BC-DX 1587 12 Aug 2024 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ALGERIA Algeria - TDA Ourgla site outlet missing from 15160 kHz {like 19 mb antenna outlet. Still heard on 22 mb antenna at other hour of the day. wb} For a few weeks now, I have been unable to locate Algeria on their 15160 kHz daytime frequency from Ourgla. HFCC states 0600-1900 UT; according to EiBi database list 0600-1000 UT. (At least KBS Korea is now in the clear 0900-1000 UT). Has anyone observed the Ourgla on another channel or are they only on 17600 from the Bechar site during daytime now? (Alan Holder, G4ZBH, Isle of Wight, U.K.; wor Aug 9) ALGERIA Yes Alan, didn't heard any Algerian Ourgla 15160 kHz outlet this August 9th morning, but now at 21.55 UT check heard Bechar on 17600 kHz as well as same radio sce from Algeria towards West Africa western Sahel target zone via TDA Ourgla bcast center on 13790 kHz , 13790 2200 2300 46N,46SW ORG 300 210 0 146 1234567 310324 271024 D 15920 Arb ALG TDA TDA 3292 73 wolfie df5sx wwdxc topnews (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) ALGERIA 17600 kHz Thur Aug 8, at 1916-1929 UT, Ifrikya FM, Bechar-ALG, in French. Men announcers in conversation, in good French; They say about Venezuela crisis, freedom, democracy and more, correlates; 1928 UT Music; ID. Good reception: 45544. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Aug 8) AMATEUR RADIO Where to listen to amateur radio stations. You won't hear anything on a regular AM receiver. In order to listen to amateur radio, you must have a receiver with a mixer detector that can receive single-sideband modulation, telegraph and digital types of communication (digital types require a computer connected to the receiver and special programs). And now about amateur radio ranges (information from the SRR website - Let's start with the long-wave ranges. Details in Russian - (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1300 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 28) ARMENIA/TURKEY/UZBEKISTAN re 'Radyo Denge Gel' via CJSC Yerevan Noratus Gavar-ARM bcast center is still on the air. They have been missing on occasional days when I tune across the frequen- cies. Their Web site states they are on short wave "11510, 11550" kHz (I guess they mean on a frequency between these chan- nels). Time of operation is "7 am to 7 pm Diyarbakir time", which would be 0400-1600UT. No mention of an evening frequency in the 7 MHz band anymore. I hear them today at 0630 UT on 11530 kHz and heard later around 0655 UT to 11545 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, - I presume, with no Erdogan jammer. Regarding the Erdogan jammer, for several weeks until recently, they have been exclusively using the Emirler transmitter with the annoying whistle (squeal audio tone). But this week, that transmitter has been switched to the other TRT programme services. Examples are: German 9840 1730 UT Aug 7 English 9875 2030 UT Aug 7 English 11660 1630 UT Aug 8 This transmitter fault has been going on for a couple of years at least. Will TRT ever get around to fixing it? (Alan Holder, G4ZBH; Isle of Wight, U.K., wor Aug 8) re 'Radyo Denge Gel' via CJSC Yerevan Noratus Gavar-ARM bcast center. Just look at the linked video and you may also listen closely if it's their programme audio that can just barely be heard through the fans herein This morning they are on 11525 kHz, with the usual companion of course. So probably the complete shortwave schedule for the Gavar-Noratus bcast station is now 0400-1600 UT 300 kW on 11500 ... 11600 kHz range 'Denge Gel', 1700-1800 UT 100 kW on 9585 kHz 'Radio Erena' and on specific Sun- days 0400-0500 UT 300 kW on 15770 kHz (nostalgia broadcasts). Everything else is gone, unless I miss something. The Media Broadcast filings are merely contingency, for the case of a possibility of selling airtime. The 6030 kHz one even looks like merely planned for the annual {Christmas Maritime} NDR Hamburg Germany broadcast (where it remains to be seen what will happen this year because, if they still want to do it as simulcast of FM, they would now have to break away from the their very own ARD programming). Yes, I recently also noted in passing the squeal on certain TRT trans- missions. Apparent fault in the {Thomcast Ampegon unit, wb.} modulator stage, also known from WEWN's 15610 kHz transmitter where it was still there when they brought it back after a break of a full year or so. By the way, any bets if WEWN will ever return from their latest break- down ? (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Aug 10) Re: Any shortwave broadcasts from Armenia? I just listened to Radio Erena 9585 kHz in Arabic until 1800 UT closing, via an SDR remotedly used in the Netherlands. Some very clear IDs. Thanks for your tips, Kai. (Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN wor Aug 10) Re: Any shortwave broadcasts from Armenia ? On Sat, 10 Aug 2024 Kai Ludwig via groups.io wrote: and on specific Sundays 0400-0500 UT 300 kW on 15770 kHz (nostalgia broadcasts). No way, 15770 kHz is WRMI at Okeechobee-FL-USA relay site relaying those nostalgia programmes at 0400-0430 UTC on Sundays and 2130-2200 UTC on Saturdays. They are also transmitted from Yerevan Noratus Gavar site on different frequencies, but very rarely. The most recent ones took place on May 18 (9790 kHz), April 1 (11570 kHz), February 10 (15235 kHz), December 17 (6185, 15235 kHz). (Alex Miatlikov-Dnipro-UKR, wor Aug 10) AUSTRIA 9510 kHz Tue, July 30, at 0247-0259 UT, Adventist World Radio, via ORS Moosbrunn-AUT site, in Punjabi. Man makes a sermon, presumably; 0253 UT Music by choir; 0257 UT Woman talking, says ID; AWR IS. Fair reception: 35533. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 30) AUSTRIA 11955 kHz Thur, Aug 8, at 2015-2025 UT, Adventist World Radio, via ORS Moosbrunn-AUT relay site, in Dyula. Man talking, hymn by choir; Man preaching, alternating with pieces of religious songs. Good reception: 45554. 17570 kHz Thur, Aug 8, at 1941-1950 UT, Adventist World Radio, via ORS Moosbrunn-AUT relay site, in French. Woman makes a religious message of God to the family; 1946 UT ID and address to Cote d'Ivoire; 1947 UT Man says about The Bible and la parole de Dieu. Good reception: 45554. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Aug 8) BOLIVIA At 0415 July 28 I have JBA music on 6145 kHz, S7/S9 direct, about equal to storm noise level, certainly something new. Per Aoki list the only other 6145 kHz during our night hours is PBS Qinghai, China, could be a problem before sunrise. And at final recheck 0616 UT, I still have a JBA carrier direct on 6145 kHz. This hot news came from RRR at 0255 UT July 28: "Thanks to the information from a Cuban DXer and friend Jose Ibrahim Pose, I was alerted at 0150 UTC about signal on 6145 kHz with Spanish program Viva la Vida. At 0203 UT ID as Radio Betania, followed by TC: "Son las 22 horas" jingle and the announcement: "esta emisora esta regulada y fiscalizada por la ATT" ATT (Bolivia's telecommunications control agency). In a quick search I found that Radio Betania operates on 93.7 MHz and its online signal coincides with the shortwave signal. The Bolivian station that operated on this frequency was Radio Juan XXIII from San Ignacio de Velasco, but there is no online signal for this sta- tion, but I found this information from a communications service provider where last March they published information about work on the 6145 kHz antenna of Radio Juan XXIII. At the time 0250 UTC continue with Catholic programs and music. Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia, July 28" I posted that immediately on the WOR iogroup, and many other logs ensued confirming the above info. Walt Salmaniw measured it on 6144.978 kHz. And: "Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain, Log in Reinante, NW of Spain: BOLIVIA 6145 kHz Radio Betania, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, probably emitt- ing through the inactive Radio Juan XXIII transmitter, San Ignacio de Velasco, Santa Cruz, 0445-0640 UT, 28 July, Spanish, religious songs and comments, id. "Radio Betania, 93.7", "Betania 93.7, 25 anos siendo testigo de la...", "25 anos acompanando su camino de fe, Radio Betania", "Radio Betania, la radio de los catolicos". 25422. Program matches with its website streaming. Web: Streaming: Than you very much to Rafael Rodriguez and Glenn Hauser for the timely alert about this station. (via Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, wor and BrDXC-UK iogr July 28) BOLIVIA News from Rafael Rodriguez about Bolivia on 6145 kHz in 49 mb. Email received from Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia, in Spanish, Google trans- lation: "More information and images about the activation of the Radio Juan XXIII transmitter, thanks to the Telsat Bolivia technicians who put it on the air; Today, Saturday, August 10, its signal can already be heard through several SDR Kiwis in the south of the continent. According to reports, it has a schedule "In the mornings from 7 to 9a.m. and in the afternoons from 17:00 to 19:00 Bolivia local time." which would be 1100-1300 and 2100-2300 hrs UTC. The programming it transmits is from the Catholic station Radio Betania 97.3 MHz. Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia" Original text in Spanish: "Mas informacion e imagenes sobre la activacion del transmisor de Radio Juan XXIII, gracias a los tecnicos de Telsat Bolivia que lo han puesto al aire; hoy sabado 10 de agosto su senal ya puede oirse a traves de varios Kiwis SDR en el sur del continente. Segun informan tiene una horario "En las mananas de 7 a 9a.m. y en las tardes de 17:00 a 19:00 hora de Bolivia." lo que seria 1100-1300 y 2100- 2300 hrs UT. La programacion que transmite es de la emisora catolica Radio Betania 97.3 MHz Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia" (via Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 11) BOLIVIA Radio Juan XXIII relay of Radio Betania on 6145 kHz. [...] Conducted an online search and came up with the name Monsenor Robert Flock, Bishop of the Diocese of San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia. He was born in America, so I emailed him in English, asking for his help in for- warding my report along to the station. His quick reply: "Thank you for your note, I will let the radio station know of your ap- preciation, and especially Bishop Emeritus Karl Stetter who is responsible for getting the shortwave transmission back on line after several years of difficulty getting a qualified technician to repair the transmitter. Some- day I hope to visit Monterey to see the Aquarium there. Robert Flock, Bishop of the Diocese of San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia" (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Aug 11) From Roger Thauer, Germany: Direccion: Calle Manuel Ignacio Salvatierra #169, Santa Cruz. Telefono: Whatsapp: 75016084 Sitio Web: Facebook: Email: (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor) Here are some more pictures: Based on the localization of the Jesuit mission: Mission Concepcion, Chiquitania, Bolivia one could deduce the QTH of the antenna work in March this year. It is NOT the mission in San Ignacio de Velasco. (Roger Thauer-D, wor Aug 11) BOLIVIA 3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 2343-2352 UT on June 29, Quechua, comments. 