BC-DX 1602 1 Jan 2025 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ALBANIA Don Moore's Photo Album: Albania - Part Two: Bunkers and Bugs. Click here to read Part One: Finding Radio Tirana More of Don's traveling DX stories can be found in his book Tales of a Vagabond DXer. Don visited Albania in March 2024. Albania has a lot to offer foreign visitors. The country has coastal beaches, beautiful mountains and histo- rical sites hundreds and thousands of years old. Tirana is a fascinating city filled with good restaurants and friendly people. It's inexpensive. The central city is easy to get around on foot. I'm already planning my next visit. Read the full story here: (SWLing Post, via wor Dec 23) ALGERIA 15160 kHz Ifrikya FM, Ourgla, 0822-0846 UT on Dec 15, song in English, oldies, French, comments, ID. "Ifrikya FM, la Voix Africaine", at 0831 UT English segment, ID. "Ifrikya FM, The Voice of Africa", frequen- cies, African news and comments in English, female, male, at 0840 UT French, comments, Afro-pop songs. // 17600 kHz. 25422. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx BrDXC.UK iogr Dec 15) ALGERIA 17600 kHz Ifrikya FM, Bechar, 0916-0933 UT on Dec 25, French, news and comments about African countries, id. "Ifrikya FM", 35433. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Log Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK iogr Dec 25) ALGERIA Bei der HFCC.org sind fuer Ifrikya FM zu viele Frequenzen ein- getragen, aber auch intensives Monitoring konnte aufgrund wechselnder Senderaktivitaeten nur Hinweise auf den Betrieb zusammenstellen. 17600 kHz war bislang die Frequenz der Wahl, wenn sie denn in Betrieb ist. Das war im Sommer tagsueber, im Wintersendeplan erst einmal nur noch vor- mittags. Sekundaer kommt auch 15160 kHz fuer Empfangsversuche in Frage, wenn die Frequenz in Betrieb ist, was eher vormittags der Fall ist. Abends wurden 13790 kHz, aber auch 13640 kHz gehoert. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) ASCENSION ISL 6170 kHz I'am unusually bandscanning between 05 & 06 UT Dec 27, so some 'new' frequencies catch my attn on 49mb, in unknown language: 6170 kHz at 0525 UT and 6135 kHz at 0538 UT. HFCC.org shows both are in Hausa language, half an hour each, VOA first and BBC second. Con- venient pair, could be same transmitter? Both are on a ITU #547 type an- tenna, but VOA is 250 kW at 27 degrees, and BBC is 125 kW at 65 degrees - quite a disparity. 65 degr azi aims at the SoEa corner of Nigeria, but 27 degr azi aims at Ivory Coast considerably to the west of any Nigeria. HFCC antenna reference shows ITU #547 type is "EHR(S)2/2/0.8" whatever that mean. {2 x 2 horizontal dipols in row and vertical erected, 0.8 wavelength distance above earth soil level ... } (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) ASCENSION ISL/U.K. {CHAD target radio} [Radio] Ndarason [Internationale] das in Buduma, Franzoesisch, Kanembu und Kanuri sendet und sich offenbar nur noch als Ndarason ansagt, hat folgenden im Nov. 2024 hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan auf Kurzwelle: 0500-0600 UT 6195 kHz WOF 250 kW, 160 degr 0600-0700 UT 9535 kHz WOF 250 kW, 158 degr 0700-0800 UT 12050 kHz ASC 250 kW, 65 degr 1800-2100 UT 12050 kHz WOF 250 kW, 158 degr 1900 Uhr ASC 250 kW 65 degr Eingesetzt werden Sender auf Ascension Island (BBC/ENC operated) und im Vereinigten Koenigreich (ENC Woofferton). Bei findet man zwei Streams aus Ndjamena (Tschad) und Maiduguri (Nigeria). (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) AUSTRIA 7330 kHz Radio Joystick, The Prince-Charlie Show, ORS Moosbrunn, at *1104-1126 UT on Sunday Dec 15, open with pop song, German, comments, instrumental music, more songs. 45444. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx BrDXC.UK iogr Dec 15) ORS Moosbrunn contact: Mag. Michael Weber Leiter Vertrieb, Marketing & Kommunikation +0043 664 627 89 06 e-mail AUSTRIA/U.K. 6070 kHz eQSL 100 kW Kw-marathon, ORS Moosbrunn-AUT. E-mail: <100kwqsl -at-jake-fm.de> Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) 6070 kHz e-QSL SM Radio Dessau. E-mail: <100kwqsl -at- jake-fm.de> December 8, 2024, 12.00-13.00 UT, 6070 kHz (100 kW) 100 kW Marathon, via Encompass-UK FMO. (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) BOTSWANA/MADAGASCAR/THAILAND/VATICAN STATE {ZIMBABWE target} USAGM VoA Studio 7 English Ndebele Shona hat folgenden hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan: 1700-1800 UT 4930 6045 kHz BOT 100 kW 20 degr. 1700-1900 UT 11735 kHz MDC 250 kW 265 degr, Sat Sun to 1800 UT. 1700-1900 UT 13860 kHz UDO 250 kW 256 degr, 1800 UT BOT 100 kW 10 degr, 1830 UT SMG 250 kW 169 degr, Sat Sun to 1800 UT. Eingesetzt werden Sender in Botswana (Moepeng Hill),auf Madagaskar (Talata Volonondry), in Thailand (Ban Dung, Prov.Udon Thani) und auf vatikanischem Gelaende (Santa Maria di Galeria). Im Oktober, November, Dezember 2024 waren die hoeheren Frequenzen auch in EUR ungewoehnlich gut aufzunehmen, wobei sich im Verlauf der Sendestunden auch deutliche Veraenderungen der Empfangsqualitaet ergeben haette koennen. Englisch wird man ab 1800UT gute Signal erwarten, wobei auch Tage beobachtet wurden, an denen die zweite halbe Stunde eine Wiederholung der ersten war. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) BULGARIA {Taiwan non} 9790 kHz Radio Taiwan International QSL card; via SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site, Spaceline Ltd., Sofia Bulgaria. 4 November 2024, 17:00-17:30 UT, Russian language, 9790 kHz 100 kW, transmitter: Kostinbrod, Bulgaria. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1320 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 15) CHINA Revised schedule CNR Program 1 "Voice of China" DRM test trans- mission, since December 8 2024, is as follows; Beijing 0100-0900 13825 30kW 175deg ID:0 1000-1600 6180 30kW 0deg ID:3EA (irregular? Dongfang Island, Hainan province ?2200-1700 21530 30kW 348deg ID:3E8 (irregular) ?0100-0900 17770 30kW 16deg ID:27FA Kunming ?0100-0400 15180 30kW 32deg ID:3EB 0400-0800 17800 30kW 32deg ID:3EB 0800-1100 15180 30kW 32deg ID:3EB Qiqihar - far northeastern China location ?2100-1700 15760 30kW 225deg ID:1 (irregular) Urumqi ?2200-0100 9655 30kW 98deg ID:3EC 0100-0800 17830 30kW 98deg ID:3EC 0800-1200 9655 30kW 98deg ID:3EC The following frequencies are registered in HFCC B24, but not used. Beijing 6030 2025-1805 30kW 0deg ID:3ED Tue 0600-0900 off Dongfang 11695 0100-0900 30kW 41deg ID:3E8 Qiqihar 11990 0400-0900 30kW 225deg ID:1 13710 0900-1200 30kW 203deg ID:1 13850 0000-0400 30kW 225deg ID:1 Original article is at (Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo-JP, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 30) COLOMBIA Jemand hat sich die Muehe gemacht und bei You Tube Mitschnitte von Radiostationen in Santa Maria zusammengestellt. Santa Marta ist die Hauptstadt und eine Gemeinde (municipio) im Departamento del Magdalena in der Region Caribe in Kolumbien. Der belebte Hafen am Karibischen Meer war im 1525 Jahr die erste spanische Siedlung in Nordost-Kolumbien. Die Halb- millionenstadt ist heute ein beliebter Ausgangspunkt fuer Ausfluege in den Tayrona-Nationalpark und fuer mehrtaegige gefuehrte Wanderungen zur Verlo- renen Stadt (Teyuna), einer archaeologischen Staette in den Bergen der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Fuer das Jahr 2024 belegen Mitschnitte die weitere Existenz folgender Mittelwellensender: 640 kHz RCN Santa Marta 890 kHz Radio Galeon de Caracol 1420 kHz Radio Magdalena 1480 kHz Radio Rodadero Mehr ueber (Yimber Gaviria-CLM via ARC mv-eko/WoR via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) CZECH REPUBLIC Question of Czech - Slovak music cult PIRATE station 'Radio Bila Hora' regular on air at new year's eve night on pirate frequency range of 3.1 to 3.3 MHz til 2017/2018 new year. Query on 'Bila Hora Radio'. Michael or Wolfie, Do either of you have information, if 'Radio Bila Hora' will broadcast on New Years Eve ? It's been several years since the station has been heard, and wondering the status of the station. Looking for possible times or freqs - wasn't this a pirate station? Thank you for any information. Happy New Year Gayle Van Horn W4GVH Global Radio Guide Shortwave Central Blog Shortwave Central YouTube Channel Teak Publishing Spectrum Monitor/Bits & Bytes Shortwave Central Kiwi SDR Northshore Studios Mandeville, LA, USA (Dec 27) Hello dear Gayle, Many thanks for your mail. Wolfie has asked a lot of experienced European DXers, if they know anything about a New Years Eve broadcast of 'Radio Bila Hora' this year, but no one had any information about it - sorry! I have also sent a mail to their last email address for reception reports which did not come back, but I also did not receive an answer. Anyway - we wish you a very Happy New Year 2025 and continued success for your publications, (Michael Bethge-D, wwdxc Dec 31) It's been several years since I have seen any reference to 'Bila Hora Radio' - and wondered if perhaps they might resurface for this year. I appreciate your reply and queries about the station. Gayle Van Horn W4GVH Global Radio Guide Shortwave Central Kiwi SDR Northshore Studios Mandeville, LA, USA (Dec 31) Moin, die Aelteren unter uns werden sich sicher noch an die kuriose tschechische P i r a t e n station "Radio Bila Hora" entsinnen, die immmer an Silvesterabenden sendete und Frequenzen wie 3333,33 kHz oder 2345,67 kHz angab (diese dann aber nie genau traf). Ich meine, die haben so vor 5 oder 6 ode 7 Jahren die letzte Sendung gefahren. Wolfgang Bueschel versucht gerade zu eruieren, ob da fuer morgen evtl. was geplant ist. Mir ist nichts bekannt. Jemand mit mehr Info ? (Martin Elbe-D DD9MW, via A-DX, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 30) Diese Angabe stimmt mit dem Datum meiner e-QSL-Karte ueberein. Man gab eine Ausgangsleistung von 180 W an, abgestrahlt ueber eine vertikale Delta Loop aus dem Locator JM79. (Willi Passmann-D DJ6JZ, via A-DX, via Martin Elbe-D DD9MW, Dec 30) Die letzte mir bekannte Sendung war Silvester 2017. Das war damals eine einmalige Reaktivierung nach laengerer Pause um einen der Protagonisten zu wuerdigen, der im Jahr 2017 verstarb. (73, Patrick Robic-AUT, via A-DX, via Martin Elbe-D DD9MW, Dec 30) Mein letzter Eintrag war 2017/18, nachdem schon in einigen Vorjahren von der "letzten" Sendung die Rede war. Tschechische Republik: Seit 2004 sendet als Silvesterstation 'Radio Bila Hora' ("weisser Berg"), bei der Erstsendung 2004 auf der Mittelwelle 1620 kHz (8. November 1620 Schlacht am Weissen Berg), doch schon 2005 auf der Kurzwelle 3333 kHz, die auch 2014 eingesetzt wurde. Sowohl 2012 als auch 2013 bestaetigten die QSLs die letztmalige Ausstrahlung. Nachdem 2015 das zehnjaehrige Jubilaeum auf der Kurzwelle ist, gibt es womoeglich auch in diesem Jahr etwas zu suchen. