BC-DX 1605 25 Jan 2025 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ALASKA/MADAGASCAR Paper QSL cards. Hello! If anyone is interested in receiving PAPER QSL cards from KNLS at Anchor Point-ALS and MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar stations, send reports in January 2025 to and Mailing of QSL cards will be made in February from Russia. (Alexander Berezkin, St. Petersburg-RUS, Radio reception - Telegram; via RUSdx #1325 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) ALBANIA/GERMANY Radio Tirana Listeners' Club closes after 32 years of existence. Germany-based Radio Tirana Listeners' Club (Radio Tirana Hoererklub) closed on December 31, 2024. The Club was founded on January 1, 1993 with the aim of supporting Radio Tirana in the difficult period after the end of the dictatorship with materials, especially QSL cards and program leaflets. Most of the almost 100 QSL motifs can be found at RTHK organized two listeners' meetings in Vienna in the early years as well as a trip to Albania in 2010. During its existence, the club issued 85 newsletters. Source: RTHK farewell newsletter P.S. Hopefully, ex-members will keep maintaining RTHK's volunteer-run Radio Tirana's online stream at The schedule can be found here or at Since 2017, Radio Tirana no longer broadcasts from Albania on either MW or SW; relays via WRMI Florida and Germany's SWS were also discontinued in 2022. P.P.S. Sadly enough, there was no farewell program from RTHK on SW (at least with relay of Radio Tirana). (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Jan 15) ARMENIA-tent./TURKEY 11525v / 11550 kHz. re Turkey against Kurdish national radio program. Monday Jan 20 on 11550even kHz frequency, likely (?) Gavar Armenia or Yangi Yul TJK relay of 'Radyo Denge Gel', in Kurdish Sorani? language, S=9+10dB in Doha Qatar ME remotedly noted at 10.40 UT. Counterpart 11525.013 kHz odd fqy of TUR TRT security forces jamming program via Emirler Turkey SW bcast center, Osmanic folk mx drums / string instrument of Near East kind performed. S=9+20dB little stronger signal at Doha Qatar ME remotedly. 10.45 UT on Mon Jan 20. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 20) ARMENIA Photo of September 2024 Medium-wave transmitter Tram - in Gavar, Republic of Armenia. In the photo - installation work. At the top of the stand, you can see three working azimuths: 67, 127 and 247 degrees. A special antenna installed in 2005allows changing the direction of broad- casting. For 20 years, directional broadcasting at a frequency of 1377 kHz has been carried out using the Soviet radio transmitter Borey, which you have repeatedly seen on the wall of the group. The German Tram has replaced its legendary tube predecessor. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1325 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) G.E. and Maps shows the US production antenna from Kintronics, which was erected in February 2006, and payed from the USA {by TWR organization ? } There were 6 masts arranged in a circle: US Kintronics at 40 25 16.30 N 45 12 03.94 E MW 1377 / 1395 kHz - steep angle signal 1000 kW 6 x masts - mainlobe each 30degrees azimuth to select 6-element Double Cone Skirt Antenna System designed by Kintronic Laboratories Inc, USA; financed by TWR-USA organization, in Febr 2006. In any case, there have been tensions there for 20 years regarding TWR public relations work (around 2004-2007). Also, 15-20 years ago they tried to stop us from publishing of the MW / SW schedule via TWR Gavar towards NE ME and Central Asia from the detailed color printed brochure at that time. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) ASCENSION ISL/UAE 7285 kHz at 0555- UT, BBCWS Jan 19 Several frequencies available during this hour. 7285 kHz is fair/good, // to another Ascension transmitter, 9410 kHz (good/very good) 125 kW / 27 deg. Both with a rumble audible. Also // 17690 via Abu Dhabi media ENC operated UAE Dhabayya with 250 kW / 215 deg, at excellent level. (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 19) AUSTRIA Drehantenne auf dem ORS Moosbrunn Gelaende wird gesprengt. Eine schoene drehbare Made in Deutschland AEG Telefunken Antenne aus dem Jahr 1983 ist auch bei den Sprengungen dabei. Termin Donnerstag, Jan 23_sic,2025 Drehantenne Moosbrunn wird gesprengt. 30. Jan. ist nunmehr neuer Termin. Wie die Gemeinde Moosbrunn bei Wien mitteilt, soll im Rahmen der Schliessung der ORS-Sendeanlage die markante Drehantenne am Pruegelweg - je nach Witterung - am 23. oder 30. Januar 2025 gesprengt werden. Die Kurzwellen-Sendeanlage von ORS Oesterreich in Moosbrunn bei Wien wurde am 31. Dez. 2024 geschlossen und abgeschaltet. Unter vielen anderen Einmietern in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat Radio DARC - das Radioprogramm des deutschen Funkamateur-Klubs unter Editor Rainer Englert_DF2NU erreich- bar unter e-mail ueber diesen Sender fast zehn Jahre lang seine sonntaegliche Haupt-Radio- sendung auf der Frequenz 6070 kHz verbreitet. Wie die Technische Leitung des ORS / Oesterreichischen Rundfunks auf An- frage mitteilte, wird es keine Nachnutzung geben. Alle laufenden Bemue- hungen fuer einen Erhalt der Anlage zumindest im stillgelegten Zustand sind damit gescheitert. In einer Mitteilung der ORS / ORF-Geschaeftsleitung heisst es dazu: "Nach interner Abstimmung erlauben wir uns mitzuteilen, dass der bereits beschlossene Abbau der Antennen auch umgesetzt wird und weitere Nut- zungsueberlegungen hinsichtlich dieser Liegenschaft hinfaellig sind." Funkamateure und ehemalige Bedienstete hatten zunaechst noch versucht, die Anlage in ORS Moosbrunn unter Denkmalschutz stellen zu lassen oder ein Technisches Museum daraus zu machen. Dies wurde abgelehnt. Fuer alle Be- teiligten kommt daher dieAnkuendigung der Sprengung voellig ueberraschend. Die Sprengung des Sendekomplexes ist nun zunaechst fuer Donnerstag, den 23. Januar 2025 gegen 14 Uhr angesetzt. [oder 30. Jan. 2025. ed.] Re: ORS Moosbrunn rotating antenna to be blown up. The blasting was ini- tially postponed until January 31 due to technical problems. The municipality of Moosbrunn nearVienna has announced that the remarkable ORS rotating antenna on Pruegelweg will be blown up on January 23 or 30, 2025, depending on the weather, as part of the closure of the ORS trans- mitter "Moosbrunn". The shortwave transmitter site in Moosbrunn near Vienna was closed and switched off on December 31, 2024. RADIO DARC (German Amateur Radio Club), TWR and others used this well known transmitter site for worldwide broadcasting on shortwave frequencies. As the technical management of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF announced on request, there will be no subsequent use. All ongoing efforts to preserve the facility, at least in its decommissioned state, have thus failed. A statement from the ORF management reads: "Following internal consultation, we take the liberty of announcing that the already decided dismantling of the antennas will also be implemented and that further considerations regarding the use of this property are no longer valid." Radio amateurs and former employees had initially tried to have the ORS Moosbrunn shortwave facility listed as a historical monument or to turn it into a technical museum. This was rejected. The announcement of the demo- lition therefore came as a complete surprise to everyone involved. The demolition of the transmitter complex is now initially scheduled for Thursday, January 23{sic, rather 30th, wb ed.}, 2025 at around 2 pm LT mean 13 UTC. (Thomas Kamp-D DF5JL, wor Jan 24) AUSTRIA Heise Online (German article which has been translated to En.) ORF has Austria's 500-kilowatt short-wave transmitter to be blown up. {Made in Germany by AEG Telefunken Berlin of 1983 year, wb.) The whole world can be reached with a unique short-wave antenna from ORS Moosbrunn Austria site. It could be blown up as early as Thursday Jan 30 at 13 UTC (wb.) Im Sommerhalbjahr 2024 sind (es gibt immer wieder Umdisponierungen) die folgenden Programmplaetze in ORS Moosbrunn gebucht; jeweils ueber die AEG Telefunken Drehstandantenne nach Pakistan, Punjab, Iran, Tuerkei, Nordafrika, sowie Westafrika: 04.00-05.00 Uhr: 9510 kHz; Urdu, Punjabi 05.30-06.30 Uhr: 11870 kHz; Farsi, Tuerkisch 07.00-07.30 Uhr: 15560 kHz; Haussa 08.00-09.00 Uhr: 15560 kHz; Arabisch 09.00-09.30 Uhr: 15610 kHz; Franzoesisch 10.00-10.30 Uhr: 15145 kHz; Franzoesisch 16.00-16.30 Uhr: 17725 kHz; Urdu 17.00-17.30 Uhr: 15265 kHz; Tuerkisch 17.30-18.00 Uhr: 17725 kHz; Punjabi 18.00-18.30 Uhr: 17565 kHz; Urdu 18.30-19.00 Uhr: 15605 kHz; Farsi 20.00-21.00 Uhr: 11955 kHz; Arabisch 21.00-21.30 Uhr: 15440 kHz; Haussa 21.30-22.00 Uhr: 17570 kHz; Franzoesisch 22.00-22.30 Uhr: 11955 kHz; Dioula 22.30-23.00 Uhr: 15440 kHz; Franzoesisch Beitrag von Kai Ludwig; Stand vom 19. Mai 2024. (Kai Ludwig-D, via RBB radioeins, Potsdam Babelsberg-D May 19, 2024) aus dem archive vom 2013 Jahr: Der Sendebetrieb von der ORF-Kurzwelle und anderen Einmietern bei ORS Moosbrunn konnte noch 22 Jahre aufrecht erhalten werden: Uebermorgen, am 31 March 2013, sind es genau zehn Jahre, dass ROI abgewickelt wurde. Es ist ein paar Leuten gelungen (Ermoeglichern), die von kompetenter Stelle (Verhinderern) geforderte sofortige Stilllegung von ORS Moosbrunn um bisher ZEHN JAHRE zu verzoegern. Das gelingt mit Mietsendungen, die die aufs Minimum reduzierten Betriebskosten decken und jenes zwar winzige Plus erwirtschaften, das den Abschaffern den Wind aus den Segeln nimmt. Wir koennen nur hoffen, dass saemtliche faelligen Reparaturen durch Kannibalisierung des Vorhandenen getaetigt werden koennen. Denn sonst - aeh - droht endgueltig das Aus. ORF/ORS zahlen nichts mehr. Ein Mini-Programm ORF muss aber aus recht- lichen Gruenden weiterhin ueber die KW laufen. So erklaert sich die Salami-Taktik ... 