeffnung in Aussicht gestellten Foerdermittel und die Einleitung des Baugeneh- migungsverfahrens voraussichtlich bis Mitte dieses Jahres. (Pressemitteilung Deutsche Funkturm GmbH via Dr. Joern Krieger-D; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten u. Berichte March 2025 Feb 1) GUAM 15530 kHz KSDA Adventist World Radio, via Agat site, in Burmese, on Febr 3 at 1444 UT, Message, talk, instrumental music. 15431. *Target: SoEaAsia. 15710 kHz KSDA Adventist World Radio, via Agat, in Mandarin, Febr 3, at 1438 UT. Message, song, talk. 15421. *Target: China. (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo Ibiuna SP Brazil, hcdx Febr 5) GUATEMALA Don Moore's Photo Album: Guatemala (Part One) - The East. Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Don Moore-noted author, traveler, and DXer-for the latest installment of hisPhoto Album guest post series: via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) HUNGARY QSL MW 540 kHz Kossuth Radio, F/D e-QSL in 1 week. E-mail: (Michele Gasparri, Civitanova Marche-ITA, via Facebook Group "QSL"; QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) INDONESIA 4755 Voice of Indonesia - Anomaly or actual change of format? VOINS. Have monitored this station for a long time and always noticed a consistent format, until today. Feb 4, at both 1300+ UT and repeated again at 2100+ UT, via various Kiwi SDR remotes in Asia. 2100 UT Intro and news; an hour in English; President Prabowo Subianto up- date about the new capital (news story - etc. 2111 UT "Commentary" about today being "World Cancer Day." 2114 UT Normally after commentary, would follow with the patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri" and "Today in History," but not today. Instead with a new segment; "Quote of the Day," with H.K. Hasyim Asy'ari's quote "Courage is the foundation of every struggle that will bring us vic- tory." Asy'ari was the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. Followed by pop song. 2120 UT PSA about child abuse. Today was the first time I have heard PSAs here. Followed by pop song. 2128 UT PSA about water; item about Indonesia now being a full member of BRICS (news story - My remote audio - VOINS on 3325 kHz was unheard today at both 1300 and 2100 UT. (Ron Howard-Monterey-CA_USA, direct and wor Febr 4) INDONESIA 4755 Voice of Indonesia - Anomaly or actual change of format? 4755 kHz VOINS, 1301-1400 UT, Feb 5 Wednesday, heard via Kiwi SDR remote at Bandung Indonesia. Yes, a major change in their format. Now with a more informal style of a DJ; giving local Jakarta time (5-6) and playing a lot of pop songs and preempting many programs that were formerly on every day. 3325 kHz (VOINS Palangka Raya) remains silent. 1301-1311 UT: Intro and news. 1311: "Commentary" about the progress being made with the new capital, Nusantara. 1314-1324 UT: Pop songs; second day without the patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri" and no "Today in History." 1324 UT: Announcer/DJ chatting and with "wise words" quotation - "If you want to be a great leader, write like a journalist and speak like a story- teller." 1336UT: Item about managing village funds; priority of 15% towards dealing with poverty; news story - 1353 UT: Tourist info about Indonesia beach; similar to "Indonesian Won- ders" format, but no program name mentioned today. 1355 UT: DJ with time check (coming up to six, in Jakarta; so this broad- cast must be recorded). 1355-1359: Rather a brief segment of "Music Corner," with only one song. (Ron Howard-Monterey-CA_USA, direct and wor Febr 5) Re: Voice of Indonesia - Anomaly or actual change of format ? + 3325 kHz 01955z no signal. 4755 same time -75dbm in Jakarta overloaded sharp audio. (thanks Ron - Zacharias Liangas in Thessaloniki-Greece) INDONESIA 4755.018 kHz measured at 14.00 UT on Wednesday Febr 5th, re- quested VoINS Jakarta Cimanggis site S=6 remotedly herd in Doha Qatar ME and Hiroshima Akitakata JP Perseus_net SDR units. At 14.13 UT young lady singer performance. Nothing heard / seen today at 14.30 UT on screen of 3325 kHz Palangka Raya relay site, capital and lar- gest city of the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan. Neighbour fqy lower side 4750even kHz China mainland CNR1 program via Hailar site. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 5) INDONESIA 4755 kHz Voice of Indonesia - Anomalies. Recently I observed and reported on the VOI changes to their format, with them dropping several of their long standing features (patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri" and "Today in History").Now I have heard more irregularities. Monitoring via Kiwi SDR remote at Bandung, Indonesia. Feb 7: VOI (4755 kHz, with no signal on 3325 kHz) from 1317 UT, heard with programming in Bahasa Indonesia; NOT in the usual English. 1406 UT, was in Chinese; 1522 UT, also not in English, but in language I couldn't confirm. So the language assignment today was an anomaly. Feb 8: Tuned into VOI (4755 kHz, again no signal from 3325 kHz) at 1311 UT for "Today's Commentary"; thought it sounded familiar so I checked my past notes; YES, after 1311+ UT all the programming was in English and a repeat of the same programming I heard on Feb 6. News of the president congratu- lating the Nahdlatul Ulama for celebrating its 102nd anniversary (news story - This is the first time I have heard VOI programming being repeated. Due to it being a Saturday? Why are all these new happenings going on at VOI? (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor Febr 8) IARU International Amateur Radio Union celebrates 100 Years. When amateur radio pioneers first gathered in Paris on 18 April 1925, they created the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) to support their activities worldwide. Since then, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the offi- cial frequency allocations for amateur radio. Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs can experiment and communicate in frequency bands that are strategically located throughout the radio spectrum. From 25 countries in 1925, the IARU has grown to include over 160 member- societies today. (eHam.net; via Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Febr 7) IRAN 9560 kHz QSL Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran (Bangla Program), F/D e-QSL in 34 days. Heard via Kiwi SDR Doha, Qatar remotedly. E-mail: (Juan Carlos Perez Montero, Valladolid-ESP, via F_B Group "QSL"; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) IRAN/TURKEY Als Reaktion auf den Start von TRT Farsi hat Peyman Jebelli, Generaldirektor des iranischen Rundfunks, den Start von Press TV in Tuerkisch angekuendigt. Press TV gab es bisher nur in Englisch und Fran- zoesisch. Die TRT-Marke gibt es in Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Franzoe- sisch, Russisch und weiteren Sprachen. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) ITALY Auf MW 927 kHz war Anfang und Mitte Januar 2025 zeitweise nicht das Programm von Power 927 zu hoeren, sondern RDE Radio (Radio Diffusione Europea). RDE Radio sendete in der Vergangenheit ueber 1584 kHz. Power 927 und RDE Radio sind jedoch auch ueber das Internet zu hoeren. (Steffen Mehnert-D via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier MW-News March 2025; Febr 1) JAPAN 6085 kHz {target radio towards Koreas, ed.} 'Shiokaze' via KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, at 1303 UT, 26 Jan 2025; impassioned Japanese man, // 5935 kHz. Fair at tune- in but fading. 6085 kHz seems marginally better over time, both still au- dible at 1330 UT, though quite weak; faded by 1340 UT. The strongest Asian at that hour from here today on 49 meters. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) JAPAN 5935 kHz {target radio towards North Korea} 'Shiozake' Sea Breeze station via KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi- Yamata Japan site at 1320 UT // 6085 kHz (F/G). Woman, then man in Japa- nese. The usual musical bridges and that prison break alarm sound. Fami- liar piano music at top and bottom of the hour. Very Good Jan 27. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) JAPAN Re: Who is on 3945 kHz ?? answer! This is Radio NIKKEI's special live "hourserace" broadcast from Saga (located in Kyushu) Racecourse at 1000-1130 UT on February 6, 2025. See Radio NIKKEI's HomePage Radio NIKKEI will broadcast live coverage of the 52nd "Saga Memorial" at Saga Racecourse on Thursday, February 6. The broadcast will be on Radio NIKKEI 2nd program from 19:00 to 20:30 local time ? The guest commentator will be voice actress Ami Koshimizu, and the commen- tary will be by horse racing critic Osamu Saito. The program will also feature an interview with six members of UMATENA, Saga's official idol group. (Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JP, wor Febr 7) Re: Who is on 3945 kHz ? Yes, but has it been reported lately ? As Ron said later, not // to Nikkei 2. The last time 3945 kHz was listed in WRTH was 2021 year. Not in Aoki database list, either, so maybe EiBi database list has it from the past ? Let's see tomorrow. Could also have been a functionality test or similar. a decade back requested and used 3945 kHz 0950-1400 UT JP R. Nikkei 2 from Chiba Nagar. E Japan .mtwtf. Thank you. So 3945 kHz is on the air for this only once a year ? (Best regards, de Mauno from Finland, wor Febr 6) JAPAN Re: Who is on 3945 kHz ?? answer! Greetings, Takahito, from California-US state. Thank you and also to Hiroyuki Komatsubara-JP, for both of your excellent information about my UNID on 3945 kHz. Much appreciated ! Febr 7, nothing on 3945 kHz, checking 1100+ UT. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Febr 7) Re: Who is on 3945 kHz?? answer! This is Radio NIKKEI's special live "horserace" broadcast from Saga (located in Kyushu) Racecourse at 1000-1130 UT on February 6, 2025. See Radio NIKKEI's HP Radio NIKKEI will broadcast live coverage of the 52nd "Saga Memorial" at Saga Racecourse on Thursday, February 6. The broadcast will be on Radio NIKKEI2 from 19:00 to 20:30 . The guest commentator will be voice actress Ami Koshimizu, and the com- mentary will be by horse racing critic Osamu Saito. The program will also feature an interview with six members of UMATENA, Saga's official idol group. (Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, via wor Febr 08, 2025) Some items of Radio NIKKEI archive: Hi Wolfie - Thanks for the interesting background. Let's see what develops on 3945 kHz. Ron re: regular functionality test procedure of Nikkei #2 transmitter instal- lation: JAPAN 6115 kHz Radio Nikkei 2, Tokyo, 0636 UT, Dec 27. Mixed program of English and Japanese pop and rock music, occasional canned announcements by man then woman, although music continued non-stop over the top of the hour. Outstanding signal. (Brandon Jordan K2SWL, TN-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1186 Jan 12. 2025) JAPAN Radio NIKKEI Program 2 has been returned to the normal TX power. Radio NIKKEI announced on Sept 5, 2024, in "X", that their Program #2 re- turned to the normal power 50 kW. Due to the transmitter trouble the Program #2 had been transmitted with the reduced power (probably 10 kW) since August 16, 2024. (Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, wor Sept 10, 2024) 6114.994 kHz ? USA mx program of probably WWCR #2 Nashville TN S=9+15dB at 08.51 UT, but I think is rather mx program from Far East R Nikkei # 2 Japan - S=9+30dB signal noted in Hiroshima Akitakata Perseus SDR unit remotedly. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 3, 2024) JAPAN Power Reduction of Radio NIKKEI 2nd program on 6115 kHz. Radio Nikkei officially announced on August 16, 2024 that they will transmit 2nd program, Weekdays 2300-1000 UT, Sat/Sun 0000- 0800 UT, on 6115 kHz) with reduced power due to the trouble of the trans- mitting facility. Listeners are recommended to listen on "radiko" for Japan only. No further details were announced. On Sept 1, 2024, it is still often an- nounced in the 2nd program. Actually the reception in Tokyo is the same as the 1st program on 6055 kHz (50 kW). 