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 30) Tschechien - An Silvester 2017 war ab dem Nachmittag bis ins neue Jahr wieder 'Radio Bila Hora' zu hoeren. Die Station war auf 3381,2 kHz mit CSSR-Musik aktiv. Empfangsmeldungen kamen aus Mitteleuropa, aber auch aus Skandinavien. Empfangsberichte wurden unter der Adresse per e-QSL bestaetigt. Ein Beispiel findet man im Blog von Anatoly Klepov bei Received eQSL from the pirate station 'Radio Bila Hora' Reception 31 December 2017, 2115-2140 UT, 3381 kHz. Anatoly Klepov, Moscow-RUS, QSL World, RusDX 7 Jan 2018 via dxld. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 30) Thanks guys. Some more detailed 'Radio Bila Hora' data on wwdxc website bcdx-file archive, whole volumes can be downloaded as ZIP files: 12 Jan 2007, 11 Jan 2012, 29 Dec 2012, 05 Jan 2013, 12 Jan 2013, 02 Jan 2014, 12 Jan 2015, 01 Jan 2018, and 09 Jan 2018 items. wb. for example archive of 2017/2018 as of Jan 9, 2018: CZECH REPUBLIC 3381.260 kHz measured exact at 1720 UT tonight Dec 31, Radio Bila Hora noted on both Perseus units on neighborhood nations in Stein-am-anger in Western Hungary close to Styria Austria border on remote SDR unit of HA1VHF S=9 signal, and also on Bavarian/Czech border at DARClub Amberg Oberpfalz unit rather S=9+10dB little stronger, depends of selected antenna. Program is pre-recorded of formerly popular Czech singer of the 50ties and 60ties. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, to DXplorer yg, via BC-DX 1 Jan via dxld Jan 2, 2018) Re: Radio Bila Hora, Czech Republic, on 3381.260 kHz I also heard Radio Bila Hora on 3381.26 kHz on Dec 31, at 1510-1525 UT, when checking the 90 mb in Skovlunde, Denmark. Wellknown pop songs, but the signal was weak at that time: SINPO 23222 with QRM from a strong whistling tone [heterodyne] in USB. Now I tried it again at 2115-2125 UT, when they were heard stronger with Czeck entertainment with an audience. SINPO 33433 with same whistling tone. (Anker Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Dec 31 2017 via BC-DX 1 Jan 2018) Hi dear Anker, - heard only now and then few minutes -, radio program is typical for Czech - Slovak national feeling. It's not easy to understand background memories for foreigners. Rather stable fq, at 2130 UT noted on 3381.255 kHz five Hertz down. Still S=9+10dB signal strength here in eastern Bavaria on Czech Republic border area. (wb df5sx, to DXplorer yg, via BC-DX 1 Jan via dxld Jan 2, 2018) At 2300 UT (Midnight in Prague) they played two anthems, presumably including the Czech National Anthem and after a short pause resumed their prior programming with men and women talking and various music selections as heard prior to 2300 UT. At 2315.5-2318 UT a speech or reading by a man was played and then back to usual program. In this time period music was definitely not pop music but local songs. (Bruce Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Jan 1, 2018 via dxld) Falls jemand deren Webseite nicht kennt 2013: Liebe Hoerer, wie viele von Ihnen bereits in der letzten Sendung 31. Dec. 2012 - 1. Jan. 2013 kurz nach Mitternacht gehoert haben, wird RBH geschlossen. Die Gruende dafuer sind wie folgt: In letzter Zeit haben sich einige Ihrer "Kollegen" an ihre Vergangenheit erinnert und sich als Hoerer entschlossen, sich auf andere Weise an RBH zu beteiligen. Dieses Bemuehen fuehrte zu mehreren Denunziationen auf CTU. Da dies die offizielle Grundlage fuer deren Agieren war, sahen sich die CTU-Mitarbeiter gezwungen, eine aktivere Rolle in der RBH-Sendung zu uebernehmen, als dies bei der Aktion der Fall war. Wer sich mit Kurzwellensendungen befasst, weiss, dass die Ausrichtung des Senders bei der richtigen Wahl der Frequenz, der Art der Antenne und des umgebenden Gelaendes sehr kompliziert ist. Aus diesem Grund wurde RBH nie gefasst. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass die CTU-Mitarbeiter auch Menschen sind, und viele von ihnen sind Funkamateure, die unterschiedliche Vorstellungen davon haben, wie sie die Silvesternacht verbringen wollen, und in der Tschechischen Republik bei manchmal unguenstigem Wetter herumzufahren und nach illegalen {PIRATEN} Sendern zu suchen, gehoert sicher nicht dazu. Wir moechten uns bei den CTU-Mitarbeitern zutiefst entschuldigen. Ein weiterer Grund ist, dass es dem RBH endlich gelungen ist,die stehenden Wellen des tschechischen Kurzwellenaethers zu bewegen und den Aufbau wei- terer Stationen zu starten. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit fuer andere, zu zeigen, was sie drauf haben. Der letzte Grund ist aufzuhoeren, wenn es am besten ist. ... Diese acht Jahre haben wirklich gereicht, um nahezu Perfektion zu erreichen. {das passt zum Sylvester Alkohol-Konsum: ed.} Auch die Rolle von Alkohol spielt bei der Radiomusik-Uebertragung eine wichtige Rolle. Es kann nicht vollstaendig abgelehnt werden, da es den Moderator-Anfaenger ermutigt und die Nervositaet lindert. Allerdings darf man es nicht uebertreiben, der Grat zwischen Verbesserung der Moderationsfaehigkeiten und einem Versacken ist sehr schmal und ich empfehle jedem, unbedingt auszuprobieren, was dazu passt. (Roger Thauer-D, via A-DX, via Martin Elbe-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 30) DENMARK 15699.99v kHz 'World Music Radio', Randers, in Danish, Dec 29, 1406-1428 UT. (15699.994 - .995 - .994 kHz per UTwente, poor/very poor at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter.) playing Reggae songs, w/ woman brief an- nouncement at about 1410 UT, man announcement and ID at about 1421UT, then a lively Afropop song and Lat Am lively song; better in usb/lsb sync, non- stop rapid and deep qsb, strong qrn, fair/almost good w/ loud audio; in // 25800.02 kHz, Marslet, Aarhus site, poor/almost fair/fair at times. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) 15699.995 kHz DNK World Music Radio, S=4 very poor signal at 08.37 UT on Dec 26 into Doha Qatar ME, wb. ed. DENMARK 5930 kHz World Music Radio, Bramming, 1823-1847 UT on Dec 14, Latin American songs, songs in English, ID."WMR, World Music Radio" 25422. 5970 kHz Radio 208, Hvidovre, 1954-2018 UT on Dec 14, rock and pop songs in English, ID. "Radio 208". 25422. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx BrDXC.UK iogr Dec 15) ECUADOR 6050 kHz HCJB, Pico Pichincha heard at 0943 UT on Dec 28; a man speaking in listed Quechua and followed at 0945 UT by guitar music. Poor- fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) EGYPT Mauno Ritola vom World Radio TV Handbook hat Ende November 2024 folgende e-Mail-Adresse fuer Empfangsberichte weitergegeben: Zur Sprache, in der diese sein sollen, gab er nichts weiter, aber man wird davon ausgehen muessen, dass es mindestens Englisch ist und die Redaktionen diese Berichte eher nicht sehen. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) E'SWATINI 11660 kHz e-QSL TWR Africa (ESW) Manzini ex-Swaziland. E-mail: December 20, 2024, 16.30-17.00 UT. (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) FRANCE Radio France Internationale hat folgenden weitgehend hoerbestaetigten Sendeplan 2024/25: Franzoesisch 0400-0500 9790 kHz 250 kW, 140 degr 0400-0500 11700 kHz 500 kW, 135 degr 0500-0800 11700 kHz 250 kW, 160 degr 0600 Uhr 161 degr 0700 Uhr 196 degr 0500-0700 7390 kHz 250 kW, 157 degr 0600 Uhr 195 degr 0500-0700 9790 kHz 500 kW, 150 degr 0600 Uhr 180 degr 0600-0900 15300 kHz 250 kW, 150 degr 0700 Uhr 165 degr 0800 Uhr 200 degr 0700-0800 13695 kHz 250 kW, 180 degr 0730-0900 21580 kHz 250 kW, 152 degr 0800 Uhr 150 degr 0800-1000 17850 kHz 250 kW, 170 degr 0900 Uhr 200 degr 0800-1000 21690 kHz 250 kW, 160 degr 0800-0900 17690 kHz 250 kW, 175 degr 0900-1000 21580 kHz 500 kW, 150 degr 1200-1300 17660 kHz 500 kW, 175 degr 1200-1300 21580 kHz 250 kW, 200 degr 500 kW, 150 degr 1200-1300 21690 kHz 250 kW, 160 degr 1700-2000 15300 kHz 250 kW, 196 degr 1800 Uhr 200 degr 1900 Uhr 175 degr 1700-2000 17850 kHz 250 kW, 165 degr 1800 Uhr 150 degr 1700-1900 21580 kHz 250 kW, 155 degr 1800 Uhr 160 degr 1800-2000 13740 kHz 250 kW, 180 degr 1900 Uhr 160 degr 1900-2200 11995 kHz 250 kW, 200 degr 2000 Uhr 185 degr 1900-2000 9680 kHz 250 kW, 185 degr ungehoert 2000-2200 9790 kHz 250 kW, 200 degr Fulani (alle bestaetigt) 0730-0800 13710 kHz 250 kW, 180 degr 0830-0900 17660 kHz 250 kW, 180 degr 1300-1330 21580 kHz 250 kW, 180 degr 1730-1800 17620 kHz 250 kW, 180 degr Haussa (alle on air, aber nur morgens einigermassen zu hoeren. 0600-0630 9805 11995 kHz 250 kW, 170 degr 0700-0730 13740 15325 21580 kHz 250 kW, 170/164/152 degr azi 1600-1700 21580 kHz 250 kW, 170 degr 241118 nichts. 241119 kaum 2000-2030 11760 kHz 250 kW, 170 degr Mandinka (alle bestaetigt) 0700-0730 11875 kHz 250 kW, 201 degr 0800-0830 15455 kHz 250 kW, 198 degr 1200-1230 21615 kHz 250 kW, 198 degr 1700-1730 17620 kHz 250 kW, 200 degr Swahili (Madagaskar unhoerbar) 0430-0500 15215 kHz Madagaskar 250 kW, 305 degr 0530-0600 15215 kHz Madagaskar 250 kW, 305 degr 1500-1600 21690 kHz 250 kW, 145 degr Interessant: Die Ansage 'Radio France International' klingt eher nach Englisch als nach Franzoesisch. (via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) GERMANY origin {AUSTRIA/FRANCE/USA/UZBEKISTAN} NDR Gruss an Bord. from their newly rebranded page under 'Kurzwellen-Sendernetze' column. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipr-UKR, Oct 21) 9635v, et. al. [and non]. Media Broadcast B24 schedule: NDR Gruss an Bord at 1800-2100 UT on Dec 24: Nothing really listenable direct, possible only on 11, 13 and 15. WRMI Okeechobe-FL on 15770 kHz as usual too weak here off the side. At 1844+ UT I check UTwente. All of them are in music, except 9635.000 kHz - German talk ! Later they are all talking but 9635 kHz content does not match. Must be way out of synch at ORS Moosbrunn, why? 13829.999+ kHz MBR Nauen Germany 11649.999+ kHz TDF Issoudun-F 6079.962 kHz Tashkent-UZB VG S=9+20/30dB 6030.047 kHz TDF Issoudun-F VG S=9+20/25dB. By 2057 UT check, 9635 kHz is off already; 6079.962 kHz with lots of applause, no ID, and 2100 UT into Korean: nothing so scheduled in Aoki & EiBi database lists, but China already in Chinese at 2025-0100 UT on 6080 kHz. Aha, in EiBi list by time, Korean starts at 2100 UT via Uzbekistan on 7540 kHz, Clandestine target radio 'Voice of Martyrs'. USAGM RFA & CRI also Korean but not via Tashkent-UZB. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) Tonight's broadcast of 'Gruss an Bord' from NDR Hamburg confirmed here on all 6 frequencies with 6080 kHz from Tashkent-UZB being by far the strongest, at 1915 UT tune-in. (Dave Kenny-Caversham, Berks-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Dec 24) Re: Media Broadcast B24 schedule: NDR Gruss an Bord NDR Hamburg. Quick check at 1940 UT: 6030, 9635, 11650 kHz are in synch, 13830 kHz is six seconds behind, 6080 kHz nine seconds, 15770 kHz about 13 seconds. Seems to confirm that 9635 kHz indeed comes from ORS Moosbrunn, as swan song of the big rotatable antenna. Contradictory data had appeared in ad- vance, perhaps related to the question which MBR Nauen transmissions of TWR may or may not be reinstated (see the notes from Hansjoerg Biener that already more of them reappeared at Talata Volonondry-MDG ). What causes this: TDF Issoudun and ORS Moosbrunn do it the classic way and pointed a satellite dish at 19.2deg. East, only for this single broadcast, at least as far as TDF Issoudun is concerned (there is a possibility that the already defunct 6155 kHz transmission at ORS Moosbrunn used satellite instead of FM as signal source). Nauen apparently uses IP,this delay should be too much for being explained by different satellite receivers. CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent-UZB and WRMI Okeechobee-FL-USA relays do anyway, with the satellite signal being out of reach. Had a good laugh when one guest remarked (in this recording from more than two weeks ago ... ) that the recipient of his greeting will have no time to listen live but perhaps catch the podcast. (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Dec 24) Due to "duplicity of events" I was forced to record the above program. Listening to the recording today (9635 kHz), an obvious glitch of the NDR Hamburg came to light: From 1800-1900 UT, "Mikado - Das Radio fuer Kinder" was broadcast. "Gruss an Bord" then afterwards from 1900 UT. Did nobody else notice this glitch? (Uwe Volk, Tha Mai, Chanthaburi Prov.-THA, wor Dec 27) Re: It was even worse in 2021: "Gruss an Bord 2021: A Review of the Problems. Richard Langley Dec 27. Broadcast of the 2021 edition of 'Gruss an Bord' from Norddeutscher Rund- funk (NDR) via shortwave transmitters had some major problems. Despite ad- vanced notice that indicated otherwise, this year, the program was broad- cast only by the NDR Info network within Germany unlike in past years when it was carried by both the NDR Info and NDR Info Spezial networks. The program via NDR Info and the SW relays was scheduled between 18:00 and 21:00 UTC on 24 December, {2021}. The SW relays were handled by Media Broadcast. "Problem 1: Media Broadcast fed the SW stations the audio from the NDR Hamburg Info Spezial network. That network was carrying children's pro- gramming (as usual on weekdays) from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC. In particular, it was the Mikado program ("the program for children of all ages! Every week there is children's news, radio plays, reports, book tips and much more"), which was taken up on this occasion mostly by a play called "Hilfe, die Herdmanns kommen!" (Help, the Herdmanns are coming!) read by the actor Henning Venske. This is a nativit play that threatens to sink into chaos and is apparently a favourite on Christmas Eve in Germany. So that was what mariners around the world heard on SW for the first hour. The mistake was discovered by MB after a call from Harald Kuhl (DL1AX). On or around 19:00UT, almost all of the SW transmitters started to relay Gruss an Bord. Except for WRMI. "Problem 2: For the first time, WRMI was to participate in the SW relays of 'Gruss an Bord' and supply a signal to mariners in the NorthAtlantic on 15770 kHz. WRMI normally carries the audio of Supreme Master TV in the 18:00 to 20:00 UT time slot on 15770 kHz. And that is what they broadcast on Christmas Eve, having forgotten to switch feeds on this occasion or their control software had a fault. And at 21:00UT, the regularly schedul- ed 'Radio for Peace International' program was initially broadcast. At some point during the first half hour, WRMI joined the 'Gruss an Board' program in progress. So, WRMI carried very little of Gruss an Board. At about 21:00 UT, there was a WRMI ID, which was followed by at least 6 mi- nutes of music, likely the "Oldies" programming. But at some point, they re-joined NDR Info, which was then carrying a church service (Catholic Christmas mass from the Basilika Sankt Clemens in Hannover). In past years,a church service was an integral part of the 'Gruss an Bord' program. But it was dropped from the program this year. WRMI stayed with the NDR Info programming right up to and past 22:00 UT, carrying at least the first part of the overnight ARD Infonacht news programming (ARD 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft der oeffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland' - no wonder they abbreviate it). "Let's hope we have no problems with Gruss an Bord in 2022 should it continue to be broadcast." (Richard Langley-New Brunswick-CAN, wor Dec 27) The main program from 1900-2100 was advertised as "via NDR Info + NDR Info Spezial". However, their program differed 1 hour before. - NDR Info: "1 h warm up". - NDR Info Spezial: Children's program "MIKADO". The 9635 kHz had therefore been feeded incorrectly. 2h 57 min (Uwe Volk/Roger Thauer/Glenn Hauser via gh OK-USA, wor Dec 27) GERMANY origin {AUSTRIA/FRANCE/USA/UZBEKISTAN} Media Broadcast B24 schedule: NDR Hamburg 'Gruss an Bord' single day operation. 6030 kHz even and variable fqy up and down 6030.var038...x.045 kHz trans- mission. I have reconsidered this variable co-channel fqy situation: 6030even signal was coming from Gedja Ethiopia in Oromo language, ... and the 2nd variable frequency signal on the exact x.038 ... 6030.045 kHz frequency range observed, is the long known faulty transmitter unit in TDF Issoudun bcast center, which was in use for years at night for Jeff White's anti-Cuba station 'Radio Republica' on variable fqy 9490 kHz 150kW decreased power 285degr azimuth. 6030 kHz even channel backlobe signal suffered in Central and SoEaEurope on co-ch {likely} Gedja Oromo sce ETH 11650 kHz transmission of TDF Issoudun S=9 or -63dBm suffered at Brazil Noronha island NoEaBrazil Kiwi_set remotedly reception on lower sideband by UTE signal whistle on 11648.17 kHz lower side. * 6030variable (via TDF Issoudun France) - corrected item: 6030even exact fqy Gedja Ethiopia, Oromo service, S=9+30dB or -51dBm strength in southern Bavaria Amberg Perseus unit remotedly, and co-channel unstable fqy of 6030.038 ... x.045 kHz oddity kHz heterodyne tone co-channel suffer S=7 or -89dBm strength. S=9+25dB -53dBm in Athens Greece remotedly, at 19.35 UT. S=S=8 signal in AB-CAN on Perseus-net remotedly at 20.00 UT. * 6080 (via Tashkent), via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent installation center odd fq from Tashkent-UZB: 6079.961 kHz S=9+5 dB -67dBm in Bavaria Germany EU or S=9+40dB in Doha, Qatar ME SDR remotedly - best audio and strong signal heard so far on Perseus SDR units. * 9635 (via ORS Moosbrunn, Austria) 9635 kHz NDR - Gruss an Bord (Greetings on board) via ORS Moosbrunn-AUT, 1805-1819 UT, Dec 24, German, comments. 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Log Friol-ESP, hcdx BrDXC-UK iogr Dec 24) S=5 in Amberg, Bavaria Germany EU remotedly, ORS Moosbrunn outlet signal on low distance, poor signal S=9+25dB at 19.40 UT in Doha Qatar ME remotedly, S=9+45dB powerhouse in Athens Greece at 19.58 UT * 11650 (via TDF Issoudun, France), S=7 in Doha Qatar ME at 19.50 UT S=9+10dB in Athens Greece. S=7 signal in Edmonton-AB-CAN S=8 stremgth. * 13830 (via MBR Nauen, Germany EU) S=9+10dB at 20.02 UT in Athens Greece. * 15770 (via WRMI Okeechobee FL-USA site). Nothing heard in Amberg, Bavaria, Germany. Nothing heard in Doha, QatarME. Poor S=4-5 signal noted in Athens Greece, bad 19 meterband propagation tonight, but best signal noted on Perseus unit at Edmonton-AB-CAN NoAM. Remotedly in Kiwi_SDR set at TWR Johannesbourg bureau, RSA South Africa: at 19.25 UT on Dec 24: 6030 and 6079v kHz nil - nothing heard. 9635 S=8 or -71dBm signal strength. 11650 S=7 or -78dBm signal. 13830 nil, empty channel. 15770 RMI Okeechobee FL S=6 or -89dBm poor. Brazil Sao Paulo Kiwi-SDRnet unit remotedly, thanks Rudolf Grimm installed 6030 and 6079v kHz nil nothing heard. 9635 S=6 or -95dBm 11650 S=6 or -92dBm 13830 S=3 or -113dBm 15770 kHz S=4 JBA -117dBm useless. Brazil Noronha island in NoEastern Brazil Kiwi_set 6030 S=9+25dB -51dBm TDF ISS powerhouse across Atlantic Ocean propagation 6080 nil nothing heard. 9635 S=6 or -71dBm 11650 S=9 or -63dBm, but suffered by UTE signal whistle on co-channel 11648.17 kHz lower side. 13830 nil - S=1-2 under threshold. Brazil Remotedly used Kiwi_net_stn at Brasilia capital 6030 and 6079v kHz nil, nothing heard 9635 S=7 or -84dBm 11650 S=7 or -81dBm 13830 S=5 or -103dBm 15770 S=4 or -108dBm. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 24) GERMANY SM Radio Dessau hat ab dem 1. Januar 2025 folgenden Sendeplan: 2. Sun des Monats, 1200-1300 UT: 6070 kHz Rohrbach Waal 10 kW, 6095 kHz MBR Nauen 100 kW. Alle Sendungen fuer 2025 sind bereits bestaetigt worden, zunaechst also die am 12. Jan, 9. Febr und 9. March 2025. Aussagekraeftige Empfangs- berichte sind willkommen bei Max Berger Saalestrasse 44 06846 Dessau Germany EU e-mail Max Berger hat noch ein zweites Thema: Lokomotiven. Vom 5. Dezember 2024 bis 9.Januar 2025 hat er eine Ausstellung Eisenbahnen in Mitteldeutschland, die aufgrund der Feiertagsschliessung nur noch vom 7. bis 9. Januar besuchbar ist. Fachbibliothek Umwelt, Umweltbundesamt, Woerlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau- Rosslau, Dienstag/Mittwoch 09.00-15.30 Uhr MEZ, Donnerstag 09.00-17.00 Uhr MEZ. (Thomas Becker via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) GERMANY/ITU Bundesnetzagentur verlaengert Duldungsregelungen fuer Klasse E auf 6 meterband und Klasse A auf 4 meterband. Im am 18. Dec. veroeffentlichten Amtsblatt 2024-24 informiert die Bundes- netzagentur (BNetzA) darueber, dass die fuer das laufende Jahr geltende Duldungsregelung fuer 4 mb bis zum 31. Dec. 2025 verlaengert wird. Inhaber der Lizenzklasse A duerfen also auch im kommenden Jahr die Aus- breitungsphaenomene dieses interessanten Bandes nutzen. Besonders erfreu- lich ist allerdings, dass auch die Klasse E ab dem 1. Jan. 2025 nun wieder im 6-m-Band funken darf. Mit dem Inkrafttreten der novellierten Amateurfunkverordnung am 24. June diesen Jahres war deren Duldungsregelung ausgelaufen. "Unsere vielen Ge- spraeche beim Ministerium und der BNetzA haben also Erfolg gehabt, und neben der Klasse A darf nun auch die Klasse E wieder dieses Band an der Grenze zwischen Kurz- und Ultrakurzwelle aktiv nutzen", freut sich Christian Entsfellner, DL3MBG. Diese gute und vertrauensvolle Zusam- menarbeit zwischen Runder Tisch Amateurfunk (RTA), BNetzA, Primaer- nutzer Bundeswehr und dem Referat Frequenzmanagement des DARC hat sich erneut bewaehrt. Im Frequenzbereich 50,0 bis 50,4 MHz duerfen Inhaber der Genehmigungs- klasse E mit maximal 100 Watt PEP senden, nur horizontale Polarisation ist erlaubt. Im Rest des Bandes sind maximal 25 Watt PEP zulaessig. Im 4-m-Band ist ausschliesslich fuer Inhaber der A-Lizenz Funkbetrieb im Frequenzbereich 70.150 - 70.210 MHz zulaessig. Die maximale Sendeleistung betraegt 25 Watt ERP, bei horizontaler Polarisation. Die Amtsblaetter der Bundesnetzagentur koennen auf der Webseite der Regulierungsbehoerde heruntergeladen werden [1]. Darueber informieren Christian Entsfellner, DL3MBG, Vorsitzender des DARC e.V./RTA-Vorsitzender und Bernd J. Mischlewski, DF2ZC, Referent Frequenzmanagement. [1] (DARC Weihnachts-Deutschland-Rundspruch 2024, Dec 19 / 22, 2024) INDIA/BHARAT 9859.809 kHz much fqy oddity - Akashvani/exAIR New Delhi Kingsway center site outlet, at 11.45 UT on Dec 31, Tibetan scheduled 10.45-12.15 UT. Sideband QRM also by China mainland jamming on even 9860 kHz in Mandarin Chinese too. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 31) 11810 kHz AIR Akashvani external sce via Bengaluru site, Dec 29; great signal today for Pashto pgm, interestingly noted with a brief recorded segment from En bcst at 1354 UT, OM and YL reading listener letters in English. Then 1355 UT OM back to Pashto lang pgm with OM giving schedule info and then a nx summary. 1400 UT runs past sked shutdown, with YL in another lang reading commentary. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) INDIA/MYANMAR Akashvani Kohima and Thazin Radio on 639 kHz - co-ch. 639 kHz Akashvani Kohima, 1154+ UT, Dec 21, via the Kiwi SDR remote at Dimapur; in English; commercial announcement for visiting Lexus showroom; intro ID ("Good evening listeners and we welcome you to music with a grove on Akashvani Kohima"); light QRM. My remote audio 639 kHz Akashvani Kohima, at 1401 UT on Dec 23, via the Kiwi SDR remote at Dimapur-IND; Kohima dominating the frequency; commercial announcements; intro ID (DJ with "Music all for you" request show). Mixing with Thazin Radio (Myanmar*), but weaker. Thazin Radio best heard from 01:21+ UT on my remote audio. Pyin Oo Lwin of Myawaddy Radio center - Thazin Radio from Pyin Oo Lwi some 207 kilometers distant location north of new capital Nay Pyi Daw. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct & wor io.groups Dec 23) LAOS 567 kHz mediumwave - FINALLY heard Laos !!! (detailed, Kiwi_net link with clearest audio ) 567 kHz FINALLY heard the Lao station via the la6lu kiwiSDR at Hua Hin THA with even better signal at -50!!dbm in the mixed with a Hindi? station. Talks in Lao with many references to Vietnam. Mix of music with talks by YL and "mor lam" [semi traditional] type songs. Quite better at 1237 UT Dec 23 with signal raising to -47!!!dbm at 1245 UT and then the signal faded out to -60 that is 25db SNR and again faded in to the end of the program at 13z then carrier. One minute end program in the link, the most clear ever sound (max wide AM )! ! Note that the So Phisai kiwi_SDR is now too noisy, with -70dbm noise in the MW band. The Udorn Thani SDR unit is now 2-3 days offline. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Dec 23) LUXEMBOURG 7275 kHz Radio Luxembourg DRMode. This is a bit of a Christmas gift to the assembled multitude. As many may recall, back around 2007 year, RTL relaunched Radio Luxembourg in English as a test of DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale mode). The service was broadcast in 7295kHz and also streamed on the internet. These files, while not recordings of DRM reception, are recordings of the web stream and are nonetheless presented as an archive of the history of The Great 208. Each file (123 in total) - except for the first one - is about 3 hours long. That's over 370 hours of history. I think they all feature Enda Caldwell as DJ. They were recorded by me back in 2007 year. (via Tony Pavick, Hope BC-CAN, BrDXC-UK iogr Dec 25) MADAGASCAR 11610 kHz (Mahajanga bcast center site) Light of Life / World Christian Broadcasting / R. Feda at 2110 UT (in progress) trad. Christmas music, lecture by man in Chinese dialect. Went to Arabic with Radio Feda ID at 2200 UT, with talk and music. Good on Dec 25. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Dec 26) MALI 5995 kHz Radio Mali, Bamako I center, 1843-1906UT, Dec 14, African songs, at 1850 UT English, program "English Magazine", male, female, news and comments about Mali in English, at 1900 UT African songs. 25322. 9635 kHz Radio Mali, Bamako I center, 0834-0851 UT, Dec 15, French, comments, advertisements, ID. "Bamako, la Radio Nationale du Mali", African songs. 25422. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx BrDXC.UK iogr Dec 15) MALI China Radio International hat unveraendert folgenden, im November 2024 bis auf die letzte Stunde durchgehoerten Sendeplan aus Mali, Bamako II center: 1300-1400 Uhr 13685 17880 kHz 100 kW, 111 degr Franzoesisch 1430-1600 Uhr 13685 17630 kHz 100 kW, 111 degr/85 degr En Roundtable. 1600 Uhr Nx. 1605 Uhr The Bridge 1600-1700 Uhr 15125 17880 kHz 100 kW, 85 degr/20 degr Arabisch 1700-1800 Uhr 13645 15125 kHz 100 kW, 111 degr KiSwahili 1800-1830 Uhr 11640 13645 kHz 100 kW, 85 degr/111 degr Haussa 1830-1930 Uhr 11640 13685 kHz 100 kW, 85 degr/ 20 degr Arabisch 1930-2000 Uhr 11640 13630 kHz 100 kW, 111 degr Portugiesisch Musik 2000-2130 Uhr 11640 13630 kHz 100 kW, 111 degr En Nx. 2005 Uhr The Bridge. 2100 Uhr Nx. 2105 Uhr Alight on Literature 2130-2230 Uhr [11975s 13630] kHz 100 kW, 20/111 degr Franzoesisch Tatsaechlich traegt das Relais eine Hauptlast fuer die Kurzwellenausstrah- lung der afrikanischen Sprachen. Das englische Programm ist einfach CGTN Radio // zu anderen Standorten. Die Afrika-bezogenen Podcasts von CGTN Radio sind nicht Teil der aus Mali ausgestrahlten englischsprachigen Sen- dungen. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) MW Europe - loggings of December 22, from Sicily NE, Italy. Hello radio friends, My best wishes of Season's Greetings and Happy New Year 2025. Here are my loggings of December 22, 2024 1170 22/12 1630 Radio Capodistria, SVN-Beki Kriz Nx It 14422 1179 22/12 1637 Radio Romania Actualitati, ROU-Bacau/Galbeni Mx Ro 34544 1188 22/12 1639 Nemzetisegi Adasok, HNG-Marcali/Kisperjes Px Hu 34533 1197 22/12 1640 Radio Targu Mures, ROU-Brasov/Bod Mx Ro 35533 1251 22/12 1641 Danko Radio, HNG-Nyiregyhaza Px Hu 24522 1278 22/12 1642 UR1 Pershiy kanal, UKR-Pokrovske Px Ukr 24522 1287 22712 1643 SER Radio Lugo, ESP-Lugo/As Arierias Px E 14522 1305 22/12 1645 ERT1 Proto Programma GRC-Tripolis Px Gr 24522 1314 22/12 1647 Antena Satelor, ROU-Constanta Mx Ro 24533 1332 22/12 1648 Radio Romania Actualitati, ROU-Galati Mx Ro 34533 1404 22/12 1649 Radio Cluj, ROU-Sighetu Px Ro 24522 1413 22/12 1650 Vesti FM,MDA-Grigoriopol/Maiac Px Ru 44544 1494 22/12 1651 Radio Moldova, MDA Cahul/Cotihana Px Ro 34533 1530 22/12 1652 Radio Constanta, ROU-Nuf?r Px Ro 24522 1593 22/12 1653 Radio Cluj, ROU-Oradea/Ront?u Px Ro 34533 (Tanino Marabello QTH Messina, Sicily-ITA, ? SWLing Post ?, wor ? Dec 24) MONGOLIA 12085 kHz Voice of Mongolia, Ulan Bator, Dec 21; fair-almost good signal with JP service noted at 1040 UT with OM presenting news, then into series of Asian operatic musical selections by in OM and YL in Mongo- lian, alternating with YL ancr. Audio sounds like underneath a second carrier on fqy, like almost zero-beat but with a low note probably just an xmtr artifact. 1058 UT YL with closing anmt f/by IS tuning melody. Signal deteriorated by now, was better earlier, at tune in. Time pips to TOH and then dead air to -1101.15*UT when pulled plug on xmtr. Quite pleased to note this one still hanging in there on SWBC. Also a famously good QSLer. Sked on this fqy is 0900-1100, cycling in half-hr xmsns through En/Mongolian/Chinese/JP. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) 12084.5 kHz Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, *0900-0915 UT on Dec 15, interval signal, ID. "Voice of Mongolia in English", English, comments, female, Mongolian songs. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx BrDXC.UK iogr Dec 15) also VoMNG schedule on 12015 kHz shortwave channel, but not on air Dec 31 1300-1330 MNG VOICE OF MONGOLIA Jpn Ulaanbaatar 1330-1400 MNG VOICE OF MONGOLIA Mon Ulaanbaatar 1400-1430 MNG VOICE OF MONGOLIA Chi Ulaanbaatar 1430-1500 MNG VOICE OF MONGOLIA Eng Ulaanbaatar Co-ch nearby UTE rtty twin signals on 12016.670 / 12017.426kHz approx. ed. MYANMAR 5915 kHz Myanmar R. via Nay Pyi Daw new capital, fair signal and channel clear this morning at 1245 check, familiar YL in sing-song intona- tion Burmese with national news, ending at 1250 UT and into mellow local mx pgm. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) 5985 kHz Myanmar Radio via Yangon site, 1317 UT on Dec 16, noted poor sig- nal with YL in lilting Burmese tlks, splattered by 5980 kHz USAGM Marti. This channel is usually much harder for me to hear in central USA compared to 5915 kHz, when co-channel QRM from CRI is not scheduled on latter fqy. 5915 kHz better at same time ... fair signal and mx pgm. 5985 kHz Myanmar Radio via Yangon site, Dec 19, fair-good signal today at 1253 UT with OM and YL chat in Burmese, along with exotic-sounding instl mx on plucked stringed inst and YL singer. For some reason, thank the hea- vens, the usual obliterating splatter QRM from USAGM Marti 5980 kHz is not quite blanketing 5985 kHz today, when Marti in tlk segments. Soft ballad by YL with orch at 1258 UT rolls right through UTC 1300 TOH (because is local time BOH in Yangon, 7:30 pm). (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) 7345 kHz Thazin Radio via Naypyidaw {sic (!) - also wrong in Aoki Nagoya Perseus list, for whatever erroneous reason ? Thazin Radio located rather more 207 kilometers far north at Pyin Oo Lwin village at 22 00 59.09 N 96 32 52.90 E picture of 22-Apr-2023 or sat pic of 3-2019 or instead of Nay Pyi Daw new capital village 5915 kHz location southwards at 20 10 51.01 N 96 08 41.04 E picture 10-June-2024 or or see Google Earth screenhot files of Pyin Oo Lwin, Nay Pyi Daw, and old empire stn Rangoon former capital too, via free download from cloud box Dec 20, fair-good signal at 1259 UT with YL in lilting Burmese tlks, read- ing some narrative over subdued signal from CNR-7 this morning. She keeps talking straight through TOH since in Myanmar, it is the BOH in local time, of course. At 1302 UT Burmese-flavored mx from Thazin, sentimental melody by YL singing with orch, easy to keep separate from CNR-7 at this time which has OM and YL reading Cantonese nx. At 1306 UT another vocal song by Thazin. By 1310 UT they are getting mixed up more when Thazin also goes into spoken programming. But Thazin soon re- turns to mx while China mainly talks. The CNR-7 // 13770 kHz quite poor this morning, not helping to disentangle. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) NEW ZEALAND 13755 kHz RNZ Pacific from Rangitaiki site, at 1200 UT. Christmas music bf the hour, quick newscast (leading with NYC murder where woman riding subway was set afire), Non-Christmas music programming after. Good on Dec 23. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update via wor Dec 26) 7390 kHz Radio New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki heard at 1338 UT on Dec 16; an interview of a man concerning the effects of climate change in the Pacific Region. Mostly poor and more difficult to understand than usual. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) 7390 kHz RNZ Pacific in En to Oceania, Dec 22, at 1530-1538 UT. SIO 333. Blues and folk MX. YL announcer. Heavy QRN, flutter on the signal. Listen- able. OM joins at 1533 UT. QRN increasing as sun rises here in the Pacific Northwest. OM / YL conversation follows MX. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) 11690 kHz RNZ Pacific from Rangitaiki site, 1651 UT on Dec 17. En: DRMode ID and filler music until News at ToH. News items included Vanuatu earth- quake ad NZ politics Perfect with minimal drops until ToH News, A 15 min video clip is available at (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) PERU 4820 kHz Radio Senda Cristiana (The Christian Way Radio), 0303:06* UT, Dec 22, via Kiwi SDR remote at Mbutuy, Paraguay; off with IDs and choral National Anthem. My remote audio (Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 22) ROMANIA Re: Radio Romania International. 7310 kHz coming in very well into Masset. 7375 kHz is not quite as strong. (Walt Volodya Salmaniw, Masset-BC-CAN, or remote QTH on Haida Gwaii off the NW coast of BC, Canada, wor & hcdx Dec 22) And for the 21:30 UTC half-hour English broadcast to the east coast of North_AM and Europe, the frequencies now are 7375 and 7310 kHz (previous- ly 9500 kHz). Good reception in New-Brunswick today (22 December) on both frequencies.In the news item today, a mention of the end of Communist rule in Romania. (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Dec 23) ROMANIA Frequenzaenderung der deutschsprachigen Sendungen von RRI. Liebe Hoererfreunde, der rumaenische Senderbetreiber RADIOCOM hat uns kurzfristig mitgeteilt,dass er aufgrund von laenger anhaltenden Stoerungen an einem der Sender am Standort Tiganesti die Ausstrahlung der deutsch- sprachigen Sendungen von RRI voruebergehend wie folgt veraendert: Uhrzeit Frequenz Meter Ziel- UTC kHz band gebiet 07.00-07.30 9440 31 Mittel- und Westeuropa 15.00-16.00 11660 25 Mittel- und Westeuropa 19.00-20.00 6180 49 Mittel- und Westeuropa Wir bitten um Ihr Verstaendnis. Mit freundlichen Gruessen DIE REDAKTION. Radio Rumaenien International Deutscher Dienst P.O.B. 111 Str. General Berthelot 60-64 RO-010171, Bukarest, Rumaenien, EU Tel: 0040-21-303-11-88 0040-21-303-13-88 Fax: 0040-21-319-05-62 E-mail: (RRI, Dec 24) Re: Radio Romania International fqy changes in B24 now. "Dear friends, Radiocom has reported a major malfunction at one of {three} the shortwave transmitters in Tiganesti, north of Bucharest. The RRI pro- grams have been temporarily moved to a second transmitter, to other fre- quencies and, partially, to other target areas.You can temporarily receive our programs as follows: RECEPTION AREAS UTC kHz WESTERN EUROPE 06.30-07.00 9870 12.00-13.00 17700 18.00-19.00 9770 21.30-22.00 7375 23.00-24.00 7220 AFRICA 12.00-13.00 21470 NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 21.30-22.00 7310 01.00-02.00 7325 NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 04.00-05.00 7410 JAPAN 23.00-24.00 7325 INDIA (New Delhi) 06.30-07.00 21470 (DRM) INDIA (Mumbai) 04.00-05.00 15250 (DRM) In German 07.00-07.30 9440 kHz 15.00-16.00 11660 kHz Only DRM {but sometimes irreg on AM mode, wb.} 19.00-20.00 6180 kHz In Russian 05.30-05.56 7330 kHz 14.00-14.56 15260 kHz 16.00-16.26 11695 kHz Ukrainian, Italian, Serbian and Aromanian have seen no changes as they are transmitted from a separta 100 kW tx in Saftica, via a horizontal- log-periodic antenna - in revolving mode. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipr-UKR, wor Dec 25) re: Radio Romania International, technical problems. Here are the following technical information of RRI: We would like to inform you that Radiocom Romania has a major breakdown in one of the shortwave transmitters in Tiganesti, north of Bucharest, and therefore RRI programs have been temporarily moved to a second trans- mitter on other frequencies and, in part, to other target areas. The following frequency changes have been made: The 00:00 UTC Spanish broadcast (directed to SouthAmerica) will be tuned to the frequency of 15200 kHz. The 03:00 UTC Spanish broadcast (directed to SouthAmerica) will be tuned to the frequency of 11800 kHz. ... and also the 20:00 UT broadcast to Spain, the 11730 kHz frequency will be replaced by the 9500 kHz. ed. wb. Thank you very much for listening to RRI in Spanish and for supporting our work. V. Sepciu - RRI Spanish service (via Tanino Marabello, QTH Messina, Sicily-ITA, wor Dec 26) ROMANIA 15425 kHz IRRS Oromia National Media via Galbeni {? IRRS Milano to Horn of Africa via Romanian RadioCom was only using Radiocom Tiganesti* equipment in the past ... like 157 ... 175 degr azimuth dipole curtain array - 4700 kilometers distance target. ed.} heard at 1603 UT on Dec 17; an HOAfrica song which was followed at 1605 UT by a man speaking at warp speed in listed Oromo language. Poor-fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) IRRS Milano vailed all their SW action. * Pentru transmiterea programelor de radiodifuziune externa se utilizeaza o retea formata din 6 emitatoare de unde scurte instalate în cele trei centre de emisie de la Tiganesti (3), Galbeni (2) si Saftica (1). ed. RUSSIA/USSR radio history. Prohibited frequencies in the USSR. Any radio station can be tuned to the desired frequency in its operating range. But not all frequencies are permitted for free use. Broadcasting on prohibited frequencies can result in a large fine and confiscation of radio equipment by court order. Therefore, anyone who buys a radio should know which frequencies will be available to them immediately, and for which they will need a license. In addition, it is necessary to register radio equipment that will operate in prohibited frequency ranges. Russian legislation divides all frequencies into three types: civil, offi- cial and amateur radio. The first are available to ordinary citizens for private or corporate communications, the second are used by federal de- partments and services (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency Situa- tions, FSB, police, etc.), and the third are allocated for communication between amateurs. The law allows the use of three ranges of civil frequen- cies without registration. Details in Russian: (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1320 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 15) RADIO MUSEUMS IN RUSSIA. Central Military-Historical Museum of Artillery and Signal Corps. The Artillery Museum, according to legend, was created back in 1703 year by Tsar PeterI himself. The museum's collection certainly deserves respect and admiration, but this is in terms of artillery itself, while the sec- tion dedicated to the signal troops and the signal equipment itself is relatively young. It was created in Moscow as a separate unit back in 1944 year during the Second World War by Marshal of the Signal Corps I. T. Peresypkin and was called the Military Museum of Communications and was supposed to capture the feat of military signalmen during the war. But almost immediately after the end of the war, the museum was transferred to Leningrad to the Military Academy of Communications. There it remained until 1965 year, when by decree of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces it was transferred to the Military History Museum of Artillery and Engineering Troops. The exhibition dedicated to communica- tions equipment and signal troops has only two overview halls and is de- voted mostly to the period of the Great Patriotic War, but there are also exhibits from the post-war period. Details in Russian: (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1320 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 15) TV set of the Leningrad Plant named after Kozitsky "Leningrad T-1". Photo from the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1320 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 15) RUSSIA New Year is marching across the country: what time is New Year celebrated in different regions of Russia. In Russia, New Year can be celebrated as many as 11 times. And all because our country is territori- ally divided into several time zones. Attention - Moscow time, UT +3 hrs : 15.00 Traditionally, the first to celebrate the New Year in Russia are residents of Kamchatka and Chukotka. 16.00 The onset of the New Year is celebrated in the Magadan and Sakhalin regions. 17.00 The New Year is celebrated in Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the western part of the Sakhalin Region. 18.00 The holiday comes to residents of Yakutia, Zabaikalsky Krai and Amur Region. 19.00 Residents of Buryatia and Irkutsk Region join in. 20.00 The chimes are already heard in Krasnoyarsk and Altai Krais, Kemerovo, Tomsk and Novosibirsk Oblasts, as well as in the Altai and Tuva Republics. 