73, Wolf Harranth OE1WHC (via A-DX newsgroup March 29, 2013) see last four antenna pictures under therm 'Drehstandantenne' on My technical heart bleeds when I think of the planned demolition, wolfie. A true monster of a shortwave antenna has been standing near Moosbrunn south of Vienna since 1983. The curtain antenna weighs 320 tons, produces up to 500 kilowatts and has two towers, each 76 meters high. The system runs on rails so that it can be rotated 180 degrees. This is unique, at least in Europe, and makes it possible to broadcast to the furthest corners of the earth. Nevertheless, owner ORS, a majority subsidiary of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation), would like to demolish the facility. Perhaps as early as Thursday, or a week later if the weather is unfavo- rable. This can be seen from a brief communication from the mayor of the municipality of Moosbrunn, according to which "the striking rotating antenna on Pruegelweg - will be blown up on January 23{sic} or 30 as postphoned now ed., 2025, depending on the weather. Experts from the blasting company assure the public that no special pre- cautions need to be taken. A loud bang will be heard and traffic on the Pruegelweg will be stopped for about five minutes shortly before the blasting." Full article with photos (Mike Mike Barraclough-UK, Jan 23, 2025 wor/brdxc) Re: news] ORF has Austria's 500kw transmitter blown up (in fact antenna) This reminds me of the original PCJ rotatable antenna at Huisen, almost a century back A reminder that although things change, some do not. Effective antennas are large and movement helps if you want to maximise your reach you need to point them in the right direction. (Simon Hicks-UK, BRDXC-UK iogr news Jan 24) Item of Kai Ludwig-D, archive of December 2007: Moosbrunn has one rotatable HR antenna, the only antenna there that can handle 500 kW. see under "Drehstandantenne", like erected too at Kvitsoy-Norway 1982, Santa Maria di Galeria of Vatican state 1985, Sottens-Switzerland of 1990 and scrapped in Oct 30, 2004; Kamalabad-IRN 3 x Telefunken-Berlin and 1 x Ampegon-BBC Mannheim in 1984-1988. Telefunken revolving type clones erected in Moldova Grigoriopol Maiac at 47 15 48.47 N 29 24 00.65 E and at CRI Jinhua China site two clones at 29 07 03.88 N 119 18 48.99 E and 29 06 58.89 N 119 18 39.43 E {wb, df5sx} The rotatable curtain array (HR) is SSW of the transmitter hall. Track circle of 85meters in diameter. 320 barrel weight. 76 m height in all directions rotatable. ... The remainder of the antenna farm consists of a fixed curtain for both the Americas and the Middle East (frequency range probably 9...17 MHz or something like that) which is good for 300 kW, ... The fixed curtain for the Americas and the Middle East is NW of the transmitter hall. Frequencies in 25m-, 19m-, 16m-, 13m-Band max power 300 kW gain 20 dB max. lobe wide 20 to 35degrees main 85 or 265 degrees (but sleweble to 55, 70, 95, 115, 235, 255, 275, 295degrees) ... two HQ's for 6 and 7 MHz, respectively (first one used for 6155 kHz), able to handle 300 kW as well, ... Visible, approx. 30 meters south-west of the transmitter hall on the small farm track towards the rotatable HR antenna appear the TWO horizontal quadrant (HQ) antennas. ... a rotatable LP and two VM's vertical monopole (5945, 13730) good for 100 kW, and probably the old rhombics are still there as well ... Bigger VM antenna seen as square approx.70 meters westerly of the tx hall. [picture: groessere Reusenantenne] vertical monopole and broken URL now Single 'mast'just 30 meters south of tx hall, near two trees and the tree line is the LP antenna. [picture: Logarithmisch-periodische Antenne] 49 to 13 mb, steep and broadband characteristic, used mostly up to 2000- 3000 kms distance. Smaller, elder VM vertical monopole antenna behind the tree line, around 80 meters east of the tx hall, seen as square in grasland. [picture: schmalere 2. Reusenantenne] ... and probably the old rhombics are still there as well. ... four widely spaced masts that appear to be corner supports for a rhombic [pictures: Rhombusantennen] see 4 rhombics towards 90deg SoutheastAsia + 270deg Ce-Latin-America just visible north/northeast of the fixed curtain antenna masts, located from west to east direction. 123deg NearEast + 303deg NorthAmerica just visible northeasterly at farmost on the area, Located east of the 90deg/270deg antenna. 56deg EastAsia/Australia/Pacific + 236deg SouthAmerica [picture: first rhombic picture. feed to 56deg in foreground, feed to 236deg in background. Mostly used decades on long path signals via Acores, Colombia, Easter Isl, Tahiti southern Pacific to New Zealand and Australia in UTC mornings, wb. Diese Rhombusantenne ist in nach 56deg (Ostasien/Australien; Blickrichtung Osten, Einspeisepunkt am Mast vorne) bzw. 236deg (Suedamerika; Einspeisepunkt am Mast hinten) ausgerichtet.] 175deg SouthAfrica (latter only single direction). 250-300 meters east of the tx hall, near small brook. antenna length 260 meters, width 65 meters. [picture: last rhombic picture: Die suedlichste und nach Sueden ausgerichtete Rhombusantenne. Sie ist nur fuer die Strahlrichtung 175deg (Suedafrika) vorgesehen und wird daher nur am Mast im Hintergrund gespeist. Am Mast im Vordergrund haengt eine dreifach gefaltete Schluckleitung, die nur bis zur Mitte der Antennenanlage reicht. Die Laenge der Antennenanlage in Senderichtung betraegt ca. 260 m, die Breite ca. 65 m.] Transmitters are two Telefunken S4005 (one already run at reduced power 300 kW due to the antenna limitations) from the eighties and two new 100 kW Thomcast (now Thales Thomson) transmitters installed just a few years ago as successors of the old Telefunken rigs with class B modulation from the sixties. All this from memory, so probably not absolutely accurate. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxld Aug 21, 2007 ibid.) BOTSWANA 9775 kHz at 0300-UT, VOA Jan 19. Excellent reception in English via USAGM Botswana relay center, and // to 4930 kHz (good) also from Bot- swana with 100 kW / 20 deg, and 6080 kHz (fair) also from Botswana with 100 kW / 350 deg. 15580 kHz at 0545-UT, VOA Jan 19. Excellent level with English VOA pro- gramming. VOA from USAGM Botswana relay is always a good performer into Masset Canada, even though it's over 16,000 km away!. (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 20) BRAZIL 15190 kHz Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 0045-0100 UT, Radio Inconfidencia, Contagem-MG, in Portuguese. Man announcer presents a musical program "Flashback Inconfidencia"; 0058UT He says Callsign and Station ID. Belongs to Rede Inconfidencia de Radio. Poor reception: 25422. Note: Returns on-air after a long time out in my area. 15190 kHz Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 2330-2340 UT, Radio Inconfidencia Contagem-MG, in Portuguese. Man announcer and collaborators present a sport program w/ news of the football local, regional and Brazilian championships; ID. Poor reception: 35522. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, wor Jan 17) BULGARIA The Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) offers two series of QSL cards for 2025. Celebrating the beauty of Bulgaria. The first set features 6 postcards highlighting famous landmarks,while the second set showcases 12 lesser-known, picturesque locations across the country. These cards are available to listeners who submit reception reports, with each card reflecting a different part of Bulgaria's rich heritage. For more details, visit the full article: Photo: Desislava Semkovska (Yimber Gaviria_CLM, wor Jan 22) re: Bulgarian National Radio's QSL cards for 2025. Important notice: This station verifies reports even for online listening, which is not OK for many, but that's a different story. The series of 6 QSLs are for online listening, while that of 12 QSLs is for their MW frequency 576 kHz (Vidin, 200 kW) and FM. The BNR's QSL cards for 2025 present the beauty of Bulgaria. Dear friends, we are happy to announce that the Bulgarian National Radio's QSLcards for 2025 are now available. The two series - one with 6 postcards and the other with 12 postcards - are entitled "The Beauty of Bulgaria." The series of 6 cards confirms that you have listened to Radio Bulgaria's programming in any of its languages. To receive this series, you need to send reports, indicating the date and the language of the programme you have listened to, as well as content details. QSL cards are sent upon re- ceipt of the necessary number of reports, irrespective of the language in which the programmes were heard on our website. For QSL-card # 1 - 3 reports for January and 3 reports for February For QSL-card # 2 - 3 reports for March and 3 reports for April For QSL-card # 3 - 3 reports for May and 3 reports for June For QSL-card # 4 - 3 reports for July and 3 reports for August For QSL-card # 5 - 3 reports for September and 3 reports for October For QSL-card # 6 - 3 reports for November and 3 reports for December The series of 12 cards, created with the kind assistance of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, confirms reception of all Bulga- rian National Radio on-air signals (Horizont, Hristo Botev, regional