BC-DX 1589 26 Aug 2024 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ASCENSION ISL/U.K. 2024 Annual BAS Midwinter Broadcast Details. Hi Wolfie - I hope this message finds you well. In your archives, do you happen to have the HFCC registered power and azi- muth of the transmissions used this year for the Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast on 21 June on the three frequencies used: 11685 kHz (ENC Woofferton) 9585 kHz (ENC Woofferton) 9870 kHz (BBC and ENC operated Ascension) ? The file from Aoki database usually lists these details but the current version has already been scrubbed of this old data. Many thanks. 73 Richard (NB-CAN, Aug 17) Re: 2024 Annual BAS Midwinter Broadcast Details. So sorry, AOKI files N O T archived here so far. WOF request frequency data likes 9585 2130-2200 67,73 WOF 300 182 11685 2130-2200 67,73 WOF 300 182 ASC 9870 2130-2200 67,73 ASC 250 27 (to confirm of FMO freq management at ENC, ed. Aug 17) Question 2024 BBCWS BAS Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast Transmission Details Dear Steve: We once again enjoyed "eavesdropping" on the BBCWS BAS Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast via shortwave this year. I am behind in archiving my recording and find I am missing some of the transmission details. Do you have access to the archive of the sender power and antenna beam azimuths for the transmissions on 21 June at 21:30 UTC for these frequencies: 11685 kHz (Woofferton) 9585 kHz (Woofferton) 9870 kHz (Ascension) ? Any help would be gratefully received. Many thanks. (Richard B. Langley-NB-CAN, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 17) Hello Richard, Thank you for your email. We do indeed have details of the Antarctic transmissions for you. 11685 kHz (Woofferton) Marconi B6124 300kW Azimuth 182 degr 9585 kHz (Woofferton) Marconi B6124 300kW Azimuth 182 degr 9870 kHz (Ascension) Riz 250kW Azimuth 207 degr Best regards Martin Goulding | Encompass Digital Media Senior Engineer, Woofferton-UK (encompass.tv Aug 21) AUSTRALIA 17650 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2245-2255, Reach Beyond Austra- lia, Kununurra-AUS, in Japanese. Man talking, preaching, presumably; 2254 UT Woman talking after a music pause. Poor reception: 25522. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 18) AUSTRALIA 15460 kHz eQSL HCJB (ReachBeyond) Japan Office. E-mail: WEB: 10 August 2024, 11.00-11.30 UT, Japanese on 15460 kHz. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) 15459.989 kHz on Aug 22. wb. AUSTRIA 100 Jahre Radio in Oesterreich. Anlaesslich 100 Jahre Radio in Oesterreich sendet der Kurzwellensender ORS Moosbrunn eines der letzten Interviews mit Professor Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC, der im Sommer 2021 verstarb. Wolf Harranth, eine Legende in der Welt des Rundfunks, vermittelt in dieser Sondersendung Einblicke in die Entstehungsgeschichte der Radio Verkehrs AG, kurz RAVAG, und deren Bedeutung fuer den oester- reichischen Rundfunk. Den Sendetermin koennen Sie sich bereits vormerken: 6. Oktober 2024, 10 bis 11 Uhr MESZ/CEST auf 6055 kHz. {siehe also ROE International 1 - 4, on Oct 21-24 at 09.30 UT, wb.} Empfangsberichte werden mit einer Sonder-QSL-Karte bestaetigt. Empfangsberichte per Post sendet man an: ORF CARO, 1136 Wien Austria Europe alternativ per E-Mail an Darueber informiert Ernst, OE3EVA. (Redaktion CQ DL, DARC Deutschland-Rundspruch 34/2024, Baunatal; Thur Aug 22) AUSTRIA ORF in Feierlaune / 2024, 34. KW. Radio und Fernsehen werden zum Massenmedium Betrifft: Geschichte | FR | 25 10 2024 | 15:55 Radio und Fernsehen werden zum Massenmedium Betrifft: Geschichte | DO | 24 10 2024 | 15:55 Hallo Welt, hier Radio Oesterreich International! (4) Radiokolleg - | DO | 24 10 2024 | 9:30 Im Zeit-Raum: 100 Jahre Radio in Oesterreich, "Beziehung durch Zuhoeren" Passagen | MI | 23 10 2024 | 21:00 Radio und Fernsehen werden zum Massenmedium Betrifft: Geschichte | MI | 23 10 2024 | 15:55 Hallo Welt, hier Radio Oesterreich International! (3) Radiokolleg | MI | 23 10 2024 | 9:30 Radio und Fernsehen werden zum Massenmedium Betrifft: Geschichte | DI | 22 10 2024 | 15:55 Hallo Welt, hier Radio Oesterreich International! (2) Radiokolleg | DI | 22 10 2024 | 9:30 Hate Radio Dimensionen | MO | 21 10 2024 | 19:05 Radio und Fernsehen werden zum Massenmedium Betrifft: Geschichte | MO | 21 10 2024 | 15:55 Hallo Welt, hier Radio Oesterreich International! (1) Radiokolleg | MO | 21 10 2024 | 9:30 Lebenskunst - Begegnungen am Sonntagmorgen SO | 20 10 2024 | 7:05 Zwischenruf SO | 20 10 2024 | 6:55 OE1 Klassik-Treffpunkt SA | 19 10 2024 | 10:05 Punkt eins FR | 18 10 2024 | 13:00 Frauen mit Courage: Die Radio-Pionierinnen (4) Radiokolleg | DO | 17 10 2024 | 9:05 Frauen mit Courage: Die Radio-Pionierinnen (3) Radiokolleg | MI | 16 10 2024 | 9:05 Frauen mit Courage: Die Radio-Pionierinnen (2) Radiokolleg | DI | 15 10 2024 | 9:05 Radio Free Europe Dimensionen | MO | 14 10 2024 | 19:05 Frauen mit Courage: Die Radio-Pionierinnen (1) Radiokolleg | MO | 14 10 2024 | 9:05 Spielraeume Spezial live! Spielraeume Spezial live | SO | 13 10 2024 | 17:10 Ex libris live SO | 13 10 2024 | 16:00 Adele Neuhauser, Schauspielerin Menschenbilder | SO | 13 10 2024 | 14:40 gehoert.gewusst. Das OE1 Quiz SO | 13 10 2024 | 13:10 OE1 Hoerspiel SA | 12 10 2024 | 14:00 Bastelmedium Radio matrix - computer & neue medien | FR | 11 10 2024 | 19:05 100 Jahre Radio, Denken mit den Ohren und Kontinuum 2024 Sound Art: Kunst zum Hoeren | DO | 10 10 2024 | 23:03 "Grandola, Villa Morena" Dimensionen | MO | 07 10 2024 | 19:05 Die Science Show mit Professor Haidinger live aus dem Technischen Museum Science Arena | MO | 07 10 2024 | 16:05 Punkt eins MO | 07 10 2024 | 13:00 Radiogeschichten MO | 07 10 2024 | 11:05 Menschenbilder SO | 06 10 2024 | 14:05 Diagonal Stellt Vor - Das Magazin zum Monatsanfang Diagonal Stellt Vor | SA | 05 10 2024 | 17:05 OE1 Hoerspiel SA | 05 10 2024 | 14:00 100 Jahre Radio: Magische Momente Hoerbilder | SA | 05 10 2024 | 9:05 Inspiration Radio Gedanken fuer den Tag | SA | 05 10 2024 | 6:57 Inspiration Radio Gedanken fuer den Tag | FR | 04 10 2024 | 6:57 Ein Jahrhundert Kulturbeschleuniger Radio (4) Radiokolleg | DO | 03 10 2024 | 9:45 Inspiration Radio Gedanken fuer den Tag | DO | 03 10 2024 | 6:57 Glauben hoeren - So klingt..., Krieg und Frieden: Nahost Im Fokus - Religion und Ethik | MI | 02 10 2024 | 16:05 Ein Jahrhundert Kulturbeschleuniger Radio (3) Radiokolleg | MI | 02 10 2024 | 9:45 Inspiration Radio Gedanken fuer den Tag | MI | 02 10 2024 | 6:57 100 Jahre Radio - 80 Jahre MUK Das OE1 Konzert live | DI | 01 10 2024 | 19:30 Ein Jahrhundert Kulturbeschleuniger Radio (2) Radiokolleg | DI | 01 10 2024 | 9:45 100 Jahre Radio in Oesterreich Guten Morgen mit OE1 | DI | 01 10 2024 | 7:33 Inspiration Radio Gedanken fuer den Tag | DI | 01 10 2024 | 6:57 100 Jahre Radio in Oesterreich Guten Morgen mit OE1 | DI | 01 10 2024 | 6:10 Ein Jahrhundert Kulturbeschleuniger Radio (1) Radiokolleg | MO | 30 09 2024 | 9:45 Inspiration Radio Gedanken fuer den Tag | MO | 30 09 2024 | 6:57 Rainer Rosenberg, Radiomacher Menschenbilder | SO | 29 09 2024 | 14:05 Gabriel, Schutzpatron der Radioleute Lebenskunst - Begegnungen am Sonntagmorgen | SO | 29 09 2024 | 7:05 Warum Feminismus fuer alle Menschen wichtig ist OE1 Hoerspiel | SA | 28 09 2024 | 14:00 Zu Gast in der MUK - Musik und Kunst Privatuniversitaet der Stadt Wien OE1 Klassik-Treffpunkt | SA | 28 09 2024 | 10:05 Das Radio in der Nachkriegszeit in Oesterreich Betrifft: Geschichte | FR | 06 09 2024 | 15:55 Vom Broadcasting zum Streaming Passagen | FR | 06 09 2024 | 0:05 Das Radio in der Nachkriegszeit in Oesterreich Betrifft: Geschichte | DO | 05 09 2024 | 15:55 Das Radio in der Nachkriegszeit in Oesterreich Betrifft: Geschichte | MI | 04 09 2024 | 15:55 Das Radio in der Nachkriegszeit in Oesterreich Betrifft: Geschichte | DI | 03 09 2024 | 15:55 Das Radio in der Nachkriegszeit in Oesterreich Betrifft: Geschichte | MO | 02 09 2024 | 15:55 100 Jahre Radio - Tony Schwartz. Archivar menschlicher Klaenge Hoerbilder | SA | 31 08 2024 | 9:05 Zwischen Monopol und Reform Passagen | MI | 28 08 2024 | 21:00 Angelradio Hoerbilder | SA | 24 08 2024 | 9:05 Aug 23, 2024. BRAZIL 15190 kHz Radio Inconfidencia, 0537UT, Thur Aug 15. Heard Portu- guese language Adult contemporary type music. Hadn't heard this one in a few months. It is shockingly regular across my evening time in early fall through early spring. Darn good signal for what it is! SINPO 45454. (It's not early fall, but close, even in August. I wear long sleeves at night and some days during the day!). (Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) BRAZIL 6180 kHz QSL Radio Nacional Amazonia (Brazil), April 26, 84 days, e-mail: (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) BULGARIA Here are some corrections for BC-DX #1587, with two of them concerning the Aoki database, which is not very accurate when it comes to details. "5900 1700-1730 BUL R.TAIWAN INT. Rus Kostinbrod 1-7 5900 1900-1930 BUL R.TAIWAN INT. Ger Kostinbrod 1-7" Although it was still 5900 kHz when the reception report was written (June 19), the frequency was changed to 9790 kHz at 1700-1730 UT, but Aoki list still shows the old one. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 18) BULGARIA {Taiwan non} 9790 kHz via SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site, QSL via Spaceline Ltd., CEO Dimitar Todorov and Ventislav Georgiev, Technical Manager, SpaceLine Ltd. QSL card of Taiwan Radio International. Relay on July 1, 2024, 17.00-17.30 UT, Russian. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) BULGARIA {Taiwan non} 9790 kHz via SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site, Spaceline Ltd.. QSL card of Taiwan Radio International; Russian Sce (BUL). E-mail: July 1, 2024, 17.00- 17.30 UT, 9790 kHz (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) CHINA Ampegon Test DRM - possible jamming of Sound of Hope? Ampegon Test DRM - Posted by Hiroshi on Aug 16 (Google translation): "Test radio waves are being transmitted at different frequencies between 0100 and 0850 UT. Yesterday, the 15th, ID number 4D2, the label display of CNR-1, and ID number 3F2 were transmitted without overlapping. The frequency where ID number 3F2 could be received with the display of CNR-1. (August 15th) 15460 0200-0257 15590 0653-0720 15670 0722-0755 17640 0757-0850 Only music with no announcements is being broadcast. The time is displayed in Beijing time.This DRM broadcast and ID number 4D2 are being transmitted at the same time without overlapping. Although the modes are different, judging from the reception conditions, it is not the same transmitter,but perhaps they are transmitting from the same location. Ampegon Test, ID number 4D2 (part of August 15) 17700 0505-0526 19010 0530-0630 15670 0632-0651 mode is 9 kHz narrow DRM. No sound can be heard. And on August 16, 3F2 of CNR-1 could not be received. All are 4D2 narrow mode. 21650 0100-0157 21755 0159-0357 21650 0400-0456 17700 0457-0520 21755 0522-0556 21830 0558-0628 21650 0630-0640 15670 0642-0657 17760 0659-0726 17640 0728-0757 18985 0759-0852 The reception evaluation screen of the Ampegon Test display is displayed in UTC. The frequencies displayed are extreme, such as 19010 kHz yesterday and 18985 kHz today. The fact that SOH [Sound of Hope] is displayed on many of these frequencies makes me suspect that there is a connection. In fact, 21530 kHz and 15760 kHz are clearly being used for DRM jamming. These frequencies were once registered with HFCC, but were deleted from the July 19 update." - [Posted with several screenshots] It should be remembered that New Zealand recently upgraded the SW service with "... newest-generation TSW-2100 100 kW Ampegon shortwave transmitter capable of switching between both digital DRM and analogue transmission modes ..." Ron - Now back in Monterey, California, USA. UNIDENTIFIED DIGITAL LIKE DRM mode signal/CHINA/TAIWAN 15760 kHz 12 - 13 UT time segment on noon only observed, likely from QIQ (Qiqihar) bcast center site in far northeastern China mainland, S=9 remotedly signal in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR unit. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18-19) Firedrake-sort of on 11785 kHz at 1805 UT, Aug 19. Hi Andre, Thanks for your insight. This frequency continued until exactly 2000UT. I did hear some of the usual non-English transmissions from China, Korean for example. I will have to monitor Kashgar site Xinjiang province, western China tomorrow. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, wor Aug 19) Hi Tony, I heard this on the 8th of August, on 11785 kHz and also 11720 kHz. I heard it at 17:29 UT and it continued for more than an hour. I also heard the same type of music on 9 August on 11620 and 11720 kHz, from 14:36 UTC to 16:40 UTC. And again on 11785 and 11720 kHz on the 9th, and on 9655 kHz at 21:20 UT. These are all regular frequencies used by China, but not at these times. They might be transmitter tests? Here is a video of this looping music on 11720 and 11785 kHz (and other regular transmissions): Chinese music. Speaking of China, I have heard reports today that all transmissions from Kashgar (Kashi-Saibagh) were off today between 1600 and 1900UT, except for the English service. Do you know anything about this? Cuts by China also? 7385, 9730, 11695, 11775, 11895, 13660 and 13810 kHz were all off today, apparently. I didn't monitor these. 7295 kHz English was on. (Andre Strydenburg-RSA, wor Aug 19) see DRM mode from CHINA mainland 12030 0055-0457 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 13730 0558-0627 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 13730 0758-0857 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 13760 0558-0627 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 13760 0658-0727 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15445 0758-0957 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15590 0328-0357 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15640 0358-0457 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15670 0028-0127 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15670 0128-0157 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15670 0158-0257 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15670 0258-0327 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15670 0558-0627 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15670 0658-0727 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15720 0458-0557 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15720 0628-0657 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 15720 0728-0757 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 17490 0258-0327 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3F2 xHE AAC Chi Kunming-Ann 1-7 6180 0950-1600 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EA Chi Beijing 572 1-7 6180 1000-1600 CHN CNR 1 Jamming Chi Fujiang 1-7 13825 0053-0900 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) xHE AAC Chi Beijing 572 1-7 9655 0800-1200 TKS CNR 1 (DRM) 3FC Chi Urumqi Chan 1-7 9655 2157-0100 TKS CNR 1 (DRM) 3FC Chi Urumqi Chan 1-7 17830 0100-0800 TKS CNR 1 (DRM) 3FC Chi Urumqi Chan 1-7 15760 2200-0400 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 1 xHE AAC Chi Qiqihar 202 1-7 15760 0400-0600 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 1 xHE AAC Chi Qiqihar 202 1-7 15760 0600-0900 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 1 xHE AAC Chi Qiqihar 202 12.4..7 15760 0900-1400 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 1 xHE AAC Chi Qiqihar 202 1-7 { call not 3E8, but Kiwi_set display show 3EB instead, wb.} 17770 0053-0900 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 27FA Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 2203-2300 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 2301-2400 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0003-0100 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0103-0200 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0203-0300 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0303-0600 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0603-0700 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0703-0800 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0801-0900 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 0903-1000 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 1001-1100 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 1101-1200 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 1203-1300 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 21530 1303-1400 CHN CNR 1 (DRM) 3EB Chi Dongfang Ha 1-7 Frequency (kHz) Time (UTC+8hrs) Transmitter Power (kW) Beam ID Notes 6180 1800-0000 BEI 30 0 3EA 9655 0600-0900 URU 30 98 3FC 9655 1600-2000 URU 30 98 3FC 13810 1200-1900 KUN 30 32 3EB 13825 0900-1700 BEI 30 175 0 15180 0900-1200 KUN 30 32 3EB 15760 0500-0100 QIQ 30 225 1 17770 0900-1700 DOF 30 16 27FA 17830 0900-1600 URU 30 98 3FC 21530 0600-0100 DOF 30 341 3EB Transmitting frequency of each transmitting station: BEI (Beijing) 0900-1700 13825 kHz 1800-0000 6180 kHz (broadcast from time to time) DOF (Dong Fang island, Hainan Oriental) 3EB and 27FA 0600-0100 21530 kHz (broadcast from time to time) 0900-1700 17770 kHz KUN (Kunming) 3F2 0900-1200 15180 kHz 1200-1900 13810 kHz QIQ (Qiqihar) 0500-0100 15760 kHz (broadcast from time to time) URU (Urumqi) 0600-0900 9655 kHz 0900-1600 17830 kHz 1600-2000 9655 kHz Time (UTC +8 hrs) (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Aug 18) Re: Firedrake-sort of on 11785 kHz at 1805 UT Aug 19. Now at 05-06 UT time slot on Aug 20 slot I used Kiwi SDR near Bangkok remotedly Log from 12.24 to 12.32 UT Tue Aug 20 19230 OTHR S=6 12.24 UT 18478 UNID 18441 STANAG digital S=6 12.25 UT 17968 HFDL BHR 12.27 UT 17710 OTHR 15760 kHz DRM CNR1 S=8 IF-12.7 SNR 13.0dB at 12.32 UT. ? QIQ (Qiqihar site in northeastern China) ? 15760 kHz 0500-0100 QIQ 30 225degr [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 20) re some China mainland broadband DRM mode CNR1 or scratch jamming signal against SOH TWN Mandarin Falun Gong sect program. Also noted freqs re-shuffle of {probably} Kashgar RTC transmitter site in western China Xinjiang province, because of annual refurbishing work of their engineers and technicians in 3600 meter height above sea level during summer season: Logs of Kiwi-unit and Perseus unit in Hiroshima Akitakata-JPN Norwegian ham op via its Thailand stn KIWI equipment. Log Tuesday Aug 21 17830DRM digital CNR1 S=5 call 3FC Urumqi weCHN -10.5dB or fair 2.5 SNR noted at 03.52 and 04.15 UT. 15590DRM digital CNR1 S=9 call 3F2 Kunming southern CHN -10.2dB or 22.2 SNR noted at 03.55 UT. 15180DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 3EB Kunming southern CHN -10.2dB or 17.2 SNR noted at 03.57 UT. 9730even MMR Myanmar Radio Yegu-Yangoon, Burmese, S=9+15dB in nearby Hua Hin Thailand 04.02 UT. 7397.32 THA FAX S=9 at 04.06 UT, also 05.31 UT S=8 -78dBm 6155even THA USAGM VoA Udorn Thani, heard in THA S=7 at 04.07 UT, sce towards EastAF, KAK lang 03.30-04.30 UT 5914.977 MMR Myanmar Radio from new capital Nay Pyi Daw, S=5 in nearby Hua Hin THA, -94dBm at 04.11 UT, and at 10.00 UT, but not on 05-07 UT. Yengu-Yangoon 7200 kHz not on air. Pyin Oo Lwin site service not on air on 6165 kHz. 17770DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 3EB Dongfang Hainan island soCHN -11.6dB or 13.6 SNR noted at 04.18 UT. 15640DRM digital CNR1 S=9 call 3F2 Kunming southern CHN -10.8dB or 19.8 SNR noted at 04.23 UT. 13810DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 3EB Dongfang Island Hainan, 04.25 UT. -10.2dB SNR fair 8.7dB scheduled 03.03-06.00 UT. 13020even CHN CNR1 powerhouse 500kW signal S=9+20dB at 04.26 UT. 11719.96 VTN VoVTN_1 Son Tay moving upwards to 11720 kHz S=9+10dB or -58dB at 04.30 UT. 20217 kHz OTHR at 05.08 UT. 17830DRM digital CNR1 S=5 call 3FC Urumqi weCHN -10.5dB or fair 2.5 SNR noted at 03.52, 04.15, 05.12 UT. 17770DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 27FA Dongfang Hainan island soCHN -11.7dB or 10.7 SNR noted at 05.18, and 06.10 UT. 15720DRM digital CNR1 S=9+10 / -69dB call 3F2 Kunming southern CHN -10.8dB or 24 powerhouse SNR noted at 05.20 UT. 13810DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 3EB Dongfang Island Hainan, 04.25, 05.25, 06.11, 07.33, 08.21, 09.41 UT. -11.62dB SNR 22 scheduled 03.03-06.00 UT. 9729.915 KRE Kujang S=9+30dB, // co.ch 9730 MMR Yangoon, 05.36 UT 11715.089 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 05.38 UT and // 11715even CHN CNR1 jamming. 