21.00 Residents of Omsk Oblast celebrate the New Year. 22.00 The holiday begins to be celebrated in Chelyabinsk, Tyumen and Sverdlovsk Oblasts, Perm Krai and the Republic of Bashkortostan. 23.00 Glasses of champagne are raised in Udmurtia, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk and Astrakhan Oblasts. 00:00 Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as the Moscow, Leningrad, Tyumen, Kirov, Volgograd, Bryansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Kaluga, Ryazan, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Simferopol regions, the Crimean Peninsula, the Re- public of Tatarstan, the Kabardino-Balkarian, Chechen and Karachay- herkess Republics, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories begin mass festi- vities. 01:00 Residents of the Kaliningrad Region, the westernmost region of Russia, are the last in the country to celebrate the New Year. How long does the chimes last on New Year's Eve ? the chimes + the anthem last exactly 1 minute; 12 chimes last 12 seconds; the melody before the chimes lasts about 20 seconds. (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) RUSSIA Today (December 24) is the 50th anniversary of the legendary Radio Center No. 5. The history of Radio Center No. 5 dates back to December 24, 1974, when, on the basis of Order No. 607 of the USSR Ministry of Communications dated December 24, 1974, the USSR Minister of Communications established Radio Station No. 1 of the Kaliningrad Radio Center of the Kaliningrad Production and Technical Communications Directorate on the basis of faci- lity No. 903. The station started operating a Typhoon transmitter with a capacity of 2 blocks of 500 kW, which broadcast the 1st Union program at a frequency of 173 kHz on long waves. Today, Radio Center No.5 is equipped with modern radio transmitting equip- ment and is one of the most powerful and efficient transmitting broadcast- ing centers in the Russian Federation. (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) RUSSIA Das Radio Centre 5 in Kaliningrad hat am 21. November 2024 auf 1215 kHz mit 150 kW eine Testsendung fuer Radio Rossii ausgestrahlt. Ein Empfangsbericht wurde am selben Tag von Andrey Molokov mit einer vollstaendigen e-QSL beantwortet. Die QSL kann man bei betrachten. (Peter Reuderink mediumwave.info via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) SPAIN 17755 kHz Nov 21 at 1905 UT, REE Noblejas site frequency for Africa is finally back on air, JBA into Maryland, but S7/S9 on 17754.991 kHz into UTwente remotedly heard. 17715 & 12030 kHz also audible at both; and 9690 kHz for NoAM is again INaudible {sic} at both. Something's not- right a Noblejas. I was checking 17755 kHz again since JRX in Brasil first reported it at 1740UT today. 17755 kHz was last noted here Nov 8, and first noted missing on Nov 11. 9690 kHz was also off again as of yesterday Nov 20. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1180 Dec 1) SPAIN New stamp from correos.es. New stamp to celebrate the 100th anniversary of broadcasting in Spain: (gh via Paul Gager-AUT, at BrDXC-UK iogr news Dec 29) SWITZERLAND Swiss public radio stations leave FM tonight. This has been scheduled for some time of course, but today's the last day of FM broad- casting for publicly owned stations. (via Chris Greenway-UK, BrDXC UK iogr Dec 31) TAIWAN 11940 kHz {target radio OPPOSITION} Radio NUG towards Myanmar/ Burma target, via Paochung-TWN, Dec 23; poor signal with YL suddenly open- ing xmsn with talks 1400.20 UT. Noisy. Alternates with OM. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) TAIWAN 6115 kHz 'National Unity Radio' in Korean, Dec 23, 1230z; two women with morning show style chatter (even though it's evening in Korea), a children's choir singing "Jingle Bells", and the women continuing to have fun discussing and singing different versions. Off the air mid- sentence at 1258UT. Tamsui to central Texas is about 7800 miles at 35 degr azi. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) TAJIKISTAN 4765 kHz Tajik Radio, Dushanbe Yangiyul, in listed Tajik, Nov 28, 0029-0049 UT. (4765.001 kHz per UTwente, poor w/ 4.62 kHz audio filter.) typical local chants, woman talk interspersed by some local slow music breaks, other woman announcement w/ music breaks, then a long speech by man (no much clear), w/ many local slow music breaks; better in usb/lsb sync, non-stop rapid and deep fluttering qsb, strong qrn, poor. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) Rather 4765.000 kHz EVEN aligned fqy - in use since decades by Y.T. as standard fqy alignement radio outlet ... like 7245even too, wb ed. TURKEY 11545.03v kHz {target radio OPPOSITION } "Radio Recep Erdogan" via TRT Emirler, Dec 16; brilliant signal this morning at 1329 UT with OM in Turkish speech and into inspiring vocal mx at 1331 UT. If this xmsn is solely intended as a jammer against 'Radyoya Denge Gel', most mornings they are having an inexplicably hard time finding their tar- get, which is easy to locate. My developing hypothesis is that RRE via Emirler is actually intended as a dual-purposed broadcaster, to be used both as a jamming device but also as entertainment for Turkish troops, similar to what the Saudis used to do with Radio Al-Azm. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) TURKEY News from TRT Ankara on Suspected Closure. "We are currently undergoing a reorganization process, and we were told that TRT's all foreign broadcasts (VOT radio, multiple-language websites, and podcasts) will be consolidated under one roof, called TRT Global, which will be launched soon. In this new structure, VOT English shortwave broadcasts will be handled by the TRT World channel in Istanbul. We, as the Voice of Tuerkiye English Desk, will not be going on the air. We will be in charge of trans- lating and presenting several podcast series, which will be available through our newly planned online platforms. About the VOT English shortwave transmissions, we really have no idea what type of programming will be carried by TRT World, or whether there will be music. TRT VOT Arabic will face the same fate. But, all other languages remain on the shortwave, and there might be new ones in the new term. I am personally sad about all this, but I still hope that it will be turned around at some point. You never know." Re: The whole arrangement was pretty strange for years anyway. TRT launched one "new language service" after another, with Farsi being the most recent one. At the same time they keep the existing editorial teams but treat them in their PR as if they never existed. And all they are still supposed to run is linear radio, they are stripped of all other responsibilities, the web- sites have been handed over to the new teams. What purpose is this approach supposed to serve? And new languages: Frankly, which ones to they consider as lacking? {From 2022, but I don't think there have been major changes. All this output used to go out on shortwave, but not anymore since they closed the Ankara Etimesgut station in 2009. } (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Dec 30) Re: 9610 kHz VoTurkey English is on air Dec 31, to zones towards SoAsia and Pacific at 105 degrees azimuth to ITU zones 41, 49, 54 ... heard here in southern Germany, and at Perseus_net unit in Doha Qatar ME remotedly at S=9+5dB level too. Mixed-up with CNR8 program domestic in Mongolian language co-channel. Happy new year dear Rich in New Brunswick Canada. (vy73 de wolfie, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 31) UAE 15215 kHz e-QSL Gaweylon Tibetian Radio, FEBC Manila-PHL, E-mail: December 10, 2024, 12.00-12.30 UT, 15215 kHz (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) U.K. 6195 kHz DRM digital mode SW transmissions from Germany Dec 27 Friday after Christmas. On 27 December, SE-TA 2, a private German shortwave radio station, will be on air with a 4-hour moderated music programme "Musikalischer Frueh- schoppen" from the Waldheim, Germany, station. The frequency will be 6195 kHz. The two-hour programme will be played twice in succession within the 4-hour transmission windows. The DRM transmission will be in two dif- ferent configurations: 09-11 UTC 16 QAM in MSC Mode B 11-13 UTC 16 QAM in MSC Mode C Both featuring xHE-AAC audio, Journaline, DRM TextMessages with DL+ information, stations logos and Slideshow images. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Dec 24) U.K. The 'Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols' will begin at 15 UT Christmas Eve on BBC Radio 4 and World Service. In years past, African aimed transmitters opened early to broadcast the event. (Andy Reid, wor Dec 24) re: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Unbelievable! The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols heard on BBC WS at 1502 UT on 12095 kHz as scheduled, but at 1530 UT the relay was ubruptly cut for a news bulletin and into Sports Today. 17575 kHz was heard in drm digital mode at 1502 UT, but when checked again just after 1530 UT, the frequency seems to be missing. {later} Re: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. At 1559 UT, at conclusion of Sport Today, transmission crashed back into The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on 12095 kHz. (Alan Roe-UK, wor Dec 24) Re: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Here in New Brunswick with my indoor equipment (KiwiSDR 2 and W6LVP loop), I had the DRM broadcast from ENC Woofferton on 17575 kHz starting at about 15:00 UT with often very good decoding with SNR up to about 17.3 dB. But there were fades down to 9.3 dB so some breaks. But not bad coming off the back of the antenna. And with NewsService Journaline, too, with the major news stories. Off at about 15:59:40 UTC. (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Dec 24) U.K. Re: Texas Radio Shortwave program. 