15422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) BOLIVIA Re 6145 kHz not on air earlier July 30: "I am hearing what appears to be Radio Betania on 6144.98 kHz with prayers at 1045 UTC tune in but suffering severe interference from 6140 kHz - DRM* or jamming{sic}. Bryan Clark, Mangawhai - New Zealand" (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor July 30) * 6140 kHz 1950-1800 UT KRE KCBS Pyongyang DIGITAL DRM mode transmission BRAZIL Radio 9 de Julho continues on shortwave service. 9818.77 kHz Radio 9 de Julho still in operation as heard in Brasilia Kiwi set with fair QRM from CNR2China domestic sce which is 20db less but still QRms due to its higher audio modulation. Best reception using LSB receiv- ing mode in PardinoBRA the station has higher QRM as CNR2 is 20+db higher. Lots of religious content. 'Journalismo program' ended on 1055 UT R Voz as station ID at 1056 UT. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, hcdx Aug 4) BRAZIL Re: Radio 9 de Julho continues in shortwave. Check Radio 9 de Julho progr in 31mb at 09.55 UT on Sunday August 11: 9818.761 ... x.765 kHz Brazilan signal, variable test tone-whistle to even 9820 kHz start at 10.00 UT 9820even 1000-1100 UT 30N,31,32N BEI 500 kW 322deg 0 218_ITU_ant S=8 in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR remotedly and/or S=5 or -98dBm signal in KIWI set at TWR Bonaire remotedly. Also noted Brasilian Voz Missionaria on 9664.915 kHz exactly, S=9+15dB in Alberta-CAN remotedly, S=8 or -81dBm fluttery in TWR Bonaire unit. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews August 11) BRAZIL Voz Evangelica 9991 kHz. Thanks to the tip on Glenn's WOR, and credit to the original logging cited there, heard Voz Evangelica on 4 Aug for about a good half hour straight tuned first on the Paradinho SDR {remotedly on Kiwi set, wb.}, then on Brasilia,then thought I would try via the northern Maryland SDR and amazed to find the signal there even better and clearer than at the Brazil SDR. Straight religious music, no IDs heard, until 0026 UT when off abruptly. Then tried hearing it using my four loops here in Potomac, which is closer to the noise in DC, and heard it on my NRD-535/D ! Thanks again to the tip on WOR for this. Frequency was a steady 9,991 kHz. (Dan Robinson-MD-USA, wor Aug 5) BRAZIL 4985 kHz Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0520-0533 UT, July 30, Brazilian songs. 24322. 6150 kHz Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0457-0610 UT, Aug 1, Brazilian songs, ID. "Radio Saturno, Faixa Brasil". 25422. 6180 kHz Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2052-2106 UT, July 31, Portuguese, comments, id. "Radio Nacional". // 11780 kHz. 25422. 9818.8 kHz Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0613-0627 UT on July 30, re- ligious comments and songs, Portuguese. 15422. 15190.1 kHz Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2006-2028 UT, July 29, Brazilian songs, comments, program "A Hora do Fazendeiro". 25422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) 15190.142 kHz S=5 20.45 UT on Aug 12, wb. BULGARIA QSL cards. Taiwan Radio International, via SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site, Spaceline Ltd., Sofia Bulgaria. April 1, 2024 / 17:00-17:30 UTC / Russian / 5900 kHz. Picture: May 2, 2024 / 17:00-17:30 UTC / Russian / 5900 kHz. Picture: June 4, 2024 / 17:00-17:30 UTC / Russian / 5900 kHz. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) Radio Taiwan Int'l, Russian Sce (via Spaceline Kostinbrod_BUL site) QSL-card: 5900 kHz / 17.00-17.30 UTC / June 19, 2024. Blog: http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2023/05/rti.html> 5900 1700-1730 BUL R.TAIWAN INT. Rus Kostinbrod 1-7 5900 1900-1930 BUL R.TAIWAN INT. Ger Kostinbrod 1-7 (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) CANADA 6070 kHz CFRX, Toronto, 0502-0534 UT on Aug 3, English, news, comments. QRM from 'Channel 292' on the same frequency. 13421. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) CHINA CNR5 and CNR6 now off SW, mostly of Beijing bcast center #491 Aug 8 [Google translation] Drastic reduction in RFA and VOA. China's jamming broadcast "Voice of China" on the shortwave band has been greatly reduced. An investigation revealed that it was completely stopped at certain times between July 12th and 14th. The jammed broadcast ended on July 7th, but it was continuously broadcast for up to a week. All of these times were when VOA and RFA broadcast Chinese, Cantonese, and Tibetan. These broadcast times were greatly reduced, and from July 8th, both VOA and RFA broadcast Chinese for only two hours a day. Tibetan also broadcast for five hours a day. Cantonese was abolished. Burmese was reduced by two hours on VOA and one hour on RFA. Khmer was re- duced by one hour on RFA, and VOA remained unchanged. There was no change in Korean and Uighur broadcast times. RFA's frequencies are listed on the website, but as usual, Uighur is only broadcast on the daily frequency 0100 UT and one Taiwanese transmission on 1500 UT, with no listing for 11805 kHz. RFA's Taiwanese transmission is broadcast as before. As if responding to this move, China also took action. They stopped short- wave broadcasts to Taiwan on CNR5 and CNR6 on August 6th. From the 7th, none of them can be heard. Hi Glenn - These changes are very interesting! With the absence of CNR5 and CNR6, there is now the possibility that other stations can be heard on their former frequencies, e.g. On 6165 kHz, can Thazin Radio (Phin Oo Lwin Myanmar site) now be heard, which in the past was always blocked by a fairly strong CNR 6 ? (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Aug 8) a24 off July 8 - off Aug 7 - off Aug 7 - Shortwave Frequency List August 8. 2024, Day 1 = Sunday kHz Time(UTC) ITU Station Lang. Location Days 5925 1000-1705 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 5925 2055-2400 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 7385 0900-1705 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 7385 2055-2300 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 9665 1000-1705 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 9665 2055-2400 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 9685 0000-0600 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 9685 0600-0900 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 5-3 9685 0900-1000 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 11620 0000-0600 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 11620 0600-0900 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 5-3 11620 0900-1000 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 11935 0600-0900 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 5-3 11935 2300-0600 CHN x CNR 5 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 6165 0900-1100 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Beijing 491 1-7 6165 1100-1605 CHN x CNR 6 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 6165 2155-2200 CHN x CNR 6 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 6165 2200-0100 CHN x CNR 6 Amo Beijing 491 1-7 9420 0900-1100 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Beijing 491 1-7 9420 1100-1605 CHN x CNR 6 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 9420 2155-2200 CHN x CNR 6 Chi Beijing 491 1-7 9420 2200-0100 CHN x CNR 6 Amo Beijing 491 1-7 11775 1000-1100 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Nanning 954 1-7 11775 1100-1605 CHN x CNR 6 Chi Nanning 954 1-7 11905 0100-0500 CHN x CNR 6 Amo Beijing 491 1-7 11905 0500-0600 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Beijing 491 1-7 11905 0600-0900 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Beijing 491 5-3 12010 2155-2200 CHN x CNR 6 Chi Nanning 954 1-7 12010 2200-0200 CHN x CNR 6 Amo Nanning 954 1-7 13670 0200-0500 CHN x CNR 6 Amo Nanning 954 1-7 13670 0500-0600 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Nanning 954 1-7 13670 0600-0900 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Nanning 954 5-3 13670 0900-1000 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Nanning 954 1-7 15710 0100-0500 CHN x CNR 6 Amo Beijing 491 1-7 15710 0500-0600 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Beijing 491 1-7 15710 0600-0900 CHN x CNR 6 Hak Beijing 491 5-3 (via Ron Howard-CA-USA, via GH wor Aug 8) CHINA CHBC China Huayi Broadcast Corporation: "The China Huayi Broadcast Corporation (CHBC) has produced radio programm- ing since 1991.As it is managed by PLA's [People's Liberation Army] 'Voice of the Strait', it was also downsized in 2023; its Minnan language program was discontinued, and its original 18 hours of broadcast time was shorten- ed to 11 hours with just 2 hours of original programming and 9 hours of music." [My CHBC QSL - ] "Founded by the PLA in 1958, 'Voice of the Strait' is now administered by the PLA's Strategic Support Force's Base 311, which conducts political influence operations against Taiwan. 