21530even CHN CNR1 jamming S=9, and 21530.096 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 05.40 UT. 21490even CHN CNR1 jamming S=9+5dB, and 21490.052 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 05.43 UT. 18900even CHN CNR1 jamming S=9+5dB, and 18900.078 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 05.44 UT. 18969.937 odd fqy jamming ! CHN CNR1 jamming S=9+5dB, and terrible heterodyne apart sound on co-ch 18969.844 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 05.50 UT. 17710even CHN UNID program, test at 05.57 UT, 5-6 UT Beijing? 15670DRM digital CNR1 S=8 call 3F2 Kunming southern CHN -10.8dB or 19.8 SNR noted at 06.00 UT. 06-07.30 UT ? 15760DRM from Qiqihar site in NoEaChina, digital CNR1 til sign-off at 06.02 UT ! then left discover co-channel at 06.03 UT 15759.931 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect 13759.956 KRE VoKorea Kujang in French, shrill army ladies singer group at 06.14 UT, S=7 in western Thailand remotedly. 13959.909 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 06.16 UT. S=7 13889.888 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 06.18 UT. S=6 13804.979 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 06.20 UT. S=6 13790even CHN CNR1 jamming S=7-8 at 06.21 UT, and co-ch 13789.790 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 06.22 UT. 13669.990 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 06.24 UT. S=6 13549.929 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 06.26 UT. S=6 And some more China mainland DMR outlets, TWN SOH Mandarin sect broadcasts on shortwave bands and between; and CNR1 scratch jamming from China mainland in 07.00 to 13.00 UT slot on Wed Aug 21: 21530DRM from Dongfang Island Hainan province in southern China main- land, digital CNR1 S=7, call 3E8 ID -12.6dB or 4.6 strange SNR characteristic noted at 07.15 UT. 17830DRM digital CNR1 S=4-5 poor signal in THA; call 3FC Urumqi weCHN -96dBm, noted at 07.25, and 08.08 UT. 17770DRM digital CNR1 S=8 or -83dBm call 27FA Dongfang, Hainan island soCHN, -11.2dB or 11.3 SNR noted at 07.27, and 08.10 UT. 15720DRM digital CNR1 S=9+15 / -66dB call 3F2 Kunming southern CHN -9.2dB or 22.8 powerhouse SNR figure noted at 07.30 UT. 13810DRM digital CNR1 S=8 -71dBm, call 3EB Dongfang Island, Hainan, 04.25, 05.25, 06.11, 07.33, 08.21, 09.41 UT. -11.62dB SNR 22 scheduled 03.03-10.00 UT. 13825 kHz to compare nearby, b u t in AM modulation scratching sound block S=5 -94dBm, probably also from Dongfang Isl, Hainan, at 07.36 and 08.20 UT. 9850even TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 07.47 UT. S=8 signal. 9635even VTN Much low modulated Voice of Vietnam 2nd program from Sontay played endless mountain people songs like decade ago from Buan Ma Thuot like MW 693, 819, SW 6020 or 7210 kHz formerly ... not // progr VTN_1 on 11720 kHz. 5914.976 MMR Myanmar Radio from new capital Nay Pyi Daw, midday signal S=6 in nearby Hua Hin THA Kiwi set, -91dBm at 08.02 UT. Heard final signal at 14.00 UT, then only empty carrier on air til switch-off happened at 14.04 UT. 15844 kHz STANAG signal block S=7 -88dBm at 08.13 UT. 15760DRM from Qiqihar site in NoEaChina, digital CNR1 til sign-off at 08.14 UT ! Scheduled til 09.00 UT. S=6 or -93dBm in Thailand 15445 kHz wideband signal block, but in AM modulation scratching sound block S=9+15dB or -61dBm, probably also from Dongfang Isl, Hainan province in southern China mainland, at 08.18 UT some jamming against WHOM ? Or TX parked here ... 7435 kHz VTN Vietnames from Son Tay site even early around 08.30 UT, noted S=5 or -89dBm signal into western Thailand on Aug 21. 21607 kHz OTHRadar at 09.25 UT. 21470 kHz BBC London in Dari via Al Seela, Oman bcast relay, S=7 or -76dBm at 09.30 UT, also Pashto 11.00-11.30 UT, S=9 or -68dBm at 11.25 13810DRM digital CNR1 S=9+5dB or -69dBm, call 3EB Dongfang Island Hainan, 04.25, 05.25, 06.11, 07.33, 08.21, and at 09.41 UT. -11.62dB SNR 22 scheduled 03.03-10.00 UT. 11620 kHz CHN CNR unidentified program, smooth singer at 09.47 UT. 6035 kHz CHN PBS Yunnan Kunming on air at 09.45 UT, same old Kunming bcast site of the 70ties,when transmite former Malayan Communist party veiled radio program from the jungle. 5914.976 MMR Myanmar Radio from new capital Nay Pyi Daw, midday signal S=8-9 increased signal now in nearby Hua Hin THA Kiwi set, -71dBm at 10.00 UT. 5914.976 MMR Myanmar Radio from new capital Nay Pyi Daw, signal at S=9+15dB increased signal level now in nearby Hua Hin THA Kiwi set, -58dBm at 11.16 UT. 9730even MMR Myanmar Radio from Yegu-Yangoon site in Burmese, S=9+30dB noted in nearby Hua Hin Thailand Kiwi SDR at 11.23 UT. 11560evn TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, 11.50 UT. S=6. 21319 kHz OTHRadar at 11.29 UT; and 21929, 20990, 18545, 18440 kHz too. 18495 kHz STANAG FUV signal block S=7 -88dBm at 11.31 UT. 18153 kHz STANAG signal block at 11.33 UT. 5914.976 MMR Myanmar Radio from new capital Nay Pyi Daw, signal at S=9+25dB or -49dBm powerful increased signal level now in nearby Hua Hin Thailand Kiwi SDR set, at 12.25 UT. 6140DRM KRE - digital PBS Pyongyang home sce in Korean S=8 at 12.34 UT, -12.3dB SNR 15 daytime path. 15760DRM digital CNR1 S=8 no call ID like xHE_AAC(1) like ? Kunming southern CHN bcast center ? -12.2dB or 12.8 SNR figure noted at 12.36 UT. 21904.591 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect - probably, 12.38 UT. S=6. 21595.149 (!) much odd fqy. UAE One of 4x txs at ENC/Abu Dhabi Media, Al Dhabbaya UAE bcast center is performing always more than 100 Hertz odd fqy signal on upper sideband flank. Rent UAE txion by R ERGO IRIN Radio in Somali, scheduled 12-13UT weekdays, noted at 12.38 UT on Wed Aug 21. 21490even CHN CNR1 jamming S=6-7 signal at 12.42 UT. Against TWN SOH in Mandarin against Falun Gong sect - probably. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 21) Some logs dropped down on Thur Aug 22 around 12.20 to 13.32 UT: 15489.987 TJK USAGM RFA Tibetan sce via Orzu, S=9+25dB at 12.38 UT, and 15490even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against US Tibetan program. 15600even UZB AWR Asia in Cantonese via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, S=9+15dB at 12.40 UT, 100Hz (main power) buzz tone seen on SDR screen dsiplay. 15710.012 GUM KSDA AWR Agat Guam, in Cantonese Chinese, S=9+20dB. 12.43UT 15729.970 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=7 at 12.44 in Qatar ME 15799.936 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=7 at 12.46 in Qatar ME 15800even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against SOH Mandarin program 15919.825 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=6 at 12.48 in Qatar ME 15969.817 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, S=7 at 12.51 UT in Japan, and 15970even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against TWN SOH program, at 12.52 UT, S=9+20dB powerful signal, Mandarin Chinese program. 15274.965 TJK very odd freq, likely via Tashkent-UZB center instead (?) USAGM RFA Tibetan sce via Orzu, S=9+15dB at 13.00 UT, and 15275even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against US Tibetan program. 12014.875 MNG VoMongolia, Ulan Bataar Khonkhor site, Japanese 12.00-12.30 S=9+15dB noted in Hiroshima Akitakata remotedly at 13.18 UT. 11479.959 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, S=8 at 13.21 UT in Japan. 11519.994 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, S=8 at 13.23 UT in Japan, much strong BUZZy modulated though.. 11550.037 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, poor S=5 at 13.24 UT in Japan 11580.148 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, much S=9 at 13.26 UT in Japan 11734.963 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang 200kW SW center, Mandarin Chinese at 13.29 UT, smooth Army string instrument orchestra program. S=9 11774.716 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, buzzy S=7 at 13.32UT on Fri Aug 22 in Japan. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) 21560digital(?) scratch jamming from mainland China ?, S=8 -77dBm, 05.55UT on Fri Aug 23, like DRM signal as jamming modulation used ? 17830DRM digital CNR1 S=5 call 3FC Urumqi far western Xinjiang province CHN, S=5 or poor-96dBm at 05.58UT. 98degr azimuth to all Beijing Shanghai, Jinan, northern China target. 17770DRM CHN call 27FA Dongfang island, Hainan province in southern CHN, S=6 or poor-88dBm at 05.59 UT. 16degr azimuth to all Beijing northern China target. 