BC-DX 1588 18 Aug 2024 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ALASKA 7395 kHz KNLS Anchor Point site religious broadcast in Chinese Mandarin to FE Asia, August 2, at 1447-1452 UT. SIO 222. Weak, noisy signal. OM with sermon or homily in Mandarin. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) ALASKA Re: HAARP Walt, so where is the schedule. Unseems around here: (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 13) Cross posted from a message on the UDXF io group, I can't vouch for its validity. (William Fenech, wor Aug 14) Note that per this sked, on UT Aug 15 into 16 only, the total span is ex- tended from 2330 to 0830 UT, otherwise finishing by 2330 UT daytime on Aug 17-18-19. NO frequency details. Where is the sked Walt is referring to? Glenn (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 14) I'm pretty sure this is HAARP at 02:46 UT slowly sweeping upward with a very strong carrier. Frequency increases by about 11 kHz every 30 seconds. But upon reaching about 5951 kHz, the carrier shifted and started dropping in frequency! Rather interesting. I haven't seen this before from HAARP! [...] They kept slowly heading down until they hit 5755 kHz at 03:00 UT and went off. Took me a few minutes to find them again. Now (03:04 UT), they're on 6900 kHz with intermittent open carrier, with a buzz, and a weak upward sweeping tone. About 5 seconds on, then 5 seconds off. [...] 6900 kHz went off at 03:08:40 UT, and I haven't found anything else pointing to Galkona, so perhaps off for the evening. Expect them back tomorrow at 20:30 UT. [...] Now on 2800 (03:00 UTC change) ... Walt [...] And off as scheduled just a few seconds before 03:30 UTC. They're back tomorrow at 20::30 to 03:30 UTC between "2.8 and 10 MHz" ...73, Walt (Walt Salmaniw-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Aug 15) ARMENIA Photo of CJSC Yerevan Noratus Gavar-ARM bcast center of May 2024. HF antenna SGD 4/8 PA. Azimuths 305 / 330 degrees. July 28 (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) ARMENIA 'Denge Gel' broadcasts since April on shortwave only between 0400 and 1600 UT, there are no evening transmissions in the 41 mB anymore. The announcement at mentions the frequency range between 11510 and 11550 kHz in which the transmission moves around as attempt to escape the jamming transmission from Emirler TRT site. The transmission comes, presumably since the former 'Denge Welat' has been renamed in last year, from Gavar-Noratus Armenia site, as shown in They use one of the Bob-2 1000 kW transmitters from the late 60s, run at 300 kW The second such transmitter is only occassionally tuned up and the third 1000 transmitter of the newer Kondor model already mothballed due to lack of customers. No other regular trans- missions than 'Denge Gel' for the big shortwave transmitters anymore since the BBC left, and on the four 100 kW rigs no other daily ones than Radio Erena 1700-1800 UT on 9585 kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13) 11539.996 kHz UNID Kurdish program noted in Tokyo-JPN remotedly at 13.47UT on Wed Aug 14, likely 'Denge Gel' via Yerevan Gavar site in Armenia. see also 11535.010 TRT Pres Erdogan radio jamming sce against Kurdish national radio 'Denge Gel' {at present on 11539.995 kHz channel - rent via Gavar-ARM bcast center, wb.}. Osmanic/Turkish martial trumpet fanfare & drums music group, S=9+25dB at 14.36 UT on Wed Aug 14. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) ARMENIA 11519.996 Kurdish national SW radio 'Denge Gel', only fair S=8 signal into WeEUR target these days, mornings heard at 09.32 UT, extensive Kurdish female/girls talk via the air, via Yerevan Gavar bcast center site ...and nearby Erdogan Turkish avoid jamming bcast on 11530.011 kHz. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) AUSTRALIA 11900 kHz Reach Beyond, via Kununurra site, at 1259 to 1315 UT on 28 July. Hindi sce. Station ID with mention of internet and postal addresses. Indian music at 1301 UT. Rather excited man delivered a talk until about 1308UT when there was group prayer with verses ending in Amen. Music again at 1310 UT. Man spoke again about people who are friends in God. Fair improving to good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) 11905 kHz Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra heard at 1148 UT on Aug 2. a discussion involving two men in listed Burmese. Mostly fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) AUSTRIA Richard Lugner (91) verstorben. Bauunternehmer und Reality-TV-Star Richard Lugner ist im Alter von 91 Jahren gestorben, wie Familienkreise bestätigten. Radio CD International (Radio CD) war ein von 1990 bis 1996 im Osten Oesterreichs empfangbarer privater Hoerfunksender. Mangels gesetzlicher Grundlagen fuer Privatradio in Oesterreich wurde von Bratislava (Pressburg), zunaechst Tschechoslowakei, ab Jaenner 1993 Slowakei, aus gesendet. Durch die Bezeichnung International sollte die Empfangbarkeit ueber Staatsgrenzen hinweg und somit ein voelkerverbin- dender Charakter betont werden. CD war sowohl eine Anspielung auf die Compact Disc als auch auf Corps Diplomatique. [...] Zwar wandelte sich Radio CD International mit der Zeit in Richtung eines Formatradios, war jedoch fuer OE3 im Raum Wien noch immer Hauptkonkurrent. Telekabel Wien sowie Richard Lugner beteiligten sich am Sender. [...] Auch das Studio uebersiedelte dann in das Wiener Einkaufszentrum Lugner City, vorher war es zwischenzeitlich in der nahen Kaiserstrasse in Wien 7 untergebracht. [...] Im September 1996 musste der Sendebetrieb erneut aus buerokratischen Gruenden ploetzlich eingestellt werden. Dies liess Radio CD in ein Finanz-debakel schlittern, das die Betreibergesellschaft, CDI Holding AG (ueber die bereits im August 1994 der Ausgleich eroeffnet worden war) Richtung Konkurs trieb. [...] Nach Aussagen von Richard Lugner als Mit- glied des Vorstandes der Holding AG war das Privatradio mit 30 Millionen Schilling (2,18 Mio. Euro) ueberschuldet. [...] Kuenftige Taetigkeiten wuerden, so Lugner, von der wirtschaftlich gut gestellten CD-City Radio GmbH abgewickelt werden. Zuletzt war der Sender, der ab 15. Februar 1997 null Uhr wieder unter 96,9 MHz terrestrisch aktiv sein wollte, (bei geringer technischer Reich- weite) vom 1. April 1997 bis 31. Maerz 1998 im Kabelnetz von UPC Telekabel Wien unter dem neuen Namen CD City Radio auf 92,7 MHz empfangbar - ... in der letzten Woche seiner Existenz nur mehr als ein etwa zweistuendiges Endlosband. Die neuerlichen Bemuehungen um eine Sendefrequenz verliefen erfolglos. Am 1. April 1998 wurden das Studio sowie die Frequenz im Wiener Kabelnetz von Energy 104,2 uebernommen. An diesem Tag starteten oesterreichweit 52 Privatradios. (August 13) BOLIVIA 3310 kHz Mosoj Chaski, 0910 UTC on July 28. Man preaching followed by a song. Voice modulation is a bit low, but music level is ok. SINPO 45344. (Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1162 July 28) BOLIVIA 3310kHz Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba {? Cotapachi}, 2323-2356. OM chat in presumed Quechua. Fair to poor signal. 24 July. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) BOLIVIA 5952 lsb mode. Pio XII, Siglo Veinte (tent), 2340-2350 UT. weak het. 24 July. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) BOTSWANA 15580 kHz VOA, July 29, 2115z. No VOA even though they were audible earlier this month at this same time {seemingly stopped VoA 15580kHz channel service during winter season down- under at 20.30 UT, wb.} Reports of shortened hours at VOA may have come true although I haven't heard if the reason is Washington, DC or in Botswana itself. The Selebi- hikwe relay station does not appear to have on site power generation infrastructure ( e.g. diesel storage tanks or generators) as that seen at Sao Tome, in other words, grid dependent. Ray Robinson reports that Voice of Hope Africa is operating with reduced hours, resulting from "load shedding" in Zambia similar to what's happen- ing in South Africa. This lack of electricity production in southern Africa may be spreading to Botswana also. Something else I notice for the first time, on the north end of the Selebi-Phikwe MW site 21 56 59.53 S 27 35 48.31 E is what appears to be an HF log periodic. Doesn't look like a broadcast antenna to me, maybe a communications antenna instead. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) USAGM VOA Botswana A-24 monitoring - morning session 03.00-07.00 UT 2024-08-13 03:01:34 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 03:01:56 AM 5925 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-09 03:02:18 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-13 03:31:34 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 03:31:56 AM 5925 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 03:32:18 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-13 03:32:40 AM 7460 (BOT) VOA KNKR 2024-08-06 04:01:56 AM 5925 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 04:01:56 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 04:02:40 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-13 04:02:40 AM 7460 (BOT) VOA KNKR 2024-08-07 04:31:56 AM 5925 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 04:31:56 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 04:32:40 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-07 05:01:56 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-13 05:02:40 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 05:03:02 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 05:31:56 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-07 05:33:24 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-09 05:33:46 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 06:03:46 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 06:04:08 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-13 06:33:46 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-09 06:34:08 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL USAGM VOA Botswana