11900 kHz very good in Alberta CAN at 0325 UT tune in ... Don Moman VE6JY Now coming in with a fair to good signal on 11900 kHz at 0308 UT at 250 kW from ENC Woofferton. I know that I used 25 metres from ENC Woofferton at this time, reception improved greatly over the course of the hour and it has in fact improved since start at 0300 UT. (Tony Pavick, Hope BC Canada, wor Dec 24-25) U.K. KBS World Seoul Sign-off Announcement. As I have reported before, I recorded the broadcast of Jazz AM via ENC Woofferton-UK a week ago. Just before JazzAM, there was the regular broad- cast of KBS World in French language. At the end of that broadcast, there were a few words in Korean. I'm not sure many listeners would have under- stood them. I didn't. But I asked my UNB research associate what they meant. He said that the three words were: 'gamsahabnida. da-eumjue mannayo' which means "Thanks. See you next week." 3955 kHz KBS World Radio 2100-2200 French ENC Woofferton England smtwtfs towards ITU zone 27SE target 250 kW 114 degr from South Korea. (Richard Langley-BC-CAN wor Dec 23) U.K. Alan Roe's 2024 Holiday Programmes on Shortwave (Version 4.0). Alan notes: Attached is version 4.0 of the "Holiday Programmes on Shortwave 14 Dec 2024 to 1 Jan 2025" PDF ready for you to upload to your SWLing.com site if you wish, and when you have time. This is (probably) the final version of this compilation for the 2024 holiday season. many thanks and 73 (Alan Roe-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr also via RUSdx #1322 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29) USA 17700 USAGM VOA French language sce to Africa, Dec 23, 1930z. Via Greenville NC site 250 kW at 94 degr azi. The program audio was cut mid- sentence at 2000 UT followed by a Yankee Doodle Dandy farewell. The French language program must have continued on some other frequencies but a quick bandscan was fruitless. Beautiful signal and audio from Greenville-NC. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) // 11900 kHz 19.30-20.00 UT via USAGM VOA Botswana site. Scheduled also 18.30-19.00 UT 12075 VAT-SMG, 15730 BOT. 19.00-19.30 UT 12075 VAT-SMG, 15730 BOT, 17700 GB-USA. and seemingly Suns only additionally: 20.30-21.00 UT 11900 VAT-SMG, 11975 VAT-SMG. wb ed. USA Abgesehen von den Sendungen von USAGM Radio Marti hat die USAGM- Kurzwellenstation Greenville (North Carolina state) noch folgende, im November 2024 auch in Europa hoerbestaetigten Westafrika-Sendungen der Voice of America: 1700-1800 UT 17655 kHz 250 kW, 94 degr, Portugiesisch 1900-2000 UT 17700 kHz 250 kW, 94 degr, Franzoesisch (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Bieners DX_Digest Jan 2025 column, Dec 8) USA 5850 WRMI relay of Radio Slovakia International, 0055 UT on Dec 12. Woman in English interviewing a man about a Slovakian festival. At 0057 UT a man with "You are listening to Radio Slovakia International" followed by soft music to 0100 UT with an ID for WRMI. Poor with noise. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) USA 15150 kHz WMLK religious broadcaster in En, Dec 29, at 1528-1536 UT. SIO 333. OM preacher with fire and brimstone sermon. Target is Europe. Via Bethel, PA state USA. Talk about sacrificing to Yahweh. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) USA 7505 kHz WRNO New Orleans, 0300 UT on Dec 17. En: Very exuberant gospel singing followed by ToH ID with frequency given. Man gave address for correspondence. Talk by Pastor Ray Bradley talking about hardships. Good but noisy. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) 7505 kHz WRNO New Orleans at 0352 UT on Dec 20; in English and unidenti- fied language. OM giving an alter call then takes a break part way through for 'That's The Thing About Praise' - Benjamin William Hastings & Blessing Offer. Continuing alter call after the song and quickly ends the program. 0400 UT ID incl. YL w/ African accent giving WRNO contact info. several times then into a man preaching in a language which I did not recognize. It sounded West African (however I'm not certain). Armchair signal. (Mark Taylor-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1184 Dec 29) USA WBCQ UPDATE 9330 kHz, why has this WBCQ been off? Reply at 1539 UT Dec 11 "Allan & Angela WBCQ. Hi Glenn, Hope you are well. The Superstation is off the air due to the failure of a heating system at the antenna. This resulted in a freeze up of a water cooling system for the antenna tuning unit. 500 kW needs lots of precision cooling. Under repair now, should be back on the air in a day or so. Everything else running well. Good clients and much new programming to come online for 2025. Thanks, Allan & Angela, WBCQ Radio". Last minute check at 0054 UT Dec 12 direct, 9330 kHz is back on weakish as usual when aimed sidewise toward Brasil; while UTwente lox onto 9330.001 kHz at S=9+5/15dB JBA talk underneath continuous clickery unlike OTH radar (gh via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15) WTWW UPDATE This just in from George McClintock, early UT Dec 10: "I have had 250 gallons of propane put into the tank for heating. New fil- ters have been purchased and put in the AC units. These are paid for with the small profits of airtime. NOTE: with the heat from the transmitters, so far,no propane has been used to heat the building. The gate has been straightened upright and closes even. It has been leaning for several years. I continue payments for land rental while not the contracted amount, some part of the money per month. Hopefully the full amount in the near future. My son will be purchasing a new computer to air the programs, frequency changes and public service announcements. We are currently using BOB to stream programs to WTWW for airing. George McClintock 12-8-2024." {later} "WTWW: Gate - For the first time in over 10 years, gates closing together. The right gate required being pulled by wire to a tree. [Inline image] George McClintock 12-9-2024" "Just put up a web site WTWW.ORG under construction. George McClintock 12-9-2024" Includes LISTEN LIVE for WTWW-2 already funxional, running 17 seconds behind 5085 kHz shortwave direct. (via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA wor Dec 10; gh via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1182 Dec 15) UZBEKISTAN 11510 kHz {target radio CLANDESTINE } 'Free North Korea Radio'(pres), listed via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Trans- mitting bcast center; in Korean, Dec 29, 1306-1324 UT. (11509.998 - .997 - .998 kHz per UTwente, fair/almost good.) long speech by man until 1313:45" circa, then long talk by woman till 1320 UT, man brief talk over slow music, other man and woman talk in turns till 1322:23UT", brief chant and woman and man talk, at 1324 UT slow music; better in usb/lsb sync, non-stop rapid qsb, loud qrn rustle, almost fair/poor briefly at times. (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) VENEZUELA or COLOMBIA 4939.99 kHz Estacion 'Onda Corta 4940' (tent), in Spanish, Nov 29, 0425-0441 UT. (4939.987 - .981 kHz per UTwente, barely audible at times w/ 3.15 kHz audio filter; from 0440 UT overwhelmed by strong wavering noise.) unclear talk by man, presumed other man or woman briefly talk at times; better in usb/lsb sync w/ inter filter, non-stop rapid fluttering qsb, strong qrn rustle, very poor/barely audible; from 0441 UT overwhelmed by a loud noise wavering slowly (birdies?) (Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1183 Dec 22) 4939.983 kHz CLM - tentative location, 'Estacion 4940' acc Eibi database, at 07.31 UT on Dec 26 noted in Maine-USA perseus unit, S=7 or -77dBm flut- tery signal. Spanish sermon / talk. ed. VIETNAM 9839.937 kHz much oddity in fqy VoVietnam English sce from Son Tay site, 11.30-12.00 UT on Dec 31, S=6 in Doha Qatar ME remotedly. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 31) ZAMBIA Re: Voice of Hope - Africa - OFF THE AIR. Hi, Glenn. I can hear 4965 kHz back on the air this evening via a remote SDR in Jo'burg, so power must have been restored to our transmitter site outside Lusaka today. I'm awaiting final confirmation from our chief engineer on site, but it seems pretty obvious. (Ray Robinson-USA, Strategic Communications Group, Voice of Hope World Radio Network. wor Dec 31) see bcdx topnews #1601: ZAMBIA Die Strategic Communications Group hat am 1. Dez. 2024 mit folgenden Sende-u.Programmplan fuer das Suedliche Afrika veroeffentlicht. 0400-0800 Uhr 9680 kHz (LUV 100 kW, nd) Englisch 1400-1600 Uhr 9680 kHz (LUV 100 kW, nd) Englisch 1600-2000 Uhr 4965 kHz (LUV 100 kW, nd) Englisch (via Dr. HJBiener-D) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* Some logs on Dec 25 at 01.45 UT - 02.15 UT in AB-CAN Perseus SDR instal- lation unit remotedly: 5919.986 USA WTWW Lebanon PA - En, boost cry-men sermon, at 01.45 UT S=9+10dB in Alberta CAN. 6150.085 BRA - probably - S=5 very poor Radio Saturn at Belo Horizonte ? 6159.929 USA WBCQ Monticello ME state, poor S=5 at 01.51 UT on Dec 25. 6179.939 poor S=5 signal on lower sideband, RN da Amazonia at 01.53 UT. 6184.967 MEX XEPPM Radio Educacion, 0154 UT poor S=4-5 signal tonight. 7489.924 USA WBCQ talk female - male presenter, Monticello ME site, S=8 at 01.56 UT. 7505.005 USA just under threshold - too short-skip condition for New Orleans, S=4, JBA 01.58 UT. WRNO New Orleans S=4 signal. 7519.994 USA WWCR Nashville TN state, TOM powerful signal S=9+35dB at 02.02 UT on Dec 25. 9665.012 BRA RVM Camboriu SC province, S=9 at 02.05 UT, mx, PortBras canciones. // vary same 11749.859 kHz S=7 same program, much odd fqy on lower side of the channel at 02.06 UT. 9818.588 BRA R 9 de Julho, BrasPort language talk, S=7 at 02.08 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 25) Some logs on Christmas morning Thursday Dec 26 between 07.00 and 09.10 UT noted remotedly in Kiwi set at Fuerteventura/Canaries Isl, then Perseus SDR at Rockland-MA AJ1L in US east coast, then DARC Amberg SDReceiver, and Perseus at Doha Qatar ME installation remotedly too. 6049.998 LBR ELWA Monrovia, chorus sun Christma's Carols at 07.03 UT much strong S=9 or -71dBm signal on Furteventura Island, my tip to the crowd: listen our UT mornings around 07 UT via this remote Kiwi-SDR. Though poor signal here from Monrovia in central EUR only S=3-4. 4939.983 CLM - tentative location, 'Estacion 4940' acc Eibi database, at 07.31 UT noted in Maine-USA perseus unit, S=7 or -77dBm fluttery signal. Spanish sermon / talk. 5010.001 USA WRMI Okeechobee-FL, S=9+5dB signal in MA-USA, En sermon, at 07.37 UT, RMI also on 5850 fair signal TOM BS record played. 5024.994 CUB Radio Rebelde Sp, likely from Bauta site, Cuban music pro- gram, S=7 fair signal at 07.39 UT, many canciones played from Latin culture in Central America. Nice ! 5800 kHz WRMI Okeechobbe-FL not on air, 07.40 UT. 5939.668 BRA Radio Voz Missionaria, poor S=6 at 07.43 UT, mx program // 11749.873 also fair signal into Maine-USA SDR. 5954.988 HOL Radio Veronica (tent.) S=6 at 0744UT in Maine, S=5 in Amberg Bavaria Germany on DARC Perseus SDR at 08.52 UT 5969.979 DNK Radio 208, S=5 pop mx at 08.53 UT in Bavaria SDR. 5995even MLI R TV du Mali from Bamako center I, S=8 at 07.45 UT heard nice French annmt / talk, in remote Main-US coast Perseus SDR. 6009.963 BRA R Inconfidencia, poor S=5 signal into US remote Perseus, at 07.47 UT on Dec 26. 