2nd program of Radio NIKKEI is trans- mitted from Nagara transmitter site in Chiba prefecture,using NEC HFD-7847 50 kW transmitter (produced around 1980, renovated in 2002 year). 22 years has been passed even after the renovation. In case of transmitter trouble, there is the possibility that they are using NEC HFD-7840D 10kW transmitter (produced in 1990, formerly used for 3945 kHz, now for spare use only). (Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JPN, wor and direct Sept 1, 2024) JAPAN 6055 kHz R. Nikkei - Nagara, Ciba, 0920 UT. Network #1 with a Japanese discussion / chat between three speakers. They all seemed to be having a great time - lots of laughing ! ID at 0925 UT. Very good signal and // 3925 kHz via Nemuro site, but weaker there. Both sites run 50 kW transmitters. For a closer aerial view of the Nagara site, input the following decimal coordinates into Google Maps and zoom around using the satellite view: 35.46592152742455 N 140.203586885192 E You can also drag the little orange man onto the road for a partial view of one of the site's towers. July 18. (Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21, 2024) JAPAN Re: email of Radio Nikkei, Japan ? "This email is sent to customers who have made inquiries through the Radio Nikkei website. Thank you for your inquiry. Please note that it may take some time to reply to your inquiry. However, we cannot guarantee that we will reply to all inquiries. We will read your opinions, impressions, requests, etc. and use them as reference for the future, but as a general rule, we will not reply. Thank you for your understanding." This is the reply I received from NIKKEI yesterday: Hello, Greetings from the Listener Services at Radio NIKKEI. We are grateful for your detailed reception report and can confirm that the signal you received is indeed from our broadcast. We would like to inform you, that our station does not provide QSL cards for receptions through the Internet. We appreciate your understanding regarding this policy. Thank you for be- ing a valued listener, and we hope you continue to enjoy our broadcasts. Warm regards, Radio NIKKEI (via Zacharias Liangas-Thessaloniki-GRC, hcdx July 17, 2024) Re: [HCDX] email of R Nikkei ? Contact to Radio NIKKEI ? S-mail: Radio NIKKEI Hensei Center Radio NIKKEI Toranomon 1-2-8, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-8565 Japan, Far East Asia Online contact: They have "~ -at- radionikkei.jp" address, but no contact from ordinary listener via E-mail is accepted. Reception report can be sent via their "inquiry" page (in Japanese) by selecting the item as "????". Probably information in English is accepted. (Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JPN, hcdx July 12 - 13, 2024) KUWAIT Vom "strategischen" Downsizing der USAGM-Kurzwellennutzung ist die Sendeanlage in Kuwait ausgenommen. Hier wurde z.B. bis 2021 das An- tennenfeld fuer Afrika neu aufgebaut. Aktuell ist die Installation von vier Kurzwellensendern fuer 2025 angekuendigt. Die Kuwait Transmitting Station liegt rundfunkstrategisch guenstig und hat vergleichsweise niedrige Betriebskosten. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) LIECHTENSTEIN Am 27. Oktober 2024 haben die abstimmenden Stimmbuer- gerinnen und -buerger die Initiative der Demokraten pro Liechtenstein zur Abschaffung des Liechtensteiner Rundfunkgesetzes angenommen. Demzufolge muss das oeffentlich-rechtliche Radio Liechtenstein bis Ende 2025 abge- wickelt werden. In den Monaten seither wurde nach einer Moeglichkeit der Privatisierung gesucht, aber es fand sich kein Interessent. Wenn Liechtenstein nicht ab 2026 ohne eigene Rundfunkpraesenz dastehen soll, wuerde eine "kreative Loesung" darauf hinauslaufen, dass ein Privat- sender mit Steuergeld subventioniert wird. Das Modell hatte man schon, bevor man den oeffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk gruendete, weil der private Investor die Verluste nicht mehr tragen wollte. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) MADAGASCAR 11610 kHz World Christian Broadcasting 'The Light of Life', via Mahajanga, Mandarin, Jan 31 2135 UT. Christian commentary, '... Jesus ....', instrumental music. 35553. Target: WeEurope. 17700 kHz KTWR, via Talata-Volonondry, Awadhi, Feb 3 at 1417 UT. Message, typical instrumental music, announcement, song. 25332. Sign-off on 1429UT. Target: SouthAsia. Awadhi, also known as Audhi, is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Awadh region of Uttar Pradesh in northern India and in Terai region of western Nepal. Language spoken by 38.5 million inhabitants. (Wikipedia). (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo Ibiuna SP Brazil, hcdx Febr 5) 15420kHz BBC London via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility, at 0400 UT on Jan 28. Somali. Sign-on announcements mentioning BBC London. Time Pips at ToH. news. Fair to good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) MADAGASCAR 11650 kHz R Tamazuj {via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility, at 0330z, Febr 5, Arabic program broadcasting to South Sudan. Off at 0345 UT. Aoki database lists the language as "Juba Arabic" but I can't discern a difference from regular Arabic. Juba is on the White Nile, just north of the Congo-Uganda-South Sudan border. Killer signal, S=9+25dB. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 11825 kHz World Christian Broadcasting's African Pathways, at 0400z on Febr 5. Magazine style morning show in English for Africa. Another superb signal from Madagascar, this one from Mahajanga on the north end of the island. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) MADAGASCAR 9765 kHz MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga-MDG, 'Palavra Allegre' heard at 2223 UT on Febr 5. A man stating a prayer and saying "amen," then continuing on in Portuguese. Poor-fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) MALAYSIA 11665 kHz Wai FM-Malaysia, Kajang K-L site; F/D e-QSL in 3 hours. V/S: Mohd Fauzi Bin Ali Hassan, Chief Assistant Director. Heard via Kiwi SDR Island of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Report via E-mail: (Juan Carlos Perez Montero, Valladolid-ESP, via F_Bk Group "QSL"; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) MEXICO 6184.97 kHz XEPPM-OC Radio Educacion-Cultura Mexico Senal Inter- nacional (pres), Mexico City D.F., in Spanish, Jan 24, 2025, 0346-0406 UT. ( 6184.965 kHz per UTwente, very poor / barely audible/ no audio at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter in AM_sync). playing slow music and presumed songs; better in usb/lsb sync, non - stop rapid and deep qsb, loud rustle qrn, poor/very poor; re-checked 0445-0453 UT on 6184.97 kHz. ( 6184.965 kHz per UTwente, poor). w/ man unclear talk in Spanish lilting, then chatting w/ man or woman; heard w/ same conditions as above, poor / very poor. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) MONGOLIA 12085 kHz Voice of Mongolia (Japanese), F/D QSL Card, Brochure and Post cards in 26days. Heard via kiwi SDR at Kawasaki, Japan remotedly. Report sent by snail mail. website Voice of Mongolia C.P.O. 365 Ulaanbaatar 13, 16061 Mongolia, Central Asia (Juan Carlos Perez Montero, Valladolid-ESP, via F_B Group "QSL"; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) MYANMAR 5915 kHz Myanmar Radio via Nay Pyi Daw. Tentative, 29 Jan 2025, et. al. Initially heard here two weeks ago. Confirmed as being the same as heard on the LA6LU, Cha-Am, Thailand KiwiSDR remotedly. The monitored for- mat has the carrier coming on at varying times, anywhere from before 2315 UT to 2327 UT, sign-on is 2330 UT with an instrumental music IS, s/on annmt, music segment, and news(?) in presumed Burmese. The signal is audi- ble here from before 2315 UT to at least 2345 UT, and often later, at a weak to very weak level here in Florida via grayline reception. The most recent log on Jan 29 also had the sign-on at 2330 UT with ID and s/on annmt, it was very weak here, very good on the Cha-Am SDR. Myanmar is the logical choice. However,I can't pull an ID and am unable to prove that the IS I heard was Myanmar. Also, the 2025 WRTH lists a 2315 UT s/on for this frequency - with nothing to the contrary in the DX press. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Febr 2) 7345 kHz Thazin Radio via Pyin Oo Lwin site, Jan 31. Noted fair with dra- matic local ballad-style mx pgm at 1315UT, clear and differentiated under- neath talk show in Chinese on stronger signal from CNR-7 Radio The Great Bay. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 7345 kHz Thazin Radio via Pyin Oo Lwin site, Febr 4, 2025; noted good at 1240 UT with YL in breathy Burmese reading nx OVER CNR-7 with light Mandarin Chinese mx. As always, CNR-7 // 13770 kHz and frequent reference to that clear channel a key to sorting out this mix. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 7345 kHz Thazin Radio via Pyin Oo Lwin, Febr 5, 2025; wow, great big sig- nal today, all over the 7345 kHz co-channel partner CNR-7. At 1326 UT Thazin Radio strong with YL in soft sounding Burmese dialect,rattling away about something. Far below was Radio The Greater Bay with Chinese tlks and // 13770 kHz. Quite a terrific signal today from the Myanmar station ! 1327 UT local inst mx breaker and YL continues in extended Burmese anmts. Thazin just goes silent at 1329 UT, leaving the Chinese station all alone on fqy. Thazin xmtr seemed to s/off -1332* UT. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 5985 kHz Myanmar Radio (pres), Yangon-Yegu site, in Burmese, Febr 1, 2025 at 0047-0108 UT. (5985.001 - 000 kHz per UTwente, almost fair w/ moderate qrm splats). playing local chants w/ instrumental music, from 0101 UT two women and man talk in turns until 0105 UT, other two men unclear talk in turns; better in usb/lsb sync, non - stop rapid qsb, moderate to louder qrn rustle, fair/almost/ fair/ from 0057:35" UT strong qrm splats by China NR (resp) on 5980 kHz, almost nulled in usb sync w/ inter audio filter, poor / almost fair/poor. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) MYANMAR 5915 kHz Myanmar Radio via Nay Pyi Daw site, Feb 5, 2025; quite good at 1318 UT check with YL in Burmese annmts. Then C&W-sounding local mx fades up underneath at 1319 UT. This fqy and Yegu-Yangoon 5985 kHz not // . (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) NETHERLANDS Eine Uebersicht ueber die lizenzierten Mittelwellensender in den Niederlanden findet man bei Geboten werden frequenzweise Station samt Kontaktmoeglichkeiten, Sende- staerken und -beginn. (via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) NETHERLANDS Radio Delta Elburg testete am 25. Januar 2025 erstmals die Frequenz 9800 kHz. Fuer aussagekraeftige Empfangsberichte wurde eine Sonder-QSL versprochen. Die Reaktionen auf der Website und in der World of Radio-Newsgroup waren ermutigend, und tatsaechlich erschien die Frequenz schon fuer den Sonntag, 26. Januar, bei das auch fuer den jeweils aktuellen Betrieb zu konsultieren ist. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier SW-News March 2025; Febr 1) NETHERLANDS 6129.99 kHz Radio Europe, Alphen a/d Rijn, in English, Febr 4, 2025, at 0336-0406UT. ( 6129.993 kHz per UTwente, barely audible brief- ly at times w/ 3.82kHz audio filter AMsync). music program, playing techno music and various genres of songs (country, rock, pop, electro, techno, etc.) also a crooner's version of the very old Neapolitan pop song "O Sole Mio", first published in 1898, w/ man brief announcement and ID at times after a track (...This is Radio Europe!), (Radio Europe), three time pips at about 0400 UT; better in Usb/Lsb sync, almost steady qsb w/ shaking needle, moderate qrn rustle (louder at times), fair/almost fair at times. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) NORWAY Die Norwegische Fortschrittspartei, viertgroesste Fraktion im Storting Parlament, will NRK privatisieren. Die Mediensprecherin der Rechtspartei, Silje HJemdal, sagte, die Bedeutung des oeffentlich- echtlichen Senders sei ein Problem fuer die Bekaempfung von Desinforma- tion. Die oeffentliche Finanzierung habe NRK Schutz vor den finanziellen Herausforderungen anderer Medien geboten und so NRK-Dominanz im norwe- gischen Medienmarkt ermoeglicht. Die Ministerin fuer Kultur und Gleich- stellung (Arbeitspartei), Lubna Jaffery, hob dagegen die Bedeutung von NRK fuer eine demokratische Gesellschaft und die Krisenbewaeltigung her- vor. Seine Privatisierung koennte die Resilienz Norwegens gefaehrden. via Dr. Joern Krieger-D; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) PALAU 9930 kHz Hope Radio, Palau at 1142 UT, on Feb 4. Just caught end- ing of music, song by YL. Then OM in English w / anncmnts for end of pro- gram and ID. Into Asian Lang program at 1144 UT. Fair signal, S4 with mo- derate flutter causing some audio distortion. (Stephen C Wood - KC1QEM, Cape Cod-MA state US, wor Febr 4) PHILIPPINES 15490 kHz Radio Vaticana via USAGM Tinang relay site 250 kW 283deg azi, at 1526UT on Febr 8. South Asian music to brief comments, then the Vatican Radio interval signal. Gone by 1529UT. Signal fair but fading, SIO 323. (Carlie Forsythe-Madison-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) POLAND Polskie Radio celebrates 100 years of broadcasting. Polish public broadcaster Polskie Radio is commemorating its centennial, marking a century since its inaugural transmission in Poland. The first trial broadcast occurred on Feb. 1, 1925 from a Warsaw station operated by the now-defunct Polish Radio Technical Society (PTR). The ini- tial words, delivered by PTR Director Roman Rudniewski, were: "This is the trial radio broadcasting station of the Polish Radio Technical Society on the 385-metre wave band." This technical experiment led to the official establishment of Polish Radio on Aug. 18, 1925 year. Regular programming commenced on Apr. 18, 1926 year, laying the foundation for a rich legacy in Polish media. Polskie Radio is hosting a series of events throughout 2025 to comme- morate its centennial. These include special broadcasts, historical re- trospectives and public exhibitions highlighting the evolution of radio in Poland. The celebrations aim to honor the station's legacy and its role in shaping Polish media over the past century. (Red Tech Febr 4; via Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Febr 5) ROMANIA Tsiganeshti RRI transmitter fixed, infor via Spanish service. "Anuncios - Victoria Sepciu, 05. Febr2 2025, 16:23 hrs Estimados amigos, La averia en el transmisor BD 300-2 de Tiganesti ya ha sido subsanada. Por lo tanto, a partir de las 23.00 horas, UTC, los programas de RRI por onda corta se podran recibir en las frecuencias anunciadas inicialmente para la temporada de invierno. Muchas gracias por escuchar RRI en espanol y por apoyar nuestra labor." (via AER) I don't find any equivalent notice in English, except this one month earlier dated Jan 5: Dear friends, The malfunction of the BD 300-2 transmitter in Tiganesti has been fixed. Therefore, as of 23:00{? sic, ed.} UTC, RRI shortwave programs can be re- ceived on the frequencies initially announced for the winter season. Thank you for listening to RRI in Spanish and for supporting our work. 17570 2200-2300 ROU Radio Romania DIGITAL Sp SoAm t 7220 2300-2400 ROU Radio Romania Int. En WeEUR g 7325 2300-2400 ROU Radio Romania Int. En JPN t 17570 2200 2300 14 TIG 90 247 0 288 1234567 271024 300325 N=DRM digital mode transmission Spa ROU RRO ROU request #4916 and AM request, but due of RRI schedule cuts only reserve booking on ITU / hfcc.org 15120 2200 2300 14 TIG 300 247 0 288 1234567 271024 300325 AM mode Spa ROU RRO ROU #6152 (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 6) ROMANIA 9510 kHz QSL mail. eQSL Radio City, via Tiganesti / Saftica bcast center. E-mail 1 Febr 2025, 09.15-10.00 UT, via IRRS Milano Italy. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) RUSSIA Das Justizministerium hat am 17. Januar 2025 seine Liste aus- laendischer Agenten um sechs Journalistinnen ergaenzt. Dabei handelt es sich um Ksenia Turkova (VOA Russian in Washington-DC) und Iryna Romaliiska (Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Current Time), Anastasia Lotareva und Andrey Kozenko (BBC London Russian), Alexandra Prokopenko (Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin) und Anton Rubin (Ekho Moskvy aus dem Exil). Das Gesetz ueber auslaendische Agenten, die jeden Beitrag mit dieser Be- zeichnung versehen und ihre Finanzen offenlegen muessen, wurde 2012 er- lassen und sieht bei Nichteinhaltung schwere Strafen bis zum Gefaengnis vor. Diverse Auslandsdienste, darunter auch die Stimme Amerikas, stehen schon lange auf der Liste auslaendischer Agenten.Ksenia Turkova ist aller- dings die erste VoA-Journalistin (the first VOA journalist), die nament- lich auf der Liste steht. via Dr. Joern Krieger-D; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) SPAIN 1107 kHz RNE Granada: F/D e-QSL in 13 days after F/UP (Total Time 272 days). V/S: Manuel Delgado Canizares, Jefe Unidad Distribucion Senales de Radio, Direccion Area Emisiones. E-mail: (Antonello Napolitano, Leporano TA-ITA; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) SWITZERLAND Zukunft der Schweizer Auslandsmedien in der Schwebe. Der Bundesrat hat eine Reihe von Sparmassnahmen vorgeschlagen. Dazu ge- hoert auch die Streichung des Bundesbeitrags an die internationalen Dien- ste der SRG SSR. Die rund 18,9 Millionen Franken entsprechen etwa der Haelfte der Finanzierung des Schweizer Auslandsrundfunks, zu dem SWI (10 Sprachen), (Italienisch) sowie die Beteiligung an 3Sat (Deutsch) und TV5 (Franzoesisch) gehoeren. Die Be- troffenen haben bereits klar gemacht, dass ein Verlust des Bundesbeitrags wohl das Ende der Angebote bedeuten wuerde. In einem Neujahrsappell ans Publikum schrieb die Direktorin von SWI Larissa Bieler, man stehe vor politischen Ent- scheidungen, die