radio stations and Radio Bulgaria). To obtain these cards send us a report, indicating the date, the time and the frequency of reception of the programme, as well as content and signal quality details. You can send your reports by email: reception.report@bnr.bg or mail them to Desislava Semkovska Bulgarian National Radio 4 Dragan Tsankov Blvd. Sofia, Bulgaria. And here is what Radio Bulgaria's cards depict this year: QSL 1 - The Ancient Theatre of Plovdiv QSL 2 - Belenski Bridge, Biala QSL 3 - Belogradchik Rocks QSL 4 - Devetashka Cave, Stara Planina Mountain QSL 5 - Rila Monastery QSL 6 - Shiroka Laka Village The series of 12 cards will surprise you with an array of beautiful, lesser known and fascinating spots in Bulgaria ! (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Jan 22) CHINA Over the past few weeks of monitoring of CRI, I note that just as CRI has the music only German, Hungarian, Polish, and Portuguese transmis- sions, a similar thing has occurred to their Russian output. While it has not gone all-music, they seem to be repeating a feature about tofu and its history, certainly on an every hour basis between 1200 UT to 1600 UT every day on all frequencies. The only exception is New Year greetings from Xi. All that seems quite stupid to me as they could at least relay CGTN Russian TV channel audio on SW. However, if they can afford repeating the same stuff, let it be. (Tony Pavick-Hope BC-CAN, wor Jan 22) CRI Romanian, Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian are also music-only. CRI Albanian relays Radio Ejani, their Albanian project, which is also present in Albania on FM. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Jan 22) CUBA 6000 kHz RHC via Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW bcast center is presumed. 0030-0045+ UT w/ strong carrier, low modulation, though quasi- intelligible. Again, long-winded Spanish talkers w/no ID. 17 January 2025. Also, my log of this at 2310-2335 UT on Jan 6 should read 0010-0035 UT Jan 7th. The irregular Spanish night-time broadcast is in the 0000-0100 UT hour currently for what that's worth. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Jan 18) CUBA 5024.993 kHz - Radio REBELDE the one and only Cuban bcaster ON AIR at 07.15 UT on Sunday Jan 19 their bcast time slot. Spanish newscast read by female last til 07.16:44 UT station ID - given by male presenter. Then lovely Cuban / Latin AM mx followed. Nice clean audio, no disturbtion of feeder line beween radio house studio and bcast TX center. S=9+20dB fairly strong signal noted remotedly at Edmonton-Alberta-CAN. 6000 nor 9710 kHz something on air at this time. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) CUBA 5025 kHz R Rebelde, 0559 UT on 14 Jan. Spanish. Poor signal with man and woman talking over light music, possibly on piano. 5025 kHz on R Rebelde, 0859 UT on 16 Jan. Süanish. Slightly better signal than previous days. Rebelde 'tweedle' ToH ID heard. Still poor, however. RSP1b. {mostly minus 5 - 6 Hertz on lower sideband fqy 5024.994, ed.} (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) CUBA [and non] 9790 kHz on Jan 3 at 0506 UT, JBM in French, what ? This is CRI relay at 0300-0500 UT, still on A24 frequency instead of 5910 kHz. Aoki Nagoya database imagines it's really on 5910 kHz, but EiBi list maintains true 9790 kHz. What I'm hearing is not really JBM, but RFI as scheduled from 0400 ! A one-hour overlap, and now even more as RadioCuba has failed to turn it off before 0500 UT, suppressing the French; its own modulation varies from JB to nothing. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 3) CUBA 5800 kHz Jan 23 at 0724 UT, lite pulse jamming against nothing, long after WRMI is off this frequency. Presumably prompted by 'Freedom Synergy Radio' which is axually pro-Taiwan, anti-ChiCom, had been sche- duled at 0300-0400* UT on WRMI-#10 on 5800 kHz, from System B, and maybe still is. Shown only on the freq sked block, nowhere in the program skeds. System B otherwise means 9955 kHz, where it's not scheduled either. IIRC, R. Republica was also on 5800 kHz for a while, forever damaging it, as once jammed, a frequency forever subject to be torn up by the incompetent DentroCuban Jamming Command. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 23) CZECH REPUBLIC Gegen Hitler, nicht aber gegen den Faschismus: Rudolf Formis und sein Schwarzsender in Mittelboehmen. 23. Jan. 2025 Laenge 14:30 m/s Hotel Zahori - Quelle: Samlung Morgenstern. Am 23. Januar 2025 ist es genau 90 Jahre her, dass der deutsche Radiotech- niker Rudolf Formis von Gestapo-Mitarbeitern aus Berlin in Slapy, also auf tschechoslowakischem Boden, erschossen wurde. Damit sind die Parameter be- nannt in einer Geschichte, in der es um einen Schwarzsender geht, um Anti- HitlerPropaganda ebenso wie NS-Agitation und um eine missglueckte Entfueh- rung - und dies alles ueber die tschechoslowakisch-deutsche Grenze hinweg. Was wie ein Agententhriller klingt, ist 1935 tatsaechlich passiert. Der Deutsche Rudolf Formis ist heute in Tschechien wohl besser bekannt als in seinem Heimatland. Dies liegt daran, dass seine Geschichte seit seinem Tod im Jahr 1935 bis heute hierzulande immer wieder erzaehlt wird. Im Archiv des Tschechischen Rundfunks existiert sogar ein Zeitzeugenbericht ueber eine persoenliche Begegnung. Vladimir Stibitz (1906-2000), einst Techniker beim Sender Radiojournal, blickte im Oktober 1991 in einer Sen- dung zurueck: "Getroffen habe ich Formis zum ersten Mal bei den Gebruedern Novak. Das war eine Radiofirma in der Vodickova-Strasse. Einmal stand ich dort mit dem jungen Novak zusammen, als dieser ploetzlich sagte: "Schauen Sie, dort ist der Formis." Am Pult stand ein Mensch,der schon durch seine Erscheinung auffaellig war. Er war von nicht allzu grosser Statur, trug Stulpen, Reithosen, einen Rucksack auf dem Ruecken, Jaegerhut und ein gruenes Hemd ohne Krawatte. Diese Kleidung war zu dieser Zeit in Prag absolut unueblich." Dieser schon vom Anblick her interessante Mann habe zudem ungewoehnliches Equipment eingekauft, so Stibitz: 500-Volt-Kondensatoren fuer den Stark- stromgebrauch - passend fuer einen Rundfunksender. Doch was machte Formis im Jahr 1934 eigentlich in Prag? Der Mann kam 1894 schliesslich in Stuttgart zur Welt und wurde spaeter dort als technischer Leiter des noch neuen Sueddeutschen Rundfunks taetig. Wie der Historiker Andreas Morgenstern aus der Schwarzwaldgemeinde Schil- tach in seinen Forschungen beschreibt, begruesste Formis die Uebernahme der Radioanstalt durch SS und SA 1933 noch begeistert. Wie es dann dazu kam, dass der Techniker im Jahr darauf als Hitler-Gegner auftrat, koenne nicht genau nachvollzogen werden, sagt Morgenstern im Interview mit Radio Prag International: "Das ist eine bisher offene Frage. Bereits die Gruende fuer seine offene Zustimmung sind schwer zu beurteilen. War es reale Begeisterung fuer den Nationalsozialismus? Oder vielleicht rechnete er sich auch Karrierechancen aus. Anzufuegen ist aber, dass er juedische Vorfahren hatte. Fuer Formis haette es keinen Platz im NS-Rundfunk gegeben." Somit machte sich Formis laut Forschung auf den Weg in die Tuerkei, wo er im Ersten Weltkrieg fuer die Deutschen als Funker gedient hatte. Doch er kam nicht weit ueber die Tschechoslowakei hinaus und sass nach zwei Ab- schiebungen quasi in Prag fest. Hier entschied eine Begegnung mit einem einst einflussreichen NSDAP-Mit- glied ueber Formis' weitere Taetigkeit. Otto Strasser hatte in persoen- licher Gegnerschaft zu Adolf Hitler seine eigene Gruppierung, "Die schwarze Front", gegruendet. Um deren rassistische Agenda zu verbrei- ten, seien ihm die technischen Faehigkeiten seines neuen Bekannten gelegen gekommen, schildert Morgenstern und berichtet von der Entstehung der illegalen Rundfunkstation Anfang November 1934: "Das Sendegeraet fuer die weitreichende Kurzwelle baute dann Formis. Nach ersten Sendungen aus Prag funkte er aus dem Hotel Zahori im boehmischen Slapy. Das Tal war ideal zur Verbreitung der Radiowellen, was dem eigent- lich leistungsschwachen Sender eine grosse technische Reichweite verlieh. Es ist herausragend angesichts dieses kleinen Geraets, wie es ueber meh- rere hundert Kilometer senden konnte. Da war natuerlich dann auch die Aus- wahl des Sendestandortes in diesem Tal zur Ausbreitung der Radiowellen optimal gewaehlt." see FULL STORY details, pictures and CSR map under (RPI Prague-CZE, Jan 23, 2025) DENMARK 15700.01 kHz World Music Radio, Randers, Jan 12; at 1451-1515 UT. (15700.011 kHz per UTwente, poor / almost fair at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter). Ongoing various genres of lively and slow songs (afropop, Lat Am pop, and mostly reggae songs and music, etc.); better in usb/lsb sync, shaky s meter needle w/ nonstop rapid or slower qsb, loud to mode- rate qrn rustle when fading, almost fair/poor at times/ from about 1500 UT, fair/almost good. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) ECUADOR 6050 kHz at 0419-0500 UT, HCJB Jan 19 Spanich music programming, not sounding at all religous. Gave me a good opportunity to test all of my antennas, and best heard on the new 110 deg 600' Beverage antenna. Fair to sometimes good reception. (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 19) FINLAND Finland 963 kHz 600 kW resumption delayed. 