21530DRM CHN call 3EB Dongfang island, Hainan province in southern CHN, -11.6dB or 13.6 SNR noted at txion start at 06.03 UT. 341degr azimuth to all western China, Great Gobi, Novosibirsk, 06.03-07.00 UT. 15670DRM digital CNR1 S=9+10dB or -69dBm call 3F2 Kunming province bc center in Anning southern CHN, noted at 06.10UT. 135degr azimuth target at 01-04 UT to strange foreign southeast Asia, like, Hainan, Sabah, Brunei, Philippines, and PNG Chinese nationals audience. But others in hfcc.org database later on local noon at 04-11 UT time slot show DRM digital mode CNR1 sce at 32degrs azimuth northwards to Shaanxi, Beijing, Qiqihar northeastern CHN area. 13810DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 3EB Dongfang Island, Hainan province, at 06.09 UT on Fri Aug 23. Also noted 04.25, 05.25, 06.11, 07.33, 08.21, 09.41 UT previously. S=9+10dB or -73dBm signal into remoted KIWI_net SDR unit at Cha-Am/Hua Hin Thailand. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 23) CHINA Re: China - CNR5 and CNR6 now off SW, but resumed after summer repair break on Aug 21. "CNR5/6 resumed CNR5 and CNR6, which had been out of service since Aug 7, resumed short- wave broadcasts to Taiwan today, August 21. They had been out of service for two weeks, but I don't know why. Because of this, "Shiokaze" at 1300 UT is once again a little difficult to hear due to interference on 6165 kHz. 6070 kHz is fine with no inter- ference. On Thursdays, both the first and second halves are English broad- casts. ..." Hiroshi posted (Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 21) Re: China - CNR5 and CNR6 now off SW. Usual summer re-shuffle repair work - with breaks of some TXS, feeder- lines, or antenna dipols - of the RTC engineers, happened every year since 2004, when Thomcast Ampegon units purchased by the Chinese for the first time, erected in 2003 at Qiqihar bcast center in the far northeast of China mainland, Lhasa Baiding site at 3700 meters ASL height, Urumqqi and Kashi-Kashgar were also repaired in past 15 years on high summer season. 73 wolfie df5sx (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) CHINA/KOREA D.P.R. - North 15245even CRI Aug 14 at 1512 UT, JBA algo. Since it's not off-frequency, must not be VOKorea as sked in English around 15245.2 kHz; rather CRI English via Kashgar also sked, Commies vs Commies! (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) 15245.243 kHz VoKorea Kujang 200 kW powerhouse in Edmonton-AB-CAN, wb. 15245.2 V of KOREA, 1820 to 1830 UT, 14 Aug. English: Weak signal with the usual jingo-istic anthems. Very noisy. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) CZECH / SLOVAK REPUBLIC {CSSR history} Czech movie "Vlny". Journalisten als Stars: Film "Vlny" und die wahre Geschichte des Tschechoslowakischen Rundfunks im Jahr 1968. Am Mittwoch haben Staatspraesident Pavel und Premier Fiala am Haupt- gebaeude des Tschechischen Rundfunks an die Niederschlagung des Prager Fruehlings am 21. August 1968 erinnert. Welche Rolle gerade Redakteure des damaligen Tschechoslowakischen Rund- funks beim Widerstand gegen die Sowjettruppen spielten, das zeigt ein Film, der vergangene Woche in die Kinos kam. Er traegt den schlichten Titel "Vlny" - also Wellen - und beruht auf tatsaechlichen Begebenheiten und Personen. [...] Mutige Redakteure und Techniker. Der Film "Vlny" ist am Donnerstag vergangener Woche hierzulande in die Kinos gekommen. Regisseur Jiri Madl setzt darin dem Tschech(oslowak)i- schen Rundfunk ein Denkmal zum 100. Geburtstag - wenn auch mit einem Jahr Verspaetung. Im Mittelpunkt steht die damalige Auslandsredaktion, die sich "Redaktion des internationalen Lebens" (redakce mezinarodniho zivota) nennt. [...] Die anfaenglichen Sendungen bleiben nur aufgrund des sogenannten Draht- funks erhalten. Denn Kultur- und Informationsminister Karel Hoffmann gehoert zum moskautreuen Fluegel der KPTsch und ordnet an, alle Sender des Landes abzustellen. Der Drahtfunk war in den 1950er Jahren entstanden, dafuer waren in der Tschechoslowakei extra Leitungen verlegt worden. Er sollte bei einem eventuellen Krieg mit dem Westen ermoeglichen, weiter- hin die Menschen zu informieren. "Der Drahtfunk hatte kein eigenes Studio, damit ist nur eine bestimmte Art der Verbreitung der Sendungen gemeint.Im Gegensatz zum gaengigen Rundfunk, bei dem der Hoerer die jeweiligen Sender einstellt, hatte der Drahtfunk nur einen Kanal. Ueber diesen wurde ein Mix uebertragen, beim dem sich die Sender nach einer gewissen Zeit abwechselten. In den fruehen Morgenstunden des 21.August lief aber nur die Hauptnachrichtensendung",erlaeutert Dufka. Nach zwei oder drei Stunden setzen die Reformkraefte in der Regierung durch, wieder die {terrestrischen} Sender anzuschalten. Die Invasoren wol- len jedoch nicht nur die regulaeren Ausstrahlungen des Tschechoslowa- kischen Rundfunks stoppen, sondern beginnen auch selbst zu senden - und zwar von der DDR aus {ausgeklinkter R DDR MW Sender Dresden Willsdruff} ueber einen Sender, den sie Stanice Vltava {Moldau} nennen. Allerdings klingt das Programm in tschechischen Ohren aeusserst verdaechtig. Denn die Ansagen erfolgen in gebrochenem Tschechisch. [...] 1968 ist der letzte grosse Moment des Rundfunks in der tschechoslowaki- schen Geschichte. Im November und Dezember 1989 kommen diejenigen, die auf einen Regimewechsel draengen, aus anderen Bereichen der Gesellschaft: aus den Reihen der Studenten, aber auch der Kunstschaffenden - und natuerlich der Dissidenten wie Vaclav Havel. Mit einigen Fotos auf der WP: "Today's Russia is essentially no different from the former Soviet Union" (Radio CZ; 24. Aug. 2024 'Vlny' movie) CUBA 15140 kHz Aug 17 at 1831 UT, S5/S7 direct of dead air in Kriyol ? from RHC. At least the transmitter is on, that's half the battle, auguring well for English at 1900 UT? No, at 1932 UT into Missouri SDR, still dead air at S=9+10dB - or maybe a trace of talk with all volumes at max ! But could be crossmod from elsewhere. Something's always wrong at RHC. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) DENMARK World Music Radio transmitter update: 25800 kHz have had some modulation issues lately, eventually leading to an open carrier only. This was fixed on August 12th and everything is now working fine. Power 150 Watts (AM carrier) 24hrs/7d. 15700 kHz is also running fairly well. However at times connection to the studio is lost, so occasionally (not too often) a blank carrier only here. Power is 300 Watts (AM carrier) beamed South 24hrs/7d. 5930 kHz was struck by lightning late August 13, but the transmitter sur- vived - thanks to a GDT lightning protection unit. This was replaced, and so WMR was back on 5930 kHz on the morning of August 14. Power on 5930 kHz remains around 150 Watts (AM carrier) 24hrs/7d. 927 kHz has been off the air for some time. A lot of problems with the ex- perimental coil aerial, mainly due to strong winds and heavy rain. After the aerial was fixed, the otherwise very good Hercules transmitter broke down. A 300 Watt replacement transmitter was put in place instead, and the Hercules transmitter sent for repair (on July 13). A few weeks later the replacement transmitter also broke down. There is no news as to when the Hercules can be put back into action. Internet problems. Yesterday Friday the audio stream from the studio fail- ed for several hours, due to loss of internet connection. Since 18 UTC yesterday everything has been running without interruptions. PS! Kindly note that P.O.B. 112 has been closed. All P.O.Boxes in Denmark are being closed in 2024 by PostNord. Welcome to the laughable and absurd postal situation in Denmark in 2024. PHOTO: World Music Radio is transmitting on 25800 kHz from the top of this 110 metres tall tower in Marslet, near Aarhus, Denmark, giving excellent coverage in Eastern Jutland. (Alan Pennington-UK / World Music Radio F_Book, via BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 24) DENMARK 5929.98 kHz World Music Radio, Bramming, Aug 15. 0244-0304 UT (5929.983 kHz per UTwente, strangely almost fair / from 0259UT overwhelmed by VOA qrm splash), ongoing lively Latin Am songs and one pop rock song, man brief unclear talk at 0248 UT, brief jingle at 0256 UT, from 0259 UT qrm splats VOA in English on 5925 kHz via Botswana; heard better in usb/ lsb sync, sometimes in am too, rapid no deep qsb, strong qrn, almost fair/fair/briefly poor at 0259 UT. Almost fair/poor; in // (Gianni Serra, Roma-ITA, wor Aug 25) DENMARK Private small music radios noted on Saturday Aug 24: 15700.001 nearly even fqy outlet S=6 poor at 12.40 UT. 5929.982 World Music Radio, Bramming S=3 very poor stn string visible at 12.32 UT. 5969.990 R 208, poor S=4 at 12.37 UT. 6054.997 Radio OZ-Viola poor S=4 at 12.38 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 24) E'SWANTINI 15105 kHz TWR Manzini Swaziland, 1555 to 1605 UT, 16 Aug. in Tigrinya language. African style music until ToH. Man then spoke for se- veral minutes and went then back to music. Fair. lowerside 15104.965 kHz (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) FRANCE 7340 // 13735 kHz. Aug 12 at 1513-1559.7* UT, TDF Issoudun with French and heavily accented English weather info for sailboat race. FRANCE 13735 kHz Aug 13 at 1534 UT, S5/S9 of pop music fill, weather info portion already over from Mini Transat; 1558 UT quick sendoff, "Have a nice day", "a demain", bit more music to 1559.7*UT. As heard into Canary Island SDR after NO signal direct and UTwente offline. I guess they had to buy a full hour tho a semihour would have sufficed. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 12-13) I'm checking following this in BrDXC-UK 'Communication' magazine, first report I've seen this year about MiniTransat: "13735 kHz 1505 UT MiniTransat Sailing, France. Maritime wx, OM, FF, EE // 7340 kHz 333 24/July GS Gabby Simmonds Worcester, U.K." 13735 kHz, from 1458 past 1500 UT, NO signal at all direct. Propagation very degraded with little else on band outside USA. So by 1513UT I'm tuned to UTwente where 13735.001- kHz is audible poorly at S7/S8, as to be ex- pected at short skip distance, much better on 7340.000- kHz at S=9+5/10dB, YL in heavily accented English with weather info, foneticizing e.g. NNW as November November Whisky. Mixed with French and hard to tell when she's switching languages. 