A-24 monitoring - afternoon session 15.30-22.00 UT 2024-08-06 15:31:34 AM 17530 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-09 15:31:56 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 15:32:40 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-12 15:32:18 AM 5940 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-09 15:33:24 AM 11750 (BOT) VOA HAUS 2024-08-08 16:01:56 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-09 16:02:18 AM 5940 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 16:02:40 AM 15730 (BOT) VOA SOMA 2024-08-10 16:03:24 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 16:03:46 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 16:31:56 AM 15730 (BOT) VOA SOMA 2024-08-10 16:32:18 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 16:32:40 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-07 16:33:02 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 16:33:24 AM 11910 (BOT) VOA SUEN 2024-08-06 16:33:46 AM 15260 (BOT) VOA SWAH 2024-08-10 17:03:02 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 17:04:30 AM 12080 (BOT) VOA PORT 2024-08-06 17:04:52 AM 6045 (BOT) VOA ZIMB 2024-08-05 17:05:14 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ZIMB 2024-08-05 17:05:36 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ZIMB 2024-08-11 17:32:18 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 17:33:46 AM 12080 (BOT) VOA PORT 2024-08-05 17:35:14 AM 6045 (BOT) VOA ZIMB 2024-08-06 17:35:36 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ZIMB 2024-08-05 17:35:58 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ZIMB 2024-08-11 18:04:30 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-07 18:04:52 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-12 18:06:42 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGZ < 2024-08-10 18:04:08 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL < 2024-08-12 18:04:30 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGZ < 2024-08-11 18:04:30 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGL < 2024-08-06 18:05:14 AM 12080 (BOT) VOA PORT 2024-08-06 18:33:46 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 18:34:08 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-07 18:33:24 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGZ < 2024-08-11 18:33:24 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL < 2024-08-08 18:34:30 AM 9490 (BOT) VOA FREN 2024-08-07 19:01:56 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 19:02:18 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-05 19:02:18 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-11 19:02:40 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 19:02:40 AM 9490 (BOT) VOA FREN 2024-08-07 19:33:02 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 19:33:24 AM 6080 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-11 19:32:18 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-07 19:32:40 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 19:34:30 AM 11825 (BOT) VOA KNKR 2024-08-08 20:03:24 AM 15580 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 20:03:46 AM 6195 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-10 20:02:18 AM 4930 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-06 20:02:40 AM 909 (BOT) VOA ENGL 2024-08-08 20:33:24 AM 9490 (BOT) VOA HAUS < 2024-08-11 20:33:46 AM 9490 (BOT) VOA FREN < 2024-08-08 20:34:08 AM 7325 (BOT) VOA HAUS 2024-08-06 21:32:18 AM 9555 (BOT) VOA BAMB (USAGM VOA monitoring Botswana SW relay in southern Africa, Aug 13) BRAZIL Radio Educacao Rural - Coari reactivated on 5035 kHz. Appears to be another reactivation of this station! Heard at 1007 with "Bom Dia" greetings and roosters crowing. At 1015UT a beautiful choral version, Brazilian style, of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" (9th symphony). Then anncts and chat. 1025 UT - ID as "Radio Coari" and mentions of "Amazonia", then a popular song. Programming on this day was mainly community ("comunidade") anncts and in- terviews, with only occasional music. 1102 UT - ID and 7 AM time check as "las siete" - Yes, two minutes late! Fade-out around 1108 UT. I last heard this station on 4 June 2023, so great to hear it again! The location is in the far western part of Brazil, so its fade-out is always later than eastern PY stations. (Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; 8 July WRTH - World Radio TV H_Book F_Book Group; via BrDXC-UK "Communication" monthly magazine August 2024, page #29, BrDXC.UK iogroups August 10) BRAZIL Voz Evangelica on 9991 kHz. Hearing it with a fair signal via the SDR in Berlin, Maryland, with music at 0012 UTC. It's also audible but poor via the Northern Utah SDR as of this hour. Not heard directly here when I checked; we're still hours away from local sunset. (Eric Fetters-Walp, Lake Stevens-WA-USA, wor Aug 12) Re: BRAZIL Voz Evangelica 9991 kHz. Checked this Sunday evening 11 Aug and found Evangelica back on 9991 kHz with usual straight religious music - no IDs heard yet for this one. Amaz- ing that signal is so much better as heard at one of the northern Maryland SDRs than it is at Brasilia or Paradinho remotedly. 2300 UT signal was S5 to S7. In an answer to my question about Evangelica, the operator of Radio Radio Amexinha described it as "a new free [radio] from the state of Ceara Northeast of Brazil ... it has been working for a few months and there is no exact time to turn the transmitter on or off, there are days when it doesn't even turn on. Unfortunately as far as I know it doesn't publish contacts, I asked to some colleagues and if I find out anything I'll let you know." (Dan Robinson-MD-USA, wor Aug 12) CHINA 9585 kHz S=9 powerhouse endless Chinese string instrument music at 12.52 UT, heard in 12-14 UT slot, AGAINST WHOM ? Maybe test of Beijing #491 bcast center after 2 months installation refur- bishing work of RTC - like other season in Kashi-Kashgar or Urumchi sites? [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) 11805even UNID Mandarin Chinese at 14.43 UT S=9+35dB powerhouse signal. Maybe another RTC Beijing #491 bcast center gear test ? 11885.003 kHz UNID at 14.30-15.00 UT slot: was CNR Uighur talk sce, at 14.50 UT noted powerful PBS Xinjiang from Urumqi in Uighur language, scheduled til 12.00 UT only, but was on air late at 14.50 UT in // to Urumqi too on 6120 and 7205 kHz, noted powerful in Doha Qatar SDR Perseus net. 11770even PBS Xinjiang Mandarin Chinese sce, S=8 at 14.26 UT. scheduled 14-18 UT via Urumqi Xinjiang province site. 11775even Nanning RTC center #954 site at 14.27 UT, scheduled 10.00-16.05 UT, in Mandarin Chinese; not clear stated whether CNR1 relay or former domestic CNR6 Taiwan sce ? [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) Kazajo excepto M 0800-1100 6015 uru 2315-0348, 1153-1800 =9470 7340 uru 2315-1800 9470 uru 0348-1153 =6015 [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) CHINA 7340even noted on extended China mainland Xinjiang province outlet, when looked out for co-channel 'MiniTransat Sailing' talk via TDF Issoudun bcast center, see under FRANCE entries ... 7340even noted extended Uighur language at 15.21 UT, to 1805 UT, like 7340 kHz 0328-1158 UT entry to ITU zone 42N URU 100 non-dir of PBS Urumqi Female voice Uighur program from Urumqi, but not // of CNR17 in Uighur (male voice content on 9630 kHz of Lingshi RTC center #725). [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) CHINA/ {FRANCE non} 13735 & 7340 kHz, Aug 16 at 1511 UT direct and 1524 UT into UTwente, no signals from Mini TransAt marine weather. Rather, UTwente shows a JBA S6 carrier on 7340.008 kHz. EiBi and Aoki list data- bases show that would be PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi in Kazakh, from East Turki- stan, std denunciation. Canary SDR antenna must be disconnected. No sig- nals to Bermuda either. I had no better luck Aug 15 during same hour. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Aug 16) CUBA 5025 kHz R Rebelde, 0959-1015 UT on 2 Aug. Spanish. Very excited speech by someone, perhaps Castro, leading up to speech by woman. "Tweedle" ToH sounder into man introducing second of hour of programming. News at 1002 UT with woman greeting listeners (buenos dias Cubanos - good day Cubans). Man doing news until about 1006 UT. Short piece of classical music until 1007 UT. Another rousing speech at 1009 UT ending in long station ID. Fair to good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) CUBA 4765 kHz July 24 at 0251 UT, R. Progreso is S=9+5dB but just barely modulated; while 5025 kHz R. Rebelde is S=9+30dB with good mod now. But by 0645 UT, 5025 kHz air is dead at S=9+30/40dB, as often the case late at night. Something's always wrong at Radiocuba. RReb is certainly 24h on numerous MW outlets, perhaps with more reliable modulation. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1162 July 28) CUBA 9700 kHz Aug 12 at 0423 UT RHC English still running later than usual, S=9+25/35dB direct and VG modulation, show is'Sustainably Speaking' about agriculture, M&W alternating, seems apolitical, soon into next pro- gram, Economic Report. Meanwhile the nominal English frequency 6000 kHz is JBA carrier only, and 15230 kHz is also on at S=9+5/15dB with dead air! Something's always wrong at RHC. Same at 0437 UT recheck. Hope 9700 kHz be off before NZ come up! (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 12) CUBA 15230 kHz July 29 at 2208 UT, RHC {via RadioCuba site at Quivican San Felipe TITAN unit, wb.} S=9+10/20dB but very distorted, unreadable but intonation resembles Portuguese as sked in EiBi database, not Aoki Nagoya list - 15230, July 31 at 2210 UT, RHC S=9+10/20 direct but JBM, supposedly Portuguese. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) CZECH REP / SLOVAK REP STVR u Praha. Slowakische Medienberichte: Tschechischer Rundfunk bricht Zusammenarbeit mit STVR ab. Der oeffentlich-rechtliche Tschechische Rundfunk (CRo) hat auf unbestimmte Zeit die seit langem bestehende Zusammenarbeit mit der slowakischen oeffentlich-rechtlichen Station STVR eingestellt. Darueber berichtet am Montag die slowakische Zeitung Sme. Der CRo aeusser- te demnach Bedenken, dass die Fuehrung und das Programm der Medienanstalt in Bratislava unter politischen Einfluss geraten koennten. Der STVR hat aufgrund einer Gesetzesaenderung der aktuellen Regierung von Robert Fico (Smer) vor kurzem die bisherige slowakische Medienanstalt RTVS ersetzt. Deren erzwungenes Ende halte man beim Tschechischen Rundfunk fuer eine gezielte Massnahme und einen ersten Schritt zur Verstaatlichung, teilte der Leiter der CRo-Kommunikationsabteilung, Jiri Hosna, gegenueber Sme mit. (Radio Prag International, August 12) FRANCE 11790 kHz R France International via TDF Issoudun site, 0430- 0459 UT on 2 Aug. Swahili to East AF target. Sign on with ID by man and woman. Fanfare into news with correspondent reports. Female announcer did ID at 0441 UT. Longer form feature reports followed. Pop music by female vocalist at 0455 UT. Off at 0459 UT. Fair signal. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) FRANCE 15275 kHz Deutsche Welle, Amharic to Ethiopia, Horn of Africa, 1655 UTC, Sunday Aug 4. Catch the tail end of news/discussion in Amharic followed by a song. SINPO 35333 ... lots of fading / coolness and deep, not short fades ... but OK. Suddenly just seconds before 1759 UTC, while still on air, the signal very quickly cascaded into a 21122 SINPO ... became riddled with noise and was unintelligible. (Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) FRANCE 7340 // 13735 kHz, Aug 12 at 1513-1559.7* UT, TDF Issoudun site with French and heavily accented English weather info for sailboat race. I'm checking following this in BrDXC-UK iogr 'Communication', first report I've seen this year about MiniTransat: "13735 kHz 1505 UT MiniTransat Sailing, France. Maritime wx, OM, French, English // 7340 kHz 333 24 July GS Gabby Simmonds Worcester-UK." 13735 kHz, from 1458 past 1500 UT, NO signal at all direct. Propagation very degraded with little else on band outside USA. So by 1513 UT I'm tuned to UTwente where 13735.001- kHz is audible poorly at S7/S8, as to be expected at short skip distance, much better on 7340.000- kHz at S=9+5/10dB, YL in heavily accented English with weather info, foneticiz- ing e.g. NNW as November November Whisky. Mixed with French and hard to tell when she's switching languages. 1522 UT "that's all the weather today" and over to OM in French, seems like race standings. 1529 UT music bits. 1530 UT she's back talking about Olympix, medal counts, etc. 1532 UT familiar "Nuits de Paris" song, not sure of proper title; and many other songs filling out the hour. First several minutes would play a tune for only a minute or so, fade it down, and start another; must be a very impatient DJ. Chopoff at 1559.7* UT. But which race is this for? The big one with SWx broadcasts like this, 'La Boulangere Mini Transat', does not appear to be in progress now nor in July. In fact this website has nothing about this year, but lots about 2023, when arrival dates rang- ed from November 8 to 18. That's the one from France to Canarias and then to Guadeloupe. This site shows many other races including some starting 19 July, 18 and 24 August; I wonder which and how many merit SW broadasts: These two entries in today's HFCC update could be a clue, note effective dates: 7340 1500 1600 27W,36,37W ISS 250 266 146 1234567 120724 250824 Fra F TDF 13735 1500 1600 27W,36,37W ISS 250 256 217 1234567 120724 250824 Fra F TDF I also searched serial #s 4612 and 4615 for more, unfound. These are also in EiBi without datespans, not Aoki list. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 12) FRANCE 13735 kHz Aug 13 at 1534 UT, S5/S9 of pop music fill, weather info portion already over from 'Mini Transat'; 1558UT quick sendoff, "Have a nice day", "a demain", bit more music to 1559.7* UT. As heard into Canary SDR after NO signal direct and UTwente offline. I guess they had to buy a full hour tho a semihour would have sufficed. (Glenn Hauser-OK.USA, wor & hcdx Aug 13) FRANCE 7340even 'MiniTransat Sailing' talk via TDF Issoudun bcast center frequency, but nothing oberseved in 22 mb like 13735 kHz. Weather report of Atlantic started by female voice at 15.05:40UT ... fore- cast ... high pressure ... England winds ... S=9+5dB signal noted here in southern Germany Wed Aug 14. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) FRANCE 15290even NHK R Japan World in Japanese at 09.10 UT, scheduled at 08-10 UT in Japanese via TDF Issoudun site to Sahel & WeAF audience target S=9+25dB into WeEUR Perseus SDR remotedly heard. Jap female annmt heard. 15300even RFI Paris French sce scheduled 04-10 UT morning sce, S=9+20dB at 09.12 UT, also via TDF Issoudun bcast center installation. 7340 nor 13735 kHz NOTHING ON AIR in 15-18 UT time slot today, special 'MiniTransat Sailing' talk via TDF Issoudun bcast center not on air Friday Aug 16. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) GERMANY 11700 kHz QSL Voice of the Andes, via MBR Nauen relay center. 2 QSL cards: 11700 kHz, 15.30-16.00 UT, June 8 & 22. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) GERMANY 11655 kHz BIBLE VOICE BC (via MBR Nauen relay site), 0600-0615 UT on 3 Aug. Arabic, sign-on over music with woman doing ID and talk until 0605 UT. Music at 0605 UT when man did ID again and woman continued talk. At about 0607 UT they flipped to both man and woman doing short statements over dramatic music. Woman did talk at 0610 to 0614 UT. At the point Trois Gymnopedie by Eric Satie was played with ID info and sign-off. Fair. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) GUAM 9910 DRM digital mode. KTWR Merizo, 1214-1241 UT on 29 July. Mandarin Chinese. My best yet logging. Sign on at 1215 UT, and then a few minutes into the transmission a woman speaking about mothers and gifts. Message change in the text box in DReaM in English and Chinese seeking program comments. Almost halfway thorough a mention of Luke 15:1. Things stayed stable during the entire transmission with end at 1241 UT. Phone translation software was able to grab phrases. I would call it better than 50% decoded. Samples on: (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) GUAM 15610.040 much fqy oddity AWR KSDA Agat in Shan language to SoEaAS S=9+5dB signal at 11.45 UT, on Wed Aug 14, 11.30-12.00 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) GUATEMALA TGAV Radio Verdad has been off the air since 5 December 2020, but would you believe it's still in Aoki Nagoya Circle list? I have been in contact with Dr Madrid, whose digital clox keep failing, but he says they do not depend on WWVB. "We miss your 4-MHz signal. I guess you have no plans to resume it? I hope you have realized by now that nothing comes of the "worldwide" SW signal satellite relay deal. Best wishes, Glenn Hauser-OK-USA via wor" - his reply August 14: "Now,referring to our short wave station Radio Truth International on 4055 kHz, we have discarded our satellite project, and have returned to the conventional short wave radio. We are expecting to receive in Guatemala a new and modern 1200 watt transmitter constructed at Frankfurt, Germany. This is a computerized transmitter, quite modern. The transmitter was sent to the United States already, in order to set our 4055 Khz frequency, and will be sent to Guatemala these days. We plan to return to the air quite soon. We hope so. Thank you very much. Your radio friend, Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Radio Truth International" (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 14) INDIA-BHARAT/CHINA 15400.008 kHz usual plus-odd-offset of Akashvani Bangalore site noted on Wed Aug 14, Chinese Mandarin sce 10.30-11.57 UT, S=9+10dB signal in Doha Qatar and Hiroshima-JPN remotedly, and accompa- nied by few CNR1 progr jamming units on even 15400 kHz, from China main- land. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) INDIA/BHARAT 15400.010 slight oddity of Akashvani sce (exAIR), 09.16 UT via Bangalore powerful 500 kW site, 09.00-10.30 Nepalese foreign sce pro- gram, heavy disturbed by UNID/orChina mainland parked digital noise QRM on 15399.275kHz 1 kHz noise sound audio wideband. S=9+15dB into WeEUR Perseus [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) INDONESIA 3325 kHz Voice of Indonesia, from Palangkaraya site, at 1135 to 1145 UT on 25 July. Chinese program. Pop music selections by female vocalist with drop-in talk by female. Poor. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1162 July 28) IRAN Different TXs and/or 19 mband antennas in use on Wed Aug 14: 15429.952 kHz much fqy oddity, Voice of Iran IRIB in Hausa morning sce to West AF audience target, scheduled 10.20-11.50 UT, S=9+30dB noted in Doha Qatar ME sidelobe remotedly. And different fqy of 15430.010 kHz low modulated of IRIB Hebrew sce via Sirjan SW center to Israel Near East target, scheduled 11.50 to 12.20 UT. 11944.964 kHz oddity fqy of IRIB Sirjan in Bengali language, much low modulation. 14.20-15.20 UT scheduled. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) IRAN 15430.012 IRIB Arabic sce to Saudi/Emirates peninsula, sideband lobe signal of S=9 into WeEUR target, 09.18 UT, scheduled 08.30-10.30 UT via Sirjan site {of former AEG Telefunken} SW units. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) KOREA D.P.R. of {North communist} 15180.240 kHz much odd fqy Voice of Korea in French to NoWeAM and CeAM target. LatAM sce 10.00-1250 UT in En, Fr, and Korean languages. S=8 in Doha Qatar and Akitakata Hiroshima SDR units remotedly. 13649.988 kHz Voice of Korea via Kujang, in Mandarin Chinese, S=9 at 13.36 13760.019 kHz Voice of Korea via Kujang, in En 13-14 UT, S=8 in Akitakata Japan SDR remotedly, 13.38 UT. 11680.008 kHz Korean sce of Pyongyang site, 19.50-18.00 UT, 13.50 UT on Wed Aug 14, S=9+15dB. 11710even KRE Voice of Korea in French, S09 at 13.52 UT, sched 13-14 UT. 11734.962 kHz Bad audio feed modulation from Kujang site, Korean of KCBS Pyongyang Korean program, Korean male voice presenter, followed by fanfare hymn at 14.22 UT, martial male army singer group performed. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) KOREA REP OF {South} 15575 kHz KBS World Radio in Korean to NoAM target, July 29, 2024, 1414 - 1421 UT. SIO 434. Via Kimjae bc center. Multiple OM announcers, POP MX with YL soloist. YL announcer joins at 1428 UT. 15575 kHz , KBS World Radio in Spanish to No&CeAM, July 30, 2024, 0249- 0256 UT. SIO 444. Dramatic skit with OM / YL actors. Via Kimjae bcast center. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) KOREA REP OF {South} 15159.995 kHz KBS World Radio via Kimjae site in Korean to FEAS/CEAS/ME/EUR target, Aug 16, at 09.06 UT on Fri Aug 16. S=9 in WeEUR target. Korean 09-10 UT. 15160 kHz 0700-1100 UT to ITU zones 39E,40 KIM 250kW 290degr 216_ant NOTHING ON AIR of co-ch requested Algiers 'Ifrikya FM' from Ouargla site. 15174 - 15189 heavy OTHR signal from likely Cyprus? Kaliningrad? S=9+25dB at 09.08 UT Aug 16. 7719.997 kHz EOH Sound of Hope, Korean, S=8 in Doha Qatar rx at 15.15 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) KOREA REP OF {South} Voice of the People now on 6601 kHz. Aug 15 - 6600 kHz VOP - This broadcast, which changes its broadcast time every four weeks, is often blocked by jamming, but sometimes it can be heard clearly. It seems that 6600 kHz has become difficult to hear since around July 25th, so perhaps they changed the transmission method, and a special transmission that alternates between carriers 1kHz above and below, called super jamming, is broadcast on 6600 kHz, so if you can notch this, you can clearly hear the "Voice of the People Broadcast" broadcast on 1 kHz above and below. I don't know what kind of radio wave format it is, but it may be one way to prevent jamming. However, this also requires a specification to cut it with a notch, so it may not be easy to deal with. VOP with carriers on 6599 and 6601 kHz cut off at 6600 kHz. [screenshot of reception] VOP and VOH change their broadcast time on the first Monday of every month in principle. In months with a 5th week, they may be brought forward. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Aug 16) Re: Voice of the People now on 6601 kHz. I made a similar observation back on 2 Aug. Today, I logged South Korea's Voice of the People station directed to North Korea. on 6600 kHz // 6520 kHz, at 1100 UT. Both, of course, were jammed. Video/ audio samples are here: On 6600 kHz the jamming is pulses, short ones 1 kHz above & long ones 1.5 kHz below. The pulses on the plus side of 6600 kHz sound like spoken words, albeit poorly modulated. At first I thought it was numbers. On the lower side, it is just pulses,with an occasional double pulse. They see-saw / alternate with the short pulses on the plus side By flipping to just AM and not SAM/DSB I was able to clear the signal up a bit. Meanwhile, Voice of the People signed on 6520 kHz //, at 1100 UT where a traditional noise jammer was already in place. (Tony Pavick-Hope-BC-CAN, wor Aug 16) KOREAS { REP OF and KRE } Voice of the People, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi.do in Korean: 3480 (best reception) // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 (much strong) // 4560 (2nd best) // 6520 // 6600 kHz, on August 17, at 12.40-13.10 UT. 3480.009 kHz S=9+30dB in Akitakata Hiroshima-JAP, 18 kHz wide broadband signal, Bubble signal jammed underneath 10 kHz by KRE NoKorea. medium / fair at 12.52 UT. 3910.003 kHz S=9+30dB in Akitakata Hiroshima, Chorus program at 12.54UT jammed underneath of buzz digital noise by KRE NoKorea; medium / fair. 3930.009 kHz S=9+30dB in Akitakata Hiroshima, Chorus program at 12.56UT jammed underneath of buzz digital noise by KRE NoKorea; medium / fair. Similar noise kind like 3910 kHz. 4450even S=9+40dB in Akitakata Hiroshima, Chorus program at 12.58 UT shrill high tone jamming underneath of digital noise by KRE NoKorea; medium / fair. Jamming tx centered on fqy exact 4449.961 kHz. 4560.013 S=9+30dB in Akitakata Hiroshima, Chorus program at 13.00 UT NOISE JAMMING like! 6520.012 S=9+35dB in Akitakata Hiroshima, Chorus program at 13.06 UT NOISE JAMMING KIND like 3910 or 3930 kHz ! 6600even S=9+35dB in Akitakata Hiroshima, Chorus program at 13.09 UT NOISE JAMMING KIND like 3910 or 3930 kHz ! KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE 3480 13.00 UT KRE North Korean BUBBLE Jamming Noi Pyongyang? 3480 1100-0700 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do 3910 0250-0005 KRE North Korean Jamming Noi Kujang 3910 1100-0700 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do 3930 0250-0005 KRE North Korean Jamming Noi Kujang 3930 1100-0700 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do 4450 0250-0005 KRE North Korean Jamming Noi Kujang 4450 0700-0300 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do 4560 1100-0700 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do 6520 0250-0005 KRE North Korean Jamming Noi Kujang 6520 0700-0300 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do 6600 0250-0005 KRE North Korean Jamming Noi Kujang 6600 0700-0300 KOR VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Kor Kyonggi-do [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 17) KUWAIT/THAILAND 15750 kHz, unwanted 1000 Hertz antenna and TX matching tone procedure heard on air - already at 11.47 UT, when USAGM Kuwait Pashto Mashaal Radio sce ended 10-12 UT, and replaced by 12-13 UT outlet via USAGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung site in Thailand then. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) KUWAIT 15365.007 seldom odd fqy of USAGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) exIBB exBBG VoA Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb relay site in Pashto of 'Mashaal Radio' service to CeAS target, 07-10 UT scheduled, at 09.13 UT Aug 16, S=9+20dB backlobe into WeEUR. 15749.996 seldom odd fqy of USAGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) exIBB exBBG VoA Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb relay site in Pashto, S=8-9 fair signal sidelobe into WeEUR. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) MADAGASCAR 12095 kHz BBC London, at 0417 UT on Aug 4. Report in En- glish on the immigrant driven riots in Liverpool. At 0420 UT a casual ID followed by a report on the Olympic medal status. Very good armchair copy. {via ENC Encompass Digital Media Services FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility; wb.} (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) MALI 11975 kHz July 29 at 2214 UT, CRI French relay amid odd 2130-2230 UT sked via Bamako {tx center #2, wb.} , Chinese lesson, mentions "chinois", also sounded like bits of other languages too. Fair signal direct. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) MARIANA ISLS {TINIAN / Agingan Point SAIPAN} Shortwave Radiogram transmits digital text and images on an analog short- wave broadcast transmitter. The program is produced and presented by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott-Arlington-VA-USA. Shortwave Radiogram, 15-21 August 2024 (program 366): Digital modes that defend potatoes. This was a week of bad news about shortwave broadcasting. The US Agency for Global Media(USAGM) has closed its relay stations at Saipan and Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands (used mainly for Radio Free Asia) and at Sao Tome (used for VOA broadcasts to Africa). USAGM has not yet announced these closures on its website, but the news was reported by the Saipan Tribune. The newspaper quoted William S.Martin, USAGM's director of operations and stations division, who notes shortwave use has fallen dramatically almost everywhere since the invention of the internet. The Saipan station dates back to KYOI, a commercial rock music station di- rected to Japan, 1982-1989. The Herald Broadcasting division of the Christian Science Monitor Syndicate operated the station 1989-1998. Radio Free Asia purchased the facility in 1998, and it became part of the USAGM shortwave transmitting network. [...] (URL's via Roger Thauer-D, rhci Aug 15 ...) MONGOLIA Mongolian Radio - WHAT HAPPENS TO THE RADIO ? This is how the Mongolian voice sounds in Japanese. Mongolian Radio has a powerful channel called VOICE OF MONGOLIA.Due to its powerful frequency, this channel is heard in five languages around the world. This time, let's go through the Japanese edition. Their history began when the Japanese language editorial office broadcast- ed its first program on Jan 20, 1989 under the name "Radio Ulaanbaatar". The first translators-editors, U. Dashnyam, Ts. Burmaa, and D.Tomurbaatar, first prepared a 30-minute program twice a week, but now,translator-editor S. Bulgan prepares a 30-minute program with new sorghum news six times a week. P. Odgerel and T. Guatsetseg are preparing and promoting their country to Japanese speakers. To quote just one of the many interesting and proud stories. In 1997, the Japanese language editorial team broadcast a nine-hour live broadcast of "Mongolia" in cooperation with Japan's NHK radio station, which was heard by 20 million people all over Japan. Three experts from NHK officially and dozens of volunteer experts worked in this newsroom. He announced a contest among his listeners, and the winner visited Mongo- lia. In addition to Japan, we receive letters from listeners in more than 10 countries, including India, Spain, Russia, China, Brazil, Ukraine, and Korea. In a recent example, Noguchi Minoru, a listener from Saitama Pre- fecture, sent a thank you postcard saying that he had been listening for his 1,000th day. {via DXF FC} (via Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Aug 17) NETHERLANDS MCB Radio replaces Album AM on MW 846 kHz. As of 1 July, Album AM has transferred both licences (Uden and Linschoten) on 846 kHz to MCB Radio that will provide three locations (Alphen aan den Rijn, Uden and Den Oever). Uden remains available as a backup location for MCB Radio if there is maintenance or a malfunction at the primary location Alphen aan den Rijn. Because Alphen is significantly closer to the coast (20 km) compared to Uden (120 km), the signal can be heard reasonably in the Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk coastal regions. Album AM thanks the hundreds of DX listeners throughout Europe (20 coun- tries, maximum distance 2411 km) for submitting listening reports in the past 5 years. (Album AM 1 July via mediumwave.info) Impact AM is using 747 kHz in Zuid-Holland from 14 July, replacing former 819 kHz. (Nico from Gouda NL 13 July via ; via MW Report by Dave Kenny-UK; via "Communication" monthly magazine August 2024, pages #27-28, via BrDXC.UK iogroups / wwdxc topnews August 10) NEW ZEALAND 7440 kHz RNZ Pacific Rangitaiki in En to Oceania, Aug 1, at 1450-1506 UT. SIO 333. POP / ROCK MX in En to Oceania, sounding like Bob Dylan song. Heavy QRN, flutter and generally a noisy signal. Time pips at TOH. YL announcer with news, OM joins at 1504 UT. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) 7440.004 kHz at 14.03UT on Tue Aug 13,S=9+25dB noted in Akitakata-JPN,wb. NEW ZEALAND 9700 kHz Radio New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki heard at 1153 UT on July 29. a very excited reporter announcing scores and updates at the Olympic Games. This was followed at 1155 UT by rock music. Poor- fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) NEW ZEALAND 17675 kHz RNZI Pacific via Rangitaiki site, 0404 UT on Aug 3. Detailed weather report in English by a woman. At 0406 UT, organ music and introduction to a musical program by a man. Two men discussed a recent album by a local artist. Good tonight with some deep fades. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) NEW ZEALAND 7440.003 R NZPacific, poor signal S=6-7 from Rangitaiki to NE/ME target, scheduled 12.59-16.58 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) PALAU 9965 kHz Hope Radio at 0820UT. Talk by heavily accented man, con- tact info ("Hope Radio dot net"), ID by man at 0830 UT "KHBN Palau", reli- gious lecture by woman. Very Good Aug 13. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 11-14) PERU 4820 kHz R. Senda Cristiana, 0922 UT on July 28. There's a fair amount of atmospheric noise / fading but it sounds like a chorus singing, possibly kids. SINPO 45344. (Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1162 July 28) PHILIPPINES 15329.964 kHz FEBC Manila via Bocaue bcast center, S=8, 11.15-11.45 UT scheduled Mon language. Aug 14. 11750.005 ... x.010 variable signal out of Bocaue tx unit, FEBC Manila in Lah language sce, S=9 signal at 14.24 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) PHILIPPINES 11700 kHz Vatican Radio via USAGM Tinang-PHL relay site at 1500 UT, open, monologue with M in (listed) Malayalam (Indian dialect), interesting SouthAsian male vocal music at 1525 UT. Familiar Vatican Radio tuning signal repeated a few times & off at 1530 UT. Fair Aug 14 (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 11-14) PHILIPPINES 15449.966 kHz FEBC Manila via Bocaue tx center site, Tibetan sce at 09.19 UT, S=9 signal even in WeEUR Perseus units remotedly. Nearby 15455even kHz UNID empty carrier at same time, also 15463 kHz heavy OTHR signal these days. 15580.004 kHz FEBC Manila via Bocaue txion center scheduled 09-11 UT into various INS language audience target. S=7 sidelobe into WeEUR though, at 09.20UT. Unstable Bocaue fqy outlet, moved around some 5 Hertz up and down [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) PHILIPPINES 9695 kHz Fri, Aug 16, at 2210-2220 UT, Radio Vaticana, via USAGM Tinang-PHL relay center, in Chinese. Woman announcer talking news, presumably, with a fast music pause between them; 2216 UT Woman communi- cation. Fair reception: 45433. Parallel log on 7410smg CVA site, 35533. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 16) ROMANIA 9740 kHz via Tiganesti site of RRI Bucharest at 0159UT, w/ repe- tition of familiar tuning signal, sign-on at 0200 UT w/ woman presenter in Spanish, then apparent news by man. Trad. Romanian music at 0250 UT and tuning signal repeats at 0257 UT, off 0300 UT Good Aug 11. 9730 kHz via Galbeni Bacau site of RRI Bucharest at 0110UT. A little flut- tery but good signal on Drake SW1 and long wire. Jazz or show tunes from bygone era in US. M presenter in Romanian. Female vocal music, piano. Signal just cut off in the middle of a song (it is unusual for RRI not to sign off and use the familiar interval signal bf going off) Good w/ light flutter; Aug 11. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 11-14) SAO TOME E PRINCIPE 17655 kHz Wed, Aug 14, at 1800-1815 UT. USAGM (Voice of America), Pinheira-STP relay bcast center, in Portuguese. Total silence! Canceled! See HFCC update August 12, 2024. Source: (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 14) VOA frequency on 17655kHz was sign-off this Tuesday only, rare of happened. Fact confirmed by two other colleagues, too. I will this checks VOA 17655 kHz between 1700-1830 UT this week. VOA on air, Ever! Cancelled, Never! {see also 17655 kHz under Vatican State entry, below, wb.} (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, wor Aug 14) SAO TOME Translated from French: The USAGM has just stopped its medium and short wave station on the island of Sao Tome. An unannounced stop, which the agency wanted discreet. The end of 34 years of history: The VOA was installed in Liberia, in 1990, the civil war made the station totally unusable. The United States wanted to find another site in the region. The US government's request for the installation of a Voice of America relay station has garnered the greatest interest locally. The agreement was quickly reached: IBB leases a 140-hectare plot on the east coast, three kilometers from the capital of the Republic, which is also called Sao Tome. Construction of the Pinheira site began in 1992, on the ruins of the former Radio Nacional transmitter who had surrendered. A few months later, the first transmitter, a 100 kW Harris VP-100B is installed for broadcast- ing on 1530 kHz medium waves. Four 100 kW Thomcast shortwave transmitters mounted to broadcast between 6 and 21 MHz. The IBB had to build its own power plant, consisting of five diesel gene- rators developing 5MW. The diesel is delivered by a tanker that anchored a kilometer from the site.A pipeline connected the ship and the power plant. Another facility provides the necessary water to the center: domestic and sanitary consumption and for cooling the transmitters. The IBB Relay Center in Sao Tome was established to ensure the dissemina- tion of VOA programs in English, French, Portuguese, Hausa, Kirundi and Swahili to Africa. Subsequently the medium-wave transmitter the 100 kW "Harris" transmitter was dedicated to broadcasting on tropical waves in the 60-meter band. In 2003, a new building was installed on the seafront to house a new 600kW transmitter that took over the Harris at 1530 kHz. Two trellis antennas ensure broadcasting as the old antenna was already out of use, ravaged by corrosion following the marine climate. IBB staff also operate a medium- wave transmitter "Harris" of 20 kW at 945 kHz connected to an omnidirec- tional antenna for Radio Nacional de Sao Tome e Principe. Enormous directional antennas form a circle pointing in NNO directions from NE to SE. Beams can rotate up to +/- 24 degr, adjust height and width of beam by changing the phase. There are 15 dipole curtain antennas sup- ported by 18 rows. (Radio Magazine F_B group (2024-July-29) via MW Info; via SWB #2060 Bulletin Sweden, Aug 5) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.402 kHz Much clean audio quality from Riyadh bcast center, carried 'Republic Yemen Excile Radio' in Arabic, HQ prayer in pro- gress, nice sound heard at 14.56 UT on Wed Aug 14, via Doha Qatar Perseus. S=9+35dB strength. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) SAUDI ARABIA [and non] 11935.404- kHz Aug 14 at 1629 UT, Rep. of Yemen {excile} Radio, Arabic only S7/S8 into UTwente with heavy ACI from much stronger 11940 kHz CRI English this hour only via Kashgar, East Turkistan, {Xinjiang province} land of imperialist ChiCom genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 14) SLOVENIA Radio Koper Capodistria is 75. On May 25th Radio Koper Capodistria in Slovenia turned 75, and there was a special week on the air to celebrate the anniversary, which culminated with the opening of the radio headquarters to the public throughout the morning of the 25th. My personal ways of celebrating the anniversary are the following: thanks to Google Maps - which, during a short vacation in Istria, in order to make me save maybe 10minutes, took me off the highway in favour of a hilly road - I turned up exactly on the top of Beli Kriz(White Cross), right be- hind the 549 / 1170 kHz medium wave antenna! I dug up my notes of significant things that happened on the Koper/Capodi- stria frequencies, roughly over the last 50 years. Here is a selection: 2 April 1971 - Fair reception on 1169 kHz relaying Ljubljana until 2215, then in Italian, but with some QRM from Radio Marina on same frequency broadcasting from the radio ship Mebo II, Man of Action heard. 9 June 1971 - At 0730/0830 holiday programme in German "Club Adria Studio Aleman" (also heard on other stations in Slovenia and Croatia). 11 Aug. 1972 - High power test transmissions begin on 1079 kHz, and from Sept. 19th 1169 kHz becomes "Koper 2" and starts relaying the Ljubljana programme. 11 Dec. 1978 - Radio Capodistria broadcasts on two//frequencies, 1080 and 1170 kHz. 17 June 1979 - Radio Koper Capodistria has the following schedule: Italian at 0700/2000 on 1080,1170 kHz and FM, Slovenian at 0600/0730 and 1300/1700 on 549 kHz and FM. From this year, the Italian and Slovenian programmes no longer share the same frequency. 27 April 1981 - Capodistria again with full power on 1170, 1080 kHz goes off the air. 20 Feb. 1988 - Capodistria heard on the A13 highway with excellent signal on the 88.4 MHz frequency, coming from an Italian repeater located on Mount Cesen in the Treviso province. 