963 kHz Alfa Media Group broadcasts from Pori-Preiviki to Russia are de- layed more. Traficom licence was granted 8. Nov. 2024. However, the 600 kW AM-station in Pori has been unused 12 years since 2013 year. The transmit- ter was found to be in poor condition. Repair and maintenance will take more time and money. (Jorma Maentylae-FIN, ARC; via mv-eko / via wor Jan 20) Re: Finland 963 kHz 600 kW resumption delayed What is the make and model of the 600 kW box? (Ben Dawson-US, wor Jan 21) Brown Boveri type from 1987 year, but I didn't find the model. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, wor Jan 21) Re: Finland 963 kHz 600 kW resumption delayed. Instead of trying to run such a big and dubious project, it would be more wise for them to broadcast via Estonia's Radio Eli (1035 kHz, up to 200kW) as done by many others (Trans World Radio in Russian and Belarusian, the 'Voice of Hope' in Russian and Ukrainian, 'Missionswerk Friedensstimme' [this ministry was on SW from 2003 until 2020 via Germany], the 'Voice of Martyrs' (both in Russian) etc). In darkness hours, Eli is well heard across all of Eastern Europe. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Jan 21) Re: Finland 963 kHz 600 kW resumption delayed. It was of course known, stated by the transmitter network operator already in last summer. And presumably the BBC does not know that it is / was supposed to lease airtime ... (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Jan 22) FRANCE 17810 kHz eQSL VORW Radio International, via TDF Issoudun, France bcast center. E-mail: 6 January 2025 at 15.30-16.30 UT, 17810 kHz. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1325 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) FRANCE 17555 kHz 'Radio Dabanga' via TDF Issoudun relay site, heard at 1631 UT on Jan 16. Alternate talks in listed Sudanese Arabic by a man and woman. Mostly poor. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) 17555 kHz 1555-1700 UT to Horn of AF, ITU zones 39SW,47E,48W ISS 250 kW 135degr azimuth, via ITU antenna type #207 Apd ITU language short call F JRC request #6662. FRANCE RFI English. {Note: RFI Paris refuses to put any English on SW - hear it some other way gh} From RFI Paris English service: WORLD RADIO DAY is coming up - it's on 13 February. As we do every year, we'll have a feast in *The Sound Kit- chen*, filled with your voices. Send your SHORT recorded WRD greetings to by 1 February. This year's theme is "Radio and Climate Change", but you don't have to talk about the theme - if you just want to say "hello!", that's fine, too. Be sure you include your name and where you live in your message QSLs? Try these e-mail: Good luck, (Christian Ghibaudo-Nice-F, BrDXC-UK iogr news / wor Jan 12) I recall some years ago that RFI Paris had a short English news update that was accessible through AudioNOW if you dialed a US phone number. Sadly, that service is gone. RFI has had no English shortwave broadcasts since the end of March, 2020, at the start of the Covid pandemic. (Joe Hanlon-NJ-USA, wor Jan 14) Right. The Sound Kitchen is now distributed as a podcast. (Henry Mensch-USA n6hcm, wor Jan 17) Re: RFI Paris English 'World Radio Day' on Febr 13. It's interesting that Radio France Internat. has a daily English broad- cast about 1300UT seems like or that is the way it always used to be which was 800 AM US Eastern or 900 AM US Eastern in Daylight Savings Time ... used to have a broadcast in the 16 meter band back in the day around 17640 kHz which was great for US mornings.Can't remember if they ever had one at other times. That said, they still have a French service to Africa as well as relay NHK World Radio from TDF Issoudun site on 11735 kHz at 0500 UT to 0530 UT with the last 5 minutes being the usual tinkly sounding music fol- lowing NHK News and language programs at that time. Radio France International still has a French service to FrancophoneAfrica and elsewhere at various frequencies and times during the day. I know I have caught them on 9790 kHz as well as 11700 kHz, 11995 kHz, 15300 kHz at various times of the day even putting in some quality signals here in the lower Midwest near the Ohio River. A great deal of their programming is also in various African languages such as Hausa, Fulfulde, Swahili but no English broadcasts so about the only way you can get it is via podcast or maybe direct internet stream. It seems that a English broadcast maybe 2 or 3 times a day of the same one hour of programming wouldn't be too much to ask for but like the BBC, VOA, Radio Australia and others that they seem to want to pull the plug on SW while Communist China has dozens of transmitters and frequencies beaming CGTN Radio in various languages around the world. China like the days of Mao, let a hundred flowers bloom and let a hundred schools of thought contend while being the land of 100 transmitters beaming to Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East almost constantly. (John Perry, wor / BrDXC-UK iogr Jan 18) GERMANY 15460 kHz at 1730-UT, AWR Jan 18. Very strong reception. Carrier on at 17:28UT, listed Afaan Oromoo (?huh?). Began with piano and an ex- pression repeated over and over. Interesting that on Sunday, there was a crash start about 30 seconds late, with AWR IDs in English. Again, very strong. Nice to hear AWR from more than single transmitter site again ! (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 20) 15460 kHz 1730-1800 UT to ITU zone Horn of Africa #48 via MBR Nauen 250 kW half power towards 142degr azimuth. via ITU antenna #218 requested 081224-290325 in Oromo language of AWR #6610 feed call x113 GERMANY 6045 kHz eQSL Telstar-Radio International via MBR Nauen site. E-mail: {single day? operation ed.} Dec 24, 2024, 11:00-14:00 UT on 6045 kHz. Picture: Two different MBR Nauen requests. 125 kW / ITU antenna #146 is a half row dipol array on their four revolving Ampegon Allis powerfuls, see4x Alliss or Remaining 100 kW TX and antenna unit of Koepenick Funkwerk-GDR revolving antenne of 1963 year era, via KWZ at Dechtower Damm, some 1500 meters southwesterly location away at 52 38 42.58 N 12 53 13.62 E or kHz UTC ITUzone loc kW deg ant days lang progr r.# feed 6045 0900-1000 27E,28 NAU 100 233 156 1 Mul D RSH 6313 X.332 6045 0900-1000 27E,28 NAU 125 240 146 1 NldEng D MBR 6314 X.332 6045 1000-1400 27E,28 NAU 100 233 156 1234567 Mul D MBR 6315 A.307 6045 1100-1400 27E,28 NAU 100 233 156 1234567 Mul D MBR 6316 A.307 (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1325 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) From the archive of November 2015 written by Kai Ludwig-D : And immediately at Dechtower Damm, east of the {RBI Nauen} KWZ transmitter buildings, sat a quadrant antenna for 6/7 MHz and a single dipole for 15 MHz, designed to serve the Middle East (135deg). Only meadow land to be seen there now, too. Then there was transmitter KWZ 1 in this building: It was a Funkwerk Koepenick, 100 kW, used by Deutsche Welle until 2000y. In the final years it was involved in the airtime exchange between DW and RNW; usual operational practice was to use it for the noon transmission of RNW English on its second frequency (which was either on 9 or 7 MHz) and otherwise for DW programming on 6140 kHz. Primary antenna for KWZ 1 was of course the DuS which, by way of the cur- rent 6095 kHz transmissions, meanwhile came to fame in the Anorak scene. Its most notable limitation is that the frequency range is restricted to 6-17 MHz. Immediately west of the transmitter building was a dipole for 7 MHz transmissions towards 190deg, meant for Europe services, for which KWZ 1 could also use the quadrant antenna. Then there was transmitter HF/B, a Funkwerk Koepenick 50 kW, the first broadcasting transmitter ever installed at Nauen. It had its place in this building where it was overlooked by the scrapping squad, thus could be secured for a collection in the large utility transmitter hall which is now hardly more than a useless relic: URL has been broken in 2025 year, but use URL instead: #12/13/14/15/16 to and #101/102/103/104 to OFF today Jan 9th due to local weather - Hi Glenn, just to let you know, there will be no airing of WOR this Eu- ropean afternoon / evening as we suffer from heavy snow the whole day. At Winsen Aller site, temps were at +1 degrees C in the morning with heavy rain, but falling to -1 degrees C during the course of the day. Rain turn- ed into snow, resulting in heavy ice on our antennas. 6160 kHz tx tripped out at around 13:00 UT. 3975 kHz is also seriously effected. Temps should rise again soon - hopefully we will be back tomorrow. 73s Andy (Engineer, Shortwave Radio, Winsen on the river Aller, near Hannover Lower Saxony, Germany) Would have been final repeat at 1730 UT on 3975 kHz - tnx for the advisory! gh (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 9) GERMANY With recent discussion of Radio Bulgaria, I was reminded that Shortwave Service, Kall, Germany EU used to transmit its podcasts on SW. I was curious as to what they broadcast now and went looking on But that site forwards automatically to and I couldn't see where to find the SWschedule there. Checking the Twente SDR receiver this morning (24 January at 13:15 UT), I found them active on 6085 kHz with Radio Mi Amigo International in French and 6005 kHz with Radio Slovakia International in German (and English at 13:30). Anyone know where the current schedule is on line ? (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Jan 24) GERMANY SHORTWAVESERVICE from Kall, Eifel, NRW, Germany, EU. Schedule B24 (October 27th, 2024 to March 29th, 2025) Alle Zeiten in (!) MEZ / all times in CET {UTC +1 hr} (!) 