1522UT "that's all the weather today" and over to OM in French, seems like race standings. 1529 UT music bits. 1530 UT she's back talking about Olym- pix, medal counts, etc. 1532 UT familiar "Nuits de Paris" song, not sure of proper title; and many other songs filling out the hour. First several minutes would play a tune for only a minute or so, fade it down, and start another; must be a very impatient DJ. Chopoff at 1559.7* UT But which race is this for? The big one with SWx broadcasts like this, 'La Boulangere Mini Transat', does not appear to be in progress now nor in July. In fact this website has nothing about this year, but lots about 2023, when arrival dates ranged from November 8 to 18. That's the one from France to Canarias and then to Guadeloupe. This site shows many other races including some starting 19 July, 18 and 24 August; I wonder which and how many merit SW broadasts: These two entries in today's HFCC update could be a clue, note effective dates: 7340 1500 1600 27W,36,37W ISS 250 266 0 146 1234567 120724 250824 Fra F TDF TDF 4613 MT 13735 1500 1600 27W,36,37W ISS 250 256 0 217 1234567 120724 250824 Fra F TDF TDF 4614 MT I also searched serial #s 4612 and 4615 for more, unfound. These are also in EiBi databases without datespans, not Aoki lists. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) GERMANY/SAAR Sendehalle in Berus Renovierung im SR tv. An der ehemaligen Sendehalle von Europe 1 bei {Saarlouis} Berus verlaeuft die Sanierung des Daches weitestgehend planmaessig. Nach Angaben der Gemeinde ist das Projekt allerdings in Teilen herausfordernd. Weil die selbsttragende Betondecke nur acht Zentimeter dick ist, koennen die Arbeiter nur vergleichsweise leichtes Geraet einsetzen. Trotzdem gehe man davon aus,dass die neue Abdichtung und Daemmung bis Oktober verbaut werden kann. Der Beitrag im "aktueller bericht" im Saarlaendischen Fernsehen war am 22. Aug. ab 19.20 Uhr allerdings bis zu 5 Minuten lang. In der Untertitelung war von einem Privatprogramm und einem Mittelwellen- sender zu lesen. (Nobody is perfect) Die Europe-1 exLangwellensender-Sendehalle in Berus bekommt eine neue Haube. Sie gilt als die Kathedrale der Wellen: die Sendehalle von Europe 1 in Berus. Seit 2020 steht der denkmalgeschuetzte Bau leer. Aug 23 INDIA/BHARAT 11865 kHz All India Radio Akashvani External Service, Delhi heard at 1206 UT on Aug 16. Typical Indian music and followed at 1209 UT by a man speaking in listed Tibetan. After 1215UT shutdown, Voice of Korea was audible in Japanese on the same frequency. Both mostly poor. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) 11865.002 kHz KRE Kujang in Japanese language at 12.22 UT Aug 22. 11810.006 kHz IND Akashvani {former AIR} via powerful Bangalore, S=9+15dB at 12.27 UT Aug 22, Pashto sce to AFG/PAK. 15410.010 kHz IND Akashvani {former AIR} via powerful Bangalore, S=9+15dB at 12.30 UT Aug 22, Swahili sce to East_AF. 9874.806 much odd fqy - IND Akashvani {former AIR} via New Delhi, Kings- way bcast center, poor S=6 signal in Doha Qatar ME SDR re- motedly at 13.02 UT on Thur Aug 22. Baluchi sce 1230-1330 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) INDIA/BHARAT 15280 kHz QSL-card Akashvani / ex-All India Radio (IND) E-mail: April 9, 2024 at 05.30-06.30 UT, 15280 kHz (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) INDIA-BHARAT Akashvani revises news timings. From today midnight Akashvani {former AIR} is revising timings of it's news timings on Home Services. Please see So sign off timings of some stations may vary slightly from tomorrow Aug 19. (Jose Jacob-IND, DXindia iogroups Aug 18) INDIA/BHARAT Extended broadcasts by Some Akashvani stations to night. Today is celebrated as Janmastami (birthday of Lord Krishna at Mathura) in India. In this connection, many stations of Akashvani will have extended broad- casts tonight for relay special broadcast from Akashvani Mathura-Brindvan from 11.10 pm to 12.15 am IST (17.40-18.15 UTC) instead of sign off at around 11.10 pm. Monitoring observations by Alokesh Gupta in previous years show the following stations were on with special program then kHz - Station 603 - Ajmer (+DRM) 648 - Indore 747 - Lucknow (+DRM) 810 - Rajkot (+DRM) 846 - Ahmedabad (+DRM) 873 - Jalandhar (+DRM) 918 - Suratgarh (+DRM) 954 - Najibabad 981- Raipur 1143 - Rohtak (Off Air now) 1242 - Varanasi (+DRM) 1305 - Parbhani 1593 - Bhopal 792 - Pune (+DRM) is also may carry another program in Marathi then Note : DRM broadcast in Simulcast mode is on -9 kHz than above mentioned AM frequencies (Jose Jacob, Hyderabad-IND, DXindia Aug 26) INDONESIA 3325 kHz Aug 6 at 1326 UT Voice of Indonesia (Channel One) from Palangkaraya. English segment; "Indonesia Today" program; pop music; "Indonesian Wonders" program; ID and list of all the languages broad-cast from VOI; Bahasa Indonesia language lesson; readability not all that good today; weaker on // 4755.0 kHz from Cimanggis Jakarta site. It is important to note that August 17 is not only Indonesia's Indepen- dence Day, but equally important is that it will be the first time that Independence Day celebrations will be held not in Jakarta,the old capital, but instead held in the new capital city of Nusantara, lo-cated in East Kalimantan province, on the island of Borneo. President Joko Widodo has already started working from the new presidential palace in Nusantara. Only a small portion of the new capital is currently completed and is ex- pected to be fully completed by 2045 year. Nusantara is about 383 miles away from Palangkaraya, in Central Kalimantan. Nusantara website - News story - (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor and direct Aug 17) INDONESIA RRI embraces digital future: opportunities for radio in the modern age. "The radio industry, including Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), faces significant opportunities as it adapts to digital transformation. At a recent Public Discussion organised by Public Broadcasting Insti- tution (LPP) Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) in Central Jakarta, Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, high- lighted key strategies for this shift. These include coordinated planning, engaging multiple stakeholders, and optimising Institution (LPP) Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI)'s infrastruc- ture with technologies such as DAB+ and DRM. With online radio content at just 8.9%, the Minister encouraged RRI to explore omnichannel strategies and interactive formats, including social media. Minister Budi Arie is optimistic that embracing these changes will unlock new opportunities for programme development and advertising in the evolv- ing digital landscape." (via Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor iogr Aug 23) INDONESIA 7289.93 kHz RRI Nabire Pro 1, tuned-in 0811 UT till tuned-out 1005 UT, Aug 23. Better than normal reception; any day that I can make out several clear ID's is a very good day; back to the usual variety of music (EZL songs, Middle Eastern/Islamic influenced music/singing and guitar mu- sic with singing) and announcers. 0859-0910 UT: Islamic segment; Shalawat Tarhim prayer, followed by the Maghrib (sunset) call-to-prayer. 0959-1000 UT: RRI theme music. 1000+ UT: Intro to the news with clear ID ("Programa Satu, Radio Republik Indonesia Nabire" - at 2:09 m/s on my audio clip) My audio - Slight China QRM after 1001 UT. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor iogr Aug 23) LITHUANIA/UKRAINE "Umgekehrt kenne ich auch keine Quelle fuer ein aktuelles Programmschema dieses Auslandsprogramms. Dort sind jedenfalls vor einiger Zeit (irgendwann letztes Jahr, wenn ich mich recht entsinne) solche kurzen Segmente in allen moeglichen Sprachen, nur nicht wieder in Deutsch, aufgetaucht (Kai Ludwig-D to Andreas-Busneag-D, July 28 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)" Here are some corrections for BC-DX #1587, with two of them concerning the Aoki database, which is not very accurate when it comes to details. (1386 kHz via Lithuania's Radio Baltic Waves International, LRTC location Anyksiai Vieshintos, 200 kW run by lowered 75 kW), wb. ed. RUI schedule on has been monitored and published at dxguides.info almost since the start of that relay via Lithuania. It was also published in BC-DX a couple of times. RUI current schedule on 1386 kHz is 2100-0330 UT daily in Ukrainian except for the following time slots 2100-2128 Daily Romanian 2200-2208 Monday-Friday Polish 2300-2308 Monday-Thursday Bulgarian 0100-0108 Tuesday-Sunday Belarusian 0200-0208 Tuesday-Saturday Slovak 0300-0308 Tuesday-Saturday Hungarian RUI discontinued its programmes in English on April 20, 2024, following the closure of those in German on October 1, 2023 and in Russian on July 29, 2023. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 18) MADAGASCAR 11640 kHz Radio Dabanga, via ENC Encompass Digital Media Services FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. e-QSL 17.00-17.26 UT, July 31, 2024 (Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) MALAYSIA [non-Sarawak] even 11665 kHz, Wai FM, broadcasting SW from Kajang (near K-L, on the West Coast of the Malaysia peninsula), not broad- casting from Kuching, Sarawak (located in East Malaysia), where Wai FM on 101.3 MHz is based. "Wai" refers to a common call to friends and groups of the same or lower social status in Sarawakian languages. 