24 June 1991 - The programmes continue after the usual closing time of 2000, both on medium waves and on 88.4, for continuous updates on the war. The 2200 news ends with "the wish for a calm night and the hope to be here again tomorrow morning at 6". 9 Aug. 1991 - Radio Koper has news in English and German at 2215 in // with Radio Slovenija 1 on 918 kHz from Ljubljana. 1 Aug. 1997 - Radio Capodistria begins an experimental period of trans- mission on 630 kHz, which greatly improves reception especially in Central Italy, but which unfortunately does not have a long life. 12 July 1998 - Music and News programme in German, English and Italian, produced in the Capodistria studios and broadcast by Radio Capodistria and Radio Maribor International (which broadcast on FM 102.8 and later became Radio MM2 and then Radio SI-Radio Slovenia International, which is now on FM and DAB). 22 Feb.1999 - Radio Capodistria stops relaying Radio Maribor International programmes after 2000, and its live programmes now run until midnight. From midnight to 0600, Capodistria and Maribor have a common programme of music and news in Slovenian, German, English and Italian with a "STR- Slovenian Tourist Radio" ID. 6 Aug. 2001 - 1170 kHz heard with weather forecasts at 0740 in Italian 'Tempo delle vacanze', German Ferienwetter and English Holiday weather, also with news in Hungarian at 0755. 11 Feb. 2004 - 1170 kHz is off all day, Belaruskaje Radyio fair and clear at 1530. 31 Dec.2012 - Starting tonight, the nightly relay of Radio Slovenia Inter- national ends, and the new Nottetempo programme begins,from midnight to 6. From this moment, the station broadcasts its own programmes 24 hours a day 4 June 2019 - Radio Capodistria begins broadcasting Europa Today, produced by the City News network of online newspapers, at 1032 on Tuesdays. 28 Apr. 2022 - Capodistria received for the first time on channel 12C, DAB multiplex SLO DAB+ R2 W. 9 Aug. 2023 - Radio Capodistria begins to rebroadcast the programme Scon- finamenti, produced in the RAI studios in Trieste, and broadcast on the medium waves of Venice (1367/8 kHz - then 936 kHz) until the closure of all RAI medium wave stations. (Southern European Report by Stefano Valianti-ITA; via "Communication" monthly magazine August 2024, pages #16-17, via BrDXC.UK iogroups / wwdxc topnews August 10) SOLOMON ISLANDS 5020 kHz SIBC Honiara, Solomon Islands, 0738 UT on July 28. Classic country song followed by island song.First time in a long time they've had decent modulation and aren't swallowed up by Rebeldes wide audio on 5025 kHz. SINPO 55344. Good signal, a slight bit of fading and at- mospheric noise but very listenable. (Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1162 July 28) SPAIN 15390 kHz Radio Exterior Espana, July 29, 2100z, via Noblejas site. All 4 transmitters were on in Spanish at this time although 15390 kHz (161deg) and 15520 kHz (110deg) were airing a different program than 17715 kHz (230dego) and 17855 kHz (290deg). (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) SPAIN 17855 kHz Mon Aug 12 at 2200 UT, token English from SNR is a JBA carrier direct to here! Extremely unusual due to major geomagnetic storm. Slightly better on 15520 kHz off the back at 2207 UT and the others 17715 & 15390 kHz JBA carriers. By UTwente check at 2227 UT, all are JBA. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 12) SRI LANKA 15430 kHz Adventist World Radio via SLBC Trincomalee relay site heard at 1205 UT on July 29. a monologue by a man in listed Balinese towards Indonesia target. Mostly poor. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) SRI LANKA 15500.005 kHz slight plus-oddity fqy of SLBC Trincomalee unit outlet, rent by AWR Asia in Indonesian language service, 11.00-11.30 UT S=9+10dB in Doha Qatar ME remotedly. 11800.005 kHz AWR Asia in Karen tribe people language, via SLBC Trincomalee bcast center, S=9+30dB signal strength at 14.41 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) TAIWAN 9740 kHz Radio Taiwan International, Paochung site heard at 1119 UT on July 30. group singing and followed at 1120 UT by a woman speaking in Japanese. Mostly poor. 11-12 UT scheduled. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) TAIWAN 9900 kHz R FREE ASIA (via PAOCHUNG-TWN bcast site), 1200-1210 UT on 30 July. Korean service. Sign on in English followed by ID in Korean by woman. Same woman did news headlines and then full news with initial story being about flooding in North Korea. Later story was about nuclear weapon in the north. Very good. 12-14 UT scheduled (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) TAIWAN 14979.932kHz odd fqy SOH sect Falun Gong target radio in Mandarin Chinese from Taiwan towards China mainland audience, and CHN CNR1 jamming on even 14980 kHz, at 11.30 UT on Wed Aug 14. 15375.008 kHz Fu Hsing BC stn from Kuanyin Taiwan site at 07-12 UTC and 04-07 UT Mon-Fri, S=9 at 13.38 UT on Wed Aug 14. // 9409.989 kHz. 11580.144 kHz odd fqy of Taiwan SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect transmission, at 13.48 UT, S=8 in Tokyo-JPN remotedly. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) TAJIKISTAN/UAE/KUWAIT 9545 kHz Fri, Aug 16, at 2316-2330 UT USAGM (Radio Free Asia), via Dushanbe Orzu-TJK bcast center, in Tibetan. Woman announcer in conversation with a man; 2322 UT A brief music pause and a conversation continues. Poor reception: 25422. Parallel log on 11700 kHz, USAGM (Radio Free Asia) Dhabbaya-UAE, JBA reception: 25311. 2024-08-16 23:02:18 capture: AM 11700 (DHA) RFA TIBE 2024-08-16 23:02:40 capture: AM 9545 (DB ) RFA TIBE 2024-08-16 23:03:02 capture: AM 5950 (KWT) RFA TIBE (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 16) TURKEY The Voice of Turkey sent a QSL card envelope for the April 2024 broadcast again. The envelope contains a schedule (this is my third copy of the schedule) with the same errors as the two previous copies. (Evgeniy Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) TURKEY 11535.010 TRT Pres Erdogan radio jamming sce against Kurdish national radio 'Denge Gel' {at present on 11539.995 kHz channel - rent via Gavar-ARM bcast center, wb.}. Osmanic/Turkish martial trumpet fanfare & drums music group, S=9+25dB at 14.36 UT on Wed Aug 14. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) TURKEY 15720.012 kHz odd fqy of TRT Emirler bcast center site, Persian Farsi sce at 08.30-09.55 UT. S=9+5dB lobe into WeEUR remotedly check at 09.26 UT. 13635.007 kHz TRT Ankara in Turkish via Emirler bcast center, noted at 09.30 UT on Fri Aug 16, S=9+25dB scheduled at 06.00-12.57 UT towards huge Turkish nationals audience in western Europe. 11530.011 kHz 09.34UT Erdogan Turkish Osmanic Tukish culture singer avoid 'Denge Gel' Kurdish radio, jamming bcast at S=8 level here in WeEUR heard. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) UKRAINE/LITHUANIA An unnoticed end of Radio Ukraine International's English-language programming. Radio Ukraine International seems to have discontinued its English- language programming completely on April 21. The last remaining programme 'The indestructible' was produced between January 6 and April 1, aired on Saturdays at 21:28-21:44 UT on 1386 kHz (via Lithuania's Radio Baltic Waves International, LRTC location Anyksiai Vieshintos, 200 kW run by lowered 75 kW). The program's page wrongly shows the last date as June 1. At first, I thought it was a temporary break, but the program's page now reads "This programme was produced with the financial support of the European Union". (Alexander Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Aug 12) Re: An unnoticed end of Radio Ukraine International's English-language programming. A pity but in my part of the UK I could never get anything on 1386 kHz AM at home on my PL880 even at the advertised times. (Dave Harries-Bristol-UK, wor / BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 14) UAE {U.K.-non} In 2022 BBC circles stated that they can not afford pro- ducing Russian-language programming for shortwave slots that had already been planned. However, such programming in fact exists, declared as pod- casts, with a new episode, ranging in length from about 25 to 45 minutes, appearing throughout Mon-Fri. Now on Saturdays these podcasts are broadcast as extension of the 13650 kHz transmission of World Radio Network. This extension has been announced before, but without mentioning its purpose, and the published schedule has so far not been updated either. Only actual listening to this Sat 1700-1800 UT slot reveals what this all is about. The broadcast file delivered by the BBC starts with an explicit announcement of "broadcasting our podcasts on 13650 kHz, webstream and satellite", so it is not just pulled material but without any doubt an official contribution by the BBC. No idea why they take this route, considering that the BBC has official transmissions via Abu Dhabi Media / ENC Al-Dhabayya relay site. By the way, this 13650 kHz outlet is in fact faulty, suffering from a rather bad hum that is definitely not on the source. (Kai Ludwig-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13) U.K. BBC WS "at-a-glance" English schedule grid: Updated. The BBC World Service "six-month" schedules now seem to have been deleted permanently from the BBCWS website. In May I therefore produced my own "at-a-glance" schedule listing the BBC WS English programmes on shortwave. There have been a couple of frequency and programme changes since then, so I have now updated the listing to version 1.2. The single-page PDF can be downloaded or for short: I hope that you find it useful. and also download 'BBC-World-Service-Programmes-A-24-Season' pdf file (Alan Roe, Teddington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 14) U.K. 17670 kHz Wed, Aug 14, at 1819-1829 UT, IBRA Media - Radio Sama, ENC Woofferton-England relay center, in Sudan languages. Man talking; 1821 UT Music; 1824 UT Man talking, preaching; 1829 UT Woman talking. Fair reception: 35533. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 14) USA {and non} USAGM HFCC A-24 registrations updated. Re: USAGM HFCC A-24 registrations updated. Orzu-Tajikistan site... Looks like many transmissions are now from different sites, though I haven't had time to digest all the changes. Duchanbe stands as a great illustration of how truly neoOrwellian global politics has become, Tajiki- stan being a member of the CSTO and led by an oft-criticized autocrat. An interesting site for a broadcaster purporting to advocate Western freedoms and values. (Stephen Luce-TX-USA, wor Aug 12) Noticed that the USAGM A-24 schedules were updated today on the HFCC website, and all the transmissions from Sao Tome, Tinian and Saipan are gone. We knew about the Sao Tome closure on July 27, can we assume both the Marianas Islands facilities are also now closed? Looks like many transmissions are now from different sites, though I haven't had time to digest all the changes. (Stephen Luce-Houston-TX-USA, wor Aug 12) I just made a quick list of all STP/TIN/SAI changes since July, according to HFCC, documenting the shutdown process. Everything from Sao Tome, Tinian, Saipan is now gone. I'll try more ana- lysis about remaining program output at a later time. [NOTE one transmission from Tinian remains in HFCC, but that's the lonely BBC relay. I don't think that's still on air from Tinian, half an hour daily Mo-Fr. Probably from elsewhere now. ] { comment by wb Aug 15: Both BBC London Korean 1230-1300UT outlets, once of 5875 TIN and 7530 PHT moved to PHT Tinang PHL USAGM relay - seen from Aug 12 on RMS Log entries 2024-08-12 12:31:31 capture: AM 7530 (PHT) BBC KORE 2024-08-12 12:31:53 capture: AM 5875 (PHT) BBC KORE } So we have lost two "major" SWBC radio countries in a matter of weeks. I hope everybody did get their QSLs. SAO TOME (all VoA) 4960 0400-0530 English/Hausa: deleted August 12 4960 0530-0630 French: deleted July 9 4960 0700-0730 Hausa: deleted July 9 4960 2030-2100 Hausa: deleted August 12 5940 1630-1800 English: moved to Lampertheim July 27 6045 1800-1900 Zimbabwe service: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 6045 1930-2000 Kinyarwanda: moved to Vatican July 9 6045 2000-2030 French: deleted July 9 6080 0400-0600 English: moved to Botswana July 27 6155 0330-0430 Kinyarwanda: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 6180 1830-1900 French: moved to Vatican July 9 6180 1900-1930 French: moved to Ascension July 27 7225 0330-0430 Kinyarwanda: moved to Vatican July 9 7225 0430-0530 Kinyarwanda: deleted July 9 7265 0530-0630 French: deleted July 9 7325 2030-2100 Hausa: moved to Botswana July 27 9470 1930-2000 Kinyarwanda: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 9470 2030-2100 Hausa: moved to Vatican July 9 9490 2030-2100 French/Hausa: moved to Botswana July 27 9525 2100-2130 French: deleted July 9 11625 2100-2130 French: deleted July 9 11750 1500-1530 Hausa: deleted July 9 11750 1530-1600 Hausa: moved to Botswana July 27 11815 0830-0900 French: deleted July 9 11900 2000-2030 French: deleted July 9 11900 2100-2130 French: deleted July 9 12070 1730-1800 Oromo: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 13670 1600-1630 Kinyarwanda: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 13775 1530-1600 Hausa: deleted July 27 15280 1100-1130 French: deleted July 9 15460 1400-1500 Kinyarwanda: deleted July 9 15460 1600-1630 Kinyarwanda: moved to UAE July 27 15460 1630-1700 Swahili: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 15460 1700-1800 Zimbabwe service: moved to Ascension July 27 15460 1800-1900 Zimbabwe service: moved to Udon-Thani July 27 15660 1700-1800 Amharic/Oromo: moved to Lampertheim July 27 15660 1900-1930 Tigrinya: moved to Lampertheim July 27 17530 1400-1500 Kinyarwanda: deleted July 9 17530 1600-1630 Kinyarwanda: moved to Ascension July 27 17530 1630-1700 Swahili: moved to Woofferton July 27 17580 1400-1500 Kinyarwanda: deleted July 9 17655 1800-1830 Portuguese: deleted July 27 NOTHING LEFT Botswana 12080 1800-1830 Portuguese: deleted August 12 17530 1530-1600 English: moved to UAE and/or Lampertheim July 27 (two identical registrations) Kuwait 15750 1100-1200 Mashaal Radio: moved to Udon-Thani August 12 Tinian 5875 1230-1300 BBC Korean STILL LISTED BUT PROBABLY ALSO MOVED ELSEWHERE {to PHT USAGM Tinang relay site, wb.} 6080 2000-2100 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 9330 1230-1330 RFA Khmer: deleted July 9, reactivated from Orzu TJK July 22 9370 1230-1330 RFA Burmese: deleted July 9, reactivated from TJK July 22 9540 2100-2200 RFA Korean: deleted July 9, reactivated from TJK July 22 9990 1330-1430 RFA Burmese: deleted July 9 9990 1500-1700 Korean: moved to Orzu TJK August 12 11570 0300-0400 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 11610 1600-1700 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 11675 1600-1700 RFA Uighur: deleted July 9, reactivated from TJK July 22 11700 2300-2400 RFA Tibetan: moved to UAE August 12 11985 2100-2200 RFA Korean: deleted August 12 12140 1330-1400 RFA Burmese: deleted July 9 12140 1430-1500 RFA Khmer: deleted July 9 12140 2230-2330 RFA Khmer: deleted July 9, reactivated from TJK July 22 12150 1230-1330 RFA Khmer: moved to Kuwait August 12 13575/13755/13795 1400-1500 RFA Cantonese: deleted July 8 13720/13790 1500-1600 RFA Tibetan: moved to UAE August 12 15140 1600-1700 RFA Uighur: moved to Orzu TJK August 12 15195 1100-1200 RFA Lao: moved to Kuwait August 12 15210 0000-0100 RFA Lao: moved to Kuwait August 12 15330 1000-1100 RFA Tibetan: deleted July 9 15700 0030-0130 RFA Burmese: deleted August 12 17640 1100-1200 RFA Tibetan: deleted July 9 17670 0100-0300 RFA Tibetan: deleted July 9 17855 0600-0700 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 21455/21485/21495/21505/21520/21540/21565 1000-1100 RFA Tibetan: deleted July 9 21570 0400-0500 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 21590 0600-0700 RFA Tibetan: deleted July 9 21690 0500-0600 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 NOTHING LEFT Saipan 9355 1430-1500 RFA Khmer: deleted July 9 9405 1400-1500 VoA Korean: moved to Tinang August 12 9490 1200-1300 VoA Korean: moved to Udon-Thani August 12 9535 2000-2100 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 9720 1900-2000 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 9910 1500-1700 RFA Korean: deleted July 9, reactivated from Orzu TJK July 22 9970 1700-1900 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 9990 1700-1900 RFA Korean: deleted August 12 11675 1500-1600 RFA Chinese: moved to Kuwait August 12 11745 0200-0300 RFA Tibetan: deleted July 9 11895 0300-0700 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 11945 2100-2200 RFA Korean: moved to Orzu TJK August 12 11985 1500-1700 RFA Korean: moved to Orzu TJK August 12 11985 1700-1900 RFA Korean: deleted August 12 13570 1600-1700 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 13715 2230-2330 RFA Khmer: deleted August 12 13790 0600-0700 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 15265 2300-2400 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 17530 0030-0130 RFA Burmese: deleted August 12 17800 0300-0500 RFA Chinese: deleted July 9 17860 1300-1400 RFA Tibetan: moved to UAE August 12 NOTHING LEFT New 9580 0030-0130 RFA Burmese via UAE, since August 12 11705 0030-0130 RFA Burmese via UAE, since August 12 (Eike Bierwirth-D, wor Aug 13) Here's my estimate which language services were hit the hardest during the July/August cuts at VoA and RFA. The numbers are frequency hours per week; except the last column which is in %. The table is sorted by the % column. VOICE OF AMERICA Before After Cut hours/% Cantonese 7 0 7 100 Mandarin 231 56 175 76 French 79.5 22 57.5 72 Burmese 122.5 42 80.5 66 Tibetan 133 49 84 63 Hausa 76.5 42.5 34 44 Somali 63 38.5 24.5 39 Kinyarwanda 65 44 21 32 Khmer* 24.5 17.5 7 29 Portuguese 19 14 5 26 English 275.5 209 66.5 24 Amharic 26 26 0 0 Bambara 10 10 0 0 Korean 105 105 0 0 Kurdish 35 35 0 0 Oromo 7.5 7.5 0 0 Rohingya 7.5 7.5 0 0 Swahili 10.5 10.5 0 0 Tigrinya 10.5 10.5 0 0 Zimbabwe 31 31 0 0 RADIO FREE ASIA Before After Cut hours/% Cantonese 14 0 14 100 Mandarin 266 35 231 87 Tibetan 273 133 140 51 Khmer 42 21 21 50 Korean 105 70 35 33 Burmese 52.5 42 10.5 20 Lao 14 14 0 0 Uighur 77 77 0 0 * VoA Khmer cuts occured already in June (Eike Bierwirth-D, wor Aug 12) [NOTE one transmission from Tinian remains in HFCC, but that's the lonely BBC relay. I don't think that's still on air from Tinian, half an hour daily Mo-Fr. Probably from elsewhere now.] Both BBC London Korean 12.30-13.00 UT outlets, once of 5875 TIN and 7530 PHT moved to PHT Tinang PHL USAGM relay seen from Aug 12 on RMS Log entries 2024-08-12 12:31:31 capture: AM 7530 (PHT) BBC KORE 2024-08-12 12:31:53 capture: AM 5875 (PHT) BBC KORE (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 15) RFE/RL could also produce quite impressive numbers with Farsi, Pashto and perhaps Dari. The last two ones apply of course to VOA as well. And it is possible that either or both of the Pashto to Pakistan services, branded Mashaal and Deewa, respectively, are now gone from shortwave, perhaps even altogether. Concerning the 30 minutes of BBC at Tinian IslandMRA: I would not rule out the possibility that they right now still come from there. There had been similar cases in earlier closures, like the few hours of Radio Marocaine still coming from the VOA Tanger transmitters when everything else was al- ready gone or redispatched. One final thought: Insiders remarked in their disclosures that further de- tails will be available from the official announcements. I think it is pretty obvious now that no such statements whatsoever will be issued. It also seems to me that most of "the international broadcasting community" (Ok: whatever that may be) has so far not noticed the developments at all. (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Aug 13) USA 15150 kHz WMLK, 0400 to 0420 UT, 31 July. English. Sign on with station ID, address, operating times, but not frequencies. Non-stop sacr- ed music until 0415 UT. Elder Jacob O Meyer preaching at 0415 UT. Good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) USA 9475 ... 