3985 kHz (daily - taeglich) 1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit 1900-1930 Radio Slowakei Deutsch 1930-2000 Radio Slowakei Englisch 2000-2030 Radio Slowakei Franzoesisch 2030-2100 Radio Slowakei Spanisch 6005 kHz (daily - taeglich) 1200-1230 Radio Slowakei Deutsch 1230-1300 Radio Slowakei Englisch 1300-1330 Radio Slowakei Franzoesisch 1330-1400 Radio Slowakei Spanisch 1400-1430 Radio Slowakei Deutsch 1430-1500 Radio Slowakei Englisch 1500-1530 Radio Slowakei Franzoesisch 1530-1600 Radio Slowakei Deutsch 1600-1630 Radio Slowakei Englisch 1630-1700 Radio Slowakei Franzoesisch 1700-1730 Radio Slowakei Spanisch 6085 kHz (daily - taeglich) 0900-1900 Radio MiAmigo International* Deutsch / Englisch / Niederlaendisch - Programmplan unter: Source: (via Thomas Kamp-D DF5JL, wor Jan 24) GERMANY 6150 kHz Radio Marabu ist ein nichtkommerzieller, deutscher Radiosender mit dem Schwerpunkt Alternative Musik. Er hat seinen Sitz in Belm und strahlt europaweit Sendungen auf MW, KW, UKW und im Internet aus. Taeglich ist er zwischen 8 und 18 Uhr ueber das Programm EUROPA 24 auf Kurzwelle 6150 kHz aus Datteln Ruhrgebiet-NRW mit einem durchmoderierten Programm in weiten Teilen Europas zu hoeren. - siehe dort Hinweise auf Reiner Palma, Radio Victoria und EUROPA24, aber auch negativ besetzt, siehe diese Aussage aus dem Sommer 2024: "Die Uebertragung wurde seitens des Lizenzinhabers des Programms Europa 24 Anfang Juni ohne Vorankuendigungen beendet. Als Grund werden politische bzw. kulturelle Inhalte ewig Gestriger genannt. GERMANY MARABU WEIHNACHTEN 2024 AUF KURZWELLE Samstag, 21. Dezember 2024 9670 kHz: 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr/CET 6070 kHz: 11.00 bis 13.00 Uhr/CET 3955 kHz: 17.00 bis 19.00 Uhr/CET Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2024 9670 kHz: 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr/CET 6070 kHz: 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr/CET Montag, 23. Dezember 2024 9670 kHz: 15.00 bis 17.00 Uhr/CET 6070 kHz: 18.00 bis 20.00 Uhr/CET Samstag, 28. Dezember 2024 9670 kHz: 15.00 bis 17.00 Uhr/CET 3955 kHz: 18.00 bis 20.00 Uhr/CET Samstag, 29. Dezember 2024 6070 kHz: 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr/CET Montag 30. Dezember 2024 3955 kHz: 18.00 bis 20.00 Uhr/CET Dienstag 31. Dezember 2024 6070 kHz: 21.00 bis 23.00 Uhr/CET Mittwoch 01. Januar 2025 9670 kHz: 11.00 bis 13.00 Uhr/CET Angaben der Sendezeiten in MEZ/CET UTC+1 hr. Ueber Empfangsberichte wuerden wir uns sehr freuen. Marabu FM Freundeskreis Radio Marabu e.V. Postfach 1166 49187 Belm Marktring 14 49191 Belm Germany - EU Tel.: +49 5406/899484 Fax: +49 5406/899485 Mail: web: or via too. (Sigbert Gerhard-D / Paul Reinersch-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 22) INDIA/BHARAT Special programs for India's Republic Day (26 Jan 2025) India is celebrating its 76th Republic Day on January 26, 2024. On the eve of Republic Day i.e. 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday) all stations of Akashvani will broadcast the Hon'ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu's Address to the Nation at 1330 UT. Similarly, all stations of Akashvani will broadcast running commentary of the Republic Day parade and Cultural Pageant being held at New Delhi from 0420 UT on 26 Jan 2025; SW frequencies are: Hindi 9765, 11805 kHz via New Delhi Kingsway 100 kW English 15280 kHz via Bengaluru 250 kW. This will replace the External Services normally scheduled at this time on the above frequencies. Live streaming of Akashvani stations: This will be available on Doordarshan TV as follows: Happy Republic Day to all DX India members. Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob-IND & Alokesh Gupta-IND; DX_India Jan 24) INDIA For many years in the past, the NoEa region of the country had always been a favorite area of mine to listen to SW from. Sadly the SW stations there have all ceased their operations, but recently I have begun listening to MW via the Kiwi SDR remote site at Dimapur, in the state of Nagaland, in NoEa India. From this location it is possible for me to now enjoy many NE stations again. On Jan 22, I monitored the following: 1530 UT: In English with "Akashvani News at Nine" (Cabinet's approval for a minimum support price for raw jute; lawsuits against Trump regarding his executive order on birthright citizenship; preparations underway for the upcoming Republic Day celebrations [Jan 26 - ]; etc.) and sports (cricket and badminton). 1545 UT: Program in English; "Spotlight," about the Cabinet's approval for a minimum support price for raw jute. Akashvani Dibrugarh on 567 kHz; with the news, but didn't air Spotlight. Akashvani Gangtok on 1404 kHz; fairly strong QRM kHz; news and spotlight. Akashvani Imphal on 882 kHz; news and Spotlight. Akashvani Itanagar on 675 kHz; news and Spotlight. Akashvani Kohima on 639 kHz; news and Spotlight. Akashvani Pasighat on 1062 kHz; news and Spotlight. Akashvani Shillong on 864 kHz; news and Spotlight. Akashvani Silchar on 828 kHz; news and Spotlight. Thanks very much to Jose Jacob for his excellent site (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Jan 22) IRAN 11880 kHz at 1920- UT, Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Jan 18. A good S7 carrier, suddenly on at 19:20 UT, but with zero modulation. I guess they're copying Cairo now ! Listed to South Africa, and confirmed lack of modulation using a South African SDR. Supposed to be in English. (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 20) KOREA REP OF 7719.99 kHz Echo of Hope-VoH, in Korean, Jan 18; at 1727- 1750 UT. (7719.997 - . 995 kHz per UTwente, fair). man and woman talk in turns, other man talk, w/ brief music breaks, woman talk over slow music, at about 1733:20 UT" man chatting with a woman, woman talk over slow piano music, slow song, at 1740 UT man announcements, brief music pause, then playing some slow songs, interspersed by man talk; better in usb/lsb sync, nonstop rapid qsb, moderate rustle qrn, fair/almost good; // 6250 kHz poor/very poor w/ loud rustle qrn (6249.995 kHz per UTwente, fair); // 4885 kHz heard in usb sync w/ inter filter to nullify a very loud noise qrm, poor/very poor (4885.003 kHz per UTwente, almost fair). (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) 7719.997 kHz at check Jan 24 22.20UT via Hiroshima Akitakata JP, S=9+25dB, underneath slight KRE scratching jamming bubble too. 6249.996 kHz, 4885.003 kHz - also jammed by KRE, wb. ed. 7645.016 kHz nearby TWN Sound of Hope Falun Gong sect Mandarin Chinese, S=8-9 at 22.26 UT in JP. 7580.122 kHz KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang in Japanese, S=9+40dB. 22.30 UT. 7580.009 kHz KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang in Spanish, S=9+30dB. 22.33 UT. 7533 and 7536 kHz AUS VMW Wiluna FAX, S=7-8 at 22.35 Jan 24. (wb, ed.) LUXEMBOURG Broadcasting Centre Europe, die Techniktochter von RTL, hat die Genehmigung als Betreiberin fuer den ersten, nationalen DAB+-Multiplex im Grossherzogtum Luxembourg bekommen. Sobald der Plattformbetreiber Ver- traege mit Programmanbietern geschlossen hat, kann der Mux im Kanal 7D auf Sendung gehen. Hierueber sollen die landesweiten Programme und eventuell deren Ableger verbreitet werden. Gemaess den Vorgaben der Regulierungsbehoerde soll die DAB+Ausstrahlung an den drei Hauptstandorten Dudelange, Jardin Napoleon und Hosingen spae- testens sechs Monate nach dem Datum der Lizenzerteilung beginnen, also spaetestens im zweiten Quartal 2025. Die Fertigstellung des Netzes muss spaetestens 18 Monate nach dem Datum der Lizenzerteilung erfolgen. Eine zweite DAB+-Bedeckung fuer Lokalradios wird aktuell laut der Behoerde fuer Medien-, Konnektivitaets- und Digi- talpolitik (SMC) geprueft. (Markus Weidner-D, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) MYANMAR 5915 kHz Myanmar Radio via Nay Pyi Daw at 1320 UT Jan 19; fair- good signal amid band noise but fading in late with mellow romantic selec- tions with YL singer and full orch, a bit sacharrine stuff. CRI Russian service not here today but found with good signal under hams on 7255kHz at this time. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) MYANMAR/CHINA 7345 kHz CNR 7 'Greater Bay Radio' Hohhot in Cantonese / Thazin Radio - Pyin Oo Lwin (or Naypyidaw depending on wrong reference) in Kayah, 1154 UT on Jan 13; CNR 7 on top this morning w/ OM droning on, 1159UT announcement, tone, ToH theme, ID, announcement by YL into OM talk- ing (news?) w/ YL joining after at 1202 UT. Thazin at the same time w/ YL, 1200 UT theme - like music way under (program change?) into same YL talk. Easy to keep apart since there was not much fading or switching as to which station was dominant. (Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) NETHERLANDS Radio Delta 12085 kHz. Propagation has been rather rough for the past several days. I noted 12085 kHz a few hours ago, but too weak. Now coming in at fair level at 18:04 UT with music. This is a 1 kW station from Elburg, Netherlands. [later] Followed by a lot of IDs for Radio Delta, then into the Lion King, and now (18:09 UT) Johny Cash with, "If I were a Carpenter". (Walt Salmaniw-BC-CAN, wor Jan 19) 12085.009 kHz measured at 18.12UT on Sunday Jan 19 fluttery SW signal into Edmonton-BC-CAN remotedly on Perseus unit. Fluttery unstable audio signal of 2 ... 