1202 UT till suddenly left the air at 1223* UT and didn't return again, Aug 24. Exceptionally good reception today till cut off; mostly pop songs and announcers. Live audio streaming - My audio of mostly pop music - Sarawak FM continues with their long standing silence on 9835 kHz. A reminder of an upcoming event Malaysia Independence Day (National Day), is Aug 31, marking the independence day of the Federation of Malaya from the British Empire. Not the Independence Day for Sarawak, but perhaps Wai FM may still make note of the day? (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and via wor Aug 24) MARIANA ISL {USAGM Tinian Isl/Agingian Point Saipan facilities} The Voice of America (recognized in the Russian Federation as a foreign organization performing the functions of a foreign agent) is closing its Robert E. Kamosa Transmitting Center in the Northern Mariana Islands. This was reported by local media in the Pacific territory of the United States, based on a letter from the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM). "I suspect that over the past week your organization has heard about major changes taking place at the Robert E. Kamosa Transmitting Center (REKTS) of the United States Agency for Global Media. These changes include the cessation of all shortwave broadcasts from our stations on Saipan and Tinian, which is the first step in closing the transmitting center," the letter says. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) MONGOLIA 12085 kHz Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar heard at 1055 UT on Aug 15. A monologue by a man in listed Japanese. Mostly poor. I have not heard this station in many months. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) 12014.875 MNG VoMongolia, Ulan Bataar Khonkhor site, Japanese 12.00-12.30 S=9+15dB noted in Hiroshima Akitakata remotedly at 13.18 UT on Aug 22. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) NETHERLANS 6170 kHz e-QSL Radio Delta International (NL). E-mail: August 17, 2024, at 19.53-20.22 UT, 6170 kHz (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) NEW ZEALAND The technical team at RNZ Pacific must have adjusted some- thing on their new transmitter: Their broadcasts are closer to be being on frequency at the moment. As measured by my SDR over the past three hours, they were ~9 Hz high on 17675 kHz, ~7 Hz high on 13690 kHz and ~5/6 Hz high on 9700kHz. (Meanwhile, when tuning to WWV and CHU, my receiver shows those stations within 1 Hz of the nominal frequency.) Their new transmitter upon commissioning was as much as 40 Hertz high at one point on 17675 kHz; I remember their old transmitter was about 24/25 Hertz high on 15720 and 17675 kHz. (Ricky Leong, Calgary-AB-CAN, wor Aug 21) Re: RNZ Pacific closer to being on-frequency. Yes exactly. Just now using the Hunter valley #1 (:8073) kSDR the outlet on 9700 kHz is off by +6.5 Hz while the TDF on 9790 kHz is off -1/1 Hz. It is much better than the previous off by 23 Hertz for that time as I noted once 1+ month ago. i sent them a message those times. Carrier was exact around two hours after their tune in ! (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Aug 21) Re: RNZ Pacific closer to being on-frequency. 17675.044 kHz much oddity of R NZPacific sign-off at 04.58 UT. Bird sing- ing S=8 Aug 20. Never seen such wide odd fqy before in NZ. At 08.45 UT today Wed Aug 21 on NEW ZEALAND 9700.007 kHz RNZ Pacific Rangitaiki. S=9+20dB signal strength in Hiroshima Akitakata worldwide SDR net. 9700even NZL RNZ Pacific from Rangitaiki now corrected and aligned EVEN fqys of old Thomcast and new Ampegon tx unit, alternates using old/new between. At 06.47 UT noted in Hiroshima Akitakata Japan remotedly. Aug 24. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 20 - 24) NEW ZEALAND According to New Zealand's deputy prime minister, shortwave broadcasting to the Pacific is now "more important" than it was in 1990, when RNZ Pacific first began broadcasting to the region. On Thursday (August 1), RNZ launched a new shortwave transmitter for the Pacific, re- placing an old one dating back to 1989. Details in Russian: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) NEW ZEALAND 9700 kHz. Radio New Zealand Pacific. e-QSL: 19.15-19.58 UT Aug. 03, 2024. And according to the schedule, the transmitter from 19.00 to 19.58 UT should have been working on 11725 kHz ... e-QSL: 15720 kHz, 20.00-20.40 UT, Aug. 03, 2024. (Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) NEW ZEALAND 17675 kHz RNZ Pacific, 0406 UT, Aug 10. Extensive weather report in English by a woman. Next, an interview of an author regarding a book on local pop music. Also, a local musician interviewed by the woman host. Good propagation tonight. Scheduled 22.59-04.58 UT from Aug 15. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) PHILIPPINES "9920 kHz 1500-1545 PHL FEBC Radio Teos Ukr Bocaue 234 9920 kHz 1530-1600 PHL FEBC Radio Teos Rus Bocaue 1567" Here are some corrections for BC-DX #1587, with two of them concerning the Aoki database, which is not very accurate when it comes to details. Their schedule has never been like this. The correct one is below 1500-1530 Sun Russian 1500-1545 Mon-Wed Russian 1500-1600 Thu-Sat Russian 1530-1545 Sun Ukrainian 1545-1600 Sun Russian (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 18) Re: FEBC Philippines in A24 season. 1500-1545 Rus 9920 234 20-22,29E,30-32 BOC 1500-1600 Rus 9920 1 567 20-22,29E,30-32 BOC There is also a slot in Ukrainian language at 15:30-15:45 UTC on Sundays, which I think is more of a legacy, as FEBC has been broadcasting in Ukrainian since the late 1940s (!). (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) re: FEBC Philippines A24 season. {Note that there is no ingles, gh wor} Esquema actual de emisiones de la Far East Broadcasting Company con 100kW UTC Idioma QRG Dias Zonas Site 0000-0015 Kjg 9795 1234567 49 IBA 0000-0100 Mul 15435 1234567 49,43S BOC 0045-0100 Rki 15450 1 67 41NE,49NW BOC 0100-0130 Jav 15560 1234567 49S,50S,51W,54 BOC 0900-0930 Khg 15450 1234567 42S,43S,49N BOC 0900-1000 Mul 15580 1234567 54 BOC 0930-1000 Min 15420 1234567 49S,54W BOC 0930-1000 Mvf 15450 1234567 43S,44S IBA 1000-1030 Mww 12095 23456 43S,49 BOC 1000-1030 Shn 13870 23456 43S,44S,49 BOC 1000-1100 Mul 15580 1234567 54 BOC 1000-1400 Mul 9400 1234567 42-44 IBA 1000-1600 Cmn 9275 1234567 42-44 BOC 1030-1100 Ium 13870 23456 49 BOC 1030-1100 Khb 12095 1234567 43S,44S,49 BOC 1100-1115 Rki 15450 1 67 41NE,49NW BOC 1100-1200 Vie 9795 1234567 43S,44S,49 IBA 1100-1300 Khm 13870 1234567 49 BOC 1100-1300 Mul 12095 1234567 43S,44S,49 BOC 1115-1200 Mul 15330 1234567 49 BOC 1200-1330 Mul 9920 1234567 49 IBA 1200-1400 Mul 12120 1234567 49 BOC 1300-1400 Mul 11600 1234567 42S,43,49N BOC 1300-1400 Mul 12095 1234567 43S,44S,49 BOC 1400-1430 Jav 15620 1234567 49S,50S,51W,54 BOC 1400-1430 Lhu 11750 1234567 43S,49 BOC 1400-1600 Cmn 9345 1234567 42-44 IBA 1430-1500 Uig 9940 1234567 30,42 BOC 1500-1545 Rus 9920 234 20-22,29E,30-32 BOC 1500-1600 Rus 9920 1 567 20-22,29E,30-32 BOC 2230-0030 Cmn 9405 1234567 42-44 BOC 2230-2330 Mww 12095 23456 43S,49 BOC 2300-0100 Cmn 12070 1234567 42-44 IBA 2300-2330 Hnj 12095 1 7 43S,49 BOC 2300-2330 Ium 9875 1234567 49 BOC 2300-2330 Shn 12055 23456 43S,44S,49 BOC 2300-2400 Mul 9795 1234567 43S,44S,49 IBA 2330-0045 Mul 15450 1234567 41NE,49 BOC 2330-0100 Mul 12055 1234567 43S,44S,49 BOC 2330-2400 Ium 9875 23456 49 BOC Idiomas / Languages Cmn Chino mandarin Hnj Hmong Njua Ium Iu Mien Jav Javanes Khb Lue Khg Tibetano Khams Khm Khmer Kjg Khmu Lhu Lahu Min Minangkabau Mul Multiples lenguas Mvf Mongol periferico Mww Hmong Daw Rki Rakhine Rus Ruso Shn Shan Uig Uighur Vie Vietnamita Plantas - Sites: BOC: Bocaue. IBA: Iba. (HFCC database; via AER, 21 Aug 2024, EA4-0003, via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA) PHILIPPINES 9875 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2321-2330 UT, FEBC Philippines, Bocaue-PHL, in Iu Mien. Man preaching; 2327 UT A religious hymn by choir. Good reception: 45554. 12055 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2330-2340 UT, FEBC Philippines, Bocaue-PHL, in Palaung-Pale. IS; A short religious hymn, and next, man Pastor prea- ches; 2334 UT A religious song by choir; 2336 UT Returns preaching and the own Pastor playing a short song. Poor reception: 35432. 12055 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2351-2400 UT. FEBC Philippines, Bocaue-PHL, in Tai-Lu dialect. Man talking; Music; 2354 UT Returns man Pastor; 2355 UT Starts interference by CNR17 ! Poor reception till 2355 UT: 35322. After 2355 UT total FEBC blocking by CNR17-Kazakh Radio. 12095 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2311-2320 UT, FEBC Philippines, Bocaue-PHL, in Hmong. Man Pastor preaches, of course. Good reception: 45544. 15450 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2341-2350 UT, FEBC Philippines, Bocaue-PHL, in Burmese. Man preaching; A brief music and returns man Pastor with your preaching; 2348 UT Music. Good reception: 45544. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 18) PHILIPPINES 9960 // 12120 // 15190 kHz. e-QSL Radyo Pilipinas - World Service, PBS (PHL). E-mail: August 15, 2024 at 18.09-18.40 UT. (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) RUSSIA Re: RUS'-DX items 21 Jan. Moscow. Kurkino site. The same small radio center from which, in the last years of his on-air work, the broad- casts of "Narodnoe Radio" - 612 kHz and "World Radio Network" - 738 kHz were heard. - Not working since 05/01/2019. In a recent Radiopanorama issue, Vadim Alekseyev said that their former transmitter in Kurkino (it was a Czechoslovak Tesla manufactured in late 1980s) had been scrapped not long ago. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 18) 612 kHz. Moscow. Kurkino. The same small radio center from which, in the last years of his on-air work, the broadcasts of "Narodnoe Radio" - 612 kHz and "World Radio Network" - 738 kHz were heard. Not working since 05/01/2019. ("RUS-DX" # 1273 / Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Jan 21) RUSSIA Re: eQSL Music Wave Radio on 3940 kHz 75 meterband. Are you saying you don't think they are a pirate station ? (Lucas Bandur, wor Aug 22) What is supposed to be "pirate" about this station ? - transmitting from the territory of a totalitarian state. - day after day with significant power, without being bothered. - the music program with western music and the reading of listeners' letters is their honey pot. - "on the side" they play nostalgic songs that thematize the former Communist Red Army and are supposed to ensure a better reputation. - but they also don't stop at modern Russian rap that glorifies the PMC Wagner. - inflationary allocation of e-QSLs, where no attention is paid to pro- gram details or SINPO values. - the operator also makes a podcast for WRN. - 3 years ago, they pretended that the podcasts offered on the Internet were broadcast by station operators with whom they supposedly had abso- lutely nothing to do. From my point of view, this is nothing more than a "special broadcasting operation". If a real pirate radio station were to do something like "Echo Moscow" did two years ago, their presence on the airwaves would soon be over ... "... "Echo of Moscow" had great popularity among Muscovites. According to Mediascope data for November 2021-January 2022, more than 1,026,000 liste- ners aged 12 and older chose this radio daily, and more than 2 million listeners weekly. According to this indicator, it ranked fifth among all Moscow stations. A total of 3,239,000 people listened to Echo in Russia daily and 7,079,000 weekly. On March 1, 2022, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, Roskomnadzor blocked the online resources of "Echo of Moscow", and at 21:00 the radio was disconnected from the air. The reason for this de-# cision was cited as the publication of extremist materials and inaccurate information about the special operation. On March 3,the board of directors decided to liquidate the station. The next day its online broadcasting stopped, all accounts in social networks were deleted, and the website was disabled. Sputnik radio, a project of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, currently operates on the frequencies of the former Echo." (Roger Thauer-D, wor Aug 23) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.419 kHz Aug 22 at 1910 UT, Rep. of Yemen Radio with ME music, no jamming S=9+25dB into UTwente; but circa 1930 UT interrupted every few seconds by strong "chirps", recorded example on WOR #2257; not sure, but seems to be internal rather than external QRM. 1938 UT Yemen ID in Arabic. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Aug 23) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.402 S=9+50dB nice clean audio signal, no scratch sound heard in Doha Qatar wwide Perseus SDR unit - remotedly. Holy Quran night prayer performance, heavy powerful signal in ME, at 15.50 UT on Aug 23 and similar 11935.404 kHz S=9+35dB nice clean audio signal at 18.32 UT Aug 23. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 23) TAJIKISTAN 12140 kHz Sun, Aug 18, 2024. 2257-2309 UT, USAGM-Radio Free Asia, Dushanbe-Orzu-TJK (former Tinian-MRA), in Khmer. Man announcer talk- ing; Woman talking? Man talks. JBA reception: 25311. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 18) TAJIKISTAN/UZBEKISTAN/MADAGASCAR/UK Adventist World Radio in A-24: e-QSL: 15440 kHz / 13.30-14.00 UTC / Aug.01-2024 - e-QSL: 15505 kHz / 14.00-15.00 UTC / Aug.01-2024 - e-QSL: 9445 kHz / 15.00-15.30 UTC / Aug.01-2024 - e-QSL: 11955 kHz / 15.30-16.00 UTC / Aug.01-2024 - e-QSL: 11850 kHz / 17.30-18.00 UTC / Aug.01-2024 - e-QSL: 15255 kHz / 13.00-13.30 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - e-QSL: 15440 kHz / 13.30-14.00 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - e-QSL: 15505 kHz / 14.00-15.00 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - e-QSL: 9445 kHz / 15.00-15.30 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - e-QSL: 11955 kHz / 15.30-16.00 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - e-QSL: 17730 kHz / 16.00-16.30 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - e-QSL: 11880 kHz / 19.00-20.00 UTC / Aug.02-2024 - https://myqsl.github.io/2024/08/08/awr0802arabic.html> (Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) TURKEY QSL from Voice of Turkey 9875 kHz. (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) TURKEY 11965 kHz Voice of Turkiye QSL card. May 02, 2024, at 13:00- 13:59 UT, Russian sce. Picture: 11660 kHz - Voice of Turkiye QSL card. July 05, 2024, 16:30-17:22 UT, English sce. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) UAE UNIDENTIFIED ? 9540.15 kHz Aug 18 at 0205 UT, open carrier at S=9+10/20dB. Aoki list shows on plain old 9540 kHz, FEBA Radio Pakistan via UAE site; EiBi database shows FEBC Philippines in Urdu via UAE on plain old 9540 kHz. BUT another block via UAE as 9540.1 kHz at 1615-1700 UT, Sweden's IBRA R. Ibrahim for East Africa. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 18) 21595.149 (!) much odd fqy. UAE One of 4x txs at ENC/Abu Dhabi Media, Al Dhabbaya UAE bcast center is performing always more than 100 Hertz odd fqy signal on upper sideband flank. This fqy faulty transmitter is used on all Al Dhabbaya registered frequencies, in turn since decade or so ... Rent UAE txion by R ERGO IRIN Radio in Somali, scheduled 12-13UT weekdays, noted at 12.38 UT on Wed Aug 21. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 21) UAE {Czech Rep non} 13650 kHz e-QSL Radio Prague Int'l, Czechia, Russian Sce via Abu Dhabi Media ENC Al Dhabbaya site at WRN program via UAE. August 19, 2024 at 15.00-15.30 UT, 13650 kHz (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) UAE {Target Radio to Tibet Xizang province in China} 15215 kHz e-QSL Gaweylon Tibetian Radio / FEBC Manila via Abu Dhabi Media ENC relay center Al Dhabbaya-UAE. E-mail: August 5, 2024 at 12.00-12.30 UT, 15215 kHz (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) UAE/JAPAN "Sic - wrong broadcaster / program details, never NHK Russian service in 22 mband these days, see schedule below." NHK Russian is relayed by WRN on 13650 kHz via Abu Dhabi Media ENC relay at Al Dhabbaya at 16:00-16:20 UT. It has been so since the start of this relay in October 2023 (12095 kHz in B23 season), though I'm not sure if NHK is aware of this fact. (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 18) U.K. {KOREA REP OF South} 6145 kHz E-QSL KBS World Radio, French ser- vice (via ENC Woofferton United Kingdom), July 20, 2024, 6145 kHz, one minute, web-form: (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1303 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18) USA and WORLDWIDE Gents, Recently, John Herkimer and I posted the attached popup announcement on the homepage of our DX history website, In researching the site's history, I myself was surprised to find that we have been at it for 25 years. It has been great fun digging around in the world of shortwave broadcast history, a subject about which much less was known within the DX hobby when the project started. But history is catching up to us, and ontheshortwaves.com will be closing down on or about November 15. I want to say thanks to all the DXplorers who have joined us on our journey. And I want to give special thanks to John Herkimer. I could not have had a better partner. (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, DXplorer Aug 18) USA/USSR {history} Not Radio exactly, but working Phone at least. Tapping undersea cables in the 70's. From El Pais newspaper online: Some neat, interesting details on how undersea cables were tapped in the 1970's. (Paul_KE8WMF USA, wor Aug 23) USA 7505 kHz WRNO, 0148 UT on Aug 18. Oldies music featuring Antoine "Fats" Domino's recordings. Played "Blueberry Hill", "Walking to New Orleans" and others. ID at 0155 UT by a man, "this is WRNO worldwide". Very good. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) USA 17530 kHz Sat Aug 17 at 1814 UT, SSOB S=9/+10dB English interview on phone with African accents about Nigeria, chopped amid at 1830* UT for VOA, WDC s/off with YDD once. Beyond me why VOA doesn't correlate trans- mission breaks with programming breaks,far from the only instance of this. O, I get it, SW is only an inconsequential appendage to other platforms! HFCC not updated since Aug 12! Shows GB Grimesland NC, daily at 1700-1830 UT in English; 1830 UT switch to Ascension for Kinyarwanda, but nothing heard now since that is Mon-Fri only. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 17) 9930 kHz Aug 17 at 1837UT, TOMBS resumed on WTWW after missing yesterday, S9/+25dB and // 9980 kHz WWCR, equally huge Overkiller, and 9930 kHz runn- ing 7 seconds behind 9980 kHz. So if you hear something on 9980 kHz and can't believe your ears, you have 7 seconds to hear it again on 9930 kHz, how convenient (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 17) USA 7505 kHz Aug 18 at 0159 UT, "Begin the Beguine" by a jazzy orche- stra, nice and alarmingly secular - from WRNO?! S=9+40/50dB. 0202 UT WRNO IDs, by Caleb Owens, e- and p-mail addresses, but 0203 UT back to preachery. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 18) USA [and non] . WOR #2256 monitoring: "5085 kHz. Sat, Aug 17, at 0259- 0330 UT, WTWW-World of Radio, Lebanon-TN, in English. Man says WTWW ID, repeats and website; 0300 UT Glenn Hauser presents a dx program "World of Radio": Highlights country logs and next, reading dozens of logs; Comments and more; 0329 UT A brief song and ends the program. Fair reception: 45433 9475 kHz Sat, Aug 17, 2259-2330 UT, WTWW-World of Radio, Lebanon-TN, in English. 2259 UT Man says WTWW ID and website; 2300UT Glenn Hauser starts your WOR; Highlights country logs this edition; Next, reading, in detail, dozens of logs from him and listeners around the world; 2329 UT Woman says WTWW ID and more. Good reception: 45554. Confirmed Saturday August 17 at 2300 on WTWW 9475 kHz, VG direct. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 17) USA WTWW breakdown August 20. Just heard from George McClintock, 1720 UT Tuesday: one of the WTWW trans- mitters failed, and awaiting part to be shipped in from Germany. In the meantime, only on the air is 9930 kHz with Brother Stair. But not yet on air today. Evidently all 9475/5085 kHz programming is suspended including 'World of Radio' until it's fixed. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 20) USA 5085 kHz Aug 22 at 0202 UT, this WTWW is back on the air with Truth2Ponder, VG signal direct, S=9+50/60dB ! George McClintock informs me before 1600 UT that will try 9475 kHz again later today. Good news: the factory in Germany is so concerned about the failure of their trans- mitter that they are sending someone over next week to work on it. The other transmitter, #1 is a "total disaster, fell apart", and there is no one to blame but you know who. 5085 kHz only is again on air at 0130 UT check August 23. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 22-23) USA 5085 kHz Aug 25 at 0151 UT, NO signal from WTWW when it ought be on, but recheck at 0216UT now it's on, and how! pinning the meter S=9+60dB hardly ever accomplished by a non-local signal. Some guy is musing that he doesn't think much of the Democratic or Republican presidential + vice candidates, nor foreign leaders who could be puppets of The Deep State, yeah right. Recheck 0308 UT, 5085 kHz is already off again. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 25) USA 17530 kHz Sat Aug 17 at 1814 UT, SSOB S=9+10dB English interview on phone with African accents about Nigeria, chopped amid at 1830*UT for VOA, WDC s/off with YDD once. Beyond me why VOA doesn't correlate transmission breaks with programming breaks, far from the only instance of this. O, I get it, SW is only an inconsequential appendage to other platforms! HFCC database not updated since Aug 12! Shows GB Grimesland NC, daily at 1700-1830 UT in English; 1830 UT switch to Ascension for Kinyarwanda, but nothing heard now since that is Mon-Fri only. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1165 Aug 18) UZBEKISTAN 15600even UZB AWR Asia in Cantonese via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, S=9+15dB at 12.40 UT, 100Hz (main power) buzz tone seen on SDR screen dsiplay. Aug 22. 15274.965 TJK very odd freq, likely via Tashkent-UZB center instead (?) USAGM RFA Tibetan sce via Orzu-TJK, S=9+15dB at 13.00 UT, and 15275even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against US Tibetan program. 11509.930 UZB R FNK - Radio Free North Korea, in Korean to Korea(s) tar- get radio, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Trans- mitting bcast center, S=8 much fluttery in Hiroshima Akitakata remotedly at 13.22 UT, scheduled 13-14 UT. Aug 22. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) UZBEKISTAN 7625 kHz Sat, Aug 24, at 2114-2123 UT, The Voice of the Martyrs, Tashkent-UZB, in Chinese. Man/woman announcers talking beyond the log time. Poor to JBA reception: 25411. 7540v kHz Sat, Aug 24, at 2103-2112 UT, The Voice of the Martyrs, Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. Woman talking, preaching, presumably. Poor re- ception: 25522. 7610v kHz Sat, Aug 24, at 2026-2035 UT, Free North Korea Radio, Tashkent- UZB, in Korean. Man talking, speeches, with people manifestation; 2034 UT Man talking with piano background. Fair reception: 35533. 11570v kHz Sat, Aug 24, at 2036-2048 UT, North Korea Reform Radio, Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. Man talking; 2047 UT Music and woman talking. Poor to JBA reception: 25311. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 24) VANUATU 7260 kHz Radio Vanuatu, at 0620-0735 UT on Aug 23. Fair-good re- ception. The usual format, but now with several new "radio" spots; promo followed with "This is a contribution from VBTC to celebrate the 100th anniversary of radio this year, with the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union." National Radio Day was Aug 20. My brief audio attached. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct and wor Aug 23) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* "List of SWL/Media Programmes in English, German and Spanish" for the A24 period (31.03.2024 - 26.10.2024) in PDF format (Adobe Reader) of August 18, 2024: *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* Some logs dropped down on Thur Aug 22 around 12.20 to 13.32 UT: 11865.002 kHz KRE Kujang in Japanese language at 12.22 UT Aug 22. 11810.006 kHz IND Akashvani {former AIR} via powerful Bangalore, S=9+15dB at 12.27 UT Aug 22, Pashto sce to AFG/PAK. 15410.010 kHz IND Akashvani {former AIR} via powerful Bangalore, S=9+15dB at 12.30 UT Aug 22, Swahili sce to East_AF. 9874.806 much odd fqy - IND Akashvani {former AIR} via New Delhi, Kings- way bcast center, poor S=6 signal in Doha Qatar ME SDR re- motedly at 13.02 UT on Thur Aug 22. Baluchi sce 1230-1330 UT 15340.145 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=8 at 12.32 in Qatar ME 15430.038 GUM AWR KSDA Agat Tia language sce, S=9+25dB strength 12.36 UT 15459.989 AUS Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra site, Alindi?, S=9+25dB. 15489.987 TJK USAGM RFA Tibetan sce via Orzu, S=9+25dB at 12.38 UT, and 15490even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against US Tibetan program. 15600even UZB AWR Asia in Cantonese via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, S=9+15dB at 12.40 UT, 100Hz (main power) buzz tone seen on SDR screen dsiplay. 15710.012 GUM KSDA AWR Agat Guam, in Cantonese Chinese, S=9+20dB. 12.43UT 15729.970 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=7 at 12.44 in Qatar ME 15750.003 THA USAGM 'Mashaal Radio' Pushto sce to AFG/PAK target, 12.45UT via Udorn Thani bcast relay center at S=9+40dB powerhouse level. 15799.936 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=7 at 12.46 in Qatar ME 15800even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against SOH Mandarin program 15919.825 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect sce, S=6 at 12.48 in Qatar ME 15969.817 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, S=7 at 12.51 UT in Japan, and 15970even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against TWN SOH program, at 12.52 UT, S=9+20dB powerful signal, Mandarin Chinese program. 15239.956 IRN VoIRIB Sirjan Arabic program to Saudi peninsula southwards very low modulation audio, S=5 backlobe at 12.56 UT on Aug 22. Scheduled 09.30-14.30 UT. 15274.965 TJK very odd freq, likely via Tashkent-UZB center instead (?) USAGM RFA Tibetan sce via Orzu-TJK, S=9+15dB at 13.00 UT, and 15275even CHN CNR1 at China mainland jamming against US Tibetan program. 9874.806 IND Bharat Akashvani former AIR service, Baluchi program via New Delhi Kingsway center, performing muh odd fqy alignement, S=6 noted at Doha Qatar ME remote SDR unit, 12.30-13.30 UT scheduled, (not alternate 9735 kHz). 12014.875 MNG VoMongolia, Ulan Bataar Khonkhor site, Japanese 12.00-12.30 S=9+15dB noted in Hiroshima Akitakata remotedly at 13.18 UT. 11479.959 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, S=8 at 13.21 UT in Japan. 11509.930 UZB R FNK - Radio Free North Korea, in Korean to Korea(s) tar- get radio, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Trans- mitting bcast center, S=8 much fluttery in Hiroshima Akitakata remotedly at 13.22 UT, scheduled 13-14 UT. 11519.994 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, S=8 at 13.23 UT in Japan, much strong BUZZy modulated though.. 11550.037 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, poor S=5 at 13.24 UT in Japan 11580.148 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, much S=9 at 13.26 UT in Japan 11734.963 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang 200kW SW center, Mandarin Chinese at 13.29 UT, smooth Army string instrument orchestra program. S=9 11774.716 TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect, buzzy S=7 at 13.32UT in Japan [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22) 21560digital(?) scratch jamming from mainland China ?, S=8 -77dBm, 05.55UT on Fri Aug 23, like DRM signal as jamming modulation used ? 21550even ROU RRI Tiganesti site, English 05.30-05.57 UT, S=8 at 05.56 UT -83dBm signal. 17830DRM digital CNR1 S=5 call 3FC Urumqi far western Xinjiang province CHN, S=5 or poor-96dBm at 05.58UT. 98degr azimuth to all Beijing Shanghai, Jinan, northern China target. 17770DRM CHN call 27FA Dongfang island, Hainan province in southern CHN, S=6 or poor-88dBm at 05.59 UT. 16degr azimuth to all Beijing northern China target. 21530DRM CHN call 3EB Dongfang island, Hainan province in southern CHN, -11.6dB or 13.6 SNR noted at txion start at 06.03 UT. 341degr azimuth to all western China, Great Gobi, Novosibirsk, 06.03-07.00 UT. 15670DRM digital CNR1 S=9+10dB or -69dBm call 3F2 Kunming province bc center in Anning southern CHN, noted at 06.10UT. 135degr azimuth target at 01-04 UT to strange foreign southeast Asia, like, Hainan, Sabah, Brunei, Philippines, and PNG Chinese nationals audience. But others in hfcc.org database later on local noon at 04-11 UT time slot show DRM digital mode CNR1 sce at 32degrs azimuth northwards to Shaanxi, Beijing, Qiqihar northeastern CHN area. 13810DRM digital CNR1 S=7 call 3EB Dongfang Island, Hainan province, at 06.09 UT on Fri Aug 23. Also noted 04.25, 05.25, 06.11, 07.33, 08.21, 09.41 UT previously. S=9+10dB or -73dBm signal into remoted KIWI_net SDR unit at Cha-Am/Hua Hin Thailand. 9700even NZL RNZ Pacific from Rangitaiki now corrected aligned EVEN fqys of old Thomcast and new Ampegon tx unit, alternates using old/new between. At 06.47 UT noted in Hiroshima Akitakata Japan remotedly. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 23 - 24) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END