'Voice of the Strait' expanded to five channels under its brand, includin- gone spoken in the Minnan language, before downsizing in 2020 and 2023 to only one remaining channel. For most of 2023, it broadcasted for 11 hours (down from 17.5 hours) with just one hour of original news programming, the rest being either music or rebroadcasts.It got revitalized in December 2023, just before Taiwan's election, adding several more hours of news, commentary, and storytelling and reverting to 17.5 total broadcast hours." Also noted interesting article - (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 6) COLOMBIA 6016.8 kHz Organizacion Radial El Prado, 0436-0459* UT on Aug 3, Colombian songs, at 0449UT male "11 de la noche y 49 minutos, 11 y 49", more Colombian songs, at 0458 UT Colombian National Anthem and close at 0459 UT. 25422 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) COLOMBIA 4940 kHz QSL Radio La Montana, Arauca - Colombia con QSL electronico unido a en 12 dias para reporte enviado a la misma direccion de correo electro- nico. (Yimber Gaviria-CLM, You can watch it here - via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) COLOMBIA Listening to the Radio Magazine July 2024. Do you love radio as much as we do?" Then you need to check out the latest issue of 'Listening to the Radio Magazine'! Format: PDF Size: 44 Mb Pages: 30 Language: English/Spanish. Download. Don't miss out! Click the link below to get your copy of 'Listening to the Radio Magazine June 2024'. Happy listening! And vy73. (Yimber Gaviria-CLM, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) CUBA 13650 kHz RadioCuba Quivican San Felipe TITAN relay center, CRI (LatinAM relay) 2330 UT. JBA only by using BFO, but the canned music could be heard at 2330 UT. Not heard in weeks, likely due to poor band condx, altho something is always wrong at Cuban radio as well. Anyone who doesn't know, this is the Portuguese lang. bx from CRI via Cuba to Brazil target audience, but which is always just a bunch of instrumental music much like piped-in music at a Chinese restaurant. Poor on Aug 9. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 9) CUBA 11635 kHz Aug 3 at 0900 UT. Unidentified numbers station (in pro- gress) at tune-in, Usual mix of vox Spanish 5 digit blox of numbers, woman voice, digital text transfers. Excellent signal. 10345 kHz Aug 3 at 0615 UT. Unidentified numbers station (in progress) at tune-in, Usual mix of vox Spanish 5 digit blox of numbers, woman voice, digital text transfers. Strong modulation and signal. 11635 kHz July 29 at 0845 UT. Cuban "hybrid mode" numbers station, in pro- gress at tune-in. Very strong AF and RF. Continued on thru into the 0900 UT hour. Heard on Drake SW8, long wire. 13435 kHz Unidentified numbers station at 0730UT. In progress at tune-in, typical "HM-01"numbers station transmission. Very strong signal and audio. Very Good on July 27. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 6) CUBA 6000 kHz on August 1 at 0642 UT, JBA carrier at S=9+15dB equal to noise level. Maybe remnant of RHC. Only other sked after 0630 UT is AIR Leh India, which if really on air would not be audible from midday there. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 1) DJIBOUTI The VOA Djibouti relay on 1431 kHz was carrying Radio Sawa in Arabic when checked from 1700-1800 UT on Sunday 21 July using a Kiwi SDR unit in Cyprus. The transmitter is on the air daily from approx.1600-0300 UT. Until recently 1431 kHz carried mainly VOA English and French programming. However in mid July it was carrying East African languages such as Amharic and Somali instead of English, but when checked again on 26 July had reverted to carrying VOA English. (Observations by Dave Kenny-UK 20-26 July using Kiwi SDR in Cyprus; BrDXC-UK iogr 'Communication' magazine page #27, Aug 10; also via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor) DJIBOUTI Re: Djibouti 1431 kHz. English observed today a 1800 UT, fol- lowed (as usual) by French at 1830 UT (probably until 2030 UT, and at 2100-2130 UT). (Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wor Aug 7) 1700-1800 would immediately follow the 1600-1700 UT transmission on 15445 kHz (from Kuwait) that was still on air today. And I would guess it was as well Alhurra TV audio, since it appears that no Radio Sawa is being pro- duced anymore, they only keep the established brand as mummy after they spent lots of money on promoting it. I was already wondering if something prevents VOA from using the Djibouti transmitter for programming that specifically aims at Ethiopia, because so far it had never been put on here. But apparently not. Otherwise these observations indicate plain chaos, a meltdown mode after the unexpected budget cuts. Perhaps they are still undecided whether to keep the Djibouti transmitter or shut it down as next one after Sao Tome. In fact it would not hurt to check if 1431 kHz is still on air, consider- ing that the last day of STP transmissions has been reported as 27 July. Still no related HFCC update in the public domain. (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Aug 7) ECUADOR 6050 kHz HCJB, Pichincha, 0443-0500* UT on Aug 3, Spanish, religious comments and songs. 35433. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) E'SWATINI 9500 kHz e-QSL Trans World Radio Amharic service (Eswatini), July 3, 2024, 9500 kHz, 4 days, e-mail: (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) 13580 kHz Trans World Radio - Africa (E'swatini Manzini site former Swaziland) e-QSL 15.57-16.27 UT, July 21, 2024. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) E'SWATINI SWAZILAND [and non] 15105, August 8 at 1456 UT, music at S7. It's the end of a TWR segment in Afar. Attn to this frequency where Netherlands pirate Cupid Radio has appeared, open at times other than: At 03-07 UT North D.P.R. Korea, and E'Swatini convolution per EiBi list: 15105 1440-1457 Th-Su SWZ Trans World Radio AFA EAf 15105 1532-1621 Mo-Fr SWZ Trans World Radio TIG EAf 15105 1547-1621 Sa/Su SWZ Trans World Radio KUN EAf And per Aoki Nagoya Circle list: 15105 1440-1457 SWZ TWR Africa Afa Manzini 1567 15105 1550-1605 SWZ TWR Africa Kun Manzini 17 15105 1605-1620 SWZ TWR Africa Tig Manzini 17 15105 1535-1920* SWZ TWR Africa Tig Manzini 23456 *Probably should be 1535-1620 UT (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Aug 8) 15104.965 kHz much odd fqy of TWR Manzini Africa in Tigre language start TXion on air with TWR pause signal IS at 15.30:40 UTC Monday August 12. (wb df5sx, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 12) ETHIOPIA 6030 kHz Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa from Gedja site, 2004-2009 UT, on July 31, East African songs. 25422. 6110 kHz Radio Fana, Addis Ababa from Gedja site, 2006-2018 UT July 31, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 25422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) FINLAND New low power LW station in Inari, Finland. Arctic Radio 252 - later this year 2024. Arctic Radio started as a project in the Spring of 2024. With the decline in LW broadcasts it was mostly with nostalgia the project was born but the need for an independent Arctic based radio station was recognised. Multi-language programming in English, Finnish, Inari Sami, Northern Sami and Skolt Sami it caters for the people who live in our Arctic area. We will begin broadcasting later this year from Inari, Northern Finland with 1 kW, we hope to slowly upgrade the power as time goes on. Our goal is a dedicated LW station that will cover most of the Arctic region in the future. 252 kHz was the former home of Finland's YLE longwave station from Lahti that was switched off in 1993. A commonly asked question is why 252 kHz ? The short answer is Finland only has 252 kHz allocated under the GE75 ITU plan. We are aware of the power of Algeria also on 252 that may hinder re- ception of our station further South but we are hopeful in future that we may be granted a clear channel by the ITU. (via Risto Harjula-FIN, Suomen DX-Liitto F_Book 11 Aug; [co-ch Tipaza Algeria on 252 kHz does suffer outages and is often off air] via Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr August 11) FRANCE/PARIS/TAHITI The International Olympic Committee no longer offers Russian residents to watch the 2024 Olympics on its website. Information that Russian residents will be able to watch the Olympic Games broadcasts on the official website of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has disappeared from the organization's website, TASS reports Details in Russian (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1300 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 28) FRANCE 11730 kHz paper QSL card from NHK World Radio - Japan, of TDF Issoudun relay sce in France. The program was transmitted on 14.June 2024 in French on 11730 kHz. You can watch it here - 11730 0530 0550 37,46,47 ISS 250 190 0 157 1234567 310324 261024 Fra F NHK NHK 2974 (Piotr Skorek-POL, (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) FRANCE {SUDAN SOUTH target radio} 21485 kHz, Aug 9 at 1514 UT, OSOB is a JBA carrier here, so also the SSOB, per EiBi database list, R. Tamazuj via {TDF Issoudun relay, wb.} FRANCE at 1445-1600 UT. There is no point in using abbrs. if you have to keep explaining them, but I do so occasionally, like now, FYI: just barely audible; only station / signal on band; strongest signal/station on band. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 9) GERMANY 9555 kHz Tue, July 30, at 2016-2028 UT, Adventist World Radio, via MBR Nauen-D relay center, in French. Woman says ID and address to Abdijan; 2018 UT Man talking, preaching; 2025 UT Woman says ID and address to Cote d'Ivoire; Music; 2027 UT Man/woman repeat AWR ID and address. Good reception: 45544. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 30) GERMANY 6160 kHz QSL, Progzilla Radio rent airtime via Shortwaveradio Winsen - Aller. 20.00-21.00 UT, Aug. 5, 2024. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) GERMANY 11700 kHz QSL Voice of the Andes, via MBR Nauen relay center. 