3 Hertz fqy varying up and down. 73 wolfie df5sx wwdxc Jan 19. NEW ZEALAND Re: RNZ Pacific DRM mode on 9780 kHz. They may just be slow in updating their published schedules, though they also can change on a daily basis to improve reception for the partner sta- tions in the Pacific. Those are the prime target for the DRM service, not us general listeners. Cheers, (Chris Mackerell-NZL, wor Jan 15) Not quite sure what's happening, but RNZ's 1650 UT DRM mode transmission has been showing up regularly on 9780 kHz instead of 11690kHz as listed at their website and as in the B24 schedules. On Monday UT, they started on 9780 kHz but moved to 11690 kHz at 1709 UT. Tuesday and Wednesday UT (yesterday and today) they've been on 9780 kHz for the full time slot. Even though I'm not in the target area, a move to 31 metres is a bit of shame as 11690 kHz was a pretty solid performer at my QTH. The AM frequency of 11725 kHz is unaffected. (Tony Pavick, Hope-BC-CAN, wor Jan 16) OMAN 9410 BBC World Service was noted today 8 Jan 2025 on new 7410 kHz (ex 7430 kHz) at 0100-0200 UT. Weak reception at first, later it was very strong. {EiBi database list has both as ENC Oman to SouthAsia. Glenn } (Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, Hyderabad-IND, wor Jan 8) 7410 0100 0200 41NE SLA 250 63 0 151 1234567 071224 300325 English OMA BBC ENC request #6607 ENASS previously: 7430 0100 0200 41NE SLA 250 63 0 151 1234567 271024 300325 English OMA BBC ENC request #2206 ENASS PERU 4809.9 kHz Radio Logos, Chazuta, 0905 UT on Dec 27. Monologue by male in presumed Quechua,flute interlude, time check and string of announ- cements in Spanish then back-to-back rustic vocals. Canned ID at 0923 UT followed by vocals by Banda Apocalpsis and another canned Radio Logos ID at 0930 UT. Excellent modulation and nice signal despite thunderstorm crashes. { not Bolivia like wrongly put in topnews-bcdx -1604, wb.} (Brandon Jordan K2SWL, TN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1186 Jan 12) ROMANIA Radio Romania Internat. well heard in New Brunswick, eastern CAN Trying to get this posted before today's broadcast but yesterday (15 Jan), RRI's 1/2-hour English language broadcast at 21:30 UT came in very well on 7375 kHz (S=9+20dB) and fairly well on 9500 kHz (S=9+5dB) with indoor equipment. Being a Wednesday, there was an episode of "Romania: The Eastern Flank," which regularly reports on Romania's military preparedness as a frontline member of NATO and a bulwark against further Russian aggression in Europe. Yesterday's item talked about NATO's STDT25 SteadfastDart exercise involv- ing Romania and Bulgaria, which runs from 13 January through 26 February. What other shortwave (or other) station regularly covers NATO activities ? (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 16) SERBIA Soldatensender Belgrad (Soldiers Radio Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1941 year) Jag lyssnar pa en inspelning fran Soldatensender Belgrad tillsammans med "Radio Lili Marleen 31.65 m" Den kaenda laten hoers. Brittiska och amerikanska soldater i Nordafrika i kriget mot Rommel lyssnade pa Soldatensender Belgrad och Lili Marleen blev den vaegen maekta populaer - till officerarna foertvivlan - det var ju fiendens musik ! (Ullmar Qvick-SWE via Svensk DX-Historia) Radio Station introduction. Soldatensender Belgrad was a radiostation that broadcast news and music to German military all over Europe during World War II with receptions reaching across the Mediterranean to North Africa. The station first played an obscure love song, 'Lili Marleen' which became a huge hit among German soldiers that German Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel requested it to be played daily. This fan base would later on in- clude Allied listeners with UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill becoming a fan of the song. Originally Radio Beograd the station changed to 'Wehrmachtssender Belgrad' (Armed Forces radio) when the Nazis took over.The station transmitted from the city of Belgrade, capital of then Kingdom of Yugoslavia, today of Serbia. Credits Audio Credit Images Many thanks to people from (SWB #2072, Jan 19; page #8) SPAIN 9690 kHz Thur, Jan 23, at 0120-0135 UT, Radio Exterior de Espana, from Noblejas-ESP, in Spanish. Man announcer in conversation with a man; 0123 UT A song; 0125 UT Woman/man announcers talking, w/ pieces of song; 0130 UT Pips and REE ID; Now, man/woman announcers present the program "Hora America": News at moment, mainly about DJT 3th inauguration day. Good reception and moderate fading: 45533. Note: The other frequencies, 12030, 17715 and 17755 kHz, all off-air ! (Jose Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Jan 23) TAIWAN 9885 kHz RTI via Tanshui (EiBi, Aoki databases lists), Paochung site (WRTHorg). Easily audible this morning through the strong CNR1 jammer as listed on Dong Fang, Hainan Island, 1245-1258* w/ pop mx. CNR1 1300* Jan 14. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Jan 18) TAIWAN 9409.995 kHz another log in Canada and Hiroshima JP on Perseus wwide net at 07.48 UT. The only Taiwanese FHBC Kuanyin center outlet today scheduled 07 - 09 UT in Mandarin Chinese language, fair S=6 or -84dBm signal heard remotedly in Hiroshima Akitakata JP, no signals observed on usual // s 9774 nor 15375 kHz. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 15) TAIWAN Radio Taiwan International in Russian from Tamsui site, QSL- card: 9490 kHz, 11.00-11.58 UT, Nov. 24, 2024. Blog: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1325 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) TAIWAN 15245 kHz Sun, Jan 19, at 0047-0103 UT, Radio Free Asia, Pao- chung-TWN, in Burmese. Woman/man announcers talking news, w/ a fast music pause between news; A conversation with a woman about Israel vs Gaza agreement and more news by man; 0059 UT Woman talks and a RFA Station ID jingle; 0100 UT Burmese edition continues w/ news by woman announcer. Good reception: 45544. Parallel logs on 15110 kHz, Tinang-PHL, 45544 and 7515 kHz, Dushanbe-TJK, barely audible reception. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Jan 19) TAIWAN 6155 kHz 'Furusato no Kaze', target radio at 1700 UT, on 17 Jan. Japanese. Typical sign-on from them.Woman announcer explained about plight of Japanese held in North Korea since the 60s and 70s. Upbeat song by male chorus followed. Good but noisy. RSP1b. {via Tamsui Taipei site, ed.} (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) TAIWAN 9705 kHz target radio 'Furusato no kaze' via Paochung-TWN, Jan 14; excellent signal with inspiring instl mx on synthesizer accompanied by piano and orchestra at 1354 UT. Best fqy but also noted // 7295 kHz from Tamsui site also good and 12045 kHz Tashkent-UZB relay, fair. Audio fades down 1357 UTand dead air to -1357.40* UT. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) TAJIKISTAN 5875 kHz RFA via Dushanbe-TJK (per EiBi, HFCC lists). 2308 UT t/in to USAGM RFA on top of the channel in listed Tibetan, and not the CNR1 jammer per check of // jammers against SOH: 6105, 7290, 9900 kHz. CNR1 gradually noticed underneath RFA at 2315 UT, mixing at times. RFA still noted on top 2345 UT. Oriental string music 2357 UT, into western instl mx w/annmts by M. 2400* UT. In checking the RFA program archive for the 0700 UT local program for local 18th, it shows that the distinct mx and annmt segment from 57:20 to the end matches my log. 17 January 2025. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Jan 19) UAE 11785 kHz at 1621- UT, 'World Radio Network' 'Vsemirnaya Radio' Jan 19. Superb S=9+40dB signal strength with Russian (not from Russia) programming. Rechecking at 16:40 UT, it was from Radio Slovakia In- ternational. At 16:58 UT, WRN announcement in Russian, concluding the program and mentioning the correct times and frequency. (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 19) U.K. {western EU target} Radio DARC auf 9670 kHz via Woofferton - auch zu hoeren in Australien und Kolumbien. Bisher sendete Radio DARC sein Hauptprogramm sonntags 11 Uhr Ortszeit CET/CEST via ORS Moosbrunn Austria. Durch die Stilllegung der traditionel- len Sendeanlage bei Wien Ende 2024 wechselte das einstuendige DX- und Technikmagazin Anfang 2025 zu ENCOMPASS Woofferton, England Broadcast center. Jetzt gab es die ersten ueberraschenden Empfangsberichte. Die erste aussereuropaeische Rueckmeldung kam aus Sued-Australien,und zwar von Richard, VK5ARS, aus Adelaide - Entfernung: rund 16 400 km. Richard verwendete einen ELAD FTM DUO SDR an einer bei Rundfunk-DXern beliebten Wellbrook Active Loop-Antenne. Richard hatte davon gleich eine Audio- Aufzeichnung gemacht, die er Radio DARC zur Verfuegung stellte. Eine weitere Empfangsbestaetigung erhielt Radio DARC aus Kolumbien, von Lothar HK3JCL, aus Restrepo/Meta nahe Villavicencio. (DARC e.V. Deutschland-Rundspruch 2/2025, 3. KW, Jan 16) U.K. re: Unidentified DRM digital mode on SW 17575 kHz. I am receiving audio from RRI and other stations now using the xHE-AAC codec, but reception on 11630 kHz at 1800 UT is not great, as the signal often fades out after about 15 minutes, and I suspect that their choice of 11 MHz at this time of the year was not a good one. Their German, French and Italian DRM services on 7 and 5 MHz come through with excellent audio though. I could not get my old version of Dream to decode the new codec, but down- loaded a modified version from the drmrx.org forum, but even that didn't work until by chance I downloaded a copy of the 'K-Lite mega codec pack', and now it is working a treat and I'm hearing good quality audio from a number of stations in this mode. The modified version 2.2x can be found on this page if Dream is what you are using, if you are using a DRM radio then it may not work now unless it supports