die Zukunft des Schweizer Auslandsrundfunks gefaehrden koennten: "Eine starke Stimme der Schweiz im Ausland staerkt die wirtschaftliche Po- sition des Landes, kommuniziert seine Neutralitaetspolitik und verbessert die Wahrnehmung der Schweizer Wissenschaft und Kultur weltweit", schrieb sie. "Wie kam die Schweizer Regierung zum Schluss, dass diese Dienste keine Un- terstuetzung mehr verdienen?" (ausfuehrlich in In dem Artikel forderte Bieler das Publikum auch auf, schriftlich mitzu- teilen, warum man denkt, dass Swissinfo auch in Zukunft gebraucht wird. In einem spaeteren Artikel argumentierte Mark Livingston,Chefredakteur von SWI dass Medien wie angesichts der zuneh- menden politischen Instabilitaet auf internationaler Ebene, des sinkenden Vertrauens in die traditionellen Medien und der Entwicklung der breiteren Medienlandschaft immer wichtiger werden: "Falsche oder unausgewogene Informationen,die taeuschen sollen, gab es na- tuerlich schon lange vor [US-Praesident Donald] Trump. Neu ist das schiere Ausmass dieser Informationen und die Tatsache, dass sich solche Verzer- rungen vor einem weltweiten Publikum entfalten", schrieb er. "Funktionie- rende Demokratien brauchen funktionierende Medien. Internationale Medien wie SWI koennen dabei eine zentrale Rolle spielen und dafuer sorgen, dass wertvolle Informationen und nicht plumpe Behauptungen die Grundlage fuer persoenliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Ent- scheidungen weltweit bilden." (ausfuehrlich (Dr. Joern Krieger-D; Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via Radio-Kurier Nachrichten u. Berichte March 2025; Febr 1) SWITZERLAND Am 31. Dezember 2024 hat die Abschaltung von UKW in der Schweiz begonnen. Anders als die SRG werden die privaten Radiostationen ein anderes Timing verfolgen. Einige Privatradios werden schrittweise ein- zelne UKW-Sender in ihrem Sendegebiet abschalten, waehrend andere ihre gesamte UKW-Verbreitung zum letztmoeglichen Termin einstellen. Abschaltplan der Privatradios des VSP (Stand August 2024). UKW-Fadeout ab 1. Januar 2025 Energy Basel, Bern, Zuerich Radio 24 Radio 32 Radio Argovia Radio Bern1 Radio Central Radio FM1 Radio Neo1 Radio Pilatus Radio Sunshine Radio Top Radio Zuerisee Toxic FM UKW-Abschaltung wahrscheinlich erst Ende 2026 Radio 1 Radio 3i Radio Basilisk Radio BeO Radio Canal 3 Radio Fiume Ticino Radio Freiburg Radio Munot Radio Rottu Radio Suedostschweiz Alle Privatradios mit UKW-Verbreitung der Romandie (Mitglieder Verband RRR). (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier MW-News March 2025; Febr 1) TAIWAN 9715 kHz Radio Taiwan International via Paochung site: F/D QSL Card from Korean Service in 32 days. Report to: (Juergen Waga, Berlin, Germany; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) TAIWAN 9900 kHz 'R Free Asia', 1245 on Feb 7, in Korean. Listed in Aoki list with 300 kW at 2deg, first from {sic} Tamsui {also Paochung full time range, acc USAGM RMS log, ed.} 1200 to 1300, then from Paochung 1300 {rather 1200-1400 UT}. If there really is a change of sites it was seamless with no apparent loss of carrier or audio. Typical VOA style station identifier at 1300UT, "this is 'Radio Free Asia', the following program is in Korean". HFCC doesn't list this at all, Taiwan being a non-{request member, ed.} country. EiBi lists from Tajikistan but the signal quality makes me think it was Taiwan. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) TAIWAN 9670 kHz {target radio towards Vietnam} Radio DLSN via Paochung- TWN site, Jan 27. Quite a nice signal from abrupt s/on *1230 UT - with orchl burst and YL with clear IDs,more orch and then into OM live with nx. No Hanoi siren jammer yet. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 9685 kHz 'Nippon no Kaze' via Paochung-TWN, at 1500 UT on Jan 28. Korean. Welcome message and ID by woman.A story about the inauguration in Washing- ton.DC on 20 Jan followed. Very Good. RSP1b (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 9685 kHz 'Furusato no Kaze' via Paochung-TWN, at 1600 UT on Jan 28. Japanese. Welcome message and ID by woman. A story about the inauguration in Washington.DC on 20Jan followed as was heard an hour earlier on 'Nippon no Kaze'. Very Good. RSP1b (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 9685 kHz 'Nippon no Kaze' clandestine to North Korea D.P.R. target (tent) in Korean, Febr 2, 2025, 1548-1552 UT. SIO 333. OM with POP MX in Korean. YL announcer with a plea, probably broadcast from Paochung Taiwan. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 9685 kHz 'Furusato no Kaze' (tent) target radio to North Korea, Febr 6, 2025, at 1620-1630 UT in Jp, likely from Paochung, Taiwan relay site. SIO 444. Multiple performers of ethnic MX, YL announcer between MX pieces. Off the air at 1630 UT. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 9705 kHz {target radio towards Koreas} 'Nippon No Kaze' via Paochung-TWN heard at 1341 UT on Jan 27. A woman speaking alone in Korean and introduc- ing instrumental music at 1344 UT. Mostly fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 6045 kHz 'Furusato no Kaze' (target radio towards Koreas) in Japanese, Febr 9, 2025, at 1617 - 1622 UT. SIO 434. Japanese ethnic MX, choral sing- ing with YL chorus. Broadcast is likely from Tanshui, Taiwan. Chorus sing- ing "Jesus Loves Me" in Jp, followed by more ethnic Jp MX. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 9560 kHz {target radio towards Koreas} 'Furusato No Kaze' via Paochung site heard at 1431 UT on Febr 7; a woman giving a website in Japanese and followed by a song at 1433 UT. Mostly fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) UAE Re: WRN on 11785 kHz frequency drift. It seems that different transmitters used for during the twohour broadcast (switch-offs / switch-ons are heard before 16:00 and 16:30 UT). One of the five ENC-DMS units in Abu Dhabi Media owned and ENC operated Al Dhabbaya- UAE site is always oddly aligned on xx.1 kHz, as stated in British DX Club's guides. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Febr 8) UAE 15215 kHz Gaweylon Tibetan Radio, via Abu Dhabi Media ENC operated Al Dhabbaya relay site: F/D e-QSL in 2 days. E-mail address: V/S: Anil R. Alfred, Director. (Carlos Alberto Erdmann, Vera Cruz-BRA, via F_B Group "QSL"; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) UAE 15215 kHz eQSL Gaweylon Tibetan Radio. E-mail: 3 Febr 2025, 12.00-12.30UT, via Abu Dhabi Media by ENC operated at Al Dhabbaya, UAE. Picture: "Gaweylon is a Charitable organization and we broadcast Tibetan radio programs for the benefit of our listeners. We only broadcast Gaweylon Tibetan Radio programs 3 days a week on Sunday, Mon and Tues 1200 to 1230 UT, Frequency is 15215 kHz. Anil R. Alfred" (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) U.K. 11805 kHz Germany Radio Joystick (Charlie-Prince-Show), e-QSL, at 11.00-12.00 UT, Febr 2, 2025. Via ENC Woofferton England site. (Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) U.K. Trotz einer juengeren Finanzspritze der Regierung fuer den Auslandsdienst machen die gedeckelten Rundfunkgebuehren, die weltweite Inflation und die Kosten der fortlaufenden Instandhaltung immer noch Ein- sparungen beim BBC World Service noetig. Insgesamt liegt der Einsparbedarf fuer das naechste Haushaltsjahr bei rund 6 Millionen Pfund. Diese Summe wird groesstenteils durch den weltweiten Abbau von rund 130 Stellen beim World Service und bei BBC Monitoring erreicht. Ausserdem wird man die Aufgabenbeschreibung fuer Englisch und weitere Sprachdienste aendern. via Dr. Joern Krieger-D; via (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) U.K./THAILAND BBC News Thai hat sein Angebot mit einem neuen Kanal auf der Social-Media-Plattform TikTok erweitert. Bisher war man schon bei Facebook, YouTube und Instagram aktiv. Nach eigenen Angaben hat BBC News Thai durchschnittlich ueber 900.000 woechentliche Nutzer seiner digitalen Angebote. Die ab dem Jahr 1941 ausgestrahlten Radiosen- dungen in Thai gibt es schon seit dem Jahr 2006 nicht mehr. via (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Radio-Kurier Nachrichten March 2025; Febr 1) U.K. 9740 kHz QSL Radio Carpathia Christmas Marathon, via ENC Woofferton relay site; QSL Card received by post in 13 days. Report in English sent to: (Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-France; via QSL Review, DX Fanzine magazine Italy #137, Febr 2) U.K. 25700 kHz BBC London, via ENC operated Woofferton site, in Hausa language, Monday Febr 3 at 1405UT. Talk by male voice, interview, phone- in. 35543. Target: West Africa. // 21630 kHz 35553, via ENC operated Ascension Isl relay site. (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo Ibiuna SP Brazil, hcdx Febr 5) U.K. 9835 kHz VoA Radio Ashna via ENC Woofferton-UK relay site, at 1559 UT on 28 Jan. Southern Pashto or Dari. No clear ID at ToH. Schedules list Dari at 1600 UT but there was no clear transition from Pashto language at 1530 UT. Man speaking. Good. RSP1b (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 15510 kHz FEBA 'Radio Sama' via ENC Woofferton relay site, heard at 1743 UT on Jan 28. A man speaking in listed Tigrinya language and followed at 1745 UT by stringed music. Poor-fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 15260 kHz IBRA Radio Sama (via ENC Woofferton site in England), at 1700UT on Febr 6. Arabic sce. Middle eastern style music to start up into ID by man. Woman then began programming. Fair to good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) USA WEWN Radio Catolica Mundial Back on the air. Radio Catolica Mundial is back on the air on 12050 kHz. In Spanish of course. However two nasty spurs 12045 and 12055 kHz. (Tony Pavick, Hope-BC-CAN, BrDXC-UK iogr news Febr 6) 12050even noted after 14 UT start at 14.20 UT on Fri Febr 7, Spanish WEWN at powerful S=9+20dB level in Edmonton-AB-CAN remoted Perseus SDR too. But nothing noted of signal spurious on 12045 nor 12055 kHz. Clean audio signal though. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 7) USA 12050 kHz WEWN - Vandiver-AL state; (pres), 1644 UT on Febr 4, 2025 in Spanish. Mellow YL singer, apparent concert by OM singer w/his speaking about the music between songs, end of program, announcements, YL w/ church news headlines, bumper. 1700 UT - EWTN ID announcement, mellow guitar / electronic fill music, OM. No ID across ToH to 1704 UT. First time I've heard WEWN since returning to the air after being off for ~ 2 years. Fair - good. (Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 12050 kHz on Febr 6 at 1620 UT, R. Catolica Mundial, WEWN, reactivated in Spanish with hymns, DJ announcements, S6/S8 direct. This was first report- ed by Tony Pavick, Hope BC-CAN at 0040 UT on Febr 6: "Radio Catolica Mundial is back on the air on 12050 kHz. In Spanish of course. China ACI from 12045 & 12055 kHz. They appear to have left the air sometime between 0045 and 0100 UT" During my log it's notable that neighbour WWCR 12160 kHz, at a similar distance, is hugely stronger, inblasting S=9+25/30dB. Nothing yet on Eng- lish frequency 15610 kHz, which I had heard with open carrier only, no modulation. Spanish takes priority. WEWN used to have some lower frequencies at night, but current HFCC shows only: 12050 14-06 Spanish 155 degrees to CIRAF 11 & 15 with 100 kW; 15610 19-06 English 85 degrees to CIRAF 46 & 47 with 250 kW. Strangely, CIRAF 11 & 15 mean Caribbean / Central America, and SoEast Brasil, but skipping the rest of South America. ITU CIRAF 46 & 47 mean West Africa and centralAF as far as Sudan, Cameroun. Likely the real spans in each language will be less than possible. Collisions resume: 12050 kHz at 18-19 UT, R Ndarason International for Chad target from ENC Woofferton-UK relay site, and same 19-20 UT from ENC Ascension Isl relay; 12050 kHz also with RFA Tibetan via USAGM Kuwait relay site at 22-23 UT, plus CNR1 jamming of course. 