15.30-16.00 UT, June 29, 2024. Nelly Yakovlevna sent a letter, a QSL card and two articles. One of the articles is about Yuri Borisovich Levitan. (Evgeniy Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) GERMANY 3955 kHz. eQSL Texas Radio Shortwave, via Rohrbach Waal Bavaria. E-mail: 3 August 2024, 19.00-20.00 UT, 3955 kHz Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) GERMANY 9670 kHz 10kW eQSL Radio Carpathia. Via Ingolstadt Rohrbach Waal Bavaria, Germany bcast center unit. E-mail: 28 July 2024, 11.00-12.00 UT, 9670 kHz via Channel 292. Picture: "Good morning, Many thanks for tuning in to my special 2nd anniversary broadcast. Your eQSL is attached below. As announced at the end of the broadcast, Radio Carpathia will be taking a break until October, when it will return with a new format and a new schedule. I am open to any new ideas, so if there is anything you would like to hear on Radio Carpathia in the future (a certain genre or artist, even from outside the Carpathians), please let me know. Kind regards, Luca Trifan." (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) GUAM 11590 kHz Merizo site on Guam Pacific site, KTWR 'Do You Know' at 1430 UT, man in (listed) Uyghur language, some ethnic music, W in Uyghur at 1444 UT and sked annmt. Familiar KTWR tuning signal on piano, then to listed Kazakh language service. Off suddenly at 1458 UT. Fair Aug 7. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 9) INDONESIA 7289.93 kHz RRI Nabire Pro 1, 0818-0911* UT on Aug 4. The usual EZL songs; anomaly today with several times with emergency sirens (have never heard them before); checked on-line for any unusual news, but only found an item about a mild earthquake today very close to Nabire; 0900 UT, start of the Islamic segment (Shalawat Tarhim prayer, followed by the Maghrib [sunset] call-to-prayer); another day of fair-good reception. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) INDONESIA 3325 kHz Voice of Indonesia (Channel One) from Palangkaraya site, 1326 UT on Aug 6. English segment; "Indonesia Today" program; pop music; "Indonesian Wonders" program; ID and list of all the languages broadcast from VOINS; Bahasa Indonesia language lesson; readability not all that good today; weaker on // 4755.0 kHz from Cimanggis Jakarta site. * It is important to note that August 17 is not only Indonesia's Indepen- dence Day, but equally important is that it will be the first time that Independence Day celebrations will be held not in Jakarta, the old capi- tal, but instead held in the new capital city of Nusantara, located in East Kalimantan province, on the island of Borneo. President Joko Widodo has already started working from the new presiden- tial palace in Nusantara. Only a small portion of the new capital is cur- rently completed and is expected to be fully completed by 2045. Nusantara is about 383 miles away from Palangkaraya, in Central Kalimantan. Nusantara website - News story - (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 6) JAPAN 13860 kHz NHK World Radio Japan via NHK Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan at 0700 {-0900 UT scheduled, wb.}, Japanese talk, man and woman in animat- ed dialogue, fully lighting the little green tuning eye, strong on SW-2000629 and shortwire ant. Very Good June 2. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 9) KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan switches to a single time: who and when should change the clocks. A single time zone will be established throughout the country on the night of February 29, 2024 to March 1, 2024 (at 00:00). The time change will affect most of Kazakhstan.Currently, the country uses two time zones: UTC+5hrs and UTC+6hrs.All regions and cities living in the UTC+6hrs time zone are moving their time back an hour. Details - (Radio Reception, Telegram; via Alexander Myadel Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) KOREA REP OF {South} KBSWR Seoul Umfrage 2024. Umfrage zur Zufriedenheit der Hoerer im Ausland. Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer von KBS WORLD Radio, wir bedanken uns herzlich fuer Ihre Teilnahme an dieser Umfrage. KBS WORLD Radio fuehrt diese Umfrage durch, um Ihnen in Zukunft noch bessere Inhalte und Services anbieten zu koennen. Wir wuerden es daher sehr schaetzen,wenn Sie sich die Zeit nehmen wuerden, uns Ihre Meinungen und Verbesserungsvorschlaege zu den Sendungen mitzu- teilen. Sie werden anonym erfasst und nur fuer allgemeine statistische Zwecke verwendet. Wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen im Voraus fuer Ihren wertvollen Beitrag. Unter den Teilnehmern werden auch kleine Geschenke verlost. Wir bitten Sie daher, nach dem Abschluss der Umfrage Ihre E-Mail-Adresse anzugeben. Ich stimme der Sammlung und Verwendung meiner personenbezogenen Daten zu. Zu den Richtlinien fuer den Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten START Umfrage zur Zufriedenheit der Hoerer im Ausland. (KBS SEOUL, 6 Aug 2024) LIBERIA 6050 kHz ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0558-0608 UT on Aug 2, interval signal, English, male, id. "ELWA Radio...", religious comments, female, religious songs. 15422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) LITHUANIA/UKRAINE 1386 kHz LRTC location Anyksiai Vieshintos, 200 kW run by lowered 75 kW. Gerade jetzt (2115 UTC) Programm in rumaenischer Sprache auf 1386 kHz. Radio Ukraine International? Ja, es ist Radio Ukraine International (RUI). Gibt es einen aktuellen Sendeplan fuer 1386 kHz? (Alexander Busneag-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 20) Re: Rumaenisch auf MW Anyksiai Vieshintos 1386 kHz (UKR ? service) Gemeint ist ja sicher, ob auch Aussenstehende solche Angaben bekommen koennen: Seit Pleikys tot ist, gibt es keine mir bekannte Moeglichkeit mehr dafuer. Das ist seitdem eine komplette Black Box. Diese naechtliche Aufschaltung wird aus dem litauischen Staatshaushalt be- zahlt. Begruendung bzw.Zielstellung ist "Erreichen der besetzten Gebiete". Warum man dafuer das Auslandsprogramm nimmt, bleibt das Geheimnis derer, die das eingeruehrt haben. Umgekehrt kenne ich auch keine Quelle fuer ein aktuelles Programmschema dieses Auslandsprogramms. Dort sind jedenfalls vor einiger Zeit (irgend- wann letztes Jahr, wenn ich mich recht entsinne) solche kurzen Segmente in allen moeglichen Sprachen, nur nicht wieder in Deutsch, aufgetaucht. [...] (Kai Ludwig-D to Andreas-Busneag-D, July 28 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews) Re: Rumaenisch auf MW Anyksiai Vieshintos 1386 kHz (UKR?) Hallo,dann haben sie fuer Rumaenisch also wieder das komplette Format auf- genommen, wie es laengere Zeit, mindestens seit Abschaltung der Kurzwelle, ueber Czernowitz 657 kHz lief und als Zwitter von Inlands- und Auslands- programm galt. Die Sendezeit koennte natuerlich gezielt auf die Aufschaltung in Litauen abgestimmt sein, die duerfte ja in Kiew bekannt sein. Ueber alles weitere kann man halt nur spekulieren. Hat uebrigens jemand mal die Frage gestellt,warum es keinerlei Uebernahmen aus Rumaenien gab/gibt, so wie damals, nachdem Grigoriopol Maiac-MDA weg war,die grossflaechige Ausstrahlung von Radio Moldova ueber Iasi 1053 kHz, die sich nach kaputtem Ballempfang angehoert hatte? Es gab ja vorletztes Jahr diese Appelle "bitte uebernehmt unser Signal", zum Beispiel als Gastbeitrag in der FAZ. Da kamen dann solche Dinger wie eine schmalstbandige (16 kbit/s) DAB-Ausstrahlung durch den Tschechischen Rundfunk, aus der Rubrik: Das haben die irgendwie falsch verstanden. (Kai Ludwig-D, Aug 8 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews) Hier nun auch meinen Senf dazu ... Ich sehe dies ein wenig anders. Das Rumaenisch Programm fuer die besetzten Gebiete zu senden, macht wenig Sinn, denn dort lebt kaum eine rumaenischsprachige Bevoelkerung. Dies ist eher 'target radio' fuer die anderen Gebiete der Ukraine (z.B. Nordbukowina, Transkarpathien, die Region Odessa), die Republik Moldau und Rumaenien gedacht. Ich habe mir diese halbstuendigen Pro- gramme in Rumaenisch (21:00 - 21:30 UTC) oefter angehoert. Sie bestehen aus einem kuerzeren Nachrichtenteil und danach einem an- schliessenden Analysenteil. In den Sendungen wird unter anderem ueber die Frontlage aber auch ueber die weltweiten auf die Ukraine bezogenen Handlungen eingegangen. Ich habe aber auch schon Soeldnerwerbungen ge- hoert. Warum dieses Programm ueber die Mittelwelle Litauen kommt (in der ersten Minute des rumaenischen Programms wird auch eine kurze Ansage von "Radio Baltica, Vilnius" ueberlagert) kann ich mir nur dadurch erklaeren, dass der einzige Mittelwellensender vom ukrainischen Boden auf 1278 kHz fuer das ukrainische Programm (auch fuer die besetzten Gebiete) frei gehalten wird. 73s Erich. (Erich Bergmann-D, July 27 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews) MADAGASCAR 11610 kHz via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar; R Feda 2230 UT. Woman in Arabic, some ME music, then dialogue with M and W in Arabic. Vocal ME music near the ToH, M in Arabic and off at 2259 UT. Good on Aug 6. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 6) MADAGASCAR 11650 kHz R Dabanga {via FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility, wb.} at 0430 UT. Well over S9 on Drake SW8, longwire, w/ long talk by M in (listed) Dari*sic! (Afghanistan). ID by W at 0444 UT, then repeated by man. Off at 0458 UT. Excellent Aug 3 11650 0430-0500 MDG JRC Radio Dabanga Dargwa* Talata-Volo 1-7 11650 0315-0430 MDG JRC Radio Tamazui Juba Talata-Volo 1-7 Juba local dialect. * sic, not Dari-AFG CeAS language, rather South Sudan Arabic dialect, wb. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 6) MALI 5995 kHz Radio Mali, Bamako tx center #1, 0601-0634 UT, on Aug 3, French, ID. "Radio Mali", program "Au Chant du Coq", African songs, Verna- cular, comments. 25422. Also heard 1841-1909 UT, on Aug 3, African songs, Vernacular, comments, at 1850 UT "English Magazine", news and comments about Mali in English, at 1905 UT Vernacular comments. 25422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) MEXICO 6185 kHz Radio Educacion, Ciudad de Mexico, 0558-0629 UT on Aug 3, songs, Spanish, female, comments. ID. at 0603 UT "Radio Educacion, 1060 AM". 25422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) MYANMAR 5915 kHz Myanmar Radio minority service {via Nay Pyi Daw capital SW sce, wb}), randomly from 1220+ UT on Aug 6. Nice to have no CRI QRM; mostly indigenous music / singing and announcers in vernacular. My audio - 5985 kHz Myanmar Radio, {via Yengu - Yangoon former capital bcast center, wb.} randomly from 1242 UT, Aug 6. Variety of music; heading towards my local sunrise (1318 UT) with good reception. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 6) On 6165 kHz, can Thazin Radio (Phin Oo Lwin Myanmar northern bcast center site) now be heard, which in the past was always blocked by a fairly strong CNR 6 ? (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Aug 8) NEW ZEALAND Where is the RNZI SW schedule ? There is no longer a link to it at homepage But it is still there at as in the WOR Hitlist. Ironically, this has happened just as their new transmitter is inaugurated, with publicity about the value of SW. I have notified Adrian Sainsbury, so maybe he can get that restored. Yes, says he will do that; but not yet as of 0207 UT on Aug 3. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 3) PERU 4775 kHz Radio Tarma, Tarma, 2339-2356 UT on July 29, Spanish, comments, Peruvian songs. 25422. Also heard 2329-2336 UT on July 31, Spanish, sports, comments about Peruvian athletes in the Paris Olympic Games. 25422. Also 0123-0128 UT, on Aug 3, Peruvian songs. 25422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) PERU 4820 kHz 'Radio Senda Cristiana' (The Christian Way Radio), at 0911-0933 UT on Aug 5. Probably my best ever reception here, even with heavy QRN (static) and some QRM from CODAR; mostly music; announcers with time checks and IDs. This station is operated by the Cotahuasi Ministry Center project (website - Originally back in May, 2023, about the time their SW operation started, I thought the SW transmitter was not located in Cotahuasi, but instead was many miles away in Valle de Vitor, San Luis, Arequipa, Peru, but I believe that has never been confirmed? Does anyone know for sure? Thanks for any help! (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 5) PHILIPPINES 9275 kHz FEBC Manila via Bocaue tx site. i-Radio Liangyou at 1330 UT, children's chorus (presumed religious music), talk in Chinese dialect. The music program lasted until the next hour. Very Good. Aug 5 (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 6) PHILIPPINES 9920 kHz e-QSL FEBC Manila, Radio Teos (via Bocaue-PHL site) April 26, 2024, 9920 kHz, 74 days, e-mail: 9920 1500-1545 PHL FEBC Radio Teos Ukr Bocaue 234 9920 1530-1600 PHL FEBC Radio Teos Rus Bocaue 1567 (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) RUSSIA { former communist USSR era archive } Radio piracy in Russia. Radio piracy in Russia has existed for a long time, it is somewhat dif- ferent from European countries, and unlike them, it has existed a little longer. The fact is that our radio piracy in the initial and current periods carries the functions of amateur radio exchange, while radio piracy in Europe has the nature of radio broadcasting. And everyone calls themselves operators of free radio (Free Radio). Details in Russian - (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1300 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 28) RUSSIA {Radio center # 5. Bolshakovo Kaliningrad region} Schedule of medium-wave test broadcasts. August 2024. Radio of Russii. Broadcast direction: Countries of Eastern and Northern Europe, the Republic of Belarus, the Baltics. Date - 07 (Wednesday) / 14 (Wednesday) / 21 (Wednesday) / 28 (Wednesday). 15.00-16.00 UTC, 100 kW, 549 kHz 16.00-17.00 UTC, 150 kW, 1143 kHz 17.00-18.00 UTC, 600 kW, 549 kHz Broadcasting outside the specified intervals is possible. August 7, . The schedule of tests from RC#5 will be adjusted in favor of a later time. I will publish the current schedule after approval. August 8, (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) SAUDI ARABIA 11935 kHz channel check of this TERRIBLE BUZZ SOUND check on Fri July 26 at 15.55 UT in range 11929.2 to 11939.2 kHz; nearly 68 x BUZZ strings seen on SDR screen, each of 120 Hertz distance away each other. S=9+30dB signal strength noted in Doha Qatar Perseus SDR remotedly. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 26) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.414 kHz Aug 7 at 1911 UT, ME music, no noise, S=9+15/25dB signal into UTWente, same as 24 hours earlier from Riyadh with surrogate Yemeni service, way off-frequency. BTW, have not noticed the other Sa'udi on 25mband, Al-Azm 11745 kHz for quite some time: (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx Aug 7) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.402 kHz N O N O I S E Riyadh TX unit faulty audio modulation at 12.50UT on August 8 noted remotedly in Doha Qatar ME. Arabic singer group performed Co-Ch 11935.000 kHz CHN Shijiazhuang Russian sce at 12-13 UT underneath, at 12.55 UT. 11745 kHz, empty channel, Jeddah army radio service n o t o n a i r at 12.56 UT on Aug 8. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.399- kHz, Aug 9 at 2020 UT, Republic of Yemen Radio, via Riyadh bcast center, VG S=9+10/20dB level into UTwente, in the clear, no noise or jamming, in Arabic. But earlier Aug 9, Zacharias Liangas in Greece reported: "Some updates: Today at 0611 UT, a siren was heard jamming, observed in Kuwait's KSDR, with a very poor signal and no transmission issues. Once again at 0904 UT, the signal improved. Zooming in, the exact frequency is 11935.4i0 kHz, with two signal strings around the carrier, each about 50 Hz apart, and a gap of approximately +/-200 Hz above and below the carrier. Zacharias Liangas-GRC, WOR iogroup". (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx Aug 10) SAUDI ARABIA 11935.399 kHz odd fqy of an VERY CLEAN TX UNIT OUTLET - today 13.00 UT Saturday August 10 - of still total nine different SW TX units available at Riyadh bcast center. S=9+25dB noted in Perseus SDR at Doha Qatar ME installation remotedly. Accompanied by an low power 120 Hertz apart audio whistle BUZZ signal either sideband, and some more 8x 120 Hz buzzy audio strings apart distance, though much low power strings around one 11938 ... x.939 kHz fqy range. Nothing on air from Jeddah site like Saudi Army Radio program on 11745v kHz channel noted so far at same time slot. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 10) 11935.4 kHz with Yemeni excile radio without modulation problems has been heard in LItohoron Lt Olympus-Greece with good signal even under local router carriers while tested in // with the THS SDR remotedly. The signal in THS was at max -80dbm with QRM from China on 11925 kHz. Also now 1659UT in THS with same level and nice tops at -65dbm (S9) with man talking in Arabic. Note it required USB to get rid the interference from CRI on 11925 kHz on the 15xx times reception in Doha and Kuwait was very poor. I was very much surprised to hear Yemen in Saint Pierre Reunion at -42 dbm with in Jakarta heard at -62dbm, 1806 UT ID Idaatu Sana. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, hcdx Aug 10) SOLOMON ISLS 5020 kHz SIBC Honiara with a remarkable signal this morning at 1055 UT, just stumbled upon it, playing island folk songs with ukelele and flute soloist, almost HC-sounding. OM English anmts 1057UT wrapping up "our program this week ... That's all for now. Good-bye!" Then Bislama anmts, commercials and into a TOH news bulletin in Bislama. Wonder if they have fixed something? Have not had this nice a signal in years. For the longest time, this one has only provided spotty reception quality. Let's hope this holds up. (Ralph Perry-Wheaton-IL-USA, wor Aug 10) Re: 5020 kHz Honiara With Exceptional Signal Today Aug 10. Wow, Ralph! Incredibly strong into Masset-BC-CAN this morning with sign off announce- ments and their national anthem. Then dead air and a Beatles song before cutting the transmission at 12:02 UT. Just like the SIBC of old. Someone has worked on their transmitter, I think. Thanks for the alert! Walt (Masset, BC) (Walter R Salmaniw-Masset-BC-CAN, wor Aug 10) SPAIN 17855 kHz Fri Aug 9 at 2200UT, token English from SNR, VG, signal S=9+30/40dB direct and the other three audible, and even managing to modu- late. Preview topic to be about Olympix. 2202 UT news, Catalan guy AWOL, may have gone back to refuge in Waterloo (Belgium, not Iowa). 2209 UT interview about how well Spain's women athletes are prepared for the mara- thon. In Tokyo the team ranked higher, somehow, than individuals who need more training. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 9) SPAIN REE dispenses with SWDX report on 'Onda Corta' program, tnx a lot 'Amigos de la Onda Corta'. From: AER. Mon, 05 Aug. {translated by wb on Aug 12 : } The AER reached an agreement with Antonio Buitrago (director of Radio Exterior de Espana, responsible for the programme and also a member of the AER) for a period of collaboration that began in November 2019. This collaboration for the REE programme "Amigos de la Onda Corta" took the form of monthly DX reports of about five minutes prepared by the AER. But, after his retirement, at the end of 2023, he took over the 'Coral Consuegra' programme and our reports came out until this July, when Juan San Ildefonso has taken over. From the AER we wrote to him to find out why our DX reports were not put on the air and he did not answer us. But, a few weeks later, we received the following email from Luis Manuel Fernandez Iglesias, current director of Radio Exterior de Espana: "Dear Pedro, I hope everything is going well for you. The new head of 'Amigos de la onda corta' has decided to renew the staff of the pro- gramme's collaborators. As a result, I would like to inform you that from next September we will no longer be using your services. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your invaluable support during so many years in the company of our friend and former director of REE, Antonio Buitrago. Best regards". Although it contradicts itself, it is clear that the DX reports of the AER will not be welcome in a programme that, precisely, is entitled "Amigos de la Onda Corta" (Friends of Shortwave). Precisely, on 03 Aug 2024, this director gave an interview for the current edition of the program "No es un dia cualquiera", of Radio Nacional de Espana, in which his mouth was full of "shortwave" and that it was ne- cessary to promote it. He even remembered the supposed beneficiaries of REE's SW emissions; cu- riously, the same associations / entities of those beneficiaries, together with the AER, were the ones who fought years ago for the return of REE to shortwave. To this end, we founded a platform in favor of the shortwave of the inter- national public radio of Spain, against the opinion of the director of the station himself at that time. Not only did we meet with REE and RNE mana- gers, but we also exerted social and political pressure. Finally, our ob- jective was achieved and REE returned to short wave. But, well, it seems that the program "Amigos de la Onda Corta" will be dedicated to other things than shortwave ... things of life ! rest in peace! (via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 6) TAIWAN Ansicht Sonder-QSL-Karte direkt aus Tamsui 2024 Letzte Runde (Gelegenheit) wird heute Sonntag eingelaeutet: 04. Aug. (Sonntag) 1700-1730 UTC 11995 kHz 1730-1800 UTC 9545 kHz Wir bestaetigen Empfangsberichte wieder mit einer QSL-Karte! Bitte senden Sie Empfangsberichte per E-Mail an: oder ueber das Online-Formular: oder per Post an: Radio Taiwan International German Service P.O.Box 123-199 Taipei 11199, Taiwan, Far East. Wir moechten ausserdem darauf hinweisen, dass RTI im August und September (9. August bis 1. September) ebenfalls jeweils Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag, auf den gleichen Frequenzen zu den gleichen Zeiten franzoesischsprachige Sendungen direkt von der Sendeanlage Tamsui ausstrahlen wird. (RTI German Service, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) TAIWAN Aktion: "Begegnung mit Rti" Rti sammelt Geschichten von Hoererinnen und Hoerern. Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer, Radio Taiwan International laedt alle Hoererinnen und Hoerer ein, an der Aktion "Begegnung mit Rti" - Rti sammelt Geschichten von Hoererinnen und Hoerern - teilzunehmen. Welche Geschichte koennen Sie ueber Ihre Begegnung mit Rti erzaehlen? Teilen Sie mit uns Ihre persoenlichen Erinnerungen mit Ihren eigenen Worten! Alle Teilnehmer erhalten von Rti eine Sonder-Aktionskarte als kleines Dankeschoen. Es wird ausserdem eine Gewinnziehung mit allen eingereichten Werken veranstaltet. Wer kann teilnehmen? Alle, ungeachtet Nationalitaet, Wohnort oder Alter. Wann kann man teilnehmen? Ab jetzt bis zum 29. Sept. 2024 24:00 Uhr (Taiwan Ortszeit UTC+8 hrs). Mehr Informationen ueber diese Aktion finden Sie hier: Wie kann man teilnehmen? Online: E-Mail: Senden Sie Ihren Beitrag (mit Namen, Land und Postanschrift) an: Teilnahme: Teilen Sie mit uns Ihre Geschichten von Ihren Begegnungen mit Rti, z.B., als Sie das erste Mal ein Programm (oder einen Podcast) von Rti gehoert haben, oder Erinnerungen im Zusammenhang mit Rti, die einen besonderen Eindruck bei Ihnen hinterlassen haben. Rti laedt Hoerer und Internetnutzer ein, ihre Erfahrungen mit Rti in bis zu 200 Woertern aufzuschreiben und per E-Mail oder handschriftlich auf Papier an uns zu senden. Die Zahl der Werke pro Teilnehmer ist nicht be- grenzt. Sie koennen Werke auch als Audiodatei oder Video einreichen. Beispiel fuer eine Geschichte einer ?Begegnung mit Rti?: Ich bin ... (Name oder "Spitzname") und komme aus ... in ... (Stadt und Land). Ich habe zum ersten Mal Rti gehoert, als ich noch in der Grund- schule war, weil meine Mutter eine treue Hoererin von Rti war. Meine Mutter hat immer zu Hause bei der Arbeit Rti gehoert. Rti ist fuer mich eine Kindheitserinnerung. Auch als Erwachsener, als meine Mutter schon nicht mehr am Leben war, habe ich weiter Rti gehoert. Ich hoere nun immer noch Podcasts von Rti, da dies fuer mich eine schoene Erinnerung an die gemeinsame Zeit mit meiner Mutter ist. Senden Sie ausserdem ein Foto mit Bezug zu Rti, z.B.: Ein Foto mit einer QSL-Karte oder einem Souvenir von Rti (z.B. einem Rti-Wimpel). Ein Foto von einem Besuch bei Rti, mit Modera- toren oder von einer Teilnahme an einer Rti-Veranstaltung. Ein Foto mit einem Geraet oder einer Plattform, mit der Sie Rti hoeren, z.B. Rundfunkempfaenger mit eingestellter Frequenz von Rti, Computer oder Mobiltelefon mit der Website von Rti oder Rti-Podcast. Dateiformate: JPG, PNG oder TIFF, mindestens 1 MB. (RTI Radio Taiwan International, German sce via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) and on Rti English sce too How I meet RTI: Global Listener Story Collection, 1. August 2024. Your memories become our story. Capture how we met in your own words ! Participants will receive a "Meeting RTI" commemorative postcard. Each card enables one lottery draw. Rules for Entry. Eligibility: This contest is open to people of all nationalities around the world. Registration deadline: Sept 29, 2024 (24:00 Sunday, GMT+8hrs) How to register: Visit the official website to fill out the registration form. Email your registration information (including your name and nationality) and entries to Rules for Entry: Share the story of how you discovered RTI (Radio Taiwan International), such as your first time listening to an RTI program (including podcasts), or any memorable moments related to RTI. Interested listeners and online users should submit their experiences via email or handwritten letter in 200 words or less. Entries can also be in audio or video format. There is no limit to the number of submissions. Participants must provide a photograph related to RTI, such as: A photo with an RTI commemorative item, RTI pennant, or QSL card. Photos taken during a visit to the station, with radio program hosts, or while participating in RTI events. Images of RTI listening devices or platforms, such as a radio tuned to RTI frequencies, or computer or mobile screens displaying RTI's official website or podcast pages. Acceptable image file formats: JPG, PNG, or TIFF, with a file size of at least 1 MB. (Radio Taiwan International, English sce via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 1) TAIWAN Russian Service of Taiwan Radio International, Taipei, Taiwan. Sent a pennant. Rti Russian Service. 30 years on air. Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) TAIWAN 9685 kHz {Opposition Target Radio Program} (to/against the DPRK Korea Gov't) 'Nippon no kaze / Wind from Japan'{via Paochung-TWN site,wb.} at 1540 UT, talk by M in Korean, talk by woman, then some pop vocal. Familiar closing music at 1557 UT and off at 1558 UT. Fair on Aug 3. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 6) TAIWAN {CLANDESTINE target radio program} 17790 kHz Tue, July 30, at 0200-0210 UT, Radio NUG, Paochung-TWN, in Burmese. IS; ID by woman; 0201 UT Man talking news, presumably; 0209 UT Other man announcer talking news. Good reception: 45544. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 30) TURKEY 17620.011 kHz VoTurkey Emirler in English, S=9+10dB at 13.07 UT, scheduled 12.30-13.27 UT westwards to zones 18, 27 & 28, noted remotedly in Doha Qatar Perseus SDR unit in ME. {followed by AWR Asia via Tashkent UZB transmitter center service at 13.29 UT on 17620.005 kHz, S=9+20dB in ME sidelobe, wb.} 17815.017 kHz VoTurkey Emirler in Turkish S=9+10dB level at 13.10 UT. 11965.025 kHz VoTurkey from Emirler in Russian sce at 13.00-13.57 UT, S=9 signal backlobe into ME Doha Qatar Perseus remotedly at 13.15 UT. 17690.013 kHz VoTurkey from Emirler in Kazakh language, scheduled 13.30- 13.57 UT, noted at 13.28 UT on August 8th remotedly in Doha Qatar ME SDR unit. S=9+25dB signal at 13.33 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) TURKEY/KOREA REP/TAIWAN TRT Ankara mail. Received the pennant. Rti Russian Service. 30 years on the air, Sent in a separate yellow envelope, in which QSL is put + there was their QSL for July 1, 2024 (already in a different envelope), and also from the Chinese and English service "Voices of Turkey" paper QSL + their schedule. By the way, their "non-Russians" (G.T.) are much more efficient in deli- very than their Russian service - there they go one month, and from the Russian 3 months. Perhaps Galina, who sometimes answers there, has enough work without it or the postal assistants there are less efficient now. English, Korean, German KBS Seoul services promptly send paper QSL, then they say that the Russian KBS service budget has been cut. The Spanish KBS service also sends paper QSLs, but the pauses are very long. You can watch it here - (Andrey, Tomsk-RUS; via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) TURKEY 11965 kHz QSL Voice of Turkiye; - QSL card. May 02, 13:00-13:54 UTC, Russian Picture: 9750 kHz QSL card. June 2, 18.30-19.25 UT, English. Picture: (ÀE via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) TURKEY 9875 kHz, QSL Voice of Turkey, 11 May 2024, 47 days, e-mail: (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) TURKEY 9840; 9750 kHz; Voice of Turkiye Emirler (TUR), QSL-card: 17.30- 18.25; 18.30-19.25 UT, July 3, 2024. Received programs in German and English. Reported to the general address VOT QSL-card for the June report did not arrive. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) TURKEY 7275.004 kHz UT Wed August 7 at 0352 UT, I remember just in time to check for the final repeat of the Tue 1230 UT VOT English, since the 2200 UT was AWOL. Yes, S=9+15/25dB signal into UTwente 'with-you- every-hour' {NOT necessarily} promo, 0353 UT s/off ignoring SW. Some- thing's always awry at Ankara. Quick switch to 6165 kHz: it's off already or totally, and quick switch back to 7275 kHz, it's also off with hardly any time for IS. Something's always erroneous at Emirler. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx Aug 7) TURKEY 11785 kHz Aug 7 from *2200.4 UT, JBA carrier cuts on late 0 di- rect, so expect to get bigsig from VOT English when I switch to UTwente: BUT no signal at 2239 UT nor on previous SNAFUs 11795 kHz or 9875 kHz. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx Aug 7) UAE BBC in Russian back on SW. Via WRN on 03 August was 1st test broadcast in Russian on 13650 kHz at 1700-1800 UT of the BBC in Russian - it will be only on Saturday at this time and frequency. 2024-08-10 17:33:02 UT capture: AM 13650 (DHA) WRN RUSS (Rumen Pankov-Sofia-BUL via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) UAE BBC Russian Service returns to shortwave. On Saturdays at 14:00 UT on 13650 kHz (transmitter in Abu Dhabi Media Al Dhabbaya UAE relay site) a new program prepared by the BBC Russian Service will be broadcast. Repeated at 23:00 and on Sunday at 8:00 am on the In- ternet via the Eutelsat Hotbird 6 satellite, 13 degr E and in streaming on the Internet - Channel WRN Russkij August 3, 2024 BBC in Russian WRN 13650 kHz. BBC in Russian left shortwave on March 26,2011. On 1251 kHz via Tajikistan was until 2014, although they repeat old podcasts. but this is an official broadcast - a special BBC announcement about retransmission via WRN was recorded. (Shukhrat Rakhmatullaev & AM / Radio reception - Telegram) 1700-1800 UT Sat Russian 13650 kHz Dhabbaya, UAE 250kW Guide to shortwave broadcasting in Europe. August 2024 (A24) Europe on Shortwave. Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) UAE {BBC / WRN ?} 13650 kHz Abu Dhabi Media ENC Al Dhabbaya - UAE relay? Ist interessant, was am Sonnabend zwischen 17.00 und 18.00 Uhr UTC auf 13650 kHz laeuft. 13650 1530-1600 RUS WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset R EEu /UAE 13650 1620-1630 RUS WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset R EEu /UAE 13650 1730-1800 Sa RUS WRN Vsemirnaya Radioset R EEu /UAE 13650 1630-1700 SVK Radio Slovakia Internat. R EEu /UAE 13650 1530-1600 Su UN United Nations Radio R EEu /UAE (EIBI database) 13650 SW kHz WRN Russian RMS Monitoring File entry of USAGM Saturday 16 - 18 UT, Aug 10. 2024-08-10 17:33:02 UT capture: AM 13650 (DHA) WRN RUSS ? alte russische Podcasts der BBC London ? Die Frage ist also die - nach einem Vergleich von SW 13650 kHz mit Satellitenausstrahlung seit 18. Jan. 2024: four additional services on Hotbird 13G, on 13.0 East, 11034 vertical wide 27500 SID 1753 WRN Russkij. 1754 WRN English Europe. 1755 Radio Jahani in Persian language. 1757 WRN Arabic, 'Sawt Al Alam' - 29 Febr 2024. Die fraglichen BBC-Podcasts sind die hier: (August 8) Do they now run a separate feed to the shortwave transmitter ?? Because so far I was under the impression that their podcasts are the re- corded linear output. Podcasts at seem to be automatically cut by two minutes ear- lier than they have to be, so the next podcast starts earlier, including two minutes from the previous programme by another station. At the same time, their online / satellite / shortwave runs OK, strictly on clock. 90 seconds of fill music, followed by a dedicated announcement of the Saturday-only shortwave extension (by the Radiopanorama producer, not a snippet from the last show but recorded separately it seems to me) Vadim Alekseyev is not just a producer of Radiopanorama, he's the person behind WRN Russian for the past 23 years. Vadim also was a host of 'Club DX' programme on VOR Russian service in 2004-2011, until the pro- gramme was closed (he also provided very accurate schedules of VOR entire SW/MW output in those years), edited DX bulletins and handbooks from the late 1980s, was among creators of (2005-2017) and had some re- lation to SW pirate stations 'Green Music Radio' and 'Radio Without Borders International' in early 1990s ... Russkoye Radio Avstraliy who after five years still do not know that everyone has been thrown out of the Kurkino station and so there is no 738 kHz anymore. The same thing was with Radio Slovakia International until this year. They knew they were no longer on 738 kHz, but probably hoped that WRN would somehow resume it ... This frequency is still mentioned at both and , although with a notice. Now there are some simple questions: What is the purpose of transmitting such old stuff? Who had this idea? Who is paying for the airtime? Seems that somebody has found this idea interesting, but BBC Russian is definitely involved as the special announcement is voiced by its employee (BBC Russian still produces a 45-minute podcast on weekdays). Encompass is paying for the entire WRN relay via the UAE Al Dhabbaya, as was stated when it began. (Alexander Miatlikov-UKR, wor Aug 3) [...] In this particular case the point was: The described old BBC podcasts, as you heard them on 13650 kHz, are not what is on the supposed recording of the output as on the Globecast Hotbird transponder 126: I'm almost certain that the BBC is on 13650 kHz in // with WRN Russian online and satellite stream. BBC Russian will be repeated on Saturdays at 23 UTC and on Sundays at 8 UTC (online/satellite only in both cases). But then management stepped in and banned any further activities, appa- rently wanting to finally close also this station and sell off the grounds And here is my version of what happened :) At some point, RTRS learnt that WRN relayed Radio Prague. By that time, the Czech Republic already was the first country put on Russia's list of 'unfriendly countries', so if some official had allowed WRN to relay Prague via a local MW transmitter, he could have lost his position later for doing such a 'crime' against the state. Anyway, it's just speculation ... So Encompass donates the whole airtime? Is this plain philanthropy or a marketing stunt, now probably with the specific goal to again sell a shortwave distribution in Eastern Europe to the BBC after the success two years ago was rather short-lived? I tend to believe it's some kind of philanthropy related to what's happen- ing in Eastern Europe. (Alexander Miatlikov-UKR, wor Aug 4 / Kai Ludwig-D, wor Aug 4) UAE {JAPAN sic - wrong details, wb.} 13650 kHz NHK WORLD JAPAN Russian. "Dear Anatoly ! Thank you very much for sending a report on the reception of Radio Japan broadcasts in Russian. Date: June 21, 2024. Time: 13.00 - 13.20 UT. Frequency 13650 kHz. We confirm receipt of the report on reception. Due to this difficult international situation, unfortunately, sending let- ters and parcels to Russia by mail is temporarily not working and we can- not send a verification card. But as soon as it is restored, we will im- mediately send it to you. We hope that you will continue to listen to Radio Japan. We are always glad to receive your feedback and wishes. Russian editorial office of Radio Japan NHK WORLD JAPAN". (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) Sic - wrong broadcaster / program details, never NHK Russian service in 22 mband these days, see schedule below. Is rather WRN / R Prague_Int, BBC London Russian relay broadcasts to Far East Russia audience target. Nw introduced during Pres Putin's {formerly KGB Officer in Germany - Komitet gossudarstwennoi besopasnosti pri Sowjete Ministrow SSSR} war against Ukraine national state, to compensate lost of imperial soil after communist Sowjet Union national collapse in the 90ties real NHK Radio Japan World A-24 schedule in Russian UTC QRG Target TX site 0330-0350 1386 kHz Europe (MW) Lithuania 0430-0450 6165 kHz Europe Germany 0530-0550 17530 kHz Far East Russia Yamata 1030-1050 17690 kHz Far East Russia Yamata 1500-1510 (Mon-Fri) 1525-1530 (Mon-Fri) 1500-1520 (Sat&Sun) 1386 kHz Europe (MW) Lithuania 1730-1750 1386 kHz Europe (MW) Lithuania U.K. 6090 kHz Thur, Aug 8, at 2051-2200 UT, KBS World Radio Seoul, via ENC Woofferton-UK relay site, in Arabic. Woman announcer talking; Music; 2058 UT ends, man says ID, frequencies and more; IS. Fair reception: 35533 (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Aug 8) U.K. 3955 kHz QSL KBS World Radio, German service (via ENC Woofferton relay site, U.K. - not Germany at this 20-21 UT hour ! ), May 11, 2024. 3955 kHz, 42 days, web-form : (David Thorpe, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 3) The exhibition website refers to a closure in 1989. Clearly it is still very much open and even referring to the detailed history here it is not apparent that 1989 was a significant year. Does anybody have an idea what closed in 1989. It may possibly have been an old building read- ing between the lines. (Simon Hicks-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 3) Yes, the Droitwich Heritage Centre site narrative saying "When the Station closed in 1989 ..." is very misleading (and I think I have seen it repeated elsewhere). Both LW (198 kHz) and MW (693 and 1053 kHz) continue! I think Droitwich was re-engineered in the late 1980s (when some of the equipment for the exhibition was acquired) and was the 1934 transmitter hall then demolished? And also went over to automated unmanned operation at that time so staff said farewell around 1989? Maybe someone more fami- liar with the site can confirm ... There is a 2-minute film from 2015 on the BBC Hereford & Worcester F_Book page about the exhibition. (Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 3) Don't forget in 1989 it also transmitted on 1215 kHz as well as 693, 1053, and LW 198 kHz. (Simon Hockenhull-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) Re: Droitwich exhibtion. "The last part of the re-engineering of Droitwich Transmitting Station was nearing completion at the end of the 1980s. This was the replacement of the original Diesel Alternators by new, more efficient machines. The four English Electric sets, admired by so many visitors in the past were scrapped and their place has been taken by two high-speed turbo-charged machines which take up half the space of the originals and provide more power! These new engines are fully automated, running themselves up in a few seconds when required in a power failure. In comparision the old machines, being manually controlled, took about twenty minutes to prepare for ser- vice with a consequent break in programmes of this duration if a failure of incoming power occurred. The completion of the re-engineering meant that the front part of the 1934 building, now empty, had become redundant. After remaining an empty shell for some time, it has now been demolished." Droitwich Calling, John F. Philips 1994. Full article (Mike Barraclough-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) USA 15770 kHz e-QSL OTH Radio (via WRMI Okeechobee-FL-USA bcast relay center), June 22, 2024, 15770 kHz, 19 days. e-mail: (Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) USA 9330 kHz e-qsl WBCQ, World's Last Chance (USA) e-QSL: 06.00-07.00 UT Aug. 3, 2024. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) USA WBCQ - The only HF radio station of its kind. Located in Monticello, Maine, WBCQ is a 500 kW shortwave radio station that covers the world on 7490 kHz, 9330 kHz, 5130 kHz, 3265 kHz, and 6160 kHz - depending on the time of day to maximize signal propagation by re- flection from the ionosphere. The same rural transmitting center where the antennas and transmitters are located is home to local stations WXME (AM), broadcasting talk and rock music on 780 kHz and simultaneously on 98.3 MHz, and WBCQ (FM), broadcast- ing classic country music on 94.7. "WBCQ is probably the only shortwave,AM and FM radio station in the United States," says Allan Weiner, a radio host/engineer who has owned and ope- rated it with his wife, Angela, since 1998. "It's a mom and dad station. I'm the dad, and Mom is sitting right next to me." More details in Russian + photos P.S. There is a translation into English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1300 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 28) USA VOA tribute to Edward R. Murrow broadcast April 28th 1965. Uploaded yesterday to YouTube by the Antique Wireless Assocation Commnity Technologies Museum: Edward R. Murrow was an American broadcast journalist and war corres- pondent. He first gained prominence during World War II with a series of live radio broadcasts from Europe for the news division of CBS. During the war he recruited and worked closely with a team of war correspondents who came to be known as the Murrow Boys. A pioneer of radio and television news broadcasting, Murrow produced a series of reports on his television program "See It Now" which helped lead to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Murrow directed the U.S. In- formation Agency from 1961 to 1964. This tribute to Murrow was broadcast on shortwave frequencies to an inter- national audience by the Voice of America on April 28, 1965, one day after Murrow's death at the age of 57. There are 188 videos currently available on this channel. (via Mike Mike Barraclough-UK, wor Aug 7) USA 9955 kHz WRMI Okeechobee-FL-USA at 1030 UT. Opening of Glenn Hauser report confirming that World of Radio IS being broadcast at this time. Co- vered topics ranging from 1090 AM situation in San Diego / Tijuana area to troubles with North Korea SW transmitting. Good signal level but with some deep rolling fades. Conclusion of WoR #2254 very choppy, likely due to rising sun at the site in Florida. Fair to Good on Aug 4. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, 'Arizona Update' also via wor Aug 6) USA 5010 kHz Thur, Aug 8, at 0236-0245 UT, WRMI Radio Prague Inter- national, Okeechobee-FL-USA relay center, in Spanish. Woman talking; She interviews a man; 0240UT ID and website; Program "Panorama Checo" present- ed by woman; 0246 UT Man talking. Fair reception: 35533. 5800 kHz Thur, Aug 8, at 0300-0310 UT, WRMI Freedom Synergy Radio, via Okeechobee-FL-USA relay center, in English. Woman announcer talking about Taiwan and environs; Freedom, democracy and justice. Man announcer says ID before each theme, only. Fair reception: 35433. 5800 kHz Thur, Aug 8, at 0248-0258 UT, WRMI Radio Republica, via Okeechobee-FL-USA relay center, in Spanish. Man talking and commenting about anti cuban government policy; Says about freedom, social justice an democracy to the cuban people; 0255 UT ID and frequencies; 0258 UT Woman talking and invited listeners to visit webpage of Radio Republica. Fair reception: 35533. (Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx Aug 8) USA As far as I can tell, this is a legitimate email from George McClintock at 1558 UT on August 9: "WTWW: Attacked. I was attacked with a led pipe by 3 illegals and was injured severely. I broke as many fingers, legs and arms of the attackers as I could. The attackers are all FAR worse off that I am. It will be several days or weeks before I can respond to you. George McClintock 8-9-2024". Earlier UT Aug 9, in good spirits, George had phoned me that the WORLD OF RADIO time on 5085 kHz would be moved half an hour earlier to 0330 UT Saturdays. He also remarked that Bob Biermann was facing serious health problems. I fear that with both of them potentially sidelined, WTWW ope- rations may suffer. We wish them the best ! 9475 kHz on Aug 9 at 2157 UT, however, is on air as usual with SFAW{? wb.} outro, but more of same past 2400 UT. Aug 10 at 0058 UT, QSY announcement to 5085 kHz, off 9475 kHz and 5085 kHz comes on by 0059 UT, into 'Truth 2 Ponder'. Operations nominal. I suppose if he's laid up, might still operate WTWW by remote control, but not carry out further repairs on site; or his son could help out. In the past George has made some outlandish comments verbally - just kidding. We can hope that's what happened here, but it's up to him or someone in the know to clarify or confirm. If a joke, 'tain't funny, but better not to be true. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 9) USA World of Radio on WTWW Today. As expected, reception of WTWW on 9475 kHz at 2300UT continues to improve for me as we move past mid-summer. Here is the open and close as received by me using my RSP1a and then to show of the beauty that is the Qodosen DX-286 WTWW at 2317 UT (Tony Pavick, Hope-BC-CAN, wor / cidx Aug 11) USA RTE Ireland radio one 9955 kHz via RMI Okeechobee-FL relay. Heard rte radio one via wrmi Okeechobee FL with good signals in English at 0905 utc with news by female numerous id's on 9955 kHz. (Ron Trotto - WDX4KWI, Virden-IL-USA, wor Aug 4) I don't monitor much beyond 0700 UT, but often still on with Poland not only on weekends, so maybe Ireland too after 0900 UT. Glenn H As in the WRN NoAM schedule, but 9955 kHz on air Sat & Sun only at these hours: 07:00:00 Polish Radio External Service 08:00:00 Israel Radio 08:30:00 Radio Prague 09:00:00 RTE (Good Morning Ireland) 10:00:00 Deutsche Welle (Mon -Sat) Deutsche Welle (Sun) 10:30:00 Glenn Hauser's World of Radio (Sun) (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor & hcdx Aug 4) VANUATU 7260 kHz Radio Vanuatu, 1033-1104 UT on Aug 6. Heard the usual religious theme song to start their religious segment of preaching, in Bislama language, and religious music; 1103 UT, ID and National Anthem; dead air / open carrier after 1104+ UT. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 6) VANUATU 7260 kHz Radio Vanuatu, 0557-0740UT on Aug 8. A few highlights: 0557-0600: Series of ads, promos and PSAs. 0600-0604: News/weather in Bislama. 0626: PSA in Bislama with list of #7 items dealing with preparing for a natural disaster. 0631: Musical ID - "Radio Vanuatu ... Kingdom of Tonga ... Solomon Islands ... Voice of Papua New Guinea ... Radio Vanuatu, Vois Blong Yumi." 0636: Item about families in the Micronesia area being displaced for a US military base. My audio - 0703+: Repeated the musical ID; "six o'clock"; "Good night News bulletin"; many items about climate change, with a report from Bali, Indonesia, where a climate change and disaster prevention summit was recently held (news story - My audio of this segment - (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) "9960 kHz R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. July 16 at 0458UT in local languages in- cluding a little English. Fairly poor reception with poor signal and fad- ing. Music recognisable but speech difficult. On July 19 the signal was better with fair reception conditions when I listened around 0630 UT (Waters)." I think the frequency was just a mistyping, the correct could be: 7260 kHz. Tibor Gaal - Budapest, Hungary, Europe. Greetings, Tibor, from California. Wonderful to see you posting again. Welcome back! Please note that actually 9960 kHz is correct for July 16 reception, per the following WORiog posting. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) Radio Vanuatu SW frequencies. Radio Vanuatu appears to be currently ope- rating to the following schedule on shortwave (all times UTC): 1830v-1958 3945 kHz 1959-2158 7260 kHz 2159-0658 9960 kHz [This was frequently observed in July at 0658* -Ron] 0659-0958 3945 kHz 0959-1100v 7260 kHz (Tony Rogers-UK using KiwiSDR's in Australia and New Zealand; via BrDXC-UK iogr July 7) VATICAN STATE 11870 kHz e-mail Vatican Radio - Radio Vaticana, via Santa Maria di Galeria SW bcast center. email: 20.44-21.28 UT, July 28, 2024, scheduled 20 - 21.30 UT. Sergio Salvatori kindly confirmed the technical parameters of reception (he writes to everyone that he does not send out QSL confirmations, only confirms technical characteristics). In the email he attached a pdf with the Vatican Radio schedule for the current season. (Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) VENEZUELA 4940 kHz 'Onda Corta 4940', 0452-0534 UT on Aug 1, Spanish, religious songs and comments, id. "Onda Corta 4940 ...". 15422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK iogr Aug 4) VIETNAM 11885 kHz, Voice of Vietnam from Son Tay site, Russian Sce (VTN) e-QSL, 16.30-16.58 UT, Aug.6, 2024. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx, via RUSdx #1302 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 11) WRTH 2024 - The WRTH Handbook lives on. With a complete listing of radio and television stations around the world, including their frequencies and general program content, the World Radio Television Handbook has become an indispensable tool for listeners and broadcast professionals. So, when publisher Nicholas Hardiman announced that the 2022 edition of WRTH would be the last, many reacted with horror - but not the staff at the German Radio Data Center. Details in Russian - (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1300 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 28) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* SHORTWAVE BROADCASTING All content is compiled, edited and arranged by Tony Rogers, Birmingham, England (unless otherwise stated). 2 August 2024. The latest guides for Summer 2024 (A24) and other informa- tion can be found on the relevant tabs above. Guide to shortwave broadcasting in Europe. August 2024 (A24) Europe on Shortwave. Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024. Guide to shortwave broadcasting in Africa. August 2024 (A24) Africa on Shortwave. Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024. Guide to shortwave broadcasting in the Middle East and Caucasus. August 2024 (A24) Middle East & Caucasus on Shortwave. Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024. Guide to shortwave, broadcasting in Asia. August 2024 (A24) Asia on Shortwave; Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024. Guide to shortwave, broadcasting in the Pacific. August 2024 (A24) Pacific on Shortwave; Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024. Guide to shortwave broadcasting in North America August 2024 (A24). North America on Shortwave. Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024. Guide to shortwave broadcasting in Latin America and the Caribbean. August 2024 (A24) Latin America and the Caribbean on Shortwave (including Antarctica). Compiled and edited by Tony Rogers. Updated: 1 August 2024 (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1301 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 4) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END