the xHE-AAC codec. If it doesn't work and anyone needs to try the K-Lite codecs they can be found here: (Alan Gale-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 16) U.K. Am receiving DRM transmission with one 0.92 kHz MM (Multimedia?) channel on 17575 kHz. SW Info lists this freq as BBC English transmission from ENC Woofferton. Anyone received any audio on DRM recently ? All Romania's transmissions seem to be RRI Journaline and not audio. (Ian Brooks-Dorset-Bournemouth-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 16) U.K. Re: Unidentified DRM 17575 kHz. Saudi KiwiSDR receives it almost without interruptions: (Mauno Ritola-FIN, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 18) U.K. Unidentified DRM 17575 kHz. Am receiving DRM transmission with one 0.92 kHz MM (Multimedia?) channel on 17575 kHz. SW Info lists this freq as BBC English transmission from ENC Wooferton-UK. Anyone received any audio on DRM recently? All Romania's transmissions seem to be RRI Journaline and not audio. (Ian Brooks, Verwood, Dorset-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 16) Re: Unidentified DRM digital signal on 17575 kHz Hi,Alan - Thanks for your info. The drmrx.org links make interesting read- ing. The version of Dream software that I have is v2.1.1-svn808. This didn't have the xHE-AAC codec, but the Windows Sodira program did, so I copied it from there and renamed it to suit Dream's requirements. I'm actually running Xubuntu 24.04 Linux but am using the Windows version of Dream running under Crossover, as the latest Linux versions seem to have problems with the audio output. Under Xubuntu 22.04 I was using the Wine program to run the same Windows version of Dream. I still have access to Xubuntu22.04, so I will go back to using this,as I suspect that my borrow- ed codec might not have been transferred to my latest system. One of the SDR Linux compilation CDs also used the Windows Dream version with Wine. I can't remember which it was: either Dragon OS or Gorizont. (Ian Brooks-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 17) Re: Unidentified DRM 17575 kHz. I have switched from the old version of Dream software to using Starwaves_ DRM_SoftRadio v1.5.1 on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 tablet. Good reception of all RRI's DRM transmissions yesterday afternoon and evening except the Italian one on 5995{sic rather 5955, ed.} kHz which had S/N ratio of less than 10dB, as it is beamed away from South of England where I am situated. Only problem with this software is getting it to connect properly to my SDRs. It usually recognises the type of dongle, but often needs connecting and disconnecting, restarting the app or restarting the tablet to achieve full connection. It worked better by connecting SDRs via powered USB hub which I normally use with my mini-computer. Luckily both PC and tablet use USB-C connectors. Once connected it works very well, giving almost fault- less speech decoding of xHE-AAC and gives full access to the Journaline service. My "borrowed" codec from Sodira was obviously still only for AAC encoding, not xHE-AAC, as is now required. The Android RTL-SDR driver still doesn't fully recognise the RTL-SDR v4 device and just treats it as a v3, with co- verage only above 24 MHz. (Ian Brooks, Verwood, Dorset-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 20) Saudi KiwiSDR receives it almost without interruptions: (Best regards, Mauno Ritola-FIN, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 18) U.K. 9535 kHz at 0600- UT, 'Radio Ndarason International' on Jan 19. While waiting for VOA on 9550 kHz, I noticed a crash start on 9535 kHz, at good to very good level, mentioning Ghana, and Mali, in presumed Kanuri. By the way, 9550 kHz didn't come on until 06:03 UT (VOA English from Botswana). (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 19) U.K. R4 Longwave - are we heading for another extension ? The Droitwich 700' masts of 1933/34 were trumped by those many 800' ones at Rugby Radio A station for GBR erected around 1924 or 1925 me thinks... (Dave Porter-UK G4OYX, BrDXC-UK iogr newsgroup Jan 14) re: R4 Longwave - are we heading for another extension ? BBC Radio 4's longwave transmitter at Droitwich is due to shut down in June 2025. If the latest announced extension is to be believed. This ex- tension has been negotiated by the energy industry, which relies on the BBC to transmit the Economy 7 telecoms signal. It appears that almost a million homes and businesses still rely on old meters that use the telecommutation signal. It is therefore unlikely that all these meters will be replaced before June. Are we heading for another extension? The longwave transmitter is owned and operated by Arqiva on behalf of the BBC. Arqiva may be happy to keep the customer for a few more months, but is concerned about the state of the installation, which is at the end of its life, and above all about the stock of spare parts, which is almost non-existent, following the various postponements. Another concern for Arqiva: The Twentieth Century Society (C20), which aims to save irreplaceable twentieth-century buildings and design, is campaigning to save the two masts and the main transmission building of the Droitwich transmitting station. C20 wants to list the site as part of England's national heritage. These two 213.4 m (700 ft.) steel lattice masts are supported by 21 steel cables, each anchored to a concrete block weighing 400 tonnes. They were the tallest structures in the UK when they were built, and are believed to be the only pre-war structures over 200m to have survived, making them the oldest telecommunication structures of their type in Britain. The station's main transmission building, built in 1934, was also included in the consultation. Comprising four contiguous blocks, clad in limestone and finished with decorative tooling, they are monolithic Art Deco in style. Unfortunately,the complex has been profoundly altered in the course of its existence. A new western facade was added in the 1990s, reusing the carved BBC coat of arms that had been salvaged from the old facade. This applies to all three transmitters: Droitwich, Burghead and Westerglen. (Radio Magazine FB group (2025-01-13) via Ydun's Medium Wave Info; via Mike-Terry-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr newsgroup Jan 14) U.K. BBC switch-off to force 600,000 households on to smart meters ... Hi, not sure I've seen June 30th as the closedown day for the BBC 4 long wave service on 198 kHz. Express.co.uk (John Gleeson Birmingham-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 19) USA RFA QSL #87 announcement. Dear friends, Attached will be the press release for RFA's QSL card # 87, our latest QSL card design, which marks the beginning of the new year—the 'Year of the Snake'. We hope you enjoy this new QSL card and we look forward to receiv- ing your reception reports by email to or by snail mail. Reception Reports Radio Free Asia 2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300 Washington DC 20036 United States of America (Best wishes and 73s; Aungthu Schlenker-USA, Radio Free Asia, Dec 31) USA 15150 kHz WMLK, 1559 UT on 13 Jan. English preaching by Elder Jacob O Meyer giving website. Station ID at ToH that sounded like it was being done live. Fair to good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) 15150 kHz WMLK via Bethel PA state US, Jan 14; (tnx to gh for the ID, as no way I will stay and listen to this bilge to pull the identification) OM preaching in En, Biblical quotes etc, with enormous signal blasting across entire bottom end of the 19 mb. Huge but sloppy signal casting high an audio tone and splatter +/(-) 30 kHz above and below 15150 kHz. Presume this is the new Ampegon xmtr. Checked for // 9275kHz but only FEBC i-Radio Liangyou with fairly good signal. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) USA 17525 kHz WMLK via Bethel PA state US, 1859 UT on 13 Jan. English. Preaching by Elder Jacob O Meyer explaining meaning behind the name Israel. Also talk about second Samuel chapter 23. No ToH ID heard. Good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) USA 9330 kHz Jan 19 at 1553 UT, no signal direct from WLCR on WBCQ; what's wrong? Also zilch into UTwente at 1627 UT, Maryland SDR at 1628 UT. Back on by 1937 UT check. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 19) re 9330 kHz WBCQ on Jan 20, at 10.30 UT on air again, full-AMPEGON-power / excellent signal of English gospel content. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 20) USA 5920 kHz WTWW Lebanon TN in En religious program to NoAM, January 19, at 0448-0454 UT. SIO 444. OM preacher with convoluted sermon. Confused sermon and commentary about the "Wailing Wall," and its original construc- tion and / or its ultimate destruction. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1187 Jan 19) 5919.987 USA WTWW Lebanon TN, En sermon to the crowd, 01-05 UT ?, not on hfcc.org file requested 22 Jan. S=9+15dB -55dBm signal strength at 02.37UT on Jan 10 in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR remotedly. (wb, df5sx) USA 9930 Jan 16 at 1645 UT, WTWW is running 13 seconds behind // 9980 kHz WWCR with TOMBS. Both extremely strong signals, from almost the same location, what a duplicative waste. But far be it from me to advise them how to allocate resources more effectively! Anyhow, kudos to WWCR for getting TOMBS on the air first ! (Glenn Hauser, OK-USA, wor Jan 16) USA Everyone seems to believe that a course like four years ago is impossible. Why? Because of this? Re: The news about VOA is very, very bad. Well, Amanda Bennett is gone. Until recently one could expect to see her related "Friends..." circular, preferrably leaked to Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi. But this time either he decided to not put it out, did not get it or there was no such farewell to staff at all. And VOA director Abramowitz is not acting USAGM CEO now because the rele- vant Biden memorandum was amongst the 78 documents Trump declared null and void with his very first order, signed on that infamous rally. (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Jan 18 / 22) UZBEKISTAN 7530 kHz Mon, Jan 13, at 2111-2120 UT, 'The Voice of the Martyrs', Tashkent-UZB relay in Korean. Woman announcer makes a preaching. Poor reception for this CLA Station: 25522. 7625 kHz Mon, Jan 13, at 2101-2110 UT, 'The Voice of the Martyrs', Tashkent-UZB relay in Chinese/Mandarin. Man announcer makes a preaching, presumably. Poor reception for this CLA Station: 35522. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Jan 13) UZBEKISTAN 6035 kHz at 0119- UT, BBCWS London on Jan 19. Fair reception via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, with much better // from ENC relay at A'Seela Oman ME bcast center on 7410 kHz (250 kW / 63 degr azi) at good to very good level. (Volodya Salmaniew-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Jan 19) VATICAN STATE 11870 kHz Mon, Jan 13, at 2121-2129 UT, Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria-CVA, in Portuguese. Man/woman announcers present "Vatican News": News of the Catholic Church and the Pope, w/ a external correspondents collaboration; Says about drinking water supply in Angola and cholera outbreaks; 2128 UT Ends of edition; 2129 UT IS. Good reception 45544. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Jan 13) VATICAN STATE/OMAN 6195 kHz BBC London via Santa Maria di Galeria-CVA. 0053UT t/in U.K. in mid-East language, listed Dari per EiBi database list, 0057 UT fqcy annmt by W mentioning "meter band", quick English ID at 0059* UT. Fair to good signal. Then, via ENC Al Seela, Oman near east relay sta- tion: *0100-0105 UT in listed Pashto. Signal very weak, though. Interest- ing dichotomy in signal strength as heard from here. 14 Jan 2025. (David Potter-Gainesville-FL-USA, wor Jan 18) VATICAN STATE/PHILIPPINES Vatican Radio will be again on SW this weekend: Saturday January 25th for the 'Celebration of Second Vespers'. 1625-1800 UTC English on 13830 kHz, French on 17525 kHz and Portuguese on 15565 kHz. Sunday January 26th for the 'Holy Mass' to mark the Sunday of the Word of God. French on 17525 kHz, Portuguese on 15565kHz and English to Africa on 17540 kHz and English to India on 15490 kHz, latter via USAGM Tinang Philippines bcast relay center. (Christian Ghibaudo-Nice-F, BrDXC-UK iogr news Jan 23) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* Some more logs Sunday Jan 19, at Hiroshima Akitakata JP remotedly, at 13.57 UT til 14.45 UT. 9899.997 TJK USAGM RFA Korean via Orzu bcast center TJK, 12-14 UT. 9650.003 TWN RFI Paris in Vietnamese via Paochung site at 13.58 UT. 9524.995 TWN RTInternat. Taipei in Thai lang 13-14 UT, via Paochung site. 9329.936 UZB much odd fqy of CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, 'V o Wilderness' in Korean 14 - 15.30 UT, S=8 at 14.02 UT. 12014.500 MNG VoMongolia, UlanBataar Khonkhor, Chinese at 14.08 UT, S=5 sidelobe,, 2 x 100 Hertz BUZZ tone accompanied away either side. 11940.002 TWN Burmese target radio NUG via Paochung relay site center, S=5-6 poor to fair sidelobe into JP Perseus SDR, 14.11 UT Jan 19. 9559.980 TWN Empty carrier of Paochung site center noted on Perseus SDR screen at 14.23 UT, S=9+25dB powerful carrier, noted later at 14.30-1500 UT 'Furusato no kaze' Japanese target radio towards North Korea D.P.R. target, and also // in 41 meterband 7289.991 TWN via Tamsui Taipei northern TWN bcast center too. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) Some logs of yesterday Tuesday Jan 21 taken at Doha Qatar ME and Hiroshima Akitakata JP remotedly, at 13.50 UT til 15.30 UT. 12134.949 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi, Miaoli 13.50 UT 12119.973 PHL FEBC Bocaue site, Burmese sce S=9+10dB strength 13.52 UT 12095.003 PHL FEBC Bocaue site, Khmer sce S=9+10dB strength 13.54 UT 12044.979 UZB 'Furusato no kaze' in Japanese sce, endless pause carrier melody theme signal played, noted at 13.57 then old BBC/Babcock/ ENC - Encompass Digital Media Services satellite pause signal, via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, to North Korea target, S=9+25dB powerhouse. 11940.003 TWN Target radio NUG in Burmese, scheduled via Paochung bcast relay site, S=9+15dB in Akitakata JP, 14.01 UT 11934.894 ARS Republic Yemen excile radio program in Arabic via Riyadh, powerful S=9+25dB clean audio signal on much oddity fqy outlet, no Iran'ian jamming underneath observed, at 14.04 UT 11824.964 AUS Radio Reach Beyond Australia, from Kununurra site in Nepali S=9+30dB strength observed on Doha QAT NE remotedly, 14.06 UT 11815.006 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish 14-17 UT requested, S=9+5dB 14.08 UT 11750.002 PHL R FEBC Manila via Bocaue site, Lak language, S=9+20dB signal strength at 14.10 UT 11709.965 KRE Voice of Korea in French lang, percussion instrument mx S=9+30dB strength. Doha QAT ME Perseus SDR installation 14.12 UT 11629.992 UAE IBRA Radio in Tigre to Horn of AF / ETH, S=9+30dB 14.14 UT 11539.997 ARM Radyo Denge Gel, S=9+25dB via Yerevan Gavar at 14.29 UT 10819.876 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=6-7 14.20 UT 10939.881 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 14.26 UT 10959.734 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 14.28 UT 11100.006 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 14.30 UT 11149.900 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 14.31 UT 11170.086 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 14.33 UT 11289.654 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=5 14.34 UT 11460.035 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=8 14.35 UT 11500even anchor fqy TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong, Chi 14.36 UT 11520.021 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 14.37 UT 11535.011 TUR TRT Erdogan security forces anti-Kurdish national radio jamming of Osmanic flute music program from Emirler at 14.38 UT Jan 21; against 'Radio Denge Gel' Kurdish national radio px from 11539.998 ARM via Yerevan Gavar site center, S=6 signal in Hiroshima Akitakata JP at 14.39 UT 11550.039 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=7 14.40 UT 11569.975 UDO hfcc.org scheduled,but seeminly UZB via Tashkent oddity fqy? USAGM VoA Korean sce to Koreas, 14-15 UT, S=9 signal 14.41 UT 11580.139 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=7 14.42 UT 11590even GUM KTWR in Uyghur language at 14.43 UT, Kazakh from 14.45 UT S=9+20dB strength noted in JP remotedly. 11709.967 IRN Voice of IRIB Sirjan,Bengali sce,low modulated S=7 14.46 UT 11715.037 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=8 14.48 UT 11715even CHN co-channel CNR1 China mainland music jamming underneath. 11774.737 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=7 14.49 UT 11775even CHN co-channel CNR6 Nanning site in Chinese S=8 signal 14.50 UT 11989.944 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=7 14.52 UT 12014.501 MNG VoMongolia UlanBataar Khonkhor, S=6 signal sidelobe in English, at 14.55 UT 12020even VTN Three of four Son Tay transmitter are correct aligned to even fqy recently, Voice of Vietnam Indonesian SoEaAsia sce S=6 backlobe into Hiroshima Akitakata JP, at 14.56 UT 12105even CHN CNR1 domestic music jamming against 12105even THA USAGM Udorn Thani bcast relay site, in Tibetan at 14.58 UT 12145.602 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=7 15.00 UT 12229.994 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 15.01 UT 12304.907 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 15.02 UT 12475 broadband OTHR S=8 powerhouse from China mainland ? 15.03 UT 12549.525 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Cant Miaoli 15.04 UT 12795.006 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=8 15.05 UT 12865.006 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=9+5dB 15.06 UT powerful 20 kHz wideband signal, likely RFA original rent ? 13530.079 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=6 15.08 UT 14690.027 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 15.10 UT 15214.996 GUM KSDA AWR Agat site, Kannada sce to SoAS, S=8 15.13 UT 15388even TWN 'Star Star Bc'stn, S=6 carrier only or very low modulation ? 'XingXing guangbo diantai'Chi requested from Kuanyin at 15.16 UT 15530.014 GUM KSDA AWR Agat site, Tamil sce to SoAS S=8 15.18 UT 15550even MDG Juba Arabic progr, Dutch sponsored NGO organized program R Tamazui via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility S=7 sidelobe signal noted into Hiroshima Akitakata JP 15.19 UT 15969.754 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=6-7 15.22 UT 16299.632 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 15.23 UT 16600.126 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi Miaoli 15.24 UT 16800.126 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Falun Gong sect, Chi S=3poor 15.26 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 21) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END