6019.957 HOL likely 'Radio Casanova' acc Eibi database Perseus table, S=6 at 07.49 UT in MA-US SDR, S=8 at 08.54 UT in Amberg Bavaria remotedly: 'North Sea Schnulze' mx, Dutch Schenkel Klopfer mx, 9.4 kHz nice wide audio signal. 6129.991 HOL Radio Europe, poor S=5 in MA-US remotedly, at 07.52 UT. 6159.930 USA WBCQ only S=5-6 signal into short distance Maine SDR. 6160even from Europe also heard poor sideband next to WBCQ at 07.58 UT. 6170.004 poor signal S=3-4 JBA threshold level in Maine at 08.00 UT. 6179.935 BRA R Nacional Brasilia, BrasPort, 'bom Dia Brasil' annmt at 08.01 UT, S=8 signal noted in Maine Perseus, // same progr on 11780.004 kHz also in 25 meterband too, S=8-9 proper, at 08.06 UT Dec 26. 6184.968 MEX Radio Educacion, Mexico D.F. music at 08.02 UT, S=7 fair. 11509.996 ARM Likely now using Yerevan Gavar bcast center, 'Denge Gel' Kurdish national radio service, S=9 signal proper in Doha Qatar in Middle East heard, same level of Turkish jammer, at 08.10 UT 11540.010 TUR TRT Emirler mis-used Turkish jamming program of typical Os- manic culture singer and flute mx, S=9 proper too at 08.11 UT. 11934.894 ARS Target radio of Yemen Republic Excile Radio from Riyadh bcast center site, at 08.17 UT noted in Doha Qatar ME Perseus ME in Jemenity Arabic. S=9+30dB powerhouse signal, nice clean audio quality. 11710.019 TUR TRT Emirler in Azeri sce language, Turk mx progr, at 08.19 UT in proper S=9+20dB level, compared - stronger backlobe signal than 11540v kHz Erdogan jamming at same time and remote SDR. 15134.957 IRN Seldom noted fqy oddity on lower flank from VoIRN IRIB Sirjan outlet, like nx at 08.26 UT, scheduled 06.00-08.27 UT in Arabic, S=9+5dB but VERY LOW Modulation noted in Qatar unit, after 08.27 UT replaced by 15320.012 with same LOW Modulation characteristics, at 08.31 UT HQ prayer heard in Arabic, S=9+25dB much stronger than 15135v kHz outlet. 15310even OMA BBC London in Dari to AFG via ENC A'Seela relay site, most strong signal into 19mb in Doha Qatar Perseus today, S=9+30dB at 08.30 UT. 15350.010 TUR TRT Emirler, Turkish towards western EUR, 08.34 UT backlobe S=9+10dB signal into ME Qatar Perseus SDR, co-ch even 15350 kHz CRI English from Kashi-Kashgar Xinjiang province western CHN. 15699.995 DNK World Music Radio, S=4 very poor signal at 08.37 UT into ME 17864.996 UAE One of four Abu Dhabi Media / ENC Al-Dhabbaya units, little odd alignement, IBRA Radio Sweden / Asia in Dari language, S=9 at 08.41 UT on Dec 26. 5880.011 XUU ?? likely small radio hobby pirate stn ? S=4-5 strength in central Europe 'Radio Rock Revolution' 08.47UT Romanian culture theme flute music. 5920.008 D__ HCJB Voice of the Andes, German, S=8 at 08.48 UT signal from Weenermoor into Bavarian Perseus heard remotedly, 9.4 kHz nice broadband audio quality,female choir presentation religious 5929.977 DNK WMR Spanish language canciones 'Feliz Navidad' carol, S=5-6 fair signal noted in southern Germany at 08.51 UT. 6069.997 D__ Ch_992 fair S=6 signal from Rohrbach Waal near Ingolstadt Bavaria heard at 08.55 UT today Dec 26. 6085even D__ Radio MiAmigo pop mx via Kall Eifel Germany shortwave stn, S=7-8 into DARC Amberg Perseus SDR unit. 08.57 UT. 6129.989 HOL Radio Europa from the Netherlands, poor S=4 likely pop mx. 6149.999 D__ S=7 nice pop mx program from 'Europe_24' Datteln Ruhrgebiet little broadcaster. At 09.00 UT followed by news broadcast in German language, 'TV-net programms cut by failure ... ? ' item. 6160even D__ SW Radio Gold, Winsen Aller, Lower Saxonia, Germany, S=8 at 09.02 UT adverts... 6170.001 HOL Dutch small radio 'Radio Delta Internat.' Elberg at 09.03UT S=7-8 signal strength into southern Germany Perseus SDR. ... and two private radio pirates noted on 6269.917 and 6325.086 kHz, latter presented some radio DX item? at 09.10UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 26) Let’s talk about some log-this-morning 05.30 to 07.35 UT Sat Dec 28 items, log be put together ... 7285even ASC BBCWS S=7-8 nice audio(!) quality, at 05-06 talk on Indias movie industry Bollywood in contrast to Albions pop culture few years ago ... at 05.30 UT, and little less strength here in EUR SDR units 7305even ASC BBC Hausa WeAF sce S=5-6 only less strength at 05.35 UT but excellent audio quality to state from downunder Malvinas area origin ... poor signals of 41 and 31 mb propagation from NoAM though this morning: 7432.9 ... 7433.1 kHz much UTE twin strong signals QRM on lower fqy flank, towards 7435even USA USAGM R Marti Spanish to Cuba from Greenville-NC state, 7555-7558 kHz military ? STANAG signal, also 7667.3 – 7670.6 similar too. 7780even USA WRMI poor S=4 or –104dBm signal tonight at 05.50 UT. 7730even USA WRMI very poor S=3 or –112dBm too. 7850 upper_sb Time and Standard signal CHU Canada like S=6 at 05.52 UT 9265 nil, nothing of WINB. 9395 kHz USA WRMI only just under threshold S=3 or –112dBm at 05.54 UT. 9410even ASC BBC En from London, S=7-8 nice audio at 05.55 UT, though 10.4 kHz wideband audio signal. 9650.006 TUR TRT Turkish from Emirler 03.50-06.57 UT, S=9+20dB heard in DARC Amberg Bavaria Perseus SDR unit, at 05.56 UT Dec 28. 9665.025 BRA R Voz Missionaria, BrasPort, mx, S=7 at 05.58 UT 9942 – 9958 kHz covered wideband OTHR S=6 signal at 06.00 UT. 11539.996 kHz ARM {tentativelly} Kurdish national radio 'Denge Gel' now via Yerevan Gavar bcast center site. (not jammed at this 06.06 UT hour, S=9+10dB noted remotedly at Doha Qatar ME SDR unit. B u t 11529.996 kHz when checked at 07 UT time slot, and accompanied by 11530.009 TUR TRT Emirler outlet as Erdogan’s security jamming radio program noted start from 07 UT then. 11660.015 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish, proper S=9+15dB at 04.55-06.56 UT, at 06.09 UT nice Turkish modern pop mx. 11780.006 IRN IRIB Sirjan in Dari sce towards AFG/PAK target, S=9+30dB signal strength of carrier in Doha Qatar ME at 06.12 UT, BUT VERY LOW AUDIO MODULATION (!) to state. 11810even ASC BBC London in En, S=7-8 signal from downunder, 06.13 UT noted sidelobe from ASC to ME at Qatar target remotedly. 11934.893 kHz oddity from likely Riyadh TX site, Republic Yemen national radio program in Arabic, typical national mx / singer, nice audio quality, no jamming from Sirjan-IRN as previously on autumn months before. 06.16 UT on Dec 28. 12095.002 slight oddity, ASC BBC London in French towards AF, S=6 side- lobe signal into ME target at 06.21 UT. 13669.992 odd fqy signal of CHN CNR13 Uighur service from PBS Urumqi Xinjiang province site, S=9 in Doha Qatar ME. At 06.23 UT and // same program 13700even CHN CNR13 Uighur sce from Lingshi RTC #725 site center, S=9+15db strength. 13730 DRM digital CHN CNR1 Kunming site ? , at 06.26 UT, S=7 sidelobe into QAT. 13770even CHN CNR7 Greater Bay Sce in Cantonese (!) language, S=9+15dB signal from Kashi-Kashgar site in Xinjiang province at 06.28 UT. Bad audio mixture signals on otherwise many empty channels available at this hour in 19 meterband to state. Bad fqy selection on private hfcc.org database file of Chinese RTC FMO engineering ladies and Iranian telecom authority: 15134.957 kHz IRN IRIB Arabic 05.50-08.30 UT from Sirjan site, b u t HEAVY QRM of co-channel 15135even CHN CRI Spanish 06-07 UT sce too on this channel. Latter S=9+25dB powerful signal from Kashi-Kashgar Xinjiang province bcast center outlet. 06.30 UT 15235.008 TUR TRT Emirler in Hausa lang towards WeAF, S=9+20dB at 06.32 UT on Dec 28. ... and now quick switch to remote KIWI_net SDR at Fuerteventura island: 6049.998 LBR ELWA Monrovia at 05.55-10.00 UT scheduled, noted S=9+5dB or –71dBm fluttery signal from Fuerteventura remotedly at 06.36 UT ! Phone-in program, west African accented English people interviewed at morning broadcast. 15245.122 UAE One of four TX units at Abu Dhabi Media ENC worked of A'Dhabbaya relay site, much oddity fqy on upper flank, RFA Tibetan relay program 06-07 UT, S=9+15dB into Doha QAT re- motedly, at 06.40 UT ... and co-ch CHN mainland jamming from 15245even fqy. 15320.010 IRN no modulation, empty carrier on air at 06.42 UT already, also at 06.56 UT on further check. IRIB requested this channel in Swahili and Hausa sces at 04.50 to 06.50 UT. 15490.016 odd fqy MDG BBC En sce via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility, S=8-9 into Qatar SDR remotedly, at 06.56 UT. 15530-15550 kHz wideband OTHR signal, S=9, but COVERS totally bcaster 15540even CHN CNR2 Bussiness Radio from Lingshi RTC #725 bcast center site, scheduled 01-11 UTC. 15580 – 15596 kHz wideband OTHR signal at 07.01 UTC on Dec 28. 15720 DRM digital CHN CNR1 domestic sce via Kashi Kashgar Xinjiang pro- vince site, S=7 at 07.04 UT into Doha Qatar SDR remotedly. 15760 DRM digital CHN CNR1 domestic sce via Qiqihar Heilongjiang province in northeastern China mainland, 00.02-11.00 UT likely scheduled, S=6 at 07.06 UT. Bad fqy selection by US AGM FMO nearby to neighbours 15765even THA USAGM Udorn Thani BanDung outlet of Mashaal Radio in Pashto 04-13 UT ? in hfcc.org, next to channel 15775 kHz CHN mainland CNR1 jamming outlet against TWN SOH ? 21.30-16.00 15920even CHN CNR1 jamming S=9 signal in Qatar at 07.11UT against TWN SOH 17600even ALG RTA program outlet from Bechar bcast center site, French language discussion / comment noted at 07.15 UT, S=9+15dB proper signal into ME remotedly noted ar Doha Qatar. 17780.011 TUR TRT Emirler in Swahili as EastAF sce, 06.57-07.57 UT sche- duled, noted at 07.15 UT, S=9+30dB strong into Qatar SDR Perseus unit. Excellent audio stated these days from Emirler, seemingly Turkish telecom refurbished their Ampegon tx installation hard- and software at this short- wave center. 17830 DRM digital CHN CNR1 national domestic sce, from Urumqi Xinjiang in northwestern China province. S=8-9 at 07.20 UT, scheduled 01-08 UT ? 21800equal CHN CNR1 highest China mainland jamming transmission QRG against 21799.984 kHz much clode to 21800 kHz fqy aligned outlet of TWN SOH in Mandarin of Falun Gong sect broadcast at 07.24 UT. also 21490 and 21530 kHz more CHN CNR1 jammer against TWN SOH at 07.26 UT. 21490.246 and 21530.238 kHz odd fqy from Taiwan SOH, S=8 at 07.28 / 07.30 11529.996 ARM Likely from Yerevan Gavar bcast center site, noted Kurdish national radio program ‘Denge Gel’and co-channel little stronger noted at Doha Qatar SDR remotedly at 07.32 UT 11530.009 TUR Emirler jamming program of Osmanic culture against Kurdish national radio service. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 28) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END