9462.2 & 9487.87 kHz approx., parasitic spurs JBA out of WTWW 9475 kHz which is S=9+40/50dB direct with PPPP, like same transmitter provides when on 5085 kHz, but not noticed here before. Checking UTwente at 2248 UT, 9475 kHz JBA centered at 9474.999 kHz. WORLD OF RADIO #2254 monitoring: Confirmed Saturday August 3 at 2300 UT on WTWW 9475 kHz, as always VG direct; but VP S8 with ACI into UTwente on 9475.000 kHz. Must not be aimed toward Europe. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) USA 7505 kHz Wed, Aug 14, at 0358-0405 UT, WRNO, New Orleans-LA, in English. Woman pastor makes a sermon with very excitement; She says Hallelujah sometimes; 0400 UT Man says WRNO ID and website; Music; 0404 UT Man talking. Poor reception: 35322. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 14) USA 7335 kHz Fri, Aug 16, at 2304-2315 UT, USAGM (Radio Marti), Green- ville-NC-USA, in Spanish. Man presenter in conversation with a external news reporter, into Marti Noticias. Good reception: 45554. 9565 kHz Fri, Aug 16 at 2241-2250 UT, USAGM (Radio Marti), Greenville-NC- USA, in Spanish. Woman presents news and comments about investigation; 2244 UT Man says news about sports, including football, and a press confe- rence; 2248 UT A conversation with a man about the actual Real Madrid per- formance. Good to very good reception: 45554. 11930 kHz Fri, Aug 16, at 2252-2300 UT, USAGM (Radio Marti), Greenville- NC-USA, in Spanish. Man announcer interviews a man about the Real Madrid performance and more; 2259 UT ID and website and IS. Fair reception and a spur moderate interference by CNR1: 43533. Important: After 2300 UT, mode- rate to strong interference by CNR1 ! 15770 kHz Fri, Aug 16, at 2221-2230UT, WRMI - Radio Taiwan International, via Okeechobee-FL-USA, in Spanish. Music; 2224 UT Man announcer talking, in Spanish, addresses to listeners; 2226 UT Pop rock music; 2228 UT Woman says ID and man repeats, sked frequencies in Spanish, website and POBox; 2229 UT IS. Poor reception: 35422. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 16) USA 7505 kHz Aug 14 at 0640 UT, gospel huxter in English, S=9+20/30dB, WRNO on extended sked. Not heard this late for many weeks in nightly bandscans. A one-off, or to continue, only English or otherlangs? I re- cently heard them earlier in Hindi? unlogged. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Aug 14) UZBEKISTAN Bible Voice Broadcasting Canada (Russian language broadcast) via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. e-QSL: 7520 kHz / 18.00-18.30 UTC / June 29, 2024 ; /2024/06/29/bvb.html {URL wrong ? } (Evgeniy Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) EE2 7520 kHz 41 METER BAND 100 kW; Tashkent, Uzbekistan DAY TIME LANGUAGE Saturday 1800-1830 Russian (BVB A-24 file) 7540 kHz Tashkent-UZB in B-23 schedule, wb. UZBEKISTAN 12045 kHz 'Nippon no Kaze' {via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uz- bekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. wb.}, 1300-1315 UT on 28 July. Korean. News read by man with stories primarily dealing with the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula via efforts of the UN and ASEAN countries. At 1306 UT a woman introduced what translation software said was a "live radio magazine". Stories covered included wildfires in the USA, news from major cities in South Korea, and the US presidential election. Good. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) UZBEKISTAN 11509.907 kHz 'Free Of North Korea' in Korean at 13.43 UT in Akitakata Japan, S=9+10dB, rent airtime via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. KRE jamming on digital scratching kind on wideband 11498 to 11521 kHz. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) UZBEKISTAN 7625even TVOM 'Voice of Martyrs' in Chinese Mandarin language, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, exact frequency, one of their ancient TX units of though odd fqy older USSR jamming TX gear units. S=9+20dB noted on Perseus SDR unit at Doha Qatar at 15.11 UT on Aug 16. Seldom seen super-wideband signal of 24 kHz wide audio block. ( !! ) [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16) UZBEKISTAN 7540 kHz Friday Aug 16, at 2116-2130 UT, 'The Voice of the Martyrs', via Tashkent-UZB bcast center, in Korean. Man talking preaching; 2120 UT A brief music pause and returns man communication; 2125 UT A song by female singer; 2129 UT Man talking, ending program. Poor reception: 25522. 15320 kHz Friday Aug 16, at 2232-2240 UT, 'Adventist World Radio', via Tashkent-UZB bcast center, in Javanese. Woman talking; 2234 UT Music; 2239 UT Woman and man talking. JBA reception: 25411. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 16) UZBEKISTAN 11850even / exact frequency, one of their TX units of though odd fqy older USSR jamming TX gear units at RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbe- kistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. Carried AWR Asia Burmese ser- vice at 14.45 UT on Wed Aug 14. S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar ME Perseus net. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) VANUATU 9960 kHz on July 29 at 0632 UT, R. Vanuatu S6/S8 with music, and for a change no ACI from 9955 kHz WRMI which is off again instead of ex- panded - July 30 at 0640 UT, RV with music, S8/S9 stronger than usual and holding its own against 9955 kHz WRMI. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) VANUATU 3945 kHz Radio Vanuatu, 0754 UTC on July 28. What is unmista- kably some kind of cooking / recipe show in their native language. I ob- viously can't understand much of it but a few words are making it through in English that imply they're talking about cooking things. I can't tell if the show is live or recorded but I can hear birds chirping and trucks passing in the background. (Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1162 July 28) VATICAN STATE 11815 kHz R Vaticana via Santa Maria di Galeria center, 0439 to 0459 UT on 2 Aug. Ukrainian. IS followed by ID by woman doing long form talk and reports until 0450 UT when man spoke over music until 0458:45 UT. Woman did final ID with IS at 0459 UT. Fair. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1163 Aug 4) VATICAN STATE 17655 kHz Wed, Aug 14, at 1700-1730 UT, USAGM (Voice of America), SM di Galeria-CVA, in Portuguese. Man announcer, Joao Santa Rita (JSR), says highlights programming for the first half hour; 1702 UT Woman presents news with JSR participation, too; External news reporters colla- borators from Angola (Angola news) and others; 1716 UT ID: VOA; 1720UT JSR presents Sport News; 1725 A space dedicated to Israel vs Hezbollah crisis; 1729 UT Music. Reception evaluation, approximately: 1700-1710 UT, poor (35322); 1711-1718 UT, fair (35533) and 1719-1730 UT, good (45544). (Jose Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-PB-BRA, hcdx Aug 14) VATICAN STATE / BOTSWANA {USA non} Yes 17-18 UT Portuguese of VoA still ON AIR at Thursday August 15: 17655 kHz via CVA Vatican State Santa Maria di Galeria bcast center at S=9+25dB level heard on Doha Qatar ww Perseus SDR net remotedly, noted at exact station 17.30:18 UT Port ID annmt 'Washington DC ...' // also noted stronger S=9+30dB signal excellent outlet of 12080 kHz via USAGM Botswana relay SW installation at 17.31 UT. 17655 is on the air today from *1700 UT, poor signal into UTwente. Glenn re VoA Port VoA CVA to AF 17655 1700-1800 USA Voice of America Port AF / CVA yesterday Aug 13 VoA PORT entry via Santa Maria di Galeria and Botswana: 2024-08-13 17:34:52 capture: AM 17655 (SMG) VOA PORT 2024-08-13 17:35:14 capture: AM 12080 (BOT) VOA PORT PORT from Greenville to Brazil - its CVA Vatican Radio program and another Madagascar entry of MWV-WCB programs only; it's a matter of log file content ? USAGM RMS Log of Quito and Santa .. files shows only two PORTuguese monitoring fqs entries - at present: like GB - CVA 7305 kHz MWV - MDG WCB 9765 kHz (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13 - 15) VIETNAM 12020 kHz The Voice of Vietnam (English Service), via Son Tay bcast site. QSL: 13.30-13.57 UTC, Febr. 4, 2024 ; /2024/02/04/vov_en.html> In February, I sent reports to several services of the "Voice of Vietnam" about broadcasting to the Pacific region (12020 kHz is broadcasting in the direction of Japan). But there was no response from anyone. In May, I accidentally found out that the English service received my report, since I read it on the air back in February. I wrote them a letter about this again, and they responded (after 2 weeks). Surpri- singly, after a month and a half, I received an envelope from them with a QSL card. (Evgeniy Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) VIETNAM 11719.959 kHz much, much oddity. Home sce relay via Son Tay SW center of VoVTN_1 program, S=7 signal in Vietnamese language, noted in Hiroshima Akitakata Perseus unit remotedly at 14.18 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* EDXC Conference - Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September, 2024. EDXC Conference in Tartu, Estonia. Tartu is one of the 2024 cultural capi- tals of Europe. On Friday 20th, a coach from Tallinn (leaving at 1300 LT latest) is planned. This will visit the Estonian Broadcasting Museum in Turi (centralEstonia). Other bus connections are available e.g. from Tallinn or Riga. Flights to Tartu currently only from Helsinki. Conference presentations will take place on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday morning. On Sunday afternoon a bus trip to Valga is planned. Further info conference organiser Risto Vähäkainu and at and (BrDXC-UK "Communication" monthly magazine August 2024, page #3, BrDXC.UK iogroups August 10) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END