15610 kHz confronts CNR1 jamming and SOH-TWN after 2200 UT, until 1600 UT. Into Bonaire TWR Kiwi-net SDR unit at 1812 UT, only fair Spanish on 12050 kHz, maybe trace of RNI underneath. At 1927 UT, Bonaire busy but SB do Campo, Brasil gets only RNI Ascension. WEWN is still on, atop RNI into Maryland-US. No signal on 15610 kHZ. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Febr 7 - 9) USA 9565 kHz Sat, Feb 8, at 2244-2258UT. Radio Marti, Greenville-NC-US state, in Spanish. Woman announcer interviews a woman, a Cuban periodist, about the human rights in Cuba,the violence, the censorship on the island; 2250 UT A song by cuban singer, "Una vida sin Alma"; 2252 UT Woman says stations prgogram announcements; 2253 UT Ahora, el programa "Una pausa para la Meditacion", el pueblo y la jornada para la vida! Su destino; Dios y la Naturaleza; Los dirigentes y la Dictadura ...Very good reception as never: 55555. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Feb 8) USA 15610 kHz Jan 30 at 1625 UT, S8/9 almost steady open carrier direct. Suspect WEWN making comeback. Had been missing for about a year! EiBi also has CHiCom jamming vs SOH until 1600 UT. I asked Glen Tapley: "Glen, At 1625 UT today I have a strong S9 and steady open carrier on 15610 kHz. Is that WEWN, about to come back ? How about the other transmitter which had been on 12050 kHz ? Regards, Glenn Hauser" and he replies: "Hi Glenn, Yes it is WEWN. Should notice 12050 UT soon, but no definite ETA. Glen" At 1640 UT, Maine SDR also has S=9+10/20dB on 15610.005 kHz, with a slight whine, not sure whether transmitted. Still on at 1951 UT on 15610.005 kHz, Jan 31 at 1644 UT, WEWN on again with open carrier except for low level hi-pitched whine, audible on more than one remote,which also agree on the +5 Hz offset: S9+3 into Maryland SDR; S7/S9 into UTwente. Still no signal yet on 12050 kHz. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) URUGUAY 1480 kHz Radio Internacional, Rivera, in Spanish, Febr 3 at 0506 UT. Identification 'AM 14-80, Radio Internacional. La radio como la gente'.Commercial advertisements in Spanish mentioning the city of Rivera. Among these, there was an advertisement in Portuguese about the 'Supermer- cado Atacarejo, em Livramento'. Rivera (Uruguay) and Santana do Livramento (Brazil) form the same physical concentration, with no international bor- ders between them, which is why there is a mix of languages on a Uruguayan radio station. (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo Ibiuna SP Brazil, hcdx Febr 5) UZBEKISTAN 9330 kHz CMI 'Voice of Wilderness' via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. 1600UT on Jan 28. Korean. Presumed to be 'Voice of Wilderness' because WBCQ / World's Last Chance doesn't usually make it to me at this hour and ToH legal ID heard. Man speaking. Fair. RSP1b. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Feb 2) 12045 kHz 'Furusato No Kaze' program via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center heard at 1356 UT on Jan 27. A man speaking in Japanese to music at 1357 UT and shut down at 1400 UT. Mostly poor. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1189 Febr 2) 9540 kHz FEBC Radio (listed site: CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center), at 1430 UT. Really strong, fully lighting green tuning light on SW-2000629 and indoor random direction wire South Asian music, man and woman in listed Hindi, talk to just bf 1500 UT, off after interval signal. Very Good on Jan 31. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1190 Feb 9) 7500 kHz Bible Voice Broadcasting, Canada, via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. e-QSL 18.00-18.30 UT, Jan 19, 2025. From 29 Dec 2024, transmission will be on 7500 kHz instead of 7520 kHz. Heather Paterson confirmed the new frequency. (Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1328 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 9) VANUATU Radio Vanuatu back on the air again - 9960 kHz. Hi Glenn, Have had more correspondence with Warren Robert, explaining that RV has been silent since Febr 2 through to Febr 7, at 0520 UT, while monitoring all their frequencies of 2485, 3945, 5040, 7260 and 9960 kHz. He must have then checked on this situation, as he quickly replied to me, asking for me to now check 9960 kHz. Yes, success ! Thanked him for getting back on the air. Radio Vanuatu is now back on the air from 0602+ UT, Febr 7. Listening via Kiwi SDR remote at Wanganui, NZ, Pacific. (Ron Howard, Monterey-CA-USA, direct and wor Febr 7) VANUATU Radio Vanuatu - February 5. Hi Glenn - Radio Vanuatu remains silent through 0425 UT, Febr 5. Since Febr 2, have checked 2485, 3945, 5040, 7260 and 9960 kHz, with no results, via various Pacific Kiwi SDR re- motes. So tonight I sent off an email. Quick reply from: Warren Robert Manager Technical Services/Directeur des Services Technique VBTC Technical Services/Services Technique SRTV Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation/ Societe de Radio diffusion et Television du Vanuatu PMB 9049 Rue du Capitaine Blight Port Vila, VANUATU, Pacific Tel: (+678) 22 999 Mob: (+678) 7109401 / 5257762 Skype: web: at the moment schedule up- dates are published only inside the Web App. E-book has the latest version of B24 schedules. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, WRTH International Editor, wor Febr 2) WRTH WRTH 2025 Seasonal Updates. Hi Bill, I asked about it and here are the replies: mediumwavedx via groups.io of Febr 5, 2025: I already own the hard copy book and the web app (an extra ~$10). I assume the eBook is an additional cost, correct ? (Bill, WE7W near Rochester, NY-state US. odxa & wor Yes, ATM owners of hard copy and / or Web App have to pay normal price for the E-book. If I buy the eBook, how many updates can I expect ? Would it be updated to Summer A25 schedules when they come out ? A "Summer E-Book up- date" is being considered at a smaller fee for those who already got it. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, WRTH International Editor, wor Febr 5) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END